HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-10-2, Page 1ti 48 NO, 14 01%50 Per Annum in Advance nonlnminmnnulim0111ninu1cn1111fif 1(Ugip1113p3u ellnmununnunniinllliimlm111111111111111uuunliiinini Service and Growth Great and permanent growth in any institution is impossible except on the basis of genuine service to the Public. For 87 years we have aimed to give a sound and comprehensive service —yet withal a friendly and syn a- thetic one—to our customers. Our present strong position is a measure of our success—but more largely a measure of our usefulness. Why not let us serve you too? —THE Bank of Nova Scotia 11 Ili Paid -un Capital $ 0.700,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 18,000,000 Resources . - - 220,000,000 III 30 ll nII If F. IT. GII,ROi Manager Brussels Branch ,p1111 Jtil ' AIitfr Ilii r New Advertisements Farmers' Club -E. Cardiff, Personal -O. G. Martin. Attention -Farmers' Fertilizer Co. Centre Enron Liberals -Jas, L. Moran, Apples wanted -Isom Brawn. Dilater lost -Nelson Askin. Goode wanted now -F. R. Smith, Tenders wanted -A, II. Macdonald. Farm for sole -F. 8. Root'. Farm for sole -Fletcher Roe. Auction Sale -Jacob W. Fischer. Anctlon Bale -Alex, Nichol Pie Social-lJelvtlie Willing Workers. For sane -,tote' C. Cook. Prevent Fires -Ont, Fire Prevention League, CSil`.CCi .�, `..CCUs Walton Poultry wanted Tuesday of enob week, Phone W. G, Neal as to prio10, 60. Masters Rea nod Jack Small, Strat- ford, have been visiting their uncle, James Rea, Walton. Alex.;and Mre. Gardiner have gone for visit of 2 months to (lesseno, Alta., where they will combine busi- ness and pleasure. We wish them a good time. The fine farm of Joseph Love, Mc- K3liop, has been bought by Actin Forbes, a returned soldier laddie, who enlisted in Toronto with the Queen's Own Rifles, and stayed on the job un- til he reached Cologne, Germany, without receiving a sc'atch. HIe was with a machine gun section. Posses- sion of farm will -be given next March. Price was $6,800. Mr. Love has been on the farm for past 12 years and will likely retire to Walton. We wish Arlin the beet of success. Oran brook Next Sunday afternoon will be Rally Day in the Methodist Sabbath School, Preaching service iu Knee church will be withdrawn next Sunday morn- ing on account of Ethel Anniversary. Choir from here will sing at morning service at Ethel. By invitation of Supetintendeut John Bray the members of the Meth- odist Sunday School were asked to bis home last Saturday afternoon where a fine time was enjoyed in sport's, lunch, social chat, leo. All had a good time. THE MERCHANT The banking requirements of merchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a current account and every banking facility is assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE te� Walton Branch astsossusezsmasnwn • J. M. McMiIIAN, Acting Manager eSNIMMINIIIII1111=1110M1 BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, \V. J. Cameron, 13. A„ nF East Ori 'Lege, N, J., teas (tome for a shut L hol. iday looking as if hat work agreed well with hiin in the busy city of New York. 0, and 114t'R. Fischer are making a visit with relatives and Mende 331 Ode vicinity, 3j years ago, when at St. Thomas, lie enlisted tvitll the filet Bat- talion and went OV 01130119. Later ler wee drafted Into the 73rd and crossed the Charnel, doing duty le Belgium and France. At Vi'ny Ridge a piece of ahee eel broke his shoulder blade and collar bone while in the attach, front which he spent 6 months in hoe. pitale in France and Southampton and Epsom in England. Although appar- ently quite Neatly Mr, Fischer [Mee not know how active labor will affect his shoulder as he still feels a twitch. in sometimes, tines, TI73R soldier hey did not conte back alone but mai Miss Dora Oliver, of London, 21 menthe ago. The young couple may locate in Kitchener, Blyth $eport of Fall Fair 3R left over until next week. Harvey and Mts. Skelton, Detroit, are holiday visitors with Mre. Wrn. Jackson, Molesworth Martin and Mts. Calder spent the week end in the village. A number of the young people ex- pect to attend the meeting of the Young People's Union in Whitechurch this week. Gordon Campbell, 2nd line, Grey, left last Saturday for the Agticultur- alCollege, Guelph. We wish him success in his course, Miss 0. Campbell, who expected to sail for India on Sept. 1831), has been detained by the late arrival of the S. Empress of Japan in Vancouver but she hoped to sail Sept., 29th, Mrs. Bell was in Toronto last week attending the meeting of the Ontario Provincial Board of the Women's Missionary Society, She spent the end with friends in St. Catharines, re- turning home Monday evening, We are sorry to report that Mre. James Brown, who met, with a serious auto accident several weeks ago, is making a very slow recovery, She took worse again last Saturday but her condition is more favorable this week. All of the boys who went overseas horn this vicinity have now returned. The last to come home was George lieibein. On Wednesday of last week the friends stet in the home of George Robertson to extend a "Welcome home" to Will. J. Brown, Alex, Has. tie, Joe McNeilly, Charles and John Douglas and George Heibein. Jas. Menzies was called to the chair and ably performed the duties of chairman for the evening. A. short program of music and recitations was given, olid the Mande from overseas were called forward when an address was read and a useful gift was presented to each. Attend n Farmers It has come to our knowledge that some person in the vicinity of Wing - ham, is spreading a report with mal- icious intent, to the effect that The Ftu'mers' Fertilizer 0o., Ltd„ of Wing - ham, is closed clown, This is absolute- ly false. We will have a full line of Fertiliz- er's for all Spring crops. Do not buy elsewhere before enquiring out prices. The quality and condition of our goods are unsurpassed. THE FARMERS' FERTIrr%ISR Co„ 14.2 WINGUAM, ONT. BRUSSELS Farmers' Club Members of this organiz- ation are asked to meet at the Public Library Aud- ience Room, Brussels, Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock, Good crowd asked for, E. CARDIFF, Secretary. OC2'Oz31iR 2, 1911 Before the meeting closed, the ques- tion of fittingly commemorating the sacrifice of the five boys from this neighborhood who gave their lives in the great War was considered, but no definite conclusion was arrived at, The young people musically inclined are busy practising for the anniver- sary services of St. Andrew's church, which are to be held Oct. 12th and l2ch, Rev. George Gilmore, Ripley, will preach on Sabbath, and Monday W. 81. Sutherland, of Toronto, will de- liver his lecture on "The British Eul- pire—tbe trustee of the World's Power." Mr. Sutherland is a most in- teresting speaker and in Toronto can hold the attention of his audience even after the midnight hour when they are anxious to get away to catch the last car home, Grey Schbol Fair at Ethel on Wedneeday was the attraction this week. The conveniently located farm of Fletcher Roe is offered for sale. See advt. Apple buyers have been purchasing a good share of Fall and Winter ap- ples. , The fine addition to Alex, Yuill's barn is a big improvement to his farm. Auction Sale at Jacob W. Fischer's, Lot 14, Oon, 10, Tuesday, 14th inst., at 1 p. m. Sale unreserved as farm has been sold. spent the week -end Batc the tharthometofo0. and Mrs. Hemingway, 10th Oon. The ladies are sisters. Auction Sale at Jno, Wesley Mc- Kay'.a Tuesday afternoon of next week. Sale unreserved as be has sold fawn to Tolle Stacey. Lot 28, Oon, 17 is the spot, Tenders are asked in this issue for the construction of the portion of the Beauchamp Creek Drain on Cons, 17 and 18 Grey township. See tho advt. in another cohunn, OARD OF TRANES.—We wish to ex- press our thanks to neighbors and friends for their kindness in word and deed during the illness of Mrs. Robert- son. It was much appreciated, RUSSELL AND MRS. ROBERTSON. We understand Jno, and Mrs. Dark and family intending moving back to their farm, 10th, Con., from Brussels. Farm has been operated by Alex. Dark, a son of the proprietor, who has purchased the farm across the road from Jake Fischer, Remember the Harvest Home ser- vices at Roe's and Union chtu'che$ next Sabbath and the fine Recitals on Monday 1n lda and a d Tuesday evenings respec- tively at the same places by Rev, J. F. Knight, B. D., of Milverton. Miss Alice Clark, of Auburn, who has been visiting at the home of bee sister, Mrs, Jas. Armstrong, 9th Con., is quite poorly and the doctor has ad, vised complete rest as one of the re- quisites and she has complied by going to bed. We hope she will soon be quite hearty. 11 asoma Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat ? If you do you will be interested in the choice line of samples we have just received. Also in the large book of Autumn Styles for Men which shows s you just how sone of these samples look when made up Expert Tailoring Fit guaranteed and Moderate Prices are considerations you cannot afford to overlook. IR. r RA 1 H •V ELL, Fire Prevention Day, October 9th Prevent Fires n Your Home 13y removing all Rubbish and Litter, Have yam' furnace and sieve pipes in peeper condition, Peoperly installed Lightning Rode are move than 90% efficient. In Your Factory and Shop 13y removing oily waste and other fire menaces. Prohibit smok- ing on 1119 premises. Oleanliness, order and forethought ars inn- peetant tactors in r[Aiming fire waste. Provide Netter and more systematic inspection and watchman eeeviee and also more effl- eleut fire.fighting egniprnent, in Your Office Do not leave lighted cigars or cigarettes where they may start a fire. Do not throw alighted match into the Waste -paper basket, in Your School By teaching the children the danger of Firm. Before leaving each night see that there ran be no overheated stoves or femme, Teach the children not to play with matches. in Your Church Have chimneys properly' cleaned out before etarting your fur- nace. Never put on an extra fire except when souleoneis on hand' to attend to it, Ontario Fire Prevention League, Inc. A#ttiatod with Ontriria Piro Viarehal'B Officio, Depart tenant of At. tornop-Qenerett, Parliament ttufidinr,^e, Toronto (3E01.1(311 F, LEWIS, Sec,-Treas. W. H. K•ERR, Proprietor Centre Huron Centre Huron Liberal AROociatiou will hold a Convention at Oardno's Hall, &safottll, Monday, October 0th, 1019, at 1 o'clook p, re., to select a ran• dilate to contest the Riding in the I1p. preaching Provincial Elect/rm. Women OAT equally as eligible 1111 men for delegates and 111(1 rnrdially invited to attend. hi, 111ulte'r:, JA'4. 1., KJL1.O1tAN, President, Secretary. The Tax rates in (Grey township this year are :—County, 4.7 mills ; Tnwn- ship, 4 5 ; General School rate, 1.11 ; Guelph and Uoderich Railway .4-1, They may be paid at Standard and Bank of Nova Scotia, Item isle ; 13aulr of Hamilton, at Ethel, Atwood and Listowel and tales at Imperial Bank at the latter. Belgrave Rev, Mr, Davison injured his tight wrist hi cranking his ear but is LW* proving nicely. Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Boyle preach- ed a strong Temperance [Recourse, We are warming up for the 20th. Delegates will attend the Wittig People's Con yen Lien of Presbyterian church at Whitechurcn and Methodist young folk will follow suit in going to Lucknow next Tuesday. Friday evening of this week the pre- paratory service to twist Sunday's communion will be held in the Pres- byterian church. Rev, Mr. Kennedy, Craubrook will preach. Last Monday the W. 141. S, of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mre, Caesar. After usual business an itppeeeiative address was read to Mrs. W. 1I. Ferguson, by Mrs. Jas, Michie and Mrs. Jas. Taylor presented a flue hymn book. Mrs. Ferguson has been Secretary for the past 10 years and took a deep interestrn the Society and is leaving now owing to removal to Toronto. The reply wee reminis- cent and optimistic, with regrets and good wishes intermixed. Mrs. Fergu- son will be greatly missed, not only by this organization, but in every depart- ment of church and communal life. FINE SERVICE —Ou Sunday last the annual Harvest Thankagivitg service of Trinity church was held, It was a beautiful day, roads good, church dec- orated with much thought and work .with grain, fruit and flowers in beauty and abundance and the choir reverent- ly and efficiently did their part in the choral service, a very large pongee. Ration being present. Preacher was Captain Rev, S. L. 141cllegney, M. C„ Rector of St, Panl's church, Clinton, who took his text from II Samuel 23 14 to 17 inclusive. A fitting part of the service was dedicating a Brass Alms Basin by Captain MoKegney, as- sisted by Rector Hawkins, "In the faith of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God and in loving memory of Pte. Gordon Moore, in the name of the Father, the Sou and the Hoty Ghost. Amen," Gordon Moore was a Trinity church boy and fell in action Sept, 21st, 1910. The preacher spoke of the fitness of these harvest festivities where we assemble to thank God for material things, which we should thankfully receive, enjoy and use to the honor and glory of God, The aoriflce of thousands of men, like he hose memory we lovingly honor to - ay, men whose blood deluged the elde of France and other fields in the wful war that we might Have Liber' - y and are able to -day to celebrate in peace and prosperity and do not have o pay tribute to the stranger. Are e going to let this great sacrifice Dunt for nothing.? When David and hie army, in sight of his beloved ethlebem, which was garrisoned by the enemy, cried out in his longing or Home, "Oh that one would give e drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem which is by the gate," lead he water brought to trim by his 3 ighty men who dared everything to et it, David would not drink it but nured it out unto the Lord, an act of vot'ship, David, in his appreciatinu f such wonderful loving heroism ould not drink the water that men ad risked their lives to get, Can we elfishly appropriate all the blessings emitting from the heroism, eudutauce ud even to laying clown of the lives f our fellow men ? Nay let ns be like avid and refuse to use the things ot by the blood of men wlao went in opardy of their lives unless we do resettling in return, Let 1111 do some t of worship. Start in our horses id allow by our lives that this great ori ce fl Shall not go for nothing. Ranker dwelt long and earnestly on is part of his subject and pleading Rh the people to live better, puree, ere unselfish Christ -litre levee and so ow nue appreciation of what our ave men have done 1oe es, That eater sacrifice, which has been ale for us because of that blessing of metal life, we get by it, is so infinite - beyond anything m11u can do for an—the great atonement made by r Lord and Saviour Jesus Chriet. Coronae wee made to the great., ings likely to happen in this fair Ca of curs daring the next 20 are, of the latent resourceo'tllat will developed, o the people coming to r shores, of our great niaaterial gain t for Canada Is !Alis 10 be all i' 13 years n Germany Thad all these things but day she is prostrate in the dost, by 31 Beeanse she forgot: God. 33e - re lest we do the same, ile spoke tlegreat Fo'ward Movement where all on oomm0n ported, can 'in- to work for the extension of God's gdom. Let us (10neeceate 0nr- Vee to God ail seek to deepen and en cur spiritual lives, l,et us nowledge Him in all our ways a11d. will direct out paths, 1311.16,00 Was w to- day, a w e B m g 9 u ty b 11 0 D 10 e ac ea al S th NO m 011 be gr m et ly m on Re t1 U be 011 bn ag to lV 9110 of We ite kin eel 91dd ack the aal::"t floe, the , „ngregatien as a 0lpu,k:.ff'I-ng hen se hearty was the u+r.peese Ike' i' rend sum of $168.16 W'La a,wn•ive,l, 'I'h,' day will linger ass happy memory, Morris Athletes of Corut''31 may he trod un page 4 of lids ken's. .1, ii.m.:tr'd Ars, Boyd woe visiting Ah'x. 0b In. 113ohle S14111*w, R,•v. 111. and In.. Pet u,, 1Fi,ghaut, 18011' inm'+t'< 111 the home of A. T. mei :1 it rosy •:br'1 25x:30 feet. waa built ,31 the he to Of Abram Priestess Sr4 litre, last 'seek. 510 o0 each was voted 4.y Township !'ntt•,,el ire grout. to fit'ussels, Blyth end 1Vingham 10gl•iruhueal .yonieliea. ('oone,l 'net Monday. Routine ilihiue0s. I'r. n-uu', Shaw acted as Ulevk pri, tern •111 111. 141n1Swen's nb- HI'te•e. A t;oatlly numb r of Gil is attended Not Or heron Nometc1ting (Muventitn at Wingleant 011 Friday. ex -Reeve Fraser was named as standard bearer. Norrie Votet'R' Met was posted up Monday of last week. There are 729 names on lint, 0531 in Pat t I and 74 in Part. II, 4011 being competent to serve as jurors. 0aliect 1' Procter will soon be on his rounds. Taxes will be a trifle lighter n htel, yrnt e.lthnugh this is con- trthaary to 1191 exp,•tiet e of many ,unn1ripnii11,'o for 1019. A splemlid draft horse 91110 killed MI the focal of Archie Messer by a limb from a big elm tree striking it in. 'Beting a death blow to its side. It. waa; fits' thought lightning had done the damage hut on closer ecr'utdoy the limb was found with the tell tale marks upon it. It will be a heavy loss 101411'. Messer, Anniversary serviees will be held at Brownt0wrl Methodist ehur•r11 next Sabbath, when Rev. D. A. Thomson, a former pastor, will be the preacher, at 11 a. en. and 0 p. tn. Neth' change of hoar' for evening, which is made to secure a double Male Quartette from Brussels, lead by W, H. Willis, of 4Vinghaes, who are to sing in Wing - ham at a Temperance rally at e.15, Mr, Thoureon will be welcome bard,. Freewill offering will he taken at both services. The fine 100 acre homestead of Alex. Nichol, Si. Lot 14, Con. 0, has been sold to Alvin Armstrong, East Wawa - nosh, for the sum of 80000. It is 30 years since 0019. Nichol bought the farm from Jas. Seale, now of London. The purchaser will get possession on Meech let, perhaps earlier, Mr. Nich- 01 has announced a clearing Auction Sale for Friday, Oct. 10, with F. S. Scott 108cru t ', At neer, List may be read in this issue, Lunch will be served to people from a distance. It is said Mr. Nichol and family may locate in Brussels. Mrs, Nichol's health is uone too rugged but we hope she will s00u be fully restored to old time vigor. Ethel Fon Saba. -Undersigned offers for sale comfortable house, 811(13,' acre of land wi good stable, lien house and° drive shed, Also good driving horse, 2 seta single harness, buggtes, cutter, and wood or coal heat! ate\'e, EDWARD FLSTORHR, Ethel, Live Poultry wanted Tuesday of each wee Phone Hall's fibers. Everybody says No ! No 3 No 1 No Last Sunday Rev. Mt. O'Dell preaol ed at Teeswater, POetoffice changes this week fro the old stand to I3a11's store, P, J. and it/16s Bishop ate back fro Weston where they spent the past mon the, Friday of this week Rev. Mr. Ken nedy will preach at preparatory servio in Melville church, Brussels. During the past. week Mrs. S. Ame has hardly been as well as usual bu we hope she will soon be quite heart again, H, and Mrs, Warmer, Hamilton an Wm. and Mrs, Wanner, Toronto, wet' welcome visitors with Mrs. Sanders sr., and other old ft iends, P. J. Camelot), Vamiouvee was re uewing old acquaintances 311 Ethe making his ,'Sud visit in 37 years. 13 was the guest. of ,Jas. Pearson. During the past week W. 73. Lov disposed of a piano to Russel Riddell 14111 Oon, Rhea 1 a 0 -octave Bell orgy to John 'McLean, Logan Boundary and a Phonograph to Chas. Buchanan, LiA.maf, ormer well known resident was bete for a visit during the past week in the person of Henry Wanner, He found many changes from the old days yetyatrtllmet a good nonny friends of his , This week Stanley Hall, son of Wm, and Mre, Hall, left for Toronto where he will attend Faculty to give him authority to use his 1st Class Teacher's Certificate. Re has clone well and we hope he will find this term all he ex. peas it to be, Sltccess Stanley, HARVEST Ileacs,—Last Sabbath's serviers in the Methodist church were well sustained in every respect. Thete was a large attendance in the wont- ing when the preacher of the day, Rev. Mr, Robinson, B. A„ of Teeswat• or, gave a most suitable discourse on "Sowing and Reaping," 011018 rend- ered appropriate selections. Sunday school held their annual Rally in time afternoon, which event with a good swing, a live interest being manifest- ed. At the evening service the edifice WAS filled to the doors, Sermon tuns based on "The Magnetic Christ" and was an earliest, eloquent appeal and received the close attention of theimage company. A doable Male(,tuar- tette from 13rneeele, with NV. H. Wil. lis, Wingate, as nandnctor, supplied 3 number's and lead the praises, Con grega1ional eingieg was eltoellent, The free-will offering forthe day total- ied $100,00, which wee praiseworthy, Rev. Mr, Robinson will be welcome tohi Ethel again, The Quartettewas treat- ed to a tasty Innat the parsonage before returning home, th a ng k. 1- m m 6 • s t y d 0 e e , n tiateersaewte sties es sires lsac se•••••• e ds • oraeo w er, • Re -Opened sMAUDE C. BRYAN'S • Ophthalmologist, hoe resumed a• cps practise in her office after spend- q, lug pant 3 months in Chreago, qt 0 111., taking poet, graduate course 0 eo in Ophtlntlutolegy, Eyes restart Glaaooe Fitted, alt Office Hours 1 AF ei 10to 12 a, m. and 1 to a p, ,n. seeeeseeeseee eiseeeee eeeee ee rm After an enjoyable visit of 3cnonthe with relativeand frien,iv in the West Mrs. Wm. teekulier arrived safely home, She t ieited 11) southern Mani- toba and spent a mount in Winnipeg, Last Sunday was observed hi Pres- byterien church as 141othere' Sunday, An excellent address was given by the pastor from II Samuel 21-10 "Militant motherhood" being the thence, Next Sunday anniversary sermons will be preached in the Presbyterian church by Rev, Gilbert Gomm, 13, A,,, of Pine River, at 11 a, m, and 7 p, in. The public cordially invited. Crest - brook choir will supply the musical numbers at morning service and epee- lal music will be arranged for even- ing service, A very pleasant and profitable after- noon was spent at the home of Mrs. Hails when members of Brussels Wo- man's Institute were guests of their Ethel sisters in the good work. Mrs, P. Scott presided and after routine business a very practical address wag given by Mrs. Jeri. Robb on Institute work. Atlas Isabel Steinhart sang a fine solo and Miss Neale, President of Ethel Branch, spoke words of welcome to the visitors. Tasty lunch was served and the company separated the better of the re -union. 17 ladies of Brussels were in attendance. Eth- el hospitality was not ',tinted. Wroxeter A. T amonby and family have mos. ed to rooms in the Grand Central block. Wilfrid and Mre, Thompson, Ot- tawa, are guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Geo, Allan, The Met monthly .meeting of the Women's Institute waa held in Mrs. Pope's rooms on Wednesday after- noon, when a splendid paper on "Child Welfare" was read by Mre, A, McLeod. Rally Day was observed in the Pres- byterian Sabbath School, on Sunday when scholars and teachers united with the morning congregation. Short, addresses were given Rev. 0. Malcolm and W. S. McKercher, The Methodist Sunday School Rally was held in the afternoon, Special singing and quotations of Scripture by the different classes made the pro- gram of special interest, Addresses were given by Rev, F. Stride and R. St ticks. Anniversary sermons will be preached in the Methodist church ou Sabbath, October 12th, at 11 a. m, and 7' p. in. and on the following Friday evening, 17111 inst., a tine Concert will be given in the church by the follow- ing Brussels talent r ---Misses Verne Walker, Isabel Straohair and Nellie Fox, Mrs. I. Parker, F. El. Gilroy, H. L. Jackson and others. Tickets 36 and 26 cenfar children, Mta. Jnots, Davidson passed away at loan Monday after a long illness. She had been an invalid for years, the reeult of a nervous trouble and suffer- ed intensely at times. Her maiden name was Bessie Pow, She was in her 76th year, and was a native of Scotland, coming with her husband to Oanada when quite a young woman, bout 47 years having been spent in Wroxeter. Before overcome by ill- ess Mrs. Davidson was a very active woman, in the home and 3u church work, and leaves many w11.9111 friends who cherish her memory and deeply ympathise with her bereaved family. he is survived by her husband, 2 ons, (Gavin, of Wroxeter, and Walter, of Morri. Tp.) and 3 (laugh- ers, (Mrs, 0. Moffatt, Turnberry !p„ nd Misses Jean and May at home.) utermeut took place in Wroxeter emetery Wednesday afternoon, Rev. . Malcolm officiating, The following clipping from Tues- ay's London Advertiser, refers to a rotllel:' of Wm, Yeo, Tnrnberry Tp., rid is well known here ;--Joseph Yeo, rand Tvuuk track inspector, shot in he head and left for dead in a patch f woods near the Cove bridge Suns ay morning, was reported early this Worming to be ina critical condition nd restless, Heplay die. Yeo was ot by a boy who had a companion, ho left himfor dead and disappear- . County police who took up the archfor the two young men yeater- y, have been unable so far to trace eta, 'Yeo was operated on yester- y and the bullet was extracted from e skull. He said he know one of his sadlaute. The police have not yet en able to get the statement from e wounded man, They believe that e two boys, one of whom tired two v0lver shots at the track inspector, hen he chased them after they had ed railway ties ou the (strand Tetink 1101(0, live in or near London. a n s t 11 I c 0 d b CS' G to d I a sh w ed da BO da h3 as be 111 The Thank -offering services in St, John's church last Sunday were specially interesting, Rev, Mr, Beck - Stone, Locknow, preached two most aps propriate sennotm Church Wag appro- priately decoreted and the offering Wes good, Mee. Harvey Hoover, Walton, presided at the organ in the absent's' of Miss Brysies, Who wits out of toWn, Core Roast Monday 'Wetting iu the basement Was a real 500151 thee,