HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-20, Page 82.4044+4.4•4W+0,441.20404•4610442 id•O+•'F,•FOd+•++++44+4+d+4+•+
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Choice Ivory
In planning your Gifts don't over-
look the poesibdities of Ivory, the
most beautiful and popular of a;1
toilet wale. See our attract ve as-
sortment of articles in ivory iuclnd-
--Mirrors, Trays,
-Hair Brushes,
-Combs, Photo. Frames,
-Manicure Scissors,
-Cuticle and Corn Knives,
-Nail Files, Buffers,
-Jewel Cases, Baby Sets,
-Perfume Bottles. Clocks,
-Hair Receivers,
---Cloth Brushes,
- Hat Brindles.
-Bonnet Brushes,
-Baby Sets, &c.
Window Display this Week
Don't Grope
in the Dark -
Get an Eveready
which are to be had at
trorn $r 2; up to $2.75
each. This is
i t time
of year when they are.
if anything, more useful
than ever. Full stock of
Banewel Batteries and Bulbs
o i
e, .
Stook Food
Horses, Cattle
Hogs and Sheep
When taking your stock off the
grass still keep them in prime con-
dition by using Hess' Stock Food.
Fed regularly it prevents disease
and makes the system take care of
all stuff that is fed so that nothing
is was'ed. Hess's Stock Food
comes in -
25 Ib, Pails -.,.,... .. $ 3 00
to lb. package 1 35
4,1 Ib. package 65
z lb: package _._ 3333.. 35
Hens will get over the moulting
period sooner aril start laying
quicker if given Panacea -
5 Ib, package...., ,850
14 Ib. package .. 35e
Hess' Dip
and Disinfectant
A reliable Preperatiou-S5c tins
We hove a full stock of these Prep-
arations. Give them a trial,
Take a look over the Pictorial Embroidery Book, We can order any of
the designs.
The yr_i . ore
,acntrnsaT -
Druggist and Stationer
'i +++t.4*+•*•+•+.+•+O4h. d++,+O 4•44+•+++++•+•+•+•••+•4•414:
'gaol ebbs Items
RoAns are first class.
HEAR Sydnor Landoo.
WATCH 0111 for tonailitis.
LOCAL., news on page 5 also.
CLIPPED barges are coming into style.
5 Sundays in November. Do you go
to church ?
COAL. situation has improved eonsid-
erably locally.
Ice formed across the mill dam pond
on Friday of last week for the first time
this season.
GEORGE MULDOON has purchased the
Borrel stallion, "Silk Vail," formerly
owned by P. Scott.
IT is saki Doc. Warwick has purchas-
ed the "Tommy" Gttrniss too acre
farm, 6th Con., of Grey.
CHRISTMAS is only 5 weeks away. It
falls on Thursday this year. Now is the
time to make your holiday bargains
A speedy sorrel roadster from Mit-
chell, is the latest addition to 3, H. Gal-
braitb's string -if be bas not already
disposed of it.
THE POST is published Wednesday
evening now, hence the necessi'y of
getting items, reports, &c., to us a day
earlier than when Thursday was the
day of publication, We heartily thank
many who are always ready to send us
the new:+.
Ales. Roe, of town. has purchased the
5o acre farm of Nesbit Hamilton, ad•
joining Brussels on the South and will
get possession next Spring. Price is
said to be $4,800. Mr. Roe has been in
the employ of Alfred Baeker for the
past:it years as warehouseman but was
well acquainted with farm life prior to
his coming to town, We have not learn-
ed where Mr. Hamilton proposes locat-
ing but hope it will be in this locality,
SAt,1. CARTER has leased his garage to
Frank Davidson, a well known young
titan of this loccduy, for a year at leam
nod the new props tater is now in charge. ,
He has spent the past few years in ma to -
mobile factories in the United States,
Mr. Carter will comply with his physiei-
en's advice and take a good rest. He
and Mrs. Carter and Miss Myrtle will
coitinne to make Brussels their head-
quarters but will take advantage of the
holiday to do some visiting and sight -
geeing. A good business has beeu
httilt tip.
personation of noted men, especially
uuted literary men, Syduey Laudon,
who appears in Brussels Town Hall cm
Wednesday 26th lust., who has specializ-
ed and he stands alone in this particular
field. His "Speaking Likceesses," as
calls them, of Mark Twain and Md -
gar Allan Poe has not been surpassed in
on: time, Itis tlinost uncanny to see
these two noted men appear before you
in characteristic speech. To the por-
traying of these two characters, two of
Mr. Laudon's favorites, he hes given
much time and thought and study.
Ile is thoroughly familiar with all these
two literary giants wrote, and 1t is to be
doubted if anything Itas been written
about them that Mr. ',runlet has not
read. Of the more common type of IM.
personations Mr. Landon uses several in
each of hie programs ; they are the
bind that Almost every impersonator
uses, such es the Hoosier, the Swede,
while one that is s fine piece of artistic
work in Mr. Landon's hands is his im-
personation of the Getman orchestra
director from Milwaukee. A program
by Mr. Landon is always well rounded
and pleases all tastes, Don't fail to hear
bine on Nov, 26th.
Mrs. Parker's "We Want U" Sunday
School class of young ladies purpose
holding an entertainment in the Metho-
dist church school room on the evening
of Friday, November 28th, when a
Musical and Literary program will be
BRUSSELS Women's Institute will con-
vene in the Audience room of the Public
Library, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
After regular business, the topic, "A
girl's value to her country" will be iu4
troduced by Mrs. B. S. Scott. Report
thev held at
ofsth annual Convention.
London, will be given by Mrs. James
Ballantyne. Program will he a very
interesting end instructive one, Invita-
tion extended to all the ladies. Special
FOR SALE, -Large Art Garland Coal Heater,
good ss new ; also kitchen fall -leaf table and
kitchen cupboard. J. BALLANTYNH, Phonel8
Loss -Fountain Pen, Finder please leave at
TaH Po0T. -
FrvH good',leers-rising 2 years for sale,
Phone 8518 Geo. BATHMAN.
8 Frasm class brood sows, due to farrow next
February. Phone 4117.
J. W. SOMERe, Lot 16, Con. 6, Grey.
Fon SALE.-Drtvtng mare, quiet and reliable
aged 7 years. Apply to JOHN FRITH, R. R.
No, 1 Walton, Ont,
Two good cows and a steer calf 7 months old
for sale. Phone 509 61-E0. COLYIN.
0 Pros 6 weeks old for sale.
Phone 8812 CRAwroan STRAOHAN.
GOOD steady man wanted on wood work of
Threshing Machines. Steady job for right
BRooD Sow for sale due to farrow about
Des. 5th. H. J aacoeox,
19.15 Phone 8017 7th Line Morris.
PnRH bred Oxford Ram and Ewe Lambe for
sale. CAMERON Co oft RA NE,
Phone 407 Lot14, Con. 0, Grey,
FOR SALE. -6 young Ewes and sRam Lxmb
fit. for eervioe. LOUIS Hommione, Phone 456
Poe 5,00.5 -2 oomtortable dwelling houses,
YoSNG girl wanted to learn pant and vest
making. Wages $5000. week to start with.
Apply to R. FsaOne0N, Brussels.
Foe SALH.-The eligible brick store and
dwelling combined, now exempted by Mrs.
son. For farther rto-
pyrMRS.JGuePage street, Toron--
0 o 5. MRS.
Dn. PAnfHR, Osteopathic) Physician, visite
Binnacle Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated. Visits residences. Consultation at
Queen's Hotel,
MARRS Co. -This well known Theat.
ricel Company was here Monday and
Tuesday evenings in the Town Hall end
attracted gnod houses, Why Women
Hate" and "A Runaway Wife" were the
plays presented, May Bell Marks play-
ing the leading role, with her oustoreary
cleverness. Vaudeville stunts, of vari-
ous kinds, were given between the
scenes, It was announced the company
would he back for the Fall Fair of 1920,
The Company went from here to Listo-
Cousley died at her home Medicine Hat,
Saturday morning at 7 o'clock. She
had a stroke on Friday and soon went
down. Two telegrams were received
on Saturday by her mother, Mrs, loo.
Manning, the first one at to o'clock s.
01. and the second at 2 o'clock p, m. and
in response Mrs. Manning left for the
West. Deceased's maiden name was
Mary Manning. being the third daugh-
ter of the late Jim, Manning, formerly
of this locality. She was married to ber
now bereft partner about 05 years ago
and lived in Stratford 5 years before
going to Mecltoine Hat, She was 43
year%,,oS age and leaves a son and daugh-
ter iu addition to her husband, Mrs.
Cousloy was a fine woman and enjoyed
the esteem of a wide cireie of LYieuds
who will deeply regret her demise,
Splendid Program
Sydney Landon
Apollo Concert Co.
The Liliou Kalani
Hawaiian Quartette
Vissochis Florentine
Plan of Reserved Seats open
at Fox's Drug Store.
THE POST give; the news
GE't' your sleigh hells out.
TARE clown de shovel and de hoe,
AUCTION Sale at Charlie Meadows'
this Saturday.
SYDNEY LANDON, Entertainer, Wed•
nesday evening, 26th not.
Coasec'rtoo.-In published report of
Brussels Cuntinuetion School last week
H Johnston, Form c, should have been
credited with 7g marks iustead of 59.
Christmas rush.
A few weddings.
Municipal candidates.
Entertainments galore,
U F. O. nominees Commons.
m s for
Paying subscriptions to Tux POST.
Microscopic examination of Drury
IN speaking of the musical comedy
"The New Minister," presented at
Kincardine, the Reporter says of a for-
mer Brussels young lady t -"Miss Mita
McRae, es Miss Augusta Wynd, was
without doubt the most prominent wo-
man character in the neighborhood.
Her scene with the new minister, in
which she told the gossip of the village,
was one of the most enjoyable parts.
Her local hits were clever, and site
never let his revereuce catch his breath
or sit on his chair that she hadn't hitched
right up to him. The climax came
when she dropped miscellaneous arti-
cles on the floor, and she informed the
minister who was busily engaged in
picking them up that she must take
care of the shoe horn, as it was the only
kind of a horn to be gotten in this burg.
"Speaking Likenesses of Great Men"
will be the name of the entertainment
which Sydney Landon, noted character
artist, appears t0 fu fill his engagement
to the Lyceum series this season.
Mere are few, if any, artists the peer of
Mr. Landon, so the critics tell us. A
group of departed great will occupy the
platform on Landon's evening, among
them Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe,
Henry W. Longfellow, Rudyarcl Kip-
ling, "Bill Nye," and for variety's sake
there also will be present the Hoosier
from Green's Corners, Posey County,
Hoopole Township, Indiany, who will
lend much fun to the occasion as well
as a touch of pathos. Town Hall, Brus•
sell, Wednesday evening, Nov. 26•h.
Plau of Hall at Fox's Drug store.
VETERANS PROTEs't' -A large number
of veteraus of the Army and Navy in
No. r Weary District have sent iu a
protest to District Headquarters against
the indiscriminate wearing of the King's
uniform in puhhe, also against the wear-
ing of eyntbuls of service, wounded
stripes, etc , by those not entitled to
wear them. Recently young boys,
young girls and women have been wear.
ing service badges, ribbous, etc , with-
out realizing what these articles repre.•
sent. The veterans say that the is.
disoriminaie wearing of these badges of
service tends to belittle the individual
who alone may be allowed to wear them,
and adversely reflects ou the legititnate
veteran, 'i'hty ask that the attention of
the public be called to this matter and
their cooperation requested, that the
King's uniform be wan only by those
who have authority to v otear it and onl
on Suitable occasions, and secondly,
that the wearing of service badges, med-
al ribbons, wounded .stripes, etc., by
those who have not seen service, cease.
The employees of the Burford Canadian
Milk Products Co., presented Robert
McArter, son of lames sud Mrs. Mc•
Alter, Brussels, with a fine gold watch
and fob on the eve of bis departure to
Woodstock where he assumes the im-
portant post of Inspector of all the
Company's factories. He bad been in
Burford 6 yenta, Address was as follows
DEAR FRIEND -We, the employees of
Burford Plaut No. 3, have ler-trued with
much pleasure of your well deserved
promotion and we have assembled here
tonight to wish you success in your
sphere of activity, During your term of
Superiu.endency of the Burford plant
we have held you in high esteem and
have looked upon you, not only as our
Superintendent but as our friend, ever
ready t0 give advice or lend a helping
hand, thereby gaining the coufidence
anti goodwill of the employees, We
feel we cannot allow this opportunity, to
pass without in some manner showing
our appreciation and ask you to accept
this watch and fob as a token of our es-
teem, hoping you will accept it in the
same true spirit of Friendliness in which
it is given. Vie further hope that in
your new field of duty You will meet
With the same success you havo in the
past, Signed on behalf of the Em-
A suitiible reply WAS made by thereeipi-
out for the kindness shown him and he
wished all concerned prosperity, Be
would never forget Burford,
WHAT about that snhscrlptinu ynu in-
tended matting for the Navy Length'?
Ati "toe sale of household effeote at
the home t.1 the late Mrs, j Meadows,
John siteet it 2 o'clock Sue bills for
part ict. lure
BRU+-tit, has been shy of its usual
inuud,y e'ark owing to the poor health
of hits, Win Wilton. Wiugham and
other plaees have been attetcliug 10 the
necessities of the public,
LAtT Sntotday Mrs. John Mamtiug
ws.. umm neo to Medicine Hat owing
t'1 the set 1141, illnes', of Iter daughter,
Mt \Vin, D ( Ottley Mr, and tore
Cou ley weielot mer residents of Brua
seas Nits Manning took the C. P. R.
at Wallow on short notice,
Toric discussed at the meeting of the
Epworth League, Monday evening was
the story of "The Other Wise Man" by
Rev Heury Vau Dyke. A splendid re-
view of the book was given by F. H,
Gilroy The meeting was iu charge of
the Literary Committee, Csptains
chosen to lead in special effort in ad-
vancing the work in the different depart-
lnenta of the League daring the Winter
months. were RISC, appointed and will be
Misses F. Buchanan, and C. Hooter,
who will choose their owo Secretaries.
CLACS RE•utvtoN.-Wednesday even-
ing of last week the members of the Sea -
bath Sehool class in the Methodist
church taught successfully for past i3
years by Mrs W. Rands was held at the
home of the highly esteemed teacher,
A quilt, ilial had been pieced by the
young ladies, was quilted and a fine fowl
eupper served after and much enj eyed.
Offiee'e for the corning year are :-
President, 61105 Morris; Secretary, Mrs,
Alf. Baeker ; Creeeurer, Miss Eva Me-
Crackcn ; Flo -al Committee, Miss Lizzie
Bryaus and Miss Ida Bailey, A most
ealnyable evening was spent at the hos-
pitable home. Class carries the well
deserved name of "Good Cheer," It is
45 yea's since Mrs. Rands took her first
class in Brussels Sunday School.
ING tgno.-It will be Leap year and
consequently February will have 29
days, -Sprint; will commence March
20, Summer June 2c, Autumn Sept, 23
and Winter December 2rst.-There will
be 4 eclipses, 2 of the sun anti 2 of tite
moon. 2 of them will be visible in Cat-
ada viz one of moon on May 2nd and
partial ecl pse of sun November loth,
hence the smoked glass bnsiuess won't
bootn much. -New Year's Day and
Christmas will conte on Thursday and
Saturday re •pectively. Easter Sunday
falls on April 4 end Dominion Day cm
Thur'ilay,-To give people a good
cbauee to get to church, February, May,
August and Oelober will have 5 Sun -
dare each, ---Weather probabilities eu-
kiudles hope for dealers in umbrellas,
waterproofs and rubbers. -Many mar-
riages are assured as the ladies do the
proposing, and get the man or a_silk
dress, perhaps both.
$1 People We Talk About 1
tt --tt
Mrs. (R, v.) Mann is borne Froin s
visit to roronto,
Miss Lizzie Bryans was laid up with
t1n5111110 but is improving.
Mrs. F. Coates, Ethel, is visiting rela-
tives in Brussels fora few weeks,
George Baeker was home for the week
end from the Business College at Strat-
Miss Mae Skelton was home from
S'ratloid Normal School for the week
Miss Winnie Long was a visitor with
Mrs H. B. Elliott, Wingham, during
the past week,
Rohl, W, Ross, of Kincardine, who
was so seriously i11, is still in the hospi-
tal although improving slowly.
Mrs. W. F. Stewart is back to town
Crum a visit to her grand daughter, Mrs,
W. H. Merklinger at Hanover.
Fred 3. and Mrs. Wood and Merner
Wood, in tomo to Kitchener on Satur-
day fur a ,bort visit with relatives.
3, T, Wand is away for a short Fall
business trip with samples of goods
manufactured by the Excelsior factory.
Mrs M. rgaret McLean, Egmondville,
has been renewing old acquaintauces in
Brussels and locality. She was a former
Mrs. Fred. J. Wood burned the Side
of one loot by too close contact to an
oil heater. It was a sore spot for some-
thing, no simply done.
The W C. T U. Convention will
meet in Guelph Nov. 27.2". Mrs. A.
McGuire anti Mrs S. C. V ilsou wi.l
represent Brussels Breach.
Mrs 3 B. Scott and baby Jean, Tor-
onto, has been visiting at the home of
P. and Mrs. Scott, Queen street. The
former is a daughter-in-law,
A. C and Mri. Dames are spending a
few weeks visiting relatives and friends
itt various localities before goiug South
next m inti for the Winter.
a e on'
Rn. s Fraser is home from a s as s
sailing on the greet lakes He is to sou
of W. P and; Mrs, Fraser, of town.
Ross hes seen considerable of the world,
We are sorry to etale that Henry
Heist's beelth is tint at all good. He Is
at the home of his mother, Albert street,
His wife end sou are also here. They
have beau living in Michigan for some
Miss Isabel Strachan has gone to
Toronto to pursue a course at Conser-
vatory ill vocal music, We wish her a
pleasant stay anti term marked by suc-
cess in one of her favorite accomplish-
Russel Moore, Listowel, formerly of
Brussels hes gone to Toronto, where he
will commence a business training
course, under the system of vocational
training for soldiers He will also
study automobile electrical work.
Rev. W, E: Stafford, S. Carter and
W. H. Kerr, attended the District meet.
ing of the Methodist church, at Wing.
ham,'J'uesdey. There was a large at-
teudance and a file spirit, Outside
speakers were Rev, W. H. Graham, Pres-
ident London Conference, aid Rev. Mr,
Patterson. of Simpson Ave, ohurcb,
Toronto, -
A, L and Mrs. Kerr and family have
got nlccly settled in their home cornet
William and Albert streets, Brussels, re-
cently purchased from A, C. Monts.
As the eeW601ners spent it years iu
Morris township, ei miles f10m tows,
they are tto strangers to the community
We bid them welcome to Brussels and
hope they will enjoy many happy years
in their comfortable resideuee, Mr.
Kerr has a gnrnge in the Leckie block,
- �rtROU H good
ll times and bad times for
the past 45 years this
j' rukhassteadily giVellitsbt;st
c...:. is to -tile development and
uikling of t he agricultural,
'.1;.:-1TnraCturirlg and con-nner-
t'..1 business of this Country,
(' .• ,ifio'ieniserviceisavailable
for t lie benefit of all customers.
Mrs. Thuell t•r is visiting et the hone
of her grandson at Blvtb. A young
laddie arrived there on the 5th of Nov-
ember, He should be a genuine 'fine
THtra0L.-In Blyth, on November 5th, 1910, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, '1'huell, a eon,
LA1,t0NT.-I,, Grey township, on November
18th, 1910, to Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Lamont, a
son -Leonard Samuel.
FALOONaa-NEwnt00rwd,-At the Presby
bonen mnnso, Atwood, by Rev, W. U. Me -
Donald, on Nov, 6th 1919, Mien ,Jennie 0.
Newbigging, Atwood, to Mr. D. .7. Falcon-
er, of the Bank of Hamilton at Ethel.
JWHNsT0N-HANNA.-At the Methodist par.
eonage, Atwood, on Nov. 121h, 1919, by Rev.
J. F. Sutcliffe, 511es Nttrnh 0. Hanna, Lista.
Wall. to Mr, Ralplt 11. Johnetotl, 'Trow-
CotiBLEr.-At Medicine lint, Sask., o0 Nov.
16th, 1919, Mary Manning, beloved wire of
Wm, Oousley,Ifurmerly of Brussels, aged
48 years,
Dona unaTY.-In Gray Township, on Nova,•
ber 10th 1919, Join Dougherty, in lila Met
year, Funeral from home of D. Meehan,
Lot 82, Con. 12, on Friday. nt 2 p. in, set •
vice ab 1.00 o'clock. Interment in Oran -
brook cemetery,
M00ALntrs,-In Morrie township on Novem-
ber 12th, 1019, Donald 51(30811nm, aged 07
FRIDAY, NOP, 2113T. -Farts Stock, imple-
mente, &a, Lot 80, Con, 14, Grey township,
Sale mtreserved, at 1 p. m, Geo. Hanley,
Prop. 4 F, S. Scott, Auo,
MONDAY, Nov. 24TH. -Farm Stock, imple-
ments, &a , Sl Lot 18, Con 2, Morrie township,
Sale at 1 p, m, Milton MeV etlie, Prop, ; F, S.
Scott, Auo,
Tousncr, Nov. 26en. Form Stock, Willa.
meets, &a., Lot 1, Con.17, Grey. Sale mire.
served at 1 o'clook. Juo, Betmatt, Prop.; F. S.
Scott, Audi
TUESDAY, DEO, 2Nn -Farm Stock, imple-
ments, &o., at Lot 25, Con, 14, Grey. Sale un-
reserved at 1 o'clock, F. S. Scott, Aua, ; Thos.
Williamson, Prop.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Potatoes per bag
48 00 0- 10
85 85
11 L5 1 1 11
50 50
10 00 19 00
70 75
1500 1500
Property for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his house and
lot on Turnberry Street South, Brussels
Good brick hone and woodalted, nbont 1 sere
of and, apply bo welWIl. FEMUR, Whessael, 21-12 particu-
Short Horn Bulls
We have won 1st Price on brill Dolt at Brim -
eels Fall Pair for 8 years in succession and have
always something good on hand for Salo.
Phone 2814 Lot 10, Con, 15, Grey Twp
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Council of tlteiDorporation of theOnnn.
u IChnmbor
Huron will Odeon the 0on i
t of Hl 0-o
ber,01int Tuloet, 1 the 2nd daynof Denur,
her 1010, u t0't;oil in the the
All amounts ahomld be In the hinds of the
Clerk on or before that date,
Dated,'Goderich, November 16MMt, 1910.
GEO, W, HOLMAN, 00, Olerlc,
M0N5e, &o. -F. B. Seott, Anutioneer, Ilan
received Inetrnatione from the undersigned
proprietor to sell by public auction at Lot 25,
(Jon. 14 Grey township, on Tuesday Dee. Ind,
at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property ,
Span of black mares rising 0 and. 10 years, 1
driving mare, 1 gelding colt 10 hnonths old, 1
now rising 7 yea•a due to trashes May 5th, 1
cow rising 0 years to freshen trey 17, 1 new rile
ing 0years to rreelten April 11, 1 cow rising 6
years to freshen April 2, 1 cow rising 4 years to
freshen April 10111, l heifer rising 0 years to
freshen Maralt 25th, 11Jeffer rising 0 years to
freshen April 14th, 4 eteere rising 11 years, 2
sterna rising 2 years, 1 steer rising 1 year, I
heifer rising 2 years, 1 heifer rising 1 year, 6
calves, 16 pigs 10 woelce old time of sale,29 b.611024 Barred Rook bred -to -lay pullets, Mcorntialt
binder 0 ft. out, MoOormick mower 0 -ft. out,
Mo0ormiek rake, Frost & Wood hay losdvr,
steel land roller, Cbakehutt 18•dtse seed drill,
disci harrow, set s•seation diamond harrows,
No, 21 Fleury walking.plow, gang plow, ROW'
fier, tile aouop, cutting hex, grindstone, ernes
spray pump with 8 feet hose, hand ohopping
mill, Olimex fanning mill, set team Harness,
Set log hnuka, Sat 00 sleighs, Adams lnmbor
Wagon, wagon box with String seat stook
rack gravel box, 10.21. lint flay rack I1ey oar,
ropes, pulleys, fork and slings 42 -gal, oat bar-
rel, cedar water tank quantity of dry sherry
lumber, quantity oil other lumber, 0 sets c,1
daubletrees, neelcyoku, 8 bus. home grown red
Glover seed, About 2 bus, home grown timothy
seed, about 76 bus, seed barley, about 100 brie,
cats 116 for seed, about 900 bus, reed oats, ahr.nt
150 ins. feed honey about 15 bee pt tntm:s, a
few Svelte hand plus ed Wintor eyple , e row
altioke n 000ps, sugar kettle, 0 -ft Steel pig
teongh, ohetes, Polka, eltovele, hoes, rakes and
other articles too numerous to mention,
Sale Without roeerve as the Penorieto0 has
sold his Cann, Terms.- (1111,14 of $5 and undt.r
Wash ; ever that amount 10 mon the art 410 giV-
en on furnlehing eeproved joint mettle 4 per
sant o0' for cash Might siH0IlA vBON, Ftop,
rbtelsn®®4iaaaraaraleaeo TNmitoete edurwrm®tbatzeteastOflY belga taeOalit 8 t
N 1 ? 9 Dry eines E
0 win 0111 thio gen.
0 11cittttu who paeserl
stir store Ilse other
0 day remember that'
m Cod liver Extract
Weekly Store News
The above figure tem est'nls the
wonderful sale of one of our hest
Toltlea and Buildet'-
We itee solo 10501118,
When you are it; &t.& to set' stn'
nett/ bciok of (leveling Oat els -•or
bt'Ltcr x1111, reale right in and
look them over, theme varlet y.
Very pretty.
Just a Minute
Howe ft'w days Ago we Were given the following bit of information
and consider it worth passing along. 'We have oecasional eomplainte
of "Nipples" on feeding hallos "going flat," Have yon hall a Minitel.
expcnk'ttt , \Veil hors is the veined : Take Its ordinary pioga of cord
about art inch or en long t 111 pl+tua it arrn's illi' tali cd lit' til'd'e ; I Den
fib nn lite nipple and watch u,sulta, i imple p', o'st, isn't it t' 'Pry it:
n l w a y a flrrrtteea
weight, 2 sizes-
li0e mid $1.00
Who at the 1 or 11
people hi 61,00-11 *Bin
have) l used eut'
Blood Hoot
Cough Cure ?
Here's a
Ting 0'4 a inn of tint -
Weer ion in every
bottle of
Try it and be con -
vi need.
A farmer goes to four County Pill 10 exhi101. burgs. ile gives one hog
0 10 enter the Blair, silly one -hall' the rentnindee in elle 1+0011' and gives
one hog to get out.. He dors this itt. each of the fuer Pairs and
di IVea 1 hog home. how litany hogs dill he have when liestarted 7
0 A tetttllrt4 sends a boy to Idle well foe a gluu't of lythe,'. She has no
tluR!L Measure and no pint measure hut. she gives hitt, 10 three -
quart can and It seven -quart bucket, 1 -lots doe, he geL a gnarl ?
n -The Ilene arhnal pupil who ht•inge in Corvertly written answers to
the ahnV1' 6 Oonundrntos will err -dye it 13117 box of Stntionel y.
r r;rt:J0.d+®inte&T lnitettecid.sbu aORM6008.0®e060,1,ta6t006,3 ts0,2,,, ,,,,,,,,
Teacher Wanted
Farm for Sale
First or Second Qlnss, Protestant, teacher Being Ni,ning„;T.ot 18, Con. D, Morris Townatin,
wanted for S. 1•t, No, 10, Monis, Enron Co., 10001ennigod of sages to gond,' tante . r ora ilex
duties to aot)tmetlae January 60h, 1030. Ap- tion; gond wheel. e
rwnn'. cpm
verther to eohooa slimly rats Paaaasiuu. 11.1
ply, stating experience, qualifications and sal- further particulars np ply to
my expected. DAVID RAMSAY, ROIi18R.0 N16WttOtn HIS
21.2 Bluevale R, 1i. No, 2, et.tf Blyth It. lt. No. 2.
Stock Hethictkn Sale
0 le
Boots, Sh yes
and Rubbers
Saturday, Nov, 151h, we.
start our Reduction Sale.
Only six weeks to do busi-
ness and we are going to sell a lot of goods in these six
weeks if Price and Quality will do it, l3uy Shoes for
your future needs and save dollars by doing so.
-Men's Heavy Working Shoes -Large elects, low prices,
-Men's Long Rubber Bonts at Special low prices.
-Felt Shoes for Ladies, Gents and Children.
-Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes.
-Large stock of the Celebrated Granby Robbers to keep all sizes
of feet. dry.
-Rubbers and Heavy Sox for Men.
Wu roust lower our stock before stock -taking and we're going to clo fl•,
Harness Department --Team and Single Hammes, Robes, (M-
ines, 13hutkeLs, Huge, Termite and Satchels Itl, price to make them move,
,tw'TPRMS-Cash and One Price to Pvm'ybody,
eat.tty, Hay
and individuality
T11184101,111-pequltleLlet will be
found in your Monttmenb if
purr1;taed lite. 1 have ee-
enntly had made. 11p several de.
sloe witilit' are so unique, An new
and di510110nt from anything that
has been shown Me a before, and
en moderate in price that 1 ata
sure you will be interested In having the show thein to you,
Gall at my place of business and
select one of these Beauties,
Brussels Granite and Marble W r
bl s o k