The Brussels Post, 1919-11-20, Page 4ilt b e g xxxssels .st
ItiTHlt:,1FY. NOVb:\HER. "gig
Donis FUN (roverntlleat Will have
some job on their bond in nwner'hip of
the additional railway,. It they'd add
the telegraph, telephone and Ex•Iress
comeanlee--.ted cou'd man tee theft
properly—the peoples' interests might
be conserved and red tetioes made in
Cost, Perhaps it is well to tett out the. ,
railways first.
WoetEN tolk are to be admitted to the Gs
great Olympic games on equal serine
with the sterner sex and and it is said
will be quite ready to prove their ability
to make good. It (night not be good
policy to put on throwing a base ball as
one of the stun:,. Many a disobedient
child has
found to their sorrow, that
mother was fleet of foot and an adept
with her bands and minus a gad at that.
ARhrisric*Day was a public holiday
iu British Colombia If Dominion
Thanksgiving Day comes on November
trth hereafter the notable eveut to be
commemorated win not loee itesignifte•
acce. In fact it would he most s,pro•
palate that such an occasion sbould be
linked up with public, Dominion -wide,
WE notice Huron County doctors are
receiving considerable notoriety and a
reduction of hard cash for violation of
the Canada Temperauee Act. Dr.
Whitley, of Goderich, is the latest to be
"pinched" but others are said to he on
the list of the officers of the law, A
cancellation of the parchment for a year
might teach a goad lesson for same of-
LIBERTY League think the recent Ref-
erendum ballot was tricky, as do more
than the L. L's but the cold water sup-
porters won a most notable victory not-
withstanding The electors di l the
"trick" all right when they got a chance
to express their opinion, Now we want
an opportunity to say what we think of
the wider sphere—the Dominion and
the question of manufacture. Next el-
ection for the Commons should mean
the return of many pledged Prohibition.
ises who will atter:; to this long delayed
piece of legislation in the country's best
interest. There's a good time mining,
THE Po''r is of the Opinion that Col.
John A, Currie. M. P. for Simcoe con-
stitneu.y, did himself no honor when he
engaged in a fistic encounter with a fel-
low Unionist M, P. in the corridors of
the Parliament bu'lilinge in Ottawa
The pugs were separated after Col. J.
had received a few touches over the head
from a cane from the Regina represeuta•
tive in response to the love tape given
him. The language used was not be -
ted andd) a e
iti 1 a•
t o t l wale, • r t
1 t, u d i•nttlil-
oneyed a love nl uOW141Os or iiiri,tou with
insurance ad {epulis : $1'l•e lU 9ans
((i d'eare, 4I0,00n stock inr.nta to
$5,000; d, ii Leith, stork and thole,
valued at $3,1100. with iilel114111cu o2
$2,11011; 1, (1. Moser, of Kitchener,
uwuee of the building, veined at
Wet have ,rood, thie'k, $3,51111, loam Imre $'2,5110. The origin
I iv uuknuwn,
well ripened Honey, •
practically all clover
Auction Sales
_ _. _.. _- approved pont notes. 5 per cent off for hush
For a 10 Ib. Pail
A Co!arado professor has found an
egg in a sand pocket along with fossils,
&ye and thinks hn6s t may be a million
years old We have come across a fe:v
that were also ancient, perhaps not more
than a tem mouths by the almanac but
too years strung when the shell was
broken, Phew ! but they were goiug
It is doubtful if any t,atetunteut ever
took hold of the vele.: in Ontario that a
sleeper interest was manifested than the
U. F O Many compliments have been
paid Premier Drury, who has shown
good judgment in his conduct and selee•
tion of Cabinet timber, Some say the
old parties may set a trap, tie up the
Government and bring on a new elec-
tion. Our advice would be to do no
such thing as a verdict much more pro
nouneed might be the rtttcome of a
second test. We believe good will come
out of the new situation end a lesson
will be taught that no one political
party is essential to the turward march
of this fine Province. Clean, honest,
economical management with a wise
and optimistic view of Ontario's real
needs is what's canted, no matter who
leads us that way.
THE rapidity with which Wm. Proud -
foot, ex -M. P. P., was translated to the
Dominion Senate after his defeat on
October Both, was as refreshing as it
was surprising to the general public.
Months often elapse before vacancies
are filled but a couple of weeks did the
trick for Mr. Prondfoot, Some think he
was aware of what was coming—if be
got licked. Can't speak as to that but
we believe he will make a good Senator,
and a vast improvement in many a has-
been who was shelved in this politica'
haven of rest. What we do wish to say
is we never did believe in the principle
(nor do we now) of appointing M P'2 o•
M 1'. P 's, either active or relegated, to
government offices. In many cases
they bang on tenaciously until the else
lots relieve them of the honor and 111,1
the first job that opens bob up serere'y
to capture it if possible, There are
thousands of good men who never sat
tonging to the Yee:titulary of true gentle- in Parliament just as well qualified to
men it is said, It's a pretty example to
set to the people of Canada.
PRINCE OF WALES has been "doing"
the United States during the past week,
by special train provided 'by aur Ameri•
can cousins, and was most cordially re
ceived. Some of the "Yanks" were in
the habit of throwing stones at royalty
butt not one of the democratic type of
the visitor. Times and sentiment have
changed very materially in past Few
years as the two great Nations got bet-
ter acquainted. John Bull and Brother
Jonathan have jaiued hands for a life
perform the duties of a cosy appoint-
ment who never got a "look•in" and
perchance spent as many years of ser
vice in the ranks as the appointee, oftei:
more, It's a poor wry of passing boners
round and the srifisllness displayed is
often very apparent. Perhaps no one
thing has done more to bring the Sen•
ate into disrepute more than the appall t-
ment of old political war horses, badly
foundered often who won't' not sal
"n eigb" when the oat box was within
reach and were ready to kick the dash
board off if anybody else attempted '0
get hitched up to the lois. '1 he patronage
friend: hip, we trust, in seeking the question has brought more than one
world's betterment,
HURRAH ! for the people of Canada
and their loyalty (and at the same time
secure,lagood bill gun) inthe way they + Drury Cabinet
stood by the sate of V,etory Hands.. •y +
Not only did they put up the cash 10 at. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tain the objective but with an enthusi• The cabinet colon 11r, Demy sub•
acm that spelled success, piled up the tnitted to the Lieutenant-,Iiternr fm'
cash to tbousaads of dollars over the approval Wit
sum asked. Htrro,ving From Your otve , Premier and President of Council,
g, 0, Drury,
relatives dues not always prove a satis- Attorney -General, William E. Rat,
factory method of dotng business but hey, K. 0.
we believe it is a good pian for a county Provineial'rreaautrer, Peket!i, tb,
ora municipality to follow fur more Minister nl 1 duculiun, 1t. H, Giant,
reason': tbatt one and above everythingPt•nio).ei ll 2 Apical F{. U, Nixon,
,\linistee of Apiculture, Maiming
else it demonstrates faith and confidence Doherty,
ou the pact of the people. It was a Minister of Labor and Health, Wel.
government to the irfl nary,
great catnpaign and we hope the money ter Rot,
blifister of Mines, Harty M111a,
will he wisely disbursed. Minister of Land and Potesta, Beal'
iah Bowman.
Minister of Public Wot'ks, F, 0
WITH the unusual activity among
Canadian churches of variousdenontina-
tions comes to the news that n Mormon
Temple is to be erected in Toronto, to
cost $25(),000, A home for the resident
/teeter hoebeen purchased, The retire.i:entative of the Latter Day Saints says
although their mission only opened last
year they now have eo or6o members.
He also remarked that polygamy is not
one of their articles of belief, as 11 was
discarded more than es years ago. If
this is so one of the targets for nanny a
hot shot has been removed even if many
tin fight shy of their creed, Up to the
pi emelt ot t they have nmade moil pro.
g",u. in Ontario, notwithstanding that
this t-tovince has been the scene of their.
iltOmp'lig ground for many a day. See -
Hous of die West appear to be more
productive soil, especially where large
importations were made from the United
14linstet' without porlfnlfo, Lt,•Cnl,
D, Carmichael, D. H. 0., M. 0,
Ms', Drury and Mr. Raney were
not candidates at hist election, hence
will have to Hnd seats,
"Whitt is the salary of a Cabinet
tnin161et. in On tariff y" Premier gets
$12,000 a year, the other ministers
$0.000 each, and the leader of the Op-
position $5,000 11 addition they re-
ceive the sessional indemnity of
$1,4000 paid all metuhera. Hort. 1, B.
Lucas, late Atte-arow.Oonrral, also re.
oeived $4,000 as a member' oC the
11ydro-Eleotrie Commission,
Ifnog,—Abon t 5145 o'clock Thursday
morning fire was discovered in the
rear of William Moore & Son's hard.
Wase 610,e, iL that portion of the
building occupied by 7. 1'1. Lel tll'attin-
shop, Nottvltlistandiug prompt re-
sponse from the fixe brigade, the up-
per story of the building, which is a
brick structure, was completely de.
etroyed. The interior was badly gut -1
P1,r:MBNTS,&c, P. R Peott, Aneitonr•er,
has received (instructions from the undersign-
ed Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot
1, (`ort. 17, (trey Outitaning the Village of Wel-
8011,1onTue»day, Nev. 55th at t n..loon. the
following valuable property 7—mend eral per•
pose mare 9 years old, 1p aged horse, 1 driving
mare 4 years old, 1 draft h0re0 4 years old,
1 coW supposed to be In calf, 1 cow due ,laen-
ary o
A170TIoN TALE all''IrAliM STOOK, 1MPLg-
n(gNrs 1,r 1 S, 2(.01,t, Auetroneer, has
ter n. - 1 instreetione from the node atined
lr0pri n tt 8.111y Piddle Awe t nnr815( 1
10 len2, Norrie pt Molloy'. Nov.411 at 1
o slm,k the (Miming_ vnituible property —
1 heavy avert borne rishie 11 yearn 1 heavy
drat, borne rising b yea re, 1 heavy draft horse
ris.nd In years, 1 cow dueto oalvo March 7th,
1 sett• due t„ milt n starch 1s5, 1 cow milking
goo, nt pr,•oent, 5 on1vas 6)1818 heath» mil,
51 aa -about 5 months old, 1 tlmrebred lit-
h , in bull ,. Yung 2 yenta, 7 good etoars Pining 2,
twiror rising 2 years, 1 fat heifer, 2 geese mid
1 gander, hemp I10111Ure ept•eader, farm wag-
on, wliter t l tr u'r nu 1
1 tank, set e 1
rows Irh-urplowtrough,
pY E oohar-
v1No IIH4oa o
ppm, ort pintherness 26 tone otwgoodgliliv
se teed timothy cul clover. 600 bus, oats, anal
treater. 'terms.—Sams of 810 and under each ;
over thnr amount 12 months credit given on
t m1 reed It em( ate.
,l1 L,TON hi a VETTIE, Proprietor,
Brussels farmers' Club
201cow due March v7l ,nw supposed In Are Expecting a Car of
eN t, Comma slippage(' in snipe 111 May, 1 rut r•r,N•
cow, 2 yearling steers, 0 yearling heifers, d
ROHM; Vea Deering g hinder 7 Pt 1
lemower Lift ,Ieyrxk0 10[t., nultivntor. Nn i
seed drill 10 hoe, sendler, wagon, fiat hay molt,
putter, stone boat, set thlyd•hor,e harm». ,
MPG single harness, Net double bre' shim, boar -
21122, quantity of hay, quantity of maple him'
her, spedes, Hops. Pte., glacci'en hoard, bureau, 1
5 dining room ehsirs, falling lent table, bed-
stead, 2 seta bed springs, nomerouc other err
tioles. Terms,—gums ot$ltl and under cash ; i
00e0 that 015010115 months credit given en
furnishing approved (91111 notes, 4 per cent ;
off for cash on credit 8108018. HAY 10 be
receiv (e 1Tsin trnctf ns from Auctioneer, pl enl •hna
kt rd
proprietor to tell'o iP. on auction at I. 2 El,
at I 'el Grey township, on Friday Nov, .55t,
11 1 o'clock, the following ir, 22 lr panl,PiO- ;
8 cows supposed to be in calf, 2 farrow heifers
rising $ years, 4 spring enhea, a number of
well bred young hens, Frost & Wood hinder
good as new, Afeasey-Hnrris mower, seed drill,
Me2orntick steel horse rake 12Pt.,disc harrow,
net 0 section harrows, farm wagon, wagon tax,
set bob sleighs, sat of bunko, Clinton fanning
mill with bagging attachment, root pulpnr, 2
wheelbarrows, grindstone, set heavy harness.
set single harness nearly new, top buggy, 2
cutters I nearly new, 2loggingseveral
neokyokee and whifffet'eetrees churns , wailing plow,
8 doz, groin bags, milk can, creamery oasis,
milk polls, about 20 torte of gond hay, oak
vinecer cask, drain scoop, drain shovel, drain
spade, several bay forks, spades, Bto„ ladder,
grain cradle, step ladder, kitchen range with
shelf and reservoir for either wood or coal, I
beater, a number of new stove pipes, ainger 1
sewing machine, lounge, 2 kitchen tables, kit-
ehen cupboard, oval table, oak upholstered
Morris chair, 2 bedroom suits I new, 2 bed- I
springs, some carpets and mettIng, clothes
horse, set bedsteads, piano ease 8 optive
Dominion organ, sums oilcloth, double barrel
shot gat, toilet set 2 Mottle tea kettles, small
oak dash churn, good wringer, 2 large wash
tubs, sink, wash board, Rayo tamp, 3 other
lamps, 2 doz, panes glass 10x12 'lichee, several
pine doors, oroes cut saw, bucksaw, a gnantity
of hard wood, glass and granite ware, Some
dishes, pens and cutlery, a Dauber of kitchen
utensils, some small tools and outer things, '
Sale without reserve es the Proprietor hes
sold his farm, Torula: Stena of 05 ltd under
ca.J& 1 over that amount 10 months wadit giv-
en on furnishing approved joint notes. 8 per
cent off for cashon credit amounts.
aur and Feed
In Lite Hear Al Lure. IVe handle Oreton
of the West, the Guaranteed Bread.
Plane. Try a bag and watch the old
matt smile.
If those wanting Feed would come to
the ear they would save Retttilere
P11111 mettle 8til Friday in November.
e5.! Get in smite order for Moue told
Peed tow.
L. E. Cardiff,
Phone 104 SECRETARY.
Expected Shortly. Order
your supply now.
Hyacinth Bulbs
N Good Variety to Choose From
W. J. McCracken
Think It Over
Price of Animals and Meats
July, 1914-19?f 1'Z
July, 1919 -389.7 -
July, 1914-1811
July, 1919-286'4
Price off Dairy Products
Increased cost
99.1 per mat,
Increased cost
118'1 per cent.
Price of Hideo, Leather, Boots and Shoes
July, 1914-173.6
July, 1919-385.3
July, 1914-140.6
July, 1919-298
Price of Building Materials
Increased cost
121•2 per cent.
Increased cost
111.9 per cent.
Price of Woollens, Cottons, Silks, Etc.
July, 1914-132.8
July, 1919-364.3
Increased cost
174.3 per cent.
Average increase in cost of 262 commodities—.
118:4 per cent.
Price of Ford Touring Car
An increase in
cost of only
16'9 per cent.
.Had Ford prices kept pace with the
prices of all these commodities,
Ford Touring Cars would now be
selling at $1311.57 instead of $690
Bw Carter Dealer Brussels
fitk) Vote thscoz)erel
'Pee It
oc. '�
511C105 PMESEfV11S, ,..
- QP�i�lac "
L ! L a t RYS1'
AL .
"eL;ceao `t"+•;
fl ANn nl tS
11W✓Jjll MINI a
the importance of aslting for
sugar lay brand name? Do you
realize that to have El sugar
which will give unfailing satis-
faction in prt`sc rving, in baking,
and for all sweetening purposes,
you should ask for—and insist
on setting Dominion Crystal
Women who use this hi and have
found it to be all that a sugar should
be --pure, sparkling, finely granulated.
And it is with satisfaction they realize
that this finest of sugar is "( ,nadian
from the ground up. A targe path of
the output of our three tootle/it refin-
eries, is oi. teissed 1./(mi t1,1:ant 15..:r
—Lot sit or„ 1 rule in I l ,11 is e t,1m;
proportion of our 0011e1 w) l.0 is
made from Canadian nutter la•, t.:.
Try a 20 -Pound Bag
Moss grLCrrs have I' o ninlon ( ,'fetal
Sugar in 2l1 pound h,rg.: r.s W:11 : • in
barrels. 'I Ley take pride in .selling
thin superinr'C'nnadien product. Ask
your 157Orer for it.
Refineries at Wailaceburg, Chatham and Kitchener
Farm for Sale or to Rent
Being Lot 15, Con. 8, Grey Township, Nor
further particulars apply to
19-bf MRS, PAUL SMELTZER, T.ucknow.
For Sale
Howse and lots, containing Oji acres, In the
Village of Ormnbrook, the property of the Irate
Mrs, Agues Rrown, is offered for sato. Frame
house, barn. Prait treys &e. Possession could
be given 01 once. For further pa'Hanlars ap-
ply to Mee, Tuns. Coal anon pr WJl l',tSl ea N,
Executors estate of the Into hire. Agnes Brown,
Farm for Sale
Beteg Lot 10, Con, 0, Grey township, 2nn1tri8-
tngg 100 stores, alt tinder cultivation. (Jon (o't-
elile trine house, hank beim, gond orchard,
drilled well and never 20 -Bina spring, 2 miles
from Etta! and 7 miles from Brussels. - Sellout
within a mile, Farm must be sold to nicer the
estate. Icor further 0001)ealara es to urine,
terms, &c., apply to W G, POLLARD, Ethel,
or JNO. BATEMAN, 'Oneself),
Bull for Service
The nnderalgned will keep for service, on 9�r
Lot 00, Con. 2, Morris township, the thero'-bred
Short Born Bull, Gainford of Salem, Nn.
D00418' a Sired by Gainford Mmils 11090001
an Mildred Arlt by Hoyrd Railer 11811501 Ped-
igree may be aeon on application Terms -
010.00 for tho•o'-breds payable et time of ser.
vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not
E t57g.''R7t:Playp'2o 5s ."e.?.s"a;T.r'c?;:r.• tr"kI4wr11m'G:'`.C>X:.,ta'K7 r9le3o:eet0at4".'.g,'
Ship y�:.tsi' Cream
Direct o the
3russ&s re eery
Prompt Service Satisfactiary .,s
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
prt ss Charges, Iss;le Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yr,u
will not want to discontinue.
Br cask tree
oily Stewart Brnt
rn:11:54 asauv.,..v....
.er,.—MImc,. .m,.13.o,....a3,+,.,,PV x.fO,,,lf•.:,.,r•e<..,,ewe.oa. -.. .�,.,wzmn..�.a......
Come—name your artist and your selection,
1'11 play it for you, no matter what it is.
Rousing, rollicking, campfire songs, negro
melodies, grand opera—ail can be played pn the
Brant -Ola.
Plays all makes of disc records properly.
Perfect tone reproduction. The world's best
music brought into your home, ready at a
moment's notice.
The Brant -Ola is a wonderful instrument
Master workmen make it in seven different
styles. Finished in Famed Oak or Mahogany.
Easy to choose, a style and price to suit every
home and pulse.
Arrange for a demonstration at your dealer's.
You'll want the Brant -Ola,
John Oliver
'es( '