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The Brussels Post, 1919-9-25, Page 8
•yw-r„tF%Y�1 ailiw.s;-a' fee@4:'teieOfiV'etlil ©3eeel-a+S'S'•'( 0004 444+0+0+0044040,00 le:J.18f6+@•tl' • tlf'f�r' w' , y' i�gpl,lui eLe— �i. •N + 4 4 • 1 -e + + • ▪ We can supply your needs in Pickling Spices, • Pickle Bottle Corks, Cutsup Bottle Corks, �1 Bottling Wax, Jar Rubbers, &c. • + + .1. • 4 • Me ,S/Xt a Store :- Every Out -door Sport Invites Y:.sur i ;4', r t1�;DA K Complete your Vacation Equipment by taking your Kodak and a good supply of Eastman Films with you. Be prepared for the picture story of your Vacation, Films Developed and Printed. Your work left here will have careful attention. Housekeepers Fe R. SNHTH • e 0 Druggist and Stationer + 4•40+•+•+430+•+•+0'1' •+0+•+4+0+0 +0+,+++++•+•+04.44+0+040)+• arSIIIIIMMINMEMINIAV >a ', -THE Great Love," 'Town Hall, Brus. Ozal (i els Items sels, Wednesday evening of next week Plan of reserved seats at Fox's drug _----- - - _ store, See advt. on page 4 RUMOR says A L Kerr. who recently sold his farm on the 4'b line, Morris township, has bought out the garage business of Harris ee Little, Leckie block, Brussels, LOCAL news on page 5. Read it. 1 KEEP tab on the coining Chautauqua, THE fine tains supplied a long felt want. A NUMBER of interesting items crowd- ed out this week PRIZE List of East Huron Fall Fair may be teal on page 3 of this issue. BRUssELa and locality had numerous representatives at Blyth Fair on Tues- day, SOME of the Flax mill employees were on strike last Tuesday but soon got down to business again. THE Po�a• is sorry to lesrn of the ill - health of Mrs EI'zebeth Procter but hope for improvement. READ "The Great Love" ativt, on page 4 and see the wonderful film et the Town uext Wednesday evening. take a look time to1 ok at the label of Tax POsI and het your copy of H p us ont in our "clear-up' campaign if in arrear. 3 cars of soft coal arrived last week. A similar quantity of the stove and furnace variety would be gladly receiv- ed. AT Seaforth Fall Fair last Friday Dr. McRae's pacer won 1st place and W. Pawson's and in the half mile race. There were 4 entries. Dr, McRae's mare took rat at Blyth on Tuesday ' BAsanT BALL CLUB —A meeting of the girls of the B C. S. was held for the purpose of forming a Basket Ball Club Following officers were elected :—Presi- dent, Margaret Maunders; Vice Pres., Marguerite Wilton ; Sec., Luella Ful. ton ; Treas., Marjorie Hoover. REPDR•r of Brussels O'd Boys' Re. union ip Toronto last Saturday in to hand, through the kindness of Mrs, Miss Secretary, (formerly • N i.c s Chas. Law,S will Jessie Ross, of town.) andappear next week They had a great time. Tete Pos•r and his belt girl would like to have been there, BROKEN RIBS.—Jun, Bateman was laid aside from wotk for the past week Front two broken ribs, oeraeioned by too close a contact from a scuffle between two youths. Mr. Bateman was too near at hand to miss the swing of the feet of one of the acrobats and suffered iu con• sequence to extent mentioned. LIBER ALS.—A meeting of Liberals will be held in Barrister Sinclair's office Fri- day evening at 7.30 o'clock, to select 5 delegates to Centre Huron Liberal Nom- inating Convention for Legislature, Io be held at Sesforth, Monday, Oct 6th at 1 p. to. A few minutes will do the work if promptly on band. P, Scott and S. Wilton are the local cbeirmen. CLOSE GALL --Sydney, son of Jno. and Mrs, Ballantyne, had a close call last week, While riding his bicycle on the street, he turned out past one atuto only to be struck by one coming from the op'• poeite direction, The impact threw him on top of the car and thereby avert- ed probably serious results. Sydney WAS S005 ou his feet again little the worse of the escapade. STOLE 2 LOAVES -•-Last week at Brus- sels Fall Fair a tip top loaves of home- made bread, exhibited by Jno. Crerar, were left OD the table at the "Palace" for the Editor of THE Pose', whose prize had been won by said exhibitor, Before the good staff of life could be claimed some- body whose first nems we don't kuow but last nerve is Thief, approprleted the two loaves. While sorry to lose the fine breed we are more sorry to think there is ae mean a person about who tlid not do the trick by mistake as no compensating loaves were left. Perhaps the party wottld return the entry tag ou the bread go they can't eat that, F. a. GnAnAat one of Canada's best known Eyesight Specialists, will be at Stratton's Jewelry Store' from Monday, Sept, 291:11, until Wednesday, Oct. 618. Examination free, ;impart Bar Pin, set with Sapphires and Amu- thyst, lost in Brussels last Saturday Finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tun Poem. FU r dwellinghouses, I. (, comfortable Fon COm '. ttoannnR. 1. ure Honey We have autne exli'n line 11.Iuvt•t' Money. It Is a balance of a cat - I, sod h'tt over Rftet supplying our veto,'" t ' net,ltiSte titin 1'+ t'Ytl el Imre, Nohllilig darkurattong 'Hay - (real ahune this, elo',I of the dummy was lh'It way this year. It cost more but We worth it.. It is $301) foe a 10 ib. pail, SVe have it itt 05 Ib. tine also, G. A. Deadman HYMENEAL. --At high noon Sept trill, Trinity church, Kitchener, was the amine of a very pretty September wedding , when Miss Elsie E. Good, daughter of Mrs N Good, No. t Pequeguat Avenue, became the bride of Fred ). Wood, sou of J. '1`, and Mrs. Wood, Brussels, The nuptial knot was tied by Rev, 1. H. Me - Bain, pastor of the church. Following the netemone a wedding luncheon awl reception was enj .yeti at the home of the bride at which about 5o guests were present. The church was beautifully decorated with palms, ferus and co .0105, As the bride entered the edifice Prof, Ziegler rendered the Lnhengrin wed- ding march The bride was becomingly attired in a becoming gown of beaded georgette crepe She wore the custo- mary tulle veil decorated with white fl,were and e'rried a shower bcq let of roses Her bridesmaid, Miss Mae Wood, sister or the groom, was dressed iu pale yellow 5 iwered ehiffon and wore a black hat. She carried a hotpot of pale yellow roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. A M. McDermott, Regina, Sask.. sister of bride, wore net over pink and WARblack, r Her hat w ca rietl pink roses The groom was supported by Gordon Buchanan, Wingham, Ont. The ush- ers were Harold Gard, of Waterloo, and Wilfrid Schlee, Kitchener. During the signing of the register Miss E. Sipuei sang "Because." The bride was the re- cipient of a wealth of beantitel and use fel gifts. The groom's gift to the bride, was a pearl bar pin, to the groomsman, tie pits, set with pearls and to the ushers gold cuff links Following the reception at the home of the bride, Mr, and Mrs. Wood left for a honeymoon trip to be spent at the 'Thousands and Quebec Upon their return they will reside at Brussels. Among the out of town guests teem J T. and Mrs. Wootl, Miss Mae Rod Merner, Brussels, F. and Mrs Wood, Edo, and T. and Mrs. McFar- !Rne, Loudon and .Mrs. A. M. McDer- mott. of Reeina, Sask. Another Epidemic? Medical authorities throughout the United States are warning the public that a recurrence of the influenza epidemic of last Fall is expected this Winter. This warning is issued by the medical authorties so that the public may not beas unprepared as a year ago, 1t is not intended in any way to frighten the country. Little progress has been made in developing methods of coin - hating this disease which took a toll last year much heavier than the Great War. Whether or not the epidemic, if it conies, will be as severe as a year ago no one can forecast. Certainly with proper warning, state and munici- pal authorities can be more ready to combat it, It has been the experience of the past that these epidemics usually occur for three consecutive Years, each one less severe tIan thee preceding one. There will be no big army camps this year where the disease may catch young men unawares and where authorities have no time to properly prepare for it. 1 There will bephysicians more in all the cities of the countryntrY and more nurses. healthy ynow, your h look to w ell being and perhaps if everyone does that there will be no such scourge as in 1918. 7 PIIS d weeks old, for sale. Wat. ALnsasoa, Cranbrook. ssI.ALL Purse loot in Brussels on Fair Day, containing about $8 in money. Suitable re- ward on its return to TDs Poea+, FOR Sats,—Comfortable frame house in Walton. rooms, cellar, cistern, &o. A only y 16•G[ to JAR. HA sous, Welton. FOR SALE.—I. H. C. Gas Engles. 8 h.p., good RR new. Also a cutting box and chopper. Phone 495. I RATnwsr,t, Lowe between Brussels and Jamestown, a Buffalo Robe, waterproof lining, Will finder kindly leave it at TRe PORT. It belonged to John Delaney, of Markdale, a blind pedlar. A Fran Cow—Olfere reaefved for a fine large five-year-old grade Durham oow, with a trace of Jersey. Freshens in Dec, Will give on shares if I do not sell. G. A. DEADMAN. Goon Milch CowCepa. for ssle. Will MoQUAfreshenanrE, early in October. Phone 2412. Con, 10, Grey Twp EVBaY Motion Ploture fan should see the two great attractions at the Strand Theatre, Seaforth, next week, On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Douglas Fairbanks will be shown in "He Come+Up Smiling," and on Fri• day sod Saturday afternoon and evening Minket'" will. be presented. This p100010 15 the greatest sensation of the year and has just finished a sixteen -week etgagement at the Grand Theatre, Toronto. GRAHAM, the Eyesight Specialist, who will beatSErettona from Sept.29th until Cot. 8111, hem toed the eyes of 20 00o people. [ OnBnit him. Exn ination tree. 7 Cows for sale. 2 fresh, 2 to freshen in Oat, oberand 8in December. Apply to' 18.2 J. D BLAKE, Lot 0, 0on'18, Grey. FOR SAID --A fine heifer 8 months old. Ap. ply to MRs, 12. N. Dune, Bluovsle TotNG girl wonted to learn pant and vest making, Wages $5 00 a week to start with. Apply to R. FERGUSON, Brussels, Fon RALE.—Lot 1, Con, 11, in the township of Grey, 8 acres, more or less, For particulars, apply R. HosnsvoOLE, 445 Lauder Ave., Tor- onto, Ont, Fon NAr.s.—The eligible brink store and dwelling combined, now occupied by Mrs. Jane Thompson. For further particulars ap- ' ply to Mits. J. G. SEENE, 28 Page street, Toron- to, or S. Wilton, Brussels. APPRENTICE wetted to learn the printing. One whosPoorhas .passed Entrance exam. Apply st Tu I Lire POULTRY wanted on Monday and Tues• day or each week. Phone Na, 88 for prices, &n. R. THOMSON, Brussels. I Da. PARKER, Osteopathic Phyeieian, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. I Chronic: and nervous diseases successfully I treated, Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. Dr. Parker is at present on a trip to Chicago and other pointe He will re- sume his visits to Brussels the second eve ek ID October. Stewart Fox hae gone to 'Toronto where he is taking it term at Pharmacy !College to secure lib; certificate as Drug- ! gist His ea Her plans were interfered with by a response to the Nation's call to defend the fine on the battle fields of Flanders and France N. 1. Lowthiau, Millbank, South Da- kota, his grand [laughter, Mise Maty Lowthien, of Wa ertnwu, same State, with Geo. and Miss Mamie Lowthian, Mount Brvdgesand Miss Leota Suther'+ land, Delaware, consriteted a motoring party who visited A C. anti Mrs, Dames, From Menses a gide trip was taken to Mount Forest to f -es Mrs Geo. Rogers end Mins Nina, 'l'lhe guests are relatives and had a fine time. ,- ,•., 'r r..,T ,s.: Mtin#^45M'+4i 1. ^t".h'd'. t.,:AKA. 1 yyf� 'i .n:,�Fi,.F•.. Mn'.�4�'.1 NSsrn�.'liY+"�3tM 'fe,.�e,v. a.IMe `., 'K4r••w,v:�.rt--w,.ws11LL'�'.Y: a.vvm�Y...+rwr.Mn�wM.el.+'h'AYK`-4"x.`lp,r+.nni�M+t> 'R`CIClIh-H><?!kn•-%!''`'t91r�'?^'�:/WF�e'ft3Sr�.. t!iRti",r!11'.'4S•M•+"ryGin3'XV+mP4r."r§ t I l Lest week Mies Vivian .ares, Queen $1 People We Talk About t$ $k $t A, C. Dimes is home from an enjoy able trip through New York Sts'e. Elmer and Mrs Ewen, of Terotno, were visitors iu Btusseis for a few deys P. Stewart Is away to the Weet o 1 a business trip, His property lies in North Dakota. Mrs Wm Kellin'ton, Guelph, is bene on a visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Win lewitt, Mill street. Miss Be:llrice Harris was h me for s few clave 6onPortLreit owing the h i n enation her sister erweut tt d operation Mt., Copp, t •cToronto is a vier'i r a n the e home of G. A Deadman. She hat visit- ed here on s-veial former occtsious. H W. and Mrs. Glazier and baby daughter, of Straford have been visit lug relatives and friends in Brussels and vicinity. Mrs. 5, Whittard and children we,e visiting the former's sister, Mrs. F Stamper and other friends io Bluevale for a few clays George, son of ,Wm and Mrs Seeker, town, is a tending the Business College at Stralfotd, taking a commercial course. We wish him Success. Harry and Mrs Bartlff, Clinton, were in town Thursday of last week In visit the latter's mother, Mrs. Jno. Cardiff, who has not beem.well. S. and Mrs, Weinstein and family ere at Toronto for a week attending' the Jewish festivities of the New Years. Mrs, Weinstein is prolonging her stay. Juo Sperling, of Niagara Falls, has come to Brussels to make his home. Mrs. Sperling is the eldest daughter of the late 'rhos, and Mrs Curry, Queen street, W. F, Stratton is in Toronto this week aiding his nephew, Frank Strettou, formerly of Brussels, in the purchase of a jewellery stook for the lattor'e new store in Hemilion. D. Cantlon, Vancouver, is here on a holiday visit with relatives and old friends, He may take his parents, Arthur and Mrs, Cantlon back with him, 11 is 8 long tt ip but the old folk are good stuff Wm, Burgess, formerly of Brussels locality, but now of Rockwood, was re- newing old frhendehips during the past week. Although it is 23 years since he was here be found a good many of the folk he need to be acquainted with. He is a brother to W. W. Burgess, photo- grapher, Mitchell, Counter Check Books Tem Puny is prepared 50 sup- ply rhe var10u0 styles of tluuuter -Bleep Bunks on sheet notice. Stltiiples nllty he seen and prices tweerteined by calling at one office, You can buy tis cheap from us as trona any company, Let us have, your order, THE POST. BRUSSELS Mrs N. f+ (terry has been visiting relatives at Fergus tluriug the past week, George and Mrs. Keys, '1'oranto, were renewing elft friendships in Brussels and fcatity, 41r, Keys hes recovered his health all right, Harris, street, underwent an operatton for ap- pendicitis aid is making favorable pro- gress her many 1rieude are glad to hear. .\lrs. Jstie Thompson was laid aside for a "env days by blood poisoning in her left hand ocoesioned by a prod from a piece of wire on a grape basket. 'Phe swell- ing had reached to her elbow when its course was stopped. She was back to work in her store last Saturday, whicb was a little venturesome, Last Sunday m oroing Rev. Mr. Mann preached from the text "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to Christ the things that are Christ's," 'Jacob at Bethel." Eveningtopic was Miss ENz+beth Wilson, sister of Mrs (Rev ) J F. Reycraft, of Goderich, bas resigned her position on the staff of the editor,' andwill go to China Exeter high ambo to take Su Rppointment as teacher in the Methodist mission at Ching tee China She expects to sail the latterlpart of Oct- ober.. Miss Wilson is a drawl her of the :ate Rev Jasper Wilson, at one time pastor of, North street Methodist church, Goderiol and a neice to S. B Wilson, a former resident nt Brussels suttee years age BORN BUnso.—At the Wingham hospital, on Sept, 18th, 1010, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burke, a 9011, O0s8ewO919, to n St. Mrs. on September —nee 819, 1e Mr. and Mre. H. Cunningham,( —nee AlioeDoxey, Brassele—a son, laur- enoe John ) MARRIED BHOT,DTOo—MOnnTOHEON,—At, St, John's Rectory. Brussels, by Rev. Henry Smith, on September 16:8,1510, Mr. Wm, R Shol- dios. of Walton, to Miss Martha J., young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mo- Cntolteon, Morris township, MARTIN—OAntnaot.—At the home of the bride's parents, 00 September 1511',1019, by Rev R. F. Cameron, Georgetown, uncle of the bride, Mr. Albert F. Martin, of Detroit, Mich , to Miss Mayme Luella Cameron. of Wandeor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron, Orenbrook. 01ED ALtteoN—In Belgrave. on September 17th, 1919, r,sbolla McCallum, relict of the late Walter Allison, aged 78 years. IN MEMORIAM OAMPnaLrn—ln loving memory of our dear Harold, killed at the Canal Du Nord, Sep- tember 2718, 1518. He fell with the brave in the awful l fight, Waged for tine for Gd end. Right • And though earth honors he may not gain, has W011 the crown of the martyred slain, t n. —HIR LOVING Momnc a. FATHER, ,SISTERS AND BROTHERS. Auction Sales AII :TION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM• T'i.sasarma, &o,—F .5 Soott, Auctioneer, has been invtruotod b the undersigned to sell by potato auction at Lot 28, Con. 1.7, Grey, on Tuesday, Oat 7111, at 1 p n,., the following valuable property: -1 brood snare 11 years old, 2 Percherin mares 8 years old. 1 driving horse 0 years old I horse 12 years old, 1 horse 9 years old, 5 oawi supposed in self, 1 Elora' bred Short Horn bull, tl atee'•s 2 years old, 2 heifers 2 years old, 2 steers l tar old 4 heifers 1 year old, 9 spring Caves, 1 brood Bow due to farrow the 8th Nov„ 1 young sow about 175 Iba 6 chunks of pigs, about 46 hens, Mnsaev-uarria binder 6 0 cut nearly new, Modonniok Hower 0.21. out new, International side mite and tedder com- bined nearly new, Massey-nnrris hay loader, Masseynarris hay tedder, hey rare, seed drill, cultivator with Beed box, disc harrow scruffier, walkin plow, threesiron )farrows, gravel box, wagon and box, now sleigh, top buggy, open buggy, nutter, hay renin with car, fanning mill, root pnlper, nutting box, hay ropes, ear, slings, fo lr and pulleys, cream Rep. u•ator, 2 Cook HOVE*, set team harness, est of plow harneea, set single harness, about 700 bus, oats 100 bus.mixed grain ' grass sR s eed , about cedar posts, number otomnion nate quantity of wood, about 500 lbs. Bolt hoose shovels grain n bags, root forte, otians, forks, andnumerous f r articles. Salo unreel e t u, a nue other t t d unreserved as proprietor10ndInas .enid his form, Tatftmounts of m$1000 credit undvroasn ' over ehatamoune ,m olroent it given ah approv- ed taint notes. 5 per Cent of for cosh 5' cred- it amounts, JOHN WESLEY MOI{A3r, Proprietor, err ,41�.w= ffi s`3semi0' 1 agetsitewo t eesri0Vagg+ ;?It3etA m3s000 lrtn xft 0 • • 1':t:U.NSTRUC- `1.'iOl'd is the order of the day. If n Bt.zve formed the Savo tbit you are prepared 1pt.t its opportunities; if not, reconstruct your methods and begin today. We have a Savings Department at every Branch. 295 THE Pt9 BASK t• 1''s RI.Car-;A BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, SEPT. 80n1t.—Farm stock, imple- ments, household furniture, &o. S%' Lot 26, Sal unreserved at n Morris township,e On .4 1p. 1st; A,L. Kerr, Prop, • F. S. Scott. Ano. MONSTEAUCTION BA%E.—Tlrursdn,y, Oat. 2nd, C.F. Vandrink, Auctioneer, will conduct a monster Auction Sale of farm stock, imple- ments, &a., alae the 800 acre farm, for Fred. Mitchell. at LtIts 82108 and 84Concession 4, Grey. This will al one of o'clock k pini miles in this diatribe. Sale at 1 separate if The Parma will be Ioffered reparars if nob sold en blook. See bila for th —Farms. TIIa, of 7th --Form Stock, Imple- ments, "Sc.c. Lot 28, Con. 17, Grey. Sale mire - served at 1 p. m John Wesley MaKsy, Prop,; F. S. Scott, Ano. FRIDAY, 00T. 10.—Farm Stock, implements, Household Furniture, &c , S3,4 Lot 14, Con, 8, Morris Township. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. Aram. Nrnn00, Prop, F, 5. Soolo, Auo, TUESDAY, 0oT.I4Te.-Farm Stook, Imple- ments, Furniture, &o. Lot 14, Con. 10. Grey. Sale, unreserved. at 1 p. m. Jacob W, Fischer, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Auo. The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board In the matter of the Application of the Commissioners for the Telephone System of the Municipality of Brussels, for authority to increase the charge for telephone service furnished by The Brussels, Morrie & Grey Municipal Telephone Sys- tem from $1200 per annum to $18 00 per au num. Appointment for Hearing The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board hereby appoints Tuesday, the Fourth day of November, Four in the afteD. rnoon a at the PubQuarter tle T 1U rary,.in the Village of Brussels, for the hear- ing hereha. Doted at Toronto this Nineteenth day of September, A. D. 1919. H. C. SMALL, Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of Henry James, -late of the Village of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, Hotel Kcop er, ;doceased. Notice ishereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario,' that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the mid. Henry Janes, who died on or about the 17th day of May, A. D., 1915, are required on or before the 18th day of Octo- ber, A, D., 1510, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to W. M. Sinclair, of the Village of Brea - eels, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the Executors of the lastiWiil :and Testament of the deceased, their Ohriatian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their elating, the abatement of -their 'la- oounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by then. And further take notice that after such loot mentioned date the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the Resets of the de:m sed mnarlg the parties entitled thereto having re - Tall then Inane of which the. sl mrd one to olefins V y Y r re will not 6� id said Exce to wi have untie'', and t v to r any art there- of for rso,, 01 pee o be Iia Y 71 1 person neons of whose ose alnico notloe Of t0 any pe 90 persona them at shall not have been received b tbRtted mus1 t distribution. Dated at Brussels this 10th day of September, A. D 1910. W. M. SINCLAIR, Sotioftor for John Ferguson and Walter Lowry 18.2 Exeoutors of the last Will of deceased, MOM For Better Value and Real Satisfaction Select Your Memorial Here IN designing a memorial special effort le made to reflect Lhe pal'• pose of the donor and originate a Mnnutnent of dietinetivo design, harmonious in proportintl8 and a fardel of dignified beauty, On y the "Meet and most durable material is used—the kind best suited to simnel Lhe ravages of time and weather. The carving and lettering will receive expert attention, which is an important feature in the completed memorial. Each order is hand- led with Lhe idea of creating a masterpiece for its size and type, sees. Brussels Granite and Marble Works A. E. HERSEY, Proprietor. 00 • 0 E • • • • u 0 M • A • • 10 0 0 • • • • 0 0 0 • • • • • • 08 • • • ••• • 0 • • • 0 • • • • F s >,ri r g Store R E A D T H 1 8 L E T E R TI -TE S'l'ORI Weekly St l>w" re News RAE Al IS 222117i.PF3Rt�.°. .'1iw"T7"itaQ.,. e Are You Troubled with Rheumatism? If so Read This Letter. TORONTO, SEPT. 1t, 1919 MESSRS, TEUPLETONS, 142 King St. West, Toronto 1 DEAR SIlte$,—Last April my husband (R. A. Watkins) noittracted Rheumatism very badly. Ile grew steadily worse in spite of all thee utedinal 8clen0e could do to relieve hie awful pain. At last we had t0 get a water mat Leese fol' itiln t0 lie all. fie had been ill 14 weeks, the last 10 weeks :in bed, when 1 noticed your advettiseutett for Templeton's' Rheumatism Capsules and bought a box, The re- sults were simply marvelous. After taking 1115111 a week he could move about the house ; and after two boxes lie went right dawn town. He has now re- turned to work in the best. of health and quite free front 4heumatisus. Ile took five boxes altogether for his Rheumatism but we found the Capsules so good for headaches we always keep a box ill the house, Bulb my husband and 1 cannot say enough in praise of 'reinpleLons' Rheumatic (lapeules, \Ve hot them r'tbenlL lt.tie it wouh Yours Truly, (Signed) MRN. ALi('E WATKINS. To \Vssom fr MAY CONCERN t I am in charge of Mr. J. M. Whiting's ling Store, 1308 St. Olait avenue, West. 1 sold Aire. Wat- kins her fltst box of Tewpletons' Capsules. Frons what I know of Mfr, Watkins' illness the above is an accurate history of the case. W, IIODGINS. i 0 A R D 0 0 T� 19 (0 cs H0 0 0 L T T R We are Sole Agents for Templeton's Capsules in Brussels. JAMES DRUGGIST and STATIONER a U 20 • s8 0 et t7 k9 0 et et • 0 • (5 t2 4) C • 19 00 o G a! 08 0 0 • • • • • • 0 0 • G m 0 tB rJ a • m m•otseeos 5008(au ososts®ds00000m©meeccogetwoce©0008®•45610000 BRUSSELS MARKET $2 90 85 1 05 1 46 52 10 50 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hoge t2 10 1 65 1 25 46 6'2 18 60 Farm for Sale The nndarsigntd offers for salable farm Lot 0 (Ion 0, Hawick, containing 157 stores. First- elnes buildings choice land, A 1. location. 11:, nines from Gorrfe, R. A, SPOTTON, 12.4 Wingltnm, or see G. W. Walker, Gerrie. 1 comiF;= to r a I am pleased to announce that I have been successful in again securing the services of Mre FE AE Graham (Formerly of Montreal) the well known Eyesight Specialist, who will give FREE daily Examination in my store From Monday y Sept. 29 "He Looks Into the Eye" Until Wednesday Oct. 8 MR. GRAHAM spent to days with me several years ago and gave such excellent results that warrants me in securing him again. He has Tested the Eyes of over 203000 People A Vast Experience Over 2o0 Opticians in Ontario are now using Mr. Graham's system of Testing. This is indeed a great opportunity to have your Eyes Tested FREE by a great Specialist and no doubt hundreds will avail them• selves of the great Free offer during those to days. Book Your Appointment at Once. Ili—Come Early as the last days are usuaily busy. W0 F. Stretton JEWELER Brussels OPTICIAN •IIIUIIIIIIIIII11 �h- IlIll 1111111111111 1 t Iliii1 II 1I► 9tilJ I!'t' 1, Ir "He Looks Into the Eye" Until Wednesday Oct. 8 MR. GRAHAM spent to days with me several years ago and gave such excellent results that warrants me in securing him again. He has Tested the Eyes of over 203000 People A Vast Experience Over 2o0 Opticians in Ontario are now using Mr. Graham's system of Testing. This is indeed a great opportunity to have your Eyes Tested FREE by a great Specialist and no doubt hundreds will avail them• selves of the great Free offer during those to days. Book Your Appointment at Once. Ili—Come Early as the last days are usuaily busy. W0 F. Stretton JEWELER Brussels OPTICIAN