HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-13, Page 7I, are 1:rile; en •y i trundles of stat s store 1 'or winter By the ter; l Perin f f,ic•iene r, we (, ,.ding, They ire cluing it all at a mean to „vete" o fou, u•t cn MAI ht. It c •n .t nl ;ovine, of hu a.in:, and the desired dr ct v atter n,1, wies her the added lideo1 of handling these it be from gr tin retrofire., live :lock ,stalks to the fe'd lot iud ref getting fainting or fr it firming, 'f he aim toe residue sack upon 1 he h'Jds aga,.n. of our farMere is to prod ice r-utieient We have jun t 0010 1ie.ed alio break - from their feline et -e• th, t there may log up of 20 acres where we have be a peefitnl:'e investment for them, turned under the •stalks jest where and at the some time nainta'n the they grew, and we do not know hew fez!" its of thee• fn,,•ms as the w3c1e- the could get 0 more even distribution evel e farmer wen sae the folly of of humus. nor a better job of coneerve rcv"bieg his land, ing }t. 'Ih•ere is but little fodder of 1"e have teemed tram our aseeelae value growing upon cornstalks below tion with the 1 pmt •s of chis country the env, so we get hurt ;as soon BS the that there are very few of them who g eau, is glav;ttg, and with sliaa'p cut - run then farms on a eesine'is basis. ting lodece top above the ears and Every faemrt should !mow just what hind theca brindles into the finest feed it costs him to raise e:eryih;ng that ,mnginaihle for winter feeding in the he pre hee-e. lie -hnrbl know what barn mangers, and have no hauling in every heeled of grail; cost; him, what and out of bulky stalks. evert ton of hey mete brat and every • -15 loan in autumn as 10e get the heel of li'•e et:107.. that he raise•. This coos snapped we break up the soil can be doer, very Ii:uidily by }seeping turning under the butt stalks, evenly a record. Seek .t ro.'ni••l is worth mush di..trihutell as they grow, and thus to ally it 1 it ne :,cry fur eliminate the handling of this bull; seine farmers if they would he site- two or three tineas during• the winter c_'•srfel, es we know that them are feeding. many f ,rinse that are producing! We. have followed this plan fon eev- sotn t their pie.—twee, et a ler ;sea do eral years, and it works so well for us not know it, ani th; s is the only, that we are very enthusiastie tibout it, method by wide}, the• , , d :ermine. and would recommend it to others. this feet, We knew that there ere We start our corn harvesting earlier some ferment who are maiden good in tete fall, for, we can commence top- profit., on crone thimea that they oro•' Ping at least shock, and eeks eks earlearlier thrnI duee a,,1 10;:•• { it cit same nlhe,• thiegs, the f n tot- r with a ey,tem of 11011 cure nut earlier for shucking and Nem a ' irting for bas farm o eros_ ( cribbing. We tan store twice err match time will soon see ,where the leek i, feed in nor barns, and we turn the haaas place ene th-n 110 will be in a cattle into the fields after topping me It e .1 te remedy ;telae defect. and shucking, em no feed of any value Tim pilo , i 0 fanny 0 le g•-hir1 to is lout, find oat •!•intlin•,v bio, 1.1'111 is i'-.:dsig' j Some Milking Machine Don'ts. Th•ie he can di o t' nue ry e i nSE thing that is net pecaiteept fur him,) A e-rnvass of weirs cattle breedore Two men m die lame 1:1.,,.1 of snit and handling mbett')Io. pedigreed cattle, In the sante eeneen will obtain very' and naturally extremely critical of all difl'crei,t result; in the ,,ante year. This' aspects of milking machine use, pro - 1011A very for ibly brought to our. at-' duced helpful cautions. Many hreed- t0ntrnn during the past few weeks dor-, ere as well as market milk farmers ing a c•1,• cosi by a faun management now use machine milkers exclusively, deli,an,teator, who we* taking recr:rds tend they can antelligently discuss the in the section h tre we i'':i to, These: ways in which inexperienced owners records were for lost , ..r and were' of machines sometimes make mistakes. taken by the :•nine man and tender the; The dealer or agent selling the ma - same eys•tem and it showed that the chine the over -enthusiasm sometimes OM mon h:ul mad., f! b00 00 Itis faun; paints the milking process as so of one hundred and s isty acres while: simple hy machine an untutored child the other farmer on til equally as; tan do it, tvhich isn't so. Machine geed farm of eighty Green in the sane' milking isn't a fool -proof operation— section lost over $1t0. •yet, One :rf these formers will be die-•, "A man must make sure that all the satisfied and soy that there is no! milk is taken away," said one breeder. money :n farming, that the marked `You must be on hand at the proper lire no good, that hared help is too ;,tame to finish up each cow. With some expensive, and yet his neighbor made] cotes it i8 necessary to strip, but many a handsome profit frcm his year's of them, particularly the younger work, while he worked at n losis. We ones, will milk out clean if a little • S say that the fault here ins with the • weight is added to the teat cup., and farmer llirneelf and that nabbing but' the uddete manipulated a little. How - an application of business principles ever, if the attendant is not on hand to his farming will help, hire out of I at the proper moment, and the ma- ttes difficulty. The farmer that is, chine is left running, the colo wail hold making mrnney it always to be found+ the strippings, and much time is lost at the agrirultui'a1 meetings and farm- I in band stripping before it can -be got, ars' gatherings, seated well up in if at all," front, trying to get some new informa- "One thing a man must do," cau- tion, while the fellow that is not doing tions another dairyman, "and that is so well does not attend, as he is afraid that he will be criticized for his poor showing, and so he gees Nlong year after year, We should all p •ofit from 1" a HERE is a nip in the air these mornings that must be rather sharpato the man who scrapes his chin whezi ;'Laving himself. If he used a Gillette Safety Razor, he would positively enjoy shaving every morning, he would look his best at all times, and there would be no cutting or chafinl, of the skin! Furthermore, in the time i.e noir takes to get his old razor edge as near right as he can, he could finish shaving with the Gillette. Stropping and Honing would be a thing of the past for hire. That alone is worth $5,—the price of a Safety y azo u Any dealer who is anxious to supply teen's needs will gladly show you a variety of Gillette sets. See him todaya if possible. d�3AOE IN ; xi C IiiA014.1' ,;' 'tA'wi' I'HE WORLD MIEt 1 569 INTERNATIONAL LESSON NOVEMBER 16. • Witnesses of Christ's Glory—Luke 9 Golden Text, Mark 9: 7. "About an eight days after." The reference is to Peter's confession and the conversation which followed. There had been time for the disciples to think very seriously about and to dis- cuss with each other the things which ,Tesus had said. See Matt. 16: 13-28 and Luke 9: 18-27. For the story of the Transfiguration compare Matt. 17: 1-13 and Mark 9: 2-13, The purpose of their going into the mountain apart from the others was simply, "to pray." Jesus sometimes makeup his mind to keep things clean. went apart alone to pray. He may A milker if properly cared for will often have associated one or more of produce clean milk, but if carelessly the disciples with Iiim, The privilege of those quiet hours in solitary places must have been great indeed. The place was somewhere in the :foothills or upon the .slopes of Mount Hermon. Dr. William Wright, who knows the mountain well, describes a place upon the summit, 9,200 feet above sea -level, which be thinks mask have been the scene of the disciples' vision. It is an irregular, angular space, four or five hundred yards frotn edge to edge, surrounded by a jagged fence of broken rocks. Ito says, "There is not another spot of earth so fitted for the Transfigpration as that plateau, the loftiest place on earth ]mown to the oven of the Bible; the land of Israel spread out below, and the vast king- doms of the world hemming it round." See Peloubet's Notes. haandleckit can become the very worst the mistakes of others. Ther failures source of contamination imaginaltid." should be our tvaruing signals and onr I "The mature cote gives about half danger signs. la pound of strippings, and the heifers An -other thing that has been over- scarcely any," stated a Holstein breed - looked by many farmers is the vela- 00. "I believe the machine would take tion of live stock to grain famines! practically all the milk if left on long This opens a new field for many farm enough, but it would not pay. I find ares, as food nr,imals are high at the' it best to halm the udder worked till present time and pure-bred animals the caw 10 ready to let down freely are in great demand. This also offers'. before putting the machine on, and a velua'ble method of maintaining the also to take the machine off as soon fertility of the sail from the use of as it beghis to milk slower than I manure. Wo believe that the live stock could by hand. Thus the machine is industry will flourish for years to kept working at its maximum all the come and the farmer that devotes hie, time, Instead of sitting around. and energy to live stock farming has a' evoleitig for it to finish up a cows• I bnight future ahead of hint. put it an another one and finish by hand," How to Reduce Cost of Handling The successful herdsman on a well - Fodder. j known breeding Lam believes "that One of the real needs of our farms many farmere'imagino that there are to -day is a more even return of fer-'no strippings, when the •real fact is tility to our soils, that they haveleft the machine pulling The mantra spreader is solving this away after the milk ceased coning, problem to a certain extent, hot we ;lists eau`nlg' .0 eo,nfolt to • find that the manure sprender is not and leading her to refuse to let clown thing more real and tangible than a advantage out to the best advantevert to hand stripping. 011 the soh' dream experience. The faro of Jesus upon many farms, and the watt eel tact of handl stripping, another breed- was shining with a strange. and won - piles of stalks led straw which lir- in er who followed it declared that no- dei•ful light, and His "raiment was 'barnyards all summer tong, are of thing had prejudiced fanner; more white and g'l�.vteltlnl"." ltlorenver, two It is plain, from verse 32, that the three disciples were sleeping, and Luke says, "when they were Awake, they saw his glory." In their dreams they may have been prepared for what they now saw, but it -was ,mme- little value as a fertiliser. lige; nst the machhte m 11 er h" ;lien stood talking with hits, Mo.em, Wo have c<ftc t 1mnd, red why 80 agents who claimed t1 - e ,cleat 'lid great law -giver of the anCleilt thnt Many of our farmers work and tug alb tic•.+, require to be followed by 118111 and Elijah, most conspicuous of the. winter long with great armlaad:t of. milking• - prophets who- did battle against Beal lend all his 1 0 1c. To their n toniehed stalks, pltving out long' Pikes for .----_ strength to the heart of Jesus him- self, 'burdened as He was and sorely tempted by thought of the ordeal through which He was so soon to pass. For the disciples it was not merely a spectacle staged for their benefit, but an experience shared with their Itiaster. They shared His temptation and His suffering; they shared also the revela- tion of His glory, and the testimony borne to Him by their own heroic and marvelous past. So wrote Dean Stan- ley: w "0 Master, it is good to be Entranced euwraFtr alone with Thee; Till we, too, change from grace to grace, Gazing on that transfigured face." w i , When a disease particularly danger- ous to human life breaks out in a community, a quarantine is enforced during the time of its height. Why isn't the same idea right for hogs when the cholera is among then;? It ]oohs to me as though it is, and there is some evidence among neighboring farmers that it is one way of; keeping down the dreaded disease. The cost of vaccination is not great, but it runs up in a herd of 50 hogs. The cost of a building is rather big; but it lasts. Hogs have to be treated often as your pigs grow 09 and are marketed and -others take their places. I ant not personally able to stay just which tis the cheaper, One neighbor who had lost hogs in a cholera siege before has now a pretty good hoghouse made of cement. It is made for keeps, and is tight. It is large enough to keep hogs in day and night, and that is just what he does when cholera is around. Gerais of cholera ore carried by birds— sparrows principally, I am sure—and also on people's footwear. A neighbor will unknowingly carry them with him, and may do it carelessly. The result is the same. Dogs are another source of tins traffic, and more clog ' laws 017 nice enforcement is needed, . I Now, I wonder if in two years or something like that the expense of invested in et rheep for hogs to ti -vita• hogs would not he bet.wl be 1:rpt when (tenger tonnes in the neighborhood? The nein who owns - them would have much batter gains,' undoubtedly, and a good- cleat more cn,i+fnrtabletllna caring for'Mein than without buil,!ic that will house, thrra. One eo*,try agent tells me flint; the results from treating last year ,haw it to be 9i per cent. efficient., -'Phot to splamlid, and meet of tie !mew the a,t•nite in oar own nei,1'lahcrheod. ;Vonl•l oat quarantine '00 1 1 c ffio cot, 0(1l11111 'p:• tl t v-e-yealr Celt? . getbing this -10(1) husltcrl and the heavy t vision )rot -11 the :•tercel leas end pro-: Lucky IAA/ Mean theete of thou own .:;truer lylstoi'y bore) tl•-- =--' a=-.. .. - - live never heti to sit and darn te•itinla)ny to tl1 air Master and spoke The Groat Welt f"r:rrl(slelit A pale of socks for Ad,nu; of Ili, Heath, j Lean Company. silo couldn't knit, there 1011(1 no yarn Toronto Office. 2- t( Ina 015 Wet% Or n edl f•1- 110 ono bed 'nut, Of ;line's withra lili0tt I purvey iv/c, allowed cel 3;1T}ails• illy mewling p 1 111 .l+tl•lut;, Int reef cemented quarterly. P iehdt-swablc by Chequer. laleee on Debentures, fogs;;'; payable half eese1Y. Paid up, Caplin; ,$2,4.1.^.,S7e, egtieetreeene 'llry.013 V t� !1 v,1 A limited quantityet' $tic's (jirds 111110,11k•r Sale meas, 9aaNples rine' 11u c pts' tit•+! ,lret. Welty ;lam: 'Wipe never (tamed a sto lcilne! ra11 e eitrd, latter sp l c- 1(111a1::1volyi 118 ,eta his wont, but toot knewinr:•1 wh„t he sail! liven as he •:, a '1'o d, :ye ural; into hated lumber: cloud of milt :waled upon thea 111 'fake a piece et tae bacon mid r1, 1 111 i ti 1 and hid lite vision from their rp ie 0. ennvau.nit piece t h, e 3101 ;y.,. Out Of the doted t tel..e clst- i ti, ;gust:. 1.:111 1111e11 you isle nj1 0 de 1,u'; de -:ns tit be liar tion of :ludo' lad ; ar11 the titbit, iwtcl Mow, n third weal 1 Le cions; eeeee l i11. * tc:,r,'1 da' 111, 10,1;";31 of the 11x!1 t!u•nl:ti" the ;dellow it11 .leis. at. cake, care to get no f;rett00 ne It teas len reepeeit'nee never to hal the: head of the nail, dt ?greased na,tl Sorge:eon. Each or the thrcm G'ynolstic will en ar.tasoned ator other Itm, d Ccn 1 c1 s tells the rtor The vision •wee da easily. valet have brought cnulfort and: 'lhoti&ih they remembered :11 viii:; long ,iter and unle.;stood its ineenime. better oft erthe (031011eitc•e:. - of the death aunt el it 1',n t . t Jcet t^t at tllr:+ moment- hey were ire1. dHerod Look a the wrens 1131pie, 110W, lard 1:.,1', ' it) Sorg.," L. 1. $ 011,. Your '1 e..,+. i^1 1,: t0 > , tepe^'in nin' :lateen till furnish;en] trite eereeleg eek, c, lie Tet 1 h •1 tlr Y, )net,;1 r u, 011101'3 itt etre we:'1d, . - 22 pee e'm'it. of all the Meat they t•ontume <10)1 0 fen 1 • 1 the het Frees., i t ix-"• wall tl rat, 1t 11 per ,:tat, Cenadirtns 1140 only about 7 per tient. d. : r•3 '19,. a 'fh;t^ti. t1,1c„ of"it 11tie140 , :•,,id+.r rood :1 •1 r!at!ti J 1 ) gdog, a got •i111t, r. teepee;oiou; 11331.:Tn e.111.. "len foe superir,r to y011." eaitl lra.ldy, ease atetl, hong l -,!es, l !,ave, and hew met -h i +rot I can reel" "Pat end s I tl, ti' L, grumhle'1 the eeld r. "14 hat ;wood is n1110;119;2 THE TRAPPER, , . Skin YouC•'urs Right If Yea Wu It Was • Cot*l Ecaoz wh For My Father. A (013111!,i' of Nolte is the , ,matey stopped by ol,e day when aro, V:Cr1 making some 'Mangos In our 'Souse. Ile <'11,- ted down ;ran 1,iit 1 lggyi awl, hl ing glad t ;!' u 1 rc„ to loaf, I cit:1 t erlt to tail. 11 .t..ls, 1. ,Going to put ail tieoee tlu•oc bath- run you spin'" Full Value For ''eine l.ifortt:, tubi in on Lru c" be t ke i1r- `-.pi.?' �a',l Da.. Lolu;•leir. cr;dtloue'ly, ain't nt.tdt 10 .,tlruini;! t: in Y:111 Tit duty of th t .;aper 1 O1,'"; hN- I told him we had figured it didn't run':" gun v.h1n he ha t 'lien I1, at..h Ito n cu -t much marc. to hare .+1 the i)1,+h- the traps, An immri an* tail re_' "•I don't 311,0.0 to ecu?," mid th tall. ,.c t.antea., while :.e. x -err: about -puler. "I sit ee setae ; n l kit ath r :naiil5 before ,ul i nit' in. nets to it. • market. rind that 1. to ilio; ,.he. an•reals folio; der the. runnirnt, S1 114' .�g's the ' t'o'ng to have a furaiace, too, ,1 bc:a!" properly. ::ec ' he added. '•Kuru s,,•,, the i co t l" c . d my, era All the animate t1'-lp 1 in North p I 101 we were, Shaking one of his lc<,a an .i••;. 1 oat l arc: t) ..,ted in cue re ttvn' 1V"cn he spoke next there •eves a w• ,vs 1lir 11 'Flinn are 011,111-„7,71 e d Just th 1 0 terrific gest r f wind certain COnci - t,e 11 n n . •ei age cs, As or ta''''''n .orf "oven•" I1' r:,tt•t en' came ,a c I,r. arr_ttnil `11 c roar ofr r P if hr real3:ud d ko t rhav -o dill m'1, the porch, reei'..hr LonTae e :�w i+, some are p-e..raile fu. ''I'le cut and take and would tike to have saved ns veining, 31 d he liid t21 r thee • ;hot lie' creme p dt t,3de tit. . from lt, thought w1,; bet which was to run,Cla;mg a pelt means 4h t too poolI never Rico; do much for such I -__and hie long legs carried him safely it from the body of tin a 'mel int rt. things,' he said, '•I figaee my place to a hole between the be ids of the Here i; the way 10•,ct 1,..,r,',..43'00•01 1 ;1,0 good 0410 <h f•",r ray fail:cr and it porch. trappers say to do it: With a sharer it ; ni I t :.a r h e'er me." I And the Kidder—he sate the terrific, knife cert front the h ; cf the it A its drove y I got t tet wonder- gust of wird coma m noel be 11et t},e doyen ea,h hind leg to the feet, Alio h g holy :Huth of the t t t s failure to tilting that he thc,rp.nt t'e`., h ;t, :;hick cut the Ain : rc ,+. elicit the t s a ,.i preg,r •-s can be uttributu.'1 to that nage. Thew u= tad • the car 114 ;vats to coin. Quick a a fi t h he soon p ani eta phi e i the hint k•t.•rs and tvitil a k •:�1.1, +,tats t t �a web round a plin'1 h reseed I hitt ate err„ can tar?.:rugs ' and rot,n 1 hint o that h ire, tied pelt 1 cent so that yeti Will net tear the w li re rt 1 s n tele rg,uNt .tt .Why fast and the gut o% wool did net'Pelt, begin pulling (loA 1ani, nttl me iralrosemeaa?? "Why be so die - carry him on. ; you have peeled the whole ri-'t f cm „+; _food with the reads, er the water !11 When the terrific gust of wind halt t `eeairimai{, 1• silo If the tn;t i. t illi ,tip sly, or the sch1011? ;ane somewhere else Daddy I ngt.- a 1 tt rh rid l,e 831100011 al^n, and All- these ;hinge have been .so in stepped out of hie hale. I it jest. ere the 1 ono eemovtl• 1 the 'milt; our feth: t :.cel very what !'crime of that i'1 h ,ni.ler' If du l at e never bar. e'.) enc to well with them, Why elieeie•1 their who could not run," said he. �,,,1 the ca: ng your catclles it w .all' r,1, wise ch;idre;i want anything, better ? to have some seasoned trapper 13100: The answer to that argument, it spider began untying his weir and muttering to himself, "Nie, I wronder 3ten uiS,if.s done beforetvc attempt -ani ; to IVO, is 'hat every man who a. ;chat became of that slily Daddy' care U,i,l :',i It but a task rat tt losses amu titer to anything a;gilt to feel a Lon„IC •;:i who could not spin?”1 ut y eu are re ai.l by sen„„ f mid, m or t31 :s vile world at 1 "Why, hello!" died Daddy Lew-; the better prices that well .l;inned, lew„t a little natter than he found it. legs in surprise en be c::nte np to pelts will bring. ! S. me men 11k- Ci eine ocean, and w uel0 the ;1der ,: untyir.:; himsalf,l The `•open method } 1. el Here pr:,.cent W 1 of -tl I411,1 George, "Why, hello! Thought you'd be blurrn ally on coon, beaver, badger,mountain have the m ufirot oppert+city of • atop the roof by this time! "'inti I :lion and bear. With a e t11e, knife -lit lift'ag all civil, a -1c t;; a ]':,tic higher thought you''! !,a clear 117 to the clouds' ne pelt down the belly from the law plane, by now!„ said the spider to O:u'.dy 1 to the base of the tail. Also mal: 10' Other men Icave nobler cities as a Long'.leg;, j c s rs down the back of the hind record of the favi that they have lived. "Well, you see note," said Daddy, wngging his long kg triumphantly. "Running was the best" and the in..ide of the foreleg,,g Chi3stlpiter Wren ;vas one of Then peel the skin off gently, taking these. The fire that wiped out London special care when you came to the in the serenteeitth century' was a "I see nothing of the sort!" cried head not to rip or tear it. Never out blessing in dist aise, bcl:,ase the gene vire spider, popping' his eye. "Spinning the head off. After you have clone hes of Wren ere,,ted a liner and more was the best." Then both. of them this remove every Dunce of surplus., lovely Loitdcn in ; is stead, flesh on the pelt.Most of us work neither with civil, stopped chart, 'cause they 310.31 dis- Next comes the stretching of the! motion or with elides. Our influencd covered something. "Why," said Daddy, "I see how it skins. Steel stretchers may be pro- is confined to a little town, or a fee( is. Spinning's the best for you, and, cured for this purpose, Jho not at aeras of land, or a single household. cunning's the best for me." I tempt this alone add unaided or with -I These are our kingdoms, and the "That'•s it! That's it!" cried the out instruction at fir: t. Ai 10100 mane fact that they are small ought not to spider. "Shake hands, Daddy Long- is to write one of the big reputable excuse us from the obligation to Mee legs, shake -hands!" And they did., fur houses, asking for explicit' and de-; prove them just as much as we can. So you sea both were best. That's, tailed directions for stretching skins, When I get to the end of en lifer often the way with things. When, Day Drops Its Curtain. There is something about the end of a day on the farm that helps and rests and comforts the tired man or exper4ence. I years. And every time a proposition. woman who will take the time to give ] The importance of thin task Cannot. has come up that would improve the it play in the soul. We do get weary,' be over -emphasized, because unless' town, I've Helped it along. To this `kin, are stretched properly they will }ant, at least, the mond is a better even though our wont sloes lie amid. so meth of beauty. Things press hard not bring full market value, 1 place because I spent a lifetime in it." all through the day. We must 'be busy I The drying process is not so diff'-+ Elijah in one of his periods of le- as long as the sunshine lasts; but cult. Always remember that skins jection went over into the woods and when night mince On, and we have! must -be dried in on cool, shady place; salt down under a juniper tree. And rounded up the labors we tact: up so, and keep ftt'•es away from them. Never he prayed that he might die, bravely in the morning, a hush comes' dry skins in the sun or by artificial; "It is enough; now, 0 Lord, take over the earth, If we will let it do heat They must not he t:llov:ed to; away my life," he prayed; "for I am so, that- calm will find its way into our wrinkle or get brittle, and if for any;1 no better than my fathers." very souls andcurb meny of the aches' reason they start" to get too dry, obis - His notion was that when a man is that have come with the passing day., ten them from time to titne with a. content to be no better than his We look out over the old farm, think; wet cloth, taking care however, the:t; fathers he might as well be dead, what we have been doing through the' this moisture doesn't remain when the ,end there is corsicierable to be said day and ask. ourselves if it hits been furs os shipped. done the very best we could do 11.1 - ---- .- That is what tells the story of a really1 happy, successful hife. To do every l Sunshine is one of the best disin- day's task 50 well that we have no-� fectants• 1 Want to Keep Warm? thing for which to be sorry when night Rainy days in Autumn are excellent comes. For sometimes we times to put the tractor in shape for, Do you wait to be warm this autumn t get in the next season. P and whiter? Then read oil, of our work. We fret too much, Andy Blunted sewing chine Needles; al hurry; we akin over the little deails + Exercise is the thing! 31)t it is not machine possible to get is., ne enough of tits hurry and the worry cense us to may b+ i;harpeued by stitching' it. Tet it can be Hated that the warm. leave a part of our duty undone or through fine sand paper. I ing effect of exercise is not sometiting slight it unduly. Leaves contain relatively large, that passes gniokly. It lasts sumo Has that been ser to -day? stuteg' amounts of potash. Use then' as a hours. A brisk walk from, say, six hero in the ttvalight we take saner,' wirier mulct and spade them unlor till seven, would Lind you warm at ten, nlnre sensible views of life it Hui••htl in the spring•. And if you tnnrot, by stress of weath- to be, We c are sally we made filo nils -1 er, get cu0 for exercise, most houses takes. Vde resolve ;lint wD will do ''''''''''''''''''='''''' � „� , 1"eve stairs? better on the. morrow. We rise from our evening trysting with the great r '� � jl f �� � L::seise, too, holder other than warm- ',.�..t.,i .:„, _ ing merits. It prevents chilblains. .311 'K'i`t'.., IGF to cult you; ..:":::;1.1 .:4t"s � And after exerci.am---ter, better still, o1en' sa':;heal as its partner—comes food. Food 10 �. 1 Gvcrrannrsn,wt1, with alAst. cAFn de - literally the body's fuel, and creates $ e, .ale . e ti' l'it tic fer i“ fat heat. Dat,all food does not create. the The net's; Whistler told an inquirer v •--s`1t I 1 seine am a ,t of heat. Some lower t` l --•".,, -� '.,q with. mien winter °i that he mixed his paint with Drains. cntnfoo. In whtt.er, the heat -producing food:, 11 1 the 111000852111 fanner mixes his The (01Lt-1000 COM:PA.sty, Limited lilts porr,ti,re, fat mc;.t, dripping. ,1Af,i'rnc NN nAr,�,. r,, Kwron11°"15 _CANA AA tertili:.r 'all brain _. stews, bm'rr, bacon, pork, and oily _- . • - _ .. _. .. _ I:eh-s-e.1nnom mullet, enc, --should bet "•""'^x1,„ 8iae nognn oi0,^ 51,3 re? mins WW1' eaten. SIOw i111,:tleatiOil, plus exer- ei• :,,,. `'a tee � " ,h rM pi t' � t„ r: -:e, Will Ct•abin all the&n fonds to dl :C h R" sbody, . o-:•4 + • .tea it • at d warm lh -c � is y 1 i. i 6 'i' f t e I �+ �y t 'A ,t4 4 qd �� ��1,{t � (( Lan- p try@, {yg `i'� {y� Y .n CUV r�4ta ,. i.t '���lla �1R�1S�NY� 1. i Gt u c, Clothes! as! t1' think that to (' c of I g When '•aur. tonics are snt,Jeo,rd to changing weather warmth we must have weight. That t .•stn ,.inno re at•letet' end spring, their syrtea,8 hncutne Mutt is a fallacy. nee,, weight makes us r•t:n. tel rt) the, iia, i that tlikT aro very unsee tibte t8 a^:atelns, •, iaultiteasa, Xlalceye, cetwlen dna aorto, Brntwiti feel hot for the time, but what is haF- 4 x N v 'sill to -T your Pars. In gold condition, s1 his 8 etOni eau, p0llilig Is ;brat: we are 511110altl.ar11131 ani ,(;a 1, 'o word : n' iiyrer•... Buy oil ;cum• eh•uode,. 1• ”" r^ SPeesee nentetont, co., Tatra„ *mien, tea„ rr.s4. body heat. 1 tesently we shall bo very ..----......................--,--...-e.-- ... -..., cold, Winter clothes should he 1008e, so that the Mr batter can form. Two ;;��� 1r-g� F;1- q-„,�+, _LT p�gt+� PAY? thin volts, not close-i.ttiug, are tun MR. li'nA � Y•r1A�.R! DOES lis R A .R')C LI'.aG 8-A ? anitely Netter than 01111 tltie:lk one.' Wl-IAT YOU RECi 1VE; . Clothing, generally, should 3m of no 1 littshel W1 it. f2,1; 1 large Muskrat Skin, 52.50 heavier texture than will repel extra t log of Potatoes, ee 0 1 Red Fox - . 025.00 olid winds. All also is waste. The ma - 110 :tet stop g1•o"wniei 3'11'12 and J. :Vert, bot start Treenttlg' ;trioti should be wool, not because wool 'v* "makes you warn;,” blit because -it } ti r f tp n e7"..7 „77,4 ,_F ,':n " {{ ^F+L a eansrrvcs the heat wltieh radiates e•-..s._...,.,-Jeetet__9 ctaase.,ee ceeee.,,,U ...to.tr1.,:moo.-.,e1 t from your body. and any other information about pre -i I would like to be able to cheek over paring them for market that you may the record and say: need. You will find that the fur house; f "At least I am leaving my land a is willing to help you at eve••y turn' little mere fertile than the previous of the trapping game. Also observe owner left it. I've put the house in and adopt the methods of trappers of., .such shape that it will stand for fifty in fever of that prcpositien,--Bruce Barton. -� quiet all about ue, stronger to will and to do. filesse3 be the evening, time! of the farm, - It.alto yota full 1016 ;:11(110 111101he us protitr,.i:lo es your oaring' rasa stu11m511, while to z, 1, u ill r,: 1 'hove urs not a rewrote. to l vent, they sone for ieonperl' nal met stem the ,.1:41r11101.1$ ',•otut'nn you east make Froin <rapp1011% 'foie ret "N nolo+, 41111 toor, floor :-345 large SIaskrat talent ata you So tor a Tim 3m entrance of dirt into milk iv he+l:t^i ee whe:•i, mei :en ' 4 tw::ive times 1,v emelt for ane 'NY. stein as for obloe iot a bl a betas ,l eotem Ali other limes of furs will 8iio10 1t8 favorable a coin- I'I t 11, a from two staiidpailYi;,dt: nnt-is•en. ttrile to: ire. price list' and cuotatlon on troops, S, sanitary and economic, The contain4 li06!INC2R WILLIAM8ON h CO, i? ination of milk by manure may adn :i»N&tealA"n, .a .y"d Z,Tr`as;t i1K.==1rainN`3..t,""era 11< v er 'Et ti t re tr vcotera tran'h, 003 trin0008a„ aWewtampon, e, o1rCaglalnli.slns which are i1j11thihua til