The Brussels Post, 1919-11-27, Page 5„,,r.�31xw'a,e,m:eiF,'2tbr, s ,�aMYar2�' a:kl*'`ri�\.�'.rr`C"dF""t+.'e;"�'. ....u�xa!"-1 a .sk•>p...:-
t USI ESZ Cl Rltl' attaw n rgawow . •a a r lung t;?
o 7�y p
' ty r /
�ei1l?' t•
Gy l�1
GUWA eve razuo
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M, O. P., rO $, O.
M, 0. fl., Village of Brussels,
Pltynlcian, Surgeon, A000uulieur
Olde, at reanimate, opposite Melv11Lo Ohnroll,
Witlhtn street,
DR. J. H. WHITE, B. A.
Graduate Toronto University of Medicine,
Special attention given to disenn00 of ,110011(.,1(
and Surgery.
Office: Dr. Dryans Old Stand
Phone R5 Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
W111 ,l1 for as good p!rlco:, no any other Auo•
Mower or Omega nothing.
learr;et r0,, Solicitors, .Notaries Public,
naive 00 the Square, 2nd (lour from Hamilton
Private fonds to 1onn at lowest rates.
W, Paepnrlo'r, H. n. J. L. Klement
114 J. D. (Moan
John Oliver
hire taken over the Deering .A g- •F
only and handles a full line of 'f
Farm Implements including the
noted s•
Ir Rt C. Cream separators
Phe only (`retttu Separator with +
len wide open (rerun outlets— +
un etteam screw 311 the path of .3.
the (meant, See it when 311 town, +
The I, N. C, 8-16 and 10-20 Trotters i•
are tinning the best,
The Deering Manure Spreader .(•
1\3111 t1(1 wide sin end and very +
Tight in draft.
Joh Hver
For this week are :
Regular 65c for Goc.' •
5 lbs. at 57C per Ib.
Corn 'Flak - s
tic per package.
s'2,25 per ewi.
at Big DiscountHIa La Stew rt
Sarn eins Lehi
• Is prepared to pay the
highest price for
o • Scrap Bron,
Rags, (Seo.
Highest price paid. See o
• me before you sell, 4 ,
• 1
o e
Highest Cash Price fora
a Live Po�ritr and Hideo n
+ h
4 Write oe Phone 02x d 0
toMill, ''rnT!13e,7`-, I3RTT3S10T,S m
0.314.•••4c•••••••••0•••••O (a
It Pays to Patronize
; /# Woll-cstalolfahod School
Yong'(' 811 nharloa ate,, Toronto
l)l(joys nn expellent repntntloa for high
411.11(111 b(lMnman braining and. for plating
grmhmtes in positions. A carotid rodeo. 0'
se (don of a 4,11001 is of thu utmost ln,por•
lance. Write tu•day fur may catalogue.
• Students admitted at any time, '
0O,TI ;5 F?t4F A7iAVA mal0srAIASAVISh /tic'
X01 (t1etns Item
A FAMILY T1i4A•r.—A real good brat
for every member 01 flue's, Mindy would
be 0 year's subscription to the Family
Herald and Weekly Star of Monu•eal.
It costs only 01.23 amid each subscriber
tece(ves a hand:mute :01100131r portrait
of the Prince of Wader,, 16 s 22 Inches,
The portrait alone is well worth the
money, The Family Herald and Week•
1 5 is
y ,tar h. a credit to Canada. It has
over three quarters of n million readers
aucd lhousauds more are being added
each week. It is a wonderful combina-
tion of a newspaper, family magazine
nod agricultural journal, the best of its
kind in America, It is well worth a
trail for a year. Every member of your
family would be greatly benef,lled by
the weekly visit of that great paper,
! 1(C1t.1.tcupnv—BowLeY.—'1`he draw-
ing room of Fred, 1. and Mrs, Bowley,
Toronto, was beautifully decorat-
ed with palms cunt d fel'a WASP.
s t a thescene
of a pretty vedd'
r Iu Wednesday even-
e -
I Y g, v n
ing, Nov, (2131, wheu Miss Mary T. Bow-
ley, sister•iu-law of the hostess and
daughter of F. G, Bowley, of Loudon,
was married 10 John (tidmau McGllli-
cu(irly, third son of Thos. McGillicuddy,
of the Ontario Department of Agtieul-
lure. formerly of the souse and 116th
Battalions, B 1'.. 11', The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A.. Sowrby, D. D„
assisted by Rev, Gordon M. Holmes,
13. A„ B. Th„ brother-in-law of the
groom. Mrs Brighton, London, also a
sister of the bride, sang very sweetly
"0, Promise Me.” The bride's gown
was of shell pink georgette embroidered
with a veil of Brussels net and orange
blossoms, The principals were unat-
tended except by little Viola Bowley, a
niece of the bride. After the marriage
tlejeuner, the happy couple left for Buf-
falo and other points ou their honey-
moon, and on their return to Toronto
will reside at 533 Manning avenue.
Among the guests from out of town
were F. G. Rowley, Strathroy, and Mrs.
McLeod, Bluevele, The groom is a
nephew of G, A. Deadman, Brussels,
and son of a former proprietor of THE
BoU881(Ls Pose',
What Is the Label For?
In the first place it is to help the
postal service to deliver the paper to
the right party, In the next place it
informs the subscriber as to how his
subscription stands, whether paid in
advance or 3n arrears. It's a receipt
for menet• paid, or a reminder of
money that should be paid. Look
at your label and see how you stand
with the publisher. The month in-
dicates that you are paid till the end
of that 111011th, unless otherwise in-
dicated. The figures after the month
indicate the year to which the sub-
01 o
su I lion 1' add 1914 U 1 J i ..
I is 0,
nwstly indicated by 1(8, 10, 20, as
the case may be.
Farmers' Income Tax
There is ;1 prevalent motion that a
great many homers evaded the, Fed-
eral Income tax, but R. W. Breadner,
Commissioner of Taxation for the De-
partment or Finance, gave evidence run
October 9th. last which is illuminating.
'rbc Income Tax in Canada is practic-
ally the sante as In the United States,
yet in the State of hlichigau there
were only 84 farmers :assessed whereas
3n Ontario there here 962. In the two
Dakotas there were less than 200;
in Manitoba( there were 1601; in
California there were about 1600; in
Saskatchewan there were 3054; in
Alberta 3126, As Quebec farmers as-
sessed number 8,444 f as against 18,-
000 3n the United States. That 18 al
pretty fair showing in view of the large
number engaged in farming in the
United States and their advanced stege
of developmeeit.
Real ,lienee 3s booming al'0und
Fred, Seehavor left for Grand
Pellicle and ether_ tIome,,
Alias Laura itchell, \Vroxeler,.
has been visiting in the berg.
Airs, ,Runes Benton is tip and ((('nutid
again after her long anflfinement,
D. H. 111111 N'Iis9 Minnie Campbell
have been in Toronto for past 3 weeks
on m101)11(10 of the former'e ill health.
Henry Canlpbell and Robert SISOw•
art were away to Bralll.foi'd and
Hamilton on a business and pleasure
la ip,
A Box Social 3s being held 00 Berry
Graingor's, of 3(43dny, N(lyenbo, 28th,
funder auspices mf the young ladies of
Wanton's Institute, A, splendid pro-
gram is being pr'0vlded.
Moleswoelli Pioebylerian pulpit is
being occupied by Mr. Bennett, a
sdndent from Knox College, Toronto,
while Mn 13011 is spending a couple of
weeks in New Yolk,
PI ON1o;1'1L O iinTAB1A'L'E4 5(19 90'rkf
Briton A l . Lewis, r
� wit \Vit haul a
1ionee( in Wesl•.er0 Ontario, recently
elob bad his 0011 birthday. a
IIle h s
,sided in Wingitarn for 87 years. He
was born in Wiltshire, England, in
820, and at the age of 10 years carne
o Canada wil.h his parents, sailing in
a wooden vessel which took over four
works to make the trip. On his at'-
1va1 in Canaria he 0001(1, 011 the farm
f R. Stevenson, Westminster, whet
le drew gvavel and 11111051 where the
tat 1(e.t square now stands in London,
.41ndo1 ab the time only had a few
bores, scone of Which Wore ran by the
Messrs, Adams, wholesale Merchant ;
McIntosh and O'Brien, general stores,
nd Ilope & Burl's, hard\taro store.
+:+ szvoimmiw
Af. the age of HK years, 'he married
Miss A tin 1Ia13, 4',1' England, !Alm rntn(t
to (launch (hardy alter lir, Letv3s. N
year., ago 1)10,, 1 t%1, diced l0 Wing•
111(01, 304(030)9 11children, After their
tem 11age, 11(13 11(111+ d t 0 1)orrheater
Which wltx nit husb, aril wit11 the 11311
of 0x01 ((ud unites they cleated their
flit in of 101 (((1(04, drawing 1111.11' grid
In 1411011111 to he ground. Sir. Lewis
has lived under the reign o1 fnti soy.
('1('3)9(1 - \"'iliituu 1 V., Qul r•n Virgin hi,
I;rlwatd 1' If. and le' prenen1. King
George, (i,> earl read without h314
gifts',' , and hie, voice 0 81311 031011g t
11145 110011r 31.46 any 01(10118 3111('.% ;
has lever trod (('1104(0(1 or Humor 1
and Will attends lb" Prr++hyle•rinn
0hur11, twice on Sunday. Ile hopes
10 nee 1110 eenInry mark,
lenumEIL filiunV.LLh: PAOTOR The
Oht'i,lilut (3ua(d1(111 np'crnd sev1lal
p('3744 for n 3'11 Het time (luau, and (vet'
200 prompt were M11111111 ed. The one
1hill (0(111 awarded rho first prize ( f
$25 10(18 1001001 by Rev. .1. 8. cool:,
now superannlo46ed and 11.0ing 311
Toronto, but fm 'lel ly 31.44+1 or or Stu" -
vale NCpLh06ist church, Poem which
appenlid in (IuarIiau of Nov, 5, is
very f(wol•ably commented on l>y
that Journal, is as follow.:
''feeltle 11141" wrapped t t 1 )
1 her 1113011
Laid 303(1 in It manger ;
'There fie lay, all undefiled,
To the world a 5trfalge.
Stu h n babe in snob a 313400—
Oen he but o111' Saviotlt'
ANI( the saved of all the veep
Who has found Ills favor.
Angels snug about His 113('13 ;
\Vise amen sought and found 111(11 ;
heaven's star shore brightly 1011),
Clot all mound flim.
S h> > e
1 l h 1 d. 9 SSW 0110 wtnxirous sight,
Ileat d the Angels singing,
All the plaint; were lit that night ;
All the hills 'vete ringing.
Gentle Mary wrapped her child,
Todd Him in it manger,
Ile is :Will the .n11(leflled,
But (((1 (1(010 a stranger."
GOLDEN \Vi ii000 1. —All of the living
children of Wm, and Mts. Gray gath-
ered at the home 1
In )f their parents in
8. Sixth street, Danbury, Saturday to
assist then in celebt'atiig the joyous
occasion of their golden wedding an-
niversary, Mr. and hire. Girey having
been married at 13lueeale, Ontario,
(lan„ November 2nd, 1800 Ale, and
Mrs. fitey were the recipients of many
Beautiful and costly gifts from their
children and grandchildren, who were
entertained to a sumptuous luncheon
at 0 oclock, Those present eel e An -
diem and 11Irs. Ager, Mt. Forest,
Can. ; Saunders and Nies, Seaman, Ida
fIarove ; Robot( Grey, Belifle10, N. D. ;
1115. P. B. ',adman, Pharr, P142108;
Leonard, William and Edward, Maple-
ton and John and Mrs, Leitch, of
Danbury. Mr. and Mrs. Grey are
pioneer settlers having first conte
to town in 1881 11'hen they leveled
near Danbury, ;towing two years later
to the Mapleton 1(11'! (10(3' where they
have since resided. 7 years ago they
Bun unity has locked a practical nceumat c
renis ly sBtec time began Mutinies are spec'
11114 y n obtain relief,e]yet,t1,011 1' roudhospi
tits are
ac?(ie •;d right at home Ly using'1'.R.C.'s "tl e
eommtu reuse trrntni,:at," just compare cos
end results with ant, other trentmrnt at
you 1•!11 he convinced. Ask you) rlruggis
or v1.10 t,s for our u,:w heo;,lett it is interest-
ingn( costs you nettling (•('eelplotons,- 141
King W., Toronto). we mail anywhere op
receipt tf 31.04.
Sole agent in 13, 004810, Jas. Fox, Draggist.
Years Of Suffering Ended
By `(Fruit-a-tives"
112 IIA''/,1 o ST., ST. Joust, N. 13,
"Itis with pleasure that 1 write to
0011 you of the great benefit T received
from the use of your mediOine
"Emit -a -tires", made /3.1,44 /474tt
juicer. I was a great at4li'rer fur
nl>uly years from Nervous Headaches
and Constipation, I tried everything,
consulted doctors; hilt nothing
Seemed to help mo until I tried
"Fruit -a -Lives".
After taking several boxes, 1 was
completely relieved of these troubles
and have been unusually' well ever
Siren", Hiss ANNIE WAIRD,
550e, a box, 0 for $2,50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
trot• •ti
i' a Vls Limited, t Oltatia,
retired from the farm and moved to
town. Robert Grey, of Bellfield, N,
D., will remain here visiting friends
and relatives until Ohrietnias time.
Mrs. Leaman expects to (01(1') to her
home in Texas about Thanksgiving,
D1s4a Mn. KEns :—I thought it
(sight be interesting for some of your
readers to know of Dur trip frorrl Wal-
ton to Long Beach. Mrs. Lamont, Ar-
thur anti myeelf left Walton, Satur-
day, June I4U1 at 5 a, 111., arrived at
Toronto at O a, tn. and stayer' with
friends lentil 10 at ((353(1, when we
boarded train No. 3, for Winnipeg.
The weather at that time was ex-
tremely hot. We met with some good
companions, so it made our trip very
pleasant. On going through aur
North Country, with all its roughness,
there were to be seen wild roses
blooming between the rocks and along
the (lank. From Sudbury on through
to Manitoba and all over the prairie it
certainly is a fine sight. Arrived in
Brandol.Monday evening, stayed un-
til Tuesday afternoon and then left
for Slelita. Itis one of elle prettiest
towns in the North West. It is situa-
ted on a hill on the banks of the
Souris river. The crepe in that dis-
trict were very pont', awing to drought
and grasshoppers, IVe were there 2
weeks and saw much of the surround-
ing country. Also had the: pleasure of
calling on William Banngarten, from
Hayfield, Out , with whoa( I worked
14 years ago, on a former visit. 11e
has a section of land and had 400 acres
of crop this year. Left Melita .July
lst and visited with friends at Success
and Shackelton, Sask. The beet Teem
buildings we saw on our trip were
there. Shachelton barns wet a finish-
ed in dressed lumber. Remises
heated with hot water and lighted
with electric light, One house we
were in was finished i1 solid oar(,
]Everything complete here except
water and that is a great drawback to
Saskatchewan. e
!h ue't place 11 of in-
terest was the Smith remelt at Lead.
er, Sask. It co(tain8 severed sections
of land, and on this place is counted to
be the largest barn 3n the world.
Dimensions are 118 feet by 400 foal„
00 feet fton floor to ridge. this 11,
capacity foe -700 cattle besides other
farm stock. Next stop was Olds, AI•
berta. It is It town of about 1200 in-
habitants. 01.011s were touch better
in that section and further North, by
eaLsty9 Durability
and lath idua,lity
wr I-JESE three qualities will he
found in your Monument 3f
purchased here, I have re-
cerlty'lad made up several de-
signs which are so unique, so new
and different from anything that
has been shown lime before, and
so moderate in price that I am
sure you will be. interested 311 having ma show them to you.
Gall at my place of business and
select one of these Beauties.
Brussels granite and Marble Works
a • Stratford, Ont. and Wingham,
oThe School that places its graduates i11 good positions.
• 9••ma•1N••••iM•••644*0440••••••••••••••••••Oi •
Fall Term fr
m Sept 2nd
The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup-
ply. Train for success, Our Graduates succeed.
Write for Free Catalogue.
(-fid 1ed
1Cdn+nlon they wet P. (31113 in 1(P1',
Veil Mel many 0(1,(011911(03,1.1(111111-1(13133)
al Qtr', and ,pent ten enJ'.yable lloe
11101 e. We also visited Banff, leek
sev01•til aaf11 trips around the town
Ilnou;.;h the umntutaius, to John
slum's tlauylnt a 32 tulle run. II ie
mm(10(11(1. Also to the Hult•(+tnre
T, /01, the Sulphur Springs and Many
other poini4 of iuterent, \Vc relOr 1 -
ed to Olds amid stayed (11(11,• until Get.
14th. Itwas very void and Nome
snow before we left, \\>e 1pft clog
' Ort, 15th for Vancouver, find berulll-
1001 weathergoing till (,ugh the moon -
tains. Those Reeky mwunUtine rue
senletllittg no m1u1 01111110•,(03601 '1'' ,
10s you some !deet of eizr 1 fl<e1 Haf!
n saying Ilial one 100nola(n would
not sit on the (ewn5l(334 of (trey anti
0Inm 5000 to 110011Feet high along the
C. P. It hark. 'Phi.' 3s nn exaggera-
doe. Stayed over at Revelstoke at
night, No 1Yr 001(111 travel hl dayligh(.
Atliced at. Volume Vol Friday evening
.17th., ;le -o1 Saturday in Stanley P:uk
and out the 11111:+1. - 7'hel•e are 111110
act l', in 33(0 park, pail of i1.
10,1)1(411 ful(•sI. Ute Ihien that wets
very w,ticeahle to 111( 478.4 11 ((re (.hal
'had been hlo(v1 down. I) 110110 (ut (111
at I,bs 410mp and 30 feet bad been cut
nil the top, (0 ,.leer lite roadway,
Slav Il lend and 1 0lepp111 the hleh (t0, IS et reunbl-
( w ls II feet. 011 lung You
eat 31116 31(0 it %NY(a 11 0. 9 .( 1
1 g u 0, 1 gnat 1 t
get111)011 the log to sl it. 3114 1 39
,lint n supple of the British h ( dumhla
cedar. After leaving the park We
Cook a car 111111 ugh 1110 toinOiplo parts
mr the city, Sunday we took the
elect r'11' car to New West minister and
visited ftiet(18 thele. Thee is nor of
largest 8(140 mills ill the multi. T1 ie
situated on the banks of the Firmer
river and kuowll 1034 the 1''i1t4er 1\11119.
The first building we en let ed was the
shingle Mill W11010 111 untehines (cork
to runs i0 11 n15e
tut L a vet and m nare required
to bunch the shingles from these.
machines. \Ve then went through
the yard to the St4W 111111s. i'ileoe til
13 band sates, each 1(1 inch blade and
00 feet long. One or them is n single
111,111 for large Ings but the other two
are double tooth eating each way.
While ill the 0111114 log came in That
measured HO hnndi'ed board feet.
We saw 31. cut and then passed
through mill and saw it sorted, cut
ill lengths and piled up and never
touched by hand, till it is put on the
cars and taken to the sheds. We
then welt to the boiler room, Thee
are 10 Millets all fed by cart el's with
refuse frons the mill. In engine room
three or the engines have 5000 h, p,
Spaee will not permit ale to menden
any than the >nest important features
00 the trip. We had to hurry 111o11g
and got a cat• httek.
Left Vancouver by boat on Tuesday
for Victoria, stayed there until Wed-
nesday aftetnoml and took the boat
for Seattle, This is terminus of 0. P.
R, and right here I feel it my duty to
say a word for the 0. P. R. We have
heard a great deal in fo'mer years
from hionds travelling in the U'. S.
about our Canadian railroads. We
have travelled on 3 roads so far on
this side and I can truly say that our
company need not take a back seat
and unless remainder of trip is far
superior to what we have had so far
in the United States it is my candid
opinion there is no better system in
the would than the 0. P. R. and my
advise to any one travelling is no
mistake will be made going to 1-1.
L. Jackson and securing your ticket.
From Seattle we travelled through
flue fruit country in the State of Ore-
gon and Washington. Friday morn-
ing at daylight the arrived at Moult
Shasta and there our clew received
word that Ulme-had been a wreck ou
the read a few miles ahead, s0 we had
to remain there 5 hones. None of 115
were very Entry 118 11'It, Shasta is a
noted mountain. Shasta sulphur
springs run out just at 4110 track, \Ve
all had a ch ink of this mineral water.
Itis claimed to be good for 17a1'3005
diseases and is bottled and sold
thtnughon3.. the American cities,
Left the place of the wreck about
moon and on entering Duusnl110 w0
had 40 minutes wait till they got
things 1(1 811a11e for us to ((10ve on, al.
se changed crews• i1ere we saw
immense engines, one boiler was
about 00 feel long and had 10 drive
wheels, From Densmore to Sacra-
mento we had hardly time to see the
100 acres of rice, for nue drive lrnlyt
have had some Spill 38 01' was (lying
to fly but we were not 1 hours later on
arriving. It is a lovely city, The
only thing I Dan compare it with is an
ant hill. People coming and going in
all directions, 3t is harts to cross 0110
street. People all seem to be 111 sn31
a hurryllsomething
tr ito catch
that, we got' In a hurry also. Next
morning the left for Los Angeles on
the Limited train, 000,81 Line. Itis a
wonderful loaf) tln•nngll the orchards
and vineyards of California, Got to
oto' destination about 11 o'clock at
night and (00(0 not long in getting to
Pasadena, 0110 land of the orange
blossoms and oranges, 111 is the most
beautiful city we ever saw and 3s situ-
ated about 12 miles from Los Angeles,
just at the foot of 1.11. Wilson and Ml,
Lowe.. We had the plottenre last
week 00 visiting an orange gl rive ,lust
outside of the city and picking sone
ripe oranges ofd'. the 11008. Better
come to Soothe' 11 Oalifin'nia and sen
an orange grove you 00331 not be 0138•
appnlnled, We nr0 visiting feiends 3n
Long Beach now, 8.1 3s a pretty city
on the Pact fin coast, People are coin'
big het, by lhonsando to spend the
Winter, The weather dere now is
very 15111011 like June at home. Flow -
ere and roses grow like weeds and BAT
in bloom all the year round. Were at
the sports 111 .Lotg Beach Armistice
Day and saw Harry Wayne Abbott
make the world's reco't1 jump, from
aeroplane at an altitude of 8,800 loot.
(le was etrappe(3 to tt parachnLe and
041118 down gradually into the Pacific
Ocean near the beach, and was soon
Melted up by a fast boat and then,
antoed to has hotel, 13111 with ail the
wonder of the Canadian Roedcies,
the great high cliffs of the 1!111aer'
11ve1' where at one 'place we calve
through, the banks extend 7300 feel,
11,110V0 A e
1 tll0 dashing waster, the mar•
venous beauty of Galifotnia, yet
there is n lone ranch in Ontario that
is dearer to 118 and that is 'lone
Sweet Heine, Thanking yet Mr. Edi.
tor for the space in your vauable
paper, Yours respectfully,
War, A.. I,+Ai\IoNT,
Nov, 155th 1(31p,
24 Years the .game
"good" tea
Sold only in sealed packages
PreOre VDtr
We have in stock a splendid line of goods to keep
you warm. -
L N L.RV6L,'1Wool,� cc . et Un-
UNDERWEAR—In 1111 I'lt. lu) 1 and L n
tut fol Sit n nod I1, vy, \. nm t told ('1130111, n.
KNII'I'ED UNDERSKIRTS -- I)at'k Grey, for
Children's fleece-Iined Hygiene Waists.
Heavy All Wool Stockingsand Socks.
Boys' All Wool Pullover Sweaters.
PvIcn's Military Flannel Work Shirts.
Military Flannel by the yard, Flannelette Blankets.
Mitts, Lined Gloves, Men's Winter Caps, Tonnes, etc.
These litres are selling fast. 131Ve 115 the privilege
of filling your 1egnih'eme0le new.
I. R. I.O. RATHWELL, Moncrief?F
Good Health Knows No Aches or Pains!
Every organ ill the body most be strong, healthy and fall
of life if you wish to enjoy perfect health.
Every organ intim body depends upon a healthy condi-
tion of the Nerves, The Heart and Nerves form a oombina-
tion that can either make the whole body healthy and vigorous
or can destroy the fabric of the body then disorders of the
Nervous Sys.
The Nervestemale the telegraph system of the body, if they
are in a healthy condition the Heart will respond gmokty and •
Haeking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
Is recommended and 52,,rnnteed for Anaemia, Neurasthenia. 'R4eh
Blood Pressure Nervous Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Neuritis, Paralysis,
Stomach and Bowel Spasms, Hysterical Affections, Nervous Disorders,
Heart Troubles, Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness. and alt Diseases of the
Heart, Nerves, Brain and Body. It is a great Tonle mud Builder and
you should not be diseomaeed baeauso other medicines have failed to
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You will not good roaults from Haeking's Heart and Nerve E. m 1111
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Price 5110 a box or a for 33.00. Don't take "8omeatt9na lest as
pea",ori'by (a1 dealers or by pnaiill postpaid. on HaaMng's
It you are troubled with Oonstiostioa take HACKING'S =NET 0
AND 1410111( PILLS. Price 35o, or 5 boxes for $1.0). Th09 do not
d Grips. Purge or Irritate. These two preparations make an ideal
oombinatloa for all who desire good health.
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The Seaforth Cr amery
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam'•
les and payyou thehighest p g test market prices every two
weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, P110130 2310, Brussels, or write to
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