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The Brussels Post, 1919-10-2, Page 8
A+0•t+0i•@'t•e•I•e•t•@•NO. 0+0+•• 0.1.40 r 0a.+0+a+0+.•,•0+0+0+++0+4+4 k • + .e.1. k 4. * Poultry Panacea Cos Wanted Now Here are some t•rt the things you may have an interest in and may need soon. Some of these are true helpers in getting over the high costs which hold at the pres- ent tune. Hs the Bru Be �, From the l Book and Stationery Dept. Hess' Stock Tonic New Presbyterian Hymnal 17tives nut the worms, makes stuck healthy, keeps up the good condition they were in during the Summer— Hess' Stock Tonic 25 Ib. Pail $3 00 Also in packages at 35c, rise marl $1.25 Chickens will get through the moulting season better and quick- er if given Panacea— Iu 35e pkgs. Also in the large 5 !b pkg, at fisc which is tbe better size to buy. leMoney cau be saved by the careful 0 4. Dependable oyes Before throwing away old clothes + it is well to examine them and o see what can be done by recolor- 0 lag them. Very often they can d be made to give the same service as new °nes at a trifling expense. 1 for anyfabric are Dyes suitable o ..II 0 Y sDiamond es. + olq Dyes and Itiatu n y I i0 Both of hese are to be bad in toe + pkgs. and come in all the wanted r colors. Also have the Soap Dyes pl• SUNSET SOAP DYES, t5c. ',+1, RIT SOAP DYE, 15c. use of 4. F R. SMITH Thes'Afixcllid State Druggist and Stationer :4-0+0+.+0+44.0+0+0+0+404.10+0+0 +44.41+444+4.+0004•44+0+•+40+.0 Have star: ea usin g then, in many of the churches. New Book of Praise - Ordinary Type Limp cover, 200. Stiff cloth cover. 5oe. Leather biud'ng, et no. Book of Praise larger Type Cloth binding, 50e Leather binding. $2 00. Book of Praise - with Music Good binding, $I,25. In better binning, $2 00. School Bags Real leather school bags that will stand the rain and suow at $1,00, $t 15, $I,25 & $i soe Other school bags that will give good service at from 500 to $1 00 each. Pictorial Review Patterns Give satisfaction. The Fall Quarterly Fashion Book at 250 contains a comm. good for roc on the payment of any Pattern you may selecs. We keep the Pictorial Patterns, Pictorial Review Magazine contains good Stories 20c copy + + • + • • + + + • 6 txaz 11 es rams LAST Saturday's fire at the Anent factory rather upset the business pro gram. It was a fortunate matter that -- results turned out as favorably as they did, OCTOBER. FROSTY nights. POVo.TRY market is livening up. Council meeting next Monday even• tnAPPLE buying is developing into quite a hustle in this locality, VICTORY Bond campaign is to the Front and a lively time is contemplated. SEVERAL. streets have been consider- ably improved by a good coating of gravel LAST Saturday Judge Lewis held Voters' List Conn in the Council Cham- ber. Little interest was evidenced. THE thanks of the Editor are due to a number of subscribers who are squaring off arrearages and getting a good start on 2020. JAmes street bas been improved by filling in part of a miniature canal that was dug a few years ago by the road machine. Lase week S, Carter sold Ford tour- ing cars to j J. McCutcbeon, Grey town- ship, and R. Thomson. Brussels, and a roadster truck to Seeker Bros., town. I Mr. Carter does a large business. TIM negotiated Sale of the Ford Garage to J. J. McCutcheon, Grey town- ship, was not carried out owing to the purchaser being unable to arrange his ' affairs. S. Carter continues to hold the tort. THE residence of W. A. Lowry, Prin- cess street, has been improved by the addition of an upper story to the kitchen send the building of a wood shed He will have a cosy spot when all is corn- pleted. A double ,nate (Quartette from town were at Ethel Methodist church Harvest Home anniversary last Sundae evening. They gave 2 quartettes and a duet in ad- dition to leading the congregation in the hymns. W. H. Willis, Wingham, pre- sided at tha organ, r sels and Gre Ns from B us. DELEGrAI7 Y township f Nominat- ing willtend Liberal at N m u ing Conattend at Seaforth on Monday afternoon of next week, Meeting to elect Brussels delegates will be held in W. M, Sinclair's office Friday evening of this week, at 7 3o o'clock sharp. A meeting of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board will be held in the audience room of the Public Library, Tuesday, Nov. 3. at 4 15 p. m., to hear the case discussed concerning the In• crease of Brussels, Morris & Grey Muni- cipal Telephone annual rate from $12 00 to $,x3,00 per annum, See advt. in this issue. Lase week John Smith disposed of the ,frame house and 5 acres of land, Turnberry street, North, to Jno. Sparl• ing, of Niagara Falls, for the sum of $r,000. Mr, Smith still owns his brick residenoo and lot across the street from the aforesaid property. W. Pawson and family are the present tenants of the house bought by Mr. Sperling. We welcome the Dewcoreers, MATRIMONIAL.—Wednesday Sept. 24, at the residence of the bride's parents. Listowel, the marriage was solemnized of Miss Norma, only daughter of J. S. and Mrs,IGee, to Dr, Frederick Arthur Parker, Wnigham, Rev, Dr. Hazen officiating. The bride was gowned in ivory georgette and satin and carried a shower bognet of Killarney and sweet- heart roses. Wedding march was play. ed by Miss M. F. Howie, Dr, and Mrs. Parker left on the eveningtrain for Chicago and thence for the outh, On their return they will take up residence in Wingham, Dr, and Mrs. Parker's many friends extend heartiest congratu- lations and best wishes. Pres SoctAL: The Willing Workers of Mel - Lecture Room of the Church on Thanksgiving evening, October 18th. Good program and Social- Admission : Adults 25c; Children 16tt. Bt'nMY DnoTEn loot Sept 28th will ander kindly leave it at Tug Pose or at Nelson Askin',!, 14th Con, Grey township. F0a SaLS.—Second hand Ford car in good condition. I. C. Rt0aeans. Fon SALE.—An Oxford Ram Lamb, bred from Arkelt's registered stook, If interested eons and See. Joel C. COOK, Brussels R. R. No, 4. Lot 18, Con. 8, Morrie. Phone 867. ELYTH Evaporator is prepared to pay from OOa to 81.00 per hundred lbs. for 1,000 bags of Winter apples large enough to peel apples to be in not later than Oct, 1111. Will accept weight on town scales. Catl phone Noe• 8 or 60. Isaac BaowN, Blyth. F. A. GRAHAM, one of Canada's best known Eyesight Specialists, will be at Stratton's Jewelry Store: from Monday, Sept, 29th, until Wednesday, Oct. Bth, Examination free, Foe SALE. -1 comfortable dwelling houses. L C, ementDs. 7 Prase weeks 054, for sale. Wo. ALDERSON, Cranbrook. SMALL Purse 104 in Brussels on Fair Day, containing about 88 in stoney. Suitable re• ward on its return to Tan Poem. Fon SALa.—I. H. 0. Gas Engine. B h.p., good as new. Also a cutting box and chopper, Phone 496. I. RATRwaLL. Loam between Brussels and Jamestown, a Buffalo Robe, waterproof linin Will finder kindly less ,1 at Tan P082, g25 belonged to ,John Delaney, of Markdale, a blhid pedlar. A FINE Cow.—Offers reesived for a line large five-year-old grade Durham cote, with a trees Of .Jersey. Freshens in Dee. Will give on shares if I do not sell, G.A. DRAnMAN, GRAHAM, the Eyesight Speclnliet, who will beat Strettnn's from Sept 28t1t until Oat. Bth, has te.ted the eyes of 20,000 people, Consult him. Examination free. ob7 Cows for sale. 2 fresh, 2 to freshen in Oot• er and B in December. Apply to : IB -2 J. D. BLAKE, Lot 0, Can, 18, Grey. Fon SALE —A tine heifer 8 months old, Ap- ply to Mite. R. N. DUs'., Bluevsle. Ye No girl wea wonted to learn nut and vest making. ,Wages 86 00 a week to start with. Apply to B. FEROTJaoN, Brussels, Fon SALE,—Let 1, Con, 11, in the township of Grey+ 8 aet•00 morn or leas. For pArt]enlais, uppo, RAZ; 4{0 Lauder Ave., Tor• onto Ont. FOE SALE, The eligible brick store and dwelling eotnbined, now occupied by Mrs, Tone Thompson. For further partierilars ap- ply to 1100..1. C4. HxENfl, 2S Pageatreet, Toroa- to, or S. Wilton, Brussels, APPRENTICE wanted to learn the printin . Ona who Poheesm. passed Entwines exam, Apply at TRn Level POriLTRY wanted on, Monday and Tnee- dey of each week. Phone No. 80 for ''pprices, &o, R. TBOIteoN, Brussels. i De. PARKER, Osteopathic Phyaioian, visits Beutaela MOnday afternoon of sash week, I treats o and nervous dlaeeaea 9ultatioully i treated. Visits residenooe, Consultation at Queen's Hotel. FIRE AT THE Abse'. FAcroay. —TM re was lively doings last Saturday after- noon When the lire hell rang and the news flew that the Ament factory was on fire. The dry kiln was the danger spot and it took hoots of steady pump Ing of fire engine to completely drown the fire out. When the supply tanks were used up it was found the hose was inadequate to reach from river to fan tory. In response to calls to Seaforth end Listowel for iselp both towns speedi- ly responded with hose latter sending their Fire Brlgede also 'rhe fire en• gine worked splendidly and the stub• barn enemy was at fast smothered and the danger averted. While the loss cm heading will he considerable, as the kiln was full, the fent and the town is more than pleased that the factory was saved, It Is one of our best industries and the loss would have been very heavy had the devouring element con- quered. A lot of hard work was done by many in the rescue, How the fire got started appears to be a mystery, Pure Honey We have some extra line (`lover 515 y. ti to a balance of a ear, 1“+1,1 left Ili oe after r ipply ntig nut t •tarn eeetorw=re and 14 Brite Mee. Nothing dark or strong flav- ored the r this, Meet H, nC t urea about x , Honey was that way this year.. It en55 more but it's worth it. It is $3.00 for a 15 lb. pail. We have it in illi ib. tins also, G. A. Deadman Monthly Fellowship service in Metho- dist Church Sabbath morning at 10,25 sharp. A car of horses was shipped to North- ern Ontario last week by W. A. Lowry. Tee shipment was accompanied by Harold Lowry and the shipper. FAR5t5RB,—Why not bave some good kindling Wood on band. Call in and inquire as there are a few loads for sale, See advt. on page 5. P. All ENT, A number of Brusselites ware token to Blyth last week as witnesses in 2 cases charging intoxication on the Monday night of the Old Boys' Re -onion One conviction wn5 made, Co. Conor ble Pellow, Godericb, laid the complaints. DON'T MISS HEARING HIM—Tbnraday evening of next week, 9th fust , Emer- son D, Hunt, Superintendent of the Anti-Salonn League of South Dakota, will address a pubPc meeting in the Town Hall, Brussels at S o'clock on the grest Prohibition question. Don't fail to hear him as he is a fine speaker and tell your neighbor about the meeting. We'll never let the old flag fall A C. Dotes rather surprised the people lest week by disposing of his well located and desirable residence, corner William and Albert streets, to A. L. Kerr, of Morris township, who recently sold his farm. The purchaser. gets pos session in the near future. Mr. Dames purposesanAuction Sale le of holding A Household effects and he and Mrs, Dames contemplate spending the com- ing Winter in Florida and California. THE death ocetrred on Saturday, Sept 2feb, of Christina Forbes Sinclair, aged 17 years, at the home of her father, Peter J Sinclair, rgS Albert street, Stratford, Deceased was born in North Essthope and was a bright young girl, having attended the Stratford Collegiate Institute for over 2 years, She had been ill for about 7 mouths. She leaves to mourn her loss, her father, she being the only child, and her mother having died to years ago, The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon of last week. SII People We Talk About $$ 3t Mrs. McGuire was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. D C. Ross. Miss Edith Deadman has returned to College at Toronto for a busy terms work. Robt, E Coates. Seaforth, was calling on relatives and friends in Brussels and locality Mrs. (Rev,) 11 B. McRae. Kincardine, was in town last week visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. George Henderson, Seaforth, was visiting friends in Brussels during the past week, J. Whaley, Winnipeg, was a visitor et the home of A. and Mrs, Strachan, Turnberry street. B S. and Mrs Scott and Miss Morris motored to London last Friday evening and spent Ibe week end. Miss Ella Woods was laid up last week with pneumonia hut is able to be about again we are glad to say, W and Mrs Raynor, Miss Mary Isa• bel and little Billy, of Petrolie, were visitors with D C sed Mrs. ROSS. Miss Elsie Sperling, daughter of Mrs. Geo, Sperling, has gone to Guelph to commence her course as nurse. We wish ber well Miss Hazel Lowry left last week for her position as primary teacher in the Institute for the Blind, We wish her success. Mrs, Robert Dark is able to be about the home now after quite a period of I soon health and we hope she will s on be fully restored. Mrs Jno. Downing was visiting the Pollard family at Blyth lest week Her health is quite restored, barring an oc- casional twinge of rheumatism. P and Mrs. McQnarrle are still in Toronto, where the former went for an weeks o The operation a Few w ks ag patient is making stnw but favorabeeprogress. Miss McClure, of Seafortb, wag a vis'. or with the Ross families and Mrs. Geo. Thomson, n town She and Mrs. C. H Dodds, Vancouver, spent a few days a t Kincardine last ,seek, Miss Pipe was at Harristou attending the wedding of Miss Marion Winnifred Eedy and Lieut, Jas, C. Fuller, Suet - ford, and extended her stay with the mother of the bride, Mrs J, E Eedv. Mrs. Manly Montgomery nee Ethel Sperling, and baby, Stewart, of Cal gary, who spent the Summer with rela- tives and friends, has returned to her Western borne, much benefitted by the Visit. This week Bob Warwick has resumed his studies at the S, P. S. Toronto. He is taking a course in Civil Engineering, which was Interrupted by his enlistment as a soldier of the King for duty in Bel- gium and France. This will be Mr. Warwick's 3rd year at College, Harold Armstrong, medical student, Toronto is home for a Short halides/ be. fore tackling his 5th and last year of his oouree in medicine. He bas been at- tending the Summer school and making tip lost lime while he served in His Majesty's navy. Fred. 1. Wood and bride have arrived home, after a wedding trip to Quebec. They will take up housekeeping in the apartments in the Leckie block in the near future. TItr POST welcomes Mrs. Wood to Bruseels and hopes meny happy prosperous years will be the portion of the young couple, Mrs. Will J.Halliday, of Calgary, spent a few das in town visiting the Misses Halliday, Kiug street, She pur- poses taking her mother home with her. Mr, Hailiday Is bothered considerably sometimes with rheumatism. We hope he will soon be 0, k, He's an old Btus' cants, • +i•++++++++++++d++++F+++F+P+++i•++ + '1• + Pers final + Olergymen and Doctors who + use the I. Spirit Pencil +e O. G. MARTIN, '+1' bleep tot and Mautlfet tuee.l', 4 411 West Ferry St., BUFFALO etre year feet.. and 'stn prove it. 011ie: give 7, 55 IheUlie6 a11(1 Opittintra. Dost t 111050 sample free. + + + M s• Annie RaSs as a judge of Ladle,' 1„Vell at Seaforth Fall fair J H and Nits Kerney nue daughters, of Guelph, were here fol' the week end. Miss Meikle, Mount Forest, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs F. H. Gilroy, Mise Jean Fox is back from a holiclay visit with relatives and Irieuds in Tor. 01150. Bert Selwey hes beet] appointed bag- gage man a+ Bros:els G T. R. We welcome hint to Brussels Ie and Mis Longfoot and children, Stretford, were here on a visit to the home of (leo. Edwards. Miss hate Ewan went to Stratford this week on a visit to her cousin who buried her husband recently. J. D Ronald, Windsor, is here on a visit at the home of Barrister and Mrs, Sinclair, Latter is n daughter, J Henderson, dreyman, was off duty for a few days this week owing to the prevailing co'd or sort of grippe. Mrs. George Jackson was at Belgrave attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Allison, en olcl'friend of many years. Ernest Lott, who 15242 home for his vacation, returned to Brantford school last week. In the mechanical depart- ment he is taking• up broom making Mrs. H. L lackson, town. and Mrs, Chas. Sheriff, Winnipeg, were visitors with Mrs. Robert Black,k Bhevale last week. The ladies are old schoolmates. Roy Stewart, who has been teaching in the West, arrived home last weak and has gone to Toronto to resume his studies. He had a good time in the W est• Carcliff Best bar returned to tate S. P. S. at Toronto for the Fall Term. His health has not been very rugged but we hope he will continue to gain in vigor. Mrs. Edward Pollard accompanied her parents end brother as far as Toronto on their trip to Vancouver, B. C., where the old folk expect to make their home with their son, David Mrs. James Menzies and Miss Mee- zies were at Stratford last week attend- ing the funeral of the former's grand- daughter, tbe late Christena Sinclair, of Stratford. Mrs. Menzies is in her 92nd year. George Edwards left last Monday for Toronto where he will attend Faculty, to give him his professioual tot Class Cer- tificate, We wish him success in his course and believe he will rank well in the teaching profession. Roy M. Burton, a former teller in the Standard Bank, Brussels, and recently back From overseas where be did mili- tary duty, is renewing old friendships in Brussels this week. Glad to welcome him. T. W, and Mrs. McFarland and Frank and and Mrs, McFarland of London, and Mrs. Milne, of Winnipeg, were here for the week end at the home of J. T, and Mrs. Wood, Albert street, The trip was made by motor, This week Ward Buchanan went to Elmira, Ont., to ply his trade as butter maker. He has been employed in Brus• cels factory during the past season The Methodist Sunday School loses its Secre- tary by hes removal We wish hits well. Jno, St Amour has been taking unde- sired hol.days owing to an accident in which he was riding a horse and leading another. He was pulled off the fotmer and cuff. rad by the bump received on reaching terra firma. We are glad to see hits able to be about again. ChurchChiimes Thursday, October Sod, is the date of the Runnel Convention of Marland Presbytery's Young People's Society ;0 be held at Whitechurch, Delegates will be entertained to supper in the church. Good delegations will attend from this localil y, Next Sunday morning the regular Communion will follow the preaching service in Melville church. Preparatory service Friday afternoon, at 2 30 o'clock, when Rev Mr. Kennedy, of Cranhro k and E hel charge, will preach, ch, Co. Secretary Cooper will speak �tirrin words on 'be Referendum p }; in lbs evening. He uses oharts prepar- ed by J, W. Belgough to illustrate, THRIFTStamps.— We strongly re- commend the purchase of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates. In this way you not only are aiding your country's finances, but are forming the Savings habit. The Stamps may be purchased at any branch of— 205 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAM'S - - MANAcleR Rally Day service was observed last Sunday in Melville church, the Sabbath School meeting with the morning con- gregation. A very interesting feature was the unveiling of 2 tablets, in mem- ory of io y0nug men of the church who had made the supreme sacrifice, by Harold Currie and Harvey Milligan, re turned soldiers Names of brave lads who fell are :--Frank Scott, Chas, Me• Forrest, Milton and Nor. •.l Millan Chas man McGuire, Ross McKinnon, Spence He:usworth, Wm. Denman, Angus Kerr and jas, Richardson. Evening service was conducted as a Young People's conse0ratiou service. Annual Convention of Epworth Leagues and Sunday Schools of Wing. Ilam District will be held in the Metho- dist church, Luckuow, Tuesday October 7th These will be 3 sessions at 0 a. m. and 2 and 7 30 p, in, Miss Zeigler, B, A , of tate Departmental staff and Rev T. F. Knight, 13. D., Mfiverton, will be the outside speakers. A practical list of topics has been marked out. Each League sod Sunday Schon. is asked to send names of delegates to Miss L. M Jaynt, Lucknow, before Oct 4 A large turn out is asked as the gathering will be one of must] importance to the young people. BIBLE Socig'ry.—An illustrated Lea ture will be given io the interests of Up- per Canada Bible, Society by Rev. W. E. Hassard, B, D., Travelling Secretary, Toronto in Melville church, Brussels. Wednesday evening of next week, at 7,3o o'clock. Subject "A Conlin ent's Opportunity" Large number of fine views will be shown. Rev. Mr Hsssard is a good speaker and there should be a full house, Offering will be taken in behalf of the Bible Society, Brussels Branch has done famously fu this grand cause in pest years and will no doubt be ready to duplicate record Don't forget the date, BORN GRABBY. -2a Morris township, on Sept. 2011,, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. James D. trashy, a daughter—Adab Elizabeth. PAIoLts.—In Wroxeter, on Sept. 27th 1019. to Mr. and M. George Paulin, a daughter, Drat, BUTTERY.—Passed away on Sept. 14th, 1910, Harriet Ethel Infant daughter of Mr and men. Harry Tottery, 2008 Saarth street, Regina, 335012 , aged 8 months, DAVIDSON —In Wroxeter, on Sept 2011, 1010 Bessie Pow, wife of Jno, Davideon, .ager{ 78 years. STNOLAIR.—In Stretford, on Sept. 20th, 1910, Christina Forbes Sinclair, only daughter of Peter Sinclair, AUCTION SALES euesneY, OOT. etlo.—Perm Stock, Imple- ment= &e. Lot 28. Con. 17, Grey. Sale unrce server{ at 1 p. m. John Wesley McKay, Prop, ; 2'. S. Soot,, Auo. FRrnAY. 004519: Faros 250ak, implemente, Household Furniture, &o , S34 Lot 14, Con. 0, Morris Tnttnahip. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m, Amos. Nrcnore Prop, F. 8. Scow, Auo, T0080A4, cat. 14Ta.—Farm Stook, /merle. mints, Furniture, &e. Lot 14, Con 10, Grey. Sale, unreserved. at 1 p. 311. Jacob W. Fischer, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Auo, Farm for Sale Fern for sale, being Ni 5.ot 10, Con. 0, 151for• cis townehls, ku g o tainin 150 earoa Comfort- able hoose, bankbarn, drilled well and I Good locality, covento spring ImmepeoossoaeiFor further portion- lara applyto F. S. SUUTT, Bruaeola. aeltA F r otter Value and Rea Satisfaction Select Your Memorial Here IN deaigning a memorial special effort ie made to refect the pur- pose of the donor and originate a Monument of distinolive design, harmonious in ptopot•ticue and a model of dignified beauty, Only the finest and most durable material is used --the kind best suited to stand the ravages of time and weather. The oa'ving std lettering will receive expert alteration, which is an important. featuroin the completed memorial, Each 055105' is hand• led with the idea of creating a masterpiece for its size and type. ' maratIntMeraca Brussels Granite and Marble Works A. E. HERSEV, Proprietor. Basad leceasisraaisCvachteiiiseeResiali e4ii116049 501, 0644009Y19YdO614102 G • 0 e e e 4,5 0 .0 0 o 0 R fiE MAT19 R • 736' EtE 1 .n,r wtxea' 5-.xrc• .c .rrtatAILI n—" ^ Itl,NR6 A Are You Troubled wits Rheumatism ? A 9 D H'so Read This Letter. 8 0 C e p rJ TORONTO, SEPT, let, 111111 o m G MESSRS. T1:�II?LETO 14, Leo., 112 King St. West, Toronto :� • Fi DEAR SIRS,—Las4 April my husband (11. A. seWal kins) contracted RheunIoti m very badly. He ® grew steadily worse in spite of all that, Medical Solemn. eonitl do to 1eli.yo his awful pain. Al l(te4 II O 1 we had to get a wetter mattress en. trim 50 lie f» °m, He had beeu ill 141 weeke, the Met, It) weeks in bed, te - s S when I noticed your advertisement for Templetoua' o Rheumatism Capsules and bought a box. Thu re• �21 e aulto were situ ply marvelous. A7'ter taking theta a n week he could move .bete the home. ; and after• two 0 0 boxes he went right down 50520, urMe lute now re. ®teemed to work in the best of health and quite tree at from Rheumatism. H. tonic five boxes altogether for n 0, his Rheumatism but we fulled the Capsules 80 good m 49 v for headaches we always keep a box in the housa, p Both my husband and I cannot say enough in 0) el praise of Tanople5ous' Rheumatic. Uapsulee. We o 0 wouldn't be without there. d © Ioure'1'raly, 0 I.9 (Signed) MHS. ALICE WATKINS, o a a ; To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : a 9 I am in charge of NIr. J. el, Whitings Drug y r Ir «at- v .nue `,Vest. I sold N R. o Store, 1368 $t. Clam avenue, R kine lien fret box of Terupleeons' Capsulee, From e what I know of Mr. Watkins' illness the above is anet 0 accurate history of the case. 0 i W.IIODGINS, o 11 eWe are Sole Agents for Templeton's Capsules S 20 in Brussels, e e e e e y JAMESFaX a e 0 6 DRUGGIST and STATIONER a • •(eereseer010 0101Be eeeso1meereceet eea0 eteeeeeeeeespeop aEo©00040 Fox's Store THE r 'r s'l'ORE Weekly Store News 10 1 e0 0) C� to 09 01 0, e to P rl 0) 10 W 0 a fS 10 BRUSSELS MARKET Butter 40 Hogs 18 60 Tenders Wanted Farm for ale 6 52 Being Lot 2, Con. 9, Grey township, contain - 10 60 ing IIID acres. Good buildings, abundance of water and only 1- mile from Brussels. For far- ther particulars epplTg to Phone 2818 Jel,t0TCHEI5. ROE, Brussels, Tenders will be received by the Municipal Council or the Township of Grey, up to Ootob• er 22nd, 1919, for the construction of the poi, Mon of the Beeuahamp (,reek Drain, on the 17th and 18111 Concessions of Grey. Plate and specifications may be seen at the office of the Clerk, Ethel, A. H. MACDONALD, Cleric of Grey. e. Co Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for an Ie hie fare, Lot 9, Con 0. How Mk, containing 1.57 acres. ]+fi•et- els s hutldiuga chnire land, A 1 Mention. 114 mule.. front Gori ie. R. A. SYOTTON, 12.4 Wingham. or see G. \V. Walker, Gerrie. I am pleased to announce that I have been successful in again securing the services of Mr. F. Aa Graham (Formerly of Montreal) the well known Eyesight Specialist, who will FREE daily Examination in my store From om Monday Sept, 29 �\ 11 ..r, SIII„ 4 4d .-,..Ill „nillfllll 1111111111 -�tici llg 111 l I 1,a; _' 7 t �I give Until 3 twednesday a Batt S c He Looks Into the Eye” �R. GRAHAM spent to days with years ago and gave such excellent 3 warrants me in securing him again. me several results that He has Tested the Eyes of over 20,000 People A Vast Experience Over 200 Opticians in Ontario are now using Mr. Graham's system of Testing. This is indeed a great opportunity to have your Eyes Tested FREE by a great Specialist and no doubt hundreds will avail them- selves of the great Free offer during those up days. Book Your Appointment at Once. De— Come Early as the last days are usually busy. m F. Stretton JEWELER Brussels OPTICIAN 1