HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-13, Page 4Cabe hrmmseIa ' THURFIIIAY, NOVEMBER t3, rem KFE( an „pen eye for bogie; money. A0rOAtoE1LE laundries HIB inctraSing in number and will ill a long Tett want for a lazy owner. PROVINCIAL Horticultural Exhibition is on the program at Toronto, dates be- ing Nov. Iris. MACKENZIE KING. leader of the Lib- erals in the Dominion House, is 45 years of age, and is destined to take a fore- most place in Dominion polities before many years roll by, SEVERAL standard hotels have had their licenses cancelled owing to nnwitt- inguess to observe the Canada feniper• ance Aet. Ohl Booze te a had codger to control. He's a IttW Fmnsher and de- serves ne sympathy. Tans is a wonderful Autumn. Here we are nearly halt through with Novem- ber and are picking second crop rasp- berries, strawberries and le quets of out door flower's. Ontario is surely the banner province and it is a great privi- lege to be a resident of it. IT is proposed to change Municipal Electron in Galt to New Fear's Day to give electors a better opportunity of pol- ling their votes as the proposed date would be a public holiday. Some fellow will likely kick to have it on Sunday Now that coal and gas stoves come in- to more general use as Winter apprnnch• e5 great care should be exercised in guarding fine danger from gas suffoca• tion. Despite many sad warnings the public is veru careless and apparently heedless of danger. POPULATION of Galt is 12,454. Few more substantial towns are known in this Province than this Manchester of Canada. The town was partic'ttarly for. tunate in the type of the leading men who located in Galt and whose faith and works were so well exemplified. Other towns might take a lesson with ativan• Cage. CANADA's welcome to Admiral letlicoe will not he stinted in his itinery. The freedom of the Dominion can very -properly be accorded this lion hearted man who has done so much to keep Britain's Rag flying to the breezes as the watch dogs of the seas kept up their ceaseless scout. Hurrah ! for Jellicoe A close watch will be kept on the U. P. O. government by both political parties. The new Government have the chance of their lives to make a record and it looks as if they are going to give it a vigorous try -out, Their plattorm is a good one and the affairs of the country 2apably and economically menage.tl would mean a big feather in their rap. We hope they will not learn the tricks of the old time politicians. Lucxwow Council has a legal squabble no the program over the purchase of the Electric Light plant from Mr. Stewart and the Court will say in December who is the owner as the town dads did not sold to their bargain. Coal supply ran short and the lights went out. The Se- poy village is now back to gasoline and coal oil lamps and lanterns. It looks to us as if a few hundred dollars were like ly to be squandered if their law suits turn out as unsatisfactorly as Brussels experienced. Rxt:IDsNTs of Stratford are putting up a vigorous kick because the authorities have made an order for rnmpulsory vac. cination and the tnerlicos are charging $1.00 per pnlient for the service. 'Phis is a trifle high. we would say where a wholesale business is to be dnne. Peuai- ty is a $25.00 fine if law is not obeyed within 7 days of posting tip of notices. A mild attack of smatipnx was the cause of the proclamation. LADY AsToa is the Liberal nominee at Plymouth, England, for the vacant seat in , the House of Commons. Elec tiou day will, he November Isth. If Lady Astor wina she will be the first woman M. I'. Canada is more radical as "we ran the risk" some time ago and find sex is no barrier to good work in parliamentary circles, especially as some occupants of chairs in the legislative chambers have been wickedly dubbed "old women" and "fish wives." CANADA fell in love with the Prince of Wales, Not flirty 'young girls atone but +staid, gray haired women and cool head- ed men were caught in the swim. The young feliow was so offhanded and de - roomette in his °Jake rap that little of the customary red tape wee worked off and the only apparent danger to his Re ytrl Highness was that he would be mother- ed. ffe styled himself as a "brother farmer"onaCCOnnt of big recent purchase of a farm in the Weer but that's nothing as we are all courting the farmer now Wince they,obtained the Provincial reins hldd Will do tits (driving. 11' Cell I.l':, '1N°a t (111 , 1J'i;li � ^ .t 4+l�il t lti1C1\ J Iu9.; i,ru JT!:C. 4'Yllt. 1:1 a rile tile let a i Kat/ACHE! rr t tf,0'I t 1 I4': 1° STA; TeeeN10} Ittn•,s nit, ban 1u1. d n rsi t",o tie 1 1 till! I 1 t Ili Fj .(1t )t..:,tt1 t p. Ct. , 1041 i p„ ['O.:t,Carl ill ,fv.•, I t r t',' n:..:...,t ti_bt e, m,. i,5 y.u•, •rR C. "tde ,•"ti,tn tI 4'.Ine i l' •,1it �:.t cram are MIL: 1: all, Wit!!it ftraatulrn1 yott 1 1,e 5010 ,'tneca1n,,.'t it 5'1 ittr otit t. . t1 - 1 :reHt- inr ,n 1 , 1.01 11, - t 145 Kati;.ate). We',n.,.. anyw.tcic on receipt' Sole:agent 10 Brussels, Jae.Nox, Druggist. TUESDAY was Armistice Day, a year having elapsed slice the war drum ceas- ed. Many a resident of Canada turned. their though's ,,vtisras te a uh do cross grave while he thankfully remembered the proclamation of a ra month that stopped the terrible carnage: May Peace that is honorable long condom• 'Plug great Forward Campaign now programmed in Canada affoids a fine field for hearty co operation on the pert of the rank and file 01 the members. With the emphasizing of the various phases of lifework there is ample oppor- tuni'y for proving that it is a "man's job" and by a heartiness ;Ird op,itnism one of the greatest undertakings in the history of the churches may he made an urqualiided success. There's no room for idlers as the bugle cell is "For- ward " "Mae ton !" appears to he the se ments of not a few who think ni.W an opportune time to push their claims for preferment at the banes of Premier Drury. Many a fellow who usually re- g:tired a political attrvevor to loeale hint, is very emphatic as to his political be- lief when a door opens into to snug of• ffoe with an easy chair Man: n thews and dollars a year night he caved lry cutting out tnneCess'ary office hddets. We wonder if half the milt tat y inti:err who are drawing big p y with few citifies to perform might not be racked to vacate without doing violence to anybody? It would appear that "grabber." let go very reluctantly and it is usually count- ed the "committal of a grievant:, wu",g" to give them the "sack." This contort/ should shake itself free from barnacles Canada does not owe any mu a living if he is able to earn it and the sooner the "blithers" learn this fact the better kr all concerned. South Huron Official Heturus Following arc the official VOW ns as given out by 151r. Henry Horton, the Returning Officer, after the official eouut TUCKERS15I ITH Ailleriegten Hicks Morgan 56 73 110 37 66 85 11 116 26 27 131 101 47 72 fib 14 90 65 192 467 383 2 ...... 3 4 5 16 (i , 34 7...,28 11 261 HAY 19 14. 112 27 8 ..... 86 (14 5(i 1(1(3 113 1` 4 (11 (171) 18 311 121 59 13 48 16 25 3134 STEPHEN No.1 .... .. 47 115) 17 2 86 75 4 8 52 45 61 4 35 125 (i3 5 29 82 23 6 51 1011 50 7 21. hili .13 8 . 10 111 9 9,i3 1.15 27 346 827 21)7 1J8BORN13 No, 1 42 180 24 2 46 107 63 3 119 127 26 4 38 137 65 2)0 5:1 172 (1OI)LItICH TOIVNRIIIP No.1 87 37 46 2 73 40 35 3 ,84 49 33 4 81 21 13 5..,,. ,(11 74 11 6 ,.,...,42 25 29 431 Y' 252 167 STANLEY No, 1 ,....,, 02 72 77 2 23 57 79 3 1.49 19 31 1...,5i1 61 12 5 20 68 56 277 277 255 EXETER No. 1 177 41 35 2 165 :52 90 8.. ., 108 67 71. 4 53 19 27 26 50 179 '2 .1 If ENSALL No, 1 201 32 161 BA Y. FIELD No, 1 124 :11 40 Majority for Ilinkti (U. Y. O.) river I;Ileringten, (Cone) '774. Majority for Hicks over Morgan, (Lib,,) 1251, - • // i !tTffl( lce "Tx ( ream Fond parents dream of a 'bright future for their children. They dream of the literary and musical education they are going to give their daughter, and of the high position she will take in her sphere of womanhood, They dream of the education they are going to give their son and vision him some day as a clergyman, a famous lawyer, an eminent physician, a prominent financier, or a captain of industry. But to make these dreams come true ayVictory qutWILeee- —or even partly true --requires foresight, planning and money, - To provide the money what plan so wise as to buy Victory Bonds for each child? Thousands of parents bought Victory Bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918. Surely you will be among the thousands of loving parents who will buy Victory Bonds for their children --this year? Victory Bonds may be bought on instal- ments at such easy terms that every parent who so wishes may buy onds For.urChildren Issused by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. liplllG(d�f�iiut.-- 625 s� 14 / w ry rill d ( t ) (/try. -11 51,•t`1f Farm for Sale • Farm for sale, bang Nl Lot 10, Oen. 0, Niot•- ris township, eontaining no acres. Comfort- able house, bank burn, drilled wetland spring creek. Good Meanly, convenient to school: Immediate p'ssesri°n. leor further particu- lars apply to F. N. SCOTT, Brussels, Farm for Sale Being Lot 10, Con. ti, Bray township, contain- ing 100 norms, all under nultivntrml, Comfort. able home homte, batik barn, good1 °collard, drilled well and nnyer falling spring, 2 miles frau? ,ethtd and 7 mills from brussels. Nahaol within a utile. Farm Horst. be sold to close the .state. For further particulars as to prise, terms, Via„ apply to W. (4, POLLARD, Ethel, or JNo. BATEMAN, littit,els, For Sale Houoensd lots, containing ey acres, in the Village of Cranbrooiq the property of the late Mrs, Agues grown, Is offered for sale. Frame house, et:rn, fruit trees, Ria. Possession could be given at once. For further particulars rip. ply to lvtne, THOS. (.AME/VON of WTI. OANI➢nnN, (executors estate of the late Nits, A goes Brown, tlranbrook. Farm for Sale Trine 100 more farm for Halo, being Lot 06, Ont, 14, Grey township. 00 acres oteared, belanet bueh and pasture. Good buildings, cm/Writing of frame house, bank born, driving shed and np•to-date poultry, house. Good water, wind, - mill, Rte 4 miles from Ethel and 234 miles from Mo Naught, mi O, P.11. Ivor farther par, deniers as to price, (arms, Vin., opphy no the premises or if by letter to Brussel,y ItR. 2. 0•tf T. WILLIAMSON, Cre Wante Ship y 8r Cream Direct do the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns Wci furnish you with Cana incl Pay all Ex- press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each --month, pay- able at par at your Bank, Give tht Brll „els Factory one trial and yr,,u will not want t(i discontinue, r[rEsYnYM,07w or, Stewart � e Props. 81.6 her, ingredients must be pure and good in order that she may have success with the pie, cake or pudding she is making. She knows she can be sure of purity and uni- formly high quality in Every sparkling crystal is absolutely pure every U l" process of its manufac- ture is safeguarded with unceasing vigi- lance, Dominion Crystal Sugar adds to the natural dellcio, ,mess of pie fill• ings--owet.tens t<,o tart fruii3 Wi'llbut destroying their fresh fruit flavor, Dominion Crystal Sugar is the only sugar that may rightly be called "Canadian from the ground up." We do import the finest of raw Gene sugar and refine it. But our pride is in the product we make from Canadian sugar beetsitsuse is dictated by toad judgment no well as p:etaiotis,n. DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED Reflnarien at Wnlfacebata. Chatham anal 1(italtonce