HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-30, Page 4Annual Field Day of Brussels Continuation and Public Schools GOOD RECORD FOR MANY A YEAR Asexual-. FIELD Ii.1y Thur salty :tft smeren the Attract! sports were hell U1.i'ii07 urst110 added to the pleasure and evety ettulent', was present. Parade took place from school Cn Victoria Park at 1,80, Oadete being followed by the children with flags. At the park pro- p l'utti.b. SI lion' '1'nr Unlace Sebes! 1,f fir n .sets has always been a good uue:eel tle, young folk trained there in past years have done nediReirditln Breit tetithful in•' sin esters. Ast'UI'ttlef 1'rinc`:rats Jin. sham, 1ar,w on retired list and living cession formed hitt) hollow square and •1t Clinton, and I. 11. l'altleron, on the Cnllegialr staff' re London toe years, etl'e two of the eutstiuuling persons who n ill never he forgotten by those who wore fr4.11111n le P1lotull to be students doting their tutorship. The preeeot etsif consists of Mies Susie G«ddOs, who 1140 charge of tine P;ntrasee olds t Mts., Kathleen Wil - Company, heartily sang "Maple Leal' Forever." Program of spurts then commenced and Was as f0110ws ;— Wheelbarrow Race --Sl•. • .1. War. wick and W. McOuteheon ; Jr. A. Thompson trod J, McUtacket, Egg Race Girls—SVlnuers, Al, Jfe. Nabb, AI, Brown and AI. M0.I)onald, tS 11111....,1111,,,,, BRUSSELS Room II Hiss Wilton teacher—Ex- hibition of Physical exercises. Physical Exercises by hoys or High School—Director, W. McCuteheou. Three legged Race—Sr. A. Stewart and F. Oliver, Jr. D. %' itrwiek and J. Oliver. Exhibition of Physical Drill by Girls of High School under direction of Miss Morris, teacher, Game Pass the Ball, Girls, Reds vs. Blues.'Winners Reds. Basket Ball, Boys, Armstrong vs, Warwick. Winner Warwick, Thread the Needle Race, Girls, M. McNabb, M. Maunders and E. Oliver. Exhibition of Physical Exercises Room 111 Miss Geddes, teacher, In- structor. Game Pass the Ball—$oys vs, Girls. Girls won. Singing Contest Boom I II and 1II of Public School. Winners Room III. Judges were Mrs. Stafford, Mrs. Mann and Miss Mae Wood. It was very difficult to make decision and general verdict pronounced excellent. Room I sang a motion song, "The falling snow," Room II "Bubbles," Room III "Bubbles." Each room gave an additional number by request, Cadet Drill in uniform, instructor J. Warwick. Wand Drill by Girls of High School was very attractive. Miss Mortis was hi charge, Teachers and instructors are to be congratulated and pupils also upon the excellency of all the physical ex. hi b171008. The program was brought to a con. elusionby the National Ailtbeln, everybody having a good time. These annual Field Days are product tive 0f much good in establishing rt Claes and school spirit.. Pr'ineipal Scott was the general director of the afternoon's sport and everything pas- sed off most enjoyably and success- fully. SCHOOL RECORD FOR YEAR 1918-10 The past school ,eat Was one mark- ed by satisfactory results, particularly when the interruption from the flu epidemic and its after effects broke in upon the term. Total enrollment in Continuation School was as fol- lows :—Parol II1.20 Form II. 19: Total Form I. 35 • 74. Ceased being pupils during year for various 1'eaenll8, TO, Number going up t0 examinations from Form III. for Normal Entrance and Metric 12, of these 8 were success- ful, 7 only being recommended, In the Lower School Normal Era trance 13 wrote and 10 were awarded certificates with 8 recommeudatinns. A vigorous Literal' Society171 one of the commendatory organizations in connection with the school but the most important of all is the training and culture for true citizenship. A Owlet. carps has passed official in- spection very creditably by Lieut. Ool. McCrimwon, the officers being highly complimented, B. S. Scott has been the Principal for past 8 year's and Miss Winuifred Morris is his as- sociate. Both are doing praiseworthy work as the record proves, There ie a well equipped Labratory for the Continuation students and by both precept and example practical demonstrator) Is given ni about as gond form as may be attained at the High grade Oollegiates. Our achnol ranks well up in the list whoa com- pared with the High Schools of the Province and as far as the opinion 0f THE .Poser, goes if reeord can be con- firmed under present 00ndit.i000 there is not much need of seeking to have the school changed to a high Salon], with numerous extra expenses that are ineeparahle from such a change, Present building is n substantial brick one, roomy, well lighted acid heated and with eurronndin s that I are if not Ideal, quite satin±actor y, Robert Henderson has been the steady going Oaretaker for an extended SCHOOL toll turd Ali(71 Fl(irellee Buchanan, In- spector Field's report of 111e work clone by them from time to time emphasise the good opinions earned by these ladies, Brtlss015 5013001 possesses a unique record in the history of Entrance to High School results, For years the ambition of both teachers and pupils was a full class pass with a good shale of hontlrs. In keeping with this con- dition 10 passed last Summer, 4 of the number in the Honor toll. While some parents and guardans do not evince a very live interest in schools affairs others are ever yearly to second the efforts o1' the staff toward making the very best of pres- ent day educational advantages. Onr school Lax is sometimes thought to be heavy, and it is as compared with other:rates, but school is 011P 01' our best assets anti Continuation De- nim truer) t has saved thousands of dol- lars to the ratepayers and people of the community whose young people were desirous of seeking Teachers' Cel tifcates, matriculation to entrance to other professions, �Ca. In this day and age nothing can take the place of a good education in fitting the corning then and woolen for the duties of Canadian citizenship.' The Trustee Board, which consists of D. C. Ross (Chairman,) Al. Black (Secretary -Treasurer,) R. Leatberdale, inn. Cunningham, Jas, Fox and Jno. Logan, are ever on the alert to keep school up to the high standard de- servedly won and are sympathetic it) their relatiou to the staff and the homes represented by the bright pupils and thereby are in happy ac- cent with what nominees to make the situation prornotive of the beet r'eenIte, Grey The 'reenters North Dakota Press, speaks of the demise of a former resi• dent of this locality as follows :— M1te. SARAI2 LEACH DECEASED,—Phe friend whom we have known so long as Mrs, Sarah Leach is most assutetlly a victim of the Great War, just as surely as any of the boys whom 'we have brought hack from some of the great ramps whom we laid to rest so tenderly in warm MoHenry county soil and whom we will honor every year the month of May crimes refund, Her maiden name was Sarah Mc- Dougall and she was born in Huron County, Ont. Her parents mane from Scotland and Nova Scotia. They were all earnest, God-fearing Presby- terians. In the middle 90's she 'tune to North Dakota to visit her sisters, Airs. lithe Leach and Mrs, Belle Lym- burner. During her visit her sister. (Cate died suddenly and she stepped in to cafe for the three little motherless boys viz, 'Simeon, GVilliarn and Alex- ander. After 8o1110 years of earnest painstaking care of the orphans she married their father, Franklin Leach, then managing Air, Lylnhnroer's coal yard, For years befcte that he was -a busy ranch•man 017 the Mouse River meadows owning ranch and warkiog with he larger heals of his neighbors. In Towner Air, Leach was a much re- spected citizen and an Elder of the Presbyterian church but he was not rol's&and two years later died 512(1• deftly of appendicitis. His widow, Mrs. Sarah Leach, continued to man- age the home and keep the boys in school, Mr, Lytnburtier, Mr. 13agley and Me. Gorman all acted as trustees and Towner' has watched with in Lei est how all these boys grew into fine manhood. tonneau was drafted but was excused nn necolmt of his eyes. Wm. enlisted in the (t )12010nce wens for which be was well fitted by tires vlo rs trahli) .ser l r g Ile Vetl overseas and returned early in 1911) to find his dear aunt Sarah had broken down and was being eared for in the hospital, where she died sirddohly Sunday, Sept. 14th, 1010, the immediate cause Canadiai"s ! This is a call to National Service --- The Victory Loan 1919 which opens to -day, VDU are citizens of no mean country. Canada is a fair, free land. Canada is your country. Canada—now—has need to borrow from you—Lend: Lend without restraint of politics or fine distinctions of creed or party. The leaders of the political parties endorse the Loan. It is CANADA that asks: And why— To clean up the last of the War's commitments and expenses; To establish beyond all question the capacity and credit of your country; To care for the wounded and maimed soldier; To finance the bonus of the returned soldier already paid; To enable the fruits of Victory to be garnered; To ensure the prosperity of you, her citizens. The guns of war are silent—but they are not yet cool. The Victory Loan 1919 is a War Loan. Canada's book of war is gloriously written—make this, the worthy one. The responsibility is yours. LEND 1 See Ofleial Pros/iectus on another gage. LEND! ..EAD! closing chapter, a Issued by Canada's TTietoty Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of rho Dominion of Canada. 617 of death being hemorrhage of the bow- els. She was always an earnest Christian and a life-long Member of the Presbyterian chutchh iter sor- rowing nephews laid her in the family plot beside her 'Aster Kale and brother, Alexander, Her brothel, Jas. McDougall, came from Langdon to attend the funeral, Two sisters survive her, Airs, Wm, Brewer, of Brussels, Ont,, and Mts. Lymbnrner of Long Beach, California, Also Iwo brothers Peter AlcDongall. of Huron Co. and Jas. Langdon, North Dakota, Rev, P. W. Erickson mune drew) to preach the set mon at the funeral which was held all I'hucsday morning tit 10 o'clock. Many old friends and Id neighbors covered her casket with Rowers and followed het remains to the hiilslde cemetery. WHAT IS A CURE? 1/18 IT A TEMPORARY OR PER. MA1'ENT CONDITION? Let us get down to brass tacks. Is there is any such thing as a euro? You may eradicate every tract) of disease from your system and be restored to ,oma• former state of )1001111—but you haven't attained a euro. Why? 13e - cause as long as disease germs are pre- valent in the universe you may ho afflicted again. Take for example: a man has a ter- rible headache for days. It has driven him.. almost insane, sapping his ener- gies and making him incapable of working. He tries doctors, takes pre- 1criptioue, and finally finds a prepara- tion that makes him fit again. .Imme- diately he says, 'I'm cured.” Six months later his ]road begins to eche, What dons he say, "Here's my old headache back again'thatmedicine was a fake"—or does be say, "An- other attack) we'll soon knock that out)" and eOmmelleos the use of the remedy that relieved him before, This happens in many eases of Rhea. mutism, Lumbago, Neuritis, Neuralgia. That is why Ivo say "Templeton's Rhounlatie Cripsulcs" remedy these diseases. They aro 99% effective by OW record. Ask your Druggist or Write u0 for our 07120 booklet; itis interesting and costs you nothing (T001pletona 142 King West, Toronto). We mon 1%11..0,1 anywhere -pn receipt of 81.01. Sole agent In Brussels, Jas, Vox, Druggist, Farm for Sale Being 1,"t 8, Con. 0, Geer township, 001,18in. 111g 105 acres Good buildings, abundance of water Bed only 1 mile from Brussels. For far. 1)1H,' pal 1)0.110ra appply1)T0(0 Phone 2978 FL13E11 17010, B0880018, £lull for Service The nndero)goad bill keep for service, on S Lot 80, non, 2, 11(101•(98 township, the thoro'-bred i.h,rt Horn Bull, Geinford of Salem, No. =U5.4117—, Sired by Gninferd Matenis (108890) ; Dam Mildred V1I by Royal Sailor 080591. ped. i&Teomay be seen on application, Tema— $10 00 for thoro'-heeds payable at time of ser. vire with privilege to return. Grade 00w0 not allowed. Proprietor. THOS, PIERCE, MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at ()Uwe until noon on Friday, the 14th doy of November, 1019, for the conveyhnoe of Hie Majesty's Marla, on proposed Oontra0b for four years, Six tines per ween, over Blnevale No, 2 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Pleaeal•e, Printed notices oontandng farther informs• tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may be Been and blame forms of Tender may be ob. telned at the Past Olfnes of B1ue,ale, Wing. ham, Brnseels end BelgraVe, and at the office of the Poet Ofaoe Inspector, London, Post Office Inspector's Office, London, liar October, 1919, • CHAS. E. E, FI80HER, Post Of1180 Inspector. 4.40'4o•h, F@+ 4>.1.844.*+4)+41.+4.> 9•®4. ®•t•aa•i•11'1'$-4.'ii' •. S••Q•0•tr P.l•eb •t'®'F &'t'not t^ 9 4 The Seaforth Creamery I' 1m W nted t,V 7 Send your Crearn to the Creamery thoroughly • • • established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. 4. •1• • We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- • picas and pay you the highest market prices every two wpeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. o Fot' further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C. i McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to •e i The Seaforth Creamery C d. SRAFORTH, ONT. oo+o+•'1 e., +0'44+ oet0000•1'Ai0 ooto.ro+M 4P+11+R4*-4 1.11.1 411'p0 41, • e a Farre for Sale Parra for sale, being NS T,ot 18, Con. 0, Mor- ris township, containing 100 acres. Comfort- able 11011se, bank barn, drilled well and spring creek, Good locality, convenient to s17hool. Immediate po0seseian. Por fm'ther pmrtion- l17rs apply to P. S. SCOTT, Brussels. Farm for Sale Pine 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 25, COI), 14, Grey township. 50 ;mime cleared, balance bush and pasture. Good buildings, consisting or frameiotise, bank bore, driving shed and up•to•date poultry louse. Good water, wind- mill, r&a. 4 miles from Ethel and 2 miler from MoNaught, on 0. P. 14, Nor further par• Battlers as to price, Alarms 80., apply on the premises or if by letter to Ilruaoelo It R. 2. 0•tf T. WILLI0MSON, For Sale House and lots, containing NM (701170, b1 1710 VIlinge of Crnnbrook, the property of the Atte Mrs. Agnes Brown, is offered for sole. Frame house, barn, fruit trees, &a. Posseoeion could be given et once. For furtherarticul ars ap- ply to 1(111, 'RHOS. CAMP80N or WM. C:Anilauul, Excentors estate of the late Mrs. A gnos .Brea 0, Crnnbrook, Farm for Sale Being Lot 10, Con. 0, Grey townsh1p, contain. in 100 acres, all under cultivation. OmnPort- nble frame ]louse, bank barn, good orchard, drilled well 01111 never failing oprb7g, 2 miles frotn Ethel and 7 miles from Brunets, School within 1a mile. . Fnrm 1 i art 0lard to neo the 0 estate. For further particulars a0 to mace, terms, 62c., aptplyto W, G. POLLARD, 101 hid, or 1140, BATEMANN, Brussots, re °,rl rn ante Shiny yu t,la• Cream Direct .io the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you witl-1 Can and Pay all Ex- press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Hank, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and .you will not want to discontinue. Brussels Creamery massaisrarisseamemamcvstavame Stewart erns, Props.