HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-16, Page 3R O SLE
Address nil oarrespondenoo for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 23r
Woodbine Ave., Toronto.
Waets to Know: The Doer War be- leaders finally breaking Into a romp -
gen in Orto-bee, It )9, and ended May, ing one-utep and the others following
100',1, The number of men who vn•OO1 stilt,
to south Afrin front C'ttrnda tetanal' Then followed the "Seareerow Skit-
Solving the Father=and=Son
Partnership Problem
When I returned from agricultural
college I took charge of l'ather's
farm. I was the only boy in the
family, ail Father was at the age
when he ii bed to be relieved of all
active and :.L ennous dut 's.
Clomrequenely, Lhe major part of the
management and operation fell on me,'.
So far as capital and labor situation,
wee concerned, ours WW1 just the same:
as that of the manufacturer and hist
employee. We were in the production
arae fust as much as the manufac
paid for the repair outfit and had
made eondderahle money te. ides,
].fearing of what I had accomplihh-
ed another hoy mile the eante pro-
, position to his 'father. Instead of
agreeing to it, however, the farmer
purchased an outfit himself, and then
made the buy, who 'was one of the
a:deet children of a large family, do
the repairing without compensation.
It ie not remar1ealete that in a few
years this parhicular "laborer" de -
Oared a "•strike" and went off to the
8,400. I ter." A dilapidated old cornfield char- Curer, The inherent friction that(' city for another job.°int
seems to exist between thesetwo eie-, Father understood another P
Na ono can claim the distinction of set„., in all his crudity aflapping
winning the first V.C. The honer was'black,w ,s brought in and established menta; of modern economic activity that many farmers overlook; he knew
fir;'(` conferred b Queen Victonia on ihcentre of the floor. In the band was in aur relationship doubtless as, that the income from farming was
y much as in any.Yet in our case labor; always less to a single man than to
sixty-two person:; of both the Army of his shabby hat fluttered a handful
and Navy. The date was June 2n, of rusty crow feathers, and the fea- never suffered e lay-off, not, did cap#- a marked man with a family, while
8b' each boyto. tal ever suffer a labor strike. How we in the city 11 is just the opposite. For
1 h, I tura of the dance was for ea
The Princess Patriclaie Canadian secure one of these, in passing, for MS managed it I shall try to explain: instance, hi the i
city t�e singleman
Light Lhfantry roached the front on' partner. The poor old fellow was In the first place, Father must be would pay rent p s yr only
December 31, 1014, Arrived too late near! torn to bits in the process, credited with having seen wbatet hoe single room, while the plan with the
to participate in the lighting in the' y „ taken a lot of manufacturers a long family would require many. Also, the
"b'arnurettes Fancy" was amother,
retreat from Mons. 1 name for "Ladies' 'Choice." All the! Um° to sec, or •at least to admit— married man would have a heavier
There are eighteen universities in' iris were given tinytoyrakes, hoes,I namely, that labor is quite as essential food and fuel bill. So, on the same
g ' an element to production as ie catital,�aincome, the Bungle man farce better
Cannula; on the average, one to every( spades, and other farm ,itnplemovts, 1
4()0,1)00 of the population; about the. which they used as favors in choosing, and just as much entitled to a share in the city then the married man, But
same number as Creat Britain and partners• ' of the profits of production. Some on the farm the factors of rent, food,
Ireland have with more than s} ties For the Popcorn Waltz the " ..e favohsI fathers, like some manufacturers, and fuel aro largely inclu•led in the
total income. As the value of these are
more to a man with a family than to
.:.a1 ,.o ,r�• to devour
a single man, the man with a family
There was a enter rising and wanted to make fares better ono the farm than the
Bet no one has ever pereo i it. these adornments as well as to use P
1'e. e, n brains are potodically re- them for decorative purposes, and so some extra mangy when I was a boy. single man. Knowingg this fact,
newel, but the pracess is a gradual, they were a source of'muah fun. The As Father had a fair-sized family the Father always sought to make my in -
one. We are supposed to pet a cons- orchestra at intervalsin this dance shoo repair bill was very considerable, come as a single man on the farm
plete new outfit of brains Query two nia,l0 use of some eontrivnnte which In view of thee° facts, 1 conceived equal to what I could make in the
month ;,but the new one; elo not shake sognded like card popping briskly the idea of purchasing a cobbling out- city
off' the traditions of the old. o"er the fire. A shower of snowy fit for a few dollars and doing the re- Father did not don.,te me things or
From August. 1914, up to the enol white confetti from the balcony still Pairing myself. Father night just as make it' especially easy for nee; he
the money to me its to an- simply dealt with me on a fair and
the population of Canada. were popcorn chains for the boys to
The earth's weight is estimated at hang around their partners' necks.
1 25C 1')- n70 000 000 non 000 000 ton•• Tl temptation 1 our
have apparently been slow to recog-
nize this fact.
For example, I was ambitious and
of March, 1011), the net Cost of the, further emphasized the popcorn idea. • '
war to Creat Britain has been put by In the "Orchard One-step" the boys other, and at the same time it would square Ilasis. On my part, I helped
Mr. Chamberlain at •$33,500,000,000. were invited to pick peaches, The' permit me to make a little extra to increase my share of the profit as
"Equinox" meads equal nights. The girls stood behind a high screen and money for myself. Father agreed to the "labor" by inereaeing the profit
o my proposal, and in a short time I had that went to "capital."—P. C, S.
Equines:es occur during spring and
autumn, (,:hen day and night are equal
in length nearly all over the world,
R. F.: If the mirror is spotted or
blurred} over Lite entire surface, re- her partner.
silvering will be necessary. If the Instead of a cake walk, a "Pumpkin
defects occur only in spots, there are Pie Walk" was announced. The con -
several ways in which you can am- tcstants could indulge in just as crazy,
prove its appearance. Take out the funny, or pretty dance steps as they
thrust their right hands above it. Th
boys reached up, touched the "peach"
they chose, and thereupon the girl
thus designated one -stepped away with
worden back, dust and wipe off the
s;ilvc.red side quickly and carefully
with a -cloth wrung out of hot water.
Dry quickly and tltnronghly by pat-
ting with soft, hot towels. If there
are :crutches, paint them over with
liked. The reward to the cleverest
and most amusing cauplo was a big
pumpkin pie.
In the `Red Ear Dance" the girls
were blindfolded, and asked to pick
an ear of corn from a big basket.
,silver paint, which can bo purchased When vision was restored the girl
wherever artists' me.terials are sold; holding the one red ear was acclaimed
or back the snatches wrath tinfoil.
Blurs or spots should be marked with
a clean outline, the space moistened
with alcohol, then scraped, wiped
clean and painted with silver paint or
backed with tinfoil. Cut the tinfoil
somewhat larger than the space that
is to be. repaired and fasten it at the
corners m• edges with White glue.
Thrifty Ways: Please give direc-
tions for making a rug out of small
pieces of Brussels carpet.
Cut the carpet into strips three
inches in width, then ravel, rejecting
the linen foundation threads and •sav-
ing those of crimped woolen yarn.
The woolen threads should be of uni-
form length. With a pair of the
largest size steel knitting -needles (or
a ecmilar size in wood or celluloid)
and at ball of Catton carpet yarn, cast
on ten stitches and knit two rows for
the beginning, In the next row, lay
a thread of the w001 across the
needles, with every other stitch. After
knotting the st:iteh, take the end of
wool which shows upon the wrong
side, and turn it toward the right
side, knitting a stitch to secure It.
Then put in enother thread of wool
and repeat the process. The back of
the strips will have an appearance
somewhat like that of body Brussels
carpet, bile the front will resomble
thick, long -napped plush. Make strips
the desired length and when all are
finished they must be sewed together
on the wrong side. It is only for
convenience that they are knitted in
strips—the rug, as a whole, would be
very cumbersome and unwieldy to
:ilig'h School 'Girl: Following is a
description of an autumn party which
contains ideas that you might use to
advantage in planning your evening's
A "Red Ear Party" is what they
called it in the in -Mations. It was previous winter and -wind did not pro -
the opening party of the year in the duce enough eggs to be profitable.
high school and the seniors planned lit. The latter of course should be seis-
The cards of invitation they sent posod of, for if they dad not lay well
out said:
At this time o' year
• You'll recall the red ear
(It never will go out o' date),
So the members of "twenty"
Have planned fun aplenty
At a regular IIa vest Home Fete,
You're faulted! The average poultry -keeper wants
pressively ehoWn that) in His need and
The school hall was delightfully • eggs in early fall and winter when_
Idis habit or prayer. See Heb. 5: 7.
decorated, With emphasis on the
prices are highest bsIp00e such eggs But the crowds which attended Him
are more profitable to littoduce. In
autumn colors, Bright, tawny leaves oder to lay in thus seasons, fouvlsl closing;• Ole day tvmornl morning. "All seeking
banked the platform where the .must horse changed their plumage and' Him in the early a
orchestra sat, and the globes of scat -'.111 recovered from doing so before sack far Thee,' said Siphon and the
let and orange balloons timed nnong the Ad weather sato an. '1'haosa which other clksriples schen th110 y Cblound Ham.
the soft tans and cornstallts stacked i molt in cold weather have not Buff!- The answer of Jesus is chat`ecteeistic.
along the side walls, Depending frim i p o, ectian from the colt! and
Instead of rrst,ing upon and seeking
pint 1n t
the ceilingand hanging an the wine to confirm and enjoy His popelattity
I clai probably. wi Many „thorium!
ows myriads of gay red gine! orange, -o real on that' in Ceun, His haat( goes out to
d elmlm, probably with good
paper lanterns swayed brilliantly, ,alto ?,ate molter is the best la er of th°I the untouched multitudes wino
lance programs were ``reel y us go great ,yet heard His gospel, "Let
The c p g and tiny! preceding year. This is probably tette, l'us into the and towns, He said,
eats" clic from ed •eroard, n e' but if tr hen Molts so late rent the "t
red pencils dangled from them. 5amo; ntil role weather sects! that 1 (nay prenein there also: floc
1 cermet rrcoven t therefore Vane 1 forth: Anel so,
of the names of rho d;uteca .temcd to' in she is not likely to he tt good layer
pique poople's curiosity, such, for i11 -I until late w,:n101 when the retie layer'
stn anr•" Ilia li;u•6 i poo the multitudes
stance as: The Cort 1—ilo; the ,Scare.ie :, be;ons to go dovty of Gape', .non, 1}, went forth tvli:ll
-crow Skitter; s l`armerettes Ieamy, gg _.- lits dli!elpius to • go "theolabwit; (ill
..5.-..- IC.allle,"
Queen of the Carnival, and was pres-
ented with a bouquet of red roses.
During the dance a red glow from the
lighting arrangements flooded the
The "Harvest Home Dance" was the
supper dance. Paper costume caps
suggesting fruit and vegetables were
given out, and worn so that the whole
room seemed to be filled with a har-
vest medley. Tomato, carrot, corn,
apple, wheat, squash, grapes, popcorn,
watermelon, and blackberry were all
The supper dance occurred, of
course, midway in the evening. The
other novelty Glances were interspers-
ed each side of it throughout the
The supper consisted merely of
peach ,ice cream served on grapeleaf
doilies, nut macaroons, tiny pumpkin
pies, and fruit punch.
Remember that plenty of exercise
increases the egg yield.
Whiter and' summer, hot weather
and cold, keep plenty of fresh water
before the hens. Keep the utter in
the shade in summer and in the house
wlhere it will not freeze in winter.
Keep the drinking water receptacle
clean at all times.
The season foe colds has arrived.
Cover a dime with potassium perman-
ganate and dissolve this in a gallon
of water. Keep this mixture in the
drinking pans for several days.
Keep the hens supplied with plenty
of grit.
If the poultry -keeper. uses trap
nests, or if he has only a snraie}flock,
he utswall knows which hens lead the
the preceding winter they cannot be retirement for His morning prayer to
expected to be,profitnbde the fallowing God.I'feee, its always, Ho is an ex -
season the understanding being, of artrple to His disciples, showing the
course, that they were !notched early best way of beginning the day's work,
enough so that they were old enough
and developed enough to lay at the
time mentioned.
Jesus In Peter's Ilome—Mark 1: 29-
39. Golden Text, Luke 19: 9.
"Simon's wife'.: another." There is
another reference to Peter's wife in
1 Cor. 9: 5. Flee mother was evidently
a beloved and kindly member of the,
family. Her first act when she •was,
healed of the fever, was to minister to 1
her daughter's guests. Luke (4: 88)
calls her sickness "a great fever."
There was much marshy land in 'that
region, especially' where the river
Jordan enters the lake, and malarial
fever was common. No doubt the
healing ministry of Jesus entered
many another home besides that of
Peter. He is still the great Physician,
teaching by His spirit, tare and
thought for all who suffer, and
prompting the gentle ministry of doc-
tor and nurse in the homes and hospi-
tals of our land.
"At even." When the sun set, ac-
cording to their way of reckoning
time, the Sabbath day was over. It
was then lawful for them to carry
their sick through the streets and
bring them to the door of the house
in which Jesus was staying. "He
healed many." Such was the scene at
the close of this busy day. The people
lingered until darkness drove them to
their homes.
sibee, they travelled through the lands
of the Rosman Empire, and far to the
East, ever seeking to bring the gospel
to the next towns and into the region*.
"0, with what divers pains they met
0, with what joy they went away!'
Many forms of sickness in the East
to tho present day, are regarded as
caused by the presence of evil spirits,
and especially insanity and epilepsy
Jesus was profoundly interested in
these poor sufferers, and restored
many of then( to sanity and health
both 01 body and mind. Our mission-
aries in the East follow the example
of Jesus, and they'find through atten-
tion to the sick and through the
agency of hospitals and dispensaries
an open door to the hearts of the peo-
ple. Their ministry, liko Hie, is in
preaching, teaching, and healing.
"In the morning." Although the
Sabbath had boon a busy day, and its
aotivitles prolonged until after sun-
set,—yet Jesus was awake in the early.
orning, and seeking a quiet place of
About Escaping.
How many times we have read that
a man, having committed some crime,
is arrested and taken to jail. Then,
tither leefore or after his trial, he
f1 (� manages to trick the keeper and to
escape from his prison cell. Away
through the night he flees, trying niY
getas for from the iron bars an.l tile
stone w a.`ls as peseible.befere the night
dawns in the world and he is missed.
Stunk hr r e u, ,•ne r „h �• the e or inimal with Pcrhars be fir.Als iiia way int° a
tuntH I fIavd. 1 tarsier .1 tut JI g d y m, . b Flarge -city, and there Mirka himself,
itaitiiihF • Ude. mile :s oaf to make her stan(1:till. es he thinks, in the great crowds of
The eow ih:,t it net afraid a£ her
T.. re is ns
mystery iu bit> 1, tncst moving >) mrtrtity. He feels that one
of rt(ixin „ good ho gs. 1 tut r faun,! l:u master Lu rc,:pect, friar cis apt t° be Among ate many could never be traee,l
f h Sthe gentle kio l e,f a cow whisk ..loess
per cent. of it to he merely common kick dr, vn, Perhaps i.° goes rat, the motto -
e. In the cacaos of every hog not kirk or },int but comae tquactl ti'. thin fastness, and there olate:s him-
I have a i end bath, made by the barn anal La rds p.r cu •1• in h , :self, ilatihn g that if he !teens far
soaking a heal oe •tuna with crude nil, pos1110I durit:r, the 1 x se of mill in,.;. awey, from the haunts of men he will
Many dairymen scar l their !,ret
'11, , hags roti to this in g.t...t enjoy- lie :life. Perhaps he takes t pas+tile on
meat, o ling their hair and destroying„ (lesire to amen r;ond rr,• , v u isititag a :.hip angel travels rot ad the: worbi, in
the re 1 and Muck show in farms•;
an occresionttl louse that may be a the belief that if he goes far otnngh
why cldon sre5 toad stn, 1. r. a,.+• to ie, will dee impnrsinle for anyone to
pct sent, became th, song! ry eati:tiod with !ting
The hoge get a tittle sulphate of awn cows and ::o nt'rlc•cte to make an foslaty him and tieing hien back. The
iron in their drinking water to pre- etfnrt at improvement. A1't,rr a visit man tells himself that he has escaped
cent weenie, and have all the wood aril thinks of himself as being free
ashes, salt, and lime they want tri eat. to a good fair the picture r f c ou sf t Frain.
I eine.he.7s b • lassoing;; ibetn around sine type will remain. 1 t e i tis only ly I
But that man ha not camped. Fie
y a step to the desire fur better eciave no
;'1 not Icer. There is 00 escape acrd
the nose with a baling wire and hold- i ••r p
Inc.them while the shag is insrrtc(1. the hamar farm. There is no freedom in the whole world -
I have foand by experience that the A .tut 1W-1 11 p+;re-bred cows if r r° for him. Ile may wit be hehl prisoner
surest method of preventing less from a materr of time than u r 1 • . J, there re 1,�, the ir•o,t bars and :tone walls, bat
} g is a registered hull in the mei„hLor there are stronger bars that bar the
cholera ie by Use of serum. The double hoed the purchase of one pare bred
method, whrcln is supposed to give per- heifer will enable the fuzme: to start `!ants of life than th (, of iron, and
mancnt immunity, has raised the there are thicker, higher walls than
cholera, instead of p: ev goring it, in a pure bred; herd if he has patience. thn e of :;tcec•. Ht• may n(,t ho fit
As the progeny of this, heifer nix
the la -seeing °1' 1! m jailer who stands
so many cages bleat it c(Itt t 6a con- r
sidered entirely sato to use. and reac'It1 the milking (,,e the F 7atde outside the door, hue there is another
rows can be gradually s M. Suers the Keeper 1 q
The safest plan seems to be to do f:trnur finds that he 1 an the snarl to per inose war:tifrl :lira :; it is cite
everything' pos ih1e to peep the hogs impossible to d .ct:e .n to pas, Him.
healthy 1 7 proper feeding and Bonita- the pure-bred! tock business, although ha,tir. of drte t: :r and punishment
tion, arc! then, if choler breaks out, the auves.ment: has been a very fetv`11ar- the fsigit.t t from all that is
ee hundred ri°llars• .Jost think of the
varedeato immediately, '*lith serum thingsyou might have done ten years Itis nc + and beet i a n life biers him From
alone. I the best society, bars nim from the
The success of this pian depends on realize what they might mean' !richest prit ilegee, bars him from a
being able to get scrum as Soon as the prow.
ago and Then think of the thinas that man's place in the world, bars hint
disease is to geared, About the only you would like to have ten years from
from the rem};:iny of blit fellow mon.
now mrd remember that now is the, The common practical way to do this .is to follow jmiemeot of his fellows
the plan of four counties in Illinois, time to start. The year lt)29 seems, is a wall that :hut; hint out of their
far away, but the your 1101) seems live. •and confines Irian in that narrow,
which five yaar3 ado took definite ,
steps to eatel,at hog cholera by form- nn.y yesterday. One of the things hard life of r lh smntinol•
rag en association and buying a sup -''that will +later*m^e he strength of a
farmers dairy business .n 10'19 1 apt!'1 theviheart a ule1consrienccl;an ver
ph- of serum to be kept in co1cj; storage to be a start with quality 11010 bred
tit some, convenient point in their, stock in the year 1919. I closes its eye, and =thine within the
district.feed.! soul escapee it. A man may deceive
Try and estimate the winter's '
Proper feeds, sar:•!tary rearters, and, requirements in the fall when extra other men ural hide from them his im-
pure drinking water mist be provided.' . the, never thus :be deceive:1. That man is
ward thoughts. but corseience can
The :eMd may be purchased from farr•--
he successful hog raiser :so limeys • th i rh' orhood This sauce
The Curious Coon and How to Tr. p
The big fur ]rouses are always ad-
vertising that they want good coon
pelts and drill pay good prices for
them. Every year- boys make good
pocket money trapping for this mem-
ber of the animal kingdom, and if
you are a novice at the game, here are
a few suggestions about coons and
coot trapping:
Coons live either in hollow trees or
in holes, when no trees can be found.
They are frequently found in corn-
fields, too. They are possessed of groat
curiosity that often leads them into
traps; for instance, a shiny piece of
tin, a bright piece of glass, or a piece
of white crockery frequently acts as a
fascinating lure. Many trappers use
these to bait traps set in shallow
water of streams that the coons fol-
When you find a coon in a tree you
may either shoot him or trap !nim.
The way to trap him is to place your
trap on a study sapling, cover it with
moss or leaves, thele place the sapling
against the tree. If there are a num-
ber of coon's in a hollow tree a good
smoker will get them out where they
can be shot.
Along streams, any hollow log,
Mellow stump, old boulder with a hole
in it makes a good place to set your
coon trap.
Coons like to eat fish, clams, craw-
fish, birds, eggs, poultry, fruits and
vegetables. They axe particularly
fond of grapes and corn and are some-
times caught in great numbers in
cornfields and vineyards. If you plan
to make your sets its either of these
places, gdo along the forces until you
find coon tracks that show where the
coots go through the fence. There
set your traps. Cover them over with
dirt. Sprinkle fish scent .around.
Along stream beds•that have high
banks arc} 'shallow water it is a good
plan to dig a number of -holes ,into
the banks at the water edge. They
should be from six to eight inches
deep. In the back of the holes fasten
a piece o1 bait. In front of them,
under water, set your trap.
Many men have never set foot in a
schoolhouse since dheir boyhood. They
know that their taxes sup -port the
schools, but they do not know whether
the schoolhouse is in a stlltitary condi-
tion, or whether their children are m-
eek/mg the best course of Instruction.
Ave you that sort of a father'?
"Compare Psalm 5: 3, and Isa, 50: 4.
The true humanity of Jesus and His
likeness to urs are nowhere more im-
P°pcorn Waltz; Orchard Ono step;
Puinpiein Pio Walk;- Red !alar Dance;
Harvest Home Revue.
Tho "Cornstalk" was an the nature her feed and- milk -11:°1, whether she to Ito into all the world, and they'
of n grand march, everybody stalking h :a rerelvecl proper feed ami treat- sought literally to carry out Tits coni-'
stiffly round in time to the meek, the urent of net. i mutat. As far a.i wale lumuni,ty pos-
Have your eyes and toieA re: et Tho mi nu y t sit o.f leans .o_,.
AO YOU eon tell, by looking at e vow, held ratan His dieellrlee. He told! !hent
that it is essential to have the pigs middleman's up:•ofit anti a ]nag haul tit`' prisoner of cense,.er:re, whether he
well broken to eating before they are from the city o• some distant farm.! be in the t.ilde of the mountains or
removed from the sow. I in the underworld of the great city.
All that is necessary is to make a ---••+ J There is no sin for which there is
small opening 10 one corner of the The Great West Permanent1 no judgmentWe may call ourselves
pen, so that the small pigs can enter Loan CQeoopany. I free and feel that be have escaped by
an enclosure where the sows cannotfe0onto Office. is King St. w- I making light of our shay er by hiding
follow. A mixture of dry ground feed them from igen, but we are prisoners
and milk may also be placed In shal- still. We must answer to the Judge
lots troughs for the young animals. in the end.
They learn to eat and drink at an --
early age when this practice is follow- /z Somebody and Sadie.
ed, Then when weaning time comes Sadie had come home crass. That
they miss their mothers very little. 1h�appened not infrequently, but it
The common notion that bone of Dever failed to worry Ellen.
muscle must have age to have strength
"Somebody.," Sadie declared sharp-
'twin brother to the idea that a pig ly, "ought to cut the lawn. It's dim
live on }toff -rations for months graceful. It looks as if we hadn't
must � •
to make ham strong enough. to stand jiLES r° ""t r° r ', any .selfsreslsect at all. I should thin}`
full ration.•" i' with two boys m the family that we
As soon as pigs have been put into ;ti', -.' might keep things about the place
n -;
e ]c - decent."
thefall ;they loo in c
fattening ens n 'i ..0 ore Eos Pnaa Lest
theY g
should be fed all that they will eat r' 1 t down "But, Sadie, dear, you know Tommy
with a relish, for the shorter the fat-
teninggo period the larger the profits. ' they don't deliver the things any
Lean, lank hogs and poor fences will more; and he chops all the wood, too,
discourage the average mint who goes . and that takes a lot of time. And
into hog -raising. '• "� Ralph is working evenings--•"
Keep the dog from chasing the pigs. "Naves mind me," Ralph interrupt-
may tear their !tams or chew theirIf pigs get into the garden or ,grow- ed grimly. "I'll defend myself d{
, y`rha'Sh.,, •-u,T'i�x". necessary.,,
"And the windows need washing
4% allowed on Savings.
Interest computed quarterly.
Witbdrawabie by Cheque,
p1 o on Debentures,
Interest payable half yearly.
Paid up Capital V1.412,979,
op,uino,. Fitted
with glass. Sofa de-
livery guaranteed.
f r• . Cu d fuel
hill, lu.ure winter
H oileroa . PACTORY niaTNlan;oA9 CAHAOA
1t.,e G1anor01a 100x1, .the 8n•inr
d'nrrff 1[, tars, (;usI mt,ed tl , al ,1
11..00 fur ld,n Stock. Sohl mrer•y
!uritis fur nricos and p"rl cola's, s'lv-
in;; 10,n1,ar of head 01' lite :Hook. to
Cane Meta Company of Canada, Ltd.
iticatrcal - g41to.
eee::seaeee.eee.eeeeee a:M_, _see oe-e rarmwww.
ears, and is sure to lose you money.
ing crops, don't try to keep them out dreadfully," added Sadie, "Somebody
by punishing them with the dog, but ought to melee how things look out -
stop the cracks in the fence.` r=a side."
"It was that rain Tuesday. It left
them stained, of course," Ellen agreed
apologetically. "I knew et, and meant
to clean them to -day, hut someho'ty I
couldn't get to it. 'I 11111110 I must be
getting lazy of something."
Tom grinned intpishb •. "Sade had
company home," he observed.
Sadie flushed. "Somebody ought to
attend to your manners, Tom Closer"
she cried angrily. "Ellen ought to
take you in hand."
"Ellen," Ralph observed ironically,
ignoring the question of Tom's man-
ners, "hawing so much leisure time
after doing the work about the house!"
"She's home all day. I have, to
work, I guess there'd be some differ-
ence if I didn't." -
"Indeed there would," Ellen cried
with her sweet eagerness. "I shouldn't
want you to de a thing else, Sadie."
"I drink if Sadie eget up at slx in the
morning end didn't get -the Rust of
hem work done till ten at night, we'd
hoar from eft, and hear something
pretty snappy, too!" Ralph declared.
"I think you're all just as horrid -as
you ran be!" Sadie cries}, pushing
away her plate and rushing from the
But Relish, hieing merely a brother,
tWIS calloused. When Sadie ea—melt/eerie
that night she for fel a memorandum
eotspkuo usly pissed an her bureau:
Working hours of the Chesser family
ellen Closer, cook and housekeepor,
G aan.-10 p.m.
Ralph Ciosser, 9 am. -5 pen.- and
7.10 p.m.
Tom ('looser, -student and errand
boy, 8.30 ani, -4.30 p.m. and 7-9 pee.
Sadie Closaer, critic, 9 et.m: 5 p.m.
To be dome outside working hems:
Merging for Tour, sewing for two,
window cleaning, lawns, calls on sick,
par!tionl is gentle end nothing .is gain- foal k,.a:r ' e y church suppers, 'died so :forth,
. __._.- . oughtto divide th n
Caird 111 EVERY STABLE Supposeo..y ougt t itlga p.
you take a hand at it, Sadie.
y �°!,�5� r u 3 �aDistemper �g I �3 ���; 4'ou usod to Uo n square little pftl,
We'll trust it to you.
!s he one indiseeneebls reltisdy far cont ions and lnfoo-
iv,rnas Hata mime, is sixrcess as a'i ".Cite last sentence did it. Sadie'eat
vloas diseases amort!
)mOt•clhlave and mire for nietomver, Rittlttanzs, 3PLnks79Sor thinking fora long thhe; then, Wiiih'xu
mocha and dolls Loi• more than twenty -eve years the
a^' m±t trIblIta to iia merit tla a weaken° It is indorsete mete creeping lomat tying cornors''ea
1i ^h I her mouth, she wrote Al the, bottom off
t,;. the bent horsemen and- rive-stotic mon in Amorioa.
Fall Dairy Ob..ervations.
Before allowing the cows to begin
on the accumulation of the season's
crops, why not know if they are the
kind of cows that can pay their board.
Many farmers lose money in the dairy
business by spending most of the year
in growing feed to bo used for a herd
that is not producing a paying amount
of milk,
But be sure that there is nothing
wrong with the method of housing and
feeding the cows before they are dis-
carded as boarders that do not pay
noir bills. Much depends on the
owner of the cows and sometimes
good cows produce much less than
they should because they are given
poor care.
Cows are often considered machines
which can be stuffed with- raw ma-
terials without limit and then produce
a finished produet to which there ds
also no limit. This is not exactly
right. A machine is without life and
feeling but a cote is an animal with
a highly developed nervous tempera-
ment that responds or fails to respond
according to the treatment received.
That is why some farmers these much
better with cows than other farmers.
The successful breeders study thole
sows as individuals and try to keep
them contented and satisfied and free
from abuse. They know that there is
more to dairy management than
"stuffing the machine."
Shouting around around the stables will dis-
turb cows and reduce the flow of milk.
A clog that is not 'well trained will
bring the cattle to the ,barn on- the
run or worry them all the way from
the field. Tltis is not good for milk
production. •During the fly season
cows will kick oven though thclr dis-
"Here's my idea of
one that sharpens its own blaoesr°
"Why, X remember
when 'I used to have to
throw away a blade
after a couple of shaves.
Now, I simply take it
and give a few turns on
the strop and it's as
good as ever.
"I can shave in three minutes,
and .ny face is OS smooth and
slick and comfortable as when
the head barber used to go
over it. To clean, 1 simply
put the blade under the top
and wipe it off. There's no
taking the razor to pieces and
messing around with parts.
In fact, the whole thing le so
simple end easy, I wish i had
had one 10114 gun."
Razor — Strop -- 12 blades -- $5
'h8Ar Err
A:ieiStr°a 8uiidind, Toreato, Canada
�xv w- �s i+ zta`s,"', rtyi M
Bay it of your• draggle.,„the memorandum, "O.K., •Somebody;'
MCAL 00,, Goshen, dad„ U. S. A., and tucked it under Ralph's door,