The Brussels Post, 1919-10-23, Page 8,. :;ri'� � . }-9.2•'12 ar. . �:;;: t. a-. �r -,. , r.;.'�''
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8 Some New Prints
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Films Developed and Printed Asrted colors. drzen,
+ P
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4, F •R S'X'1TH
4. +
w The (? Store Druggist and Stationer
•1' iaeE' +
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Put Your Snap Shots
In an Album
Pictures neatly mounted in a Kodak
Album are safe trate being torn or
mislaid, and nicely displayed and
titled on the page ot the Album. in-
crease much to interest as time goes I
by. We have lately received a new
tot of Kodak Albums which are es
pecially good values, from the small
paper bound one at ism up to the
large leather bound one at al4:;.
Some very .citable ones are to be
had at roc, 75z and ? each.
Dry Mounting Tissue
• For pt,„::; an.z:t Saots in an Al -
bunt -much better than -paste.
Now would be a good time to have
a new lot of Prints :rade from some
of your Negatives for the Album.
Wall Paper
W11,1 add ouch to the ap.
p'.•araace and cheerfulness
•E your rooms during the
in,trlis alien more
rune „ .,.:n:le •.pent it,
them. Ser what we have
,n the war of Plain Fabric
Papers and Tap -stay De -
Living Rooms
Dining Rooms
and Halls
The patterns will please
you and the prices will be
found most reasonable.
There are many to choose
trom-Floral Stripes with
Cut out Borcdersand Chintz
patterns at prices from 12C
per roll and up. See the
cal o�f�ll� NEW Telephones are being placed in
e�7J the homes of Howard Hall, Brussels and
Howard Bolger, McKillop boundary,
SEVERAL of the catch basins on Turu-
berry street have been overhauled and
cement sidewalk improvements near the
bridge set in notion,
FROSTY nights.
PRICE of milk bas advanced to 12
vents a quart in Brussels.
I1' you have furs of any kind to sell 5,
Weinstein is ready to buy them.
A. C. DAMES' Auction Sale Saturday
of this week. gale will comt,<ence
sharp at x o'clock.
APPLE shipping from Brussels G. T. R.
has been quite active this Fall and is
not througb yet.
PAIR of eye glasses were found at the
Council Chamber on Monday and may
he bad at THE POST.
G, '1', R. trains will run on Standard
time after next Sunday. That means an
Maur slower than the past schedule.
THE Brussels Concert talent who went
to Wroxeter last Friday eveniug to pro-
vide program at Methodist church an•
niversary had a good time and think the
Wroxeter folk A I.
DON'T forget that A. C. Dames' Auc-
tion Sale of automobiles, household
furniture, implements, &c., will take
place at his home, corner William and
Albert streets, Brussels, Saturday, 25th
A public meeting will be held shortly
to discuss the question of a suitable
memorial to our soldier boys who died
for the Empire's cause. Think over the
matter so as to deal intelligently with
the proposal.
WHAT about the new Postof ee for
Brussels ? The war is over and that ex-
cuse out of the way. We have the site
and now hope for the building npon it.
We trust our representative will pn alt
for it.
A. E. AND MRS HERSEY have leased
Mrs. D, McKenzie? home, Nlill street,
and moved to it. The latter will not
keep house, during the coming Winter ,
but will board, spending part of the
time in Toronto where her daughter, '
Miss Gertrude. has a position,
It is reported that Philip Ament has
purchased the Terrace, Turnberry steet, •
owned by Mrs. D. Robb. We suppose ,
the new owuer will use it in connection 0
with the bousing of his employees who
beve not houses of tbeir own. It would
suit all right ou account of location.
CARD OF THANKS. -I Wisb to Very ;
heartily thank the numerous friends
who called on me while in Toronto
uudergoing treatment and also to the
many friend: who remembered me from
Brussels by written good wishes.
They were much appreciated.
Yours truly,
P. McQuAment.
Sox Dren,-We are sorry to report
that Alex, the is year old son of Robert
Kerr, Galt, died at Detroit on Thursday
of last week from diphtheria. He was
living with his aunt, Mrs. McHaiu, aucl
going to school since his mother died,
The father of the deceased lad is a son
of Mrs. Robt. Kerr. Brussels, was a
farmer resident of town, Sympathy is
extended to him in
e hgreatlooses
has been called u on to bear.
Pates WINNER, --THE POST IS pleased
to notice that Miss Beatrice (Coochie)
Taylor, daughter of R, L. and Mrs,
Taylor, London, formerly of Brussels,
won rat prise, of $50 00 for best poem
in a cotnpetition under the Arts and
Letters Club of Ottawa, the title of the
poem being "The Pioneer," Prize was
donated by the Mueson Book Co. We
cnngratulate Miss Taylor in behalf of
old Brussels friends. She is lo take a
literery position on the staff of the
London Daily Free Presa. A good
photogravure was in the Free Press of
Miss Taylor,
Following is the results
Election in Brussels :-
Town Hall
Govenlock 142
Livingston.......,, 26
Proudfoot 1o6
of Mon,lal's
ttr - 263
15 - 41
70- 176
Majority for Govenlock 77. •
WORT head of cattle rising 9 years, for sale.
Apply to WM, SPEIR, Phone 544. 17-1
FOR SALE, -9 young Ewes and a Ram Lamb
flt for service, Loos RoLLINOEt, Phone 455
FOR SALE. -A number of Pigs 8 weeks old,
JOHN MONAI1t, Phone 487.
SWINDLES -Car of 5 X B. C, Shingles Just ar-
rived at Walton Saw Mills.
41.10s 5 weeks old for sale,
Phone 4177 WESLEY SOMRR<, Con, 0 Grey.
FOR SaLS.-Second hand Ford car in good
condition. I. C. BIOEAans,
FoR SALE. -An Oxford Ram Lamb, bred
from Arkell's regiatered atock, If interested
come and see. JOHN 0. LOOK, Brussels R. R.
No, 4, Lot 19, Con, 8, Morris. Phone 807.
Fos SALE. -2 comfortable dwelling houses,
7 P105 0 weeks old, for sale.
WM. ALnEReoN, Oranbrook.
YOUNG girl wanted to learn pant and .vent
making. Wages 00 00 a week to start with.
Apply to 11, Faa0U8oN. Brussels.
Fort GALE. -Lot 1, Con. 11, in the township of
Grey, 3 aurae• more or less. For partioulara,
apply R, HOst<EPooLp, 449 Lander Ave., Tor-
onto, Ont,
Fos SALs.-The eligible brink store and
dwelling combined, now occupied by Mrs,
.lane Thompson. For farther particulars sp-
ply to Mac..I. G. Stows, 28 Page street, Toron-
I to, or S. Wilton, Brussels.
APoRENTsot wanted80 learn tha printing,
One who has passed Entrance exam. Apply
Livs Pot71TRT wanted on Monday and Tues-
day of each week, Phone No. 00 for prices, &c.
R. THOMSON, Brussels.
bR. lPARAER, Oeteopathio Physician, visits
Brusses Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervone diseases successfully
trQueen eatieiel,ts reoidennes. Caneultatlon et
ed, a H4ot
Last week Tas. and Mrs. Speir moved
to town from the farm, if miles
where they spent longa r
years. Their
' son John has taken over the homestead
and Nliss Lizzie will keep house for him
in the meantime. Mr. and Mrs. Speir
' are living on Thomas street in the home
they bought From Jas. Kerney. We bid
them welcome,
FORWARD Movement Conference was
1 held in the school room of the Metho•
dist church here Tuesday and was at-
tended by a goodly number, Ethel and
Cranbrook represeutntives joining.
Rev. Mr, Stafford presided "Call for
Leadership" was introduced in s rous-
ing address by Rev, E. F. Armstrong,
Chairman Whugham District. Discus-
sion followed, Revd. Messrs. O'Kell,
Ethel. and Davison, Belgrave, taking
part. Round table Conference on "The
place of the Officials of the church in the
National Campaign for the needs of the
day" was in charge of W. H.Kerr e A
good many took part. Iu the absence of
President of the Conference Rev, Mr.
Armstrong gave the closing address of
the sessir,n, Tveuing service was intro-
duced by a song service. "Christian
Stewardship, Time, Talent and Wealth
was first topic, dealt with, by W. H.
Kerr. Rev, Mr. Armstrong'saddresson
"The duty of Tomorrow" brought out
many thoughtful and inspiring sugges-
tions. The delegates were hiiletted for
supper. At November Official Board
meetings this great enterprise will be
further considered looking toward its
presentation to the congregations.
+tl".^r:;^r.?-. a',: .:�.-. F'Sr1:(C.:r'",w, .-r..-::Sala"-m..: ^la �.y^ .-.,.h-:.y ...... �,. .-,w�-,.td•.^�..:x., v.... -.;
..-a,._ ...,•,:-,-,..n.,,..".,.+,.nr ,.,.y.L,,.+ann .,,,,,. , r -+. r. .e .., r"^+.'++r.^.*,,,.,F,.$...,
1 Have You a Sweet Tooth 1
A choicr lot of
1`1 [tt hand.
As it le a <'1105 <v ht scarce ar-
ticle tide Benson) 00 know what
Phone 4d or 27
W. J. McCracken
MARn:1RE'1• SCHOOI.EY 1 EC tent)
-- li- a tie ..1 October 8111 sirs "Mrs.
Margaret Schooley, piopeer resident of
Smith valley, Nevada, died at the resi-
dence of Fred 'mull Was. Burner at noun
on Oct 7tt,, death being due to an attack
of acute indigestion. Mrs Schooley
had come from her home the day previ-
ous to attend to some school business
with the county commissioners She
was visiting the fancily of her adopted
sou, Mr. Burner, and was apparently in
the best of health but suffered a collapse
on Monday so serious that her brotber
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. McVicar,
of Smith valley, were sent for. A sec-
ond collapse occurred, death ensuing,
Mrs. Schooley was born in Yolk Co.,
Canada 73 years ago. She cameo the
United States in her youth and was
married to Henry Schooley 35 years
ago in Kansas. Mr. Schooley died
about years ago. Since then deceased
had spent most of the time in travel,
having visited Coast points for some
months and later taking an extended
trip to bar old home in Canada, She
was a woman of great ability, beloved
by all who knew her, a good business
woman and a neighber to whom all
turned in the hours ot adversity. The
funeral was held iu Smith valley on Fri-
day. Mrs. Hardy, of Sacramento, Cal.,
atteuded the funeral." Deceased was a
sister to Mrs. Duncan Livingston and
Mrs Jas Strachan, of Brussels a,.d
locality and visited here 2 years ago
when another sister, (Mrs. Mitchell, of
Molesworth,) died Mrs. Schooley's first
husband was Hou Robert McCall, of
Nevada, who lived 2 years after event.
No family was lett by either marriage,
Mrs. Hardy, referred to, was formerly
Miss Susan Livingston, of Brussels.
The subject of this notice was a faithful
member of the Methodist ohureh. Jno.
McVicar, of Nevada, is the only brother
living. He was a former resident of
Grey towoship.
$1 People We Talk About tt
$ j: 1::
W. C Smith was home for the week
Miss Kate Ewen is visiting in Strat-
las. Fox made a business trip to Tor.
onto this week
George Murray, Caledonia, was a visi-
tor in town for a few days,
Mrs. Carrie, Goderioh, was visiting
Miss Mary Ross, John street.
We arc wad to see Mrs. G. A. Stunts
able to be about ouee more after her ill-
Fred. and Mrs. Longfoot and child-
ren, Stratford, were here for the week
Mrs, W. F, Stewart is visiting her
grand daughter, Mrs. Merklinger, at
Miss Jesnet McKay does not regain
her vigor as quickly as her many friends
hope for.
Mrs Horton, Galt, has been in town
owing to the poor health of their mother,
Mrs R D. Kerr
Mrs. George Kerr was visiting with
Mrs. Jas M. Martha, Clinton, formerly
o[ Morris townsbip.
Mrs, W. H. Kerr spent a few days in
Stratford at the home of her brother,
Postmaster A M. Kay.
Walter and [Harold Lowry are back
from a business trip to Cobalt country
wit h a ear load of horses
R H and Mrs Green, Cayuga, were
calling on old friends it Brdssels last
week. They were former residents,
Mrs Howard is back to towu after a
visit of 7 weeks with relatives in Grey
township. She is enjoying good health
Mrs. Fred. Wood was in Kitchener
for the week and. Merner Wood and
Archie Ballautyne accompanied her in
the car,
Duncan and Mrs McMartin, Hensel],
were here this week. The latter has pot
been enjoying very good health owing
to goitre.
Am shipping a car of Peel-
ing Apples, fruit to be not
less than 2 inches in dia-
meter, on Friday and Sat-
urday of this week,
Call 'phone 5 right away.
Order your Winter's sup-
ply now and get them
under cover, There is
no nicer light wood,
Phone 16 re BRTJSS11 LS
S1tli.'n(lid Program
Marion Ballou Fisk
Cartaoniet•Leetu roc
Mt1Nl)AY, NOV. 11)
Sydney Landon
Appollo Concert Go.
The Liliou Kalani
Hawaiian Quartette
Vissochis Florentine
Full announcement will be made
next week. Watch for it.
We r •gret to hvar that Mrs. Mo dy
Hollun'l, lames street, is not well and is
under 1 10 ductor'4 care. Her heart is
the sea' of tronhle.
Dr, Vernon Ross has gone to Fort
William where he has been appointed to
take charge 01 the pupils of the schools
as Dental officer,
Mrs Jam Downing has gone to
Guelph where she will take electrical
and massage treatment for a few weeks
in an endeavor to shake clear of Theme
Mrs Alex Smith, John street, has
been ou the sick list and her sister, Mrs
S. Fear, Toronto, has been waiting ou
her. We wish Mrs. Smith speedy re-
Mrs, Wm Flnok and son Wm , De.
e borne f D. B.
i arevision at t0 h m o
tro t, g
and Mrs. McDonald, The former is a
daughter, whose husband lost his life in
the grt at war.
Church Chines
Short interesting 'l'emperauce. pro-
grams were give% at Melville and
Methodist church Sabbath Schools last
Sonde}, afternoon,
Rev Mr Staffed gave two 'temper
ance addresses last. Sunday. Eventne
snbj'ct was "A saloon keeper's ledger "
He will preach at Wingham next Sun•
abbath morning next Rev. Mi.
Overeud, Kincardine, will preach the
annual 5511000 of tl a W. M S of Mel
ville chuleh, The reverend gentleman
is a strong preacher. Evening set vice
will be withdrawn on account of the an•
niversary serv.ces in the Methodist
ANNIVERPARY -Next Sunday Harvest
Home sermons will be preached in the
Methodist church. Brussels, at t:t a of
and 7 p m , by Rev E 1', Armstrong,
B. A. 0. D , Chairman Wingham Dist-
rict. '1.`he choir, assisted by W. II- and
Mrs. Willis, Wingham, will provide the
musical numbers in the morning and in
the evening a Male Octette, witb Mr.
Willis as conductor, will sing. Rev Mr.
Armstrong is a fine pulpiteer, Monday
even ing, from 7 to 8 o'clock. Fgivl Sup
per will be served in the Lecture room
et the church after which a program
consisting of addresses by Rev, Mr Arnc-
stroug, Rev. Mr. Davison, Belgrave.
and the resident clergy ; Readings by
Miss Mettle Mcil:oy, Gold. Medallist,
Blvth ; and musical numbers by W. H-.
and Mrs Willis and Miss Madeline
Walker, Wingenm ; Misses Isabel
Street -1,u r and Miss Verne Walker, F.
H. Giirov' and lbe choir, providing a
varied at no doubt interesting literary
and musical bill of fare well worth hear.
'ng Tickets to Supper and Program
Soc for adults and 25c for children
Maik the dates down -Oct. 26 and 27.
Miss Muriel Brothers, B. At,
Will go to India to Engage in
Missionary Work+
Brussels is to be well represented in
the Baptiot Mission Held in India by
Miss Muriel Brothers, B, A, well and
favorably known to our readers who
will bo located at Ooaanadtt, in the
Godavari District, and goes as the
representative or High Park Baptist
congregation, Toronto. Shawill be
engaged r in educational work for
wind) elle
he 15 so well prepared with her
Uiliversily training and the praetical
experience of teaching for several
years. 11 will take 34iss Brothers
about 2 years to acquire the language,
it is said, which will be the first stage
of her work.
Before leaving Brussels she was
given numerous tangible evidences rd
1110 good fellowehip and kindly regar'd
felt for her and the interest in the
great work elle is undertaking, Mel.
villa church Endeavor, of which she
Was an active member, gave bee a
"shower" (report of which was given
in lest week's POST ) Her former En-
trance Class, when she taught in our
town school, presented a gold pin ;
old neighbora made her the recipient
of it fine club bag ; and at the home c.f
Miss Edith Deadtnau a shower of lin.
en, with happyaccompaniment, was
e addition to the above donated. In ade b ve a
number of cheques weve generously
handed her, for all of which gratitude
was expressed,
Miss Ella Inman, of town, and Mrs.
D. McDonald, Jatneatown and Mina
Dnnelcla (rho two former being aunts)
accompanied Miss Brothers to Toron•
to where a epleudid send off was giv-
`l.`lre following report is the "send
off" meeting in Massey Hall, Toronto,
taken front the Daily Globe of October
10th and will be read With interest by
the many friends of Mists Brothers
"Eight outgoing Baptist missionaries
TttVc11, MMS
AVINGS, Thrift,
Independence —all
these are the out-
come of the same impulse
and attain the same objec•
Standard Bank of Canada
can help you to attain it, 298
were given an enthusiastic send off by
a great gathering of Baptists of Tor-
onto and district in Massey Hall Fri-
day evening. These miesiontt'ies
were part of a company of 18 who are
going out to take up work in the Tel -
riga district of Italia, under the aus-
pices of the Oauadian Baptist Board
of Foreign Missions. The outer 10
members of the company were Ittet
evening given a similar sendoff at a
farewell meeting at Moncton, New
The meeting was under the com-
bined Presidency of Joseph N, Shen -
stone and Mrs. Albert Matthews, and
the song service was led by a chorus
choir of 200 voices,n introducing
the 8 missionaries. who briefly ad-
dressed the gathering, Mr. Shenstone
said they were to be part of it force of
worker's in India, who represented the
140,000 Baptists of Canada. They
were operating among the 4,1 million
Telugus, There were 75 churches,
11,500 baptized believers, 800 native
workers, 5 hospitals, and some hun-
dreds of Sunday schools and clay
Dr. E. G. Smith, who has given
many years' service among the Telit-
gus of India, told how he had as medic-
al missionaries preached the Gospel to
the natives by means of healing, as
well as by preaching the \'Nord.
After addressing the meeting, Miss
P. Priest and Miss A. C. Murray ren-
derect a duet in Hsi Telugu language,
which so pleased the audience that
they had to sing a second time.
Addresses were also delivered by
Miss H. E. Day and Nliss Muriel
Brothers, who are making their first
trip to India, Mi s Brothers was re-
ceived with the McMaster College
"yell" by ahost of students in the top
gallery, she being a student and
graduate from that institution.
Rev, R. Bensen and Mrs. Bensen
spoke of their work in India, to which
they are returning after an extended
furlough. Mr, Bensen served its
Senior Chaplain of New Brunswick
during e war, And held the position
of acting pastor at SValtner Road
Baptist church during Dc•. MarNeill's
absence overseas.
A collection was taken up for' clear-
ing off the deficit of 82,000 on the
budget of the Mission Bnald. The
printed program for above gathering
contained good photogravures of the
octette mentioned."
Miss Brotheta, who sails with
the company on the 80th inst., 011 the
Empress of Asia, from Vunce.uver, is
now making a farewell visit for a time
with relatives and friends al Windsor,
Detroit., Chicago and California from
whence she goes to the poi 1; of em•
barking. The ocean trip will take the
party to Japan, Ceylon, Oalcutta and
Madras on the Eastern coast of India,
It will be a line trip and many friends
will hope and pray that the voyage
will be a Safe and pleasant One.
Tine POST secured a promise from
Miss Br'other's that she will write a
letter occasionally for our columns,
which we are Bare will be looked for-
ward to with deep interest, Thie
worthy young lady will no doubt be
in receipt of Brussels news from num-
erous pens and what they forget to, re.
pot n „ 13
t to be .chr chronicled in 1E POST
which is alrLacY being sent t0 Oa
an -
'e hope Litethe iiration derived
from Hiss Bi others' going to the great
Mission field will enocurage other
young people to hear and heed the
Marching orders of the Blaster and
stimulate missionary gifts hi further-
ing the greatest of all enter prises the
church has the privilege of aiding,
Miss Brothers will make an ideal rep-
resentative and will win her way to
both head and heart of all who may
conte under her charge we feel confi-
dent. The mission fields of India will
have a new interest to lirusselites
antriM+0110168i0.9,1' :.P`J`i-'£D'., Urea'. tt ft,` ea'ant?sertO4 4J!raraPrt,, fiat''
: u
asafl �:f!1.;cFAb"tar„i
S+J'O R f?.
Weekly Store Ne:r :s
a to r ars Shavaaid
Ideal fountain Pens
Bed there ire none Better
\\'e have tt eplet.did 'lock nl
present in all the dillott tit.
livery pen guaranlvc'l to give
perfect sal isfaction.
e �t
The Instant Beard Softener
Shaveaid 15 au lustawt lieatd
Softener, It. Menne; a quick and
perL'et ,:have. Nn sumtilig--no
iuileliuu, th, Ilte okitiit is void.
int; 011.1
l'ut ttp in collapsible tubes --
61h. 110v package
The Garden Court Toilet Preparations becoming inure popular ever}' day,
The lino consists of •
Face Powder 5oc Double Combination Cream 5oc
Cold Cream 500 Talcum Powder - 35c
Toilet Water $2,00 Perfume - $11.50 per oz.
Sold only at Penslar Stores
Talcum Powders
Here are some of 011V Motet? ones
$1 a bottle
"Father," said the minister's son "My
teacher says that 'collect' and 'congre-
gate' mean the anme thing. Do they'1
Perhaps they do, my eon,' paid the
clergyman, "bub you+ma,y tell your
teacher that there is n vest differentia
between a congregation and n collet,.
Blood Root
the Best
25c 50c
rj sae++tag woressw000etegoworateostooseseveceaseee enc tocco cele
FRIDAY, 00'ennrrl 24mn.-Farm, Farm stock,
Implements, 'Sa, N3 Lots 55 and 50, Oon. 1
Morris. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Strayed from the premises of the undersign -
0. D. Miller, Proprietor, F, S. Scott, Ana. ed, on or abort October 10111. a a yen'' 11 ,. nn
FntDAY 09roneR 24TH, 3018. -Farm Stock, steer, dehorned. Any 8lfpnnxth'n n+t,.his
Implements, Co , Lot 1, Con. 14, Hallett town- whereabouts will be thankfully reeeivrd.
ship. Rale umreeervsd, at 1 p. in. 17.2 Phone 8314 A, MCKEE, Ethel
Jae. Nolan, Proprietor, Thos, Brown, Ana,
MONDAY, 006. ETA, -Farm Stools, Leine- Heifer Strayed
manta,, Lot 27, Con- Is, Grey township,
Selo at 1 ti. in. Kneel Robertson, Prop, ; k'. S.
Scott, Ane, Strayed from the premises of the unr'er-
WEDNEFItAY, 0516. 20mn. Fm•m Stoolr Int- signed, Lot 14, ('on. 7, Morris, on c about' „ .0,
plmnents, &c. Lots 84 C 95, Co,, 18, bi''r
15th, n 2.3 -car -old rleltorned roan ''• ir.•r. ' op
township. Sale'' •unroaerved, nt 1 p. el. Geo, inforntlon leading to hor rte, r;.,;. wi. be
Snelling, Prop.;F, S, •
Scott, Aue. thunki'mully t•reeivcd. WDi. BikL,
Pat DAY, pamonsa 81sT. -Farm stools, Lot 20, ! Phone 805 Brussels R. R. 4.
Con. 0, Morris township. Sete at 1 p, nt D '
McCallum, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ana.
Steer strayed
Fiill Wheat ........................... II 00
Spring Wheat 2 00
Oats RS
Pees 1 05
Barley 125
Butter 50
Bags 54
Hogs 10 50
E2 00
1 25
10 50
Tenders for Sellers Drain
The Municipal Connell of the Township of
Morris is asking. for (tenders for the construe.
Mon of the Sellers Drain. The tenders which
must be.eneompanied with a 650 good feith
cheque, will be opened at the Township Ball,
at 2 o'clock on Monday October 27th, 1010.
Plans apeoiaantione, estimates Sm., in cmmeo-
tion with the drain may be seen at the Clerk's
WM. ELSTON, Reeve A MA5EWEN, Clerk,
R. 11, No 4 Wingham, Box S IIlaevalo,
Auction Sales
Soott, Anettoneer, hoe been 111ebrnete'1 I,y
the undersigned to sell by Public Auction ab
Lot 20, Con. 8, Morris, on Friday October 91„1,
at1 ' lc .ler n 0.)eproperty'-
0 o el t, cadre oil wing va1a t I .
1 now doe to iter e o ca 1 now cine to novo
,Tan, 20, 1 Letter due 6a calve ,boli 20, a h, icer
dins to valve Jan. 28, 1 now dos to valve A nit
4, 1 now due to alive April 5, 1 now due to 0 ,Ivo
April 12, 1 steer rising 0 years, 2 Moore rising
2 years, 2 heifers rising 2yeare, 0 Sprint; calves,
Sale without reserve en account of amkneas.
Terms, -Three m,intha credit given on runtish-
ing approved joint notes. o per cant per
annum allowed off for cash.
D. MOCALLUS'I,P,'opt•istor.
Auction Sale
Douse Household Effects
, Announces n sale of her lionse end Household
Furniture, at her home, Princess street, on
Being NM not 10, Con. 0, Morrie Township, Saturday, Nov, 1st. List nous trisoe:-1 dining
containing 100 nares in gond state of outttva• room table, 1 sideboard 1 set of Chine dishes
Mon; goodbuildings, abundance of water, con- nearly ponplete, 8 hair cloth chairs,
veelent to school. Immediate possession, , elude end sofa, dining roost chairs, 1 largo
For farther particulars ripply to conch, I bedroom mute with mabtrees 1 coal
ROBERT NEW COMBS, - heater, 1 stool range, 1 Marilee coal oil stove
10.4 Blyth R. R. No. 2. with oven nil numerous other articles.
WIRDe,,N -Inend andloving memory of our
dear Grace, who crossed the border 1 year
ago to•rtny,,
s t nose ono tell
A year has primed to
y p
The loss of one Wo loved yo well;
The trial is bard wall not oomptaln,
But trust in 71009011 to meet again.
Not now, but in the comingenta,
I1 may he 111 the Better Lundy
We'll read the moaning of out• tem,
And than, up there, we'll ttnderstotd,
Missed and mourned by
PArtiONTe, 13l1oMir,ti,5 AND SusTnrt.
Wrltn9N,-In toying nunnery of 1ny dear wife,
who died one gene ago today, IO01, 28rd,
Never shall Abe lie forgotten,
Nover shall her tllelnary rade;
Preening tdlnttgh.tit ahnll ever linger
'Round the grey() where she la laid, ( j
Sadly anieee,1 by i<
ade-t -Mgas
Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat ?
If you do you will, be interested in the choice line
of samples we have just received, Also in the large
book of Autumn Styles for Meu, which shows you just
how some of these samples look when made up,
Expert Tailoring
Fit guaranteed and Moderate Prices are considerations
you cannot afford to overlook,