HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-6, Page 8mnuotnro,+,.--•. tame .•141,94 F9•h4+•q eebb49+9Tee 4444 9.4444.4 ei ++4+4..6+4.+,+4. F R. SMI Store pailOfferings 4 Best Cough Remedies Paper Covered Books Blood Root Cough Cure- 150 each It s. can 25 5 Cherry Bark Cough Cure - 25e and eoc bots. Laxative nn ti a Broo Quinine - :vie uintne-3"c hazes Rexall Cold Tablets- 250 boxes • Scott's E!nulsi0n- 75e & $l? $o bots. • ▪ Rexall Prep, Carl Liver Oil--•• Same bots. Wampole ., foal Liver Oil- • +1900 hots. Formolid'rhroat Easc- + la. and 25c pktte. Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Od 35c buts. 5. Dressing Combs 4 .,. 1' • ee 4 ee .4, SIVIITH : 4. If Ra . • The Q1'-. Stone Druggist and Stationer 4. a▪ O4t�F ++•+e+•+0 4440+•+4.+C4' •® +•+•+0+•44+4+++•+4+4+s Stood Comb. have been very hard to trot, Rubber Combs, Flexible, well male. coarse and tine teeth - 250 and 35c each }.arger':iz,• in the same kind of a Comb- 5oc each Robber Combs - Extra heavy, large Combs, with either all :; coarse teeth or cfine coarse 1 and d s i Sea r l e a Sand t t a 75c, � v� 4 These Combs will stand hard wear and are most satisfactory in the end. Home Dade Soap GILLETT'S CAUSTIC SODA in 5 lb, Tins. With this the work is easy. Now is a good time to make the Winter's supply of good Hard Soap. received a receive}, h e Weav t Paper popular new supply of the) t tter la p Covered Bunks mud they include titles by Southworth, M. 1, Holmes and also the Mrrriwell and Alger series Some of them make good reading and they are to be had at the popular price of 150 etch, Two of this Beason's Books Sky Pilot of No Man's Land fly Ralph Couuor-$I 50 Same Bid Bili, Eh Mahle At 751 Tooth Brushes Hetes Brushes each in a separ- ate box- 35c each Tooth Brushes with celluloid itan:tles- 25c, 35e h: 400 '!both Brushes --- Burne handles and good bristles- 25c & 350 OtherBrushesare to be had at ie t 200 each s and Reliable Tooth Preparations -Rexall Tooth Paste.- 2fe Pepr.odrn)t'rooth Peal 9- Sac -KlenzoTooth Paste- 350 C -Pyorrbocide Tooth Powder - $1.0o -Antiseptic Tooth Powder - 259 a • • • •• 1'J ata{ 'Z ei:i , MITS NOVEMBER, GE'r ready for Winter. NAVY League of Canada. Roost it. CHAUTAU9UA.-Get a c00r:e ticket and enjoy the coming 5 entertainments. All promise to be good. DRMo^ts-SRA'rlua at Wiltoui;& Gilles_ pie's stole Friday of this week, to ex teem the advantage of the Fireco Range: Read their advt. and see the stove, PLENTY of water now in the Maitland to supply power for the Chopping mill doing away with the necessity of the -team engine. Mill runs every day now, Tax Collector Oliver is notifying the ratepayetrs what their liabilities are. See will he added after December 14th. Mrs. Wm. Ross was the first person to • pay this year's rate. Jeer 3 people responded to a mil to discu::s what would be done to aid ',ailore' Navy Fund. The trio was Mrs. P. Scutt, B. S. Scott and W. H. Kerr, ' • W here were the q Y' AUCTION SALE -- +attrday afternoon of this week Auctioneer Stott wilt sell tt, head of youug cattle at the Central Stables, at 2 p. m , also a 5 year old roan draft tutu e for Thomas Bird Now is your cbance if you wish to secure a sup- ply. See the bills. MARRIED, -02 the evening of Outob• e1' 2211d, W. W. Sf101dice, a well known resident of Grey township, and Miss Lizzie t'ardiff, daughter of the late Inn, and Mr,. Cardiff, of Brussels, were un• iced in marriage;at St. John's Rectory, . e 5 TuxPOST 5 ak byRev, H Smith. } e 1 wishing them 1 friend n \ . for many old g happiness and prosperity. Hem, a desetving came in the Navy League of Caned t when the Collectors „all on you. Canada Met many a sea- man during the war and members of their families need help. Had it not been for the Uncoilquernble character of the British Navy in the past tvsr we wonder when, (.'lu oda would have been today. Read about it and let Brussels and locality add their quota to help the Dau ee. Some 9015 MRS F, W. BUCIIANAN.-- As Miss Mina McKelvey, Brussels, has Withdrawn from the London Free Press Contest MMIIV, F. W. Buchanan. Wing - ham, solicits the goodwill and help of the people III chi:: community In hor candidature. Suhscrfptione. new or renewal, lett at 'Tice Pose' will be for- warded to Mrs. Beehaunn. Her hus- band lost hie life in the recent war in Frani n. Vour Help will he appreciated, THE FLAX Mtu.. --In the course of au• other week the "liftiug" will be cola• pleted and work outside will be well 0(50910cd away. Work is to progress 011 the boiler tubes for the still and the new iimokestack is nearly ready et. the Pope ulachine shop, 15 et:Melling knives will he in operation when everything is ram, pieta. A set of weigh !males has been put in and the roadways to the build - togs given a good cont of gravel, Fore. elan Isaubofer looks carefully atter the work and owing to the initial season he has had A particularly busy time. PRESENTATION -Tuesday evening or last week the member's of the Class in Methodist Sabbath School wait- ed on Freed, J Wood, President of the class, and presented him with en aluminum double roasting pan, As it token of goodwill over bis recent mate triage, Pert Lott ruatle an appropriate presOntt ton speech and W. J. MoCrack- en handed oyer the gift. Fred's reply was Miele neat and sweet. A pleasant welting was enjoyed after which the Visitors were kludiy taken totheir hames 111 ,Mr, Wood's carr, HOG market continues to lower, A number of Sohool Reports are left over until uext week. THE first real touch of Winter present- ed itself Tuesday and Wednesday iu the shape of light snowfalls. We may, get some Indian Summer now before Winter sets in, 8 Pros 8 weeks old, for sale. Phone 4111. 19.2 Wan. OLn89. Rea found on gravel road North of Brussels. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for this notice. TteE Petra A 4 -year-old Cow for cele, dee to freshen about Nov.20 MARK L. CARO)99, 19.8 Phone 429 Lot 19, Con. 18, Grey. SUALL sum of money found lit Fax's Drug Store. Owner may have 14 by proving prop- erty and paying for this notice. BRo0D Sow for sale, due to farrow about Dec. 5th. WM. ALDERSON, 10.15 Phone2617 7511 Line Morris, PURE bred Oxford Ram and Ewe Lambe for sale, CAMERON (:OCHRANE, Phone 407 Lot 14, Con. 8, Grey. 20 PMS 5 weeks old for sale, T510R, MILLS, Phone 4116 Lot 81, Con. a, Grey. 140015 well ripened Honey, mostly clover, 42.35 per 10 Ib. pail Guaranteed satisfactory. G. A. DEADMAN, FOR SAI,B,-Shropellre Rain. Phone 2417. 19-2 R.nrm. MRNA1(EY, Pen, 0, Grey. 7 Pros, 8?4 10005(10 old, for este. Phone208 Ronm. MOALLISTER, RICHARDS & Co, are giving extra values In men's heavy working shoes, also men's long rubber boots. Fenn 0at0 for sale. ALRx menet.. Phone 8819, Morris. 14000 second hand buggy for sate. Steel tire, areli axle. Phone 948. DUNCAN MOKIN NUN, 9111 00,1, Grey township, FOR 8A0E.-0 young Nwee and R Ram Lamb lit for service, 1.On1s RoLL1NOEn, Phone 438 Poe SAme.-A number of Pigs it eek, old.. t1s MaNA Joon iN Phone 487. , r Pon SaLa .-Seoond bond Ford ear in good eondlthul,h 0, RIaRA nDa, Folt SAL8.-2 comfortable dwelling. houses, T. 0. 1t1CRA8Da. YOUNG girl wanted to learn pant and vest making. Wages $8 50 a week to start with. Apply to It. FFRUU809, Brussels. Fos .AL1..-T11e eligible brick store and dwelling combined, now ooeupied by Mrs: .Tana Thompson. Per further particulars 89- pply to ',i a5. ,T, G. Sxte4E, 28 Page street, Toren. 112,011(4. Wilton, Br0958)8. DR. PARR ER, 05100patln0 Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of eaoh week, Chronic and nervous diseases au00880fully treated. Malts residenoea. 0on0nitatlon at (Queen's Hotel. NEXT 'i'nesday evening (Armistice night) a dance will he held in the 'Town Hall, Brie sets. Everybody is invited, Blackstone G piece Otrhestra will rtip• ply the music. Lunch will be served, HYMENEAL -Tuesday afternoon the matrimonial bow was tied at the Metho- dist parsonage, by Rev, W. E Stafford, 13. A , between John G. Spelt, 6th line Mortis township, and Miss Victoria Amy Roe, only daughter of Fletcher Roe, Grey township. After a short wedding trip Mr, and hes. S air will take up residence on the groom's fine farm. Maur' good wishes are extended to the young couple in embarking 011 the matrimonial sea. Chautauqua Brussels LYCEUM COURSE Splendid Program Marion Ballou Fisk Cartoonist•Locturor MONDAY, NOV, 10 Sydney Landon Entertainer WEDNESDAY, NOV, 6 Apollo; Concert Co. SATURDAY, DEO. 20 The Liliou Kalani Hawaiian Quartette JANUARY 17 Vissochis Florentine Musicians MARCH 3 Plan of )reserved Seats upl')0 at Fox's DI ne Store as 9 a. tn. Friday, Nov, 7th. w 0 orromormoolmmomosome Ord[. your Winter's sup- ply now and get them under cover. There is no niter light wood, P. AM -ENT Phone 16 r;1 BRUSSELS Black. Evening's fun concluded by company joining hauls and s aging "Auld Lang Syne," The Society and te..ehe s are to be congratulated on the success of the gathering. THE NAVY LEAGUE OB CANADA - Bruset. \Ye.n1en's Institute Executive, at A meellne geld Monday evening, de- cided to make 1i canvass of the town anti ceunnvs•de in the course of the next telt' cloys 1,11 (be Navy League of Cana• da 'Those vat so canvassed are asked 1" heed their offerings to 'Tee. Pos'r who v:ill pass 1111111 on to the Treasurer, t1.'t2 110 annually (181: 5 Sun a member of the Nivy Letteue mud gives you "The Sado," nt 1>•.: t1' De Associate member t'n-ts )i.0u pet Leal. Objects of Lelt- at,• n1',. Ir.lne ten el Campaign in matter (.r 1:1.11,0g Io Navy and Mercan- tile Marine, by lectures, literature or readers n schools ; to raise feuds forre- tilt of 1sr;rdt and C enadieo satl0t's ace S WF:INFTEIN has Invested in a motor dependants,. for S tilors' Homes, h - stuuecs 315)1 fl epitals nu Canada and the l mp•ir• ; t5 cncouroge volunteer Naval Brigade to receive practical and theoret- ical iust(115,100 in seamanship to pte- pate diets IOr service iu our mercantile H AI nillC Ca(Ada uweR much 1 t0 tee Bu= Navy who have guarded our shorts [or many a clay aid it is time the Dominion was Hewing its interest in a practical manner. A Naval policy for Canada is Due of the big features of prime uecee,ity Many a hardy sailor who had his life died without peuslon and this N.lvy League is to assist iu cases of need sad see that the families • •.dwtauer are not ' oF[ e noble beta bereft h allowed to suffer. 17,000 sailors were lost daring the war. Leud a helping hand to the collectors. No special sum in asked for het as generous au offering ae possible is hoped for. Any amounts will be thankfully received, truck Sam. is determined to he up to the times. 51oeem10? Horse Fairs will be resent- ed this season and will be held on the usual dales. First Fair will be Thurs- day. December eth. See bills and advt. INTRREs'rtNO program was given by Miss M Smith's class last Sunday after- noon It [vas Mis,.ionire day Miss White of Maryland, sang a choice Bolo Offering WAS $7 00, HEAR Mrs, Fisk next Monday in the 'town Hall. She is a Cartoonist and Lecturer. Get a ticket for the Course of 5 excellent entertainments to be held in Brussels. Read list on this page. SABBATH morning next Rev, R. Ful- ton Irwin, Luckuow will preach in the Methodist church here. H. Hopper, Belgrave, will occupy the pulpit in the evening Pastor will be at Luckuow for the day. HALLOWE'EN jokes, so called, were about as silly as usual and in some cases required to be labelled to be called a joke as all, Innocent tun is gond in its place but wanton destruction of proper- ty that causes owners time and expense to put back in place is no joke and should be "cut out." The frolics were put on largely by the juniors. PLAN of reserved seats for the Chau- tauqua Lyceum Course opens at Fox's Drug store Friday morning at a, m. Seats chosen hold good for the five en- tertainments, hence if you wish a good choice be on hand early. First enter- tainment will be held next Monday even- ing in the Town Hall when Marion Bailout Fisk, Entertainerand Cartoonist, wl;o comes splendidly recommended and eivesa program you will never forget. Hear her. W C. T T.T. NOTES -Friday of last week A 'thanksgiving Service was held in the Audience room of the Public Lib - 12)y. eerier the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, to return thanks to the Heavenly Father for the great victory for our Temperance army After a short business session a service of prayer and praise was held, Mrs. L Skelton gave the bible reading and Mrs. S. C. Wilson sang a beautiful sacred solo, "We give Gnd the glory." We know that while much has been achieved much remains to be done hence we'll carry on till complete victory is won and the manufacture, importation, exporta- tion and interprovincial traffic of liquor is banished from nor land. E McGuire, Pres. W. C. T. U , 13russels, HALLOwE'EN LITERARY.- Thursday eveuing of last week Brussels Continua tion pupils he'd their Literary meeting in Ole Town Hall instead of the school house the Schon' Trustees, pastors and THE PosT Editor and their ladies being guests, plus the teachers of the Contin- uation and Public Schools Platform waselaborately decorated with symbols of nit) Hallowe'en in the Way of pump kin faces lighted up, &c, Wtaley Mc- Cul0lheen, President, was chairman and carried through the a proceedings vet), Y r 'vaned in- teresting Program was ntl r cnnipete y g .r d cot Rist• terestiug and well reucle ed and 1 ed of the loll' wing ; •-Opening chorus by the School ; recitation, Merjo'ie Hoover; piano duet, Marguerite Wil- ton and Edna McCall, "The Shepherd's Evening Snne ; " debate, "Resolved that superstitions are utter nonsense," off emotive taken by jim Armstrong and lack Warwick, with negative in the hands of Mary McNabb and May Arm- strong Judges were M. Bleck, J. Fox and W. H. Kerr who gave decision in favor of the negative ; solo, Edea Mo.. Ca11 , guessing contest on the cat ; re. citation, Florence Stewart ; Address, Principal 13. S. Scott ; piano solo, Doro thea Staffntd ; chorus by girls and boys ; reading of Journal by Editors (Marguer- iteWilkie and Ross Hunter); Fortune telling by the witch (Evelyn Baker,) who tendered wettable information concern - tug Frarik Oliver, Ed, Martin. Jack War- wick, B, S. Scott and M. Black 1 prome- nade ; and coaeluding Contest. There was much merrlinent, many good natter- ed jnkelets and everybody had a good time, A tasty lunch was served in good style after which a hearty vote of Literary e thanks was passed to the Lt y So- ciety on motion of 'Trustees Ross and PKEsIN'rA'rION -Friday evening of last week a contently of old friends Cal- led at the home of Mrs, John Cardiff, d re euted her with 'n ` street, An 9 Pet cans p he eve an electric reading lamp, on tl ve of her cleparture front town to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Harry BArtlif. . Clinton Mrs, Alex Bryans read an address of regrets and good wishes and Mrs M. Smith preseut013 the gift. which was appropriately acknow- ledged. Mrs. Cardiff has lived in this locality for many years but on account of failing health aid the fact that she is now alone she decided to sell her home Here and give u}1 housekeeping. Mr, Cardiff died several years ago, The good wishes of many old friends will Ac• company her to Cliutou. Running Every Day l3russels Chopping Mill is now running every week -day. Prompt attandanea to work and 8atiefROtiotl assured is our rl1Ot(0, JNO. LOGAN, Prop. tY tt I People We Talk About ti tt S. Carter made a business trip to Tor- onto last week. Miss Maude Swett is a visiter with her sis!er, Mrs, Jas. Fox. Harry Querin has returned to Galt where he has a position. Mrs. Wm. McCall was quite ill last but is considerably Netter now. Mrs. J. T. Roes was on the sick list for past 2 weeks but is much improved now. Miss Vine. Bateman. Toronto, spent the week end in town with relatives and old friends. Percy Thuell is back to town from Rodney where he was employed in a basket factory. Walter and Mrs. Willismson and Mrs Downing and Miss Margaret were %ilea - ors with Stratford relatives. toliss L`zzie Downing was iu Guelph last Friday to visa her mother, who is taking electrical 17009uent there, Ivlrs, Elizabeth Procter, is visiting relatives iu Loudesboro localtty. Her health is not very vigorous we sorry to state. Miss Muriel Brothers, B. A , sailed from Vanooltver, B. C., last Thursday enroute to India where she enters the lel lesion field at Co unlade. Dr, W. E. tuned Mrs. Bryaus and sou, of Lethbridge, Sask., were here for a few a clays visiting the fo•nler's mother and elver, John street, and other rela- tives and old friends. The Dr, has cone to Chicago to take a post graduate course in X env work He was accom- panied by etre Bryans but the laddie is still remannnte with his grandmother until their return. Scss tch Shorthorns FOR SALE John Barr will hold an Auction Sale of Far111, harts Stock, etc., at Lot 29, Con. 14, Hullett Tuesday, Nov. 119th In the list are 130 head of high class Scotch Shorthorns (5 bulls and 25 females) s0 don't: miss it. 0A1'T. T. R014NON, JNO, 13AHR, Auctioneer, Penprietor, AUCTION KAT,II 011 _ HORSES. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by pub - Ile suction et Miller's hotel barn, Walton 66n Friday, Nov. 14th, OamnlemOinit at 1 o'clock sharp, 111e following 5-1 span et aged sorrel mares, I blood !Hera 110 yours old, 1 5 year old agricultural Verse, 1 draft hose 0 yearn old, 2 agrfoliteral horses 0 scars old, 1 draft colt 2 years old,1 ngrieultmral colt 2 ymire old, blood dll, 2.yanrs 01d, 1 yeal'ling agricultural horse. 1 blood yearling, 0 blood colts belonging to first 8 Maters mentioned. Shortage of feed. reason for sale. Torme-A11 8111110 of $10 and under (lash ' over that amount 10 months' credit win let given on furnishing approved joint notes. A disc0nnt of 5 per eent per nn• num oft for melt. r OkN OUALLUMProprietor, Household Goods for Sale AT D. BLAKE'S Lot 6Con. 13, Grey rey ,r,yy tr••-- 1',!e. y,: .« ,.-.,•.w..:«e..,w•• -«-, .. - ,�..,,,-..:- ..._.. , 7413 otomosook3(9soop£9om5?i».roopitooks rat000rt4tomeameret6ib6".Inti!tfltotioottozkorototC 9 and ad Inde- pendence. -Do not depend on what you earn but on what you save. The Standard Bank of Can- ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. 801 THE STANDARD BANK • Fox's 58 58 O46 9 9 a b 9 9 604, WH T abo t your Snaps ? Are you having 4. aV 1 perfect satisfaction in the treatment of them ? 1 Our business in this department is steadily increas- ingor .. There must be a reason, We would like to o add your name to our list-pt:rhaps you would lot i®a us develop your next film. Either dull or glossy • finish -price the same in either case, Prompt ie ,� Service. Razor Strops New rapeteries Combs `I' I I E rug Store k311144 • S'I'OR reeletilleereMiXaertilEateteee Weekly Stere News Amateur both t)it`ork e e m tJ e 4 9 OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - MANAGER • 9 9 -) 52 1). C. Ross spent Sunday in Kincar- dine Robert. '!'Be hit cline rib his broth, w Meese is 1'o ter'sprogress f m his recent not as spells as his numerous trrcuds would wish Philip. Seel, who hits been Visiting in this locality for abort) q months, left for Escanaba, Miohtgau, last week, from whence he will go to Munising, in the same Slate, where he will reside with his only [laughter, Mrs. Wm lohnsion. ile a reveller. The visitor ^h sbaud •s Her tt C is a brother of Chris, Seel, Btu. selsee" ivlrs. Dr. McNaughton was at St. Thomas attending the funeral of her cousin, 50 the person of Freeman Bur- gess, who died suddenly Wednesday of last weak. He had gone to the base. ment to fix the furnace and not return- ing as emu as expected Mrs. Burgess went to see what was the matter and t o her sad surprise she found him lying dead ou the floor. Deceased was ; heat 77 years of age and visited at Dr, Me- Naughton's on various occasions. Following articles aro offered by PrIvato Salo Kitchen -Mange, pester [moat or wood,, theirs and other 51110051. Parlor -Library tab - in and eludes to mn5nb, 1 willow rocker, t pis• aeon chair, 1 ml8si511 grandfather's stock 1 en taber00t .for jardtet', 1 ebony jardenler stand, 1 scalene' book 01,50 1 lathesdressing gln8R, 1 mission mau1151 treining matte ventre table, 2 hili trsOS, 1 meh0 any ()hair, 0 loather Minus, t willow posh swing, 0 bedsteads and 5prings, 111)1rdsey5Maple dresser, 1Birdseye Maple bedroom ronlcer,1 Rtrcloayo Maple rend. wi with glass,l1 white Pdresser, tinier refrigeraltorlwoork lined.,Uryltal maks), 1 laro chime eloeet 12 slayer shelves fitted with nitrem', 8 81(8110815* alb, 01101589y other tu'tihles, 01E17 GALBRAITR.-111 Howlett township, on Nov. lird l Galbraith, aged George Newton, ymn on of A10011 and. Mrs months and 20 days. MOKINNEY--Suddenly in •Wroxeter, on Nov. 8rd,1019, Matilde M5K(iney, bto ntner.-ln Morris township, o11 Novem- ber 1st, 1010, Samuel McCurdy, aged 48 year's, a months and 15 days, AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY, Nov. Ileo -Farms, Neral 850518, Implements, Household Furniture, &e , S, Lot 11, Con. 7, Morris. Sale unreserved, to ridge estate of late George Pierce, nt 1 p. m. Thames Pierce, Adntinletrntor, F, S. Scott, Auctioneer, TUESDAY, Nov, 25Th, -Farm Stook Impla- nlenta, &o„ Lot 1, Con. 17, Grey' Sale mire• served at 1 o'clock, Jelin Bennett, Prop„ F. S. Scott, Ano. fp' m e e b 9 9 I � O fb ICt le O a DRUGGIST and STATIONER A gond ita'ur Huvtp 15 nue ul the lent ,Ss,niicl lu , an easy shave, Our dollar Strap is cert.a{uly tt good ' one. is 1A 9 52 O 9 ei of 6 9 6 1! of 18 ff 18 rd 52 52 9 14 51 52 1'9 ro 40 ro 9 9 9 69 (tool] Stationery is al- Are Hl.ill a 11(11,' my); a intuit 111 ili•d hie- ( ion. Out 41 (1(115 1,1 ph'eNeDI is ye) y 1antl- pieLe higher than rump- j 1)ly hut 'eine, 11'- to c it 11 t put chllseS 4 contain sumo ('1'i y 4 2555e :Me 11111' 110(1 speeinl values, -e Heinz Olive Oil Is t _ ' Wand we evil told here te bel ter Pure is ! t tan rich and wholesoume. Pr{ces the stone as the (iteapet• tete- ieliee- - $1.25 per piuL Let lis Fill Your Family Recipes Keep the Teeth Perfect 'u t. tried 11 "AX of 1 1 1 tt l Von ut\ t n U a, •lse cunt 5d'e huv, been alit 1 or a probable furca ate in price lint the have tote of them al the old pt•ire--- 253, ,4. 11oo 's d1 e e 9 (r i9 0 19 3 An old Neer+' riding on the tram, f.•11 asltep with 11ts 10511t11 wide open. A mischievoaa drummer e1me slang aid having a convenient capsule of quinine 1n p 1158 oel'et uncorked it and elfted the ,,, of , well Dar the nod Negro's nl0oth, 80011 the Darks awoke and be. anise much disturbed. He milled for the Conductor and asked ; :"Boss le der a dnetnr on din hero trail 1" "I don't know" said the Conductor, "Are you sick 11" Yea Solt, I ,1,0 le olrlt. " "What 1. the mutter with you r" "1 dunno Soh, telt it tote, litre my gall is bended." Bring US Your Prescrip- tions J INN MARRIED Uou0'rea-ala0rn5AN,-At the home of the bride's parents, Blyth, by Rev. G. Telford, 0,185(83, of Bol grave,ber i1.0 MISR l,1 ry Marra y, eldest daughter of 15, 0. and Mrs. Ole - Gowen, Blyth. Snormi0a-CAnD119.-A1 St. ,Tohn's church Rectory, Brussels, on October 22nd, 1910, by Rev. H. Smith, Mr. W, 00. Slroldiee, Grey township, to Miss 5lizabeth Margaret, dauIter of the late ,Tohn Cardiff, Brussels, St'nra-gP-58.-At the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, by Rev. W. B. Stafford, B. A., on November 4541. 1010, Mr. John G •Spear, of Morris township, to. Miss Irlorenoe Amy, only danghtor or Pletcher Roe, Grey town- ship, BRUSSELS MARKET Oita a1' 05 Peas 1 55 1 SS Barley 1 YS • 1 25 Butter ea 5u 511 :0 Naga 15 tin 15 .al Farm for Sale or to Hoot Being, Lot 15, Con,11, Grey Town. kis,. Par further pa•tio,lars apply to 10.0 MRS, PAUL 13a15LTe s!t, teak, ew. 4004.04470e45a44•5G9$5aoeeae'so41•+00••+••a•••0••'a••••000•4a•••♦•aon•o••••4m♦a••4• a a q'9 9 • • • 2 e • • • • 4 e • • • • s • • •• 4 •• a • • • • • y • • • • • • • En ve 5 11 Cut the Fuel Bill in Half. Better, Safer, More Economical "The Greatest Stove Invention of the Age." !.'ter 1'4=1 'r`.iSS.' 2=1ne% -.Gen. d At Wi9ton et Gill pie's t r FRIDAY, NOV. 7th e A representative of the FI R E CO Range will be on hand at above place and date to practically illustrate the: merits of this wonderful Range and you are cordially invited to call and see its efficiency and economy, Y O U I`; EE irF IT You Are Daily Paying for it Why Not Have It A Fireco Range so Per Cent Saving in Fuel 6o Per Cent Less Ashes NO FIRES TO KINDLE, Warm 't the Wintet Time, ` I1 Kitchen 1 e • li e Morning. li I:el• Service 111 t Quicker in Your Home lilleans 5o Per Cent More Cooking Surface 50 Per Cent Less Labor to Operate NO MORE BLACK BOTTOM KETTLES Cooler Kitchen in the Summer Time Hot WaterDaY g D and Night and Holds Fire Over Night With Wood Holds Fire Ninety Hours With, Coal PERFECT BAKING WITHOUT IDAMPER OPERATION Burns any kind of Fuel, No Dusty Ashes to Sift, No more Black Leading to be clone, e N4••0404•9+4♦4••••49+ ••• •*41b•U+••••••00••pN•+Y••41••• •4Q•••••b6N4/••••••*MH►i64