HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-16, Page 80.4.0a166.1.1-.._ 41.44.31,1..,..., .„,..„...,r.,.,..,., w,..-��..,,„,.114,,,,�.............,-4.100.. -,.,...,,Wer..,.,. 4.1.4441.4.40+ 44♦+++.+e4•444446+, t 044+.+.4 4+♦®+0+44: t ' 4444++++ 1.+•1++.H.+++ Nave You a Sweet Tooth 1 + 4. , 4, Pcrsi,,t: al N + + O i\ eht)leti fit 01 0n o I.. H S2 F • • c. + • 3 Dry Mountie Tissue `� Shots 'n an Al - bunt -much patting better than paste. Some New Prints 2 flims Developed and Printed F. R. SMITH Store Put Your Snap Shots IEI an Album Pictures neatly mounted in a Kodak Album are safe trom being torn or mislaid, and nicely displayed and titled on the page of for Album, in- ' creaite tnuei, m interest as time goes by. We have lately received a new For lot of Kodak Albums which are es the peciailpgood values,frttn b small Bedrooms paper bound sue at 15c up to the large leather hound one at St 25. Some very snitahle ones are to be had at toe, 75c and $Loo each. New Wall Paper Will add much to the ap- pearance and cheerfulness of your rooms during the o ntrt; 110911'19s when mote time is nteessio fly pent in them. See what we have iu the way of Plain Fabric Papers and 'Tapestry De- signs for Living Rooms Dining Rooms and Halls The patterns will please you and the prices will be found most reasonable. Now would be a good time to have a new lot of Prints made from some of your Negatives for the Album. + 4 • T}Le )l1 StoreDruggist and Stationer @ X01" 1 4. .I,4+0+4+44• 4+4+4+0+(6+4,+0+4+0 +4+4+4+♦+0+4+0+♦++4+4+4+4+♦ There are many to choose froth -Floral Stripes with Cut out Bordersand Chintz patterns at prices From Inc per roll and up. See the samples. Hyacinth Bulbs ;c eac't ; S50 per dozen. As .orted colors. F. R. SMTH 6 e + 4.. e • 0 ♦ • 4, + [jcal �'lftll5 t2inS i REPORT of East Huron Teachers' Convention is to hand but has to be 1 left over to next issue. A McLaughlin touring car has been purchased by Wm. Crawford. Turn- berry.street, South, from Local agents, ' Anderson Bros. NETT Monday will be Provincial Elec- tion Day and also the voting on the Referendum. Vote early and in the best interests of the Province. CAR of furnace coat came to band this week. The cool weather reminds us of just such an essential. We hear more cars are on the way and hope they will soon land. a VoTEs.-Everybody who bre a right to east a ballot for the Referendum has also the privilege of voting for a nomi- nee in the Legislative Election on Mon- day as well, Polls open from to 5 o'clock, Vote early and get 4 X's in the No, column DON'T forget the Forward Movement Conference in the Methodist church, ' Brussels, next Tuesday afternoon and evening. Rev. W. H. Graham, Presi. 1 dent of London Conference, and Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Chairman of Wing - barn District, are expected to attend. EACH Odd Fellow in the Province of Ontario is asked to contribute il,00 to Building Fund for the extension of the the Odd Fellows' Home. "Tbe close Touch Brigade" is the catchy name of this department of Society benevolence. R. Leatherdale and W. J. MuCrackeu, 1 U Lodge e f the • Grand .o .1 attended last g who I. O. 0. F., were asked to act as Collec- tors for Brussels lodge. Every 3 -linker will no doubt desire to be in line. WOMEN'S INsTITt"rs.--'file Women's Institute will hold its regular ineeting in the audience room of use Public Library Friday afternoon at; o'clock Topic, "Labor saving devicesand conveniences on the farm," will be in' minced by Mrs. Haroldfipeir and "Current Events" will be in charge of Mrs. F. McLHuchlin, As the suhj act lea go,ol one a large at- tendauce is :asked. Earl, member bring a friend with her. Mrs. James flatten type will represent the ''society at the meld in Loudon V nit C nil 1co bee annU this niorr n Hvat•;l- AL -Last Saturday Connty Represeotattt, Stephen B, Stuthers, B, b A. Ciiusal. and Miss Agues Flor- ence. youngest daughter of the late Jas Q arm ?ars. Cleghorn, Guelph, were united it marriage by Rev. Dr, MacGil• livery. at Guelph. They will make Isieir home in Celinton,'-THE PosT ex. A Ldtp hearty: congratulations and hopes Mr. and Mts. 1,1 'others may enjoy many happy prosperoas years. Mas AIMM GOOD DECEASED, -A ifot- mer well knnwu resident was buffed 'lure Wednesday afternoon of this week in the person of Mrs. Adam Gond, form- erly Mise Mary E Vanstnne, eldest r!• a„Slane of } ofthe me Wm. lit iter 1 V stone s i suet sister to W. I an. f'as . V ieghut+ Mre. Good died at the home her deeehter. Mrs. Bnruhouse, Y.,rk ton, Sask„ Thursday or last week end the caldret was accompanied by afore• said daughter and her brother Harold Good. It is About 15 years or mote since the Good family went West Mrs. Good and family ere very kindly te- membered by the people of this locality. In addition to the children mentioned W. J Good also survives. The 3 sons did duty overseas, Joe making the sup- reme sacrifice, Mrs, Blackstock, (Elsie) died during the past year at Saskatoon. Mrs, Good's health had not been very rugged for some time before her demise. She was a flee woman and sympathy is ralt:teadecl to the bereaved, THE only political meeting of this campaign was held in Brussels Town Hall Tuesday evening, with J T. Wood in the chair, Speakers were Barrister Proudfoot, running as an Independent candidate, and Archie Hislop. There were some warm passages between thein and both spoke at some length. the la- ter urging electors to vote for the Lib - eral nominee, J. M. Govenlock. Mr. Proudfnot sought support considering he had not beeu fairly treated be the Liberal party, SsINoLEs.—Car of 6 X 13. C. Shingles just ar- rived at Walton Saw Mills. JOHN MCDONALD. STRAYED from the premises of the tinder. signed, Lot 19, Con. 3, Morris, on October 18th, a black faced yearling ram. Information as to his whereabouts will he thankfully received. Phone 1116, 9 rips 5 weeks old for sale, Phone 4177 W EnLEY BONERS, Con, 6 Gray. CAR of cement just arrived at the Watton Saw mill, JNO. MCDONALD. FOR 8A1.0 -A fine steer calf 5 menthe old. Apply to J0819P11' WHITFIELD, Graham's Sur- vey, Phone 58)8. MAN'S vest lost. W111 finder kindly it at9THE Poem and oblige the owner. Fon SaLE,-Second hand Ford oar in good condition. I. C. RtotoARDs. Foa SALE. -An Oxford Barn Lamb, bred from Arkell'4. registered stock, If interested home and seg, Joust 0. CooK, Brussels R. R, No. 4. Lot 18, Con. e, Morris Phone 807. Fon SALE, -3 comfortable dwelling houses, I. C. RICHARDS. 7 Prim 3 weeks old, for sale. WE. ALDERSON, Cranbrook. Y0000 girl wanted to learn pant end vest making. Wages 9500 a week to start with. Apply to R. FERonsoN. Brussels. Fele SALE. -Lot 1, Con. 11, in the township of Grey, 5 acres, more or lege. For particulars, apply R, HOsKErooLE, 440 Lauder Ave., Tor- onto, Ont, Fort SALE. -The eligible brick store and dwelling combined, naw occupied by Mrs. ,lane Thompson. For further particulars ate ply 0r H. Wilton .I8rueael,at8 Page street, 'Toron- to, wanted to learn the printing, One who baa passed Entrance exam. Apply at THE POET, Live Pommel- wanted on Monday and Tues- day of each week, Phone No. 88 for prloes, &o, R. THOxs0N, Brussels. Da. Penken, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week, Chronic and nervous rliseasee suenesafully treated. Visite residencee. Consultation at Qttee&'s Hotel, AN AuctionHousehold Sale of,H - 1 1 Furni- ture, House, &c., is announced by Mrs Jno. Cart! if. Princess street, for Nov, 1st, Several colonies of type have to be carried over to next week owing to Election addresses coming to hand at a late liner. FIELD DAY -A day of games and sports, with Fancy Drills, &e. Is being planned for Brussels school on Victoria Park. Watch out for the d+t'o. LrrsaARv ANn 5001A1. -The Y. P, S. C E. of Melville ehereh held a Literary and Social;m: eliug in the church Mon- day evening, of last week in honor of Miss Muriel Brothers, who was Formerly a faithful and valued member of the Society who was about to leave and take up Mission work in India. Program consisted of solos by Misses Kate Dead• man, Isabel Strachan and Edua McCall and short addresses ou various subjects which were entertaining and instructive. A social half hour, ,luring which a med- ley trip was taken to Europe, was foll- owed by the presentation to Miss Broth • ars of a shower of useful gifts bespeak- ing the good w.shes of the Society. Miss Brothers replied briefly thanking all for their gifts and assuring them that she would always retain vety pleasant memories of the days spent in the Y P. S C. E. The meeting closed by singe the "She's a jolly good fellow” stud the National Anthem, Allan Lament made a capital chairman, NEY ittitd, As it is et somewhat setuee ar. !fele this season you knots what 50 tin, Phone 43 or 27 W. J. McCracken At ,he+ c•.tuclusien of t r n ce last 101510, evening in the eietip d et church the members in a buds' %deem! the home of J. T and Mrs, stood and presenter] Fred J. and Mrs 1V, o.1 with a Jardinere and plant as a lir le olein, n• to of Iheit interest in them. Mrs. A liaeker read a brief, kindly address and Mrs. 12 F. Downing made the presenta- tion Fred in behalf of his bride and himself expressed thanks and ape, ecia• tion of the thoughtfulness and kindness, Short speeches folic wed by J, T. Wood, F. H. Gilroy, Rev W E Staffnrd and W. H. Kerr, Miss Dorothea Staffotd and Mrs F. J Wood favored the rom. pony with a fine piano solo each Home made candy and apples were served and the company separated after summit "Blest be the tie that binds," and pray- er by the. pastor. Many words of wel- come were spoken to the lately arrived bride and good wishes for many happy years in their own home. GONE TO OSHAwA.-After four years' residence in Brussels Frank Naegele left this week for Oshawa where he takes charge of the business known -at; "The Concrete Builders' Ltd " He has leas- ed the factory and premises for 5 years with the option of purchasing at a set price, The line of goods manufactured is tile, sewer pipe, ornamental trim- mings, Roman stone, concrete pressed brick, &c. Factory is Orme° feet with 14 acres of gravel attached. This bust ness should suit Mr Naegle all right as be is versed in cement and brick end was Inspector for several seasons on government contracts at Gotlerich harbor. His 3 sons will assist in the new factory and Mrs. Naegete will move as soon as a house can be obtained. Oshawa Is going ahead with great strides and numerous new industries are com- pelling the erection of hundreds of houses to accommodate the workmen and their families. We wish Mr. Naegele success in his work and believe he will do well. Bueei.ARv.-Tuesday night of last week the drug store of F. R. Smith was buglarized, entrance being obtained by back door, the bolt having been drawn after holes had been bored by augur. Flash lights, fountain pens. and a good quantity of various liquors were taken, Wednesday the wheels of Justice were set to motion and Wm. Bell, black- smith, and Steve Thibideau were ar- rested. The latter acknowledged his guilt and told where the stolen goods could be found, viz on the bauk of the river behind the home of the editor of THE Po,T Mrs, K -rr discovered a large demajohn of alcohol before the facts of the burglary were made public. After Bell's arrest he asked Constable Oliver for permission to go to the closet in D. Ewan's carriage works, where be was employed, and the request was granted Mr. 0.iver did not know there was a door leading from this apartment until after the prisoner had made his escape, making good use of leg bail along John street South and be is still at large Thibideau was taken to Godericb by Co. Constable Wltitesides Thursday after noon Bell may be nabbed vet as the minions of the law are on the alert. BIBLE SOCIETY. -The annual meeting of Brussels branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in Melville church Wednesday evening of last week. At- tendance was poor for a union service, Devotional services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Mann after which the Presi- dent, 1. T. Wood, took the chair and after appropriate remarks asked the Secretary Treasurer, W. H. Kerr for the annual report. $222 25 were contribu. tions for this brandh last year, the best record yet. Repots was adopted Offi- cers were re-elee'ed with a few changes and are as follows :-President, J. P., Wood ; vice Pres„ resident pastors; SecretanyTreasurer, W. H. Kerr ; direc- tors, A. Stewart, Walter Yell!, S Bailey, A. E Hersey, L. Tbuell, Wm Bray, Dr. 1'erguene cud Duncan McDonald Rev. W. E Hessen!, B. D., District Secretary, Toronto, was introduced He complimented Brussels Branch on the excellebt support they had tendered for many years and urged that in a drive this Fall $35o be set as the standard and that the pastors in this district be u asked to preach a serm o on the Bible 1e and this Society the Sabbath previous. He gave many items of interest and in- formation on the wotk, full of optimism and then showed a number of fine views of South America, upon which he gave a running comment, unfolding a great c the South- erlyof particular, regarding I erly part of this continent, A vote of thanks was tendered the rev, gentleman who is not Only a versatile speaker but most genial fu his manner. Collectors were also thanked for the splendid work they had done last year. Meeting closed with preyer by Rev, Mr, Stafford. Of- fering was $9.50. APPLES 80 Cents per 100 pnunda will be paid by the undersigned for any quarftity of Windfall Apples delivered at the car, Brussels Sta. Lion, FRIDAY of thie Week, Now is the time. Scott I little d Brussels ('irr.'ytw'u and Doctor's who 44. use the r"fly Pence ': ` 0.3',' y' 11 tart'. ttu,l rttn in'uyt+ 11. uilets }stet' you thenars tied .. optuione, 1h •,r1 ipiive sample £1053, * O. Q. MARTIN, Ioyeutot and Mauufarturer, + k111 West Petry St„ BUFFALO iigr Order your Winter's sup- ply now and get then under cover, There is no nicer light wood. P. AM ENT Phone Id t 11 BRUSSELS l-$ P.aople We Talk About 1 tt tt Dr Genrce Ross, Chatham, was home for the week end, Mts. R. MacAlpine, St. Marys, is visiting in tfeen. 11les Nellie Fox is back from a holiday visit with Toronto friends. Miss Lilah Sperling is home for a visit from her school at Pinkerton. Mrs. S tura, Toronto. Is a visitor at the homy of her son. Elizabeth street. Miss Lennie Ellis, -Toronto, was a holiday visitor with the Misses McCrack- en. Miss Minnie Cook, Tnrmito, is visiting her aunt, Mrs A James, at the Ameri- can. Flarn'tl Currie has gone to Toronto where he hes accepted a position as leacher. Mrs. W. Fa'quharson, of Provost, Sack , was a visitor with Miss Lizzie Dnwntng hiss lo. Roos, Toronto, spent Thanks- giving at the home of her mother, Wil- liam street. Miss Dorothy Cunningham, Palmer- ston, was a Thanksgiving visitor with relatives in Brussels. Mrs: S, C, Wilson and Mrs. Jno Downing are at Guelph this week visit - Dr Red Mrs. Wilson, Mrs Robert Kerr hes been under the doetor'e care during past week. Hope she will soon be better. We are pleased to see Miss Vivian Harris able to get about once more after her operation for appendicitis Mrs Frank Clair and son have gone to their home at Grand Rapids, Mich, Both are enjoying good health. Will, Lung, nF the Bank of Novi Scotia stsfi, Toronto, enjoyed a holiday For a few dvys at the parental home, Mrs D Ewan, is visiting in Toronto. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs Lorne Eckmier, of F1'nt, Mich. P. and Mrs. McQuart'le have arrived home from Toronto. The former is im proving in health we are glad to hear. Mrs, 'P R. Thomson and daughter, Seaforth, have gone to Chatham where the Fortner will take a position as house- keeper. Mrs Lorne Eckmier is here for a visit from F int, Mich. She is the youngest dausht+,r of D. and Mrs, Ewan, Brus• Bels. eiies Liman accompanied her neice, Miss Muriel Brothers, to Toronto last week, The latter starts shortly for India. '1' Brown and slaughter moved to Brus els this week from Ethel locality and have taken up residence on John street. We welcome then]. James and Mrs. Taylor and Misses Iona and Vivian have moved to Walker- ton after a sojourn in town of several years We wish them success. Mrs. G. 10 Samis has been quite ill during the past week with threatened appentlicitia but is considerably better now we are glad to say. Misses Mabel and Tillie Zimmer, Toronto were welcome visitors over the holiday, They are melee, of A. C. and Mrs. Dames, and were former Brussel iter. Mrs. H. L. Jackson has gone for a visjt to Welland, Hamilton and other points for a few weeks. Her sister, Mrs, Chas, Sheriff, of Winnipeg, ac- companied her. W. 1 and Misses Amanda, Eva and Carrie McCracken, town, and Miss L Ellis, 'Toronto, motored to Loudon and Lambeth. At the latter they called on Rev. ]-no and Mrs Holmes, formerly of Brussels Tuesday Mrs Chas. Dodds wed son Tim left Brussels on the home trip to Vancouver. 'Pbev will visit at Chicago, Swift Current and Moose Jaw en route, with rut, ea a and i 'v ' friends. We wish ht her a safe j matey. Tug Pos'r is sorry to hear that Miss Jean Armstrong, who is teaching in Toronto, was taken with appendicitis and underwent au operation in the hospital Her many friends here hope she will soon he es hearty as ever, Wm Kyle, Chesley, was a visitor at the home of his nephew. Jno. Kyle, Brussels, last week. The visitor fs 82 years t !d, vet made the trip on his own account. Our townsmen a n ecomP anted t v him as far as Palmerston to n on the return. mor, George Roe of the Son ; W H, Roe, Picltfo (1 , and Mrs Hugh Carr, Hen - cock, al .,f Michigan. were here during the past week visiting their father, Rich., era Roe. sister, Mos, Crich, and brother, Alex The visitors were former resi- dente of Carey township and keep 10 fairly guest touch with this locality, Among Brusselites in Toronto who were home for 'l'hank'tgiving were Misses Carrie McCracken, Belle and Sara iirLatu•hlin, Jessie Cunningham, Hazel Stewart, Doric and Marjory Rose, Addie Sperling, Lktvd Jackson, Geo Edwards, Cardiff Best, Robert War wick, Jack Henderson, Stewart and Harry Fox. M7' TEliARN.TO Every elan, woman and child can save ivery one should save. Every ambitious person does save. The Savings Department of .the Standard Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save. 291 THE STANDARD B Ctiis OF' CANAD BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER J. H. Hutchinson, Havelock, and Miss Annie Hutchinson, Toronto, father and sister to Mrs. Earl Cunningham, were visitors in Brussels over the holiday, Roy McKay, Jim Lowry, Archie and Douglas Currie motored from Torou'o last Saturday, and spent the holiday at their respective parental homes in Brus- sels. They appear to be well pleased With the Queen city J T , D. C. and Vernon Ross motored to Kincardine last Friday on account of the serious illness of Robert Ross, broth er and uncle, respectively of the trio. The former did not come back until Saturday afternoon's train. Dr. Mc- Naughton was also at Kincardine. IN BATTLE AHOY Huron Oounty Line-up for Election. Next Monday the ballots for Huron Oounty will read in the following al- phabetical order, from which 3 men will be choses :- CENTRE HURON J. M. Govenlock..........Liberal Robt. Livingston. U. F. 0. W. Proudfnot .-...Independent N0I(TH 5(0RON W. H. Fraser ,- ,,. Liberal John Joyut Oonaprvative E, 0. Procter U. F, 0. SOUTH HURON F. Ellarington ,- Oonsm'vative A. Hicks. U. F. 0. J. Morgan,- ............Liberal Four supporter's of the HearstGnv- ernment were elected by acclatnatinn last Monday. For the 111 seats there are about 800 candidatee, 101) of them are Conservatives, 70 Liberals, 04 U, P. 0., 10 U. F. 0, -Labor, 19 Labor and 8 or 10 with a mixture of platforms. It is a great mix -tip. Every woman who has a Referendum vote has also the privilege of voting for a political candidate. MARRIED BELL-BEIRNEe.-At the home of the bride's parents. by Rev. R. J. MoCnrmick, on Oct 15th, 1510, Mr. Robert, 1. Bell to Miss Lily M., eeoond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran - ole Beirnes, all of Morris township. Swo it ans-Man BORN. - Ott Saturday, Oot, lith, 1910, by Rev. Dr. McGillivray, Aimee Florence, youngest daughter of the late Mr, Tam. 0. Oleghorn and Mre Oleghorn, Guelph, to Stephen B. Stothers, B. S A , Clinton, eon of the late Mr, and Mrs. Stoth- ere, T.ncknow, Ont. BORN AnttsTaoNO,-In Grey township, on 'October 7th, 1019, to Mr, and Mrs, Sydney Arne atrsng, of Horn epayne, Ont„ a daughtee- Audrey Merle. HnalvRRIEs--In Wnttop on October 7th, 1910, to Mr, and Men. b7 J. Humphries, daughter, Mary Elf7abetlt. DIED Genn.''=In Yorkten, Sask.,on October 8th, 1018, Mary lit Vanatone, reict of tate tete Adam Good, formerly of Brussels. M1TO000r,-In Grey township, on October 1651,, 1919, Nellie Wilson Miller, beloved wife mf Wm. Mitchell, egad 85 yeare, 9 er- boon at. 2,82, 8service Funeral t E ern1I Interment in " Brussels omnatory. _ AUCTION SALES Mune?, 0000000 21mu; Farm, Farm stook, implements, do. , N5t4 Lots 56 and 50, Con, 1 ulr00er ed at 1 D. on. ] t v Morrie. Sale P Mo S F, B'''" Auc. it er Prn rieEcr S M l LP . D P t ' 1010 Farm brook Fnnrne s, &en 1a s, Oo Lot 1,on. 14,Hallett tolvn� Irople mate &e , f o i Chia. Sole unreservedalt p. m Jae Nolan, Proprieto'r, Thos Brown, Au0 MONDAY, Lot 27Tto-Farm Stook. I hip. meets, 1 p., Lot 27, Con er Gr, P op.; if, . Sale at 1 p. m. Rueeel Robertson, Prop. ; F, 8. Soon, Aum. ePle nD tsn &n' OCT. s 204 & 55,, Con 18 irGreey bownehlp, Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. ut. :Geo. Snelling, Prop,; 2'. B. Scott, Aue. BRUSSELS MARKET — F011 Wheat el 90 61 05 Spring Wheat 2 000 2 10 oats 1 60 1 806 Barley Peas 1 55 1 26 Beger 45 4 5 Begs Hogs - 17 Oil 17 00 Ferro for Sale Rettig 1334 Lot 18, Con. 0, Morrie Totvnhln, oontnining 100 scree in gond state of enit Wa- trmt : good hui ldln es, nbm)dnttne of Wake, CO,,. vontent to enhool. Inunedlate pneaoaaion, For further particulars NEWCOMBS, Wei Blyth R R Nn, 2. Helfer Strayed BTRA0Iet frrem the farm of Jim Black, 0.11 line, Morrie a 2 goer old gene bei for With 1)010 in right ear. Any Informaption lending to her re00060 will be thnllkttully reeelved. }altonit 594 WM, 8x']Ia 1800110041,000000000(.0004000GLOO00000000000+n0000000wat9l OGG r8 0 Fox's t .ru +" . toreit co a -4),•611-44.74'S'i'() • et is l to -Me9:91y20.999991E 151 81 D a d e 0 18 a 1, 10 0 e 19 10 0 e 0 s ,a eekiy Store News We ter1aft' Anraa's Shaved Ideal fountain Pens And there are none Better We have it splam,lid stook al preset' in all liedillsranHl les. , I.very pen guaranteed to give perfect saLisfantiou. The Instant Beard Softener Shavettid is an . Instant. 13emd Suftnner, It, insures a qutclt and perl'rr1 shave. No sunu'ting--no it til. 111 11. Ou Ilse skin 11 it cool- ing and :mollling. Put up 1n pull:well o blies•-• 611,, per pa('lcage The Carden Court Toilet Preparations • Are becuuling wore popular every day. The line consists of Face Powder sec Double Conil.)inal ion Cream ,or Cold Cream 500 Talcum Powder - 35c Toilet Water $2,00 Perfume - $1,5o per 00, Sold only at Penslar Stores Talcum Powders Hove are some of one elt Moe ones GARDEN COURT HUi)NUTO VIOLET OASHMERE BOQUI.T. MARY GARDEN DJERKIS BUTTERFLY SANITOL DAC'I'YLIS MINTY PENSLAR R0810 PI.NSLAR VIOLET (4. & G, BABY POWDER MENNEN'S • COLGA'I'it"S 13AI3Y TALO Penslat' Cod Liver Extract Tasteless $1 a bottle "Father," said the minister's son "My teacher says thitt'eollert' and 'congre- gate' mean the same thine. Do they 5" "Perhaps they do, my eon," geld the olereyman, 'bat you may tell your teacher that there is a vast dfirerenee between a congregation and a collec- tdon." Blood Root Cough Cure 1S the }lest 25C & 5Oc JA ES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER U 00 13 G 0) ei 00 ft ft 5D 19 a ell ea U 19 008' o 0 1.2 w 10 d m O e s 51 t0 H OP v 10 0 le 0 rt O tD O to to ti 9 O 0a5'googols000ceacDeeoatataaiarae®1p®etee38Ro0oms©.•sicset,arew Heifer Strayed Nouse for Sale in Cranhrook Strayed from the premises of the under- signed, Lot 14, Con. 7, elorrie, on o. about Sept, Comfortable brink house and 1_ nor, of land 'Silt, a 2•year-nld dehm•ned roan heifer. Any for sale. Good woodshed, from, "table, er. information loading to her recovery will be chard, well, &c„ located in Village or Orem- thankfully received, Wel. BIRD. hroolc, belonging to estate of lata !emelt] 61, - Phone 505 Brussels R. R. 4, DougnlL For further particulars ep•'le to W. d. NMALLOON, Crar.e.rnnk, 1(1.1 or ALEN M0DOUGALL, Nt, Thnnus. Aucti cn Bate —0g— House & Household Effects MRS. JNO. CARDIFF Announces a Bale of her Hoose and Household Fnrnibrre, at her home, Princess street, on Saturday, Nov. 1st. List oomprieee:-1 dining room table, 1 sideboard, 1 set of Chinn dieting nearly complete, 8 hair cloth choke, rocking chair and sofa, dining room ohaira, 1 large couch, t bedroom suite with mattress, 1 coal heater,1 steel range, 15 -burner coal oil stove with oven and nulnerone other nrtielea, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IatPLR6tENTa.-F. S. Soots, Auctioneer, hoe been instructed by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at Lot 27, Oen. 16, Grey, on Monday, October 57th, at 1 o'olook, the follow- ing valuable properby :-1 need mare in foal to Lothian Tvpe, 1 brown horee 5 years old, 1 bleak general purpose mare rising 4 veara 1 13 Holstein 00supposed to calve about Feb, 1513, 1 Durham cow supposed to calve about Feb, 8rd, 1 grey Durham elm .supposed t0 salve about hest of Feb, above 00we are all milking, 1 cow milking, 1 heifer 010111g 8 years milking, 1 lOgtnboin cow milldug, 1 MACH'. 2 years old with calf at foot, 1 cow due to calve 01 April, 1 sow enppoaed to calve Jan, 8, 1 Durham steer rising 8 years, 1 belie rising 2 year; next Aug - net, 5 steers rising 2 years, 11 chunks of pigs nbeat 50116.,11 store pigs about 175 lbs., 1 Frost & Wood binder cub 4 crops, 1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 horse rake, 1 hay tedder, 1 disc hay- row nearly new, 1 walking plow, 1 twin plow and other ertiales, Sale on account of poor health and the farm to well seeded to grime, Terms, -Bunts of 95 and tinder cash ; over that amount 8 menthe event given on ftu'nish- ing approved joint notes. Lend owners as se, parity. 8 per cent off for ansa on credit amounts, RUSSEL ROBERTSON, Proprietor, if; u MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tenders, addressed to tate Postmester General, will bit received nt Ottawa until nn'nt on Filthy, the 11th day of November, 1510, for the oottvoynm,e of His Mejenty'e elm's, on proposed -Contract for four yenre, Six times per week, over Hlnevale No, 2 Rnral Route,. from the Postmaster General's Planer a, Printed nobieoi eontninhlg further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed Contract only be seen mid blame forma of Tender may be ab - Mined at the Post Offices of Btnevnle, Win ]tam, Brussels and Belgrave, and at the eillee of the Pneb Office Inspeutor, London. Post Office lnapentor's 011lee, London, Ord - October, 1510. CI+AS. B. H, FISCHER, Poet Office Inapeotor..' MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Po+t• nester General. will be 1'senivsd at Ottawa u- • til gloom, w1 Friday, the 14th day of November, 1010 for the conveyance of His MnO el-We ➢tails, on a Proposed contract for four yea, e, six times per week, over Brussels No, 2 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's phew. use. Printed nottoes containing furtherNiemen. a to ions of proposed oontraob luny be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ele 50!1,00 01 the Post Offices of Brussels, lOMevnle,a, Hmtfryn and Welton, and nt the oliloe of the Post OtIlce Inepeotnr, London, Post Moe Inspector's Oflico, London, 8rtl October, 1910, CHAS. E, 13. InfOE.lOR, Poet 021cn Inspector, Me '5 .• i Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat ? If you do you will be interested in the choice line of samples we have just received. Also in the large book of Autumn Styles for Met), which shows you just how .some of these samples look when made u. p Expert 9p$. Y allor r:.,g Fit guaranteed and Moderate Prices are considerations you cannot afford to overlook, R. E RATHWELL, Mon crieff