HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-11-6, Page 3!IOW ROYALTY AKi ( l 9 �1 ES A JOKE WI -117,N QUEEN BESS GOT TUE WORST OF IT. Cha.:lis IL Had a Esnse of Humor—Witty Reply to William IV. rIl,lnas Carlyle observed that "kite, are 111 to jolcc vi'," bat there have nevertheless been plenty of jokers no tultleeloue, f,i to "Jose" royal-. ty with bolltdty. toyed, tier( have l.,ceu rulers with a well-developed cense of hurler, mesh to ('hcerle,; 11 , capable of enjoying a sally at 111c1r own expellee. • It 1e, retat a that one day when C'harlee wee inspecting a w•arehip at Chatham 1,0 asked I{llligrew, "Don't yea think that 1 should have macro a good sllipright?" Charles was proud of his reputed skill in claval architec- ture and, no doubt, by this query, t surght a cane 1lmeet,. But ICillhgrcew, wllo was nctltlug of a courtier, re- p11ec1 histo+l: "1 have always tlirnrhi that Your rnaje:iy would do better at any trade, 1 tdleIl your ewe." A lively c ::tape( of French retort to remit.' ie afforded by the story of Mer :1 r and I null Tito ne m , shi l had given his rnaje,sty : u a•r'c'uunl of his (Huhn• ey to Sande. , etleeg forth the manner 10 which ise had entered, the Spanish ceelet1 n: salted on a mule. "An ass Feet ell o1 a mule!" exclaimed Lottis wee a Well. "Yee. sire,' rept:.,l the we, hue, 'and the bike of It w<,s I re-' pa 'tee-Lidyeti!" cood (".teen 110351, it appears, tge y t FILL @ n,g rg 1 hal ,, wit, which she was by no q u i 8 ,tU i dr ',t$1 I iEL ran see Icr•:'i lsi exercise alone her sub-; j. ;:s. eee verbal duel, at least,' lair: l 'se got the wort of It, Observ- fu in ilei :.,Arden8 a courtier to whom Canadian fall weather is extremely elle 91 - t ; .,noised lirelilntiun that had hard on little ones. One day is warm me. if e eieleited, her m:.J,•ety thrust, and bright and the next wet and cold. • e— i . l.Y DAYS C IIIL 1 t n 1 ltj') �`t enemy iftrr group of (,ay Lad 001ves Aui t$il:I'il 1d�`Jl� 1 n3 fl'', n ‘N "How 4prh 1.;ee.e•i, Attye:ao i l: 131 ext. Avila is t td t, c 1 t o COATS Filo f 1 aTonle is a i6.(, Only Veal Nervi 'i )n (loud Supply of Well, Red "Tr people would telly attend to their blood, In: read of worrying. 111(05 'lvrli J - 9134 9138 No. 9132—(;,ire's Coat. Price, 20 curl, Adju;table collar, dropped Houlder; three-piece skirt section; traiga•t lower edge, with or without pockets. Cut in 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years. Size 8 requires 2 yds. 64 ins. wide;' Ming, ."o? yds, 36 ins. wide. No. ',913.1—Child's Raglan Coat.' Price, 20 cents. Cut in 5 sizes, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. Size 8, with belt,! 2lel yds. 36 ins, wide, or 1% yd's, 54 es. wide; lining, 21a yds. 36 fins. wide; without belt, 2?.} yds. 36 ins, wide, or " said :ul Hmhheut ur•rve spc,nuil t "we doctors would nut ace our cur- 111ti,g rooms cro( led with nervous •,vreclts. Afore people suf3,'r front worry than uuyth111'i 1511,= eul1 of (that; wiI h the speeial- i5t 5;1.,,05 II set the (05008 t'tt.n dOW'1 colulition caused by overwork and the maty anxieties of today. Sufferers Mid themselves trod, uwruse, low eplrlted and unable to keep their minds on anything, Any eudden nolee hurts like a blow. They are full of groundless feats, and do tut slsc•p wa11 at night. Headaches, neuritis and other nerve pains . are part of the misery, and it all comes from starved nerves. Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich, red blood. Therefore to cure nervousness and run-down health Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be taken. These pills actually make new, rich blood, which strengthens the nerves, Improves the appetite, gives new strength and spirits, and makes hither- to despondent people bright and cheer= ful. If you are at all "out of sorts" you should begin curing yourself to- day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„ Brookville, Ont, lei' yds. 64 Inc. wide; lining, 2 yds. • 36 ins. wide. [bete patterns may be -obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. 1ti td,i) ON 1,1T f $lri ONES From News Boy to Hereford Breeder. Frank Collicut, in the Province of Alberta, rose from a newsboy to be Canada's foremost Hereford breeder. His boyhood days were spent in an mosphere common to all other b who have to make a living in cities, His ambition to make money had to be gratified by selling newspapers on the street corners. \V1,en the first new'sboy's route was established in 1 1 Inv I I t o e ur f { , ill v h it t 1 1. g lerh^rr1 0;ll 1ity w"idct On leu, r doubt. 11 wr!1 t1 see f _ c„150'1 Tholr (hu,ic er, slnuutlnn.:a ani nil -I fnl'lllily le rte unusual. A visit to line herd at Will w SSerb/e l item ti ie veele cue of the need i1 [el -'1', (111leri„1111t,4 ill ((leer• ta's 115c -le '., in 111t U,0. ur„t1c1 Wilk lba1 Ili 1„ 41, , yawl, QUI'. ('ol- lieut had ,4) 5111 eta :111 Alberta for til'! (deal loe.,l)fun, and had i'ci0ud I1. led ht a great e wtiee are found the meet modern bares Find prate t nal 1101s<e imaginable. Up and down this' coulee the hreedirg herd ramble( 111 i colnfort, winter awl summer, night and day, with nothing but blue sky for a roof, and the wooded banks of the ravine for walls. In summer they wade ire luylirlant grasses tutd drink at will from a stream of spring water that originates in the banks of the coulee. In winter they pick at hay and oat shecves. The bulls tend young things, Weether with the matrons suckling their babies, find shelter in the well•bedtlml boxetalls in the bunts. Ail other's welcome the freedom and unconventionalities of the outdoors. There ie satisfaction in the uniformi- ty re Herefords properly bred and cared fere-Canadian, in Breeders' Gazette, Toronto University Memorial. 501cti to eprc!idc purposes indicated by t6. do barb 1 l;r., 11 w a, al?;Sneed, t e• t , i to the MINpermit 5{ 1 1.111 11 1 )5,1111i l ;c [.i 11x4 Ilf, 1 it Ah ix ni � , a Iptx CANS F MAO WAd'W4 0511 F It.1'•'I :,1,\ 101(51, (:ones 1 i'}d1) � ll It 31 ul Alf"I"r 11 01 Ar'ltl 511 L;l!('11) lir - bn;ldann fir, ,rent 1.nj rcueds, 7near ut u 7 h 1 a } if'ht at t4 t r,i. t\ 4ul 0 F , d R s High Is r, 1 1 l t o i list. a V C a r i 14(1 t f i i ! the cult, Ilileu to of 1,1, 4 tililt:c a 11d pr+ Iii 1 1 1 011111 opportunity to-tradtl.d of 10'nns to help returned soldiers of ability n their (Barts to (11010 a lege I1lli,�g. A p:u•tlul ('11(5a': for sit lis,•rtpti(11(5 was carried (.0 et Toronto 1:14. hot 1 :,1 coa+Len,r 1 (n ija'Iled ta1: - Pension until the cell, $, ll, ellen to the city during the pn:i fortnight has been et'.r ,d by Sac and. still the fight tree: 00 to roach every graduate and iurrta'r s11ti(nd through. out the world. ('e111palen a mneettees, ori nnlzed In 51(011151 throughout On/ tarso, in every large cl(y in Canada outelde of Ottte:lu, In a number of oentres in the United States, and in London for the Ilrhtleh isles, have done and ere doing excellent went, /tact it ; 111 now practically assured that the Luger objective of the drive --to lay - the foundations for .Alumni Aseocia• tions wherever tiniversity of Toronto Inca and women are fuund in groups-- will be attained. "It la hope;i,'e' stays Mr. Cassidy,. "that the tilos will soon come when distance from Toronto will meal ,^.s little to U. of T. men and wolh011 us • Idistance from Cambridge does to Harr r/Utea. A Halyard graduate is a Harvard graduate wherever he is found and the same cul, be said of Yule, Princeton and other great Unh- verlitiee," 11 r - 1 el Co„ 1- r tl � 11 A rally for the Blue and White as well as a test of the loyalty of the Alumni of the University of Toronto We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the campaign for half a million dol- lars which is now being carried on by the Varsity :Memorial Committee, the desire being to perpetuate in a Mem- orial Tower and Gateway and the es- tablishment of scholarships the re- cord set up in the Great War by near ly six thousand graduates and fernier tuclents of tie bi Canadian institu- at- s g oys tion, For the past two weeks a spirit- ed canvass has been carried on in To- ronto, and until the entire amount is raised the "drive” will continue 'throughout the entire world. But the ,saiupaign has more amid- . l:cr . .:.1 tut of the window and (rolled The a sud'en ch icgey ging on cells, Calgary 110 got it, and his ability as a ttous nmol.Ives that the creation even to him: 1 •••• , eraluls and celie and unless baby's newspaper sale;lnnu became generally of scholarships 1(11' maimed heroes and "WOO. d, rens a man think k cr, SirP,1 : little 11111 :cel is kept right the result recognized, IIo applied 'for the post- the dependants of gallant Varsity men , w:dlcn he thiul.t of n,," ?' j who fell, for when the money has been ^' •'t)r •.. {ti..nt:aie:1 Ierollli.:e, :'„':: 118.),,a•'- may be eeriome There is nothing to Out o newsagent when the Canadian ( equal Baby's own Tablets in keeping Pacific Railway was being completed collected thousands of Alumni will tyre' {''' h n : ' response.. 1 the little -ones well, They sweeten from Calggary.to Edmonton, and he have been got in touchhvith and the c t 01 R c(.l.s. I the stomach, ic;ulato t11e bowels, sold papers, magazines and books ort tits binding thous to the cid school .1or1'.5 ^t e nr.,t'.+t e; 1.11-'14) to' breeds up colds ane make baby thrive, the first passenger train over that will be of a durability hitherto un- 1'e;'<:;i: vein le 1 we have re..,z,l was The Tablets are sold by medicine raitroadl, thought of, it el lee•1 to le n/ heel ee �!i to the . dealer; or by mail at 25 5001$ a box This environment brought 11in1 in 'Tile campaign to raise a half-nlil- 1'ttnee of W..'es, afterward Rang 145.1- from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., touch with many ranchers and farm-' lion -dollar Fund with which to per- li. iii i1'.. by the secretary e,; 1110 aid• ; Brockville, Ont. ens in Alberta. He was ambitious, , pectate the memory of the graduates and big men took e. personal interest and students of the University of Tee 111't-thti is Now W:11' int had been bantering tate I in hint Among these VMS epee.. tanto who made the supreme sacrifice E..,., of r; fur 5.1110 titue at table. Two ®I' of Three Fires �Ccalr Burns, a packer and rancher, who has ; in the Great War will commend itself `Talent i ;un Ling," said he, -ion shall b Our Homes. i been ono of Alberta's mast prominent to all Alumni or this great educational 001 be sc.e l ctory of the a.,iaira lty. 1 The frequent occurrence of tires in i citizens sineeathe cowboys owned tho institution," declares Mr. R. A. Cas- tled do you say to that?" d155111n,s is a matter that must re -I ranges, air, Burns wanted young; sidy, an old 11. of T. graduate, who is "(ltd save the king!" rejoined the I (sive more careful attention on the ! Content t;o herd cattle for him, and'; in charge of the campaign, adding: "The amount is small 1n thelight of rl(, ! reg • v .,1 •e a the monetary inducements and foto 1 f a i l wil of householders. Statisttcs shoe 3 telt y , 1 t li lc s 11 once asked 1116 chaplain, that Sixty-four (64) per cent, of all our ! prospects appealed to ilhu sufficiently the huge sum subecribod or asked for Ilurtoa ,tills diet: "Flow is it that fires, or, practically two out of every. to take him from newspaper salesman- other, leading universities in North y,n el5�ey ; reeeh your 801'51101) before throe, occur It1 the hones of the ship. He began the cattle business America. Harvard is in the midst of 'me, 011111, as I understand, you can ! people, This is a terrible indictment (:hen, and the day he first sprang into a canvass of its graduates and friends Preach elll.quently elsewhere without the saddle marked a period of pro- for an endowment fund of fifteen and boort or notes 1" a half millions. Princeton is seeking The good (lector answered that he It IS a fourteen millions from its Alumni and was 10 overwhelmed by his majesty's well-wishers. Cornell has launched a pre ecce that he could not trust him - lions. solicitation for five mil - self otherwise, continuing, "And 11015, lions. McGill secured a million ante sire,' may it please you to tell me why a half within a week, although the you read your speeches when you have Initial objective was but one million. no such excuse?" The citizens of Halifax thought enough \Vhen Charles, meeting Rochester of Dalhousie University to over -sub - ono day, accosted him thus, "I believe scribe a fund of four hundred thous - thou art the wickedest fellow in my and dollars within a week, and when dominions," the witty nobleman int- Mount Ellison, in New Brunswick, mediately made answer: g needed endowment, a quarter of a "For a subject, sire, I really think 1 million Was easily obtained from a am," small constituency. Almost as disconcerting an answer "But in none of these sacred efforts;' was once given Frederick the Great, went on Mr. Cassidy, "was there the who, wishing to humiliate his physi_ inspiration that should be in the clan, asked, "How many men, my doe- sacred cause undertaken by the Alum - tor, have You sent into the other ni Association of the University of world?" Toronto. The desire to boner the "Not nearly so nlally as has your heroic dead here is spontaneous and majesty," was the retort, "but with general. It was at first but a matter infinitely lose glory," on our mode of life, and is the result of aur careless habits, also a fact that men women and children ate equally guilty of � invested hu grade cattle. He later be - causing this enormous fire waste. Tho came a buyer for Mn. Burns, and in careless manner in which coal oil lamps and candles are used; and lighted matches and cigarette butts are thrown around is sufficient evi- dence to show that our "habits" must be changed. gross. Mr. Collicut saved his earnings and these two enterprises, buying and in- vesting, he was singularly successful. After several years of experience in handling a grade herd and feeding steers in thousands, Mr, Collicut had an ambition to own pure-breds. Ris opportunity came when the pure-bred Hereford stock of the Bax- ter -Reed Ranchin Co. in Alberts was offered for sale in 1908. This herd had been impbrted direct from Here- fordshire, England, after having been selected by one of Britain's most com- petent Hereford breeders. In 1905 Mme -bred cattle were not so expen- sive as they are to -day, and his invest- ment for the 100 cows and young stock was not so formidable a consideration as it would be now, In the following year Mr, Collicut bought the herd of Sinton Downie & Sons, of Alberta, in- cluding the cow,.Sahly, and the bull, Beau Perfection 11th, both imported from the herd of Warren T. MoCray in Indiana. Like the Baxter -Reed people he did not fully appreciate the merit of im- ported English cows, and was back- ward in paying the pride necessary to purchase a bull that would give best Answering George 111. When George III. first met Sir John Irwin, 0 thirsty soul, ho remarked facetiously; "They toll }ne, Sir John, you're fond of a glass of wine" "Your majesty," gravely responded the ccut'tler, "your informants do me a great Injustice. They should have maid a bottle." e Again, when George was prince re- gent, ha shouted across a roa(1"near Portsmouth to a boon compatriot, "Hello, you Towers! I hoar you're the greatest blackguard In this place," Towers made profound aboisalloe. "I trust" saddle, "that your majesty had not come thither to take away my character:" It was the same George who, When he asked Borne Toolco whether ho played at cards, received the answer, "Sire, I cannot tell a knave from a king." When Louis XIV. was only eight years old, his love for wrestling and other boyish sports gave many un- easy moments to Laporte, his attend- ant, (111. (1110 such occasion he insist• ed, despite all entreaties, in tolling about the floor, endeavoring to over- come hie 5011511!, the Cornet of Artols. Laporte calmly pttt on his hat and tat down, Lcvl joilous ev9n at that are. of h1lt kingly (11500y, at Wide doivand• ods "How coir 7011 ;permit your'sole to sit' told remote covered in the preemies of your king'??" " Pardon mo, sire," retorted Laporte, "lint I did not think there Wax it king In the 100111." 1317 'flrift Stdttlps. SOnard'S Liniment Cures Burns, oto. Cure For Insomnia. To refrain from worry; to (10 a day's woylc, and at the end of it, go to bed and to sleep, it 0 a master recipe for insomnia. Some of the nervous people Who complain of wakefulness should study it carefully. It is a creed of deliberate intention, and, what is more, anybody who chooses to live by 11 can do so. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three conte. • A haul of fish may appropriately be called the net proceeds, If a boot or s'hbe pinches, try this: While the shoe is on the foot or on a tree, take a small piece of cloth wrungi results on such high -glass females, out of very hot water and put this Importations were made from time to over the part that .is giving trouble, time from Mr,'tticCray's herd. Fair - The pinching will disappear entirely fax Perfection and Governor Hadley after this treatment. pro(iioe(1 the best results in his herd up' to the spring of 1916, when 111r. Col- licut bought Gay Lad 4019, by Gay Lad 6th, from 0. Ilarrts & Sons, for 511,900. This bull was only a yearling when brought to Canada, but ho lead bean a junior champion in the United States the previous season. To -day Ile has justified This purchase price many times over 113500511 his progeny, which now ramble about in large numbers at Willow Springs Reticle Mr, Colliout's chief. 5011011, 80 mile( north of Calgary. Gay Lad blood has proved such a hap- py nick with imported 00155 that Mr, 0011ieut readily bought ttuother Gay Lad, also by Gay Lad 6th, from the Glengarry Ranch, in Alberta,t in 1918. The Glengarry Ranch purepaesd 80 Herefords at the 1017 sale of 0. Har- ris & Sons and among these W11S Gay Lead 10th, wliolt sold far $20,000, Tile was sold in 1018 to Mr, Colliout, te. gather with 30 females, and their 6.n- crease at tito same price, $20,000, Not only lha0 bay Lad 16th got a int of beautiful 001506 for Mr, Collicut, butt he WAS champion of Canada in 1018, and stood third in a strong class at 010 1018 Itltornatoltall, in 'Chleago, The 1910 Canadian Shaw circuit will See It Works! Try It Tells how to loosen a sore, tender corn so it lifts out without pain. o —0 0' O 0 • 0 Good news spreads rapidly and drug• gists here are kept busy dispensing ireezone, the ether discovery of a din. cinnatl man, which is said to loosen any corn Se It lifts out with the fingers. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freozone, which will cost very little, but 15 said to be smfllefent to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply just a few drops on the tender, milting Dorn and instantly the 8050neae rs relieved, and soca the corn 1s so shriveled that it lifts out With. Out pain. 1t 15 a sticky eubstande which dries when 0pp11ed and never intlames 0r even irritates the adjoin. ing tissue. This discovery w111 prevent thou - Sands of oaths annually front look. raw and infection heretofore resulting from the Suicidal habit of cutting Dopes. of deciding how it should be done. Opinion throughout Canada was can- vassed and the outcome was the de- cision to have the bulk of the Fund used for scholarships for soldier students or their dependants and the erection of a Tower and Gateway be- tween the east wing and Hart House, l chuding a structure in which the 11011108 of those who fell are to be re- corded." A Memorial Committee, going still further into a 3051505 of the enmpaign, was appointed at a general meeting isf Alumni last $ pring and it was final- ly decided that local and spechai scholarships can be 10051E18d by any community or indtvitlual and be de. "KILL-JOYS Constipation, 1-leadache, Colds, Biliousness ended with `/Cascai'ete" 1 Nothing takes the joy out of life quicker than a disordered livor o' Waste -clogged bowels, Don't stay slel , bilious, headachy, oonstipated. Re - 1110v0 the liver and bowel poison 'ivtllc 1 Is 110031ng your head dizzy', your tongue tented, your breath bad and stcmaell sour. Why /tot spend a few eent5for a bex of Ceeca1ei.5 and enjoy the nleost, gentlest laxative-onttarte you over experienced? Cr/emote never gripe, 5101(611 or inconvcnfene 0110 litre Salts, 011, (calomel or 1105sh 1111Is. They work i5llil1 you sleep, la, the beat: Mathias Foley, 011 City, Ont, Joeoph $110511, Norway, Ade, Charles Whoote n Mulgrave, N,S, Rev, 1t, 0. Armstrong, uiulgrave, N.S. Pieria Landers, lieu, Pukemouehe, N.B. • Housing Shortage in Britain Lecturing before the Society of Architects, Sir Chu rles Rue 0 meauo- ber of the Council, produced figures as to the country's housing needs, showing tliatt even if the output of brick decreased two hundred and fifty p. r cent. it wo;11d be sumo fifteen or tt 1. years before the present shortage vuuli be overtaken says a London 1; -:• pal eh. 41 tie pt<.sent trite sevens million people were 1lproprrt, housed. The fact, he stated, showed the lnpoi '.il:-llity or the production of brick L 11.08 and the cryhug need of the inl:nedette use of wood in btiildln r. Buy Thrift Steel..,. •we; i E;t1 iii r5 .�, c°9 � ,t - ..Rt CFI LQ•�3 Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Q�'1r�e Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for tho little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste, Full directions for child's dose on each bot. Ile. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California.! 51NCE t1070 iiY �vl..�Y �v uorris SATISFYING RELIEF FROM Df CO Moan's Liniment has the punch that reliever; rheumatic', twinges This warmth -giving, congestion- ecatterime cireillataon-stinu11nt1ng rem'. ctly pelolrotes 0•it11eu5 ra6Liatq right to the aching spot and brings quick relief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for external pairs, sprains, strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago, bruises, Get your bottle today—costs little, means much. Ask your druggist for t by now. keep it handy for the whole faintly-. Made in Canada. The lig bottle is economy. 860, 70e, 41.40. BD. 7, 15141E No, 44-•-'1ll. (1 , u 1, 1,•' 1_1 ,t au l "l 1m, i•ll (7'ia 1 PCIS 66.1.8. W11:1{LY. IN 111Uf.'S6 The Long R6?aC . .1.! County. 14phndtd opportunity. Write nee T, 'Wilson Publishing CoMilted ., F'.. �Vltr,tt t ,n sun i5 ulY.n rad the (last is Adelaide Bt. W, Toronto. d iAH •. And tie. t ilIrbi gnlct late; Wlrae the . I5 mile: ruts dial thread Anti I r ie is h,neland gate; '1110 Is the buts the tired heart, W/irl, With the we'11'y lon.d, Gather c the t 'o'9 in ,3,5 buying olds -- "A e1u'lr:• fzemel fur a long, 10115 1'014'1," ()1c the road or life nr'H the lofty Bills '11i,1 the f•, 1 of mein must climb: And the ,Jeserie wait end wild winds bear f6.•• !'ray miles' dint auci grime: Then flue./ the: iu,''rt nuts friendship gay And to • joy uP 11113 pies 5-(11'5 c0118: 1110 11 ie Gua ono w -ho can journey with "A cherry -fli tel 011 u long, long • road." > 851,0 LE(}I(11't1:I Nel,V5I'Al'F8R and (eh printing pent in piaetern ,0ln.0 •user curried S1.000. Will g .for 01,p noon witch r,hte. Box 62. Wilson Pohl:. 1,1ee 5', , Ltd. Toronto. r.teeletLLANIl CU S. tr �' A5 l 10 0L'„it \ r 1 0 15118 FUR T -1v t"i r lne 1 n. • l 110sPlt0l. AliplIca1i1.lr t 01.'at e. .11 es 1�p1.•,I4Aa I..o. 1,i 05,1"1 l'Rtll'8ift- H.'► 111:.4, " �"t l„ a cl v1 ee.,.rn 00.1015 4 1 su10 ur c. .h haute, Da11e, 121 Vietoria 51., 1'o' onl, , 1q\T*.tit}„ lfir: fir i1r1I FOR IN - 01751,1 1 N - t t 51ab f 5, in stun ttinn with i 1I {ue cent A111¢ri 111,11,1,, New York, 151.18 t uArro ti. S t: 51)111)0 WO - 1110/1 aestriag 1'. eaCitrOl. ll macs: this hos- 1,ta1 Into now ne.opled the eight hour norm, Fol :•1115 and other inlbrma- li n aPNy tt.l Superintendent, 11(1 Dona A,alme. Tnrontn, (YANCk111. 'r'1.;eiult4, Ll%t1Yis. acsc. 't-,:ntornel and external, eau ed without Though the road be gay or tho road 1,-41 1,31 OUT 1)51110 treatment, Write 119 leforr too 1810. Or. (('11umn Medical be sad Co.. 1 hefted, ck,ilingwool, Ont. Or the winds tee• 1 )5sh or hind, Though the 1'0111111 trails mount to chill and sues Or run '.11018 t11e bright b100ks True te the end we should ever be, 1 Bearing a willing load; This is the name we should :strive to claiin: tee, c1n','ry frim-' for a long, long road!” rdlnarees zeeixe.:31 nor tale everywhere. The 151581/3 temperature of Egypt pt is bring ,sacivahly lowered by irriga- tion. Good breeding is reflected in the Reeve as well a., in the 151)1115. Select a good rail £. r the &J. logit t, .:ad increase all the revcimcs from the flock. Danger— '.N-C©lds '- and mere serious -7 �" complaints 55 s;tontracted In N, 01m.n We3facr. • Lar : _ t:=p:d.1.,!<c fr,in fn.rfie sr - e•^pilin ' • time a.,l n ',OUT ti v. ora' :i t.: ; .- 60110111100 II!ar3er 2:y17. cna:.3 � mid o . t. M 1 .,1 1 i air 5:- r • 1 . t to S : t3a. - 1Ls T' rl4. ErTV-T/01SS VACANT. ltd. YOU 1 001(1124)0 FOIt. AN U1'FIIN- INf} t, 3 0•,e 5,,115 ab1111y' Or, aro cot lust ryth n5 scrag on lha Prinelplo that "everything thlag uc,tne0 to 11111 wko w•ISOOUL much thought 01 10115 etnei- elh ,ncv? If you aro in the latter 51101 e e an and doing—train your mind and memory so as to be, ready for 1 - teadnnity when It comes your way. In other words. Pe11005 00! IS you lcnnw you have n} 11t', wi15 not use the wait- ing moloetts 5. Improve your eflieleney end incidentally acquire that Personality which ich n e. ;ns 0e much in seeking Sus - etas? Small tnwcn or }ice city, or on the tienOilit side line, it matters not ---the Iran 01.5001 le conducted by mail.' ".Mind and laremnry" tens you all about 11 it la a b la [barn live and lays n0 „t..r'ation .i 5100 to enroll. though ;mum he sutlr 1 to find how moderate is the ref. l t tlr d. Write for the book nee partt ltl0 to -,soy to the Pelman Tnstlinte. 7511 Temple Building, Toronto, 1'.0 imr 1 0 I:,=s•`'� 000-0 .. , r _ -1,.7, 1 ..:r; -.:i^M i- just 'lt.. ti .011 no niter, 1 ax .115:'- uf It v. i 1 '.--Iii II;v ani tuC 1 t :1 1 ..v(1 SS?llp troubles, ten1 , 1115 r•e a healthy skin, a clean ecsalp and <ood.batr through .g life, 5:. Ointment and. r Talcum eeld everywhere, peer -go eve. to tett the fascinating fro-, Otto of C,1icura Talcum on your akin. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE MHO Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Crosslt The name 'Bayer" Ocotillos thecontains proper directions for Cokes, only genuine A,lleirill.--the Aspirin I Headache, Toothache, Eerache, Nem, proscribed by phyi,teiens for over nine- ralgia, limmhstto, R110umntitim, Veuri- teen years and UM; made in Canada. vis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Ahvays buy an unbroken package Tin 'bores of 12 tablets cost but cif "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin which I0 few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages. There is only Cain Aspirins--,"Buyer".--'2on:must say "Rolex" Aspirin to the trade mark (rel;latered 1n 5anadal of 01' or 111301101nre of Alone. aoeticaclfleetcr of 5elley'ilraoiri while It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture. to aenlat the public against Imitations, t1•o `rableto of Bayer Co5Pan5 Will bo stamped with their general trade merle, the "Haver Cress" Ask Your Da'ug 1sy For Dr©des' Catendar For 1929 D -T is FREE and the best large -figure Calendar published, it gives the wea- ther forecast for each day in the year, also time of Sunrise and Sunset and phases of the Moon. "An exceptionally complete and useful Calendar!" That's 'what everybody nays. The edition is limited. 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