The Brussels Post, 1919-12-4, Page 4(the ►!"touts Vast
THURSDAY, U11Clilel BER a. ,iq
f -UW. would (inverter»V'l1 owVncr,Itp
„cork ,n ratan agitl'.! lh,• coal tit Iles
t:oultiu't be w ice thaw the p e -cut
T11E L,g'slature hn<epen.d in Stskat.
chewan nt Regina, Speech from the
Throne refers to the 'l'tnrperauce and
I?,lteationel question, Hud the share the
province shau:d 1c t'e in iuduai,•J
aetivi' y.
A Toro Ito School Ia,pec o- ,ays Ou•
tario present system of Education
tends to depopulation of Intal sections
Ile approved of the Summer courses, a!
the 0. A, C, 'The new tntuisier wil
now have a chance of hooding the Edu
eution L)epartmeu'.
LAT Monday Ludy An'or took her
seat iu the British Parliament as the
new member 'for Sussex, She is an
Americau by birth and will likely stir
things up in parliamentary ciic'es Her
buebm,l l3 a In mher of the House of
Lord, se they are doing their "bit" for
the runnlly,
Tons appears to be a mania for sui-
cides and murders these days and is pos•
sibly accountable to the present unrest
iu the land, We used to throw sones
at the U S. as to lawlessness but Cana.
da is earning an uuralviab'e notoriety.
The churches, schools and homes have
a great taskbead a 1
a of til m I r an endeav-
or 10st e c
re or order r and a more contented
As to whet/Jerold time party govern-
ment is obsolete wilt depend consider-
ably as to the prerent management of
affairs by the U. F. 0, Being elected to
office fs nut the most important consid-
eration. A forward, clean. sane and
ecunomical administration iu the interest
of the public generally is a program that
will test the mettle and eoundnees of
the new Government. Now's their
LIEDT. GOVSRNt's. Harms' of Ontario
is to be succeeded by Lionel H. Clarke,
of Toronto. Many commendatory
things are spoken of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarke and their interest in public
Affairs and they should fill the bill in
the big house. We hope the new.
comers will not demand a large increase
of expenditure in moving in as the
Province is heartily sick of the lavish
manner money has been squandered on
Government house,
13v the reduction of train service a bad
bump is being administered to business
and trade veueralty. It looks as if the
old ox team may have to be resurrected.
Automobiles may relieve the pressure
somewhat if, Winter is delayed but
whether the coal situation is the ooly
reason for cutting of trains or not it has
struck the country et a bad season of the
year and will militate against business
even when you make the best of It,
Pent= DRuav says his Government
is going to do away with favoritism and
patronage in the Provincial Civil
Service. Those who have been on the
waiting list may not be dumb waiters if
the resolve is carried our. It will be
good policy to put up the fence, how-
ever, and shut out the fellows who are
always hunting a government job whet-
her they deserve it or not, Many a
man is to.dav bolding down a comfort-
able job because he was a "whooper" at
election time and that was perhaps his
only qualification.
THE Powr is in very hearty sympathy
with any movement that will better the
condition of the young people education-
ally, indnetrlolly, 'notedly and spiritually
but does 1111 agree with some of the
plans proposed and worked in some
places One thing the young folk will
have to do k to not only show apprecia-
tion by word but back that up by well
defined d,e•as in heartily supporting
the t ffortr being made for their welfare,
To be simply a leaner is no good. A
better and more opprecia'ed stand to
take is to be a lifter in the truest sense,
making everything honestly tend to the
objective aimed at. "Help yourself" is
a goori motto to take in these stiiring
Mexrco and the Uoited States are
Writing, "sassy" letters to One another.
If 11151 were all it might not he seri0ns
hot strained relations have existed for
sante tint ttutl we would not be sur-
prised 1111 ansty scrap would soon be on
the program. it would be a saucy war
too as the bandit style of warfare fol -
Iowa 1
ol-Iowa1 by the Mex. is not a style easlly
quelled but Uncle Sint will win out as
he has the men, money and military
strategy, Mexico has long been fin a
ferment, in fact they remrnit us of the
proverbial Irishman who Was only a
peace when he was at war, Judging by
their political leadership it spells ant in-
ternal revolution so long as they hold
the reins of Government, A good trim-
ming might make them '`go way back
and sit down,"
r Honey
We haee good, thick,
well ripened honey,
practic;tIly all clover—
For a 10 Ib, Pail
3,000 was not a 1x111 majority for Lady
Astor in her recent election as a Union-
ist candidate. She succeeds her hus-
band, the new Viscount, who won seat
by about 12,000. She may prove the
better hall even at that. It was a tri.
angular contest. The poor oven will
now have to look alter their laurels,
New Parliament buildings at Ottawa
are supposed to be ready by February
Est. Estimated cost was $5,100,000 but
already $fi.000,n0o have been spent and
it will take another $2,000,000 to com-
plete the work and $500,0oo to furnish
the building. Increased cost of labor
and material since work was commenced
said to be the reason for the enormous
addition. A fellow could guess on a job
nearly as close as -that and then not be
much of a guesser.
Mevoa GRAv's election in Winnipeg,
by a large majority, will do much to
silence the Bolshevik voice andshow
the disturber tbat Canadian ratepayers
do not appreciate anarchy and rebellion
againt civic and civil powers. If people
could only believe that justice will be
done them and their grievances discus-
sed bow much better it would be but
often led by a person of poor judgment
the first grab is for the throat and with
defiance asuame to attain what they
seek for. It's the longest and most
dangerous course that could be taken in
Canada for we take it that in this land
what might prove a strong card overseas
was as little value here as the bole in
mother's doughnuts. We must be
amenable to law and order and those
who are not should be told to seek an-
other clime.
The Best Christmas
Present at any Price
How can you make your money go
further for Christmas cheer than with
a year's subscription to The Youth's
Companion ? It brings so much into
a household—its stories for readers of
all ages, its serious and informing con-
tributions, Its Editorial Pages, its in-
telligent and trustworthy mment on
the great and tragic events of the
time, its wit and humor. There is
nothing quite like The Companion
in all periodical literature.
If you subscribe at once you will get
some of Capt. Theodore Roberts' Up-
river Folk Stotiee, which will be fol-
lowed during the new year by his
great serial of Canadian patriotism
and valor, Sons of Liberty.
New subscribers for 1020 will re-
ceive :
1. The Youth's Companion—.52 issues
in 1020.
2. All remaining weekly 1010 issues.
13, The Companion Home Calendar
for 1020.
Ali the above only $2130 everywhere
in Canada and the United States.
887 Commonwealth Ave., Boston,
New Subscriptions leoeived at. the
Office of Toe POST,
All About Poor Ethel
The Black Hole of Calcutta has
nothing on Ethel on a dal k night.
I've been het e a week and I know,
So many 1 „Keep the boy 011
the farm," but the Ceti blooded youths
have to go to Listowel or 13100erde to
amuse themselves itt the evenings.
Ivfany persons contend that there is
no sure remedy for Rheumatism, Setat.
ice, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, or
their kindred diseases, but don't be
biased: draw your own conclusions
from the proof submitted.
Over two years ago, William Nesbitt,
of 113 John St., Toronto, Ontario, was
attacked by Rheumatism. Mr. Nesbitt
was 53 years of age at the time and he
feared the worst. After trying many
remedies and prescl'i tion< without ob-
taining relief he took a friend's advice
and used Templeton'e Rheumatic Cap-
sules. Result—to-day Mr, Nesbitt says,
"Ile hasn't lost .t .lay's work since nor
fears I(Iienmati m any more."
blr. Nesbitt gives th entire credit for
his recovery to "P.R,G'S Profit liy his
experienee. Tl'y them.
Ask your Brngglst or write us sof our11ew
booklet; it is intra aging and costs you noosing
('rem; letoes, 14'4 King West, Toronto). 'We
mail's anywhere on recetet of Sect.
Solo agent in Bensaels,Jas. Nox, beeggiat
Frank Davidson
Hnviug recently purchased the
1Visht. to annnunre villa his many patrons will find
A Fully Equipped Garage
For all kinds of Automobile Repairs
Gas, Oils, God Oil, Etc.
Cumplet. stoup of Accessories i chiding FORD Parts
Oerhardt•Flointzmlul Gramophones
Victor Talking Maohitt° Records
i)eLttval Cream Suparai ors
Singer Seising Machines, Etc,, Etc.
Courteous, Prompt and Intelligent Service qcq uaintednd get
1 '• 1 is °h'..
11 I.glr�ts"I•,;i;`-
You'll never keep I11' )) "n the fftrin
that nay. 'The' e i. 11"n a i•o t.n 1 for a
billiatd table or .,un,• „Ther amuse-
ment in It itt, al sill ea, 111 tit 10 the
city, To keep your young men on the
favors you have to furnish 1101 only
work in the day time but tttuusetnent
in the evening. Think It over,
I'ul engaged. 1 gave "Central" girl
Acur ofcorn esu le in for the United
Monday of lash tvuek and
was doled out an Tuesday,
A Hotel is nota luxury it's a neces
site,. Course it don't pay, 1 never
said it did, but if a little judgment
were used, the proprietor given the
sole right of selling some article, al-
lowed a billiard room without license
or the matter was compromised fn
some manner•, a good hotel service
could be maintained" with a decent
living for the proprietor. This is a
suggestion that some Council utigh do
well to consider,
Poor Ethel is the original 'rubber
teddy." When [came here, it was a
half utile to the station. Now that.
I've walked ibex a few times it's 0
utile and still stretching.
A certain, 0r lather uncertain
gentleman, drove a mall Go the station
the other clay for two cents,. If be
does it for one he ought to do it for
Shooting is in full blast here. A
certain mighty stalker of big game
blasted away all day at the blasted
things and brought
back hie gun,
J.t e t G. T. R, is off on
his annual vacation. wu. I wish I were on
I heard two typical Ethelized girls
talking last evening, One had curls
and the other had none, one had a
nose and the other was even nosier
but for tongues! They were tied in the
twiddle and clack -clacked at both elide
tilt I ran out into the darkness of
Main street, located the North star
and discovered my Way home. All I
remember of the conversation is :--
A h
—Ah ; G'wen 1 (tinkle tinkle) what time
diti yon get in ? You did ? (tinkle
tinkle ) Wasn't. it simply awful ? (He 1
He 1 Ile!) Did he drive a white
sleigh? and a yard or two mot the
same staff. Dear help the Irish,
Beauty, Durability
and Individuality
{,-=I7HESE three qualities will be
found in your Monument if
i'=' .
�a, lurohased here. I have re-
, ,_ I
f•, c j �centiy had made up sevetal de-
signs whish are so ani ne
g q so new
e•h , ^"• li
a different anything nt from an Chin that
u c has been shown here before, and
an moderate in price that I am
sure you will be interested in having me show there to you.
Gall at my place of business and
select one of these Beauties.
Brussels Granite and Marble Works
Economy of Ford Service
1A7EAR is unavoidable even in the
V V best car, but certain parts wear
out more quickly than others. There is
no need of scrapping your car because
the piston rings have seen their day,
because the platinum points of the
vibrators are worn out. Probably the
rest of the car is as good as new.
Medical mels agree that the human
body is renewed, cell by cell, every
seven years. You can do the same
with your Ford Car and prolong its life
at minimum cost by replacing worn
parts from' time to time.
Ford service has been the means of doubling
the lives of hundreds of Ford Cars, and cut-
ting down the cost of motoring. The fact that
a Ford Touring Car, which costs $690, fti, o. b.
Ford, Ont., can be purchased part by part
separately for $917 is ample proof of the
economy of driving a Ford Car.
It will pay you to have your car overhauled during
the winter months. 700 Canadian Dealers and over
2,000 Service Garages supply genuine Ford parts and
prompt repair service.
When buying, choose a Ford, and take advant-
age of the economy of Ford service.
Se Carter Dealer Brussels _1
epAine,„l a rt.s.. unun
Keep the home bright and cheery so It wilt be ready to welcome the boys
when they come hark from "over there.”
Music ie a vital necessity In times Ilke these No other 'gens ran so
effectively"torn the dark clouds Inside out" as the Mining horn 0f the
terrible war, You ran have these songs pim011 by the grvai t military bands,
sung by the best stokers, and loin in the clan us yeerselt, n you have a
The Ma/Mole plays all r cords equally we•11, so all the p(1111,e songs Inn be
played !n your home. And 1t t bull Inc sanely o1 styles "1 , abiurta, so the rholen
of tine 15 sun your Home and your poise will be easy.
The Brant.ola Is made in even different styles. (rintstled in Walnut, Fumed
Cal or Mahogany It will play any make of disc rererd.
Ash yours deator to demon.
strati) tela heautl(ut
Iastrulnunt M 1011.
SOLD ti3RS 13Y
Style A
Ma Walnut or
Brantford Sales, Ltd)
•at• ^',„` ="f--- ""--^' BRANTFORD CANADA,,
r^ :�•
Property for rAe
The undersigned offers for sale 1,i,. ht uaa d
lot on Tur,lerry Street, South. t3,a>, els
Good brick house and woodshed, shout 1 here
of land, good well, &e. For further particu-
lars apply to Will. PE101RIS, Brt)ssats. 11•tt
House for Sale in Cranbrook
Comfortable brick house and 1.6 sere of land
for sale. Good woodshed, 1mune stable, or-
chard, well, &o., located in Village or Cron.
brook belonging to estate or Iate Donald Me.
Dougall Nor further particulars apply to
W..r. SM A LI ,DON, (:ranl>ronir.
1801 or ALEX. MCDOUGAr,L, St. Thomas.
oveseoeeoeee see*oeomeeom000e•,Yd•8•a`es.o.e4.0t.oeesool )•@03@e;
• Fail Term from Septi 2nd b
O e,
3 The demand upon us for trained help e\ccetls the sup- 7,
i• ply. Train for success. Our Graduates succeed. a
o Write for Free Cat:tlr,t tr.',
4tom/� id
a Y ea e
Strayed Calf 1 g
Strayed 7,Con. 0,Grs , heifer
the calf, undersigned, *84086.9*e@a'-,3(a,5'*88# *064 ra 5 5 0844**q8 88111 8448G8*444
Lot Con. 115 Grey, a helfsr (month,
old. Owner is requested to prove property,
pay expanses and taste her away.
Stratford, Ont. and Wing:riarn, Ont.
The School that places its graduates in gun:! positions.
Short Horn Bulls
We have won 14. Prise on ball calf tit Brus-
sels Jfalt Fair 1.01.8 years in succession and have
always something gird on hand for sale.
Phone2814 Lot 10, Con, 10, Carey Twp
Farm for Sale
Being NI.d Lot -18, Con. 5, Morris Township,
containing 100 acres in good state or ealth•e-
tMon; good buildings, abundance of water, con-
venient to school. Immediate possession. Nm•
further particulars np 17 to
21-uf Blyth R, R. No. 2
For Sale
Houseend lots, oonbaintng 054 acres, in the
Village of Cranbrook, the property of the late
Mrs. Agnes Rrown, is offered for sale, Frame
house, barn, fruit trees, &e, Possession could
be given at once. Per farther pparticulars ap-
ply to MSe. T000, 004111505 or Wm. O,t41aa0N,
Executors estate of the late Mrs, A goes Brown,
Bull for Service
The undersigned will beep for service, on $34
Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, the thorn' -bre
Short Horn Buil, Gainford of Salem, No,
80418=. Sired by Gainford Marquis (100800) ;
Dain Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 1180501. Ped•
agree may be seen on appbration. Tern16-
51000for thoro'•breds payable at ((inc 01 aer'
vise with privilege to return. Grade °owe not
late rtmc. 2401-1531 12Lit' ` 1J*7 Salealr "•0naat ".:a '01188
Ship y::Li' Cream
irect lo the
russets Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returo',s
We furnish you with Can.; and Fay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques flir tl:e. pay-
- mem of your Cream twice each tnt'nth, pay-
able at par at your Rank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yr.0
will not want to discontinue..
M'S Crew
Stewart Bros.
fie e.arwan,mane ••-..-. »umwetwm¢•>wttvm ,
11' 11 III MI MI II
iY L)iier r.,.ri 'dl �r. eigly it'll. .r .'t dt r.
her ingredients must be pure and good in order that she
may have success with the pie, cake or pudding she is
making. She knows she can be sure of purity and uni-
formly high quality in
Every sparkling crystal
is absolutely pure; every
process of its manufac-
ture is safeguarded with unceasing Vigi••
lance, Dominion Crystal Sugar adds
to the natural deliciousness of fie fill-
ings—sweetens too tart fruits .without
destroying their fresh fruit flavor.
Dominion Crystal
Sugar is the only sugar
that may rightly be
called "Canadian from the ground up."
We do import the finest of raw cane sugar
and refine. it. But our pride is in the product
we make from Canadian sugar beets --its
use is dictated by good judgment as well tie
Refineries at Wa;laeeburg, Chatham and Kitchenor