HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-27, Page 1VOL, 48 NO, 22 1.50 Per Annum in Advance ? - ell 20 eas i` 11111111111AF i'!!b11':tiilfulIIhiiUSI f°l MilibbEliSai 7 Years of Service _ '`�� The foundation stone of any Bank's success must be service to the public. The 87 years of steady growth of this Bank, its steady increase in assets and resources, are a measure of the sound, consistent, friendly service it extends to its customers. May we not serve you, too ? —THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid.up eel -Aral S 9,700.000 $CYervCt-'uxul - • 10,000,200 Resources 220,000,000 37 F. II. GII,ROY Manager Brussels Branch New Advertisements Muir' lost -May Little, leer rule,-.TUIul Grant. lour snle--h•eoo Forbes. Solas Gerts-J, R. Wendt, S Yny,:d-W. 0, Stevenson, Special lines -41. L. Stewart, Anett,,» Rule -Chas Connor. Early Shopping-- 1'. R. Smith. Fertilizers -Wm. dune Son. Mretiug-Ethel Farmers' Club. Dressmaking -Mrs. Isherwood, Calves for ante -John 0, Spat,Christtnna having--dntnes N'ox, Bazaar -Ethel Methodist Church. Ann onncelnen t--Franic Davidson, Organ for sa le -Thos. Williamson. tihoos and Ito bbers-I.0, Richards, AnnMeeting postponed9BrusselsF Walton, Club. .Cztr:.C.ct .Ctl1s Oranbrook A dance will take place in Long's Hall Il'riday evening of this week, Regular sleeting of the 0. O. U, will be held Satin day evening of thie week. The annual Thanknffering of Knox elm: cit 1V. 111. y„ here, Was held nn the evening of ,Sunday, November 20d. Rev. 111e, Kennedy gave a most ap- propriate address on "The Rural Church. Offering totalled $51.00, an increase over Met year. W, P. Bray keeps quite ) om•1 . His ease is a 7P Clh1tone, T e had a cold and in sneezing or coughing felt something snap in his bead. Since that be hes had more or less pain and (matting medicine has to bo given to help allay and give the patient rest, Mr, Bray has enjoyed good health and we hope to soon report recovery, Wroxeter J,o. Rutledge, Brampton, spent Saturday in the village, \stn. Westlake, London Military Hospital, in visiting at his home here. Arthur. Rae, Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. J. K. Rae. Miss A, Vosburg leaves this week for Bracebeitlge where she will spend the Winter. Mrs. A. Me&Jichael sr., is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mts. Gen. Paulin. Mrs. H. Lit I le, Toronto, spent saver • al days of last week with bey parents, 00. 011(1 Mrs. Black. Hugh Harris, Asquith, Sel.,k„ is visiting his parents, \stn. and Mrs. Barrie, '1'u en berry, Brussels farmers' Club Meeting Postponed On account of Friday last being a wetnight Brussels Farmers' ' 1 aO1ub meeting wee postponed nuts Sa t rday afternoon of this week at 2 30 o'clock. Eveey member urged to attend without fail. L. E. CARDIFF, Secretary, SaGete;3eesegetateee000 earetteeeeetit3*000pi4Ci*000eGeaaeR9eseteetees03 0 2020 es 'Its e 0 '' 30 tom,r as'- ta 08 ea 11Ill scarcity of goods and our inability to again procure many lines eonce they Inc sold out, slakes it imperative to your own best in- se e 1012800 to make your purchases as soon a9 possible. Our store 0 et 11110 y110I' is simply filled with ideas and suggestions t'o• \utas Presents G 0 and it. will pay you many times over to make your selections now. te _ The Ideal Litt Diamond Dings 0 0 52 a 0 0 e9 00 8 00 t1 A Ladies' Bracelet Watch, We have in stock several high grade cokes. Prices $13,00 up. Gond stook of Gents' \Vetches in Waltham and Regina move• lents in best Gold Filled and Nickel eases from $10.00 up, See out. line. We have a nice assortment of Diamond Rings in stock, Our prices are close and these were bought at the old price, Dia- mond kings at $15, $26, $85, $50, $75 and $100 each and we guar- antee good value at each price. 0 01 e 00 0 + gyp (f 1y" �t®fit 0 0 oearl Bet Necklaces A. nice assortnnenof Ltutiss' Perri Het to 0 Necklaces 10k and 141( in nice display s re boxes at $10.00 and up. t 9 go CDR L1.11k£1, Tie Pit s,Waidelnlu Opsins and Is.uives a a Gents' Signet Binge, Brooches, :blobs, Eta. e 0 - Call and zoo the Assortment. e G9 ts 33 Waterman's ideal Fountain Pens Oat! and get a Poitlt to suit Q r�orc. "r- ;ti:: 4..1-,F7 t3ai'Is, ata e-`1S«raa[„ your hand, A useful gift. Price $250 and up, tp 09 0 e -1' Jost; received an assortment of China in Salad (9 Bowls, Cake Plates, Ron Bons, Sugars and ()teams, Ghana Etc, A nice line of. Ottb Glaris of the best quality,te a dfl 20 fe9 m dA 00 s9 0 la 0 A How about a Kodak for Xmas ? .2 rt 0 e't J. Rs Vg' NDT d9 i . _+ _( i ENGRAVER .( ,, v NGRl-1,V�R W ROX� 1 7 I.,R (40it 00.06011000e00000,4109990999099000909411101190411119161111•4 We have them—all the new models and a complete stock. Aka De- veloping and Printing Outfits, trice $1,75 each. e BRUSSELS. LS. ONTAI RIQ, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1113ER 27. 1919 Nelson Willis hap returned from 'I'ugaske, Sask., 0011240 lie spent 13 mcn1tbs, Owing 00 illness of Rev. P, Mafe, lin there was no service in the Presby- terian church Sunday evening, A very sncceoeftal evening's enter- tainment teas given by the Miseinrl Band in the Presbyterian chureh, blotulay evening, Ethel Felt 9A1.111.—Undersigned offers for sale 11 0on,forlable house, andsore of land with good H011)16, 1100 >muse and drive -h3'1. Also 11 good driving 1lol,e, 2 sets single harness, 2 buggies, nutter, and wood or cost heating stove, EDWAli F),)'mllot(,Ethel, Bazaar in Mel church Lec- ture room, Dec, 13111. Mrs. J. 1'. Nicholean Js looking after the Post -Office for J. K, Halls while he is away, The hest kiln of tile and brick has been completed, 13 in all this aea9ol. A good record. Ethel finesse factory hap closed down for the servant after a suceeoaful riot under the genetttlehip of Geo, I3, Hart, Ethel Farmers' Club will meet next Wednesday evening in the Township Hall at8. Important business. See advt, in another column, Mrs. Rebert Olose left this week en - route for Trail, British Columbia, where she will visit fora while. We wish her an enjoyable time. • 111is» Richardson and Mrs. Hicks, Clinton, left for home Monday after spending a few days with their cousin, James Pearson, Ethel, and other;rela- tives of the vicinity. A, and Mr's. Cole, Genrge and Nor. man Addy have returned from Parry Horsed, bringing with them five of the fleet footed of the forest. We all, ex- pect a treat for Ohristmas. Last Monday morning Gen. M, Mit- chell "broke in" the sleighing by taking to trip to Brussels with his span of sorrels and a light sleigh. Geo, is determined to be a leader. J. K. and 1FA's. Halls left Monday Inc Port Elgin to attend the funeral of FI. McLaren, uncle to Wm. Halls who died vel y suddenly. He wag an ex- pert anditnr and died at. Hepworth when w0111))g for n first theta. Owing to the condition of Joe lklc- Donald's health he left Tuesday morning for Toronto to consult a specialist. He was accolnpanied by Mrs. McDonald and brother' Archie. We eincerely hope he may be benefit- ted by the trip, Goon man Awe. —Thursday of last week Mary Chambers, widow of the hate James McKelvey, died at the home of her grandson, Stun. Camp- bell, where she lived for past 0 years, at the advanced age of nearly 00 years. Funeral took place Saturday after- noon to the cemetery here, She had been an invalid for past few years and took a stroke the Sunday previous In her death. Birthplace was It eland and S. Chambers formerly of .N thel, was her brother. Mrs. $, Rathwell, Vtu'na, is a Sisley, Deeeased was a fine old lady who will be kindly re- membered. Speca 0• ;5 G m• r b t9 • For 'haus week are e Brooms Regular $J.25 for $r.io c' I. no 'c 90 75 65 $ C rn ''Flak .,s it, per package. Flannelette Blankets 6 12/4 Regular $4 20 for. .... $4 00 • 11/4 ' 8 00 for....... 8 40 • Sale Closes Nov. 29 •aH. L. Stewart • • • HENFRYN s eeeeeeesseeeseoeesaesseeesseseme 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0' 00 00 O • 20 0 e a A 0 0 0 A 0 e e Y 0 00 s e e 0 9 • W. H. KERR, Proprietor ETHEL Farmers' Club The monthly meeting of Ethel Faruters' (Nub will he he',1 nn the evening of \Vedue1(hty, I1 r 3.11, at 8 o'clock, in the Township knoll, Ethel, All members netted to be present as new c,lll.:ers will be elected. Membership fees are also request- ed to be smutted up. Walter Smillie, Telford Keffer President, Sec,-Treas. Friday evening of this week, at. 8 o'clock, the young men of Ethel and locality, are asked to attend a meeting in the school room of the Methodist church 00 (1100.0089 and organize tt Community Club, Don't forget, The flee farts of Lewie \VhitJteld, about a mile West of Ethel, has been sold to Mr. Earl, of Howlett, for the sum of $7,800. Purchaser gets pos- *10881mi usat March, We have not heard whether 111r, Whitfield has bought again or not but hope they won't get far away. Very interesting letter from China are appearing in "On Weed," Sunday School paper of the Methodist church of Canada. from the pen of Rev, .1. L. Stewart, Superintendent of liduea- cion iu ill', Misoionary College over tile.... ?tr. Stewart was a Fortner jdui.or pastor in the Methodist church hole, PRESENTATION.—Last Friday even- ing the members of the Ethel Presby- terian cnogtegatioa assembled at the home of J. K. Halls and presented D. J. and Mee. Falconer with a beauti- ful library table and writing desk combined. A very appropriate ad- dress was read by Clifford Ferguson and the presentation was made by W. T. Spence and Geo. Dunbar. The evening was spent in games and music. All wept away feeling they had a good time and wishing Mr. fond l?alouuer many Yeats of happy mar- ried lite. Address was ae follows :— To MR, AND 11180, FALCONER :—It be- comes onr pleasant duty, in behalf of your friends assembled here to -night, to remind you that we are not forget- ful of the fact that you have entered upou the threshold of your wedded lite, 1MIr. Falconer : For some time it has been our privilege to know you in genial friendship and in the Young Peoples' Society and other activities of the Ohm•ch. your work has been much appreciated, In the varied walks of neighborly and soelat inter- course you have contributed. Abund- antly towat'd making life pleasant in the circle in which you moved, Mrs, Falcnner : We extend you a hearty welcome to our midst. Trust that you will feel >U, home among us and may enter freely into and take part in all one pleasures and activities els one 02 00180lves, without any further ceremonies. Recollecting the poet times made pleasant and agree- able thi'ongh your acquaintance and looking forward for a fuller measure of such pleating n•i in in c l u t u 0900 � uLn ns I 1 p t, f 000' future i •ods herewith resent L y frac :Ids with this Library Table, ted de- sire your arcellta),re of the same. This gift is presented as a token of the esteem in which you are held by Your Many friends. We trust and hope that you both may be long spar- ed to use it, and, in the happy and prosperous days of your future life, which we hope you may Inng enjoy, may it sometimes bring to your. re- memblance some fr'iei J.o assembled here at this time and recall to your minds this delightful evening, Sign- ed on behalf of the Congregation of Ethel Presbyterian thirteen, 1, An ap- propriate reply was made by Mr. Falcouer. Dr. Ferguson was chair- man 11n(1 introduced following pro- ressmaking J� The undersigned is prepared to atteutl to Dressmaking at the home of 1). I7. Sanders, Lot 23, Oon. 10, Gtey, Satisfaction as- sured and charges moderate, Mrs. Phone 011t3 d 22-2 SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the people, of Canada practise these essentials; our great problems ofreco istruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save and prosper. 73A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL. - . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND5 00 1 0 000 , \V.'\I,7.`ON BRANCFI, J. ill, McMillan, Manager, gutnl: Duet, Mrs, Hichols"11 and NI:0• 1Crau1(11 ; yeadiug, Miss 13wllantyoo ; salol, (bulge Dunbar ; leeitatiorl, Miss Cochrane ; solei, kites Stevenson : reading, blies Irene Kreuter ; solo, W. Spence; iuelrun)ent'l, Miss C, Por - 01 ; reading, Mrs, Perguson. Walton Car >111111>' poultry worshippped fro \Valtcn.,,laet tveek by 11. Thomson Brussels. New York was its destiut Lion, A dance is elated for Friday night o this week runletthe direction of i2 young inert of Walter), in the A. 0. 1.7 W. Dail. Vile are sorry to state that the thee children of the late Donald arid Mi McCallum, of this locality, have hoe quite ill with fever, hitt we hope the will 8tann be able to be about, Bazaar, under mart:ices of St George's cbureh Guild, will be held i the A. 0. U. W. Hall here'1'hursda of next week, Der. nth. 'rids 16 an 3111)111,1'1 tweet when 0at•l01)0 tiseft ai'tichre are offered for sale and howl served, Don'tforget about lt. Illustrated Lecture an 11or01e11ur will be given in the A. 0. U. W. hall here Tuesday evening next at 8, 2 1)r. F. h. Bennett, the euthusiayti President of St. 'I.'ltoutas Society Male will be occupied by W, Halley Seafoeth, President of the Proviucilt Hnrticldlnral Society. Everybody will 'u r v r weh, nr Silver collection t( defray expenses. Anniversary sermons will be preach ed in Dufr'e church, Sunday. Dee ember, 7th, at 11 a. 1n, and .7.30 p, m, by Capt. Rev. Decids, Toronto, Chap lain 163th Battalion. Special m)s)c and offering. A Memorial Tablet, in holme or the brave soldier boys will b unveiled Sunday morning. Monday evening following a fine Concert pro grain will be presented. Fcllowiug is the talent : Stratford quartette, Mrs, Wept.) Dodds soloist, Miss Jevohn Nieklin, L. T. 0. M., Violinist, ad dresses by Olergyinen and Lecture by Capt. Dodds on "The great war of 1914-1918," Tickets only 25 and 16 cents. Eatauwisaa PRESENTATION, Friday evening a large number of the cumbers of the Ladles' Aid and rnn- gregation of the Methodist church gathered at the )some of Jno. and Mrs. 130011e11 to spend a somal time with them before tkeir departure for their new home near Seafortb. Evening program was spent in social inter- course and games. During the even- ing an address was read by Rev. Mr. Button and Mrs. Bennett was present- ed with a beautiful casserole by Mts. Hugh Fulton. Mire. Bennett, in a few well chosen words, made a suitable reply. The gathering broke up after singing "Auld Lang Syne." Address was els follows :—DEAR FRIEND.—An• ticipating your, removal from our midst in the near future we would not let you go without tendering to you, in some way, our deep appreciation of the services you have rendered iu the Ladies Aid and in the other depart- ments of climeh life and work. You have alwaye been willing to help in every work which was undertaken by the church to promote her iuter8sts and serve the community and we look back tonight to the many happy as- sociations we have had with o , As a member and 'n office' 1 r the Ladies' Aid you have tried, to the hest of your ability, to do your part failbfnlly and have always been willing to open your hone to us and the remembrance of those meetings bring pleasant mem- ories to ma 11090, In the course of events the time has conte when a se- paration is to take place end you are to leave rte. While We regret the sev- erance of the associations that have bound us together for so many years we as9nt'e you our@ ptayerel will go with you into your rum sphere of lab- or and will seek abundant blessing upon your service !u other fields, We realize that your work here will leave an'in.pre58ion upon this community which will result in gond for years to come, We wish you Godspeed and as you have been a blessing Lo us, may you be spared in health and strength to do greater service for Him you have so humbly and faithfully served here. As a small token of our ap- preciation,fo' servicee freely given, in the name of the Ladies' Aid and eon- gtegation of 'Walton Methodist church we ask you to accept this Casserole. Morris Miss Jennie Robb, teaching near Hareiston, spent the week end at the parental hone, 0tih line. Glenn, youngest son of Frank and Mrs. Smith, 715 line, who was operat- ed on for appendicitis, is making favorable progress and hope he will soon be fully restated. Concert will be held in the Town- ship Hall of Morris Friday evening November 27111. A gond program will be given commencing at 8 Ad- mission, adults 26 cents, children 16 CP11 08. Fred. Anderson, Paris and Will, Anderson, Dundalk, were visit(ns with James and Mrs. Anderson, 610 line. John Anderson, who is in his 8815 year, has gone to Weston for the Winter. 1CN2A11E,ILNT.—Allan and hire, Hle'r 6 th line tunlounce the engage- ment of their tlaugitlet', Almy E„ to John A. Wolk, son of Wln. and Mrs. Work, Grey township. Marriage to take place next month We regret to heel, of the ill health of Mrs, Frank SYnith, She went to London last week for medical treat- ment, which her many friends trust will be productive of good at au early date. John Denhnim, who lost, his barn in Hullett, received lis( week, time eat loads of material from Preston, and the men e n II al here C natal 21 it together. 1 !; 0 8t g When completed i will ) I t t e one of the most up4o-date barns in title seal:iota 1Vlrs. Denhohn is a daughter of Allan and Mrs, Slleir, Morris township, Annhier aryl Butt's Church, Walton Will be 11„14 (I). V ) ml Sunday, Deo. 7 at1Ia,1>1,and 7301).m. REV. CAPT. DODDS, of Toronto Chaplain of Lite 156111 Battalion will Pre,or,11. 13peci111 NI ode, Special Offering. MEMORIAL TABLET In honor of one Brave Soldiers will be unveiled at the Morning Het-elec. Grand Concert Monday Evening A 1 Program at 7.30 STRATFORI) QUARTETTE in Solos, Duets and Quartettes MRS. ((APT.) DODDS Soprano Soloist MISS JEVOHN VICKI IN, I. T C.M. Vialiniet on a 32,200 V i„lin ADDRESStES I31' CLERGYMEN Splendid Lecture by Captain Oodds an "Great War of19-14..18” Admission 23 and 15o. Public Heartily Invited, A, B. BRUCE, R. A. LUNDY, Chairman of Managers. Pastor, A meeting of ratepayers of the But- ton School, S. S, No, 9 was held to dis- cuss the question of Oon-9olldated school. Ed. Bryant; was Chairman and Dr. Sinclair, Toronto, ryas the principal speaker who gave a clear cut exposition of the subject. Joseph A. Bewley and Herbert Kieltby were chosen to represent the Section on the Committee fnt' 8Pcuring data, after which another meeting will be held. F.raE —The horse of (Geo. Hannon, 705 line, known as the Readman far m, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 14th inst.. supposed to have caught from pipe upstairs. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon were at the barn at- tending to the chores at the time. Little Was saved from upstairs. There was 3500 insurance 011 building and $600en contents in the Howlett 11.111 - tont. It is a hard blown the family as Mr. Harmon was only getting nice- ly started. He is a returned soldier who suffered ifs ed Erose gas. Marti of their clothing, &c., were destroyed, They are living at the piesent at 300, Rearm' and have the sympathy of the people. Home will be rebuilt. WEDDINr,.—A very pretty wedding was solemnized Tuesday, November 11111, 1919 at the residence of the. bride's parents when Miss Margaret Smith, daughter of Councillor Adam Smith, band, Man„ became the wife of John Icing, late of the A. P. M. 4th Division, France. Ceremony was per- formed byRev. \ ' \, L. '1'. Patterson, els of f Medt, 1 in a, the presence of Im- mediaLe relatives and 1'tiends. Promptly at 10 o'clock the bride en- tered the drawing roam on the arm of her father, shite the Wedding :klatch lyse played by Miss Anna Smith, who also played softy during the ceremony. Both bride and grotnn were unattended, • Bride wore her travelling costume of Buignhidy tin- sel -tone velour•, with large picture hat to match, trimmed with fawn. Iter corsage bugnet was American Beauty Roses, After the ceremony the com- pany sat down to a splendid wedding breakfast, The happy couple left on the noun Lenin for Winnipeg amid the hearty good wishes of all their friends, Grey We regret to hear that Jim, Buch- anan, 10th Oon., everybody's friend, is very poorly hitt we hope a better 0on- ditiou will ensue. An interesting travel ,alk letter, Islay be read on page 5 of this issue from the pen of \Ven. A. Lamont, who, with Mrs, Lamont is now visit - i ng in Cali amnia, '?lie union Sabbath School, held due• log the Summer mantle in the action). house in S, t3, No. 3, was closed on last Sunday of October to re -aper next, May. Auction Sale at Torn Williaenaon's Lot 26, Con, 14, Tuesday afternoon of next weer:, As he has sold his farm everything will g0. F. S. Saott will be the Auctioneer. Read the list, Ohm. 00111101', Lot 6, Oen, 16, Grey, has announced a clearing Auction Sale of account of leaving sold his fame. Date is Thursday of next week, Dee. ,nth. See list in Weis issue, The Connor family )r till 9 rove t(1 BL'11a9e 16In the 00111'50 of a few months, They ale old residents of the 1015 Don. Grey township said goodbye to J. D. and Mrs. Blake and daughter's last week as they returned to their Fortner home at Minneapolis, where they owned property. They spent a few years here and made nuttier0ns friends who Melt them success under the Stars and Stripes, Mr. Blake sold his feign on 13th 0011, to T. Alcock from whom he bought. Jao. DoTIGnERTY PASSES AWAY.— An old resident of the 1215 Con., in the person of Jun, Dougherty, passed away at the dome of his sot-in.law, D. Machan, where he and Mrs, Dough. arty were making their' home, \Ved- nesday of last week, in his 81st year, He had only been poorlyfor a few days and 10 bed abuse Monday. He know very little siaknass and had been n big liearty cogged man. His birt.h- piaoe WAS Co. rermauaglh, Ireland, coming to Canada with hie parents when 4 years 1,01. 1 181 000 Co. MS his ihotne prior to at rival in Grey 66 years ago. lie tics lived ,.r t tv 1 1 Lot Con. J n. Il, and 29 Seals ago ',aught Lot 31, Con. 12. Deceased married Rebecca Gal- braith, of Trafalgar township, and ie now 83 yeat'v of age. Children are ;— MVO, Jas. 0111110111, Dundalk ; Mrs. .r. Machan, 1R'•nht, J., and Thos,, of (Grey township, loin Mitt, Chas. Cleaver, Ethel, 2 eons died in infancy, Mr. Dougherty g y w S a. a MethodIet in church relations and a Conservative in poli - 110s and 90119 all 11011142'101/8 man. Funeral took place Friday to (ltan- brook cemetery, Rev, Mr, OKell, de- ceased's pastor, conducted the service. Pallbearers were Hugh Riobmond,Jas. Boyd, Jas. Denman, Harry Speiran, Wiliam Evens and I3ngh Fulton, Jus, Dougherty, Mitchell, is an older brother of the subject of this notice, Last week Milton and Mrs. Rands arrived here from Wiwi Hill, Sask., and may remain in this locality if they find what sults them. It is 11 years since the former went West. C,,p1 were not very encouraging in past harvest, although in their locality they fared better than some parts. Mrs. John Jackson, Mrs. Rand's un 'thee, tante back from the West in company with Mr, and Mrs, Rands. FAREWELL PARTY,—Monday evens Ing a company of old neighbors and friends, to lbs number of 40, gathered at the home of Councillor arid Mrs. Harris, 16t11 Ooh., to spend a few haul's with Tames and Mrs. Harris and daughters prior to their going to Preston, where they propose residing, the former having accepted a position in one of the furniture factories. Fol- lowing address was read by Mies Mar- garet Knox and the presentation of a cosy leather trimmed chair and a neat Jardinere stand was made by Mrs. Jas. Huston and Mrs. Andrew Turn- bull, the oldest residents on the line : James and Mrs. Harris,— DRAB FRIENDS.—A few of your old neigh- bors and friends have assembled this evening to enjoy a social hour with you before you remove to your new horse at Preston, We have known you for a good many years and have ever found you tical -erase neighbors, always ready to lend a hand to everything that would Pro - mete the interests of the community. We hope you will find many good friends in your Teta 10eat100 and that happiness„ good health and prosperi- ty may attend t ort and yours. Ae a small token of remembrance from your old home community we ask you to accept this leather trimmed easy chair and Jardinere stand in the hope that they may often remind you of old Scenes and friendships. Ynu carry with the gifts our beat regards and the esteem of the neighborhood and the wish that we may often have the opportunity of seeing you back to this community. YOUR OLD NEI010 1OR1 AND FRIENDS, Mr, Harris' reply was like the old lady's pie crust, short and sweet, in behalf of Mrs. Harris and himself. This locality would always be home to them no matter where they lived and he hoped the best of everything would be showered on their good friends whom they would always think of with the kindest tin -nights. A fine time e n as spentrut in games, social chat,at tripping thefantastic, ht ch Sic, and the only regret was that good- byes had to be said, It is 54 years since Mr, Harris fitst arrived on the Kith Clan. A daughter, now Mrs. Murch, is a resident of Preston. The family removed to their new home this week followed with the beet wishes of a wide circle of old friends. Preston people will find the new cam- era Hrst•olass. #I# People We Talk About $$ Miss Mae Wood has gone to Loudou for a visit of a few weeks. Miss Belle McLanchtin, Toronto, has been visiting her sisters in town, Mrs. Wm Wilton is not enjoying very good health but we w'sh iter speedy im- provement. Mrs. Rogerson sed daughter, Morris, were visitors with the former's mother, MrBg ]abet Jcrmyu. Ben Wnikrr P leas been laid up from a disabled lint e b bet we hope he will soon be about as spry as ever. Mrs, White, of Frederick, Maryland, is a visitor with her daughter, Mrs, Earl Am nt Princess news street. Tile POST had a pleasant call on Tues- day from Rev, R. J McCormick, B. D„ lllyth, while en route to Trowbridge. James Ireland was in Kincardine for a few days last week visiting Robert Ross and family, Mr. Ross is still a patient in the bospitsl. Percy 'I`huell was at Guelpb last week taken necessary g th e steps to secure aid for a course in electric engineering as a returned soldier•. Dr, and Mrs, Good and children of Kitchener, motored to town and spent the week end with Fred. and Mrs. Wood. 'rhe latter is a nelce of Dr. and Mrs, Good. Rev, D, B, McRae, of Kincardine was a visitor at the homes of Dr. McRae and J. Fergesvu last week while return- ing from a holiday with his daughter, Mrs, (Dr) Lackner, Kitchener, We ere very sorry to hear that Mrs, Wm, Robinson, Queen Street, fell down- stairs at her home last week and broke severel ribs. Her many friends hope she will soon be as well asesver. Mrs. Wm, Baeker and Mrs. D. Glas- eler were at Stratford lest week Attend- ing the funeral of a cousin—Gordon Wildfocg—Who met his death in Tomes to by falling down an elevator shaft on Sept. 1 1 5, in an ow building at 218 King' street, West, Miss Ru(11 Sinclair was visiting et the torus of Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Clufif, Stratford her c t uncle and emit, formerly of i3rasseltus, Rex, son of the ae rectory, will spend the Winter In Calltoruia seek - tug to better health ecnditlons Otter a ; serroue shattering by the recent Wer,