The Brussels Post, 1919-11-20, Page 5„..UEU aMlay:r�o MF:2, . e .a. -..,, -,.e... .=ter- cass.cryss.-r,ssy--,r.•
CvG'?.rh.rGPM Oer.61/4l0
T. T. M' RAE
M, B., M. C. P., & S. 0.
M. O. IL, Villetge or I rttexelx,
Physiento, Surgeon, Acaouehour
Moe at minima,. opposite Melville (!March,
William street.
Graduate Toronto University o1• Medielne,
Special attention given) to atomises 1)r 011111.1700
and Surgery.
Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand
Phone 45 Brussels
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
winnen fur ax good urw'es nu any other Ant,•
t lonwm or r•hargo nothing.
13N1,17RAVF, P. 0,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office nm the Square, Sod door from Hamilton
1.101)31131011. ONT.
Private fonds to Iran at lowest rates,
W. Paouorowe, K. 1'. J. L, Kii.conAN
1). Cooks
John Oliver
+ ▪ has taken over the Deering Ag-
+ ern)), and handles a full line of t
• Flinn Implements including the
T. • I. N. C. Cream Separators
Tho only Cream Sepal atm, with t
fwn wide open cream outlets -
4.. no 01 earn set,.W in the patlt of
• the cream. See le when in town, ee
The I. 11. C. 8-I0 and 10-20 Tractors •
are among the best.
The Deering Manure Spreader
• \\'ith' wide spread and very
light in draft,
I John (Mover
ec Gt
• For this week are :
t, Corn 'F� kes
t 25 per cwt.
flannelettes at Big Discount
H. L Stewart
Regular 65c fur Goc. °e
5 lbs. at 57C pc!' lb.
I 1 c
per package.
S 'ti y ilehstein
• Is -prepared to pay the
highest price for
Scrap Iron,
Rags, Sic.
4* Highest price paid, See a
me before esell,
t o
Highest Cash Price for s
f. Live Poultry aid Hides
Write or Phoue.62x b
` ▪ L. 1f H Lf, ;STREET ERUSSI41 S •
It Pays to Patronize
A Well-eatablishod School ,Q
Yonge & Charles Ste„ Toronto
19nloys an excellent reputation for high
grade business training 11)1)2 for phn+nlg
graduates in positions. A careful selee.
Oen of n Soh(1ol is of the otrnnxt tumor -
Waco. Write to• lily for our Catalogue, 4
Students admitted at any time,
Yr reeeraeiW Favt rewlexe7aa iter Mr
yarai teals tans
Renu every advt.
AUOIIoN Sales continue and Tuts timer
is au A t medium to advertise them in.
Lowe at the address label on THE Prier
curl see how the subscription acoourlt
NEW Premier of Ontario 2.s a Metho-
dist—Rowell, Neared, Lewart, Drury—
all Methodists !
Pos'Imieseei6 Grueral has kindly grout-
ed permission tor mail carriers to de-
liver in automobiles.
ANo'rtt Ea reason for the high cost of
living is shat we 1)o lo3ger Make little
Willie's pants 0631 uf Dad's old ones,
S'rRA't'NoRD Horticultural Society has
ulauted almost 12,001, tulips in the city
beds. Brussels should get busy too,
MANY signs such as that skin on ant -
mals, small hoard of nuts, sedond crops
of berries and mushrooms seem to point
to a mild Winter.
TUE growth of the roll wheat has
been so luxuriant that some fanners in
this scetiou are turning their young
stock in to crop off to avoid Winter
ON ballowe'en uight some party or
parties stole the gum machine from the
front q1 Wm. Hoflich's barber shop,
bluebell. It contained about $13 and a
quantity of gum.
TUE business met at Kingsville have
decided to close their stores every day
except Saturday and duriug one week
before Christmas at 6,3o p. m„ begin-
ning Nov, 3rd until April 1st,
GIes? SMITH, the great evangelist is
to be in Loudon from November 17th to
December 1st. The armories have been
secured and music will be furnished by
massed choirs from the various church-
DIED AT AGE OF 90. --Mrs. lolls Rog-
er, au old anis highly respected resident
of Fullerton township, and mother et
John Roger. 0. le 0. 114itehe11, died at
the home of her sou, William Roger.
Deceased was over 90 years of age.
DOES anything ever happen in your
district? If so send it to'1'HE Posr and
help keep your neighborhood on the
map. It helps your district to let others
know 01 your m0vetneuts. News items
placed in an envelope, left unsealed and
mauled to 'Pt1E Posr are canted in the
mail for a cent stamp.
HUGtt BUCHANAN of firm of Buch-
anan & Wickwue, publisher of the
Hensel! Observer, died Tuesday night
of last week. Mr. Buchanan had been
i1) poor health for a uunlber of months.
On Thursday last be was takeu to a
Loudou hospital, and au operation was
found necessary. He 2s survived by his
moteer, and also brothers and sisters.
Iv a foolish man wants to buy or sell
anything, says an exchange, he rides all
over the country 22 the hot sun looping
for the party of the second part. The
wise man puts a few lines i0 the news-
paper, and lets them go all over the
country for him, while he sits In the
shade or goes along about his business,
When any man has a- Cow or horse to
sell, there 2e some other roan somewhere,
who is tvanlug to buy the thing, but
these two then might travel a week
without finding each outer. Advertis-
ing 2n the paper brings them together,
Presbyterian Church 21) Canada had
(1915) 342,433 communicants and
390,535 families In 4,563 churches and
nusalou3, PresbyterIau population in
Canada is esteemed at 1,200,000, '1'311
proportlou uf the Presbyteuan denote.
elation to Canada's total population was
15 4S per cent., according i0 the census
of 1971. I007ea35e ot the Presbyterian
population i1) Canada, tell years, 19u1
1911, 32.39 Per eerie Piesbyterlan
Chn1031 I1) Canada had (1915) 2,015 minis-
ters, 11,668 elders and 4,5113 congregre
tions, viz., 1855 self suppurtiug ; 639
augmented ; 2,070 home rulssien
newspaper Peters to a former Brussellte
thus ;--A very happy event Was celebrat-
ed as the Horne of J. W. and Mrs. Walk
er,'rcnlperanee street, on'1'ue. clay evl t-
ug, 1110 0ecasein being the birthday 01
Mrs. Walker's mother, Mrs. Nlafgatet
tlablenk, who had leached her 79 h
utilestoue, G,[te sod 0011gralulatiuus
Were offered by a large uumber of her
1)ieudr. MIS. Hllbkirk is much younger
than her years w0131d indica n aa(i walk-
ed 8 bucks to and 11 um church 01) Suu
day. Mrs Walker was assisted by Mrs,
G A. Munro and her neice, Mrs. j,
Jacobs Ktalzert- Yellow, white and reel
ehysautuuununs were lhle floral decora-
tions ” The ells Walker referral to
1 Was mai ltd bkirk whe0
was IUI'ILt , S i
fl resident of 3110,30135 some years ago.
Old friends 3n tuts locality extend (10u-
gratulati0us u) Mre Hablork and hope
she may enjoy a good many similar
'I'IIE PRINCE 010 Werets,—A large photo
of the popular Neta to the 'throne for
readers of 'rue Pater, The Faintly Her-
ald and Weekly Star cf Montreal have
550311ed the rights for all Canticle for a
real good photo, 16 x 22 lecher, of the
Prince of Wales. It is by VeuDylte' the
celebrated London, Ryglaed, photo-
grapher, taken 01) the eve of the Prince's
departure for Canada. '1'H11 POST has
made arrluugrmants With the Family
Herold and Weekly Star whereby we
a'e permitted to include the Pt(tce's
photo in a clubbing offer. We tow
slake the following offer, wily good 1),t•
01 December 31s1, t919 ; "1'ue Gamily
Herald and Weekly Star one year, costs
$1.25, 'girt Po;r, 0(111 year, 11.50, We
triter bulb papers for one year each, coil
an autographed copy 01 the Prince of
Wares' portrait, size e6 x 22, all for
ale 65, All orders to be seat to this
office, ot 'erre P011?,
1)1t0I31$N EA R'1'HLY '13810.
Act her 1 we know that Thou 1.11)131
Yet 110 we mourn
When 11 Mods 11) a taken from 01111 side
'1'o 113304 the bourne,
Between thio end lice other lire,
And we are left
To meet3)1e ;dellellree Ill• the sl fife,
Sadly bereft,
1"Eli' earthly tied are 5311)3133,
The presence dear,
For Warta hand clasp we lout;
For wnr(la of cheer,
For smile that dark days brighter
We 01iee it so,
And eland bewildered and fear
'l'1) onward go.
Give 119 ai strong and firmed' faith,
The faith to 1.300,
That those we n11n11'll fat'
Arid safe with Thee,
Safe in the beauty and the light, '2
Whose only ehatle,
To make its radiance less, ,
Our teara have made.
Give 1)a clear vision of the blest,
Where angels are,
So we'll not mourn when friends,
Cross o'er the bar,
Clarke Moore, Listowel, formerly of
Brussels, has gone to Toronto, where he
has secured a position with Lyniau's
Wholesale druggists.
A0 increase of ,O'5o.00 per 1371200 Eves
voted by the Official Board of the Metho-
dist' church to Robert Dark, who has
been the attentive sexton for zo years.
New and renewal subscriptions are
comiug to Tam Posr, We want zoo
new subs, in November. Help us realize
our objective and the same time get
good value.
A large quantity of turnips will be
shipped from Brussels again Ibis year
for the manufacture of marmalade.
Years ago the turnip filled an incon•
spieuohs place as a mere stock food pro-
duct but it sits on the tbroue Doty.
At a meeting of Brussels Methodist
church Board a general committee for
the Forward Movement was chosen as
follows :—W. H. Kerr, F. H. Gilroy, J.
T. Wood, H. L. Jackson and R. J.
Hoover, with W. P. Bray for Craubrook.
The former is oonveuer of committee.
The Toronto Times
The suspension of the Toronto
Times is regrettable, but hardly un-
expected. Toronto had three morn-
ing and three evening newspapers be-
fore the Times quit. The Queen city's
population is 500,000 tow, Baltimore
having 600,000 people, has only one
morning and two evening newspapers.
Cleveland, with a population of 750,
000, has the same. Detroit, with close
to a million people, has one morning
paper and three issued in the evening.
Chicago has only two morning pa-
pers and three evening papers for Its
over 2;500,000 inhabitants. These
examples are sufficient to show that
Toronto is very much over -papered,
Interesting Discovery
On Welland Canal
Contractors on the new Welland
ship canal, after excavating some 20
feet of solid clay, found the rock bed
to be very smooth, and further down
a series of steps in the rock 0 of a
water fall have been found, smooth
on the edges and well worn. The
place is about half a mile back from
the Niagara escarpment. Prof. W. A,
Parks, of the Royal Ontario Museum,
commenting, said: '4n pre -glacial
times, there, ''was a great river that
drained the region of Lake Erie, and
passed through a gorge connecting
this region with the basin of Lake
Ontario. Probably the gorge now
discovered is the channel of this pre -
glacial river, known to eologists as
the Erigan River, but as no falls
existed on this ancient river it may
be that the new discovery indicates
a fall over the escarpment of some
tributary stream entering tiie Erigan
River in the glacial time."
Ten Commandments Of Auto Driving
1—Drive on fire right side of the road;
it's just as good as the left.
2 --Slow clown when approaching a
crossroad; it is nearly as dangerous as
a railroad crossing.
3—Look out for children. You can
never 10111 what they'll do, and you're
always in the wrong if you hit one.
4—Try to help instead of hinder the
traffic officer; he's there for your good,
and he's got a tough job.
—Be sure that your "dimmers" really
dim; it's 1)o joke driving' into a blinding
glare, as you probably know.
6—Read and obey the warning signs;
they are not put up as ornaments,
7—If you feel you've got to speed—
do it where. it won't kill anybody but
—When slaking minor repairs, stop
where your car may be seen from both
directions; otherwise you may stop
longer than you anticipate.
9—Speeding around corners is a
straight route to the hospital. Don't
race past a stopped street car. Some
day the Jury may call it manslaughter.
t Use discretion. 1'1 t
The fact that
0331) had 1 right the 1 h of wayvon vin
)won't b
anybody back to life—leat of all your-
No Return of the Trouble Since Taking
Barrister Proudfoot
Takes Seat In Senate
introduced by Government Leader and
lanator Richard Main.
Ilan, Win. 1'101141.M. IIodes MI) ugel
Toronto, Eva •unu.unu,•d 10 (h,• 8,111611+
111) ue 04ac ami 11.01C 11i4 4(10 in 1170
llppPl' 11i%to1• 111%111 ,lft pt llul nl
He w«4 [u 1,411411 Iry Sit laate.,
ronl(lu•e,l, Ii"ta•rutut•t,i 1., 1).1 a lie
Scioto', and Seuat"r Itb•IuuQ I4L,1n ,d'
Peel muni y, ;111. l'r"ucll'uut iv 31311
P. 0. Ilex 128, Parrsboro, N. S.
L ,al rrrl with Rherunatism for five
11tEMg 1t so iw113attine's 1was
width) 10 p,,,t up without a ,iodance
I tried d 1Verent medicines I saw
advertised and was tree te,11,y d1Ct1CS
10 Amherst, also in my horse lotvn,
but Um, 1iheunlatism cam0 bask.
1 1 11)16, 1 saw in an advertisement
that 'Fre i1.a-tives' would stop Rheu-
matism, and molt 0110 hex and gut
relief; then I t.,uk them right along
for about six months mid the 1ibn-
(11a1141n was all gotta and I have never
felt it since.
anyone who would care to write
Eno as reg87413'Fruit-a-tives' I would.
be glad to toll them what 'Fruit'-a-
tives' did forme,"
Contractor and Mason.
50o, a box, l for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
("RAN BROOK Scsottr, RLPoit'r.--Re-
port of Senior moor for mouths of
September and October. Examined
i1) Reading, Writing, Drawing, Spell-
' ing, Maury Arithmetic, Composition,
Grammar. Jr. IV—Janies Keys 1101 ;
Set felt 9(1 ; JJeallettit Mr'Netbb 00 ;
Bessie Leitch 89 ; hurl Pennington ab-
sent. Sr. 111—Nin riel Bray 00; Edith
Sioalldnn 90 ; Ethel Stualldnit 89 ;
Frank Hunter 7S ; Everett Weight 70 ;
:Ulster J. Bird 75 ; Lorne Utuneron 70 ;
Thomas Pennington 611 Jr. 111—Hee-
tor Knight 92 ; Kate McNabb 90 ;
Edith GGr51111113 84) ; Lent, Dunn 812 ;
Lydia Jeschke 82 ; Alma Quelenges-
ser Sl ; Ivan Leitch 80 ; Iva Beown 78 ;
Paul hl B elJohnnie Noble c +rfz '77 ; Jt hl she N bre 70 ;
Willie Locking 65,
R. b10NA1It, 'Poacher.
31., ro,'tn ieltort for menthe of Sep-
tember and ()Hotter, Examined in
Reading, IV1Bing, Selling, Ari111-
met2r, Composition, Geography and
Literature. Jr. 11-3. Noble 011 ; 1
On meteor 88 ; .lock Oatrneron 84 ; hl
Henn'' 83 ; (t Knight 80 ; H McNabb
78 ; ]j Lowe 70 ; J !tray 66 ; 0 Hodson
62 , J Pennington 58, Sr. l NI tial h-
ey 87 ; I.t. ljoxey 86 ; A Campbell 82 ;
3 Swaldon 73. Jr. 1:—E Steles 88 ; J
Pennington 85; U Bunter 71; J
Khight70; 191011105; E Brown 50.
Ptiutttry--Marked on daily Work, L
Hodson, 11 Queleogessel', H Duxey,
I Zeigler.
FRANCES LI tlt'STIIN, 'Teacher.
This story of Wm. Rogers,,is seaman
in the Mine Sweeping Branch of the
Royal Navy, is absolutely true and can
be readily verified,
At Niagara Camp, in 1914, Rogers con-
tracted Rheumatism. He was sent to the
T orontoGenoral Hospital,whero for over
19 mouths he was a patient, finally being
discharged as incurable. In despair he
took a friend's advice and tried Temple -
ton's Rheumatic Capsules. The results
were astounding—in a short time he was
able to plass the stiff examination set by
the Navy, and became an A.B. hi the
Mine Sweeping Branch.
For 1714 months he did service in the
North Sea, On three occasions be was
blown into the sea and remained in the
ice-cold water as long as eleven hours at
a stretch. Despite these hardships Rog-
ers had no return of, hie previous
trouble, Think about it. If T.R.C.'S
did so mush for Rogers—will they not
do the same for you?
Ac: year Druggist i
t or write
us for our now
bookl l; it is ing costo yon nothing
(Templeton% 14,niWent, Toronto). We
mall rdt.C,tanywhere an receipt of
Bolo agent in Braascln, Jas. Pox, Druggist,
Fall Term from Sept. 2nd Z
The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup-
ssp1y Train for success. Our Graduaessaceeed.
Write for Free Catalogue
Stratford, Ont. and „ Wing. arrt, O nt.
• The School that places its graduates in good positions,
• A 0.04. . ; A,N4»14.4$ •• + 1a c t 444.44.4.
fi ee. Senator faun H ton County.
He was et seannclt supporter 01' the
Union Government and conscription
in 1917, and led the Liberal party in
the Ontario Legislature for 2 sessions,
succeeding tion. N. \V. Rowell when
the latter joined the Union Govern-
Senator. Proudfont got to the Senate
i11 time to get in a good solid vote for
Prohibition advancement.
The Ohesley Enterprise, whose
Editor sat 111 the Provincial Legisla-
ture for several years with Barrister
Prnudfoot, says:—Il is Hon. William
Proudfont now, He has taken his
seal in the Senate and gets the 11011E1
52,500 without worrying over elee-
tions, 'The electors of Centre Huron
did a gond turn for bit. Proudfont
when they defeated him, The new
senator is an honorable man and 28
the cunleet in debate the have ever
seen bot he lacks the ginger so neces-
sary 01 leadership,
Premiere Drury of Ontario.
Ile faro,, 250 acres at (1roW11 11211,
5 miles fermi Barrie, Penetang road ;
his great -grand fat her set tied there 2n
['le was burn there Jan. 22, 1878, is
strong and well built, and hie looks
denote llelertuination,
Ills father, f•Ion, Oharles Drury,
Was 011lnein's nest bliniste' of Agri-
culture (18881.
He at emitted Ontario Ageieuleulal
College (1900), 11x9 degree of B. 8 A,
For 3 ye(us he was Master of the
Ontario (Grange (a Ra'tter's oi'gali'6't
In 1902 he represented 12arnnars' As-
soeialion of Ontetrio before the Liber-
al Tariff Ootmuissiun, Lt 1010 he was
chosen tilst secretary of the 0,tnad2au
Council of Agr(cullure. He was one
of the organizers of the big deputation
of farmers that urged the government
for reciprocity.
He was one of the U. 13. 0, nrganiz•
ere and is vice -President of 0o -oper-
ating Tending 1)eplu(ment. Lest
111x1,111 Ile I1pt'e5Pilted the U. F. 0. to
debate the Good Roads question with
Hou, (4. S, Henry,
Ho hay made tt 01111 of and has
strung views 01) the tariff.
In 11)17 lie nal for PELT Haul,nl. 115 n
conscriptionist Liberal, and wee beat-
en by (11)1..3. A Currie by 2,000.
He x)10111 1 31nently 211 a *Rattail,
clear, sl eon g, masterful voice, with
ilasltee 1)1 humor.
Ile 11 is a wire, ee sons and Itn•(1
daughters, The eldest boy will tun
the Putin
141 r, t) to y i.: an energetic Methodist,
It Prohibitionist and is 41 year's old,
Only 52.50 Everywhere
in North America
Thirty five volumes of the boat
reading—in weekly instalments—for
less than five cents a week. That is
just what The Ynthth's Oompaniou
offer for 1020 really theme, The can •
tents of the hew volume., which will
include 8 serial stories, over 200 short
stnr1e5, fifty or more articles by men
al' distinction, sketches turd special de -
pal 111101110, wtld11 mete 35 gaud vol-
umes (a3 $1 05 each) if published in
book Ibru1. And there 2s now a uni-
form flat price of 52 50 In all suhslrritl-
United s in Oautdand ol 1114• Y 1)t 9 rt ,
1 e .1 des,
If you subscribe as 50(111 as you see
this notice you will receive all the
extras mentioned in 1110 following off-
er, including Malty of Capt, Theodore
IR.nhette' Upriver Folk stories,
New snbseribers for 1020 will re -
ce v
1.0The Youth's Companion -52 (s-
enna in 1920,
2, All remaining weekly issues,
S, The CompanionHome Hae Calendar
for 1020.
All the above only $2,50 everywhere
in North Aniot'ie1t.
887 Commonwealth I
twee th Ave,, Bl sl t am
New Subscriptions Received at the
Office of TRH Blttrssr4I.14 POST,
No Postal Notes
Owing to the high rate of ex-
change on Naw York, the Postofflee
Department has issued instructions
that no further postal notes what-
ever will be sold for remittance to the
United States,
Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for five cups
Sold only in sealed packages
1,110 L4;
We have in stock a splendid line of goods to keep
you warn.
UNDERWEAR—In All Wool. Fleece. -lined and Un-
ion for Men : 1)d Hop, \Vun,.•n and ('h21dr. i1.
Children's Fleece -lined Hygiene Waists.
Heavy All Wool Stockings and Socks.
Boys' All Wool Pullover Sweaters.
Men's Military Flannel Work Shirts.
Military Flannel by the yard, Flannelette Blankets.
Mitts, Lined Gloves, Men's Winter Caps, Toques, etc.
These lines are selling fast. (rive tis the privilege
of titling your 11gttirentent4 now,
R. C. RAT 'v,xa, ELMo;ricrseff
�\ms �a�'`
eifo' ECatillnlirCM
Good Health Knows No Achesor Pain
Eats ' organ in the body must be strong, beaittby and tall
of life 1! you vilsh to enjoy perfect health.
0Every organ in the body depends upon a healthy oondi-
tion of the Nerves. The Heart and Nerves form a combina-
tion that can either make the whole body healthy and vigorous
or can destroy the fabric of the body then flilsorderer ad the
O Nervous System.
The Nerves are the teleraph systemof the body, Pf they
are in a healthy oendition the heart will reieved quiellider and G
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
Is reto.'hnmsnded and guaranteed for Anaemia. Neurastl>els, 'High �
Blood. Pressure, Nervous Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Neure(s, Paralysis. ,+,'
F30ntarh and Bowel Spasms. Hysterical Affections, Nervous Disorders, d
Item 'Troubles. Nervous N.adacee, Sleeplessness. andel] Diseases of the
Hart. N.'r es, Brain and Body. It is a great Tondo and Builder and
13..0 737".., net bo uia,..rutwgod because other medicines bays faded to
help YOU. 11e 7.utr' you ,;etiL031121 71 as no other Idnd will do, G
Von a n u,• t good remits from Heald-1M's 8mrt and Non', -o Keay
1f you will eta .i ve no. trial.
Price 61',' a hos or 6 for $3.50. Don't take "eomalhtng Suss esgood", S•nl will only be dixnproluto4 insist on txaold na's.
bold br all dealers or by meal postpaid.
If you aro tronhte.l with Cbnathmklon take EfACSINEVE3 IIDNa'Y
AND I.t\'ER I'I1,1:S. Prion 95e, or 5 boxes for $1.60. They'do not
Grip', Purge or Irritate. Thema acro preparations make an ideal
combination for all vrhodesinsaupood health.
Q g ( G
044+0+, ,(0+4+6•+d+4.+4'+•+0+•+ m•I.O+•B'• :04..2.4+•+0+C+0+0+•+•+
• The. Set~ forth ere iner'y
at t
(mn 1431M,t. cal F_W!ta1 tae
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results,
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We willg your -our Crew n
weigh, sample 1e and test
it bonesliy, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C.
McCALL, Phone 131o, Brussels, or write to
• The S for° h Creamery C
+. � ire'it•+ar'�•zsoe'1!�►'�ae.�t4 '1'�++o�t'4'1 .,