HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-30, Page 1VOL, 48 NO, 18
1.50 Per Annum in Advance
11 tJ.S 'ELS. O'N7�I%X41.
111111111111 I 1111111 111111 10111111111111111 11111
Vi to
Should he loyally supported by
every citizen.
This Bank gladly furnishes full
information, and is pleased to co-
operate with intending sul7scri6ers.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital
Reserve and Undivided Profits • •
Resources • • - -
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it t®YA
"'•'�.`IIIIIIIIIIIII ,2O' 17�t'I°
New Advertisements
Apples—Alf. Booker.
Brooch lost—Toru PONT.
Auutlorr Sole—Thos. Pierce.
Oats for sale—Alex N1oho1.
Special Sale—H. L. $0.wart,
Extra values—I, C. Richards.
Buggy for en le -0, McKinnon.
Auction Sele—Bonry Urmpbell.
Weekly Store news—Jam es Fox,
Auction Sale—Lott & McDonald,
Court of Revision—Twp of Grey.
Bexell Store offerings—P. R. smith.
Ronsehold goods for sato—D Slake.
Demonetrntion—Witton & GIlloapie.
Court of Revision --Village of Wroxeter,
. istrirt galas
Mrs, W, and the Misses Alderson
attended the Harvest Houle Fowl
supper at 131m:sets Monday evening.
They report It gond time and think the
singing of the male double Quartette
was specially fine.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mv.
Armstvorig, 'Wingham, gave an in-
structive address on the great For-
8 9,700,000
9 IR
ward Movement in Methodist church.
W. H. Willis accompanied him and
sang a choice solo.
Anniversary services in the Metho-
dist church here on Sunday, Nov, 9th,
at 280 and 7.80 p. tie., when Rev. Mr.
Irwin, Luclusuw, will preach. Chole
will sing in the afternoon and the
Male Octette, from Brussels, in the
FINE TRIP --Mrs. Harry Smalldon
and son Jack, ate back from a most
plenum able carting occupying over 2
months, with relatives and friends.
Miami, Man., where Mrs. Stnalldin's
brother, James S., lives was head-
Oquarters, Front these they left on
ctober let on a trio, in Mr, Brown's
McLaughlin—Baiek car, the patty
consisting of the pu,prietni' with his
son, Stewart, (recently hove from
Egypt, where he nerved during the
wtu) who was chauffeur, latiei's sis-
ter, Miss Lena, Mts. Dadid Hunter
anti eine. Sinalld'n and Jack. 700
wilee were encompeseed, with an
average speed of 30 miles per (tout
and was devoid of accident or trouble
with car. Frotu Miami the route lead
through Manitu, Pilot Mound, Crys-
Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to
turn them over to this Bank for collection.
The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak-
ing presentation, and payments will be credited to
your account promptly.
Sales Notes supplied without charge.
Walton Branch
eN.04.040,40444/4,4WW4.040,/ 44,W4,,11
J, M. McMI1I. , Acting Manager
Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat ?
If you do you will be interested in the choice line
of samples we have just received. Also in the large.
Men, whichshows
book of Autumn Styles forMyou�
how some of these s'aniples look when made up.
Expert Tailoring
Fit guaranteed and Moderate Prices are considerations
you cannot afford to overlook.
THURSDAY'. 007 f 1L'.1iR 30; 19109
tal Oily and Oartevright, T'rottt the
latter Iltu elenie wa'i v1si10,1 fie the
nan s npi re en toting n the united
Slates, 's The t
us of Per el], Lamle,
York ol lemmond, itt North Dakota,
were visited, , David B
(SVlresiding 1
the latter. On the return trip Delay -
eine In Manitoba Minton Newclale,
Minuedose NeepILWIL (where Jim, and
Mee. Brown formerly or Grey town-
ship are) Carberry and Miam
i were
called mein, The trip was a real de.
lightand enjoyed 10 the full by all
concerned Jima the party have a better
idea of Lhe geography and history of
the lauds visited than ever,
B u ve! ale
Mina Armetrong spent Sunday with
Mee. A. B. Jackson,
Richard Johnston made a bueiness
trip to Toronto laet week,
Harvey Messer wan home front Tor-
onto over the week encs.
Stanley:Hall has gone to Walkerton
where he' has secured a position.
Jas. Masters attended a railway
meeting at Palmerston Monday.
Eldon McKinney has gone to Toron-
to where he has secured a position.
Hugh and Mrs. Sinnainon spent Sun-
day at the home of Wm. McMichael.
Mrs. Geo, McDonald is at London
attending the Women's Institute Oott-
ventiotl this week.
A number of the neighbors and
friends of Joseph and Mrs. Ourtis
gathered at their home on Oct. I7th
and spent a very pleasant evening,
that, date being the 25th annivetsary
of their marriage. The guests from a
dietance were Jim. and Ales. Brown,
Wm, and Mr's, Yohom and Mrs. Atoh.
McGee, Horning's Mills ; Jos. and
Mrs. Roysle, Mitchell ; Alex. and Mrs.
Morrison and M. Morn, Atwood, Mr,
and Mrs. Curtis, were the recipients of
many beautiful gifts. Hearty congra-
tulations were extended and many
good wishes expressed for the yenta to
come. Many who were not fortunate
enough to be at the anniversary wish
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis many happy re-
turns of the day.
Voters' List Court for this township
at Ethel on Nov. 201.h.
Mrs. Lloyd Porter and daughter
were visiting in London for a week.
Lloyd aid Elgin Porter also motored
down to see the Prince.
At Union church next' Sunday
evening, at 7 30 o'clock, the Epkvotth
League topic will be taken by James
Boyd, hiss Hazel McDonald will lead
the meeting.
The pallbearers at Mrs. Win. Mit-
chell's funeral were Duncan and Wm.
McDonald, Leonard and Anson Rut -
tan, Bert Watson and Chester Big-
gins, relatives and old friends.
ENGAGEMENT.—Mr. -Fletcher Roe
anriYuileee tate engagement of his
daughter, Florence Amy to Mr. ,John
Gilbert Speir, son of Mr. and lb's.
JamesSpeit, Brussels. Marriage to
take ptace quietly in November.
This week J. W. Fischer and family
ate removing from the 10th Con. to
Kitchener, where they purpose mak-
ing their home, Ale. Fischer sold
his farm to Alex. Dark, of the same
line. We wish the Fischer fancily
prosperity in their new location,
Cann of TioAoliCS.—We wish to ex-
press our thanks to many friends who
by word and deed showed their kind-
ness and sympathy to 0e dtuing the
ilium told snhsequent demise o1• Mrs.
Wm. Mitchell. Ir was appreciated be-
yond expression. Yours gratefully.
DIED IN TITS WEST,—We regret to
have to chronicle the death of John
Michel, of Oass Luke, Minnesota, 211d
001 of Conrad and Alt's. Michel, old
nod well known residents of 00n. 11,
Grey He died on Sept. 27, aged 47
years, front the efl'eets of blood poison-
ing 6001 10 diseased tooth. Deceased
left Gley 26 yenta ago, going then to
Vet den, Manitoba and afterward to
011,,, eeola, where lis was engaged in
f it nni"g sir i4laehei lyes hmne 011 n
,••-,t vl„col 4. yenta, ago, He is survly-
e•t h• hi•: e nfe, ale, 00119 Mies Louise
LM' r, will 4 ehildreit, who will
sham in the sympathy of relatives anti
fl'iellil9 alt their si11,01V.
U L ,S
Choice Colors
Ave to be had at nor store. Now
is the time for Fell planting.
Get yon? supply while the stock
is fresh.
W. J. McCracken
Another car of Peeling
Apples will be shipped on
Friday and Saturday of
this week, Fruit to be
not less than 2 inches in
Call 'phone 5. BRUSSELS,
Auction Sage
30 cattle
Saturday, November Sth
6 Fresh Cows with calves at foot
8 Springers
10 Two -year-olds
fS Yearling:t.
Lott & McDonald,
John and Mrs, Hamilton, of Chi-
cago, ate visiting at the home of Al-
bert Whitfield. Mrs. Whitfield is the
fol'mer's sister and her father, who is
00 years old, lives with them,
Thos. Ho croft and family spe nt
Sunday 111 Olifford,
The Victory Loan Bond campaign
opened last Monday.
Howick Mutual Insurance Directors
will meet hete Tuesday of next week.
By notice elsewhere in this issue it
will be seen that Voters' List Court
will be held in the Town Hall here our
November Nth at 10 a. m.
Ilerbert Patterson has sold his resi-
dence, on Sanderson street, to David
Thompson, and has purchased the
Sanders Block, Main street,
Funeral of the late Mrs. Andrew
Doig took place to the Wroxeter
cemetery Tuesday afternoon, from the
home of her daughter at Listowel.
The 61st anniversary of the Presby-
teriri church was held on Sunday,
Rev. R. McCallum, Lucknow, taking
charge of the services. Re delivered
2 splendid sermons, which were listen-
ed to by large congregations. Mon-
day evening a Fowl supper was served
in the basement of the church, after
which a musical program was given
and alecture by Rev. 0. R. McDermid,
Goderich, who took for his subject
"'the New Era in the Church and in
the world,"
Among those who may take in the
far North hunting expedition from
Morris are A, F. Embnry, G. Nichol -
eon, F. Duncan, J. 3. Sellers and R,
Dieting the past week Mee. 011ie
Walker, Oth line, has been quits ill but
is'inekingl'avorable progress now we
are pleased to state and her many
friends hope she will"soon be fully re -
sae ed.
-enema Stas,—A clearing Auction
Sale is announced at Lot 11, Con 7.
Mr Wednesday, Nov 12th, by Thae.
Pierce, Administrator for the estate
of the late George Pierce a well known
resident of the 7th line. In addition
to the farm stock, implements, trace
the farms will be offered to wind up
the estate. The list may be read on
page 8 of this issue. Property is a
good one consisting in all of 225 acres,
F. 8, Scott will be the Auctioneer and
Tiros. Miller Clerk at the Sale.
Friday evening LL company of about
50 neighbor's anti friends aseewbled at
the hospitable home of H. J. and MIs.
Manning to enjoy a social evening be-
fore the removal of the host and
hostess and family to their new home
near Walton, L. E Cardiff read the
•following address and Allan Adams
presented an easy chair to Mrs. Man-
ning and Allan Spear performed like
set vice to Mr. Manning :—
To MR. AND 81118. MANNING 1
DEAR FRIENDS,—We have wet here
to -night to spend the evening with
you before you leave for your new
home. It is needless to say crow sorry
we are to lase you as our neighbors
but our loss will be the people of Hul-
left's gain. We will suss you very
much from among us but are glad
you are not going so far away and we
will have the: prospect of seeing your
smiling oountentLnce quite often. We
have ever found you and your better
Samaritan boll act the part of good St lea ltan in
times of sickness and were always
ready to give a helping hand That
you all may be blessed with the best
of health and a goodly measure of
prosperity is our sincere wish. We
would ask you to accept these chairs
as a small token of our appreciation
and hope you may long be spared to
enjoy this life in comfort and happi-
ness. Signed ou behalf of all.
ALLA10 AnAels,
Tuoiras MTLLEI,,
Mt', Mantling, although taken by
surprise, made a brief but appropriate
reply, He thanked the company for
Wed wmds L
nd highlyr
lYprized gifts and
assured theta he never expected lo
find a halter class of friends 11110111hose
who had surrounded him an past 25
yenta in his residence in Morris town«
ship, He wished to all concerned
heath and prosperity and hoped to
often have opportunley of mingling
with those whom he had respected
and esteemed. The evening was giv-
en over• to a program of games, untsie
and social chat, tasty hutch, Sec., and
the company separated with expres-
sions of kindly regatdt tend good cheer
for 11r, and 1Mfts, elanuing and family
who were removing to another, neigh-
bctrhood. We can heartily recom-
mend the outgoers to the people of
Walton community as well Worthy of
Yi1, iia f:14. -k.
the heel, they have to ofl'er. 'Che
Mauuitig's remove next week. Harlo.
er Mote have leased the stables for
miming \1ucle tie L
R 1u tilvur at
and will feed d u1 1 the straw, eve, Mr.
Man tang's IetLse does not rxpile until
next Meade }i'at'tu belongs to Mr.
S1t'ettnu, of Ohio, tool ciuta1us 200
Belem e
A Hell will be hold by flee 13,',etaiet:,
of 13elgrave and coinmunl1.y on Hall
owe'ei night in Fou etre a Flall, Good
meek trod a (,pleidnl ttin• 0
Mies ,Janet MtGiwai, of Blyth, and
MiesShnr'rreed, of Milton, toe seething
at John Shnrtreed's.
Joe and Mrs, Davidson, London
were r'e('en0ly 1111 a ellnr't vital. with
relatives and friends.
Clarence Hewlett, eliones Hilda
Harris and Beetle Millet' trItd Harvey
and Mee Hoover were among the
Waltoniane who motored to London
to eee the Prince.
A Forward Movement Conference
will be held in the Presbyterian
church, Thursday afternoon at 280,
led by Rev. Mr. McDermid, of Butter-
fat. Public invited,
A Hallowe'en Party will he held in
the Lecture room of Duff's church,
Friday evening of this week, under
the auspices of the Young People.
Good proemial, Contests, Luueh, Sec.
Elaborate decoration,
Don't forget the Auction Sale of
Farm Stock at Donald elcOallum's
Friday afternoon of this week at 1
p. m. F. S, Scott, Brussels, will be
the Auctioneer. Mr, MoCallum's
health is far from its old time vigor
as he has enjoyed splendid health all
his life.
The Clearing Auction Sale at Jawed
Nolan's went with a good swing last
Friday afternoon and totalled well np
into the thousands. Mr. and Mrs.
Nolan will locate, for a time at
least, in Seaforth, where they will be
followed by the good wishes of many
old friends in this locality. We are
sorry to lose such fine people but wont
forget to welcome H. J. and Mrs,
Manning who have bought the Nolan
A treat is in store for the people of
this community. Dr. Bennett, of St.
Thomas, has been secured to address
a public meeting here about the mid-
dle of November. He is President of
the St. Thomas Horticultural Society,
the largest and best known and most
enthusiastic Horticultural Society on
the continent. That the Society is all
this is largely owing to the energy and
enthusiasm of its President. Watch
for the date and come to bear him and
see his pictures.
Foe SAtw.—Undersigned offers for sale a
comfortable house, and 3, acre of land with
good stable, hen house and drive shed. Also n
good drivinghorse, 2 sets single harness, 2
buggies, ouer, and wood or 0051 heating
erose, EDWARD FLETeniR, Ethel.
G, T. R. trains are now one hour
later, commencing last Monday.
A new car is now in possession of
James Bremner who handles it o. k•
Miss Bateman has taken a position
in the tailorehop of W. P. Fraser,
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson is back from a
holiday visit with Toronto and Brant-
ford friends. •
This week Mrs. (Rev.) O'Keli was at
Loudon attending the Women's I eel-
tute Convention as delegate from
Court of Revision ou Voters' list of
1910 will be held in the Township Hall
here ou Nov. 20th, at 10 a, in, See
We are sorry to state that Mrs,
Wm. Clark is seriously ill with ap-
pendicitis but we hope for early im-
Several from this locality took in
the harvest• Home anniversary of
Brussels Methodist church last Sun-
day a1'd Monday,•
A. 3-1, McDonald is the representa-
tive, a5eieial.l'11 with Reeve Living-
ston, in
iving-ston,in the Victory Bond canvas for
this community. Buy a bond.
Moucrieff Endeavor has extended a
cordial invitation to the Society of
Ethel Presbyterian church to spend a
social evening with them on Nov. 4th,
Ethel to provide the program.
A former well known resident of
Ethel in the person of Noble McKee
now of Calgary, is here with his wife
for a visit at the parental home and a
reunion with former friends.
Rev. J, L. Stewart and wife, who
have been on a year's furlough in Can-
ada, Bailed from Vancouver, B. 0,, on
their return to their missionary work
at Ohengtu, China. He was a former
uniot' pastor in the Methodist church
David and Mere. Sanders ate back
from a 3} =tithe trip to the West..
They had a tine time, visiting the chief
cities in the West, Seattle being the
last and met many old friends in their
travels, Mee. Sanders and children
are with relatives in Woodstock bo.
cali ty.
Sabbath evening next an Epworth
League Rally will be held in the
Methodist °hureh, commencing at
7 o'clock. Three short addresses will
be given by M. J, Memnon, W. H.
Kerr, Brussels and Rev. Mr, O'Kell,
the pastor. Special music will also be
'L'he Thanh-offerhlg service of the
W, M. S, of the Presbyterian church
here was a fine one on Sunday, 10th
inst., and was well attended, Rev,
Mr. McDonald, Atwood, preached en
inspiring sermon and Geo. Cox, of the
same place rendered a choice solo. Of-
fering totalled $25.00.
On the evening of Tuesday, Novels•
bel. 11th, tt Fowl Supper and Concert
will be giyen in the Methodist church
here that should draw a full house.
Qutortette from Listowel 11Mifss Jehov-
an Nicklin, violinist, Millbank ; Me's,
(Rev.) Henderson, Whitechurch ; and
addresses from neighboring pastors
4.see049080 *eueee eelpe '64.4
Commencing Novi 3rd
Spa.( i,tl P'ru Ot. 1)11 ,.1,11 lin'_
carried in st''cl:
Granulated Huger - S1130
F,xira `il)t:ci;tl• 4,11
Teas, flannelettes
Dvaralis and Smocks
Come and ,hare in the Bar-
gaaus with the rest.
Highest prices paid for Butter,
ya.Sale terms--
. L. Stewart
990004.0404904944409•0 k 9004
will constitute the excelleut program.
Tickets will be 50 and 35 cents, Set'
the bills for further particulars and
don't forget the date. Peace service
Sabbath evening previous will be Luk-
en by Rey, Mr. Sutcliffe, Atwood.
,, Centre Huron Returns.
Following are the Official figures for
the Riding of Centre Huron for Pro-
vincial Election held October 2001 :--
Govenlock Livingston Proudfuot
No. 1..... 84 19 184
No. 2....- 98 18 150
No, 3 79 8 144
No. 4 107 27 I76
No. 5 Oil 17 154
Nn, O 00 16 218
No. 7 40 15 100
571 I20 1I26
No. 1 20 130 02
No. 240 31 41
No. 3 43 123 85
No. 4 26 74 I2
128 358 200
No, 1 61 112 34
No, 2 48 111 39
No, 3 50 27 22
No. 4 75 61 48
No, 5 30 27 24
No, 6, 66 35 24
No. 7 05 57 27
413 - 430 218
No, 1 72 21 127
No. 2111
9 188
No. 3 89 15 148
No, 4 68 13 148
330 58 1106
No. 1 234 21 152
No. 2 139 7 36
No, 3 73 4 40
No. 4 ,38 3 33
No, 5 130 13 . 65
614 48 326
Mc 11 iLLOP
No. 1 144 55 11
104 107 68
No. 3 92 911 32
No, 4. 57 115 60
397 376 171
46 95 34
89 41 29
111 59 23
32 160 16
83 116 62
116 30 20
60 102 17
487 008 207
No. 1 142 20 1011
No. 2 111 15 70
258 —41 176
Goderich 571 120 1126
Colborne 128 858 200
Huilett 418 480 218
Olittton 331) 58 606
Seaforth 014 48 3213
MaKillnp 397 376 171
Gony 487 608 207
Brussels 263 41 176
3191) 2080 8030
Gove,ntock's plurality over Proud -
foot -168.
Govenlaek's pinenlity over Living•
Ston -1154.
No. 1
No. 2
No, 8
No, 4
No, 5
No. 6,
No, 7
Read the Lesson Notes on the Sun-
day School lesson each week in Tag
POST. 'rhey'li help von.
The class of young then taught by
Mrs, A. T. Lowry in the Methodist Sun-
day school has been re -organized for the
Fell and Winter term. Officers are
President, Feed. J, Wood ; Vice Pres„
Bert Lott I Secretary, W. J. McCrack-
en ; Treasurer, Everett Hoover, Class
was entertained at Mrs. Lowry's home
on a recent evening when a fine time
was enjoyed,
I Pec. ,le We 1.2lk About
#t °$$
. o
i sari Mee i1 , w. ant t] week
end with taa s a in t•.a
Mtn 1• l,at.t 1eientr es 0,,itinr
her as ter Mr.. Meleolin i l t et, Iling
Mr,. late, Tre 1 ,tri tate been quite
. ., ,, v.. '01 h„ a1
11. reek eee e a eteateee toe
l r 3.,.: t.,va; sl., _ ,,. ;c,, lr,an
til t I ,ids in :14.',111, H, ti' tt
! t 1..w
Mr. and :ria± t.ru ckehati Tor,nto,
ate here en a visit with Alt-. l`eo:lemon.
the latter'•, rnetirtr,
al re. Ilene Bart lir nu i t . is true,,
v t•,n n" [ . 1 , , .MI:•..
1(y t 11 1 't0,1 -t ^'. iii veld:
1'lSail were V' 111 w fl
.Iver; and friends eat a,
Ernest Wheeler has taken a position
in a Hamilton teesee;.l Teener, The
gals are cryir.K atouu-1 n tt
Wm Clouse 0 empt" a',- t iu -t !tete at
'louse bidding in Li" io.el end gets
Mune for Sunday�s white these.
Wyman and Mrs. Spatlint, of Lon-
don, ale h:i,dtyin; ,a tee parental
10me of Otto i'>rr1Ler in 13rn I -:s'
31rs OVui ",t Ile ,n a 1;a• trot
been to" rugged rf lair but we irate
the will seen regeiu oid time 4easeiness.
Rtt- el trd e,1r R -14011 an$ longh-
r''1 „f 71
with 1M1::. and Mia: Ronin'-.eu., Q:teen
s1 reel
Mrs Ja' ):, ianteuc ie at Leaden
lois wlnlo ft,' ending Ile- W0121rn'4 In-
stltutr teenve:nti:,n 00 reprost:ntali10 Ot
13tns,els i00ncie1
Mrs. A. H. Wiltortl, Sackatcliewan,
and Miss Annie Griffin, nurse., Wing -
bane, were calling on old fraenal, in
L'rnssetn cast ovee'k,
Mrs. Gr tel,ides, Atwood. was a wet-
cotite visitor with her meter's. Misses
Alice. Kathleen and Marguerite Wilton,
tiering the pest week.
A. McGuire, Who. was quite il! in the
West, i, considerably improved and is
able to get about. He will likely be
home in the course of a week.
At Loudon last week Tack Ballantyne,
of Brussels, was one of returned soldier
who was presented with a military meni-
al by the Prince for epleudid service
rendered overseas.
Mrs J. R, Fletcher, formerly of Brus-
sels, but naw -of 'Toronto, has returned
iron, areeasaui visit of 4 weeks at the
borne of her sue Russel. Reginald
Fletcher lives in the Queen city.
\y S. Scott and Ben, and Mrs. Ed-
wards expect to take iu a deer hunting
outing, going next weer:. The former
goes with a company starting from
W Ingham who take a special car.
Welcome visitor+ to town are Mrs.
Barnhouse, (fotmerly Miss Edna Good)
anti her brother, Harold, both of York -
ton, Sisk. The latter is recently home
from Germany where he spent several
years as a prisoner et war. The visitors
are children of the late Adam and Mrs.
Good formerly of Brussels.
A. H. and sirs. Hermiston. and Miss
Norma Hermiston, Listowel left last
week for Celitoruis where they will
spend the Winter. They will visit at
various points on the way ,net. Mr. and
Mrs. Hermiston were former residents
of Brusseistor a short time years ago.
beteg engage:l in the Furnitute business
where the Telephone Central is now 1,1-
cat ed.
Church Chimes
Monthly Missionary;nogrtunt and off-
ering in Methodist Sahhath S: ieggl neer
Snuday afternoon.
Friday eveniug of this week Rev, M:•,
McDertuid, Gnderich, wilt "mate in
Melville church, at $ o'clock. ck. on the
Great Forward M.vetnent.
Next Sabbath mtrruing tliC le earteriv
Communion will be observed in tate
Methodist church, Fellotrs.up service
commencing at ro.15 o'clock in the Lec-
ture room of the church. The pastor
will conduct the eereices.
Sunday morning last Rev. Mr. Over -
end Rillcatdiue, preaelled the annual
sermon to the W. lel. S , of Melville
church. Discourse was founded un
Micah 4'l, the theme be:ug "'rale re•es-
tablishtneot of the Nations," It was a
practical, warns hearted, optimise,: ad-
dress that congregation will not ',e el.
forget. 'I'he 'Thallic -offering atnountei
to Sinop with several additions expect-
ed. Evening service wile withdrawn
ou Recount of Methodist shorty anniver-
1,114¢12 Igarrterian.
0. A. DEADMAN Shipped e car of
honey to the West this week,
QUITE a number of people from this
locality went to London last week to see
the Prince.
z cans of coal 017010 received during
past week by J. T. Wood, one for factory
and other for household use.
No change in G. T. R. time card more
than the return to Standard time which
is an boar later than past schedule.
Kase' tab on the Chaotauqua Lyceuut
Course. Fleet entertainment will be
held Monday, Nov. to in Town Hall,
Brussels. The talent will be Mrs.
Marion B. Fisk, Cartoonist -Lochner,
who is said to give a program that is
unique, pleasing and instructive. Get a
anntee ticket to cover the 5 entertain-
W, J, McCRActtttN leas caneer'ted an
unused house adjoining has horse, Al-:
bort street into a tidy garage. Cement
fotnttlatiott and cement floor were put in
and the partitions removed, A dress of
paint will complete the work. He has
also put a concrete wall in ander bis.
stable on Flora street and also a ceutant
floor, This building will he used as ad-
ditional storehouse to provide accowmoe
dation for his Increasing trade in Flour,
Feed, co.Vi