The Brussels Post, 1919-12-4, Page 7LIFE IN T E BRITISH NAVY OLD CUSTOMS ARE PASS- ING AWAY. "Make and Mend" Mea Holiday ---Bugle Replaces Jk'sun's Pipe. The ehauges from wood to. ste from still to steam, front earronade to 15-in'Jt breechloaders, from mint operation to the performance of ever thing possible by machinery, he almost completely altered naval iJ And in the personal sense also, t Navy which many of our pensione recollect is 1pllte different from th of to -day. The old sailor of the po dered pig-tt:il, nondescript clothes, u certain term of service, and rough u uneauth manner of living, is not r cognizable in the smart sailor of t day; who is more likely than not highly skilled mechanic or seientis a lean of parts and ,intelligence, a cls el, ru 1111 y- ve fe. he ra at iY- n- nd e- 0- a t, nd who has • chosen the sea as a cape and the Navy as a profession. Even in small things, there are num ems recent and still progresshl changes in naval life and manne which correspond to the changes goal r. Fashionable Winter Gowns. fit 017.1 01'3 No. 9153—Ladies' Dress. Price, 25 ng cents. Two styles of sleeve; with er without side -pleated sections; instep _ or shorter length, In 7 sizes, 34 to g X40 ins. bust. Size 30, with pleated rs sections, instep length, 3 l yds. 54 ins. ig wide. Width, 1.1,k yds. e No. 9175—Ladies' Dress. Peke, 25 its cents. With or without vest and tunic; of two styles of sleeve; two-piece sllirt, o instep or shorter length, In 7 sizes. s 54 to 4G ins. bust. Size 36, instep f_ length, with tunic, See yds, 54 iris. _ wide.' Width, 1% yds. e. These patterns )nay bo obtained s from your local McCall dealer, or e from- the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., an ashore. For instance, "Make an mend" is Mill signalled, but w:tere not so very long ago the purpose the signs} was actually for the men t make or repair their clothes, nowaday the order is practically for a hal Holiday. Malty fie: tmen are still ex pert wc•rkers with the sewing -machin and the needle, but the tendency i more and more for uniforms to h made by experts instead of by th individual handy man. So.with tobacco. The old :style, i which Jaek took the raw leaf, bundle it up with due seasoning of rum bound it round with tarry rope yarn and produced the fragrant "perique, or torpedo -shaped ping of genuin Navy tobacco, has given way to th o Toronto, Dept. W. Who is My Neighbor? And who is my neighbor? --Luke ' 10! 29. „ Is he my neighbor just over the way, Or the man beside my doer? e The one who has friends and comfort tin or packet of ready-made smoking mixture or the popular cigarette. Voy- ages are too short, and the day's time- table is too full, nowadays for valu- able hours to be devoted to tobacco manufacture. Sailor Slang. Even speech alters. In the old days, when "eight bells" was reported to the captain, he would by custom re- ply, "Make it so," as if be were a kind of Joshua. Nowadays he contents himself by saying "Thank you" for the information, Naval slang, too, varies greatly from time to time. Men mix more with shore folk, and bring aboard the mannerisms of the modern landsman's speech. New customs make their appear- ance, sometimes in a rather mysteri- ous way, Thus it is now usual, when the ensign is hoisted in the morning with due ceremonial, for officers and sten to salute. This is quite a recent innovation, though nobody seems to know quite how, when, or where it was introduced. There seems a military touch about it, as if the custom hacl been borrowed from the Army, One feature of naval life that is passing away, and is to be regretfully numbered with the things that are doomed to extinction, is the bo'sun's pipe. Its shrill note is still heard and with all the old effect, especially on ceremonial occasions, but it no longer remains the great medium for calling men to station or 001110n. It is being steadily replaced by the bugle. There is no great loss, perhaps, in musical effect, for the bugle is as stir- ring as the wail of the pipe, but the boatswain's whistle was a peculiarly naval call, while the bugle gives an- other military touch to ship routine. But the fact is that ships are so big now and so populous that the pipe can- not be properly heard, and something' more sonorous has to be employed. 0 The Smallest ]Post"office. The world's simplest potent -ice is In South America. From a high, a rocky cliff overlooking the Strait of Magellan is suspended, by a long chain, a barrel which receives mai}, It has no postmaster, nor is there any regular letter carrier or collector. Every ship that goes through the strait stops and ends a boat to this curious little post -elute, loops over the letters that are in it to see if there aro any far the' inert on board that par- ticular ship, and places therein let- ters for seamen on board ships that aro known to be beading for the strait. all, Or he who needs me the morn? The bIaster Hath told of ono in dis- tress- 111-treated, forlorn, unknown, The neighbor as one, the' of birth despised, Who kindness and love had shown. "Go Iikewise and do" was His warn- ing word, And so, if true neighbor I'd be, I will seek for the ones—anear, afar, . Whose need shall be all their plea. Fred Scott Shepard. A New Sect. "I've got something I must telt you, John," she said, looking up from the shoulder where her curly head was uestiing, "What is it?" "Well, len afraid, you won't marry pre if I telt you." His eyes widened, but he drew her a little closer to him, "Is that so?" tie asked "I—I ani a somnambulist, John!" Thereupon, after a long and puz- zled pause, be said:— "That's all right, darling. If there isn't a church of that kind in the vil. lage, we can get married at a registry office" Inherited. Nellie, whose grandfather began life as an office -boy and finished as a mil- lionaire, was paid by her mother one penny a dozen for pins picked' up from tho carpet, to keep the baby from get - Hug them. "Nurse," said Nellie, as her stock of pennies increased, "do you knowwhat I am golug to do when I have sixpence?" "No," answered the nurse. "I am going to buy a packet of pins and scatter them over the floor, and then pick thous up," replied the young financier, who was barely five yeare Id. "The periods known as the seasons re determined astronomically by the lea apparent movement of the sun (the It real movement of the earth) in the pia ecliptic, 00 its journey around the sun. ex Tho passage of the stns across the Iia equator, bringing on days of greater kin length than the night, marks the ver- an nal or spring equinox for the northern wo hemisphere, and the autumnal equinox eon for the southern hemisphere, the sea- to sons in the two hemispheres .being al- ons ways reversed. rim AN IDEAL TONIC Armed iReconditioed The laest If A11 Sl11Ttt d 0to thgreat 1' Atli? f61i9� gleet of ('.P.O.N Steamships )ill1(11 ply between (hlilada mei prttc'Licutty all the important ports of ('alt in the world is the "Empress of Prune.," b^fano the war popularly known lie the..15. "Al- satian" and one of the (wean I;rcy hounds bt-Ine.ou Canada and 1.1verpool. The ve-Ocl 1100 (10111 reconditioned shine 1111 war ceased tont reeeetly Dr, Williams' Pings Pills Act Dir- eetly On the'Fllood and Nerves. ?owl is as important to the s J.v.sntt 110 medicine, more no In nu MOB. A bsrlly chosen diet mite lard recovery. In health the nate appetite petite is the best guide to folio !n sicltess the appetite is often Me and depraved. Proper food and a gond tonic w keep Most people in good health, iViillants' Pink Pills aro the most Po Inc tonic helicine iu the world, her leas and certain Jn their action, whl 10 10 bund up the blood and mato the vitality to tine rtuh-d0wil syste For growing girls who become th and pale, Inc pale, tired women, 11 for old people who fall in streng Dr, Williams' Pink Pdlls are an ide tome, 'ncousands of people ha testified to the health -giving (5101iti of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and many homes they are the only too cine used. Among the bonzes in whi the benefit of this medicine has be proved is that oe Mr, E. A, Undo wood, Kingston, Ont., who says:— have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pi1 with the most beneficial results. A the result of hard work I was re much run down, and my appetite w very poor. I got a supply of the ail which I used regularly for some weel with the result that they restored to my old time strength. They als proved a blessing to my daughter, wh was in a very anaemic condition, an who seemed not to get more tha i temporary relief from auy medicin until she took Dr, Williams' Pin Pills. She took the pills for about three months, and is now enjoying the best of health. For these reasons I can strongly recommend Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills." At the first sign that the blood is out of order take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and note the speedy improve. ment they make in the appetite, health and spirits. You can got these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for 42.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Pass, Friend, ick cwuo!"Eed l,') maiden trip t') (lucbec 1rt unlrr her ttew nuns,. ler }ntetiar er- re- r,rr,:r cents and fitting.! will 10mpirs rat favorably with the groat Leviathans w; in this 1'11 8"t. '('(10 "Empress ors c f OS France" has a length of 600 ft.: beam '72 1't.; depth (to 1) decee 04 U. O In.; Ill 1104 n te11nag•11 of 18,01;11 gloss. A I)r. striitug peculiarity is tate cruiser's pu- stern, which imparts 0. warlike ap- pearance to the vessel. Her war re - 011 cord Is mu, to be proud of. re The "Empress of France" as the 1)1. SS. "Alsatian" was recpl(sitioned for in war purpo.,es under Royal Procl11uu1- ud tion immediately on her arrival at the 511, port of Liverpool, midnight on the � al 6th of August, 1914, After eOmpletiOn 1 ve of discharge, the entire renureal of all es passenger accommodation and other Bear Fact. "11Y gar, you think Pierre slake fool ' talk!" exclaimed the French Canadian guide of a tourist '1 tt 11 you Ihitt bear Wats ilio beegest I'tni're ever seen Sucre! Ile bees; as tulle mountain, and liens eyes burn in rheee Matic fare like two 111.11 voids. 110 jar Stan' thar by reek and 1.11115 01 1110, and all the dap Mtn out of 1(1y bo)105, and I gut no 11101.0 1lfe'i n1O tt'ee s' "Tlfrii bimeby he take 'step toward • stn, and lay 11:dt• r('0' right up on 017 1 head, me, and I drop my gun and run up tree. I nee know how I get up that arae, uo, Bear he sit down at bf,11(120 and watt for 013. (Ma? SaerO1 I lite to freeze. 1 stay there long time, oh, beep; long time, getting j ru1der'11 001(10r, I i1(1ni5 pretty quick I drop off, but beta he 15Jn1 of laugh an(1 1 hang on little while longer yet. Wish I have my gun along 1110, but I , tient get; bear he alphos' setting on 1t, I can't hold on* no longer, What you think I do, eh?* We waited patency for 11Im to g on, knrlwin?; u'0i1 that the 0I,estlo, owns as slush 1'111• rbctotir:tl eiiect a because 11? desired un answer. "By gar, I let out one great beog yell, and drop off. that 111111, onto bear's baric and hang 011. 1(0 so surprised he give berg jump and roar and tun Gosh, how he run! I don't breathe once, twice before I see beeg cliff Hee right up in front.of 114, That cliff two maybe tlu•ao miles from where we start. Bear lie so scared he keep right on going, butt his h,:ad Into cliff and (1101) 001011 dead. "Then I hear beeb yell, and look all around to see who calling me, No- body there, Then I hear beeg roar, and, by gar, what you think, ell? That be echo. Yes, sir, we go so fns' we beat our own echo to that cliff," THE FALL WEATHER A`DO• LT`LEONIES In woodworld+sile was armed with 8-6 in. 1 (11- g1115, ecmnt!ssione0 and manned by a ch nava} 01'010 under the command of ! en Captain V, Phillheere, D,SO., 111141 wa.) r• atta0hcd to the 10th Cruiser Squad- 1 "I roil on northern patrol duty, sailing ! Is from Liverpool on August 16ti1, at, s which port she has been based during ry the entire per10(1 of her •001)11130(011. as From August to December, 11114, site is remained (10 above stated, but in es December 0110 wus made Flag Ship of me the Squadron to which she was at- e (ached, and Vice -Admiral Sir pulley o R. S. DoChair, I(:C.B., M,V,O., hoisted d his Bag, which flew up to Alareh, 1911, n when he was succeeded by Admiral e Sir Reginald G. Tupper, X .C,B., C.V.O., k who was succeeded in November, 1915, by Rear -Admiral C. W. Keighley Peach, under whose flag she termi- nated her commission as an Armed Cruiser. The Squadron to which she was tached, and later became Flagship consisted of 24 vessels, the major; of which were Armed Mereant Cruisers. The duties of the Sgnadr consisted of the stopping of veese boarding then and examining the papers, and should on exatninati they prove to be at all of a susplcio nature, a Naval Officer was placed charge and they were taken into United Kingdom port for closer e amination. This similarly applied any members of the passengers crew, as each and everyone ltad give a satisfactory explanation as their nationality and business. Ava able records show that in all 511 Squadron intercepted some 10,000 ve sets, but it is impossible to state ho many of these proved to be engage in work hostile to the Allies' interest .In the early part Of 1918, circa stances permitted of the 10th Cruise Squadron being considerably reduce in numbers, and vessels so engage being allocated to Convoy Protectio Duty, the "Alsatian" figuring amongs the number and being stationed the North Atlantic route in such ea parity. While so engaged she escort ed nine convoys of about 20 vessels each, carrying au estimated number of troops per convoy of 30,000, prin- cipally Americans. While engaged on Convoy Escort duties the "Alsatian" also carried troops and cargo, the number of form- er per voyage being about 600, and the weight of cargo per voyage be- tween 2,000 and 3,000 tons. She made her last voyage ou Government Ser- vice in November, 1918, sailing from Liverpool on the 14th, and redocked at that port on December llth, 1915, having steamed a total distance on Government Service of 206,741 miles and consumed 170,671 tons of coal. On January 17th, 1919, she; left for Glasgow, having been' placed in the hands of her builders—Messrs. Beard- more & Ce,—by the Admiralty for re- conditioning, being redelivered to the C.P,O.S. at the Port of Liverpool on Thursday, September 25th, and sailed for Quebec o1 Friday, September 26th, itr Captain °am, her -captain when war broke out, was given the rank of Commander Ii,N,R., and acted in that capacity, which was of an advisory nature, under both Vice -Admiral Sir Dudley 1?., S. De Chair, K.0,13„ M.V.O., and Admiral Sir Reginald G. Tupper, Ii.C.13., C,V,O., and was granted the D.S.O. for services rendered, being succeeded by Captain Cook at the same time as Admiral Tupper was succeeded by itelu'-Adnhiral 0. W. Keighley Peach, Captain Cook was appoieted Flag Captain, and granted a commission as Captain 1'LN.It., and now commands the vessel, Poland Thickly Peopled. Poland, which has been restored to its rightful owners, is a largo end thickly peopled country, Its area Is 182,968 square miles, and its popula- tion is 88,000,000, more than four times that of alt Canada. There are 204 persons to each square mile. Not half the land is cultivated, and forests cover about a fifth of the area. Coal, Non, oil and some other minerals nr0 found there. It is a republic, of which Paderewski, the great musician, is the first President, The new recruit, being a v017 pro raising young fellow, was put on guard after he had been a soldier only a week. He was given strict instruc- tions not to let anybody pass until they gave the pass -word. The word chosen was "Efficiency," He had beets on duty about two hours when he was aroused from his reverie by the sound of footsteps ap- proaching in the darkness. Ile challenged:— "I'lalt! Who goes there?" And a voice from the gloom replied: "It's quite all right. It's your colonel." "I'm sorry, sir. I can't let you pass Without the pass•word." "It's quite all right, I toll you, I'm your colonel." "Well, I'm very sorry, sir, but I've got my orders, and you can't pass this 'ere tin opener 1111 you say 'Ef- ficiency,' " Not Taking Risks. A Scotslnati went to London for a holiday. Walking along one of the streets, 11e noticed a bald-headed chemist standing at -his shop -door, and inquired if he had any hair -restorer. "Yes, sir," said the chemist. "Step inside, please. Hero is an article I can recommend. Testimonials from great sten who have used 1t. It makes the hair grow in twenty-four hours." "Aweel," said the Scot, "ye can gie the top o' yer head a rub wi it, and I'll look back the morn and see if yo're tonin' the truth." The chemist ;returned the bottle to the shelf and kicked the errand boy for tanning, r• Whet An Opportunity. Two newsboys sat in a theatre gal, y while "Hamlet" was being played, was the first time they had seed a and theyr Y, were quivering with citemnnt, In the last seethe, after inlet had killed Laertas and the g, the queen had' died of poison, el the "Moody Dane" of a poisoned und, the younger or the lasts could twin himself no longer. Turning his chum of the streets, in ennui, tones he said, "Gosh, Bill, what a e for selling extras." Wonderful Town! "Is this a healthy town?" inquired a hone -seeker, "Yes, certainly," was the answer, "When I came hero I hadn't the strength to utter a word; ; I had scarcely a ]hair on my head; I Oouldn't 'walk across the rami, and I had to be lifted from my .bed." "You give mo hope," cried the home - seeker, with enthusiasm, "Hay long have yon been here 7" "I wits born here," replied the na- tive Canadian Fruit. The famous fruit districts of Canada are the Annapolis Valley in Nova ootid, tho Niagara Poni1ys111a In On- tario, and the Okanagan and other valleys in Ifritislt Columbia Tho mar. tot is wo'td wide. Social conditions, t of ho the 'beauty mos and i h y the nbun• dance Of good laud open attractive o. 11 esertnnttios to prospOet\'e fruit grow- ers, , i A Health- thhidhig Food ,. ► blend of levheatnd barley prepared to dt rest easel and make `and. keep people Strong. "' There eE tl.s r.1s Reason' " r "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S DATIVE Look at tongue! Rernove sons from little stomach, liver and bowels o Accept "California" Syr11p of Figs at- ot, Canadian fall weather is extremely ty hard on little ones. One day is warm ale and bright and the next, wet and cold, on These sudden changes bring on colds, Is, cramps and colic and unless the baby's it little stomach is kept right the result on may be serious. There is nothing to us equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping in the bale ones well. They sweeten a the stomach, regulate the bowels, x- break up colds and make baby thrive. to The Tablets are sold by medicine or dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box to from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., to Brockville, Ont. I]- e By Way of Remembrance. 5- Grogan—"01 hate to minden it, Mrs. w Casey, but your husband owed lite tin d dollars when he died." s. The Widow—"Indade! Sure it's nice m- for ye to have something to raymim- ✓ ber him by." d — — d seinara's Malmeat Curve Distemper. Apparatus has been invented by a oe Frenchman to compress air in a res- ervoir as doors are opened and use it to wind clocks. Lloyd George's Reward, A country yokel dropped in at an English tavern and overheard some conversation which led him to remark to the landlord, "So this is St. George's day, bo it?" Yes," said the landlord, "and overt' IiInglishman should ]mow it," "Well X b Ell li 1 , U g s1 but biownc1 it I !mowed they'd d nolo i a. saint," cackled the old gaffe, raising' his glass. "'Sore's to you, David!" Mother's Coughs"and Colds Go Quickly She cannot afford to be sick and neglect her household duties. At the first symp- toms she prepares the way for quick recovery by the immediate use of Gray's es Syrup—a household preparation of sixty ears standing. Mather e yrae bei. yO 0oS^v0,erH,°,mvoeeooae°oeco 0 se el tra A yspe s/ • Cw e t M. D. advisee t "Persona who 0 n suffer from severe indigestion oo) C • and constipation can euro them- 8 e • selves o ve by taking fifteento (• oe thirty drops of Extract of Roots m ( after each meal end at bedtime. 0 0 (® This comedy is known as Mother : r10Seises Curative Syrup in the drug a° trade," Get tho genuine. See. e 0) and $1,0013ottles. • r 0 ° C e io z i Kine li,? ib o tit'Afi esossi ®o siiPssir+w WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVS Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied without mobbing', will (Penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective in allaying external pains, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus- cles, ]unibego, neuritis, sciatica, rheu- matic twinges. ICeep a big bottle always on gland for family use. Made in Canada. Druggists everywhere. 10e, 70c, 41.40. il0131 No. 48—'19, only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for cbild's dose on each bottle, Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." She Should Worry. "Della," said Mrs. Barrows, sternly, "I suet that policeman t0 -day who sat in the kitchen with you so long last night. I took advantage of the op- portunity to speak to him." "Oh, go on nen," replied helia, with a smile. "Ye needn't think that you make me wan bit jealous, mum. 01 ha' gut hint safe enough.' Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MIN- AILD'S LINIMENT in -a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCIIINSON. What He Learned. Mrs. Styles—"Did your husband get any decorations in the war?" Mrs. Myles—"No; but lee learned how to cook." Within a new electric fiat iron is a fusible strip which melts if the iron becomes overheated and cuts off the current. TORPEDOED! Don't blast your Liver and Bowels, but take "Cascarets." You men and women who can't get feeling right—who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bili- ous, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach and colds. Aro you keeping your liver and bowels clean with Cascarets, or shock- ing your insides every few days with Calomel, Salts, Oil add violent pills? Cascarets work while you sleep; they cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, Tormenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry opt of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Cascarets never gripe, sicken of cause Inconvenience and Cascarets cost so little too. America's lancer 1700 nemeclies Book oa DOG DEs ASEs and Stow to Peed a Trailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author, Si. Clay Glover Co., Ono. 118 \vest Slat Street Now York, U.S.A. Classified Advertisements. rp;g s a,ze, 1(yAl1t PRACT31,ALLY ALA= 3F0139$, JJti Also twenty other pairs. held Brom,/ llathwel 1. Ontario. WANTED AW11. rkiio.VolWii,tpe? er trnlten11 . Ontario, WANT1sD I)LsT CLASS GARAGE It(e1N. A' !l Slate experience and wages wanted. veld Bros., Bothwell, Ont. 1/1r8CE r,LA1P17011:3. '111I.'SOH WANTED A3.1S'P, 20 CENTS w011111 200 1 111et, ,,f ny sToronto.pallo dedur- tion for shrinkage. Fa,ltuei .Lewis; 660 Dundas west S, Toronto. CANCER, c, TU01olt*. LUMP100.. internal and external, cured without Pain by our home treatment. Write us before ten late. 11r. Hellman lledloal Co., Limited, Collinawood, Ont. A Coming Financier. "Guess I'll go into tate parlor." "No fun in there, only cis with her been. What you. waster go In there for?" "I won't be long. He'll pay'me a quartor to gat out." -� MONEY ORDERS, The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Your Deet. Keep at your work. And face the test, Not oft will others Beat your best. Minar;'s Liniment Cures Gargot in Cows. "Heaven le not a place we get into by dying. It is ei state that we realize by living." 0-0 0 0 0 4 5 0. LISTEN TO THIS i • SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW t6-s--o--v--o--tr-- 0 0 0 0 • -0-.1( You reckless men and women who ere pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn, 1.00t and all, lifts out with the fingers. It is a sticky ether compound which dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn without in- flaming or even irritating the surround. Ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but is suificient•to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You are further warned that cutting at a corn is a suicidal habit. SINCE 1570 ed® STPPS CO t3./ GHS; sIr' 11 Ladies Perfume Your Skin With Ci lcura Talcum Antiseptic, prophylactic, deodoriz- ing, fragrant and refreshing, Curl - cure Talcum is an ideal face, skin, baby and dusting powder. Conve- nient and economical, takes the place of other perfumes for the person. A few grains sufficient. One of the in- dispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio for keeping the skin pure and sweet. Oedema Snap 26e., Ointment 25 and t0c. 1'1%). cum ter, plus Canadian duties. Sold evergwi,er For anwp(e each iso address: "eueonre, 0.5 ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at .Ail Without the "Bayer Cross" Por Colds, iia}n, Rheumatism, Ads- package which eontaina complete ill+ Le Joints Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu. reCtorhe. Then you aro getting roof sits, and for lfeadaelle, Neuralgia, Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre, Toothache, Earache, take Aspirin scrihnd by physicians for over nine• marked with 4110 111000 "haver" or tern years. Now made to Canada. yon ere not taking Aspirin at alt. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab. Acrept only "Sayer Tablets of lots cost but a few cents. Druggiettl As tet , p tt " m an uuh.ol E'1 s sv also 0 1111 larger "Bayer" r e packages,. 0 s,.kLaroinant o-io e„—Yon must say "napalm Aap(rlu Is ilto iter, s t nt 1'r.frnr,A$11 of Bayer naunracture of Mono„ aeetleneldeeter of 71 1v,i )(limn that Aspirin means Sayer mateducture, to to rt 1',.. 1 :Iona, the 'iableta of. 33111,0h Contpaat will be stamped tt111 t,vh (, t,.... le.41..1, tho .1Ceyer Crosti.”