HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-9-18, Page 84'h4'h0404 vd•0 +4° 4.1.04 4+4°FO4.4 4+0+44 4°M4+4+04.44+044+440+ I t(iN II II ellf(llt Tke; Ale 4 + a w 4. 4 Every Out -deer Sport Invites Your KODAK Complete your Vacation Equipment by taking your Kodak and a good supply of Eastman Films with you. Be prepared for the picture story of your Vacation. Films Developed and Printed. Your work left here will have careful attention. Housekeepers We can supply your needs in Pickling Spices, Pickle Bottle Corks, Cutsup Bottle Corks, Bottling Wax, Jar Rubbers, &c. F 1H9>`t1TH The eALL.Ctal Store Druggist and Stationer + 4 + 4 4 + 0 u + ♦ 4 4. + 0 4 s0 ;♦ '4+4•E4+4+444+?+4+4+4+0.1.4+4+4+4+44.4+4i•4i.+++4+4.4 Pica' etas t nt GARDEN mot"sassh is ddpr well this Fal I both as to growth and Productiveness, Wn.L. THUELL, who is the electricia at Blyth Electric light plant, has had hi pay increased to $roo per month by th Council. THURSDAY of last week G. A Dead man arrived bome from Merlin, Th honey crop was a slim one this year o account of the dry season. ROBT. DARK has sold his comfortabl house, Queen street, to Rob . Shedden Morris Township, who purposes moving to town. Mr. Dark will buy again here LOCAL news on page 5. SOME folk are still revelling in green peas. THANK4GIVING Day will be Monday, October 13. so cents, in advance, gets THE Posr for balance of the year, A•rtvoon Fall Fair next week. Read advt. on page 5 of this issue. THE woodwork at the home of ince Ewen has been brightened up by the painter's brush, ' THE watch advertised for in last week's Poal was found and restored to its owner --a Palmerston Ivan. A plate glass that had been damaged sometime ago in D. C. Ross Dry Goods store wiodo w was replaced by a new one, AN unusual occurrence was on the program last Thursday night when, while the moon was riding in a clear sky, there was quite a meat shower of •rain from a cloud near by. HovsEs to rent are a scarce article in Brussels, not a bad sign. If build- ing were not so expensive a job ready customers could be found for modern homes of medium price. ELECTRIC light should illuminate the main street every Saturday night whether moonlight or otherwise, THE Ponthinks a good bright business street is a good asset to the town. JAMES KERNEY has disposed of hisfine house and tat an Thomas street to Jas, Speir, Morris township, The former wilt remove to his farm, 4l11 line Morrie township, and the purchaser will take possession this Fall, THE poultry business of W. H. Willis, Wingham, has been purchased by'. George Manning, of Brussels. The let. ter has had considerable experience along this line and spent the past season with Walter Rose, of Brussels Poultry Farm. We wish him soceess. CLEARING Us CAMPAIGN —THE Powr is starling a campaign to clear up back subscriptions. We have hundreds of dollars of arrearages on this aeeouut that must be squared off. 2su will save us a lot of work if you are in the above class by en early remittance. We thank those who are doing so. Tex rate for /me in Brussels will be 30 mills. In addition to local account increase the County rate has climbed to 4 mills and our school rate to lo.o5. Of course Brussels is not alone in the in- creases as most municipalities have boosted as well. Our rate was 25 mills last year but that was clone going, es- pecially as it concerned the local an' count. FATAL ACCIDRNr.—Friends to town of Frank and Mrs. Durdle, St. Thomas, were shocked to learn that their little daughter bad been accidentally killed by being struck on the head by a falling tree. Mr, and Mrs. Durdle were out gathering elderberries and were aucom• parried by their little daughter Marjorie Blanche, 4 years old in October, While in the bush a squirrel ran up the dead stub of a tree. The father placed the little girl behind another tree telling her to remain tbere while he pushed *he stead tree over. While the tree was fall. ing the child tine out from her piece of safety and was sti trek ou the bead from the falling tree, The parents are grief etrtokeu over the unfortunafe accident. Marforie was theironly child Md was of a moat lovable disposition. Mr. and Mrs. Durdle were former residents of Brussels, Mrs. Durdle being Miss Dietetic Rooke, of lixeter, The funeral was held at St. Thotutts. The deepest sympathy of friends of the bereaved Will be extended to them to thte peculiar ly Mall beretdveftletltr n e n e SILVER Bar Pin, set with Sapphires and Ame' thyet, lost in Brussels lest Saturday Finder will greatly oblige by leaving It at Tan POST. PAR SALE,—A fine heifer 8 months old. Ap- ply to MSS. R. N. DOrB, Blnevale, Yonss Durham Cow for Bale. Will calve about Oct. let. • Wu. BRYAN', Brussels. LOST.—A brown oilcloth raincoat. on 4th con. Grey. Finder please Leave at D. B, Mc- Donald's shop, Brussels. WOMEN and Girls wanted for Spinning Plant, Nice, clean rectory end eurroundines, Good wages. Apply PERFEOT•$NIT elILL9. LTD., Listowel, 11-2 YOUNG girl wanted to learn pant and 'vest making. Wages 55 00 a week to start with. Apply to R. 50000005. Brussels, PIGS for sale -11 of them are 8 weeks old. Also 2 York. brood sows. Plhone,454, JOHN BUNS. APPLEe WANTED,—On and after Sept. 8111 the Blyth Evaporator will be prepared to pay 608 per bag or 000 per hundred for apples large enough to peel, Fall apples eu°h nit Jenet- ting+, St. Lawrence, Oolvert or any Fall ap. p1e, also windfalls of Winter apples. Limped amount -of email apples for chops, bagged Sere arstely, at lees money. Call Picone 8, Blyth, Further ennouncement next week, ISAAC BROWN, Blyth, FOR PALE..—Lot 1, Con, 11, in the township of Grey',8 acres, more or lase. For particulars, appy R. Ho90EPooLR, 449 Lauder Ave., Tor. onto,Ont, Fon SALE.—The eligible brick store and dwelling aombised, now occupied by Mrs. Jane Thompson. For further particulars ap- LosoC 1VfltonG, Saso y22Page,4reet,Toren. APPREtTrOs vented to learn the printing, One who has passed Entrants) exam. Apply at Trfe POST. Lave PoirirRY wanted on Monday and Tues. dsy of each week. Phone No, 88 for prides, &e. R. THOMeoN, Brussels, De. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of each week, Chronic and nervous diseases suooesstully treated. Visits resldeneee, Consultation at Queen's Hotel. CHEER v as a large foregathering of the fair sex to view 'ne Millinery dis plays during the past week. Judging by lite new Milline!y creations adorning the heads of many we judge business was good Richards & Co, have sold out tbeir business. Netne of new firm is Chap- man Brothers and as one is a harness maker and tile other a shoemaker, they should make a strong combina'ion, 'r'hey take possession on Jan. tot 1 92 THE. Lecture by rack Miner, of Kings vine, on "Otir Birds", in the Town Ha 1 last Friday evening, was an tie qua and interesting fore, some things being al most uDbelievahle tegardtug wild fowl but fur the verification of statement and foot in picture, There's only ' tie Jack Miner but in his quaint clots he :0 demonstrating the wonders of Nature and the value of preservation of hod life. A number of clear cut pictures, illustrative of the sehjeet, were exhibit ed, Rev A J Mann kindly loaning and ()panting the lantern. A more ex- tended notice of Jack Miner anal his family next week Wa'ch for it. Mr, Miner, far,ir,ver en Hour, sus' aimed It e Interest of both young end adult. A scieutfie interest 4s awakened by his experimeuts with wild life and the gov- ernment should see that be ie rewarded for the years of practical experiment at his own expense A visit to Mr. Miu- er's farm is nue That will never he for - and lecke holdd11theirl ' tlHe dnte." geese Neer Wednesday will be the Nomleat' lug Convention for Centre Huron U, F. 0 It will be held at Seaforth, Fos 4 clays last week Rev. W. E, Stell 1rd, 13. A , wan presiding examiner far Queen's University in this locality, Bee:NSees bowlers lost by a shot 81 Palmerstou tournament list Thursday, There was lively competition between the santerous kitty hunters LARGE (pi 5101115, or flax has been de livered at the 11 ix mill here, Threshing is proceeding and sprea4iug as well so Rs to he ready for mutating at a later stege A ear of apples was shipped this week by W. j McCracken. Last week W. S, Scott and W, Little also loaded a car. Winter fruit will be better than was ex.. peeled, A. C, AND Mao, Dense had a treat in the way of strawberries picked from vines in their garden recently, They are the "Ever Bearing" variety. Not a bad kind to have. LAST week Mrs, Thos, Brown, Grey township, purchased from Jas, MeArter, the house and lot known as the Hay - croft property. Possession will be giv- en tbis Fall. Mrs. Wm, McCall is the Present tenant. There was a rumor that Frank Oliver, Tillsonburg, had died, Tills is not con. rect. we are glad to state but he is very poorly yet cud is now in the Guelph Military hospital, His mother, who WAS visiting him, has returned to Brussels. TENDERS for the Garniss farms in Morris and Grey townships and tor the brick block and lot in Brussels will he received up to Sepe, 27th, by W. M. Sinclair, executor of the late Thos, Gerniss. The sales are for purpose of closing up the estate. Chas. and Mrs. Sheriff, of Winnipeg, are here on a holiday visit with H, L and Mrs. Jackson, The ladies are sisters and both visitors were former residents Mr. Sheriff has come safely through a tong and trviug illness and we are glad to see him looking so well. HYMENEAL.— On September 3rd W, H. Stiles, of town, and Miss Sarah Martha Speers, of Gorrie, were united in marriage by G, J. Kerr, at the Methodist Parsonage, Miss Emma Speen and Joe Thuell were the stipport. ers They will reside in Brussels We wish them many happy, prosperous years. SATURDAY, :27tH 8201., at to a, In , a court will be held in Brussels Town Hall before )edge Lewis, to revise the Vot- ers' List for this municipality for the coming vote on the Referendum. Ap- peals must be entered in written form and presented 2 clear days before the Court, Appeals should be presented to F S Scott, Village Clerk. Don't de- lay giving due notice if you wish a vote. [AHEM L C ONVERTION —Liberals of North Huron will hold a Nominating Convention in Town Hall, Wingham, ott Friday afternoon, Sept. Igth, at 2 o'clnck for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Outario Legislature. Major j, H. Tolnie, M. P. P„ of Wind- sor ; W. H, Fraser, M. P. P. for North Huron and other Liberals will deliver addresses. Alt Liberals are asked to at- tend the meeting and ladies are especial- ly luvited to be present. CHARLIE iACKSON DECEASED, — The Kincardine Review of last week said :-- "Charles W, Jeckson, for tnany years a highly esteemed citizen of this towu, nassed away at bis home on Broadway, Sendav night, after an illness of 4 or 5 years following a paralytic stroke. The Brussels 2 o as born In t so5 late Mr. eek w J t Jack- son, ears ago, aSOn O E the late W. , JJ Y son, of that town, His mother is still living and resides with a daughter, airs. W. Logan, at Los Angeles. Cal. Start• ing from home he first went to'Causes then to Salt Lake, Utah ; front there 10 Portland, Oregon, and fleetly to W'nnl- peg. In all•tbese places he was connect- ed with several businesses—that of a druggist, commercial traveller and the hardware business. Finally be returned to Kincardine where he has resided ever since. He married Miss Elsie Robert. on, daughter of the late Peter G. Robertson, of Mom/reline, who alone survives, and to whotn the sympathy of a large circle of friends goes out iu her sudden bereevement, "Charlie" Jack- son bad many good qualities, but per haps the most + utstauding one WAS that with which tended to befriend and help his fellow citizen, and up to the time of his inability to perform such, his many acts of kindness will long be rernetuber- ed by those who received them, He le a'so survived by 3 brother, and 3 sisters —H. L , Brussels ; Captain Leon F. Ottawa; L S., Walkerville 1 Mts, S. Lepee'd, Toronto ; Mrs, W. Loge!), Lcs Angeles, ; Mrs. H, E Maddock Kin- cardine, The funeral on Tuesday toxin• sardine cemetery was largely attended, Rev. F. C. Overend, his pae'or, officiat- ing." Cb trlie had many 01d friends in Brussels sod locality who sympathise ith the widow, DRUOGSST ARTHUR SMITH DIES AT HD- RIONTON,—A message was received by Druggist F R. Smith, Brussels, that his brother, Arthur, who owned a thriving drug business in Edmonton, had under gone an operation for appendicitis in the hospital 'Thursday of last week. A later wire conveyed the nod intelligence that pneumonia had ensued and that he had died on Saturday The sad news came like a thunderbolt as he had been here with his wife and family to the Old Boys' Re -union and was the picture of lite and go yl spirits. Serial was made At Erlln talon, Mrs Smitll, (who is a daughter of S. Baley town )''arried at Brussels after the departure of Mr. Smith (on account of Mrs. Bailey's serious illness end death) bad ouly been back to Edmonton about a week De ceased was the youngest son of the late J, I2 and Mrs Smith of Brussels, Af- ter his school days iu town and ap• prettticeahip in the drug store he gradu- ated from the Pharmacy College, Tor- onto, and opened up business iu 13 imon- ton to years ago, where he had et fine store and large trade 8 years ago he WAS married to Miss Edith Bailey, of Brussels, and after n happy life, site and 2 sons, Norman and Donald, are left to remember in love husband Rud father Nr man Smith, an older brother, is a hardware merchant at Borden, 300 miles from Edmonton. 14e hasteotd to the city when apprised of the danger but found the v tal spark had fled, Miss Dora Smith, who had been visiting in the Eclat, with N'°moan's little daughter, also Nurse Bailey, sister to Mrs. Smith, got to Edmontou in time for the fun- eral, "Art" was OtiJy 3o years of age, Deep kyrmpathv in telt for the hereaved, Do You Require w OD ? All desit'iug wood from Lite Oor- porattnn yard are asked to place thele or with the undersigned before Ontoher let so that the peesentetock limy be divided pro ra tit. ribose wbo owe for wood already dtltverod etre asked to settle foe the shote fotthWith, F. s. SOOTT, 'Village Oleek, 4n 100r5 ago Wednesday of hast week, Sept 10. the Editor of THE POST drove into Brneels for the drat time. Many a change nits taken place sinee that state. Tux grand stand at the Agrieulteral Park has been torn down and removed Timhers were so badly decayed its use- fulness was gone owing to the ansate coodrioo. le alt probability a modern ce:nen' stand will be put tip when the cost of building material and labor come down, A doable Male Quartette from Blies. sets sang a' He i;isve Methodist church anniversary se•v+ccs last Sunday even - ‘ng. Personnel was W, )- McCreek- en, Stanley Wheeler, F. H. Gilroy, ,las Fox. A Strachan, H, f,. Jackson aid W II, Kerr, W. H. Willis, Wingham, competently eonduciiug and presiding a' the organ Mr, Gibov sang a solo. Rev. Mr. Pareabv, Ph D , Eltmville, was the preacher. 'there was a crowded church aid fine effa'iug, BUSINESS CHANGE --Las' Saturday Samuel Carter disposed of his Ford Garage and automobile business to j. 3, McCutcheon, of end Con., Grey town- ship, •s o to pos.. 1 purchaser i. now shi and he u p P session. We welcome Mr, McCutcheou into the boniness circle and wish him success Sir. Carter will take a well deserved boli dny hut bas not made up his mind as to what he will turn his attention to. We hope lie will continue to reside in Brussels, Mr, McCutcheon has not sold his farm es his sous are COmpe'eltt to look after it, CHtLriatN's AID —The Executive of the Children's Aid Society held a meet. bug last week to review the work which bad been arising during the Summer mouths and consider a number of cases which have been giving some anxiety to the management during the interim sieve last meeting. Of these two girls have been committed to Orillia where they will receive special treatment ; one girl has been undergoing surgical treat- ment in the Sick Children's Hospital and is now re•urued for a time to the Shelter, Godericb. Efforts will be made to have necessary treatment secured for two other cases which will otherwise leave the unfortunate little ones cripples for 1.fe, The Society have boys from I to 8 years old for adoption, and will al- so try to meet applications for little girls, either from Couuty Shelter or in co-operation witb other Homes. There are now 7 wards in the Home and the management will be very glad to have visits from people who are interested in child welfare, that they may get an idea of the exleut of the work done. Ac- counts totalling $rgo.000, for salaries and maluteuance of Home were ordered paid, and the Treasurer reports $Ig5• as balance. Following contributions of money are aeknowedged for August :— Bettie Lad 1 1 les' Aid of Hayfield eld Circuit $22oo; Mrs. Annie Morris, Goderich, $5; Mrs, Lizzie Bolt, Wingham, and Mrs. W. H. Leech, Godericb, $1 each. Coutribntions towards maintenance of Home as following :--fruit and vege- tables, Mrs A. Halliday, Mrs, Wm, An- drews, Mrs. Ferguson, North St. Ep- worth League, Chas Seager, Mrs. Tape, Mrs James Mi'-claeil, Mrs. Jos. Salkeld ; apples, cream and jars of pickles and pears, Mrs. 0, Cult, Miss Montgomery, Intge parcel of wheatlets ; Mrs. Canon Hill, scrp hook and fruit ; George Harris, silell,iard ; Miss Helen Land, toys and t„ch ng c1asr ; a friend, jar of fruit and cto,n:ug ; Mrs. Cornell, sr„ an irnuitrg board ; Mrs. Mary Salkeld, to lbs of linnet` ; Mrs Harry Long, cloth ing and shoes ; Mrs. Curwen, fruit and clothing; confectionery, Mr. Holman, Lend m, and Mrs. Jones ; MIS, Cope - lend, orau,,es and buns ; Mrs. Jas. Wil- son, books and boys clothing; Mrs Clas Satulclers, children's shoes ; Mrs. aV L Horton g ive the children a treat, nod Mrs, Joseph )ohns•on money for another treat Boswell Reid gave a sup- p'y of fruit from which the ladies of Ab - meek Chapter, I 0, D li merle 18 jars of preserved fr alt. All these items show a kindly interest fly the donors in the work of the -Society and the helpless little ones iu t11010 care and should stimulate others to think what they can do to aid the good work. tRVICI.—This Bank, for the past 45 years, has done its share in the develcpluoiit of the business of the Do- minion. Our experience Ru,l equipment are at the service of every customer. 2t” THE STANDARD BAs OF' cANArI n BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAM IS - - MANAGSR BORN BELL.—In Morris Township, on September 14th, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, a daughter. B BRAWN. Wroxeter, S12th, 1510, to Mr. and Mrs. Otos a daughter. CA tas.—In Grey Township, on September 10th, 1919, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Cardiff, a 8011. HOL11149,—In Stratford, on September 12111, 1010, to Mr. and Mrs, B. S. Mottoes, a son— Arable Watson, MARRIED STrnss—SP atona,—A1 the hie thedlet Pareonnge Gerrie, On September 3rd 1919, by Rev. J. G. Kerr, Mr. v, m. H. Styles, Brussels, to Miss Sarah Martha Speere, of Gordo, AUCTION SALES MONDAY, SEPT, 22en,—se W 14 Lot 5, Con. 0, Morris, Farm stook, implements, &a. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m, W. H. Ferguson, Prop,; Jas. Taylor, Au°. ; R. Procter, Clerk, m stook, 'mule - silents SART. furniture, t p Con, Morris 80 furniture, &o. eser ret 25,l Con, 4, Morris err, p ip. .Salo unreserved at 1 p. in, 4., L. Barr, Prop,; F. S. Scott. Auo, trtoss5. AUOTroA SALE.-511oillcy, Oct, Intl, 0, F, VandriAuctioek, of fanr, will conduct a monster Auction Sale of farm stock, r, hnp)e- Mitche &e., also the 818 ante farm, for Fred, Mitchell, ll, at Lola 82, 88 and 84 biggest sales 4, Grey. This will be one of the )siggert sales in this dietriet. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. The be farce will be offered separate if not sold en block. See bills for particulars. Voters' lists Revision Notice It sppearing that It 1s expedient with the view of preparing full mad complete lists of voters for the different polling sub•divtetone in the Electoral Districts of North Huron, South Huron and Centre Huron, that Ole tone for delivering oomplainte and appeals against the Voters' Lists' should be extended the Vetere' Registration Board for the County of Huron have ordered that the tante for deliver- ing the complaints and appeals to the Revts- iiigOfBoers'Clerks be extended to the period of two days next before the times fixed for the sittings of the respective Revisingvisitg Officers bt the various municipalities in the said Elem Loral Diatrlote. LEW1S R. DICKSON, 12-1 Chairman of the Board. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOrIt, IM• Auatnneer PLRsIltNTs, PURNrTUIia, &o: F. N. 00001, , has been iustru°ted by tihe under- signed to sail by public auption et 1.1x4 Lot 26, Con. 4, Morris on Tuesday, Sept 80th, at 1 p m., the following valuable proper Ey mars, 1 marc 6114 old, 1 Pershoron mere. 4 years old, t Psreheron gelding 8 years old, 2 ems due to calve In Nov , %cows due to calve in April, 1 cow due to delve in May, 1 heifer 8 years old due to calve in Nov„ 1 steer 2 years old, 2 yearling steers, 8 yearling Heifers, 4 °elves, 2 brood sows with littera at foot, 75 hens, 10eese, 1 Chevrolet 1017 touring oar, 1 Frost & Wood biuder, 2 Deering mowers 6 01, out 11 new), Deering hey rake 12.11., Deering Se stone hay loader, Ooohahntt 15 disci seed drill Frost & Wooi steel land roller, Cook- shutt 2•furroty riding plow, eat Deering 5 -sec. harrows, Champion utanare spreader, cultiva- tor, plow, 1-1.1orse Ice, set of sleighs, wagon, hay and stook rack, wagon box, buggy, cutter nearly new, hay fork, slings, car, ropes .and pulleys, root under, set flexible shaft horse clippers, 2 oil drums, 28-0. extenalon bidder, net single harness, set team harness, set third - horse harness, 8 horse blankets, root fork. cream ee armor, 2 don, grain bags,ohnrn, side- board, 176 bus. barley, 600 bus, oats, 200 bps. mixed grain, 80 tons bay, 1 acro mengotds, 1 acre turnips, 133 acre own, (amine, forks, hoes, shovels, neokyokes and other ertloles. Sale unreserved is proprietor hen sold his farm, Terme—Snots of $10 00 and under cash ' over that amount 8 months credit given on tip prov. ed joint notes, 6 per cent off for cash 00 ored it emouute. A. L. SERB, Proprietor, 00964600444444404®4.090400004+0000040040000004.0400040 4 F e 111 ha lige . 4 a . 4, . . Cheer ShoShoes 4 • On Sae %s. f �' '' e • Saturday9 Befall !t�• 4 ••I• 4 Having sold out our Business, and it being the v wish of the purchasers that certain lines of Shoes, in • which we are rather over -supplied, be reduced before• Inventor is taken, we will put those lines on sale Sat- : urday, Septa loth, at Reduced Prices, and will continue • Sale until surplus is sold. • Remember the Sale and Bargains will be given. • • • 4 : Richards& Co. o ow.9lab�lt r(►1R+ldr It**,4,�i,'1i1A444 ,4 l4 4$iA•44•***d4 4 aasaavtadsa waaraaemaeieweanataeopeootreeeeeeeoemsearnnneenar0 o ax's " k" °ua� Store 0 P 0 w 3 3 Make him proud of your ani fl complexion by using-Fli .3 `R'r o b u r s ein rt Cleans so thoroughly that a i� Soap you don't need to use m Disinfectants. a Largo tin for 45c ce 9 d Itis Refreshiug; Soothing and o Heeling, 25e per cake is tl a 9 W w !9 0 as 08 e 9 g of Tickling and Irritation of othe Throat use Formolid Throat Ease cd • ti 9 A Clean Tooth aNever Decays CD Hewitt your upper teeth downward and your lower n teeth •upward with a Pro-phy-lac-tic Brush ® Sold always iu a yellow box. 5Dc, p a 5 9 s 4 O 0 Pyorrh . Bide Powder For Pyorrhea Prevention Pyorthocide is economical because a dollar pacicage contains six months' supply, for Quick Relief Strongly antiseptic ; absol- utely harmless, 10c Palmolive Sea For 1118 smooth, creamy lather. Ile per cake. Shampoo Large Boz. bottle for 5Dc, Pedlar Seal Skin For Cuts and Scrapes An Antiseptic Prepara- tion for little skin hurts. Frst AM for Students Once more the ()peeing of school rolls erunnd Resolve to start the tetra right this year with an IDEAL'VATERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN, l$2 50 and up JAMES DRUGGIST and STATIONER 10 J 81 c p m :8 'a 8 2 10 ID a a s) 4. Rf 0 0 v 9 08 ,p (8 s3 I3 r'7 2) 9 1010 e 0) la O m 10 0 w G i3 3 10 c3 0 9 9 60 0 10 •ooscon.eoen,0808 08 edit betoG1®e®ct890094069900i6969 9000197994]2 SRUSSELS MARKET Fell Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Hoge 41 00 51 05 1 2 10 810 7 86 1 26 1 26 46 16 62 52 17 00 17 00 Farm for Sale The tfnd ermine ed oilers for eel,. his farm, Lot 0, Con 8. aewiek, rautainhrg 117 no res. Ftret- class buildings, choice laud, A 1 leention. l'y miles from Gerrie. 11. A. SPOTTON, 12-4 Whsghetn. or see (.0. W. Walker, Gaulle, EINAPRIVEIRIMETIMMEE1111111111ffill111131111EMMITIIIIMEINEENCE13 tee ;lel ,�IIINiI8iIiIl Our Fall display of Choice Millinery is now in place and is well worth seeing. For Quality, Style and Price our patrons can be pleased. We extend an invitation to the ladies of the com- munity to visit our Show Room, Miss Orr, of Durham, is our Milliner this season and comes highly recommended. We return thanks for past favors from the public and will be pleased to serve you again. RICHARDS BLOCK SSt. ?. BRUSSELS lolilamf11111r>mmflfldaifmlmmliImlfllfllMAIIILIMIMMOIImIIIOmlllSI /8111111 Iii III Ill 110111011111111111111 111111 Il11Ill I ll!11111111 F Better Vara.,=e a R;"`. ° SaUvsfact o Select Your )fill a 11'8.1 o ri a Here IN designing a mgmnrial special effort is 11111de to 1E4100. the Pill, 1)058 of the donor mrd originate (1 Monument n1 diatinetive design, harmonious in prnpoetinne and a tbeauty. Invdel of dignified • Only Lho finest Send most dnrable anterial is nsotd— the kind best suited to stand the lavages of time and Weal hey, The carving and lettering will receive eXJa('Pt aitentian, which is nn important fetttuve in the completed memorial. Each order is band- ied with the idea of creating it tnasler'pirce for its shin said typo, Brussels Granite and Marble Warks A. E. FHERSEY, Proprietor.