The Brussels Post, 1919-9-18, Page 6„Top
T sway.`.
Conducted by Professor Henry 0, Bell
The object of this department !s to place et the rem
rice of our farm readers the ueeice of an acknowledged
authority to all •cul jects pertaining to nulls and crops.
Address all questions to Professor )lensq G. Bell. in
care of The Wilson Publishing Company, lambed, Toronto,
and answers twit appear in this column its the order in
which :hey are receiaed, When writing kindly mention
this paper. As space le limited It is .advisable weert it*.,
mediate reply is tteceeeery that a stamped and addressed
cnrelope i.e enclosed with the uneetiur., whet the aea ver
eon be .:.cited eirect•
L. 13.:—I have some law mucky mum of time. This means crisp,
ground that 1 wish to se::! for perm- . il elietous vegetables produced at a
anent pasture, tied will you tell me time When priers are most f tvc+ral,le.
what is the best mixture of seed o
When you have made out your clan;,
use for this purpo e, and when is the if ,.,:u have an7 sl 'cifie pr,hk•ms re -
best time to sow it? ' g ,,,1tng the preparation of the sew!.
Answer:—For gran; mixture for Lert or crops that yon :1••e plantii•„ I
permanent pasture oil muck -roil I i t l i t help you.
ture: Red Top 10 pounds, timothy el A�Useful Pamphlet.
pounds, white clover 2 pounds, total!In canned goads there are two loin 1s
of 1P pounds per acre. The grass could of soilage. The first is called "flat'
he sown this fall if you are in a sec- sour” which inrlu les all farms of
Von where you do not have severe bacterial growth that develop within
frost for some t:me. However, if you sire fond. • The second type of spoilage)
are in the colder section of the pro. v. to guard against ie mold, a plant
ince, you had better delay seeding •-row•th that is distinctly different!
until spring. If the grass is town •front the l,acterial e'owfh. linislz:t i
it:: geed
o ,e l) y 1
would recommend the following mix-.-
axc050 mass,,line
Mouth Wash
The universal rnouth Antiseptic
for Pyorrhoea and sore gums,
Heeds and hardens bleeding
gums at on and tightens the
McCRIM?. ON'S Mouth Wash
chwthariees all decoraposed mat-
ter and snakes the mouth fre:th
and sweet.
Manurecl uring Chemists
; , `t. 29 R t C Yi NI o tai Q S, T EN'r
• a ,-_ tet. • ache -r• theTOill iii � 7 <rt 1 ....• 4ti
this fall, scatter the clover seed ov.: fours nee sel•tom more than surfs:e
the land next springlust as the snap
1fe:ted because air i^ necessary far; —7 v1, s i
is going off and the thawing and set it- growth, hut the `'flat sour" spoil-. I'� �t°°�� �l fry S
tling of the land will alive it sufficient age means that the entire can muse d k sa q s i f of " a l a
covering. You would do well to sow be t ie, arded. Bulletin No, 93 of the
A Lovers' Quarrel
z t ax
Vita hla int nn his hear) in toket
A ra; t for church r 1 renhni`ss to stili ,
1 :•, n 1',, tr-',n had paused the floor
I f"r 111111) te<,
'lent t,,ei molittle fester,
J. lt iletramtuelernl.
7!.j 1 .• j il.ere's nlenly of tin: a," came n
velee flees another room.
'Mime., what you have !wen saying
for I•.+:ay en fifty years, you know."
«It's eivenys been true. vlleneuer
I've said it," replied Mrs. Pearson.
"Here it is twenty minutes past
"That clock is fast. You :dways
kern it fast,"
h''othcra an9 data.,: tern of all ages are comically r va-:d to write to ti1,5 ,
department. In ,• i ill be-puoiishcd wit.) u•, It ya t t..:i And !te anaw5r
es a mucus of id u,Lr,c lien, hat full name and „y,d res oft./:i.: b, ;elven ,n ear.h
letter. Write cn ono side cf paper only. Answers will us mailed direct 11
stamped and eddreseed enve,upe is enclosed.
Address ail carrespondonce for this department to Mrs, Flelen Law, 2?`
Woodbine Ave., Toronto,
Bride-to;U*: Tell me how to meet,
lay mother-in-law and my father -in -.I
Just as you would want your own,
deur parents to he )net wirier etmilar
rircuntstehee ; or, if you can Project
your imagination so far, as you would':
want to be nt yourself, should yon
ever have 0 son and he decided to,
Churchmouse:--A. fashion nrticle
says: "Wear bends, they add a pleas-
ing touch of cuter to any costume."
Please tell me how, to make beans out
of paper, as that seems to be the only
kind I can aft• I'I to wear.
You car make :•harming beads out
of colorer} ma+;ezine rovers and 11)01•
trations, Lay the picture upon a flat
surface, with a piece of cardboard':
underneath. Mark it off into triangles
measuring one inch at the Name and'
having the two other rides of equal
the man 1s very dense ha tvilI under-
stand that he is not to he entertained
indoors. Iiusbrtnd must not voltam "It's a warm morning," Elmo went
himself to criticism, but help yon by on, ignoring that pcInt, "and I don't
being on hand whenever the out:el_ like to hurry the hone,"
come gust appesrs. As all this takes "Well, play I'm the horse, and don't
up time that could be spent to beam.hurry me 'she re!thed,
advantage, and is likely to affect tile' I:brn wttitad w•hilo the cli=creel}ted
harmony of the fancily besides, It clock ticked away a few mire minutes,
would seen) that the wisest thing to "Mother,I believe }ou re dillydallying
31 would be to move to another farm., just to spite me," he declared at last;
I know that a laevo is expensive ami .1011 the charge vias met by a il,mce
'neonvenlent, but it is far better thanthat 'Von moose than wards T11 „a
remaining where yon are, if conditions slut 'and get in," he continued Tf ,vcu
are such that the happiness of your want to go with me vou'rl el tter 50010
homo is
stake. I along. He 80110 very deliberate ;L•out
Busy ))other:—SWTith four children unhitching, and he fussed necene.0Iy
scattered from const to coast it .is with the harness, but at last he seated
indeed a problem to keep in touch himself in the carriage, 'Well, I'm
with them all without encroaching on WI" be called. '
time devoted to those still in the) "Well, good-bye," came the reply.
homo neat. One road the other day I
in his exasperation Eben ,jerke.l the
of aplan invr.nted by a mother who reins, and the horse moved off,
Heel on the old homestead of an On -I
"Well, it serves her right!" Elam
a nurse crop such as rye or winter lt::nnin!i 0 ExP^1:=mental Farms, "PPC -I - length. Cut the sections with ,t sharp. taro farm. ]i;,• her plan it in possible, muttered.
with the grass mixture at the of Fruits and 'Vegetables fres •In these days it is tinsel to over-! Ors of the staple food products knife, using a solar as a gni le. Roll I to write fewer letters, and at the same' The feeling of justification stayed
wheat :,1 cation
of shunt 1 bushy per acre. Make Use." which may he had on loop any resources that will add geed from w a?to topples the is in universal each pieco nn a hatpin, hrginn.!ng to I t!ma to cerreepond more frequently i with him as far as the turn of the
rate Home L
'e owing thin so that the grass mix- 1' atdnn to the Pet:,cations Branch'nouri:hine food to the netiot's supply, demand ]s eider vinegar. Pure cider roll at the base land fastening the; with the members of her large family.! road leading to the village. Beyond s ab
� that point he knew well enough that
it was stubborn pride kept him en his
"I'll hat I haven't got a pocket hand-
kerchief with ale!" he said to himself
suddenly, cwr.?.ng that if that should
w successfully. oa you . ,,, s :scrag ,: q:tar.•.les ; er a .es runs a .y nor- . changing saver a , s Prove to be the caro he 0101St go back.
seed to gen
means eq eider PP
i -t d frequently esti-, 1 'i t' n of are dry. Do not touch them until after 1' married sister, Lottie, � who lives Hopefully feeling in one of iia pack-
ets, he found it empty. From another,
itv The tied is a gravellingroam t,.,o, r a,.li.,_al during 1 mated .tat thousands of to certain ictus) ;east
n 1 1
however , he brought out the ]and -
kerchief, all smoothly folded and frag-
rant with sweet clover. Mother had
looked out fee that. His eye fell en
twe will get a geed chance early m
Department •of :'1,"r!cultttre, Ottawa, Therefore It is surely in order to vinegar commands a premium on the tap securely In place with mute. 13 tn. Fice children, sane of whom are mar-
sprine. gives full information on tate various: again call special attention to the im- market. all have been rolled, slip them one at vied and hat's homes of their own,
C. W. G.:—I am writing you Jn method= of running including old and portanoe of properly trtilizin;* that. Ir5 the prices of transforming ci • r a time an a hatpin and, turning rho live in different parts of the country.
regard to the ,'awing un growing of ,•,;t.;:1 -1 r_cipi' as well as new ones large proportion of the apple crop into vine.ear, two distinct ferments pier head downward, clip the being in The mother writes to her oldest boy,
sweet clover. 1 have n five -acre field .,.hf:h lra;;0 been f.wund va11i1,'• which grades below' standard. In same: tioaa take place. Fleet is the vinous' shellac. Stip from the hatpin on to John, who lives in ilritish Columbia.
on which 1 can't seem to get clover Canning pati become the nest papular provinces the percentage of cell or' or alcoholic fermentation which is the Old!11ary Tins, and stint their! pfns. John reads the -home news and, en-
Would1 fully third of of thef the cider` its a Part"hoard box wail the. Ise:t is closing to mother's letter, writes to
• ommend sowing sweet clover en of fm,.. a'-1 c• t a-. as an since the total and t is requen y s into alcohol, causer by ..te action cgs
and . _ ,�• tie simmer ••hat its of such bacteria. Second,
the shellac has hardened, a.lrrn they in Alberta. Lottie in turn, inclosing
u foto cars, I a,s <.::,1 at'cther Lime= diff, •i:Ilt tt s , r• wasted each year. No ins is the acetic fermentation by which well be ready to stung. --ca. ,ear's the letter from her mother and John,
has been brokenP 1 men,.. r apple- are j
tsntutd like to know if I rmald sow °,gain, s, !s ilnporta,:: to ;. s erve will dein• that title toss along with the alcohol tins formed is changed to, ars very much sou';ht efter at present, writes to Barry, who lives in iNIani-
_sweet closer with fall rye or if it meet u.anti :rine• th '''''''119; lesson' all other food waste shnu:d he reduced vinegar acid or ace'ic acid. The ileo-' and a pretty string of napm• beads) toha. So the chain of family letters
be sawed In the spring' Or wculd iqt for es, in ,.
:etc at're•tvcr, the use to a minim•.mt. )nether important hello fermentation may be o eelcrxteri, w111 combine several she.^, _3 of that goes until it has reached all the chit -
each c w e sweet closer alms ;.,'. un:l;nt sanely of fr :Jt and. .t l ; n is tee good profit that it • the achlition of excite using a cake, color, with a little Meek, white and I drop, each in turn tenting to the nett his coatsleeve, which ha now rem-
embered better to e th of are con-----tt o y
f to have torn accidentally
while getting out of the carriage last
Sunday. It was mended so neatly
that you could hardly see where the
torn place hall been. That was mother
again. She always got things done;
and there were a lot of things for her
to do. Perhaps that was one reason
why she sometimes kept him waiting;
and, after all, when had she ever
really felled to get round in tinge?
Eben was now driving quite slowly.
In fact, he had en eye out for a good
place to turn round. But just then
the Millers overtook him.
"Good morning! Where. is Mrs.
Pearson?" called out Mrs, Miller.
"Not elek, - I hope?"
The question was embarrassing, but
in the spring'. • green v:, •ctrl:':es i; e:=se:ntial to health, the utilizing of these apples afford,, to each fir. talions, dissnhed m harm green. AltelIlate with sm.11 b arts o younger enter or brother and utclos-
Answer:—Sween c]a er is a little at all :_sails of the year• the grower. water before adding.The acetic fes -i gold color, and intradr.e a Peau ,jet 11]g' all the family letters, Finally
• difficult to handle owing to the 'luau ^ ' While a portion of the lar;re culls men':mien 15 also aided by the addition'. owes if
you wish. I the accumulated letters, including the
Hess with which the sere) germinal s•I Fake Fire Help. may he eveporaed to excellent art-' of good vinegar containing some too -j A Reader:—The owner of the farm she first wrote to John, come to
You cook) sow it as you reeomnn0 i.1i• lcthiu1 in chi.; world .ceras to be vantage, the meet practical way of- then of vinegar. It is imm:rtent to; we live upon ,is a frequent and un- the mother, who destroys her own let-
onetnixed width rye this. fall if there coo ;ills foe heti: f• ' diverting this enormous waste into allow plenty of room for air in the. welcome visitor at our house. Please'ter and writes a new one to John,
sufficient season hefere frosts so that Consider, for mato) e, the powders; gall the valuuood food is by pressing. Practically barrel during all stages of ferntenta-, advise Inc what to do? I inclos,ing those she has received from
the young clover could make a gn•a'1 advertised to "doable the foal value }tle and nntritice elements, main`sin the temper -i A woman can not handle a situation; the other children. Thus, as the chain
start. I would prefer, however, to. of your coal." You are informed that of faults are contained in the ,juice. attire between si•:t and eighty
tion and also to deg such as this is alone; site must have' continues, each member of the family,
BOW the clover in the spring with soma a given quantity of coal will go twice The oilier parts eansiet largely of • roes. Care rhr:,].I }1e taken not to her huebnnd's co-operation. You caninstead of writing five individual let -
spring grain such as wheat. oa s or • as far ii you sprinkle f w t *tuff t' ; cellular ti; sue •and are ct it e va tie start •t ae s^con tegmen a ion,un •
t 't with
t ff P' • 1' w 1 I d t t til all be too busy to talk to the visitor when' terse writes one letter to all, and re-
harlcy. I have seen excellent 51 ch s this kind. I except to retain the ,iu::•e which ,m the sugar m the cycler is changed into; he appears; or you can alwrays sug-1 ceives five letters in return—one from
of sweet claves when started !n :his, The powder:, are tion alleged to have ripe aprles cult.; ns"high as ninety alcohol, otherwise the change to •.vine gest that 'hueLtnd" is in the basal each of the others: Would not a sim-
way, Sow from ten to fifteen_ poands in their sive' tone 'team, as fuel -how,; per cent. Therefore a short cut to gar will be retarder or presented a] -i or in the "eouth field" or where+er he, liar plan solve your d•fficulty, Busy
of sweet clover seal per acre, Ore' ]mice), ruubl tire?• nut, try some conserv]ng the rich • life-sustaining together. j happens to bo at the time., and unless Mother?
of the innpurtant points, of course. 10 mysterious rseuural action, they! elcmcnts Po seised be even the small-- There eelets in this country a po-i-___ -.•______ -_...___ _.--.-___._--._-..-.
to have the ;oil in good state of til- can=e the fuel to de1:v:.r more heat.' a:e of cull apples fs by lust grating', testis) market for }:ailed cider that; .oto that the law is called "testi-
age. it shot•11 lee plowed this fall or 1'ffty Per cent. uutre, at:ortlitng to the . and pressing, then working up the would consume a hundred ,,lines the;
many" because-, it witnesses to the
In 2 Timothy 3: 14-17, Paul (mun-
e early nest spring, and t1,01.ucrrl toast ..1, 1,1. sols Timothy, his beloved freend and
. •-a They • ales vet I mew, T mununt now produced if the product) ;ancient covenant band bet.t•eeu Je- child in the Gospel, to continua in the later managed to answer it. "No, not
thoroughly ?,y d: -`..]c or 1 at:+scats. .. :1re ;:b nln J.' vahtc s, 1 modern hydraulic rider pte..s .,ill' cou13 only be ol'tained. 1 011ed eider havale and Israel (see Exod, 2•i , and study of the Holy Seri tures. For «
In order to make ee of a ?•nod scan, p,a,t,te •.vho hate, 11 1-.'tt them are of-• ) Y P sick," he said, but she didn't seem
their eI, cxtrart an average of a little over is the fresh juice concentrated by:tint it is also "statutes," "command- Timothy had a good mother and
of aro and tee -ea' I w0,•1.1 a': t .n h lel .1 proclaim -11_,. I fern gallons of ruler frust e^.rh bogus)to be quite up to cmming.,,
n "On 1oun.le pere :ma,: ,wa iema 1 juice etaperntirn in the ratio of Inc,eve gal meat," and "judgments," The "Fear grandmother (1: 6) of the Jewish "Glad it's nothing serious," said
You to sow from -n. to 1 of 111 "cry undergrades. This lona reduced to enc, In this form Itj of the Lord" (v. 0
r ;m;'.:r.1 C from ' t,, '. au »f 11u•ut care 0' 111 015 itis cont.! converted tido n varlet; + ), is the disposition faith, but his {'other was a Greek. Mrs Miller as they drove past.
of a e t. am can ]:e readily t:ill remain 10 a perfect sate of pre-, to obey Jehovah's law, or the char- Paul speaks, of eeuxce, of the Scrip- "G glens no seam serious, far he
per cent. ammonia a!,u t. S pee 'inn 111 There are, ae. a In^tier »f of toad products that are not only ap- servation fee ear_. It is dant brotan ai ' •,
Ocie acid, ar]d 2 t " n••r • -ere met t net a f,•w lana^e+••ive•; who use but most of t acnes tvhigh is based upon nbeW coat, tures of the Old Testament, but what felt fully committed to going to
phosph 1nourishing,he says is even in a larger measure Tochurch without his wife, It was a
potash at the time that them are n I- has ..n exten_1 true of the whole Bible, He spooks g
in .he ,spe're. Thi, is t,,.r71 in it as a fuel econ01)11/r, market and a:ac t0 pt'sI D:otr also that the law, (and this can charm r;; mornin , and the ride to
dig thegrain vcnient to ma dally and in Lhe 1:niece , being e.1, ea tea
g of tate of the power and of. the use of the church had long been one of the los
beet applied with a f -i til -I ,h:1'; ; _ TP:L 1 .,'';,t high price of coat Met Smve, Sweet rider, C II'I viae; are' ally rksirable for making mince meat; truly be said of the rwe •, uses. They are "able to make
can he emen lin:sell r.stt.-tfnl11,1tr.,i the deism1 fat ,•,.,, ie errun, apple ;jelly' - hurinn15 a, truly as a whole) converts the soul, uartlt 3 pries of life; but somehow, in order
:sed drill: It a, t. t,•,ile.i cider ai1P 1 P and apple Lultcr as r: ell as wise unto salvation," and theyare
when this, is i:err, l c owe ~i'r.l p a3:.r- and the linker.; •s11 I a.-teurized cider arc turning, the soul from error and folly to appreciate it, you wanted mother
like lime hut an p multitude of other culinary uses• nofitable fry teaching, for rr Proof,
chic diel; nate 11aere •h,' pt 1 + 1 .:r el' foe mile to the t;uliiide apps demand and can he geld and sin to righteousness and God; I 1 aloe? t0 praise things up. Without
to that0u� all m active•
' be •, r , ,• ,: 1•r:,. i''rin3 hugely, s 7=u all • ; P>y continuing the evaporation pro- that it makes wase even the simple, for correction, for instruction in right- her, eawaes were only w11!te".1ON , and
soil so that the fertilizer 1 act a ,,eater act ;,1^tfit than i, t. Y
d into the clamp soil :at a d_„th .,-, 'lined from the apples {n a fresh' cess until the coin is reduced to the loo knows h{s ignorance ant] sects its •
earnests.' The reader who welts even the bobolink's song had a lone -
abs. ratio of seven to one the product bo-
guidance; that it rejoices the heart • earnestly to know what is the author- same guan).
the slants grow'. EI I n ing C nteels Popular.
1 eomiitiO11 ' comes jelly, which mikes a delightful it and what the value of the ire ,red
you give me directions Ti• :.t:t'-11011115 cullte:tts throughout! t ” e need not he wast and brightens the eyes, giving salad Y r P The• old horse was haring' an e^ !y
R. Pi.:—Can , r cn stdar T,ren t.l. Pam:1c- tart sFa cad, To please varied tastes e t it
Book will find !n Paul's word, a gaud
tre»arewien of a two -acre the L rfatioa2 are attracting n , I •ii1.• used ex of beew•as n and beauty to life; and hat time of it, ]when was all owe 1:'s
for the fall I Liles are rel. Tt. is tC 1 it may he sweetened and any .tastes,
endure- bring altogether true and.and sufficient answer to his gi:esi!or.s. burn., -anal for once in hie life ara5
j trawterrtes next 7i,1 In Already the en f i t P cattle and for L added. A ready and I power is "through f^tib and it 1 late t h He heel
vE T1 11'10, p m. market .1 attractive P rt' n nd frac is that only which. no acts n g i
pettzutl; enc t °n color and o a syrupy cmtsrs en � • ; to it.
"nu are _,< �,.lt for the pa,Pae, entertaining full, n eoncelttratea farm con- . •-.'ve use both
for growing v,n 1 , „! Cleft ' b birds from all' feed or , ashy aur sec fl
avoring may o ac c c . retic
right. leer that which is just s
li ,,'list is the Pest variety? 1 teeing r a,,..,t 3 nd ghee luny pronounce It t rices awaits allwilling;to :,e a up t, , r
-seg t:. noilttw bieedere. to authority is thin of a teacher and a 'o nfo r tit to the .::gaily
siva to :'o into •rli k an )ecro; cls_ - re equato or115010( corn silage. Pomace apple ,jelly offered.
like ,are an fancier and the cntmnerei 1 man a.., as 'ell • mock tit .forever. The law i; fnrthor guide, To neglect or refuse tits pew alone. He would stip in gdiet.}y
e�+..'ins 1 li and told also has a I tinct value jelly 'teaching and this guidance is ruse•]
t:, preparation ,f -"'•bene, The eon being re. t. t=ented as are also the its pectin content tvhtch; Apple butter has long been astand-i described as vary sweet and very pre- y to a hack seat; and Ices awry as seen
t.l. u , r hecau I of , I
1 1.:•l] ,erre: ted: i,arkyarlee en 1 the fanner, the old Frer'acnt-i by as a staple funs) and table delicacy cirrus and very greatly to bo desired. the highest fol y, as possible after meeting.
IS i -;?1i, dry is-:: nY is sant im ,sires) b drying.1
with wee.ds. breeder end the amateur. Canadians I y_ __ _. Eben was late, but he had niincal-
r • ;lime it all their own ly the homage is repressed, the It Ind merits a plate in the diet pe every For by it sue ]s warned and instrt:cterll slated in one re, butt, The minister
An, —Some enceeeefttl ,craw- lira slat ,^-c.n,., ] family A favnr•ite bene recipe is ns so that ha may scald both s1 1 0 or
c e'thr:r fur 1.,]t!r the X"nited States 1 met for •rnultine vino- n 1 (�^l
great e t I t^^ i s way I
)berry 'r 1 1
ton, had ! 2
::i the 1 1,
deep -
on e
w or
nal" )ince tem,. ; �, follows: Boil three gallons 0f apple unconscious errcrs, and open or pre- C u y Q
,rift• e jelly.
t,- `e ..rL�
Fresh swot cider and Pasteur}zed i cider down to one and one-half girl- �ur�ptsous sins. The entire merlins -I f ;�•� j
upon this scat revelation in na- '` i 7!�af.�'....,''✓'•a�•-'f�✓1
re15 pa , ,�
tall eels, ref tt' gr,t tend end F,nt;lar.d ,t^: teeing, t0 be repre-
to he ! 1 .tta�i 1. est year. enihe r- ,arm eider are highly recommended as a lone. Pate and queue) sufficient ap tion u1 o s g r
•r..: r n•rvr 'The Domi»ion Experimental P ]ons, Iles to matte three gallons. Pour over titre and in the „law of God concludes KJ (�
d •t• th r t lhvsir 7 that ,__.,. ,-...„a .,,,,1 � .rr• t ; �.,
which ie
Alloy this to c n e health di ml, by enrinen I
turn: it un, 'iii f,r,.i:t cr +:"n',r•p 05;11 lc conduct:Ile' ra 1 =; th n ea•en con-':evurc,e,, ..•_,,,. �___an_-.-
1 fr' Princo and scientists, Sweet order is a tome; inose , Afterk' . until thought may be acceptable in tical f A et.e..•"
lent Mining riat-! o .
have an .. 'c - to - - r,'u ,:1 .h,':a 1st te:,ts til year, n war fn„ m t ' cover
'leple- well coo mi
• '•' "• dotcn the toil. At the time. F•rlwal 1 Laand nn the (111,111. to :1lberta; as tt•elh as a mats special value; tender, run through the colander, eight of the Lord, t 1t Ottawa tali' 1 e held' ural stilts out arida sof 1
h add boiled ' t 1 boil down T 1] f Psalm 110 is also
The Honeybee's Work Day.
of plowing. ,o:ne �l'rov' crry c.rnr✓ens on the
t c_ . ra .: , The whole o sa i
When you are eating a piece of
adv:: e t.t nim; an•', r 1 ton:
of t}I.. ar.:dian” ripen tee the world, in the correcting nf, stamneh corn- ton iral'ta,l Irncos, and
remise of the law, and seems to have
't'o they. Other ennteete will be condeeted at, plaints and liver and kidney trouble,' to d add eon and ens -half tints sugar
1 bread and honey stip and think
manure inn' acre. In alh.t n y i%
in mind especially those fleet tt]imtta about busy little honey
- r In' pounds of six or the trench Farms then 'hnut • Pure sweet cider can readily be a
apply from. N.iO to 1 1 l2.
The fame ..e. ictc, re available as a delightful home Lever -i and when done finv0r with one wet. of the Old _Testament which, in the bee le worked the hard to gather the
fcrtiL ter per acre in the ::pt ice when the ionic,; mr' " year ironic, and s far super spoonful of allspice and one tettsponn-• tieLrety Scriptures, are known as
1 ! prole .�.S.; age they n thw but_ .' „ honey unci beep it fm you,
in•• t;h0 scc lied rlov:u, This is Chcrlotaet0ttn, P.l.L; 'a t l parr type of soft drinks.' f t c' 1 ] t S eriall cs l3 toes not hnv0 an eip,ht-hum
lend just given out the fleet home, aa•1
.,'re `etion lac r•eclt and were
facing the choir, who roc g from 01)
gallery in the rear. Thee Eben, a s 1.
entered, was in a poeitio11 to see and
be satin, end everyone Was out that
Sunlay. Even mother, hymn look in
hand, was there in the , roily DCA',
010 Wing' we situ of hIrving, haricot in
the least.
Dative the tat 5t:.111111 of the hymn
had teen sting Eben Inca reaehc,l a
plaaeilda c::plentt:rn cl' what had '1t
r; oris ria Roncse, Gj le.; t,randof, :,Tan., In- u.r tot eon i - I tl cinnamon, 'o mater., aimle •Tar•ah or Lay.,
nee esp - Y
with a :wain drill rtraupar m p erv;ttives should be', ter of a large scale, a scram apple
0-1s, 07, and le -5. By taking heel) to e c• first sc•entad a npt'tuy. !I( had douut-
'neeli dian Ileal, times.; anti Lethbridge. Chemical pica Working.
„ f, :r and thnvrlu•r1ilS to one inn- buttes cook x should Lr, need. It makes his way or conduct according to God's Working. day' -issue iadeedy. From eery less heart helped by the feel that his
sws),• d 1,, . as..a. ,
-voided- but pasteurized•
ickly livo n 'morning until darkness falls he heir- araticlsot, vrho lived-in 111,.omficld, was'
u:-orked in by h:lrro•:i'1•':; and dom.:nee 11t,i• dred and sixty drgrecs for two hours abutter with the ngltt flavor q
The fertilizer should 'eaalyze from `7 All contest:: start l :ember first. c ' and with the very -least amount of
ammonias, 10 to 1-' peer and continue for "_ asci.) ,).pteica- :mel scaling tight is effective for pre'-;
to 6 per cent
cent. a: all;.ble ph .1l,ltnrtr acid, and , tion must he made to ,)"minion Poul-, mating fermentation la} nt•.
_ _-._ _ , _ _ _ _ ._ -- -- --
tr;, Husbandman, E x;,erimmgtll Verna ad•litionnl _ there is in justice :.omcthin�; more pm'-
manent and more sublime than in
to 3 per cent. pe nasi, rm Ottawa. The time of reec r n a - pull- r7----`-'; --e:
plantfond will 1r. •e the y'('11' -oblate ei ,f
a strong vigorous start which .l; 11 (
10. 1 11
Las , c::tcu,led t- (:t „ben Acf.+
mean much to their fruit -producing, tift.eeuth. , et
Regarding the advice on prepare-; I -a-•ne • fl
The Great 'a c It PermanentI � ti
tion of seedbeds for truck gerdoning,t
I would say that you nowt.: do well
to keep in mind the necessity of good`
soil drainage so that the superfluous)
water from rain and snow may he
carried off early .in the spring, If
this Water lies in the soil it prevents
the circulation of air in the soil :lad
therefore retards bacterial growth
which is so necessary for crop growth
Moreover, every time a pound of
water is evaporated from the soil It
takes an enormous amount of ]neat
out of the soil and therefore keeps
'Loma Company.
Toronto office. 20 King 5t. West, INTERNATIONAL LI:1SON
4% ,illowod en Saviage. SEPTEMIIER 21.
Interest rnmputhri rinertarly. .---
Withdrawable 1,y cheque.
6%% on Debentures, The Iloly Scriptures—Ps. 10: 7.14;
Interest payable half yearly, 11;: 9-10, 07,165; Acts 17: 10-12;
1 Paid up Capital $2,412,578. 2 Tim. 3: 14-17; Bel). 1:1.2.
` y 0, °p to unit your
.laV.,1t,�5. ?w. •, •A-','Y-'t%'ta` o enin¢e: Tatted
With chin, 111) de•
li,Aty eunrnnt`arl.
0/111,11 Pr;ca L!at
( t 1, gut down Io.1
Iilb, u ;011,1
, na t6 w
it cold and backward,
Richness of soil is a principle of no
importance in market gnrd-
srcandary 3mpo 1
ening, Work in all the stock winnure,
3100 can obtain and supplement it by
high grade fertilisers in order to
force maximum growth within a mini -
o. r6 ••..n,`ni6
r+o HAt.t,W')G1v COPAl7ANv, Li,,oi*od
4, 1 ,il,0<,N , •nv ,uett,aa11ns 0411005
Golden Text, Ps. 110: 105,
The Law of the Lord. Psalm 10 cele-
brates God's revelation in the wonders
of the heavens and 111 the perfection
lav:, a y>ung man may rias -back and forth carrying the ''
life (v, 9), By storing up some word in the pew bur Mem I' a u;n't J:l o.
of it in the memory and heart he is, honey from flower to hive, and you I1is coijechiee ems. con!urnesl atter
preserved from sin (v. 11). Tho can imagine he has to work hard whets 5ervico by his wife.
salm!st resolves that ]re will meditate it takes about 10,000 trips to the fields "It wits my fn's, ride in an auto -
gather son, have regard :Cory any. delight to g'nther one hound of hoary as it mobile," he heard her :laying es she
! 0011100 to yon on the talo, came clown the aisle. "Johnny came
truth in the old sayie ,Let justice Very t
heaven itself, and therefore there .Is himself in, :its precepts (vs. 1.6, 1G). I After the honey is gathered it must
truly he declares (v. 1G6): ovei of purpose this morning to ur-
bo cared for In tho Cells, and some of tnso me. I'vo lmrdiy ,"'ot my breech
be done though heaven falls,'
The prai0 of the late is first sot Th "awl'
1 during theheat P the day they fan 1 1 P Corner
forth in three verae5 (7-0), each con -
And ahoy nava nano occas with their ur•al to v0ntllate rho )tiv
1 because its u smoother lou,
is the longer part tolling what the Substitute the word '1)101e" for "law", you )snow the honey the bee gat ill without you, ani the monster t.
)raw !s, and the shorter pari: tolling and the saying is oven more emphatic-' is not thick and rich,'but very thein 12o shook Eben's hand, "I was afraid
what it rhos. It will inalta ails all nilly true, and watery, and must bo cared for you were not well;'
the more clear if wo write the lines f y p and moved 1 h' "1T0 wasn't quite himralf this rnorn-
"Great peace have they which love the bees aro left 1n the hive and all yet Wo got here in no time, although
y aw; IOlt Of , t ur' r1g ea a'- 0 we went way 50112( ,y caro ti
taininr; two statements cast in the
etumblin,," and caxr off the extra water, Foo'
name form, In each statement there Y When I saw Siacer Pearson cams
„ bars „ is
as below;
The law of the Lord is perfect, ---con-
verting tho soul;
The testimony of the Lord Is sure, ---
making wien the i:impl0;
'111 'tatutes of the Lord are right,—
of Iris holy law. The heavens declare rejoicing the heart;
Il::: glory, but not less certainly docs The commandment of ills Lord is
the ancient law of Israel in vrhii 1 )lily purr, -,_enlightening 11:0 eyes;
will is reunited, 'l'lrere are set forth the fear cf the toed is clean, -en -
the' principles of justice send fidelity• dur1np forever;
and kindness and love, old ns crCntrr,n • 'l ii iue'gn its of the Lord are Line,• --
and high es the throne of God. lnde,.rl,' sand cif•:,Roosts altog:her.
The Holy Scriptures, Tho historian'
of the book of Acts (17! 10-1.2) com-
mends the people o$ Berea as "more
noblo" than others booauso "they re-
ceived the word with all readiness of
mind, examining the scriptures daily"
Thoy sought to prove and know for
themselves, by their own study, whe-
ther alto things Paul and I}1s follow
missionaries had told them were really
true, The common herd received oe
rejecter) without inquiry, but these
:13cnroans were of the tette nobility 01!
the faith.
from cell to toll in t to . tv
until it is "ripe" Much of this wont
' caring for tho honey is clone at night
• after the flowers havegone to sloop.
f3o ,you see when pooplo say tho
' ":busy" boo they know what they aro
1 talking about, don't they?
Hollyhock seedlings may be potted
up for wintering in cold frames. If
the plants are to be left in the garden
give constant cultivation t0 promote
growth Aral mulch the plants well as
soon as the ground freezes.
ing," lntorposed Mrs. Pearson, "but I
guess he feels better now, don't you,
father 7"
"Yea, Ihri all right now," said Elm%
"1 eqnppeeo, mother, you'll want to
30 back with sTollnlly?" the went on
diffidently ail they stood on the steps.
5WgA, 00 t t}aid eho. "7f Johnny
doesn't mints, believe that I'll let the
one way abet) guts do for a bo-
t11p y in
ginning, r (156115 7 elinin feel a little
more C91ntortaltlo riding homo 'long
of you,t)