HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-30, Page 84+0 +4+4+044+4+0+0+0+04.0404 04444+4+4.+0+0+0+444+ t ♦ ry + 4 F.R. SMITH Ilexall Store Dtterigs Best Cough Bemedies Paper Covered Books Blood Root Cough Cure - 250 and 500 bots, Cherry Bark Cough Cure - 25c and goo bots, Laxative Bromo Quinine- 3oc boxes Cold Lofd Tablets- zs o boxes X Scott's Emulsion - 750 & $I 5o buts, Rexall Prep, Cod Liver Oil - $x.00 bots. Wampole's Cod Liver Oil - $1 oo hots. Formolid Throat Ease - roc and 250 pkgs. Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Oil 35c bole, HressinS Combs Good Combo have been very hard to get. Rubber Combs, Flexible, well made, coarse and fine teeth - 25c and 350 each Larger size in the same kind of a Comb- son each Rubber Combs - Extra heavy, large Combs, with either all coarse teeth, or coarse and fine at 750, $1.15 and $1.40 ea. These Combs will stand hard wear and are most satisfactory in the end. f. Home Made Soap l GILLETT'S CAUSTIC SODA ins lb. Tins. With this the work S is eaY is a good . Now time to make the Winter's supply of good •, Hard Soap. + 4. + 15c each We have recently received a new supply of the popular Paper Covered Books and these include titles by Southworth, M, J. Holmes and also the MErriwell and Alger series Some of them make good reading and they are to be had at the popular price of 150 each. Two of this Season's Books Sky Pilot of No Man's land Sy Ralph Connor -Si 5o Same old Bill, Eh Mahle At 750 Tooth Brushes Hutax Brushes each in a separ- ate box- 350 each Tooth Brushes with celluloid 'handles- 250, 35c & 400 Tooth Brushes - Bone handles and good bristles- 250 & 350 Other Brushes are to be bad at 150 and 200 each Reliable Tooth Preparations -Rexall Tooth Paste- 25e --Pepsodent Tooth Paste- 500 -Rlenzo Tooth Paste- 35c -Pyorrbocide Tooth Powder - $r oo owder-5I.00 -Antiseptic Tooth Powder - 250 €. R. SNHTH +h 0 4- a TA Illi - __ _ _ ,Store Druggist and Stationer 4• 0 4.4+ 0+4+0+0+0+0+ 0+4 +0+4+0+4 +0+•+040++4+4+0+?•6+4+0+• gaud li etas Iftems FALL -LIKE, Comecll. meeting next Monday. FRIDAY of this week will be Hallow- e'en. REPORT of Field Day may be reed on page 4. WEATHER on Tuesday was a reminder of the coming of Jack Front. DON'T forget the Auction Sale of House and Lot, Household Furniture, &c. at Mrs. no Cardiff's, Princess street, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. TRAINS are now running an hour later on account of returning to standard time. Few will object to the change as it relates to the early morning train, DR. WHITE will leave for a short holi- day on Sunday, November end. His office will be closed from that date un- til Wednesday, November x2th. Mrs. White and son will take a holiday with relatives at Collingwood. LITERARY SocsETv.-Thursday even- ing of this week Brussels Continuation School Literary Society will present their regular program in the 'Town Hall instead of having it as usual in the school on Friday. "Good stuff" is the rule so a pleasant evening may be ex- pected. DEMONSTRATION, -As will be seen by advt, the FireCo will give a Public De- monstration of the wonders of their range at the hardware store of Messrs, Wilton & Gillispie Friday of next week, November 7th, to which everybody is invited. A representative will be here to explain the advantages of the modern invention so don't fail to see and hear what can be done by tbis great stride in t economy and convenience, Friday, Nov. 7th, FOUND HIS BROTHER, -Ben. Whittard, town, took a trip to Belleville for the week end to visit his youngest brother George, whom he bad not seen for 9 years. The latter went to B. C., where be enlisted as a soldier and spent 4 years in the trenches, escapingwitb slightht in- jury. Ben. lost track of him but found his whereabouts by the records at Ot. tawa. He is married now and doing nicely in Belleville, Strange to say he married a Miss Whittard, although no relation as far as can be traced. It was an enjoyable visit to both brothers. ENTERED INTO REST, -The people of this locality were greatly surprised to learn Thursday morning of the death of a fine old lady in the person of Mrs, Jno, Thomson, She had an attack of acute indigestion and at her advanced age, 81 years, she was not able to fight it off. Funeral kook place Saturday forenoon from the bone of her son, Robert, after a short service conducted by Rev. Mr, eamade ale Manu, intern t being ugside her husband, who died several years ago, in Seaforth cemetery. Rev. Mr. Lar• kin took charge at the grave, Mrs, Thomson's maiden name was Isabel was born in D Richardson. Sheumfries township and married over 6o years ago. Survivingchildren are Alex,of Kitchen- er and obert of town. Deceased members are Thos Joe,Mrs. Jon Scott and Margaret, Surviving slaters are Mrs. Wilder and Mrs. Welsh, Galt, and Mrs, Wm. McAllister, Walton. Among relatives at funeral were Alt it Thompson, J. A, Wilson and Joe Serer, Seaforth, Mrs. C. R. Sommerville, Lan- don and Robert and Mrs. Leitch, Water- ier> Co: The subject of this notice was a kindly turned person, esteemed by a wide cirale of friends end a loyal mein- bar of the Presbyterian church, She acid her busbend lived at Seaforth for a goodmany years where they were well laogtiainted and greatiy respected. 25 CENTS gets THE Posr to Jan. 1st, igno. Don't borrow any longer. Aucrlo8 SALE last Saturday at A, C, Dames' went with a regular sweep TOOTING of whistles and ringing of town bell Monday a. ru gave notice that the Victory Bond Campai.th was oil. Get ready to do your part if you have not already done so BRussELt W. C. T, U, will meet Fri- day afternoon in the audience room of the Public Library and hold a Thanks- giving service for the great victory won for Prohibition in Ontario, RICHARDS & Co, are giving extra values in men's heavy working shoes, also man's long rubber boots. FEED Oats for sale, ALEX NrosoL, Phone 0018, Morrie. Pout enamel Brooch, lost on Tnrnberry street, Friday evening, Oct. 24th, Will finder plea a letav' ibt atg a gn POET as it is valued on Goon second hand buggy for sale. Steel tire, arch axle. Phone 848. DDNcAN MoExa NON, 81h Con. Grey township, FOR SALE. -0 young Ewes and a Ram Lamb St for service. Lours HOLLINGER, Phone 455 FOR SALE. -A number of Pigs 6 weeks old: JoxN MCNAIR, Phone 487. FOR Sam -Second hand Ford car in good condition. I. 0, RICHARDS. FOR SALE. -2 oomfortable dwelling hones. L C. RICHARDS. Yon to girl wanted to learn pant and seat making. Wages 85.00 a weak to .tart with. Apply to R. FERGUSON, Brussels, PPR RALE, -The eligible brick store and dwelling combined, now occupied by Mrs. Jane Thompson, For further partioulare ap• lto 9 WiltoG. SE sae, 28 Page street, Toron- to,APPRENTICE wanted to learn the printing. One who has passed Entrance exam. Apply at THE POST. Lrvs POIILTaY wanted on Monday and Tues. day of each week. Phone No. 86 for prieee, &o. R. Ta0MeoN, Brussels, DR. PARRER, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervone diseases succesefully treated. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. A FINE WOMAN CALLED TO HER RF. WARD.. -Last Sunday forenoon Elsie Watt, beloved wife of Rev, Dr, John Ross, Toronto, formerly of Brussels, an- swered the Roll Call of the skies, after a period of ill health tor past 2 years, from pernicious ausemia. Past 3 months were spent in bed, receiving loving and tender care from her dear ones and for to days, prior to decease, Mrs Ross lay in au unconscious state A short ser vice was held at the home Monday even. ing and casket was brought to Brussels Tuesday morning The funeral service was held in Melville eburelf at 130 o'clock, a large company of former old Wends paying their last tribute of re- spect to oue Who was much beloved tor her many graces of head and heart, Rev. A.Mann astor, as in 1 r, and after the asrel Psalm(c (o.le of the last quotations lir deceased before she died) was sung and lesson read, Rev, Mr. Lundy, Walton, offered prayer, Rev. Dr. f'errie, (an old friend who bad been re quested by Mrs Rona to take part it the service,) paid a touching and well de- served tribute to deceased couched in the most kind'y terms, that could have been verified h manyinthe church. urch. Rev. Mr, Mann spokpointedly from Mary breaking the alabaster box AS an illustration) of the late Mrs. Ross' devo- tion to her Master and His service and both speakers voiced the deep sympathy of the community to the bereaved in their great lost. Miss Isabel Strachan sang "Face to Face," with musical tenderness. At conclusion of service the Don.g re anion took A last loop at the g calm face of a friend beloved whom they hope to greet bye -and bye in the Homeland, Pallbearers were Dr. Graham ('Toronto,) G. A, Deadman, Alex, Stew - Chautauqua Brussels LYCEUM COURSE Splendid Program Marion Ballou Fisk Oartoonlst-Lecturer MONDAY, NOV. 10 Sydney Landon Entertainer WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2O Appolio Concert Co. SATURDAY, DEO. 20 The Liliou Kalani Hawaiian Quartette JANUARY 17 Vlssochis Florentine Musicians MARCIE 8 Plan of Reserved Seats opens at Fox's Drug Store at 9 a, in. Friday, Nov. 71h. art, Peter Stewart, P. A McArthur and D. C. Ross Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Among Ihuee who attended the funeral were Rev, Dr. Ross nod daegbters, Miss Argo (nursing sister in military hospital,'Torouto,) and Miss Bertha, (Social Service worker in the city ;) Miss Bella Watson and Alex. Watson, Drayton ; Alex Watt, Elora ; and Dr. W. Rod Mrs, Graham, Toronto, (former well known residents of town ) Miss Ads Ross, eldest daughter, is ere gaged in Mission Work in China, Dr. Ross became pastor of Melville church, Brusse s, on Oct 28th 1879 and 40 years ago to date and hour of the funeral he was inducted, a remarkable coincidence. In December of the same year Miss Elsie Watt,of Elora became Mrs. Ross s and for 27 years they were associated with the best interests of Melville con- gregatiou and the town generally, west?. ing cords of love that never can be sev- ered. 3 daughters, already referred to, and a sou Alex (who lies in the family plot here) were born to the manse. Rev, Dr. Ross resigned his heavy charge here in January Igo6, owing to poor health, but has kept in close touch during that time, he and Mrs. Ross com- ing for happy re -unions occasionally. The sweetness, devotion and sincerity of Mrs. Ross' life will live long in the memory of the people of this community who sympathise very sincerely with the bereaved, Dr. and the Misses Ross re. turned to Toronto Tuesday evening. RESERVED seat plan for the Chautauqua Lyceum Course will open at Fox's Drug store at a. m. Friday of next week when seats will be marked for the course of 5 entertainments, commenciug on Mouday evening, Nov. Toth. Don't forget Read list on, this page. STILL IN THE GAME. -It will be of In- terest to local Lawn Bowlers to know that J R Grant, Winnipeg, formerly of town, won a Pierex pie plate set in silver n a tournament th -s season, Last year he captured a barrel of flour in a similar competition, He was elected the 1st Hon. member of the Chub whose inter este he had promoted for years, Mr. Grant has retained his place on the lawn in a very active manner notwithstanding the flight of years. CHAUTAUQUA COURSE. - Tickets for the lull Course, $2 00 for adults and 5L5o for children under 12, War 'Pax extra. By purchasing Course tickets seats may be reserved without extra 0051 and used by any member of the family Single admissions, 500 for adults and 25c for children tinder 12 for the first two, and 750 and 350 for the last three enter- tainments, War Tax extra in each case. Plan will open at Fox's Drug Sore, Friday, November/ 7th, at 9 a. m. Tick- ets may be procured from any of the Ticket Committee - M. Black, W. J McCracken, A, L. Stewart or Fred, j, Wood, Menront•'r CHURCH HARVEST HOME ANNIVERSARv,-One Of the MOSt Su0Cen8- full anniversaries for a number of years in connection with the Methodist church Brussels, was held Sunday and Monday last. The preacher was Rev, E F Armstrong, Chairman of Wingbam Dis• trier, who gave splendid sermons. Morning theme was on "Personal Iu• fluence," in which the shadow of Peter was the stetting point and the power of personality, good cheer and optimists being emphasised as the lever to help the world to God. In the evening All- round chino," wasdealt with, Genesis G ass 26 and 25 being the text, Church was packed to the doors and service will not soon be forgotten. Choir sang the An- them "0 clap your bands" and W. H. and Mrs, Willis, Wiogham, rendered "Sweeter as rhe days go by" In the morning and at night the Male double quartette, with Mr. Willis Rs conductor, gave "Awake ! Awake," "In the Gard- en" and "Coming Home," Rev, Mr, Overend, Kincat'dine, assisted in the evening service, Melville church service having been withdrawn. Church was pea ly decorated with maple leaves, flowers and flags. Offering was $22 00, The day will live as a happy memory as sermons and praise service Were more than ordinarily enjo,able. Rev, MI'. Armstrong will always be welcome Monday evening was wet, cold and un- inviting but the people came from near and far to the Fowl Supper and Enter- tainment following filling the church. Ladies supplied a bill of fare that would be difficult to supersede, both as to quality and q,antity but, unlike the widow's oil,there was a hard chase to make last out for the late comers. Rev, W. E Stafford, pastor, filled the bill as chairman when a program of special excellenoe end variety was ren- dered. It was appreciated So well en - cotes were demanded 'to almost every number necessitating nearly double the time anticipated We are sorry limited space cuts down the report but in brief the talent was excellent and not a poor number in the list. It consisted of well sung solos by Miss Isabel Strachan,1 Miss Madeline Welker, Wingham, t ' (daughter of James and Mrs. Walker, oy 11019 INESSEISIMITIMElffiesientarEti Order your Winter's sup- ply now and get them under cover, There is no nicer light wood, P. AIYIENT Phone 10 r8 BRUSSELS formerly of Brussels,) Miss Verne Wal- ker and W FI, Willis ; cheery readings by Miss heeda McElroy, Blyth spirited addresses by Revdv Meters, Davison and Armstrong ; Male Octerte and An- th mb by c•11 ,lr Mb's Hazel Brandon, (Wiueb:nn )'i1iee Bailey and Mr. Willis ee, rt• exre''e'tt accompanists. While the home talent did so well the visitors es- tablished a record that can only be satis- fied by a return visit, Melia McElroy is a bright little lassie who does her part in r most pleasing manner. Miss Walk- er's fi ':t visit to Brussels as a soloist was enjoyed for Buhl acquaintance sake. r c i sall o did Cardial lea: k, ova. g v u to who 00 satisfach•r ly. Financial proceeds were $221 no. Daring the supper piano eeleetwee w,ee ieell rendered by Misses Bion doe, "'.tic anon aid Gerry and W. 15 Wilts, t'hrancivelsaryWas a feast of good things rill through, BORN BurrnN.-At the Methedtat Parsonage Wal- ton. on Oetober 18th, 1910, to Rev, and Mrs. J. W. Button, a daughter. DIED Dot0.-In LIatnwal, on October 271h, 1919, Margaret Patrick, relict of the late An- drew Doig, aged 08 years, Roes. -1n Toronto, ou October 29th, 1919, El- sie Watt, beloved wife of Rev. John Ross, D. D ,formerly of Brussels, TH0MSON,-In Brnseelt, on October 28rd, 1010, Ieabell Richardson, reliot of the late John Thomson, aged 81 years. AUCTION SALES FREDA Y, OCTOBER 01sT, -Farm etoolr, Lot 20, Con. 0, Morrie township, Sale at 1 p, in, D. McCallum, Prop. • F. S. Scott, Aui mA Mumy, Nov,Nov,;aa-Auotton Rale of PANE s n s hayand 'rain. 0, P. Voir- Stock Hn >l mer tL l a 1i it drink, Anetlam b, will sell by public o anotio Gr yams Campbell, n1, Lots Se and 54, r ps 1, l- Greq, right at Molesworth, See bills for parti- culars. W50$590AY. Nov. 12TH -Farms, Farm stook, Implements, Household Furniture, &o , Stir! not 11. ^,an ", Morrie Snle unreserved, to close estate of late George Pierce, at 1, m. Thomas Pierre, Administrator, F, S. Sonat, Auctioneer. TUESI'AY, Nov, 25TH. -Farm Stools Imple• moats, &c„ Lot 1. ('on. 17, Grey, Sale unre- served at 1 o'clock, John Bennett, Prop„ F. S, Soot*, Ano, Household Goods for Sale AT D. BLAKE'S Lot 6, Con. 13, Grey Following articles aro offered by Private Sale :- Kitchen -Range, heater (goal or woody, table, ehalre and other things. Parlor -Library tab• le and chairs to match, 1 willow rocker, 1 mis- elan chair, 1 mission grandfather's clock 1 taberout for jardenier, 1 ebony iardenler stand, 1 sectional book case, 1 ladies'dressing glees, 1 mission manual training make centre table, 2 hall trees, 1 mahogany chair, 2 leather chairs, 1 willow porch Cwlag, 2 bedsteads and 'Midsspprings, 1 tilydseye Maple dresser, 1 Birdesye t; rocker, 1 ser, 1ye Maple rearl- Ing table, 1 Princess dresser, small dresser with glass, 1 white cannel hi orator Mork lined, Oryetalmake), 1 largea china closet 12 neper .helves fitted with unirror, 5 shelves in ale), and many other articles. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OP FARM STOOK. -F: S. Soott, Anotieneor, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by Public Anotion et Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, on Friday, October 81st. at 1 o'eleclr, the following valunble property :- 1 cote doe to calve A pril 11, 1 cow due to calve Jar, 20, 1 heifer due to calve Jan. 26, 1 heifer due to calve Jan.28, 1 now due to calve April 4, 1 cow due to calve April 0, 1 cow due to calve April 12, 1 steer rising 8 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 8 Spring calves, Sale without reserve on account of sickness rvedemonths It givenen on furnish.ing approved joint notes. per neat per annum uLLowod off for oAeh. D. MCOALLUM, Proprietor. Auction Sale —01P— House & Household Effects MRS. JNO. CARDIFF Announces a sale of her House and Household Furniture, ather home, Princess street, on Saturday, Nov. let. List comprises t-1 dining 'Noon table, 1 sideboard, 1 net of China dishes nearly nonplete, 8 hair cloth chairs, rocking chair and sora, dining room chairs, 1 large couch I bedroom suite with mattress 1 noel heater, 11 steel range, 1 84mnrner coal oil stove with oven end num ennui other articles. AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, FARM STOOK, IMPIEMIRPSd AND PDRNTTURR. F. S. Scott, Auotloneer has received instructions from the undersigned Administrator of the estate of the late (George Piece to sell by_pub- lic auction at T,ot 11, Con. 7, Morris two., Wed - needs New, 12th, at 1 e'elook, the following valuable property : 1 horse 5 years otd,1 mare 11 years old, -1 aged mare 0 COWS -supposed in calf, 1 heifer 2 years old supposed 10 oalf,.1 steer 2 Sears 01,1, 1 heifer 2 years old, 2 eteere 1 year old, 2 heifers 1 .year old, 7 spring naives, 1 registered Durham bull 5 year. old, 2 brood sowe,12 small pigs, Massey-Hnt'rle binder Oft, out,Noxon mower, hay rake, Massey-Berr1A cultivator, land roller, set iron ha'rown, Fleury plow, two furrow plow, Maseey-Har- rie 18 discfertilizer drill, turnip seeder, pen harvester, turnip ppulnper, wheelbarrow, set of platform srnlee200 lbs., nutter, set of sleighs, hay rade 1811, 1g box, fanning mill, ladder barrel, grindstone, genie cradle, DeLsyai dream separator, set dnalrlehnrnese, eat plow harness set single }melees,n quantity of hay, 800 bus. barley, 200 bushels oats, 5 hives °Phew, 20 empty hivee, 12 genii, begs, honey ex treater, stove Tanga Gurney -Oxford, heating stove, a number of kitchen (hairs, a number of dining room Chairs, faunae, orivboerd, Bideford, ex. tension table, parlor suite, 2 bedroom suttee, 8 bedetends, Churn, weahleg machine end wringer, several rolls of linoleum, kitchen arid utensils window blinds 1 tiling r nee elm. tiling numerous othermore r lets, 0Th. farm oon00,11 1 1, soresl7111 or fess, 1.00 acres bo- 7thgSousa>gLot brick kt11 Gen, Mor ba, bOna to ands iA n goad ings ring. two hank bush, and a never od 11(1 spring. 0g north of bush, Part 7adu'rie 60acresacing Rooth-t Lot 10, mum grass, 5neoa oeSwampand he bal. Looe 2, Ceas�, M Morels being 9 00Imalii part l Lot )w Car 1 1,101)5, 60E40 feet hay hush, mostlyp hardwart ,, barn 60E40 xPeetr shay shed 20x5* Pert ; n log house andiwindmill All Terme -4nbe int order to wind up the • tate Terme Amami 1 rrf til and undo' nook ; over r Brno n ,12.mnnths credit given an furnish- no u ni k - a u Ye that ing redia ted'jnlnt notes. O per aont off far code n credit xmi,mrts, Ter t for Pnrms made known en clay, of Pale a' mu apppPIERCE113010lon 1,6 Tuns. MILLER, TROR, , Olerk, Admhnletrator of Geo.Pieree 'estate, `Sc t /'9 58 ,_'.A AVING. — The ) foundation ofalmot every succes9ful huriness venture is built on vet*i;a Via. The Standard Bank of Canada can be of great assist. ance in helping yotl to de• velop your business. 293 THE i<' HARD BANK OF CANADA QRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGE. BRUSSELS MARKET aconin shaman~e+l sootomfoneekaseci.I:>tQvaoaseceeeviseceeeeecovaaJosa 3 (9 e t� 05 1,1 da 10 0) r1 d n a 4. 01 0 m 0 cl e 6 01 41, 4. as to 0 0 0 m 00 Razor Strops .L'o's THE rug ,itore STORE eekl y Store °_?ewe Amateur Phot .ff r r k W1 -IAT about your Snaps ? Are you having WHAT satisfaction in the treatment of them ? t creas- department steaciil increas- ing, a Our business in thisis Y ing, There must be a eason. We would like to add yonr name to our list—perhaps you would let us develop your next filen. Either dull or glossy finish—price the same in either case. Prompt Service. m A good Razor 0 Strap is one of the real essentials to an easy shave. Our dollar Strop is 00 certainly a good e one. 0 Heinz Olive oil Fall Wheat 51 00 91 08 O Spring Wheat 2 00 2 10 3 1 650 s 85 85 BOatubtor 150 100 Eggs 05044 Hoge 16 0554 15 to Q Steer Strayed Strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed, on or about October 20111, n 2 year-old roan rAnyinformation a to his whereabouts debo nod. a w1rerenboute will be 214 A. 50 received. 17.2 Phone IIt14 MORSE, Ethel, Heifer Strayed New Papeteries (food Stationery is al- ways a mark or disl,ine- thnn. Our stock alt present ie very Non- plete-- 25c 35c 50e OOc Combs Are etill a little higher than 1'nrni. Trey but sumo re. C e 11 1 purchases contain some very special values, ie the brand we sell and there is none better -Pure, I'ieh and wholesome, Prices the same as the cheaper ver• 101,1.4- $1.25 per pint keep the Teeth Perfect You have tried HUTAX of course. We have been advised of a probable iuerease 11.1 price but we have lots of 111en1 at the old price- 25c & 85e Let 53 US a Fill ® Your e Family Recipes Ea Strayed from the premises of the under- 0 signed, Lot 14, Con. 7, Morris, on o- about Sept. G 15th, n 2.year•old dehor'ned roan heifer. Any 0 information leading to her recovery will be fil Phone 865 Brussels4.0) thankfully reoefved, W0] BIRD, _ - 1,9 b DRUGGIST and STATIONER Farm for Sale Being V% Lot 18, Con. 9, Morrie Township, containing 100 sores in good state of cultiva- tion ; ultiva-tion; good buildings, abnnd¢noe of water, con- venient to school.. immediate possession, For further partioulars apply to ROBERT NE WCOMBE, 10.4 Blyth R. R. No. 2, An old Negro riding on the train, fell asleep with his mouth wide open. .A miechisvous drummer camenlorg and having a convenient capsule of quinine pp n sifted bl tie poolrnt,ell into it andNthe bitter dose well 'Jerky y a old Negro's mouth, Soon the Darlrp He called Osr disturbed. He 'ailed r much orAn bat t for ewe the Conductor And per e ; train 5"aA.is dor' a doctor kn tit" midhei ' I dourt know" said the Conductor, "Are you Wok 3" Yes Ruh, I oho 10 sick." "What in the antter with yon'" "1 Dunne Suh, but it tastee like my gall la bunted." Bring US Your Prescrip- tions JAMES FOX e sLi:-cN•Zs0 E-1tee OGSJElag.`EGtaSt<-6i'e:e ooge,,goaceno,at 00/3 tWgQeas.)et9t9 Court of Revision VILLAGE OF WROXETER Notice is hereby given that a Court w111 be Nouse for Sale in Cranbrook held, pursuant to The ()uteri° Vetere' Lista Aet, by Elia Honor the Judge of the County Canrt of the Ooaniy of Huron, at the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on the 10th day of November, Comfortable brink house and ;-G sore of ]and 1910,.at 10 o'olook a, m., to hear and determine Por cafe. Good woodshed, Promo etahle, or- complaints of errors and omissions in the Vet - chard, well, &a., located in Village of Oren- era' List of the Municipality of the Village of brook, belonging to estate of late Donald Mc, Wroxeter for 1010. Dougall. For further particulars apply to • Dated the r 1910. y of October, 1910. W J. SMA LLOON, ()midweek, i 0. MOTHVISH. 10.4 or ALEX MoDOUGALL, St. Thomas. Clerk of the Alnnicipatlty or Wreset er. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF GREY Notice is hereby given that a Count wet be held, unmeant to The Ontario WaLe,e 1,151 Aot, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, n* the T' n n• chip Hall, Ethel, on the 20th day of Nnvember, 1019, at10o'oloelt a. m., to hear and eetermino complaints of errors and omissions in the Vet. era' Liet or the Municipality of the Townnhip of Grey for 1010. Dated the 27611 day of October, 1010. A. H MAODONA I.D, Clerk of the Munloipnlily of Grey. • e444404011.44940400004404.40 0.00400400000400000 40404•00000Q•4P400004000♦0 .e2' • ♦FiReeo'�'+. +c+ g • r n .'-1,t � iq '3.: �At-v t "e 1 ti ti' it t7 I � k:d. �aty�yjtJ �'9`tj ��,�1y]7 � 7�n Ile n 1,7 v"!i l a7 ss O 0 0 emr •y r.. P. .0 r.: A;. u •^r r= 41, 0 0 ♦ • i • •5 a f 0 • 01 0 0 0• • •00 0 • oA representative of the FI RECO Range will be on hand at above place and date to o practically illustrate the merits of this wonderful Range and you are cordially invited ♦ to call and see its efficiency and economy. • 4♦ • 0 O O • O O s 1 u 5o Per Cent Saving in Fuel 6o Per Cent Less Ashes t i NO FIRES TO KINDLE, Cut the Fuel Bill in Half Better, Safer, More Economical "The Greatest Stove Invention of the Age" VajICM."lCn�2'^.hiR'eSsx.:e._..uxw ".:.LL.'., Oaf 4100>, bCr n2.Yu2 .,.x,. __. 00, 14BM5225E2ENEE ® �'� Gillespie' ` 5tt ly � _ a, a � �-.r k,1,, ,1 k '+fir _ et �T 1,y 6' xf , a z. x :9 't . rx ., .� ... s..:., ;w.. a Atl��It��1 FRIDAY, 140V. 7th YOU NEED IT You Are Daily Paying for it Why Not Have It ? A Fireco Range in Your Horne Mea: rs 5o Per Cent More Cooking Surface 5o Per Cent Less Labor to Operate NO MORE BLACK BOTTOM KETTLES(' a • 6 6 d 0 ♦ ♦ O ♦ 0 4. ♦ O • ♦ 4• 0 0 48 4> O • O 0 Warm Kitchen in the Wintet Time. Cooler Kitchen in the Summer Time Quicker Service in the Morning. Hot Water Day and Night 4 • • • • Holds Fire Over Night With WoodHolds Fire Ninety Hours With Coed PERFECT BAKING WITHOUT DAMPER OPERATION e •H Buries any kind of Fuel, • No more Black Leading g to be dobe, •.•••0 • ......444•••••04.4..6.4.44404. .. . �!•••4♦♦4.6•i4 � t• •••N•.04440.0••••r/•N••••i••• No Dusty Ashes to Sift,