HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-13, Page 1VOL, 48 NO. 20 81.50 Per Altilic7)c in Advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER x3. x919, W. H. KERR, Proprietor uuumn I m It' I n11n In it lu u I 1 I II I, II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Itlllll )IfI111111111111181111111111 111 111 z The Vidorgoan Should be loyally supported by every citizen. This Bank gladly furnishes full information, and is pleased to co- operate kith intending subscribers. THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital 0 0,700,000 .F Room,: and Undivided Profits - 1`a - _ 18,000,000 aesoureca - - -' 2ao,oeo,o00 ie z� New Advertisements Concert -Mark Bron, Fowl wanted -N, G. Neal, Cider apples -Alt. Booker. Cows for sale-(#eo. Colvin. Auction sale -Fletcher Roe. Auction sole -Jolts Bennett. Pure honey -U.. A. Deadman. Auction sale -George Hanley. The Resell Store -b. R. Smith, (Iowa far gala -,I, P. bleIntoah. Dian wanted -Bell Engine ('o. Dog strayed -Richard Jaakltn. Auction sale-briltan DfaVottie. Weekly store news-Jantea Fox. Reduction sale-Rtahttrds & Co, Pig„ for sato-Crawford Strachan. Beauty, durability -A. E Hersey. Prepare for winter -R, 0. Rathwell. ai i5.tri.ct C.et1Js Moncriefe 13y announcement elsewhere it will he seen that Geo, Hanley, Lot 30, Con. 14, Grey township intends hold- ing a clearing AneLion Sale of Farm stork, implements, &c„ as he has sold his Earn) to Fred. Cox, 11th Con., for $11,500. Mr, and. Mrs, Hanley have been in Grey for about 26 years, com- ing from Stratford and are well known and highly esteemed people, They will visit with relatives for a while and have an eye open for a home. Date of Sale will be Nov. 21st, at 1 p. m. F. S. Scott will be Auction- eer. See list iu this paper. The 100 acre farm of Duncan McKay Lot 30, Oott. 15, has been sold to. Aug- ustllleLFarlaue, of Limit, for the sutra of $7,000.[(The purchaser recently dis- posed of his 50 acre farm to Ernest Naylor for $3,600. Mr, McKay may take a holiday before locating. Molesworth Henry Campbell hacl a very success- ful Auction Sale last week. Joe Brown and family, of Harriston, visited his brother, John Brown last week, David 'I'hompson West boundary. has sold 50 acres of his farm and has purchased a house in Wroxeter, where he Purposes living, The splendid sermon was appreciat- ed by all the congregation on Sunday evening last when Rev, Mr. O'Kell, of Ethel, preached. Rev, Mr. Bell was iu ehaigeof the anniversary services on that evening at Ethel. Don't forget Iho Box Social to be held at Thu ry Gc ainger's on November 28th, under the auspices of the young ladies of of the Women's Institute. A splendid program is being provided for. Everybody welcome. A Good Investment HE money you save earns interest when deposited in our Savings Department, and both principal and interest are safe and can be obtain- ed whenever required. Open an account to -day. 68A THE. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager. e mar -rte• , �..�ur .,,te a..., , t 9 Durability d individuality fa.s "rIIL31SEthree qualities will be till - found in yone Monument if purchased here, I have re- cently hacl made up several de- signs which are 00 unique, so new and different from anything that has been shown here before, and so moderate inP rico that I am sure you will be interested in having me show thea to you, Gall at my place of business and select one of these Beauties. ALLAN E. HERSEY Brussels Grate �a Marble, Works and b ;hones hliddletctn lute returned from West •e 1 been ❑r the the V st whet he ,ash o r t 1 peat 3 months, The yntutg people and children of this vicinity are busy practising for the Christmas Entertainment which is to be held on December the 10th lin the rhutoh, The trustees of the Molesworth ceme- tery had fid. Bolton, the surveyor, up teem) Lietowel when be at rveyecl out several new lots and is also do awing au 11p•to•dttte Wap of the cetneleey. The Beef -Ring has had a very sun- eeseful season. It wits in charge of Alex. Campbell, Their annual meet- ing is to lie hold lu the Seehaver House. on Friday, November 14th. Tide vicinity eau boast of having 2 boy deessurakere. They seem to be progressing very favorably. Ap- petreutly they take their lessons from W1nghm11, twice or three time, it week. Oranbrook Give the Bible Society a good boost. W. P, Bray ie the energetic collector • nhrook district. for Uta t , Kster1 INJURED, -Mrs. Jno, Hunker, While engaged in feeding some Pigs was upset by one of them running against her and had one of her knees serionsly hurt. She is still nonpelled to go about with a crutch but we hope this plan of locomotion will not be long. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES,- Last Sunday Rev, Sir. Irwin, of Lueknow, conducted anniversary set vices,ht con- nection with the Methndist congrega- tion of this place, afternoon and even- ing. The discourse in afternoon was 011 ,The redemption of 111ne," anti a- bounded in good things, showing the necessity of "baying up the mom- ents' as they fly past so that a good account of stewardship may be given bye and bye. Suitable selections of music, "Sweeter as the days go by," and "The Father's Will," wererender- edby the choir and the congregation filled the church. In the evening Knox Church, a mach larger and more comfortable building was placed at the disposal of the Methodist oifici- als,•who gladly accepted. The even- ing and roads were fine, the at- tendancelarge and a most profitable service. Rev, Mr. Irwin gave a sterl- ing address from the text, "I would rather be a door keeper in the house of the Lord .than dwell in the tents of wickedness." He proved the value of the church and religious institutions to the community life, the Nation and the world, showed the high valua- tion we should put upon it and preach- ed a sermon that will not s0011 be for- gotten. Oongregational singing was good and the Male Oelette of Brussels, conducted by W. EL Willis, Wing- hain, contributed 3 selections, The preacher returned thanks to the past- or and Board for their kindness in granting use of chinch and to the quartette for their help, in behalf of the Trustee Board. No one was more deserving of being accorded the same compliment than Rev. 56*'. Irwin, whom the Cranbt col( friends will be very glad to welcome back on some future occasion. After the service preacher, quartette and a few other friends were very kindly invited to the home of Jets, and Mrs. Hunter where a tasty lunch was served by the ladies, After a short program of sacred song, vote of thanks and prayer the oont- Running Ev 1 Brussels Chopping Mill is now running every week -day. • Prompt attendance to work and satisfaction assn* ed is our motto, JNO. LOGAN, Prop. Brussels Farmers' Club Are Expecting a Car of FLr F In the near future, We handle Cream of the West, the Guaranteed Bread Flour, Try a bag and watoh the old uau smile, If those wanting Feel would come to the car they would save Retailers' Commission, Olub meets 8tt1 Friday in November. ioe Get in your order for Flour and Feed now, - L E. Cardiff, Phone 154 SEORETARY. T urner.5 Order your Winter's sup- ply now and get thein under cover, There is no nicer light wood, P. AM E NT Phone 10 tl3 BRUSSELS FOWL INESEMEL SPECIAL prices will be paid for all kinds of Fowl to be loaded at Walton Station next Monday, They are for Special Thanksgiving order in U. S. so hustle them along. W. G. Neal - Walton pang separated for their respective destinations, The anniversary was a marked sort'ees and will be a green spot it) the memory ul' those who en- joyed Lhe services. Wroxeter Mrs. Bootie left last, week for Sarnia. Miss Mary Harris is spending the week with friends at Galt. Arthur Wearying, Toronto, spent Lite week end with his parents. Robert Rae has returned from the West where he has spent 2 months. Robert Robson has purchased the residence now °t empied by E, Lowry. Miss Alberta Willits and Mrs, Bis- sett, London, were the guests of rela- tives heI'e last week. Arnold Edgar anti Lawrence Hislop, have purchased the livety barn here whine they will convex t Mtn a garage. Lawrence 11islnp underwent an op- eration for appentlicitie in a Kitchener hospital on Saturday anti is progress- ing favorably. At a silting of the Roilroad Board in the Town Hall, Teeswater, on Tues- day permission was given to build a trunk line between Belmore and Wroxeter. Under the present system a call from Wroxeter to Belmore has to go, around by Teeswater costing 20 cents, but when the new line is built a toll of only 5 cents will be charged, of which the Wroxeter ex- change gets 8 cents. ---.--ten---- Walton D. McCallum is gradually recover- ing from his quite serious illness. A new cemeut foundation and cellar have been put •ander the Methodist parsonage. Miss Elliot and Mies Stoddard, of Goderioh, were visitors at'John Short - reed's on Saturday. It is hoped that the meetings on Consolidation of schools will stir up a widespread interest in this very live .epic, Jas. and Mrs.,Harris and family are removing to Preston. We regret very much the removal of this family from our midst, The definite dale of the meeting to be addressed by Dr, Bennett, of St. Thomas, on "Things Horticultural," will be announced next week, Look out for it, It is said Jam. Pryce has bought the Curuningbuw farm, on the gravel road South of Walton, but will not get pos- session for a while, Ho has secured a tidy little farm. Don't forget Jiro. MoGallum's Auc- tion Sale of horses at Miller's Hotel on Saturday and Juo, Bennett's Sale of Farts Stock, implements, &a, on Tuesday afternoon 25th iust, Lists in this issue of -both Sales. The regular monthly tweeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Lundy on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, at 3 p.m Report ort from will be given. theToronto Convention l There will also be it chapter from the new book, "One Government." The Annual meeting of the Wal- ton Farmers' Olub will be held in the Workman's Hall, Walton, on Tues- day November 18th, at S o'clock, for Lhe purpose of electing delegates to the annual meeting of the U. If. 0. to be held in Toronto on Dec, 17th and 18th, A full attendance is desired. W 4t, SIaoRTREEn, Seer, SILAS JOHNSTON, Pres. Mrs. Inc). Smillie, who went to Bar- bra locality to help care for her aunt, Miss Margaret McKay, is back home Os the relative passed away to her re- ward on Oct. 27th. She was 00 years of age. Deceased was the last of a family of S, till of whom had passed their 85th birthday, The mother at- tained 01 years. According to that ].record Mrs, Smillie should have a good many y ears ahead of her. -A very y interestin g event was the wedding at the manse on the afternooc of Wednesday, Oct, 29th. The bride and groom were two well known young people -Miss Ella Sholdiee and Eugene Merles Knight, The bride looked exceedingly well in her tailored suit of blue with hat to match and fox furs. The groom's gift to her was a necklace of pearls and amethysts. The best wishes of many friends follow them to their new home on 1411 Con. of Grey, PRESENTATION -A goodly company of old friends visited the home of Jo- seph and Mrs, Love, McKillop, Mon - clay evening of last week and spent an enjoyable time, Mr, Love has sold his farm to Adan Forbes and puepoe- es moving to Walton having bought the been of Tames Harris here, We i health is not more vigor- ous ' his are sorry g y 74 ears of L s he will be age o11s but ay g this month he has earned a good rest. Me, and Mrs, Love have lived on the present farm for past 18 years. 3 children are at home. A pleasant feature of the gathering was the read- ing of an address to the host and host- eee by Mrs, thigh :0,ult:on after which a gold motntte(1 walking cane, a pen - wife and a pipe were presented Me, Love by Mrs, Jos. Hamilton and Mr. Fulton and a number of gifts fron the ladies to Mrs. Love consisting of fancy china, eentrsplocesancl glaasavare, A short but expressive reply was made by Sir, Love in behalf of his better 013 'I'WI NIGHTS --Next Al 18, 'arty, Nov, 17 and 1R the .1 tk lit 1lo r Conl- in -my will afford too usetnent to the Ow/site g,neg t ull:1 ur. pupnlar In4'01al the'1'.'vu ldall, I31ussels. Thi Mark s pa!'y iv ••asily one of l.h+ I -.l tirvp,_ ore r,auptniee on 1'read, The lullst r is headed v lfo• ,•.ti,a41. t, 11. -1-; li.. el,.y.1. Bel!ace. i. , ul,-. it:tr,a filereraiatl e ier lad l'uf tluutllnient Air \iuksWill ,a, • a ;. t,.ng tori t•tl. ^ot•J , ol,r,.y,:,kl ..f ,show ate al, tiii, iuIiu.,r,.',pcmien11111. "f work., 1;(-*•Ilit•A -be r•t-olliil' pe11 1111ancet, s, on- leg •I„, i,,it,i,•v will be pte,t ut- eri aunt then- i, :.iv;olately no waits between the art-, thele being e.tne- thing doing all the time. This alt MAY A. BELL ;11:1111{` - be readily seen 1c, be possible when cert, i� is ttuuenu,r.. 1 t(t.tt. the $larks COM - 11111111 nMA121(8 13111Yf1tlsllh i,u. i"toy carte oo 1. -ss limn eight die- inef so.,r'hllt le , nesery:,i boat Salo at Fox's Drug 3Eore. half and himself for the kindue,s that prutnped Lhe friendly extncss1 11 in word mei deed mune- h.•p d all who were present world never lack good friends. Adtlrese wits its follow.; 1- r it .I e DEAR FRIEND/1.-We }REVS Chet tonight to spend the evening with you before you leave for yon' new home. It is needness to say we are sorry to lose sot as neighbors, but our loss will be the people's gain al Walton. We will inks you very much Penin among us but, are glad you are not going 0 long dist knee away, and hope to have the pleasure of seeing your smiling faces quite frequently, We ever found you ready to lend a Helping hand and we hope you may all be blessed with the best of health, We ask your acceptance of these gifts as a small token of our appreciation ttnd hope you may long be spared to enjoy this life in comfort and happiness and surrounded by many true friends. Signed on behalf of all. Mlle. Jos. 1e. 11A11IL'L'ON, MRs, Huhn FULTON, Hurn FCLToN. A fine social time was spent and after a tasty lunch the company deparied fur their respective homes wishing the family many coutfurttt and joys iu their new horse in Walton, Mrs. Love was Miss Douglas, of Grey township, before her marriage. Ethel Ledger lost, belonging 60 Sahel Farruer's Club, while unloading a car of Flour and feed, Nov. 0. A suitable reward will be paid for its recovery. Phone 117 Telford Keller, Ethel. Mrs, Isherwood is prepared to take in sewing and may be found at the home of Mrs. D. Sanders, Telephone No. 6118. - The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of bliss ; Hall on Thursday, Nov 201b, at 2'30 o'clock. Subject, "Cake Making," will be taken by Miss C. Purvis, 'The girls will have charge of the program. Moe, O'Kell will also give a report of the Convention held in London, A good attendance is re- quested. Morris Miss Ella Cloakey, Winglntm, was a visitor at the home of her brother, Alex. Monkey. George Kelly, 8th line, is away to the Northland with a deer howling party. The tine 100 acre farm of Robert Newcombe, Stli litre, is offered for Bale. Read the advt. in Tax Poe'r. Lawrence Armstrong,tg, principal of Mount Forest, B r siuess College, spentent Sunday at the hone of his parents, W H. and Mrs. Armetrong 5th line. Mrs. John Smith and son Joe, 4th line, arrived hone some weeks ago from an extended visit with relatives and friends in the West. The visit did both gond. It is said Win. Taylor, 9th line, has bought the Stewart property in Blyth and he. anti Mrs, Taylor purpose retir- ing from Lhe active duties and labors on the farm to take life a little easier and have more leisure to visit here and there if they see fit. A trip to the \Vest is in eontomplation next Year. PRESENTATION.-Ott a recent even- ing a company of old neighbore, and friends, numbering about 50, spent an enjoyable time at the home of A L. and Mrs, Kerr, 41h line, before their removal to Brussels. Following ad- dress Irene Wilkin- was read b Miss creseY Wilkin - eon and Frannis Duncan presented a line rocking chair to the host and hostess t -DEAR MR. AND Mao. KERR, -It is with pleasure we, as neighbors and frionds, have assembled here this evening to spend a social hour with yon before your departure from our midst, During your residence with ns you have proved to be true neigh- bors, and always willing to lend a helping hand. With 0111' best wishes we rule you to (ta lept this chair its a token of our estoent. We tenet yott both may, be long spared muse it and for the improvement of Me. Kerr's health, Signed on behalf of yotu' Wends and associates. MRS. F. DII CAN, MAR WimentSON, Jois. SMITH. ILEAL 131ST Amu: liooat5, Lu eolmnm with many another locality the 2n1 line ohorris has been changing ing 1n o - peietoretipaufarm lands ;tl lively rate. Walter Davidson ;mint his 100 acres, Si Lot 22, to his neighbor John Mustard, after a sojourn upon it for the past 18 or 20 years. The latter is said to have paid 1114,500for the fin in and will now have 300 notes in all - sort of bonanza, farme.t, ale, and Mrs, Davidson tin not intend remoy- ing from the enmtuunity, WO are pleased to state, and have bought the fine property of Milton McVettie, ad- joining, price being about $7,000 and will make a fine homestead for than, What about Mr. IVIcVettie who had lived on the tarns for 22 years i' He, with the idea of getting near a good seheel for hi., children, has purchased the NO acres from Fletcher Rue, 10 'Minnie, walk from Benssels, on 9th Dal. of Grey township, ;17,000 being the consideration. Mr. Itleyettie owned another 100 acres, Se Lot 18, Cott. 2, which he disposed of to Wm. Tut•vey, at $5,000. This gives the eauchaeer 2(10 1401011 now to broaden out upc+n. The fancily will move to their new h.n P. ttbtntt 10 of January. Mr, Rue, who lust his wife by death and hie only daughter by marriage, will give up fanning and sell u(2 itis stork, implements, &e, An Auction Sale Is announced by Mr. McVettie for Monday afternoon 21th ins., List. .may be read in this issue. Cray Township Connell will meet next Monday. You are not in the style if yt+u don't sell your farm this year, Will, Hoover was hums for the week end from the 0. A. C., at Guelph, He is well pleased with his coutse. 1). ttnd tilts, McCallum and fancily of Elullet1, were visitors at the home of It. J. and Mrs. Hoover, 9111 Con. Last week Mrs, Lin Fvtil:s 14th Con„ underwent an operation at her home and is making favorable progress we are pleased to state, The fine 100 acre farm of Emil Bet'- aix, 9113 Con„ has been sold to \\r, M, Hutchinson for the sant of 36,2(10, We understand Jit. Berfelz will buy again. Last week Allan Lamont of this township left for Pakesley, Northern Ontario, on a deer hunt. He was are campanied by his brother from Sea - forth. Alex. Dark and family, 9th Cot., have moved across the road to his re- cently purchased farm and John and Mrs. Dark and family have come back to the homestead from Brussels. We welcome them. Henri Veronneman and his sister, Mrs. Verheys, Henfryn, left last week for Belgium, They are going home to visit their parents, but are coming back again to Canada, Itis nearly 2 years since they first came to Canada. Thos. Williamson has sold, his farm, on 14th Oen, to Wm. Baker Monkton, and gives possession 1st of next Mtuch. Price is $7.000. He will (cold an Auction Stile of Farre stock, implemeuts &c., on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, Me. and Mrs. \V 'Mattison expect to move to British Columbia next Spring. where they have already been, Willi am on's health is o very S i s not ve Y robust, The well located 101) acre, farm of Fletcher Roe, Let. 3 Con. ()less than 10 miuutcs walls from Brussels, lies been sold to Milton McVettie, 2nd line Morris township, for the sum of $7,000. Possession on Jt*nnaty 1st, Mr, Roe will hold a Clearing Auction Sale of Farts Stook, implements, household furniture, &c., of Tuesday afternoon next its be purposes retiring from farming and will probably board with his sister, Mrs, Jermyn, as Mrs, Roe is dead and hie only daughter was married last week. Mr. McVettie has soled his two fauns in the adjoin- ing township. MARRIED IN THE %VEbr.-Ort Oc- tober 21st Robert Carr, of North Bat- tleford, Sask„ was united in marriage to Miss .Della Vivian Lovell, of Al- bertowtt, Sask. Ceremony was per- formed at the Methodist Parsonage, , North Battleford, at, 5,30 ,m, Bride's Emmet P sister and nest. Yeo at- tendants, l Lt werethe t tendants, Weddingg presents were useful and valuable, The groom is a. son of Robert Carr, 3rd Con, and served his country in the recetlt war. Old frieuds here wish Mr. and Mrs. Carr many happy and prosperous years, Mr, Carr has been in the West for a nutuber of years. MRs, SUSAN; SCHAEFER PASSES AW'AV.-Shortly before noon on Mon- day, November Sed, Mrs. Susan Schaefer, relict; of the late John Adana Schaefer, passed away in her 84611 year, at the family residence au Dodd street, Listowel, where for 80 years past she has resided with her daugh- ter, Miss J, E, Schaefer, the milliner. Mrs, Schaefer was it woman of bright intellect, very native, ilibly respected and a eel;nlat' attendant of Knox church tip till the time of her failing stealth extending over the P year year or more. Her mnideu name was Goodwin and it is over 60 years since the family tools up a bush farm on the 12th Con. Grey township, whore a daughter, Mrs, John Speiran. still re- sides, Besides Mrs. Speirtut.and Mies Schaefer, another sister, Mrs, 0. E. Oaltn, Los Angeles, California, asci a brother, Charles Schaefer, Oil Fields,' California, survive. it is 84 years eine° Mr, Schaefer's death. Funeral on Weduesday was in charge of Bev. J. 111, Nicol and interment took place In Oranbrook cemetery where Mr, Schaefer was buried, Cider Apples Will pay qoc. per bag for any quantity of Cider Apples, big or little, as long as sound. Ifurry up and 'Phone No. 5 or SLC Alf. Backer a Brussels Si -It""L R1,7+on'r.-Report for S. S. Ne 10, Grey. for the uionth of October. Sr. IV.-- Roy Patterson, Gordon Speiran. Jr. IV -Flora McDonald and Laura McDonald (equal), Wilda Speita11, Myrtle Hollenbeck, Ross $peit'an, Arthur Whitfield. Sr. 111 - Mabel Cox, Melvin Carnochan, Eldon Whitfield, Laura Patterson, Myrtle Ward. Jr. IIs -Lillian Whitfield, Victor Baker, Bertha Speiran, Annie Inglis, Kate Stevenson. Sr. II -Bert Neabel, Leslie Patterson, Nelson Whitfield. Jr. II -Doris Neabel, Clif- ford Speiran, Greta Baker. Jr. 1 - Russel Whitfield, Pearl Carnochan. Pr. -Wilda Baker, Wilma Baker. A Class -Hilton Speiran, May Car- nochan, Arthur Neabel, Alma Patter- son. Names in order of merit, Num - her of the volt 32. A. M. MA(PHERboer, Teacher. Jamestown While working on the roof of his residence one day, George McDonald, of the Grey, boundary, slipped and fell to the ground, fracturing one of his ankles, We hope he will soon be o. k. Tuesday of this week Dougall Strachan, who had been making his home with relatives on the old Strach- an homestead for the past few years, left for the West. He was a resident of the latter for years and members of his family are living there now. This week Arthur Shaw, along with Rev. Mr. Burgess, attended a meeting of Wingham District Circuit Bound- aries Committee at Wingham, to con- sider the important question of re- arrangement of various charges owing to changed conditions. Bluevale Wedding bells are ringing here this week. Who next ? Mrs. (Dr.) Ball, Toronto. returned home last week after spending a week with Mrs. Musgrove. R. L. Lang, who has been here the last two weeks, buying apples, ship- ped the last car load from Bluevale station Friday, making over $5,000 left iu this community. Monday evening the ladies ;of the Methodist church met at the parson- age, the occasion being a miscellaneous shower to Miss Clara Bossman, on the eve of her approaching marriage, Gifts were not only good but useful, and a very pleasant hour was spent. Banquet will be given by the ladies of Knox church, Bluevale, on the evening of Thursday Nov. 18th. Fowl Supper will be served from 6 to 8 tt cluck, after which. Rev. W. 0. Me- Dermid, Goderioh, will give an ad- dresses on the Forward Movement, Good musical and literary program. Beigrave Juo, and Mrs. Clegg had the pleas., ure of a visit of their friends wA. C at They were the and Mrs. Dames. guests of Jas. and Mrs. Taylor during the past week previous to their de - par tut e from Brussels. The Belgrave Women's Institute held their annual Fowl Supper Friday evening at tate commodious home of W. 3, and Mrs, Proctor, A bountiful spread of good things were partaken of, attesting to the millinery skill of the ladies, after which a varied pro- gram of games, music, both vocal and instrumental, social chat and discus- sion on current topics of the day were indulged in, Mr, and Mrs. Procter left nothing undone for the comfort of tush! guests, and as they departed all were unanimous in their praise of such a jolly good time, sorry to part but hoping to meet again. Church Chimes A Boys' Conference is in session this week at Stratford. patterned along Y, M. C. A. lines, The Bible Society Collectors have been making their annual canvass. Treat them generously as it is a noble cause. Rev, W. E. Stafford was at Luoknow for Sunday and at Ethel 'Tuesday evon- ing to give an address at the 'Tea meet- ing. Last Sunday evening the double Male Quartette frau town sang at the Metho- dist church, Craubrook, at their semi - versus?, Special District meeting will be held in the Methodist church, Wingham, next Monday. Program will deal largely with the Forward Campaign. Delegates will attend from Brussels. Rev, Mr. Mann preached a sermon on the Bible last Suuclay morning from and `nY3 Chapter rd Cha ter and letb verso and 1 wmly recommended the work being done by the Bible Society and the 6.8- sirability of cordial support to it, Rev. R, Fulton Irwin, of Lucknow, preached in the Methodist church Sab- bath morning and preached a very prac- tical discourse on the well known scrip. tura "Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest, &c. In the evening the ser- vice was lu charge of H, Hopper, Bel• grave, who gave a good address. The pester ang "Just for o to -day," at the morning service,