HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-9, Page 5,....., - .k,:. w w ;�. .. ,.aw-.. �.ww� nw ... d+w-. ^ w,.,w.....,, .,e..,a,.,w ,..,.. n.. BUSINESS CARDS, fe,'iroor, Its:;Foci fee S. t -i. No. 10, JNO, SUTHERLAND t SONS LIMITED r< An/Wel/WIZ ,Vr stems Business Cards JA4a. ANOERSON. i LRIIVARY StJRCIEON, Milnes,.ear to M.13. Moore. Mimi at A oder. Boll 11.0a. Lavery Stllble, 111'1laNala, Telephone Na, 2s, OR, WAROL.W Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Uollegu. Day and night aalls. Dillon opposite Flour Mill, BMW, T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. 0. P., Q S, 0. IOL O. 11„ Village of Brussels, Phyaiotau, Surgeon, Aeoouohoar 011100 et rosldonao, opposite Alelville Church, Witham street, DR, J. H, WHITE, B. A. P)3YSIOIAN AND SNUG -SON, Graduate Toronto University of Medicine, Speo,al attention given to diseases of children and Surgery, Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone AS Brussels JAMES TAYLOR lloensed AuatIoneer for Huron Co. Will e,d1 for as good prices as any outer Atlo- 110ne0r 01. charge nothing, HIILGRAV1 P.O. PH000fOOT, HILLOHAH & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Ofdoe en the Square, `end door from Hamilton Street. (30DI1RICH. ONT. Private funds to loon at lowest rates. W, Pmt LIDgooT, E. 0. J, L. KILLnitAN H. J. D. Dooms + + + 4. + Excelsior Knitting Mills + + J. T. WOOD -1. + BRUSSELS - ONTARIO 4. 3 sr. GirkWonien+isommemeumadeisammearesu Stop - look - listen + + + Steady work as Machine Operators. Good pay. Apply or write at once.••4,44e4,0•4,00e4•40d0e • jWANTED • • • ro A • Every Moriday°Morning • • • • • • 0 • • HENFRYN • 1 Highest Prices paid for all kinds delivered at the Store. H0 L Stewart 4 • 4 e • •4• 4 4 • • • 4 • 4 4 44 4 •• a got It busy, flag drawing 21 and sun- g flower competition 15, Architectural designing set 15 etnbryotic architects • busy on the Fall Fair building. In • other words 424 people took part in the •various competitions. If this same bug • of "getting busy" could bite 124. adults o in the wider realm of the Society's work • there would be something doing that • would not be covered with your bat, 4 Co-operation, Concentration and Con- tinuation are 3 C's on which all good • wisbers of East Huron Agricultural Society should embark and not leave it until next Fall either, Who will set sail ? • It Pays to Patronize ki A A Weil-ortablishe0 School 4 te,),I.k,_,_!_,L1.1011 ,i Yonf;'o & Charles eta., Toronto i i4nluye an egeellent reputation for high .) Weide invililisse training end for ploel,q; Crud antes 10 purl dons. A(nretu)sole. ', boli id 0 school is of the utmost bopnr. fence, Wits to•doy for our ('ahtlugue, 0j Iltudento edmitte(1 at any time, z, �p.9 W. J. ELLIOTT, PR!NOIPAL r .':AV1123iA2Y,07AV 1Ira`..,iPA7,Fa7,( 7r.v'4u'9.- 5- C'at t 11630 Items Thanksgiving ]Jay, Monday, October 13111. (111 1 juo, Barleycorn a good pug in the nose on the loth by 4 emphatic No's 011 the ballot, Dr. Fred. 13ryans, Toronto. is taking a special medical course at Boston and Mrs. Hrytlus and baby (laughter are also with him. Have you a son you wish to safeguard ? livery parent should vote in the No col - um 4 x's to help keep Ontario free from licensed booze. RRNRasNUOM voting comes Monday Oct, 20, when you .gee urged to mark Your ballot with x x x x In the No column and thereby help keep booze from regainiug the prominent place it formerly occupied. WE have been asked why a meeting was not held to receive report of the Old Boys' Re -union Committee and to dispose of the surplus, Delay bas been occasioned over the aeroplane man not lul51ling his part of contract satisfactor- ily and correspondence over a settlement, WHAT COA11 5 NEXT ? Tax Collector. Snow flurries, Frosty nights. Victory Loan canvass. Referendum Vote Oct. 20, Thanksgiving Day, Oct, 13. Provirocisl Election, Oct. 20. A new bug has appeared on potato patches which is killing the potato hug in much the seine way as the spider does the fly. This bug has a fiat back like a beetle aad rather prettily narked and is not larger than au ordinary pate - to bug, The bug kills the potato bug with a sort of spear which he carries doubled up beneath his stomach when not using it in attack. The new hug does not appear to harm the potato leaf, and in local patches it is not ttnusnal to see little bunches .of dead potato bugs lying on the ground where the new bug has been at work. At the Rally Day service in the Methodist Sabbath School Sept. 28th, the prepared progratn was followed and enjoyed and in addition a duet was nicely renderecl by Miss Dorothea Staf- ford and W. ), McCracken ; a well pointed Essay on "What the home should do for the S, S.," by Miss Mar- garet Maunders ; an'd a choice piano solo, "Will there be any stars in my crown 3" by Mies Mae _Wilkinson. of -t- ering was $12.00. F. H. Gilroy gave the Address on "Home." Peon Sem-rms.-D. E Sanders, writ- ing'1'HR POST from Seattle, on Sept 25th says :-Just a line to let you know where we are. We have travelled through Northern Saskatchewau and Northern Alberta, through the Rockies to Van- couver thee across to Victoria and Seat - le where we are at present. Both Mrs. Sanders and myself are enjoying our trip, Have travelled with' the Prince of Wales the last two weeks. Saw him flrst at Saskatoon and on the 24th was in Victoria. Expect to meet him again on tete 29th. I remain, D. E. SANIARs. FALL FAIR AFTERMATH. -Ill the Essay competition at Brussels Public School 17 pupils wrote. In Continuation School there were 3o. Map drawing • • 27• 94,e•e+44••••••••094A•••••8 zikeinstein e Is prepared to pay the• highest price for s Scra•p Iron, • s Rubbe s•, o • ••Rags, &c. 0 G� V o o 1 0 0 L o • s• Highest price paid, See t elle before you sell, s s Highest Cash Price for o • Live Poultry and Hides •••e 0 a 4 E •• • Write or .Phone 62x NSM w[iNSTEIN 9 mad, STREIt,'11 BRUSSELS c•••••s•••••••••••e•••••••, STRONG S'rnsF,-The Milwaukee Jour- nal, of Sept 2151, says : '+Dean Chas. R, Atkinson, of the Marquette College of Economics, Milwaukee, has collected a staff of teachers for 4919-20 which he declares surpasses anything iu the his- tory of Marquette earl a staff which he believes does full credit to the import- aune of business !n a city like Milwau- kee, with a half a 01111ion people." Then follows a personal reference to the b gentlemen referred to. 1 he paper continues:• -"Selling will be taught by no less authority than A. W. L. Gilpin, (formerly of Brussels,) who is In charge of the big Ford plant here, Those who want to (earn selling can do no better than.sit at his feet, one of the acknow- ledged leaders and successful men iu the Ford Co, Other subjects in the selling course are Business psychology, show- ing the seller how to read the mind of his customer. 22; students are expect- ed. moo pupils are enrolled in all the departments.' Dr. Gilpin has already commenced his course of lectures. Grey Smoot, RISP01t'r,-The following is the report of S. S. No 5 Grey for the month of September :- IV -Isabel Bremner 60 ; Joe Artnstrong 64 ; Flo'. route Stemmer 62 ; Nellie Campbell 60; ReLa Mills 51. Sr. 1I1 -(Edna hivoleigh Alex. Alexander) 56 ; Mar - graph Armstrong 54 Jr. I11-01ar• OnceClatke37; Ethel Ward 71; Jes. si4 Campbell 49; Melvyn Hamilton 20 ; (Willie tuteeS and Margaret 141c- 10.) Jr, II-Nn.anan .13eirnes 82; Stanley Alexander 70 ; Tommy Lucas 40, let -Lena Ward '78 ; Hughes Armstrong 61, Primer -Ross Mc- Neil 80 ; Leola Mills 08 ; Annie Eve- lolgh 153. M, Bnuemss, Teachers Gr"v for the mouth of Sepl.•rnbee. Jr, 1V.- Leturn Macdonald, 1V11110 Sprites, Mora 3! '1)ututld, Myrtle 1lclhenbeelt, Ross 1iriine, At ebur \Vhittleld. Sr. 111 Melee; 1'arunch- an, Mabel ('ilk, 141dan \Vh!ttleld, Mettle Ward, 1 aura Patiefeett 1r, 111--Ifetiba Heenan, Annie Inglis, Lillian Whitfield, \'intoe Baker, Kate Stevenson, fir, 1l-1,o,)lo' Nut Ieeam, Nelson Whitfield, Berl Nettbel, Jr, 11, -Dor ie Netting, 01.11111 Hpeir• alt, firetlt Baker, Jr, 1 •limn:el Whit. field, Pearl Ortrunebau. Pre -Wilma 13ttkt1,, Wilda Baker', A Class. - Hilton Speiran, May Oarnneball, Ar- thue Neabel, Alma Paterson, Names ale In order Or merit. A. M. 151A(Ptriertt4 »0, Teacher. Keep Ontario Dry on October 20 Now for a great Victory, Are you out against booze e No, No, No, Ne, Mum lxxxx, A "Dry" Ontario is the Wlttchcveed, Hurl for the worsen voters oil Oct, 20, "Come on ! Canadians I "-A Dry Ontario. The beer with the "kink" in it is the heel with the "druilk"in it, Vote for the Home by marking 4 x x x xs In the No column of the bid - FREED AFTER SERVING 10 YEARS PUNISHMENT MAN CONVICTED Or NEGLECT IS EMANCIPATED AFTER NEW TRIAL. 11 'case which deserves much Ithoughtfol consideration is that of Wm. B. Barron, .103 Morgan Street, Bennington. Por ten years Mr. Bar- ron suffered the agonies caused by Rheumatism. At tinges he was bound hand and foot by the grip of Men - made pains. On the advice of a ,friend lie stood for a new trial and used 'T.R.,C.'s. Read what ho has to say: - "I have been a sufferer from. Rhea - IOC ten years. Have been so bad at times I could not clove hand or foot for months. A friend advised nho to try Templeton's Rheumatic 04 - Bales, and I have been thankful ever eineo. They worked wonders for Ise, and I Have never felt any return of the disease," It's practically impossible to obtain evidence stronger than this testi- monial, and a word to the wise is always sltlieient. If you suffeq have, a new trial -use T:R,C.'s, • Ask your Druggist or write us for our new booklet; itis interesting and costs you nothing (Templetous 742 Icing 'West, Toronto), We mail T,It.C.1s anywhere _on receipt of 81.04, Solo agent in Brussels, Jas. Fax, Druggist, FRI['NIIS ThOUHJ NE WORD fflE "FRUIT-A.TiVES" Conquered Dyspepsia and Restored His Health. MR. ROBERT NEWTON. Little Bras d'Or, C.B. "I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for year's. I had pain after eating, belching gas, constant headaches, and did not sleep well at night. I lost so much weight - going from 185 pounds to 140 pounds -that I became alarmed and saw several doctors who, however, did me no good. Finally, a friend told me to try 'Fruit -a -lives'. In a week, there was improvement. The constipation was corrected; and soon I was free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling that accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous". ROBERT NEWTON. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2'3c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a- tires Limited, Ottawa. ' Get behind the boyo on the 20th. 4 x's will do it in the No column, No compromise, Every Yes vote on the ballot is a black eye to Prohibi- tion. Polls open from 9 a. 01, to 5 p. rn. Vote early and get busy with the tardy folk. When in a tight it is good strategy to ascertain what your opponent wants you to do and not to do rt. The liquor traffic wants every elector to vote "Yes" to all four questions on the ballot paper, DON'T. Put the "kick" !n your vote for Pro. hibitiou and thereby build a ill isnot ynnl' sun. 1';vety p(tatur, timidity thuul I,•,tr.lr^ (.t told every nlalnl)ei' tel' Ult, \`"nig People's' iintieties 9110111! be ler 'a1•,1 between now a1111 1 ; UI, ol, Oct 1) -hilt 1S one of thi l; rL'l4h(' 1• 1 m u1ie�; 111 111e church. The nye) whebning n11!uiuli ill 111„ P1'0ple of Ontario appeals to he 1ha1 I. would be et Putnam/II ulistaki, •,,,d It 10111,111ltd1 r+lt')1 11Wit este y moral anti ecoaolnil• lend 01 vi, • , t,i rcpe(41 4111' 011140o'1'eutp'rnl p,. .1 1 in force 10.11)'--311Iton netts MeV. Ontario has been wilneseiug many strikes, but the ltb80111;e of liquo4 has matte !heal sate from 11111u0n life. Rio to at the Kimmel, .HItyl 111Ad Sea- ford ramps over the sea demob'urate that liver is a dttngetous riot-I:r',tot, The strike at Windsor, when 200 war veterans were sent to that. city' 1. 40 hombre, pltsaod 1111 iia quietly ;14 it (unitary rimmed,1)ueing 1110 1'',(1a- Liveperiod of ',vermeil net inn 011uada is butuhd Lo have many st,aces. \4'ilh- uuh beer they will be (omparalively safe as 1'ae Rs bl uodshell ' is ca1l- 00ruecL Vote "No" roue Tfinae.- While Ribbon, Another very positive demnn='tra- t!on of the satisfactory elrectiveuees (,1 Prohibition in Acton was seen Wed- nesday when crowds of people ',eine to attend and enjoy the day at the Fall Pair, People visited in target Num- bers than ever before iu the history of this popular 0xhibitine. Hundred.; of motor cars were driven through the gates and parked in the gr,nnlds. Scores more were parked 00 take, Park and Knox Avenues ttnd at u41e1 points in WWII. Not during the 4137. afternoon, evening or night seas the slightest evidence of intoxicating II- quor to be seen anywhere lit the fair grounds or any where else in town, 4Vhen Fair was over the crowds passed out of the gates, the automobiles were driven out thr.'ugh the retreating mass of men, women and children, not au accident of any description was reported. Could such a result have been possible if the bar- rooms heel been in operation selling 5.78% beer -the beet' of the Rel'L•ree- dult ballot- or if tt government store in town had been dispensing bottled liquor W all comers -tor which privi- lege one -electors are appealed to vote on the -11.11 question of the ballet :' After snob au effective tlenlonetr at Me of the benellcial effects of the ole, one of intoxicating liquor it will be a sel- fish man or woman indeed who will "1011 personal liberty's salve," vote for and induce other's to vote for the de- feat of the Prohibitory law now pre- vailing, -Acton Free Press. I{rrcHgNRR two daily papers have am- algamated. Combination should mean a more representative edition, better profits and a saving of a large share of unnecessary expense to the business people. . te" THE Ontario Temperance Act has reduced crime by over one-third and drunkenness in public has practically disappeared. .Alcoholic insanity has disappeared. Gold cures and alcoholic institutes for treat- ing alcoholism have been closed for lack cf patients. Fe cod Work Ontario o Te tn perau' 1'e Act A Great rkladit to Province Ontario has been saved an annual drink bill of $36,000,000, enough to pay our share of interest on the War Debt. Many victims of alcohol three years ago, thank God to -day for the Ontario Temperance Act. It'tltull'IiVt1�'ai� Abraham Lincoln "The Liquor traffic is a cancer in society, eating out the vitals and threatening destruction, and all attempts to regulate it will not only prove abortive but will ag- gravate the evil. It must be eradicated -not a root ',must be left behind," --To repeal the Ontario Temperance Act would be a calamity. The amendments would, make it practically worthless. To every quer-a tion on the Referendum vote NO. Drink is a Cancer Doctors, Alienists, Crirninolog- ists, Insurance Actuaries, States- men, Generals, Big Business Men, and Social Workers agree that alcohol as a beverage is a racial poison and a national curse. British Columbia, Alberta, Sas- katchewan, Manitoba, Quebec (ex- cepting beer and wine), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland - have enacted prohibition. The United States is perman ently "dry." France has abolished absinthe, Scotland has now a local option 'law, England is initiating a great campaign for temperance reform. The movement is world wide, Ontario must go forward, or be left behind, but be careful Mark TM our X' (One X under each NO) Ontario Referendum Committee JOHN MACDONALD, D. A. DUNLAP, ANDREWS, GRANT; Cllairlman, Treasurer, 1%ier-Chairman mid Secretary, (1001 Excelsior Life Eldg.,Toronto,) "A Joan of Arc Machine" HE withstood everythingin the field and above all was, and still is, the last and only ear to survive until the cessation of hostilities"- -Extract from letter received by Ford Motor Company from a British Soldier, m Africa. Over shell -turn roads, through water soaked fields, second only to the tanks in its power to climb debris and crater holes, the Ford ear made a world famous record in the fighting area of the great war. In press despatches, in field reports in letters, in rhyme and song the praises of the Ford were sounded. In France . 700 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Italy- - 860 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Egypt - 996 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Mesopotamia 999 cars out of 1,000 were Fords The Ford power plant that established thin world-wide record in every theatre of the war remains the same. It will he in the Ford you buy. Nord Runabout 01(9. Pouring 150u. On Open 111.0.1e1 !pc Electric Starting and Lighting Utulpmout 1s 110 extra. (l Opo 8379. Sedan 81,179(closed ,nedel prtree lnrledo electric Starting and LlRhyin� Rqulpmeutl. Demountable rime, tiro carrier, and non-skid niee on rear,ele optional equipment on closed oars only at C:5 extra. Those pricer are I. o. b. Ford, Ont., aad k not include war Tax. Buy only Genuine Ford Parte, 700 Canadian Dealare and Over 2,000 Service Garages supply them. 188 I S. Carter, Dealer, Brussels 411....4444444444.11.4.444.46244141.44,441...4 ream m ant P.3 ?"(m.«9^singer, v Ship y;; ear Cream Direct to the Brussels Crea e ry' d Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial alae j-t:u will not want t0 discontinue. Orvss1 Crea ery Stewart Bros. Props. y. ••••••••••••eo¢'ee•••4a•e4o• •e,C*00.94.0444,44,+9444.4. 49O• •Fag Term from Sept. 2nd The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup- : ply. Train for success. Our Graduates succeed. 1vVrite for Free Catalogue. • t/4 9004900 •9 m Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, Ont. AThe School that places its graduates in good positions. e s eee•o0eseoeee eee4•r04 •4,04 4• • •• 04+G•0P1 o a c* 8 A 3 •••••4b4R•,(a msas-mv W ocvmcam„m.a�.,sman'm 0.1.4+0+a 1••+9•1'0•i•4+4,+e+A+4+4*+ O.1.44•0+••e•••3•4•e4.l.4 •4++•+O+•+ • t' a e The Seaforth Creamery inassaminnelemeneenre • ®` Send your ,L established and Satisfactory Res nt Cream to the Creamery- thoroughly that gives you Prompt . Service and alts. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction, a We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- 0 pies and pay you the highest market prices every two oweeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, For furtherparticularssee our Agent, MR. T. C. kMcCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to m The Seaf rath Creamery Co. M SEAFORTH, ONT, 't•A'I'0d•1044.4,44,144' 44 4(40 .444. 4.4 +4+4+46+0+414,0 • 4 R404444444-