HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-9, Page 8.. �mY,..s�saw.,.,, » . ,w•.,.d-+,a.aaowevTvmM•MMn+,,,es,+a+.r+.',�•.�v,: Ms+WrRw+oT'Mi+.,uM. ,ni,�-.'::w'o.,,.t»;i:Yi,lAi il»i *4.4•'0.04.4'4'4.5401.* '@4•414.414 0+04 4441+4q•.4•s+,.t.o+,+0+0+te+(s+0+ • • •0 61,} Goods Wanted Now IIere are some Ill tilt.: things yon May have au i11tt're5t in and may need soon. Some of them are true helpers in getting over the high costs which hold at the pres- ent time, from the Drug Dept. Ness' Stock Tonic b44-1.046.14+ Drives- out the worms, ues stock healthy, keeps up the good condition they were in during the Summer - Hess' Stock Tonic 25 lb, Pail $3 00 Also in packages at 350, 65c and $I,25 Poultry Panacea Chickens will get through the tnoultiug seasou better and week. et if given Panacea- Good binding, $1.25. Iu 35c pkgs. In better binding, $2 00, Also in the large 5 Ib pkg. at 85c which is the better size to buy. From the Book and Stationery dept, New Presbyterian Hymnal Have ,1 t •I •0 them in rt cl usiu g wiry al the churches, d Type Praise Ordinary NewNeokof Y Limp cover, zoo. Stiff cloth cover, 500. Leather bind ug, $1.00. Nook of Praise - larger Type Cloth binding, 50e, Leather binding, $2 00. Bonk of Praise with Music Money eau be saved by the careful use "5 d: Dependable Dyes 6 Before throwing away old clothes + it is well to examine them and ee el. see what can be done by reculor- I ing them. Very often they can ' be tnade to give the same service as new ones at a trifiiug expense. Dyes suitable for any fabric are + Dyola Dyes and Diamond Dyes. + Both of these are to be had in top tte pkgs. and come in all the wanted color, Also have the Soap Dyes • te. SUNSET SOAP DYES, rec. + RIT SOAP DYE, 15c. 1 s S • }34.0•F0+0+0494 -0+e+++++++++9 +9 +++++++++++.9+0+++4-+4+94.4. FR8 The Stare School Bags Real leather school bags that will stand the rain and snow at $r,00, $1 r5, $1.25 R $1 5o Other school bags that will give good service at from 500 to $t 00 each. Pictorial Review Patterns Gtvr satisfaction, The Fall Quarterlyt Fashion Book a 20 5 contains a coupon good for roc on the payment of any Pattern you may selecs. We keep the Pictorial Patterns. Pictorial Review Magazine contains good Stories 20c copy MITH Druggist and Stationer GAaay,lp'A rereVAI Zialzwar BRUSSELS G 1 S o NG OIITH G01130 NORTH Express :08 pa rasa p P m Mail 11:82 a m Express p Ea 8:58 p m Ex 0:07 m CC 'aDinax FaCI31'lC .WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 8:47 a m II Express 11:41 pm Exprdia 2.27 p m i Express 9:07 pm WROXETER Going Best - 7:11 a. M. and 8:81 p. m, Going West - 12:86 and 9:55 p. m, All trains going East oonneot with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. eta one. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. A. L. KERR took possession of the Harris -Little Garage last week. We welcome Mr, Kerr to town and hope be will do well. ATTEND the Probibition meetiug Thursday evening in Brussels Town Hall. Good speakers in the persons of Mr. Holsaple, Superintendent Anti. Saloon League, Iowa, U. S., and T, L Hamilton, Listowel, President Perth Co Assn. Meeting at 5 o'clock Pack the. Hall awl show your interest in the great cause. 4 PIGS 5 Weeks old for sate, Phone 4177 Warms' SO11 can, Con. 0 Grey, Fort SALE. -TWO freak cows with calves At foot, also one good Jersey cow to calve this month. Will also sell a second hand Ford touring car in good running condition. 505505 =DONALD. 110AH of cement just arrived et the Walton �t qy Saw mild. JNO. MODONALD, fatal . O t e�s qi R s FOR SALg-A fine steer calf 5 months old. L CJ Apply tsJoSEPN WHITFIELD, Graham's Sur- vey, Phone 5619: SHORT days are coming. Howtcic Fall Fair last Saturday. Sgowess are increasing the waters in the Maitland. READ the advt. asking for tenders for Mail Route courier, DID you see the muoh.talked of double rainbow the other day ? BOWLING is 51111 one of the pastimes at the green these evenings. ANOTHER car of apples was shipped by Walter Scott and Will, Little. AN aeroplane passed over town last Friday about noon circling the Park a few times. Congratulatious are being extended to W. S. and Mrs Scott over the arrival of a baby girl. EXTERIOR woodwork at the Queen's Hotel is receiving a new dregs of paint at the hands of Fred Ennis. THE Election Proclamations were Posted up last week. H. 1, D Cooke, Goderich, is the Returning Officer for Centre Huron, BANK deposits are increasing, sboty- lug that people are not hiding their money in their stockingo or old teapots for fear of anarchy. THE "good old Summer time" weath- er during the past week was most de- lightful and gave people a good chance to get outside work done. A cumber of delegates attended the Liberal Nominating Convention for Centre Huron at Seaforth last Monday, both sexes being represented. RorT. 'FRENCH'S famous raciug horse, Roy Gratton, Teeswater, won first mouey at Columbus, 0., ou Sept. 22nd, The best time for a mile was 2 3. THaAsHrem at the Flax mill is about complete fur this year and turning, lift. ing and hauling in comes next, with scrutching on the program as soon as machinery nomas 10 band. THANKSGIVING DAV.-Next Monday will be Thanksgiving Day and conse- quently a public holiday. Business places will be closed and Brussels Post - office hours 8 to 9 a. tn. and 5 to 6 p. tn. (:ARD OP THANKS, -We wbSh t0 thank the firemen and the people of Brussels for their kind assistance in fighting the fire at our factory. We cannot express our appreciation for the kind and will, lug assistance given by all. P. AMEN•r. UPWARDS of a score of Brllssehteo at. I tended Tees,vater Fall Fair last Thnrs- I 'day. "Elsie Campbell," Dr, MCRae'e speedy mare, won the 2.5o race and proved her staying powers by taking the last 3 of 5 heats, Good time Wag made. She will start at Wingbam this week probably concluding the season, An- drew Jaeklin's Tom Wilkes took 415 money at Teeswater and will also go to Wiuglta01, SIAN'S voat lost. Will tinder kindly it at;THE Poem and oblige the owner. Foe SaLE.-Seeond hand Ford ear in good condition. I. C. 111osARDe, Fos SALE. -An Oxford Ram Lomb, bred from Arkell's registered stook, If interested come and see. JOON O. Cook, Brussels R. R. No. 4 Lot 13, Con. 0, Morrie. Phone 867, BLrrO Evaporator is prepared to pay from 90a to 51.00 per hundred lbs. for 1,000 bas of Winter apples large enough to peel, apples to be in not later than Ont. 11th. Will accept weight 011 town Realm. Call phone Noe, 8 or 56. ISAAC BnoWN, Blyth. Fort SALE. -2 comfortable dsyellingQ houses. I. 0. RIOHARDI. 7 PPM 0 weeks old, for sale. WM. ALDERSON, Cranbrook. Foe SArd9.-I, H. C. Gas Engine, 8 h.p., good as new. Also a cutting box and chopper. Phone 495. I. RATawaLL, 'ToIINa girl wanted to learn pant and vest making. Wages 55 00 a week to start with. Apply to R, FosomnoN, Brnsaela. FOR PALE. -Lot 1, Con. 11, in the township of Grey, 3 mares, more or less. For particulars, apply R. HOSitzet n,E, 4411 Lauder Ave., Tor- onto, Ont, Fon SAL!.. -The eligible brick store and dwelling combined, now occupied by Mm. ,Tanm Thumpoen. For further partlrolel's ap• ply to MNa,.0. G.HKE55, 28 Page street, Toren. to, or B. Wilton, Brussels, APPRENTrno wanted to learn the printing, One who hes paned Entrance exam. App at Ton Posen. LIVE POULTRY wanted On Monday and Tues- day of each week. Phone No, 68 for prima, &o, R. THOMSON, Brussels. Dn. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits reaideneeo. Conanitatlon at Queen's Hotel, WIN,111A1,1 Fall Fair Wednesday and Thursday of this week. This will be ; the last of the seasou. A Brussels musical Company will go to Wroxeter Friday evening of next week to provide the program at a Concert in 1 the Methodist church. "THE Great Love" attracted a good hone Wednesday evening of last week in the To en Hall. Films were up to date and the Jones specialties pleased the crowd in the Fin line, IELMER MCKAY, former pupil of Brits eels Continuation School, recently home from overseas gave a much appreciated address to the pupils Thursday afterneeo 0f last week. Ele evidently had his eyes wide open while wearing the King's colors. Elmer has gone to Faculty a' Toronto, CONVRNT1oN -East Iluron Teachers' A;isociation will hold their annual meet- ing Thursday end Friday of this week in the Town Hall, Seaforth, October 9'h and loth, All the meetings will be open to the public, especially that of There - day evening, special feature of which will he A Lecture by Prof, Horning, of. Toronto University. '"here will con• sequeutly be no school Thnreday and Friday. Monday will also be a holiday on account of Thanksgiving Day, .'rit e'•'.dA.M=r-r:4Z. '.Y•,'Y 4124 G wL2' "R; • 1--4•+41:;g'i 4 M^K^.A • 27'g4,-. ood Base \\'r have some ('lover honey that bus a trace of Dandelion or Fruit Bloom in 11 which given it I1Wir Il'wor and only). 1511) 511011, well ripened Holey and will sell at re, diced price, A. 10 Ib, pall for $276 or 63 lbs. trod tin for $18 00. If you don't like it bring it back, G. A. Deadman Gaup Muroiug ! How tlnlcb coal have you in your cellar? H'AaMstu.-Wuv not have some good kindling Wood on hand. Call lu and inquire as there are a few loads for sale, See advt. on page 1, P. AMEN'r, A. C Dames announces au Auction Sale of Household Furniture, cars, im- plements and too acres of land. See the advt. on page I. Date of sale will be Saturday, Oct, 25th. HAVING a sale this fall ? If so, see that your sale is well advertised iu THE PosT. Money invested in newspaper advertising insures a good crowd aud good prices. We'll print your bills, THERE is danger in predicting that Prohibition will win easily. Those who are most closely in touch with the situa- tion, know that the battle is 00 sham - fight. Every possible vote will be need- ed to secure a decisive dry victory, PROVINCIAL Nomination Day proceed• ings in Centre Huron will take piece at Clinton Town Hall next Monday, North Huron will assemble at Wiogham for the same purpose. Election Day Mon day zoth. Busy times between now and then. U. F 0 -Pubic meetings are 50- nouuced, in the interests of the U. F, 0. Candidate. R C. Procter, as follows Belgrave, Oct, loth ; Kingsbridge, 11111 ; Blyth, 14th ; Dungaunou, 15th ; Blue - vale, 16th ; Wroxeter, 17th ; Fordwieh, 18'b, Opposition speakers invited. e reserved for ladies. Meetings Seatss at g 8 o'clock, novices Mrxsn -By a mix up in the Judge's book between the numbers 18 and 8t P. Stewart, Brussels, was credit- ed with horse prizes belonging to J. J. McGavin, Leadbury, They were as fol lows :-Heavy draft brood mare, end ; Horse colt, 1st ; Mare colt in Agricul- tural class, 2nd. The books were very well marked this year and comparatively free from mistakes. A little drilling on book marking by the Directors each year wetl'd 0Ot go amiss. HARVEST SALMGUNDI AND PIE SDcrA1. The Willing Workers of Melville church intend holding a pie social and play en- titled ••Harvest Salmguudi" in the Lecture room of church Thanksgiving evening. Oct, x3111, A play entitled "Harvest Salmgundi" will be the at- trsetion of the evening. Admission 1 adults 2children Ladies of the 5• congregation are kindly asked to bring pumpkin Psandwiches. um kin to or FIRE AT FLAX MILL. -Wednesday morning, about 8 3o, the fire alarm call- ed attention of our citizens to an incipi• ant blaze at the new flax mill property. Promptly the engine and hose were on their way and whet might have been a destructive blaze was fortunately nipped in the bud. Fire Was in one of the stacks located about 12 feet from the twill, Loss Inas be about $15 or $20 to the Company It will also cost the town the fee of the Firemen. Too much care cannot be exercised. '1'00 HIGH FOR BRUSSELS -'Phe follow- ing rates have been quoted for the vari• ous municipalities to be served with hydro power by the proposed extens'on from Eugenia Falls : Port Elgin, $45 Mildmay, $52 ; Ripley, $88 ; Wiughant, $40; Brussels, $81 ; Gorrie, $66 ; South ampton, $47 Formosa, $61 ; Kiucar- dine, $48 ; Belgrave, $70 ; Bluevale, $8o ; Fordwich, $8o ; Walkerton, $35 ; Lucknow, 68 ; l'eeswater, $46 ; Blyth, 878 ; Wroxeter, $70, It looks to THE PosT that there is plenty of room for a re.adjustmeut of hydro rates, Why a Provincial suslalned utility, to which all have to contribute, should be assessed along geographic lines is not a squire deal. We can't all live at Port Elgitt for instance and yet Brussels is asked to pay $36 0o per horse power more for a sink lar service. We are aware itis a great- er milesge but it is not a Company that is building or financing the system, 1f the smaller municipalities are ever go ing to share in the advantages of the system .the plan must be remodeled. It is not en arrange- ment for a year but a lifetime hence it should be built on the pro Ions public() principle, $II People We Talk About ## t# Mrs George Sperling was visiting in Lucknow this week. Miss Ina Brvens was visiting at Wing• been during the pest week, Mrs, Ienten, Toronto, was a visitor with Misses Inman and Wilson, Firs, George Rogers and Miss Nina, Mt. Forest, are visitors with A, C. and Mrs, Dames E, S and Mrs McLean, Toronto, were visitors with James and Mrs. Fox during the net week. A and Mrs. Strachan and Miss Isabel Strachan metered to Toronto last week and enjoyed the ouliug. J.'1'.and Mrs. Wood attended the funeral of Waiter ,lessop, a enu5in in Toronto, last wrek He was a fine man Mev J W. Ogilvie, Provincial In. vector of Footmie5, shop and office bu•Srdinge. was in Brussels last week ou her annual tear, Mra (Dr.) G L. Ball, Toronto, is re. hewing old friendships in Bruseelt, She was a former re'.ident, her maiden name being Miss Trla Sheriff Lt. -Col, Ranee and Messrs Torrance and Smith were in town Wednesday promoting the Victory Loan They are the County officers in charge. Mrs, Greenwood, Toronto, sister to Mrs, H. James, and Mrs, WilIlamoon, Parkdale, who who were visitors with Mrs. Tames, left for the oity Thursday of lest week, Henry and Mrs. Heist, of Grindstone, Mich., are here on -a visit with the form- er's mother, Albert street. Wo are sorry to say Mr, Haist's health is not very good but we hope he will soon be quite hearty, 1714++1144.4441 -+$1.14,14$444 -tis Personal i. (llety; turn sail 1)0rlor0 vein .yf 1151' 11W ' :L Spirit Pencil give ,you feels and ('tut ;wove it. 0! hers give you them lee and opinions, Destelpbive sample (''tee, 0. C. MARTIN, 1itventurand ,\lanufootuver, i+ 411 \Fest Ferry lir„ BUFFALO dj 'h•Fr't••tt••rfi•i•a.+++r+4•+ +•N•N•N+ H°r•hi• 6+ \lis.G,rton tifervent an operation n last wet It and as nlakiug favorable pro• grecs we are pleased to state, h is H. Wht el Kincardine, who 1 I 'Whitely, I is rem0viug to Toronto, was here on a visit with her sister, Mrs. las, 5, Jones, eu lmite, She was a firmer resident of Brtusels for at cumber or years. W B Streclan, B. A., Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. [-le came back with his parents and sis- ter in their ear, having accompanied them from the Queen city on 0 motoring trip to Na teem halls. we ru 1,. the press tint Glen Artnstt 0, 1's, n•'i•,, has taken to lawn bowliu:_ and was oue of a quartette who won 1: St honors at the Bramp'on tourney teeently Each received a tah'e lamp, which wul come handy 10 Glen some sweet day. Mrs. Chas Bartl ff sal Harry Bart. liff end son, Clin • u, were calling on friends here Tuesday. Aire, Harry Bart., liff, who has beep nursing ber mo her, Mrs. lnhn Cardiff, returned to ber lame, Mrs. Cardiff is improving nicely. 0 G Martin, writing from Bufifaln, N. Y Bays ;-"Uuforluntitely we missed the Old Home week in Brussels on ac- count e 5 Mrs. Martin beiug in Sarnia visiting her mother (Mrs. Jas. Hicks, formerly of Brussels who is in her9 1st year and In fairly Y good condition, both menta'iy and physically. We are sorry to miss such good thing." You were among the missed, O C. R, P 15101 ou, Moons Forest, J, and Mrs 'Petauant and daugbler, R. and Mrs, Sheph. rd, Detroit, aucd D. Giddens, Gilbert and Mrs. Stevens and Mrs, Casemore, Stratford, were visitors at the home e f Mrs, R. Harkness and B. and Mrs. Whittard during the past week. All are relatives. Detroit folk came by car and visited Wingham and other pieces. BORN Somme -In Brussels, on October 5th, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Waller H. Scott, n daughter. IN MEMORIAM Gon0ALI'z.-Diad on October 1965, 1917, Wil- terinewife of the late John orsalftz' of Grey township, a Day b7 daysoul still mine mother Wolds avec fail our love tell, her But in Heaven we ho,' 10 meet her Ever more with her to dwell. SONG AND DAIIOnTDNe, AUCTION SALES PIMA r, 002. 10.-10ern, Stock, implements, Household Furniture, &e. , ti}§ Lot 14, (Jon. Il, Morrie Township, Hn'e unreiierved at 1 p, m. ALEX. 7'Tr('noL. Prop, F. H. 50022, Atm. TUESDAY, (202. 14TH -Farm 910011, Imple- ments, 1'creltnre, &•. Lot 14. Con 19, Grey. Sale, un'•e+erved, at 1 p. m. Jacob W. Fischer, Prop,; 1''. S. Soolt, A 110, TMORRDAY, DCT, 1°2n. -Fant stock, inlple• menta, &0., 834 Lot 18, Cm.C. Mewiek. Sale at 1 . m. Deihl Thomson, Proprietor. G. W, Walker, Ano. ARIDA 0, 00203350 240"11; Fertn, Farm stock, implem, nth, &a., N554 Lots 55 and 50, Con, 1 Morris. Sale nnres0' red at 1 p, m. J. D. Miller, Proprietor,rietor F. S . Scott,ott Auc . Fn DA 0020500 24Th 1910. -Farm 9600k Linden -tents, ,vt 1,eon, 5Hnitett town- ship. 31,18 unreserved, eat 1 h, Jas. N$nn, Proprietor, Thos. Brown, Auo. ERUSSE:-S MARKET -- 7511 sheat it 110 Spring Wheat 2 00 Oats 85 Pens 1 Barley 1 25 Butter 45 Eggs 52 Hogs,...- 17 00 812 10 11 05 1 46 17 00 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master eleueral will be 10uelved at Ottawa un- til noon, on Friday, the 14111 day of November, 1010, for the OOnveyettee of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed cantinas for four yenta, six time per week,over Brussels No, s Rural Route, from the usbnmetar General's plans• use. Printed. hi nonldes contnining further informs• Mone hi roblsolono of proposed07fonon!ay t bmo - 1be aneon nod Flank Perms of Tender may ev le, minor n, the Post Oil,c50 of Brussels, elo, office of e Hen frym and Walton, and at the office oP rho Poet Wide Ittapuotor, London, Post ( facie Llnpel'ter'e O2tee, London, 8rd October, 1910, ()RAS. 15 H. FISHER, Peet Oinoe Inspector, Heifer Strayed Sbraytd from the premises of the ander- elgnetl, 1,ot 14, Con. 7, Morris, on o'about Sept . 151h, n 'Lyear-old dehorned romt heifer, Any infertile Mon leading to her recovery will be thankfu•lyreneived, WM. BIRD. 1 -hone 805 Brussels R. R. 4. Heifer Strayed HTRAVED from the farm of Jno, Blaok,5th line, Mot ris a 2 year cid gray heifer with hole In right ca', Any info' ration leading to her recovery will be thankfully received. Phone 841 a WM. emote Tenders Wanted Tendmto will be received by the Municipal Council 1,1 the Township of Grey, up to Ootob• er 22nd, 10111, for the construetiou of the pots Mon 0f the Beauchamp flee, )c Drain, on 1110 17111 and 1011, 001100118011113 of (Grey. Plane and npeniltea' ions may he tine at the 011108 of the Olork, Et Fel, A. 11. MACDONALD,,P Grey, Tenders Wanted The Municipal Commit or the Township of ;tlurrie 01 0 felting for tenders for the centric• tion of chs 051110 .in. I he tend era wltieh meat lie na.'onipnnitd with a 350 geed faith ehsee, (11 he t1,o!li'Il al. the T,wnshln HAIL, at d 515 nn Mntldny (Wolter 271h, 1010 Plana tee eillentio'r, estilnnfs5 &n , in omtn00. Mon with the drain may be rens at the Olork's residence WM. ELSTON, Iteeve A MAO/WEN, (hark, R. R. No 4 Winehnm, Box S Bhtevale, 1 re-a.tu-1 1• '. s-av ,,..ro.. r,A£" 71{. iv:n'r> 6r , . :"�r".,al":'•. ,,. .-"r.- _e.{.,�nw`5i,'i+.•a1G:u^!iM.. T,: Ti 3.. '.fT ".:ry, r, .r .�, .�. ases,00towco aaeoAOt'eaeoalrpeofl'ii(!ec,pr0,0)eu; O9,000'rn':7.">0C",10tOVI@p Store m • •• 'n ROGRI:SS call only be • assured by looking ahend .. and preparing for it, Farmers—by exercis- ig:foresight in Arising cattle, hogs and other readily sale- able products—can adcl to thc&r worth, 'This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. 290 THE 3TANDATO OAK 07 CANADA DA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER Farm for Sale Perin for sale, being N1 Lot 10, Con. O. Mor- rie township, 0oolnlni11g 100 acres. Comfort- able bonne, bink barn, drilled well and spring creek, Good locality, convenient to Reboot. Immediate pos000eion, For further pvrtirn- lars apply to F. S. SCOTT, Brussels Farm for Sale Being Lot 9, Con. 0, Grey township, con Mir • Ing 100 mores. Good building., abnnde nee'7 Water and only 1 mile from Bruesols. For far• tier partienlers apply to Phone 2819 FLIITOHBR 14011, Brussels, Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his Farm Lot 9, Con 8, Howlak, containing 157 eeren. lllro'• class buildings choice land, A I tomato's. to's. Iia miles front Gorrie. R. A. SPOTTON. 12.4 Meehan'. or see G. W. Walker, Gerrie, Auction Sale —OF— Frame Church Sheds, Furnishings,&c. The Trustees of the Jackson ehllr011 offer for sale on Thursday, Oct 28rd, 1010, the following property :-1 Penile church Nide ft., 1 ripe 44x22 ft., r sited 07x•_'211,18 poets, 1 box stove and pipes, 223 folding chairs, I boob case, 9 ohms, 1 pulpit, 28 eeats,severn1 yards (invest, b lamps. 1 organ, I hymn book, Revere' library book+, 1 large gate, 1 email gate, '2 benches, 1 teal oil can, platen, cups mid aaueers, 1 smell tel de, 1 elegem. Terms cash. G, R. F0A0t, Sec. WM, TAYLnit, Tress. JAI. TAYLOR, Auctioneer, . O. Dames Raving sold his house will sell by Public Audio Saturday, Oct. 25 the following : Gerhard Helntentan player piano, inutile mill- Inot and 54 roles of musics, sectional oak book cage, 2 foney oak tables, birch mahogany pas- tor suite, birch mahogany parlor cabinet, birch mahogany parlor centre table, oak hall reek, melt dining ream table (pedest01) exte,tde to 8 ft., 5 oak dining room °heirs leather Winn -lid oak buffet, oak chino cabinet, White rotary staying machine, oil and water color pale tugs and other pictures, large oval mirror, Hoosier kitchen cabinet, Pandora range'8 burner oil stove with shelf and oven, la, •oFavoriLe am.1 Steve, medium Favorite octal heater, Rot'al Oak heater, granite and aluminum kttlehen ware, dishes, &o., 1 braes and •2Iron bedsteads, Osterntore,Ideal and other nlattreeses, bed- ding, &c., birch tnahovany bedroom gaffe, sok bedroom suite, bedroom steeds toliet sees &r Meta 2 passenger ear, 1 Por d ear with S:nadi, make tractor attachment including pow Fir and wagon attachments, wagon, envoi bus, 9-Rtr- row power lift plow (Massey-Barrtel Euret mulcher and seeder Iron Age 2-s heel hoe with hill and drill seeder attachments, Luther grinder root power with disci and 0.17510 grlud- ernttacltments, Meyers hand spray pump, lawn mower, &0, At mune Nine nId place will o7Ter the 100 sore Krone Perin, being Lot 21, Con. 15, Grey town- shl t. Thorn more extended Iter see posture. Terns -85.00 andtr sorb : over' 01111 amount 0 months credit on Approved joint Hotel. Terms for farm made , on day of sale. A. 0, 0.02,1M1914ES,, Props Mier. A77CTIONSALE0FFARM STOCK,IMPT.B• 110NTS enaE1217E10, &0,-T, 13roWlt Atm. Monogr, has received lnetruetione from the too dersigned Proprietor to sell by Pablle Auction at Lot 1, Ooit, 14, Hallett friday, October P4 h at 1 o'clock, the following valuable prune, 31 1 draft horse 0 years, 1 ail g mere 1.2 ,yen•. old quiet and reliable, 1 blood cult rising 2, 1 draft molt rising 2, 1 cow 0 years 01d doe In December, 1 cow 7 years old dee in Dia ,1 esw 11 years old due in February, l now 6 ye1r0 old due lat of March, I cow 4 years old (0001, May, 8 eteers 2 year) old fat ono 1411 to strip, 6' winter heifer calves, 1 springheifer call, 1 sow dileJan.20thaeoond litter, 1 sow with litter ready to w000_bime of male, n number of hens and pullets, Massey -Harris binder ft cut, brook and bundle carrier, Frost & Wood mower 6 ft ant, tnbernal tonal hay ,x110 1291 nearly new, International hay loader nearly new, 50x011 seed dri11,12 hoe gineaneSll /1111f 011- 111611t with diamond cultivating teeth, 0•11ro •s oultivntot•25ote teeth, New Kemp mans re spreaderood P9 110W; 4reotioi dinnond lair hrow Oliver riding plow nearly new. wanting plow, ming plow, land roller, Mao harrow, muffler turnip sower, nutting 1lox, root pulpae, hay reels and trade, wagon, Omsk reek t+, t holt sleiglle, gravel box, wheelbarrow; Illohaugh. Ian ton bogey nearly new, open boggy, cul•er, sot double Basest net plow hern1ee, set .le vle hnrnnas, horse cohere end sweet pads, De. Laval dream separator 70D lbs enmity naty`y. new, hay forte Oar rope And intheya and - 1 g repos, setwolgh scales 0000 Iia., Clinton la,. nine mill, 85ft extension ladder, auger kettle, grinding stone, 'd dos grain bags, 20 cords of Wood, pile of cedar rails, 1 cede' plusher twat, forks, shovels, hives, rhnine and ether nit fetes too mlm0r0n1 to 1110001,10, Hhrrn.re o nl, mg 0 051090 organ piano mase, la•ge herd c sac Fait• et, (Regal) ample now, 2 I.elatoatis, cupboard, More bureau. 'forme. -All nous of $10.00 and under each once Mint ntnnnn' 12 months credit will her given. on .furnishing nnr.ruyad Pilot notes 15 diooimtt for cash on w edit mmnun le No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm, ,TAle. NOLAN, Proprietor. Fox's Dru. Cfaseri: alt.ieft taw,,+: ttu • Weekly Store News Vatermni's Ideal fountain Pens Pod there are none Better •• oo• • • • • • • teAre becoming more popular every day. '1'lte line 1'0usists or • \Ve have 11splendid stork at peesell in all the different, styles. Every 1 guaranteed gwtl'atlteed to give peefeot satisfaction, The Instant Beard Softener Shaveaid is an Instant Heald Snfh urr, 1t insures a 1(11X17 and laerflct shave. No smarting -110 ui'iUalinu, ('ht lir nkiu it is e •oo - I iu5 and Hoothiug, ' a a' a coriatsible lubes.- Put, u I I 60c per pack age The Darden Court Toilet Preparations Fare Powder 50C Double Combination Cream 500 la'itl Cream 500 'talcum I'l,it.tt.t - 35c ��, Toilet Water2,0o Perfume - $1.50 per oz. • Sold only at Penslar Stores a • • 61 a p 3 0 A • • a • • e 0 9 e A O • • • • • • • • y 3 C to • e T, icum Powders Here are some of our rhoire ones : GARDEN COURT HUDNU•L'O VIOLET OAST{METRE BOQU ET NAISY GARDEN DJEBKIS BU'1'TI!WNW SANITOL DACTYL'S 117INTY PENSLAR ROSE PENSLAR VIOLET G. & G. BABY POWDER MLN N;N'S COLGA1L'B BABY TALC Penslar Cod Liver Extract., Tasteless $ I a bottle 1: "Father," aid the isle is non "01 . t y, teante' sas a at snore thin . D 'emigre.he gate' menu the name y so Do they 5" I ' P ,'1111 n 1110+ do,nt son," hail the clergyman, "but you may tell yotu' teacher that there Is n vest diff mimeo i between n congreg atlas and a collet• tion." Blond Root Cough Cure 15 the Best 25c & 50c JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER ra A Yi co m a 43 d O el • e 2D 0 v3 fi m • i9 19 (9 a 01 13 e t) O t7 0G200®0®dteDtl,d'J04,1 f3436s0••C9.O•®t9 Men's easor Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat ? If you do you will be interested in the choice line of samples we have just received. Also in the large book of Autumn Styles for Men, which shows you just how some of these samples look when made up. Expert Tailoring Fit guaranteed and Moderate Prices are considerations you cannot afford to overlook. R. 011 RATH ' `,`" ELL, Moncrieff` Canadateads a91 Cornitris Holland ... .., Switzerland .., England ... ... France.,. ... United States Canada ... ... I Ic per capita .,. 130 r' . 640 ...$2.73 4.100 IP these figures applied to production we would have evory re0son rn he proud -but they do not. They shote Hie per capita FIRE LOSS in six Countries. We Leek of THRIFT and yet largely through CARELESS- NESS we burned up $16,073,240,00 worth of Merchandise, Build+ ings and Food ,Staffs in Ontario last year. Iudlvidnal responsibility rests upon the citizens of Ontario to do their part: in'preventing this terrible waste of our substance, What is born ed is itrotrievairly lost. Take an active part in :nuking a success of fire Prevention DayOctober Ninth LEA � d Nif, Ontario Fire Prevention League, inc. Affiliated with Ontario Piro twarehalistOffice, Department of At - 'torn eg-Gereeralt t-torney-goneral, Parliament Buildings, Toronto GEORGE P. LIDWIS, Sec.—Treas. 3'4/ r Il , II