HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-9-25, Page 1VOL. 48 NQ, I. ;
'1,5o Per Annum 10 Advance F: ,' 5'J T ), - ON (.i F21Q. J L7TTkSD Y; SI F'1'F712f3FR 25. 1919
87 Years of
The foundation stone of any Bank's
success must be service to the public.
The 87 years of steady growth of
this Bank, its steady increase in assets
and resources, are a measure of the
sound, consistent, friendly service it
extends to its customers.
May we not serve you, too?
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capitol g 9,700,000
Reserve Pund - - 10,000,000
Resources - - 220,000,000
F. 11, GII,ROX
Brussels Branch
01001 ft;
New Advertisements
Tho (treat Love.
For sato-Jas. Harris.
For sale -I, Rothwell,
Robe lost -John Delaney.
(lows for sale -J. D. 8121110.
Partin lost -Tan Poem.
Locals-W.F. Stretton.
For nnle-I, e. Richards.
Pigs for sale -Wal, Alderson.
cow Cor sale -G. A. Madman,
Cow for ealo-Chas. McQuurrie,
Local-Strsnd, Sonforth,
For sale -Edward Fletcher.
Store news-Jenlos rbx,
blon's clothing -R, O. Ratitwell,
Voters' List -Township of Morris.
Auction yule -Jahn Wesley Macey,
Pure honey -G. A. Deadman,
Dispersion Sale -Mrs. Robert Charters.
Ry. and Municipal Board -,H 0. Small.
Notice to oredttors-9arry James estate,
Eyesight Speelnlist-W. 9'. Stretton,
V.sttitt :elvs
Manager Hanley, of the Royal Bank,
Rodney, A's. Hanley and little 22011
were the guests of the former's par-
ents, Oen, and Alva. Hanley, during
the past week, leaving by motor Tues-
day to spend a Few days enroute home
with Mrs. Hauley's father, De. Rob-
son, Ildertol.
The parties who took the quantities
of groceries from MacNaught station
on the night of Sept, 1st, are known,
and will be given a few days to eeturn
0r pay for same before putting the
matter in the hands of the authol•ities.
R. 0. RATuwlr.L
Rally day exercises will be held a
week from next Sabbath in the Metho-
dist Sunday School.
Rev. R. F, Ontneeon, of Geo'getown,
was 0 visitor dere for a few days lest
week, He is 0(1 old Uranbroolcite and
always welcome.
MA'rn1MONIAL,—A piet:ty wedding
was solemnized at the home of Allan
ate Mrs. Oalnpron, Monday, Sept. 15th
when their daughter, Miss MameLuella, was united marriage to Al-
bert F. Martin, of Detroit. Mich.
Ceremony was pet formed by Rev. R.
Cameron, Georgetown, Ont„ 111111re
Harvest time brings expenses which must
be met with ready money. Should yolt
need an advance to help you over this busy
season, interview this Bank. We are pre-
pared to help all responsible farmers.
Walton Branch
J, M. McMILIAN, Acting Manager
q. .
.2)..t. , , M . .
Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat ?
If you do you will be interested in the choice line
of samples we have just received. Also in the large
book of Autumn Styles for Men, which shows you just
how some of these samples look when .made up.
Expert Tailoring
Fit guaranteed and Moderate Prices are considerations
you cannot afford to overlook,
R. O. RATHW LL Moncrief
of the bride, in the pi *nattiest of n fele
fi lilt', 11 ills wo it a drew of 111(0y
blu"(12..2gni 10mem..• Afire the sid-
ing of the register the guests eat down
to 21 suu1p1 nn11 4 repast see sed by the
Iloelt'n22, Numerous 1111(1 costly Wer e
the gifts 00 I.lie hrlde. This brutal
collide left for their 1101110 ill Wiutisol•,
01(1„ on Saturday 20111 inst., carry•
Ing with thele the gond wishes of a
wide circle of relatives and ft binds.
F.11 SA1,10-Undw'nig' .•,1 olrors tot' xah' a
comfortable house-, and N arse of bald with
good x401,11', )ten house and drive shed. Also n
cutter, Niall 1000,1 8012 coingle il hootinrneasg
eters, EnwAtt 010l,01'011111t, 11121101.
1:1111'1 1101118 on page 5 else.
Jets. McLelland is enjoying a holiday
at Paisley and other points.
Pt e, J,w. Bremner, son of Role. 11(111
Nies 'irritator, and No, mat Addy ar-
rived home ft'OIli overseas and ate
heal h.ily welcomed back,
Next Sabbath evening a double (Male
Quartette ft Om Ill us91l1, with W. if.
AVillis, \Vingtianl, its conductor, will
sing at the Harvest, Hume services in
the Aletluulist 01i0loh,
Aluei1t11 business has been moving
along fi'un1 the W. H. Love store,
Ethel Bell i1111r100 IIaVc recently been
placed 111 the home. of Barry Keys,
Cennbrook, and 1Vrn. Turnbull, 411
Oon. al' (3 rey ; and a Gtamophoue to
Alex, Fraser, lith Con.
Next Sunday afternoon Rally t)ay
will be 011821 veil i(2 the Sabbath srhool
held in Vitamin Hall, Offering will
go to the Redemptive Home,'l'orn11Lo,
Oo'llial invitation (X Guided to pat-
W. H. Fraser, 91. P. P., who lives
(Vest of dere, will carry the colors for
the forthcoming election to the Legis-
lature in the Liberal cause, A num-
ber from this locality alteucled the
Nominating Oouveutioll at Wiugham
hurt, Friday.
Sarre, Burke, hasputohased the brick
house on the 13 lieu corner, Winghllu,
from Belt Porter. There is with the
buildings about 4 acres of land, Mt.
Burke and family purpose moving to
town in the near future having sold
his farm to his son, Sam. The 1301.118
falllny haVe lived 111 this locality roe it
number of years and will carry with
thecal the good wishes of the commun-
Read Grey flews on page 5.
Mise Dade Griffin, of Toronto, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred. Tock.
A. few weddings 210 on tab in this
township but it is a trifle eatly to
mention names of principals yet.
During the past week Mrs. Stanley
Wheeler, 8111 Uon„ has been ill with
threatened pneumonia but is improv-
ing now we are glad to say,
Quintin Mc Blain, of Caledonia, a
former resident of this township, was
calling on old friends during the past
week, He stands the passing years
Will, Lamont has not been having
very robust health since he and Mrs.
Lamont went West for a till) a few
u1011LLs ago but old friends here hope
fol' early 1111111'11velnellt,
The fine 100 acre homestead farm of
J. K. Baker, 011) Con„ has been sold
to 11s erns Chester, who moved into
the brie': home. Father and Selwyn
2vi11 continue to make their home
three in the meantime.
Grey township must helve got 0
good chunk out of the hall Fair prize
list at Brussels judging by the large
number of exliib)tor8. We might
clean up neatly the whole list if we
went after it right. Whoop 1
The parties who took the quanties
of groceries from MacNauglit station
on the night of Sept. 1st, are known,
and will be given a fete days to return
or pay for same before putting matter
in the hands of the antbotitde8.
Last week Mrs, W. M. Brewer re-
eeived a message amounting the
deli of her sister, Mrs, Sarah Laec11,
who died 111 Towne(, Nurlh Dakota,
She is also 11 .,istPl. oC Peter McDougall,
Jamestown and Jas , Landon, North
Daknt(1, and AL's, Jas, Lyilburuer,
1511, The deceased had been In fail -
i 1( h al 11 1001 eves a year.
'1'1101111.111 01'.1210011 W. Fischel', Lot
11 (2'00. 111, Grey, has been sold to
, x 21 rk, ''f OI h 0,111„ for the stun
o $3,7110. Plssoseiml will he .given
this Fell. Ate. Fischer tvill hold a
etear)ng Auction Sale of Farm Stock
im ,l'11Ie112s 4211. or
1 Tuesday,Oct.
' 81,
01.1 with F S, . N colt. ns 2'e
1uc in n .r.
t L
He w115 on the pleme 2 yenta, Plans
'or future not completed yet,
Arra and . r, Davey y r lc daughter, Isabel
are holidaying 111 Toronto.
Misses Mary Sanderson and Clara
Moffatt., Toronto, are guests of friends
Donald Munro, Oleveland, is spend-
ing 2 weeks yawl:Mon with his mother,
Airs, A Munro.
Sherrie Gibson has returned frons
new Ontario, where he spent the
Snmrner fire-ra,tgh,g,
Rev. A. 3, Love., Staffs, a former
pa01411 of the Methodist 01012011 called
on friends here last weep,
f:JMes, Scott Black and ohildr'en left
Friday for their home i1, Tngaske,
Sask., aftei' two hnnntlls visit with
Arany Mende of Thos, and Mt's,
Brown, 9ylnp12111iae with deter in the
death of their infant daughter which
toolt place Sunday night.
Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Listowel, had
charge of the Harvest Hoole Service
111 Anglican church Sunday. 011ur01
was nicely decimated, for the occasion.
Jigs, and Mrs. Bone motored from
Sault Ste, Alaele, Mich., last week and
111'0 renewing acquaintances in all(1
around the Village, They were form-
er neaidents,
Dispersion gale
hJnti11' 1101(1 of Scotch and Sentell tap-
ped Shot thorns, also 50 head of Regis.
101011 Leicester Sheep, consisting of 30
k Wes and a splelnlid lot of 2.220121 -old
hhlauling and Haul Lambs and 1:3
head of Clydesdale Moises, the pulp•
erty of the late Robert Oh/tater 1,
lot 32, Con, 6, LB,S. Tuckersniith
Wednesday, October 1st
Sal' to cnlllmenee at 12 80 slit p.
Catalogues can be had on applicator,
T, P 11o132op, 0 AuctiOueera.
THOS, B1t0NN,1
Mrs. Jno. Davidson who has been
in failing health for some years, is
very low, e.nd slight hopes are enter -
Mined for recovery,
Mts. \Valle,' received the sad 110198
of the (heath of her 010111er i11 Eng-
land, which took place after a long
and painful illness. E. and Airs.
Lowry wee0 also saddened by the
death of their little neic-e, Margaret
Williarnoon, or Toronto, a perlirnlar-
ly clever lit Ile girl, who visited them
on several occasions,
Corn is 12 great crop in this locality
and has done wonderfully well in pro-
duction of enb 118 well as stalk, mak-
ing the contents of the silo of consid-
erable more value than usual in its
feeding qualities. As a sample, A.
Gallaher had 6 acrea of Early Leeming
variety that filled28 feet in a 12 foot
diametred silo. Some cobs bad 20
rows of corn. It was cut by a corn
0012oci1 meeting next Alorlday.
Blyth Fall Fair was the attraction
on Tuesday.
Township rate for 1910 will be 23
mills on the dollar,
Mrs. J. Jermyn, Brussels, and her
daughter, Mrs. Fred Near, Detroit, are
visitors with Ohris. and Mrs, Roger-
Keep tab on the Auction Sale of
Farm Stock, Asc., at A. L. Kerr's, 4th
line, next Tuesday afternoon. See
adv t,
Gordon Ferguson, of Toronto Uni-
versity, W118 borne for a few days as-
sisting in the Auction sale at the
Contract rot, culvert on centre side -
road, on Mathets drain, was given to
Wm. Love at $800. Arthur Shaw is
inspector at $2 00 per day.
The third and last son of Win, and
Mrs. Thuell, 1111 line, arrived home
this week from overseas. Fred. has
been receiving the glad band.
The Auction Sale of W. 11, Fergu-
son's, last Monday afternoon, went
with a good sweep. totalling about
$8000. One cow brought $130. Jas.
Taylor wits the Auctioneer.
The 3 North Huron nominees for
the coining Pr 121001nl political fray
were at W. H. Fergueon's Auction
Sale Monday, popularizing theme
selves, They area lively trio,
At the Rectory of St. John's church,
Brussels, Wednesday of last week, a
quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev.
Henry Smith, when Wm, 11 Sholdioe,
a well known young farmer of Wal-
ton, was United in marriage to Mies
Martha J., youngest daughter of
Frank and Mrs. AlcOutcheon, Olt line
Morris, They will reside on the
grnorn'8 fine farm at Walton and com-
mence married life with the best wish-
es of many relatives and friends,
day evening of last week the neigh-
bors and friends of the 601 line, of
George and Mrs, Miller and S. Oant•
1on, father of ales, (Miner, who lives
with theta, paid a visit to their home
on the eve of their de lactate to Afani•
toba when the following address was
read by Alias McKellm' and a rocking
chair presented to host and 1(081084
and a Bible to Mr, Crandon, with \'Val,
Alderson in the chair h—
have assemb-
led this evening o enjoy a social hone
with yon before _Y O
u leave Ilie neo
foe the West' You have
proven yourselves good neighbors,
ever ready to lend a helping hand to
any and every gond cause. While we
regret your departure we hope you
will be rovi lent ll
c la directed i2) 1'
p y your
future course and that health, happi-
ness and prosperity may attend yen
and yours. As a token of out esteem
and a reminder of the people of this
community we present Mr. and Mrs.
Miller, with this easy chair, anci Mr.
Canton this Holy 1311110. May you re-
ceive 11111011 anmfort'front eanh of 11111
gifts and the hope you will often turn
10 thought to your old friends in Mor-
ris township. Let es all live sunt
lives that when the changes are past
W8 may meet to part no more in the
Mouse of many A10119ion5.
Signed in behalf of the community,
Short, appropliato replies werelmadc.
Evening was pleasantly spent in social
chat, games, music and 100011, and
company separated expreesilg regrets
and good Wi0he8. 911'. and Mr, Millet
and 1120111y leave this week for then,
new home, near Scenes Man„ where
they expect to follow fanning, They
have relatives out there. Mr. Oant-
ion, who is 85 years of age, Accompani-
ed them, Mr. 9111101 tva5 Supeeintend-
entof the Sunshine Sunday School.
The family will be missed, We hope
the will enjoy many year's of Success
in their neW home.
East Huron Fall Fair
a Splendid Success ® Office
Goth Exhibits; Great Crowd ;Ind Satisldr it
East Huron Attie -unmet; Society
121'1,) its annual Fall Exhibition, Tires-
() ty and 1Veililetulay or last week and
by the kindness of 11ie weather 1111211 a
good bland of favorable 0olld1110014
were allot led.
Filet 1111y there was (1 lively 11, 0110
11) 12111112 exlllblLa in the Fair Building
before 110011 and the result 20(18 a dig -
play comparing farm ably with Whet
years, except in apples and dairy
pr00uels. There wan aims a falling off
in the Art depot Linea, although in
each class there were many meritor-
ious el,trie2 that kept the Judges go-
ing a good share of the afternoon.
'11:11e Ladies Departmeul was certainly
81112 I'XJlibit,
\Vednesday the exhibitors got
round in good time and Secretary
Black and assistants had a busy 111110.
Most of the Directors were on baud
and everything in shipshape when
the judging commenced.
There was a dearth of heavy horses,
in the light horse class competition was
keener. Empty pens were noticeable
in the hog display, even if prizes are
good hilt i0 cattle there was a good ex-
hibit the herd . of 0, Turnbull es Son,
A. Hislop and 3 (I Speir being 2vell re-
presented and numerous fine an) -
mals of which owner's names may
be found in list of prizes. In sheep
(Weems. Connell, Knox Bros„ Sander-
son, Cowan and Long were the chief
sesisDI200 EVENTS -
consisted of 8 races which were warm-
ly contested, They were as follows ;-
2,20 Trot or Pace -
1(1.111' 2
1'11e politician 001'12' 1111h,)e('mrpir..
net, by 11.11 111ne1,('l',
Bast Burro Ia,lIPY are halal to beat
when It merles to c"uket•y.
Co. Repteseulotive 24, 13, Stother1
(12218 211 1111014.14021 "peel Min un Wed-
I'h0c'e Might easily have beet, a Inti,
(110.1 inure exhibitors if the 12001210 1221
• 11101.2• "g11402',"
'1'110 Fall Ioai( today 21111 W111 it was
Zit years ago is nor 0110 and 1 ho same
thing in many-respeet1,
The dust was blot on the home-
stretch for the races. A few flanks of
water would have helped out.
Those "wan king men'8 suppers"
100110,1 good e(21211gh far King George
or the Editor of a newspaper.
Jarrle/. Jackson has the knack of fit-
ting up hie agricnitmal exhibit in a
mien 611111etiv0 and pleasing style.
Fair 1u)141MR Molted unite neat in
its new Fall suit of paint laud whit.e-
1vash. Walter Williamson had the
Walter Burnside, the well known
Kincardine 1101 4121111.0. was 110 91t1•tel
of the race, and also n0'gsphonell the
result 4.
Trampfast, Gray, Mitchell 1 1 1
Olive S., T,yons, Hanover .,.. 2 2 4
Helen Bell, Colvin, Teeswaler.. 4 4 2
Red Dart, Ormiston, Teeswater. 3 3 5
Elsie Campbell, Currie, Brussels 5 5 3
Best time 2.293
2,80 Trot—
Rose Stahl, H2u'tnell, Wiugham 1 1 1
Tool, Pawson, Brussels 2 2 2
Pansy Wilkes, Anderson, Brus-
sels 3 3 3
Best time 2,29
Running Race, 3 tnile 2 in 3—
Galbraitlh's Junior..,.. 1 1
Hamilton's Billy 2 8
Boyd's Nemo 5 2
Hamilton's Dewey 4 4
Nichol's Min B 5
3 were drawn.
Athletic sports afforded ample op-
portunity to prove the speed of the
young fry. 100 yard race for boys tin-
arder 14 years had no less than 20 com-
petitors. 3, Middleton took 1st
and G. Hislop, 3rd. In girl's
race under 14 W. Spells') lead the
fleet footed eleven home, with L. Pat-
te180u1 211d and AI Hoy 3rd. Under 10
years of age 8 little damsels faced the
starter and the winners were A. Rob-
ertson, A. 13. Thomson and AI. Thom-
son. There were only 21 young gal'.
fere in the 10 year old sprint for boys
and the honors went to J Blighton,
W, AloOartney and J. Warwick,
Every competitor in each of the above
races got a "look -ill" on the finances.
The potato race on -horseback was a
lively skirmish for the Irish bullets
and best time was made by S. Hamil-
ten who got $1.60 ; 2nd to 0. Hamil-
ton, $1.00 ; and 3rd to W. Nichol, 500,
A good supply of music was furnish-
ed by Lnrknow Brass Band and Kin-
cardine Pipe Band which was pleasing
to theeo 1e .
p p
No aocideni marred the day and the
big crowd was genial, and good natur-
ed many folk from the opposite points
of the compass enjoying a social hour'
The concert in the Skating Rink,
Wednesday evening attracted a bum-
per audience, neatly $450.00 being tak-
en ab the door, After stirringselec-
tions front Lucknow Band the pro-
gram proper begun, It consisted of
well played numbers by Kincardine
Pipe Band, Highland dancing that
warmed the cockles of' the heart of
than Soni ht
c Hell overtures
frorn the well known Black -
stop Orchestra, e 1 stla of
Goderich and
humorous songs, vending, s, skits, r
tati0ns,dcc„ from Messrs, Brazil and
White and tine baritone solos by Ah',
Slack, vocalists coming from Tor•-
otto. A number of the young people
attended an assemblyTown
nbl in the
Holl after the Concert, giving them a
full day without any (lotlbt,
Where was the flag ?
Refreellment stands had a good
The bleachers took the place of the
fol mer grand stand.
Concert crowd was 22 tremenclots
one $450.00 being the receipts.
School pupils lead a half holiday of
Wednesday and took in the (+air,
Director Muldoon had a bum Hine
managing the racing events Wednes•
day afternoon. There were no split
There was a fine list of special prizes
and most of them competed for.
Brussels stands behind the Pair in
good style.
Some light fingered people are too
ready to pick tar what does not belong
to them ;and afew who are under sus-
picion will be watched in faturo years
more closely.
How would ft do in 1920 to make a
department for School E3air ex1ibitoVS
and open to no others 7 Dates are so
near together it could be worked all
right if an arrangement were Made,
Judges gave wend s'lti,.fae112)11
the whole. It ie not an easy matte)
to please evelybndy as the )llizes (vont
go round.
The old time Carriage and Cutter
display and the agricultural imple-
ment array that need to form (2)1 in-
teresting feature wile 0111108.
N. F. Gerry has the ('hildl'enS' foot
racing mvn n to srieuoe and is n great
(1010001 (lr i11 making all the contestants
happy. Everybody gets a prize.
Half mile track teas i11 One condition
for the speeding events and the fact of
speedy of local equines taking part
with the 011152(10112 2211 ted up interest.
Fancy Drill cotupetitions did nut
materal)z0. Fair comes a ti ills close
to 5011001 opening to gel. ready and be-
fore vacation is usually a very busy
time in sahonls.
'('here were hundreds of antonobiles
at and in the Palk, many of them
corning long distances. The use of Lite
motor cuts o111- the old problem of
stabling accommodation.
"'forti' Miller and "Seek" Duncan
sold tickets for admissinu to Fair
"Bob" Henderson, ('crewed the paste-
boards and ('lor, McDowell Was outside
guard at the big gate. They looked
after their respective departments
Directors met on Saturday after-
noon to square up affairs. Secretary -
Treasurer Black tendered his resigna-
tion from the 01101.0118 duties and
President Ferguson stated he would
not accept office anothet year. Treas-
urer Black will be ready to pay the
prizes next Friday from 10 a. 2n, to 0
p. t0. at the furniture store,
Druggist Fox was the only I108iness
man who took interest enough in the
Fair to snake an exhibit, His display
of Fancy China was deservedly com-
plimented 00d Will bring hits, sales in
days to cone. 'There shollid be a citiz-
en c1 more business displays. What
is needed is some "Aloses" to lead the
way and to get at in gond time too.
Mrs J D Warwick took 18 prizes in
the flower display. 9 amts 12)1d 9 'Lads ;
Miss 111, Amen1 captured 10 red tickets
winning 3, Fox's specie) for winner of
largest number of let awards. Miss
Grace Stewal t took 0 1st awards, A
few more exhibitors like those named
would add materially to the Horticul-
tural feature of the Fair, \Ve are
glad to welcome a number of new lov-
er's of Aowets who shared in the priz-
An educational featnte was added
this year, through the generosity of a
number of residents, who offered lib-
eral prizes to Continuation School and
Public Soho11 for hest Essays on
"Brussels Old Boys' Re -union of 1919."
not to exceed 500 wilds each. Judges
were Revds. Messrs, Lundy and But-
ton and Principal Hooveel, all of Wel-
bon, and they awarded the honors in
the public school to Mtn gal et Wilson,
Ella Fraser and Willie. 9111011011, 1,1
0ontinoa1iou Department, the winners
were Muriel Hoover, g Margaret Malin
dere, Sadie McNairand Vela I -tall,
w 47 rort•estnnta in all.
Thep ersnnnel of the h Board of
Management consists of :--President,
Jiro. Ferguson ; vice Presidents, P.
Scott and T, Archibald ; Sec.-Treas.,
M. Black ; Directors, R, L. McDon-
ald S 1
1. Nichol, Walter Y til
t 1 R. J.
Hoover Alex. S Stewart, L Lvarb, W. R. �Broad-
foot, P, A. McArthne, Thos. Miller,
G, 13. Sands, R. F. Downing, Jas,
Burgess, Geo, Muldoon, A.. 0. Baekee
Lady Directors, Mrs. Muldoon, Mrs,
Galbraith, Mrs. A. 0, Dames and Miss
M. Albeit t.
W11.1, lIAVI2 To GO some —Stratford
Nornlalites to match Huron Co, contin-
gent, 'There are e3 girls from this
Comity anti 6 boys A clever bunch.
The County that polls a better vote
for keeping On'srio "dry" than Huron
on Oct. 20,
To beat Goderich out with its steel
In coming Provincial Election to be.
sore of your candidate with the variety
of nominees ha the contests.
If you possess a surplus of good coal
for coning Winter,
To find an easier method of making
Money for the investment titan to be an
M. P. Scores of them don't even put in
the requisite hours in the Hoese--ill
other words they loaf at the country's
expense, It's an easy matter for many
to corral $2,500 and free mileage,
1,, superseding Canadian ;loyalty by
deeds, Lip loyalty is cheap.
IP 81A2)10'. (' Bhi"AN6i
O Ophthalmologist. has 1 06umed
prat tise in lar office after spend•
re lig past ;0 months in Chicago,
O 111., 2,tkmg post gladuale course
0 in Ophthalmology.
• Eyes Tested. Glasses Fitted.
O Office Hours
0 lot° 12 a, m. and 1 to O p, m,
Poultry wanted Tuee1sy ssf 5ar11 Weak.
Phone W. O. Neal as to prices, &e.
Joe Hamilton lute arrived home
from an extended trip through to the
Pacific Coast. He had a great time.
We welcome Mrs. W. It Sholdiee
to this community and with bride and
groom many years of happiryess aerl
Sorry to hear of 111e failing health
of our old friend 3111111 Berry and hope
for eatly impeoveinent, He is past 80
years of age,
Rally Day will he observed ill Duff's
Sabbath School next Sunday morning
.1 nil with Ili, piling people of the eon-
gregalion in the everting,
smudgy nl'Iern.lon next Rev. Mr.
Fieeleston, Lucl(ulw, will c..ndorl the
a11000.1 Harvest IIome Thanitegiving
services in St, (leorge's church.
Special offering and Music.
Don't forget the School Fair Con-
cert Friday evening of this week in
Doll's church driving shed. Elegem,
program made up of Joe Williams, a
dandy comedian, Toronto ; Miss Sea-
ger, an excellent violinist, Goderich ;
Miss Elliott, an expert pianist, Gode-
itch, a bright little Highland dancer
and others. Big time promised.
Tickets only 25 and 15 cents.
The meeting held in the A. 0.U. W.
1-Iall Tuesday evening of last week to
discuss Consolidated Schools aroused
rnnsiderable interest, Chair wa8 oc-
cupied by ex -Reeve Shorlreed, of Mor-
ris township, Addresses were given
by Inspector Field, of this Inspector-
ate, and by Mr, Chisholm, Toronto,
who took Dr. Sinefait's place, the lat-
ter being unable to get here. At the
close of the speech -snaking numerous
questions were asked regarding the
proposal and the matter W28 freely
discussed. A vote expressed a favor-
able sentiment to the plan. Meetings
will likely be held in the various sec-
tions interested when the subject will
be further explained and lantern slides
exhibited illustrating various phases
of the work, buildings, &c, Minister
of Education, Hon. Mr, Oody, 18 a
very enthusiastic supporter of Con-
solidated schools and believes this is
the practical solution for many of the
smaller schools of a neighborhood.
On Sabbath, Oct. 5, Rev. D. D.
Thomson, a former pa5tn1, will eon -
duet anniversary servieea at Ebenezer
Next Sunday Rev, J. J. Sinclair,
Toronto, will give addresses on the
Referendum in Bluevale Presbyterian
chnreh at 11 a. m., at Eedies i11 the
afternoon and Methodist ehur0h at
730. Dr. Redmond, Wingham, will
also speak in the evening on "War
against disease."
Church Chimes
Provincial Sunday School Convention
will be held in Massey Hall, Toronto,
October 21-24 Some of the leaders in
S. S. work on the Continent will be
there, This will the 5411 :annual Con-
Special meeting to arrange details of
Forward Movement in Methodist
Churches, Winghatn District, was held
in Wiugham o2 Tuesllev, Rev, W. 11.
Stafford and W. H. Kerr attended from
Pastor 0f Methodist church took for
morning subject last Sauciest ''130123ed
idols" mud in the evening ••lu Ole midst
or the street," ; minutes was taken in
the morning,
fodeal with "The beer
the ballot"
Rev,, r, Eccleston,
conduct the Harvest Thanksgiving
iv 111
services in St, John's church nextSun-
day, at it and 7. Special Thank -offer-
ing and special music, Rev. Mr, Smith
will be at Lucknow. Monday evening
following aCoip Roast will be 1011 i
bast tnent of church at 8 o'clock, Social
program. See bills for further particu-
Next Sunday afternoon the minuet
Rally Day will he observed in the
Methodist Sabbath School. Program
will consist of a prepared service "Our
Hone," in which 013,.121 addresses will
be given by F, H. Gilroy anci the pastor.
Misses Margaret Maunders and Muriel
Hoover will give Essays on "What the
borne should do to bele the Sunday
school." Members of the Cradle Roll
Roll and Home Department are cordial-
ly invited. Session opens et 3 sharp.
Special music.
Next Sabbath is Rally Day in Melville
church '1'IIe S, S R'tlly will he con -
elected at 11 a. 111. when the teachers
end scholars will unite with the morning
congregation. At this service two
Shields, one from the S. S. and one
from the X. P. Sin memory of our
Wee heroes, will be unveiled 'Teach'.
erg and scholars ere asked to gather in
S. S. room at 11145 a. M. At the even•
log service the p.setnr will 8peak special-
ly to the Young People, of the 00ngrega-
tion, Special offering freta both or-
ganizations for the Mlesiouary Budget,