HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-13, Page 8.. 'tt'.rii„w..s'"t ..nkt+vts ..., ✓S�nF. •n-. •r. /.'- w.+:+,-r'„�,-..,. .- .--- wL, t+4,4.4-,0+04,04 44.404,01,0+.4 4.O*4.1,0*.+444•1.e•1.04.44bi.0+.4• The a1 + Stor Choice luory"e88 Stock Food In planning your Gifts don't over- look the possibilities of Ivory, the most beautiful and popular of ail toilet ware. See our attractive as- sortment of articles in ivory includ- ing- -Mirrors, Trays, - Hair Brushes, -Combs, Photo. Frames, -Manicure Scissors, -Cuticle and Corn Knives, -Nail Files, Buffers, - Jewel Cases, Baby Sets, -Perfume Bottles, Clocks, -Hair Receiver's. -ClothBrushes, - Hat Brushes, --Bonnet Brushes, -Baby St-ts, &e. Window Display this Week Don't.Grope in the Dark - Get an Eveready oayla flashlight which are to be had at from $1 25 up to $2.75 t each. This ie the time eD of year when they are, if anything, or y g, m e useful than ever. Full stock of • Renewal Batteries and Bulbs w _.- 4. Take a look over the Pictorial Embro'dery Book. We can the designs. 170R Horses, Cattle Hogs and Sheep When taking your stock off the grass still keep them in prime con- dition by using Hess' Stock Food. Fed regularly It prevents disease and makes the system take care of all stuff that is fed so that nothing is wasted, Hess's Stock Food comes le- as lb. Pails $ 3 00 to lb, package i 35 41 Ib. package 65 2 lb, package 35 Hess' Poultry Panacea f e+i•1rf.'�a`1•l� "-: t. 3'i4 airsetp'terewerateetvet.ntirr'+•�.is Pure Hooey We have good, thick, well ripened Honey, *� practically all clover - $2.65 For a 10 Ib. Pall G. A. DEADMAN I Hens will stet over the moulting period sooner and Mart laying quicker if given Panacea - 5 Ib, package........ Ssc rj. Ib package 350 Hess' Dip and Disinfectant A reliable Preparation-S5c tins I d - Y} k • ,e We have n full stock of these Prep- arations Give them a trial. R. 8MTH The ore �St en 44-41.4.4.+.+040.14•b• •H+W •N6+b?•0 +++•+,+.+O+••H3.4•N.+4'Fh .404.0 F. order any of Druggist and 'Stationer aca1 l ews lions HEAR the Marks Co., Town Hall Mon- day and 'Tuesday evenipgs CONTINItamON and Public School re- port will be found on the 5th page this week. DID you see the Victory Loan flag flying at the Town Hall ? Canvas ends Saturday. Amin) have been taken to Wroxeter for converting into apple butter and cid- er from Brussels and locality. WaoNKSDAY of last week was the his- toric 5th of November, No celebration in this community however. A number of cellars were fortunate to receive a supply of furnace coal last week, It is said more is expected which will be good news. R. W. MARKS Co. will be in the Town Hall, next Monday and Tuesday even- ings. Latest successes, new vaudeville, songs, &e. Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug store, GRAND TRONg work train hauls the various/ dontingente of Section men to and from Lecknow locality each day where they have been re -tracking the roadbed with heavier steel to meet the demand of engines of greater weight. THE canvass tor the Canadian Navy League in Brussels and' locality, is go- ing along nicely and meeting with favor- able res,rlty. nein it along and if no one calls on you drop a dollar or so at PRE Poor Pubiisbiug House and it will be pesetd ou to the Treasurer. PRINCE OF WAr.aa FLAG hLyING.- Brussels and locality have won the honor of flying the Prince of Wales flag on :lc - comet of '•going over the top" in the Victory Loan objective viz 8175,000. The canvas is not vet completed and thousands ot dollars will be added. If you waut to dip in now is your chance. DON'T forget the next Entertainment under the Lyceum Course in Brussels Town Hail. The cl:.te will he Wednes- day, Nov. 2611) and the highly praised entertainer, Sydney Laudon, is one of the best going. Better buy a Course ticket for the corning 4 eel ertai mounts 8.75 pine War tax will secure it. I•IAvs you invested 10 cue or more 'Victory Bonds yet? The campaign is go- ing with a great sweep sud it is the duty or every good Canadian to give hearty support so that the desired amount may be reached anti perhaps the standard tx- ceeded by a good round sum as i2 former 'Bond sales. Fletcher and Alex. Roe were at, New- bridge to the funeral of James Roe, an uncle, who died in the West, He had been a resident of ITowick Township Purl was welt known. Mr. Roe was 78 year:: of age and is survived by an adult family. His wife: is decease's. ft is G years since he left Howlett. Rev. Mr, Clysdale, Fordwich, conducted a suit- able service iu the Methodist church, Deceased was a brother to Richard Roe, Brussels, and was born in Ireland, RA1LWAv BOARD lOCltL-- ',Tuesday afternoon of last week the Railway Board and Telephone Commission met in Brunets to deal with business matters, There were present Messrs. McIntyre and Ingram and their stenographer anti Expert Dagger, They approved of the Hylaw concerning increased rate on system to meet unforeseen liabilities in way of cable, &o,, and wail grant order for same. In a dispute with Wroxeter company concerning the building of an extra line Brussels office is asked to keep tab on delayed messages for Brussels via Molesworth and report on same to Board so that this data will he before them, Representatives from Wroxeter were in attendance. Mrs. Wm. Ross and daughter, Mrs. Jessie Kerr, have gone to St. Marys where the former will make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. R, McAl- pine. Mis. Kerr will visit in Toronto later. Lorne Pringle, of the Queen's City, visited Brussels in connection with the disposal of the brick restdenee of the late Thos Maxwell, John street to Cou- nor tiros., 16th Con., Grey township The latter and their sister purpose com ing to town to reside and have seemsd a snug property. Two good cows and a steer calf 7 months old for sale. Phone 509 Geo. CorviN, PIANO •TDNINO.-Mr. R. 11, Stewart, piano ltyunaHOslo LBJoho'L ave all orders prompt. CUSHION found, Ask at VIE POOT. /Aeon Grocery Corporation going to Start mon everywhere in a cut-rate grocery bust• seasefreof tfleir own. Earn $80 weekly. Send for plana• Tas Oovace Rete' AeaoOIM'cON, WtNnsOlt. Cows FOR BALs. -1 Fresh ranch cow and 1 due to naive December 1st, Durham grades and good rulleher. Phone 558. J, P. MuIw eoeu, Lot 21, Con, 12, Grey. 0 Pros 5 waelca old for sale, Phone 2912 ORAw0'oRD STRAOnAN. Goon stead men wanted on wood work of Threshing Myaehimae. Steady job for r1g11t snap. Tan Ren@RT,B@LL RNGINE AND TRRRanaa Co.. LTD. SNAP NNW , ONT. 8 PIGS 8 weeks old, for sale. Phone 4111, 10.2 Wu. CLOSE. A 4 -year-old Cow for sale, due to freshen about Nov. 20. MARX L. CARDIFF, 10.8 Phone 428 Lot 10, Con, 15, Grey. BRoon Sow for sale due to farrow about Pas 6th, W11, AnneRams, 1040 Phone 8817 7th Line Morris, Puna bred Older(' Ram end Ewe Lambs for sale. CAMERON Clooe,ANa, Phone 407 Lot14, Con, 6, Grey, roe SALRj Shropshire Ram. Phone 2417, 19.2 Rom, MaNARaY, Con, 9, Gray. Finn Oete for sale. Atex Nraaor, Phone 0012, Morris, Fox SAL@. --0 young Ewes and a Ran Lamb fit for service. Loote HoittNO @70, Phone 456 FOR SALE, -2 comfortable dwelling houses, 1.0. RI0DA0Ds. DR. Paneltn, Osteopathic Phytioiao, visits $rowels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous disease)) sacoessfully treated. Visits residences. Consultation et Queeo'a Hotel, SRRvtes ot the Epworth League and prayer meeting on 'Tuesday evening in theethoc is M 1 t church was one of Intel est and ptcfl'. Service was in charge of the Missionary Committee. Miss Eliza- beth Downing gave a well prepared topic ou Evangelistic work is China, which was followed by a reading by Miss Hobe Piom. It being the anni- versary of the signing of the Armistice, special reference was made to same and 'Vile Recessional" was rendered by F. H. Gilroy, BAD NIGHT 1105' GOOD ENTERTAIN. MIN'S. -Monday eveniig was the tnili. 1 program of the Chant: uqua Course in Brns.els for this season, the first of a series of 5. The wet weather Was a cls• terrent to those who bed not secured tickets, no clonbt, but there was a fairly good audience for all. The program was pot on by Mrs. Fisk, a clever car. toonist and entertainer, who by apt crayon illustration, story and song, wit and wisdom, filled the bill to a nicety and proved the truth of the assertion that everybody has a liking for pictures. Mrs. Fisk, who is a Congregational minister's wife In Clsvelancl, is a ready speaker, droll and practical and gave many a well timed hint and word of advice, Hor c rton 1 work rtquired no label. Smaller towns are not accustom- ed to one person giving an evening's program but when talent backs up the ettort it proves no detriment to the pre- sentation, Watch out for the next date, Nov, 2615, when Sydney Landon will be here. tie's first-class, o LA,r Mntalav Ward Buvhauuan had 2 Rogers of his left baud lacerated be a sew in the Ament lactory and is now having undesired holidays. IPeople We Talk About ti ff Mrs. Wm Clouse and son spent Sun- day Wingham, Win ham M I ollick, Toronto, was in town Last week on a business trip. Ben. Woodley took a hike to North- ern Ontario last week on a venison hunt. Misses Inez McNichol and Grace Thompson spent the week eud with Seaforlb friends, Geo FTaist, R. An:lerson end others front town are worsting at the &tx busi- ness in Wiuglran iu the meantime. W. H. Kerr attended a special meet- ing of the London Conference Mission- ary Committee at Landoll 'Tuesday. Mrs. John Downing is home from Guelph feeling considerably beuefctted by the electrical treatment received. Mrs. Frank Stamper and R. and Mrs. Hamilton and family, alt of Bluevale, were visitors with 13, and Mrs Whit - lard, Miss McMath apeut the week end with miss Lovette Ballantyne The young ladies are teachers of Ethel pub - Ile school. We regret to state that Mrs George Muldoon is not enjoying her customary good health but her many friends hope for early improvement, rovement Rev. C. R, Durrant of Har Co., has beet, appointraw. Esse.x ed publicity mai) in Essex County for the Great National Campaign of the Methodist church. Thursday of last week Mrs, W. H. Kerr slipped on the cement sidewalk going home and fell spraining her right ankle and laying her aside for several days, Archie McCallum is here for a holiday from the West and will visit relatives in Brussels, Morris and other loealities, He says crops were bad in his locality Mrs Jas. Cardiff and Miss Addie ar- rived home last week from a trip of 4 months in the West. They met many old friends dnring their absence and greatly enjoyed the outing. Mrs. Sutherland and Mrs. Graham anti son, Loudon, are visitors at Mrs. A. Hunter's owing to the serious illness of Miss Janet McKay, who has been poorly for some time, we are sorry to Self Arthur McGuire arrived home last week from a visit of the past three or four months with relatives and friends in the West. He was quite ill part of the time but is feeling quite improved nos. Brussels Council Regular meeting of Brussels Council was held Monday, 3rd inst. Pres- ent,. Reeve Plum and Oounoilloro Fraser, Wilton and Richards. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved, Accounts ware presented as follows :- Jas. Kerr, teaming..•. ..... ......$ 6 00 R. Thnelt, Electric Light. 120 00 R. Thomson, teaming............ 12 60 Town of Seafor(.h, use of truck 10 00 Benson Wilcox Co„ electric Cann anpplFish es .00„.....Electric sup- .. 24 00 plies 37 50 Imperial Oil Go., demurrage... 12 00 Express Go. Electric Light Co, 5 80 lYi, Fraser, streets 33 00 It Oliver, solar y 50 00 Fire Brigade, Flax ,Mill Fire 28 00 Five Brigade, Ament Fire 45 00 Moved by S Wilton, seconded by T. 0. Richards that above accounts be paid excepting R. Oliver's and that it 10 be lecreased to 860.00. Carried, Foreman Izenhnfer of the Flax M111 0o., asked the totvlr to attend tc cleaning out part of ditch on Elm street so that Company could drain into it. After balking over the town gravel pit and other matters, Oouuoil ad- journed. 0017N HnnpltrIRa.-At the General Hosrital, Sarnte, on November ltbh, 1010, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Humphries a eon -Leslie Walker, 000t'0 808A101PEB,-In Listowel. on November 8rd, 1010, Sarah Goodwin, robot of the late John Adam Schaefer, formerly of Grey town• ship, in hor 84th yens. SRAl1rle.-At Elgin, Man„ on Oct, 28rd, 1010, Florence May, beloved wife of George W. Sherpa in her 88th oar, Mrs. Sharpe waft a grand -daughter of Jos, Duncan, Atwood, 1N MEMORIAM Lova,-in loving memory of Arthur Wellesley Love, Walton, who died in Moosejaw Hoe - 11101, cot. lett, 0018, Had 1 bat seen him et his Leet, Or watched his dying breath, Or heard the tacit sigh of his heart, Or held his aching head., My heart, I think, world not have felt This bitterness of grief. But God has ordered otherwise, And now 118 recta in peace ; His ohoery ways, his smiting face Are a pleasure to resell; There to nothing left to answer But hie photo on the wall. FAseratt, MOTHER, 8501)x7,8 AND 130001110115 AUOTION SALES TnzanAY, NOV. 1841, -Form Stook, lmple• menta, household furniture, &c„ Lot 8, Comp, Greytownahlp. Sale ntmeser04d at 1 p, an aherp. Fletcher hoe, Prop. L F, S. Soett, Allo, eneAfe6'C14,'ectsp i• le010 , 80, on, Gryownip, Hale lien -served, at t p. 10, Geo, Hanley, Prop. , F. S Sentt, Ate, MONDAY, Nog. 24T11, -Farm ;Stock, im le• merits, 8ce , S5 Lot IS, Con. 2, Morris township. Rale ntlp m, Milton MeVebile,Prop,1 N,S, Semtt, ADD. TtcoSnAY, DEO,Um-Perm Stock, ImPle• mento, &o„ et Let 26, (Tau, 14, (trey, Salo un- reserved itt 1 o'eloak, lo, A, Hood, A[to, ; Thos, Williamson, Prop, ST :+ 0 .", WNV f* --k, . PY..r,'-X�r++.N":IT.-•4n•P.v5fKbM•+ OF' CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO We advise the purchase of Caned.,..9s Victory Bonds as a safe and profitable investment in addition to being a help to your country. Any Branch of this Beek will take 260 your subscription without ohnrlte, BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ®El CI Manager. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat -^ Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Batter Eggs Hogs Wool Potatoes psi' bag Hay 4 1 00 2 00 $2 10 1 65 1 00 1 25 1 26 60 60 6e 60 16 0 16 76 00 I 85 1 001 6 0 Coll -se Dog Strayed Black and tan collie dog strayed from the homy of the nmleralgned Lot 4, Con, 8, Gray, 00 or Moat Nov 5411,. Aninu.l is about half bob tall Saitnble reward, Phone 210 - 111OHA ten JACKLIN, Farm for Sale or to Bent Beteg Lot15, Con. 2, Grey Township. For further particulars apply to 1845 MRN. PAUL SMIDLTZER, Lnoknow. Household Goods for Sale AT D. BLAKE'S Lot 6,Con.13,Grey C y Following articles aro offered by Private Sale:- Kitehen-Range, heater (5001 or wood), table, chairs and other things. Parlor -Library tab- le and chairs to match., 1 willow rocker, 1 elite Pion chair, 1 mission grandfather's clock 1 taberout for jardenier, I ebony jardeuier stand, 1 sectional book Daae, 1 ladies dressing glass, 1 ndasion manual trainingmake centre table, 2 hall trees, 1 lnahogoay cair, 2 leather chairs, 1 willow porch swing, 2 bedsteads and springs, 1 Birdsoye itinplo dresser, 1 Birdaeye Maple bedroom rocker, 1 Birdseye Maple read - Ism table, 1 Princess dresser, 1 small dresser with glass, 1 white enamel refrigerator (cork lined, Crystal snake), 1 large Mina closet (2 upper shelves fitted with mirror, 6 shelves in all), and many other orticlea. Auction Sales AUCTION SA LID OF HORSES. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by pub - lie auction at Miller's hotel barn, Walton, on Friday, Nov. 14111,commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following :-1 span of aged sorrel mares, 1 blood mere 10 years old, 1 5 year old agricultural horse, 1 draft horse 0 years olcl, 2 agriculturalhoreee 0 years old, 1 draft colt 2 ' years old, 1 agricultural colt 2 years old, blood filly 2 years old, 2 yearling agricultural horse, 1 blood yearling, 8 blood colts belonging to first 8 horses mentioned. Shortage of feed reason for sale, Terms -All arms of $10 and under cash; over Clint amount 10 mesollls' credit will be given on fnrniahtng approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per oeot per an - nem off for cash, JOHN IMI00ALLUM, Proprietor, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOLIMPUR• m5NTO, 050, F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, bas reoetved instruotdono from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Public Auotion at Sas Lot 10, 1:011„ 2, Morrie on Monday, Nov, 24th, at 1 o'clook, the following valuable property :- 1 heavy draft horse riahng 8 years, 1 heavy draft horse rising 8 years, 1heavy draft horse rieing 10 years, 1 cow due to calve March 7th, 1 cow due to calve Marsh fiat, 1 oow 101(1,15' good at present, 6 calves about 8 months oil, 8 calves about 5 menthe old, 1 thorobred Dur- ham bull rising 2 years, 7'good steers rising 2, 1 heifer rising 1 year's, 1 fat heifer, 2 geese and 1 gander, Remo 810110 re spreader, farm wog• et, water trough, supply tank, set iron liar - rows, Fleury plow (No 21,) Prost & Wood gang plow, set plow harness, 26 tons of good hay mixed timothy and clover, 600 bus. oats, coal (seater, Terms. -Sonia of $10 and under cash ; over that moonlit 12 months credit given on approved or sed soint notes. 6 per cent off for cash ALL,TON AIOVETTIE, Proprietor, ,1101,_,_. AIJOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, 1MPLE- 0110Ne'E, Fn1Nl!ruen. &O. Jr, S, 8.00, e ee7(oneer, has received instructions from lh•• ndersiggned proprietor to sell by public n a„rion at Lot 0, COI. 0, Grey township, m 7'.. • dee, Nov. 18th, at 1 o'clock, the following 1Oa1r 1 npe!tr :-1 d11 Irg1} 01 6y el irt 9 a -d Inrordriving Dere 4 sows auppooed calf 1 to freshen Dec I t 2farrow cows, 0l 10 calves, 8 steers rising years, 4 eifrs 1 1 r ing 2 yearn, 4 steers riming 2 yearn, 6 hives 51 '.1-e+ Il 511(1.to n 1• •14 6 erns Mowerutile a see ae l 1 ow. hl le,; Urian hr, o ant, disc harrow, ti amend tooth harrow, 'tee pulper, 11 -hoed JamI- se,,ddrill anti -cultivator°,,acolteeth, Peter Danis, top hay c utter, team w atilt; net or , slims, watopgon, on, hay entice, team tvagnn eel box, 11(111 road 4550, a raelq gravel 't c tri stir bob skm tie, road Dort, srt civ j wk. 'talc hvr,•1, se gar het t ie, 26 gal. abed bowel, ha"d eider milt. 2 'ream peen,.40,, flet dnnblr 1)11.0ting 11,41 r.•• 4, 2 Pete 01' tight harness, 0114 nenrly nen' ,v'13 01- barrun',1 home blankets, i4 Potton guile ones, ]own mower, wheat 20 can'dastove w,od shunt 8 00114 of bey, 200 bus. mixed renin, 200 Int.,, oats, any thee, forks aid numernnn other or. Bole», upholstered parlor suite, umh•,galy bedroom suite, bed and springs, piano ahnost new. organ, sewing maohluo, titnhon range, Queen heater, dining room exbeesion table, kitchen table, 2 cupboards 1 with glass top, dishes, pictures and all household effects, Salo without reserve es the Proprietor hoe sold his farm. Terms. -Sumo of $10 and under cash ; over that amone t 8 mon the credit given on furnishing approved joint netee• 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. PLETCH R 8051, Prop, AUCTION RA 115 050 FARM N'r01.1;, 1 MPI, E• tr@NTP, ae. 15, 55, Scott, A00tio17eer, has received instructions from the nndersignnd proprietor to sell by public auction rib Lot 80, 0m1. 14, Grey township, o11 Friday Nov. 21st, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property : 0 cows auPPoad to he In calf, 2.heifers ricin 6 ears 4 minim 1Ves, it number o well bred hens, Frost &Wsod binder gooeas new, Mao is mower, drill, McCormick steel horse rake iliac tuirrow sot 6 section harrows, farm wagon, wngon, 611x, Bet bob sleighs, sot of bunks, Clinton fennmgg mill with bogging attaoent, root pulper, 2 wheelbarrows, grindstone, set heavy harness, set single harness nenrly new, top buggy, 2 mutters 1 nenrly new 2 logging chains, several neckyokes and wllime Tees n y t rsatin g plow, 8doe, grace bogs, milk can, geed cry onus, milk pada, about 20 tone drain goad e, con vinegar several ever, drahl orks, sp ale ,hovel, dder, epode,radlstep adder, !spades, with shelf and re ery ladder, i heron rangedor with shelf and reservoir for either woad or coal, heater, a number of new stove pipes, singer sewing =whine, lounge, 2 kitchen rehire, 1t)t• open cupboard, oval table, onk upholstered Morrie chair, 2 bedroom suite 1 new, 2 bed- aprings, some carpets and matting, clothes horse, set bedsteads,iano ease 0 optive Dominion organ, some oilcloth, double barrel shot gun, toilet set 2 Mottle tea kettles, small oak dash ohurn, good wringer, 2 large hash tubs, sink, wash board, Ray* lamp, 3 Other lamps, 2 doe, panes gleam 10x12 inches, oevernl pine doors, arose cut eew, buck saw , a gaontity of hard 14100d, gine4 and granite were, aom8 dishes. pens and cutlery, 0 number of kitchen utensils, some small tools and other thingo, Sale without reserve 80 the Proprietor hoe sold his farm. Terme,-Stem of $5 and under cash ; over that amount 10 menthe credit gly. en ml furnishing approved joint notes, 0 per Dent off for wash 011 credit amounts. GEORGE BANLEY,Prop. AUCTION SALE OF FAR1MI STOCK. IM- rLEM10NT0, &O, F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, hna received instructions from the undersign- ed Proprietor to sell by Public Auction 8t Lot 1, Con. 17, Grey (adjoining the Village of Wel- ton,) on Tuesday Nov, 26th et 1 o'clock, the following valuable property :-1 general put' - pose mare 0 years old, 1 need horse, 1 driving snare 4 years old, 1 draft horse 4 years old, 1 cow supposed to bo in calf, 1 cow due JMU: ary 20,1 Doty due March 27 1 oow enppooed its coif, 000ws supposed in calve in May, 1 farrow cow, 2 yearling ;beers, 0 yearling lteifero, ti miring 0011)00, Deering binder 7 ft., Deming mower 651„ hay rake left , allltiveto,'. Nnxon seed drill 10 hoe, aan0ier, wagmh fiat hay raclr, clutter, stone bent, set third -horse harness, 80014110e harness, set double brunching Isar - netts, quantity of hey, quantity of maple (500, - her, spades, hoes, etc., glaas;cnpboard balsas, 6 dining room chairs, falling leaf table, lied- abend, 2 Rets bad springs, 111111101.011e other ar- ticlee, Tarma,-Some of $10 and under cash ; over that amount 11 months credit given 011 1 furnishing approved joint 11010R. 4 per cent off for anah on credit amounts. Bey to be 00011. JOHN BENNSITT, Plop, Economy of Ford Service WEAR is unavoidable even in the V V best car, but certain parts wear out more quickly than others. There is no need of scrapping your car because the piston rings have seen their day, because the platinum points of the vibrators are worn out. Probably the rest of the is'. asg ao deans w Medical men agree that the human body is renewed, cell by cell, every seven years. You can do the same with your Ford Gar and prolong its lire at minimum cost by replacing worn parts from time to time. Ford service has been the means of doubling the lives of hundreds of Ford Cars, and cut- ting down the cost of motoring. The fact that a Ford Touring Car, which costs $690, f. o. b. Ford, Ont., can be purchased part by part separately for $917 is ample proof of the economy of driving a Ford Car. It will pay you to have your car overhauled during the winter months. '700 Canadian Dealers and over 2,000 Service Garages supply genuine Ford parts and prompt repair service, 141 When buying, choose a Ford, and take advant- age of the economy of Ford service. S. Carter Dealer Brussels ibteeiC.ElOGNOCClaiati 0000 0(itfife0CM$Q03326i*Gerrnail530fJc'OGUDOCIO4f4, fi Id (3 ! (1 (1at Fox's Dru Store TJ-iE 1 ts, STORE tae'.,x;dul3.mzm¢sae.-iln:aaa3�9x Weekly Store N ws SOLD SHVBIN MILLION 110'1"1`1,145 IN T\\'0 ' l', ,ItS The above figure tllpneso lls Ilse wonderful sale or uuo of our brxt Tunica and 1311ilder- TANLAC IVe !tire 0010 !Lge171R, Greeting Cards Whet' you are in salt to see our new book of Greeting Oards,-nr better still, collie tight in and look t110n1 nem', (11 eat variety. Very pretty, Just a mute n• • following idt of information uttiun were rivnG the ft 17 O few LtOn Owe V Soule l days g 1 K 6 and consider it worth pttvsing slung, \VN have ocrasionai o,nnphdills of „Nipples"nn feeding hobbies "going flat," have you had asimilar expel home e \Veil 11111'7•e to the monody : 'fake an indinary piece of cord about an inch or so long and place it rug rrlr+e the lop of the feeder ; then fit uu the nipple :111(1 mark l0511l15, Simple puu'.es'c, 1811'1 11. ? 'i'ry it f111)'\Vli. y, Pe rsonal will the thin gen- tleuutlt who passed our stub the other day rcuu•ul(101' that Penslar Cad Liver Extract Tasteless a1 ways inereasea weighh 2 sizes - fine a lid 81.00 1 (2) (4) (5) Information Wanted \Ven are the a or 0 people in (owl] who -ha1'NII't 'Vied 1,117' Blond Boot Cough Core • Here's a Big Statamart t r1'l,,,105 R tun of sat - bane) loll 171 every bottle of PENSLAR CORN CURE Try it cud be corl- vinced, Conundrums 49 43 5, • 0 0 5) 0 0 e6i 4) Pi cs 45 vt 4J al 0 O ee w CJ E4 (3 0 4.4 G O H U c 5, N A .i OD to v 45 Add two figures to TO and still have it less than 20. O05 Howist the I ht lettu'tomlc Make u n coat lash � P Why does a man's hair Wen grip before bis moustache ? A lady and a geuilrmau meet. His mothel' is her mother's uuly t'a danghtet•. What is the relation y m We all require it ; we all give it ; we occasionally ask for it but seldom take it. What is it ? el O 43 019 O,h 0J 10'1 ere -The first school pupil who brings 'r correctly written auenans tothe itboce 5 Conundrums wilt receive a 2ie hay of (tatinuPry. JA `rtz1 ES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER 0 4 f3 FS464C 6ii9b4484®0419 t94'9af395t3.i16w43 Stk Reductim dale Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Saturday, Nov. 15112, we start our Reduction Sale. Only six weeks to do busi- ness and we are going to sell a lot of goods in these six weeks ii Price and Quality will do it. Buy Shoes for your future needs and save dollars by doing so. -ltIen's Heavy Working Shoes -Large stock, low priers, --Men's Long 13141h1er Bunts at Silcsc:ittl Imv prices. -Felt Shope for Unties, (-lento and Children, -Ladies' and Gents' Fine. 811000. -Large stock of the ONleheated Granby Rubbers tri keep all sizes of feet. dry. -Rubbers and Heavy Sox for Mien. We moat lower our stook before stock -laking and we'1'e going to do it. Harness Departrnent-Team and SinglnHjn„'nese, Robes, Col- lars, Blankets, Itnge, Trunks Rud Satchels at wire to snake thein wove, RZ'P141iMS-tlrtsh anti One Price to Everybody. Richar s .. �.+.>r�mesrt.uassw,lvrus.�sseu, Prop ro f We have in stock a splendid litre of goods to keep you warts, UNDERWEAR -In All Wool, Fleece -lined and Un - 1011 fat' Men and Boys, Women and Children, KNITTED UNDERSKIRTS -- Dark Grey, for Women, Children's Fleece -lined Hygiene Waists, Heavy All Wool Stockings and Socks, Boys' All Wool Pullover Sweaters. Men's Military Flannel Work Shirts. Military Flannel by the yard, Flannelette Blankets, Mitts, Lined Gloves, Men's Winter Caps, Toques; etc. These lines are selling fast. Give us the privilege of filling your requirements now. R. O. R THW LL, Moncrief .wY,IANni.YWN.h/.nnnr,.nv.n,tirV,+/rn„4JUYn,r.nnnl.nn WJ+(aAnY�h/wrrl6nMCRnia.NknnKnM.