HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-9-18, Page 5t 91# Ar . , s AARFA, • JNO,SUTHERLANU & SONS p 111,E p,�ya LIMITED F(r+4'tir�(Sr ,517 �i�e%4 Yi e(qt Business Cards JAS ANDERSON. RINAft'Y . LJt r?EQN, I+u - ,r t., M.11. chit,,.. ()Mutt of Ander• un 10,0.1.10011 stable, tirnsaele, Telephone No20, DR, WARDLAW Honor gondunte of the Ontario Veterinary College, 1)1%y and night calls, (Mee opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. T. T, M' RAE M. B., Al. C. P., R S, O. M. 0. H„ Village of Brussels, Physician, Surgeon, Acoounheur Moe at renitence, npp02110 Melville Uhnrnh, W illinm otreet. DR. J H. WHITE, B. A. PIIY:sl('LAN AND SURGEON, Graduate Toronto University of Medicine. Special attention given to diseases of oltildren 1t1(1 .Surgery. Office: Dr. Bryan& Old Stand Phone 41 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Will sell for ns good prices as any other Auo• 1108000 or charge nailing. REWEAVE P. 0. 19000F00T, KILLOKAH & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOlt. ONT. Private funds to loon at lowest rates, W. Pliutilen0'r,11,1tt. C.D. J. L. STLLofAN . . (.001111 + + + + 'I- M Stop - took - listen ; enD u« + 1' k 4 + + Steady ' work as Machine + Operators. Good pay. + Apply or write at once. . $Excelsior Knitting Mills J. T. WOOD +BRUSSELS - ONTARIO ,F at, te t 9 i It rays to Patronize z ;j A Well-established School G +4.4.4.+4.4.4.+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ 'F + F + e Y + a + AGENCY + + 4 0 1312USSELS 4 + + + has 1E04E41 over the Deering Ag- + +l envy fwd' handles a roll line of + l+'aett) Implements including the 3. + nnfed + + .s + + + The4. +f two wide (t I tl L 0 [ `; 't 1 1l�w� 'N {. a+• r . a. •+r 4 4 + 1 rt 0,ti, + T t john ,sliver a John Oliver i1 N, C, Cream Separators Th onlyCreanl Separator with ., open cream outlets— no 0)va in sc'rew in the path of the el't'ltlll. See 1 when 11 . The 1, H, C. 8-10 and 10-20 Tractors are luuung the hest, The Deering Manure Spreader With the (vide spi end and very light In draft. . 11'1 y li �a'9a•�tvF"ViafiS.a's'da'4F:.rfR"apA:gR 4.4? ,ELLIOTT �, Ventre & Oharlee Ste„ Toronto 101050 00 exesilcnt reputation for high eradiates (11 N 1N, training � A nal i ui ehil soba, uou or 0.'000111.1 of the Minuet limper tame, Write Loofas, for oar Catalogue. Students admitted at any (111111, W, J. ELL/OTT, PRINCIPAL. ('.fsstma TRO'dla,1N ItieIA1!/'."9TP BRUSSELS (30160 (300T11 ([10100 Nolt'I•a Express 7:UO a nll Mall - 11:52 n m Express 6:59 n m Express 0:07 p m 6's.vazusx Pamir ,WALTON To Toronto To 8oderlolt Express 11:97 n mess 11:41 pm Express 2:27 p m I ExprExpress 0:67 pm WROXETER Going East - 7:11 a, m, and 8:81 p, m. Going West - 12:20 and 9:65 p. 122. All trains going East connect with 0.P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations, GEO, ALLAN, Local Agent, '1' 4"i• 3ani 1`olx1 etvs Items DAYS now shorten rapidly. Auc'rloN Sales are once more on the progl ant. OWING to the dry spell a number of town wells have fallen short in their supply of aqua pure. It won't be that way long. A tomato weighing a pound was pre- sented to TEEN POST last week by 24rs, J no. Simmonr, (Queen street. L was a dandy 82111 11111E11 us goon its it looked. MANN' a visitor to lienssels greatly all• mire the compactly built 111E1111 street, the well kept lawns awl premises and the Leauti(hu rotes of rine maple trees. These things are much more value than citizens open think and 113007 a com- mendatory word is spoken. - GooD record is being made at Walter Rose's Poultry farm by a number of his White Leghorn pullets commencing to lay. Ot,course they got a much earlier view ot this section of the Dominion of Canada last Spring than many of the leathered family who will get down to business by Christmas time, A hen that can be kept laying now is a little gold mine. The "golden egg" talked about is not as much of a table as it used to be when eggs were 7 oeuls a dozen. einstein • Is prepared to pay the • highest price for • Scrap Iron, aRubbers, Rags, &c. 0 WOOL a Highest price paid. See t—me before you sell, '4Highest Cash Price for o live Poultry and Hides WrlIe or Phone 022 SAM WEINSTEIN 4 • • • • 4 4 • • 4 4 • • • • • m 4 O • • 4 • • 4 • • ♦ a • a O O • • MILL S:L'R111,1' BRUSSELS 1i '1114 5"tli'd 1 Yen .. 11.5 I I, , 1.11 I1121 ) 1,111 1 niasonable profit Is exacted by 111211U- facttu•ers, jobbers and retailers, There is a federal tax of S cents a box on all matches and this lax is paid at the factory by the manufacturer. In sai- 1 lt'; to the jobber the producing firm adds logellu'l lite cost tit production and lite taX :1011 adds a percentage Sur p00111. The recto rmini:r pays a profit of it, 1-11 per cent. on the tax as well as un the touches. Is this fair Or even justifiable. Use The Phone This week we received' several items of news by phone. We appreciate this 'Ind would ask that more of our read- ers take advantage of this handy met- hod of giving us the news. You con- fer a favor on us when you call us up and give us news. We have in- stalled a telephone in our office for this purpose and hope that our readers will take full advantage of it. The National Mileometer The national mileometer is a scien- tific substitute that inventive genius has found to replace the road logs, route books and maps that touring motorists are in the habit of using (luring the season. It is an automatic road guide that attaches to the in- strument board or dash of any automo- bile and is connected with the front wheel. As the car starts a tape be- gins to unwind, which indicates the motorist's exact position anywhere on a trip, and also warns of turns, bridges, railway crossings, hotel and garage accommodation, historic points of interest, necessary to the tourist passing through country with which he is not familiar, The Virtues of Vaccination. 10010 NOT 310P TE II[ADACES Until She Tried !(frail-a-fiYesil Made From Fruit Juices 112 COMM ST,, 8T, Joss, N.13, "1 feel I must tell you of the groat benefit I have received from your wonderful medicine, `Fruit.a-tives', num been a sufferer for many years from Violent Headaches, and could get no permanent relief, A friend advised me to take 'Fruit• a -Lives' and I did so with great success; and now I am entirely free of Headaches, thanks to your splendid medicine". MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price, postpaid, by Fruit -a -laves Limited, Ottawa. , L.,- 1' It.1( .r. hat 11 ,w o . Llei t Lr ,•i u lanai a e h r II nod, I, , , 1 1 at 1 �ht 1 111, T11014 15„51 Al. L'erg. 'rids isltt gond sign. Silver Cornet's 1'lle014. fort(',}' sold 22,025 pounds of chase In Ike Sw il'1 ('uuntliIlIl (:n., (1571.1 c 11, al 91 full 14P, ','1,10 par ;n-ul 11 1111 •llrI• I.,t011011 111. 11u•ge .nn or 613,91,, 11, Morris I Tin• barn ''0 111' feu to of 81 111.i 1., 1111,1(110, 11,14 been (inlet., rd t t 1,i ,r. vin Duncan and still be Oiii :•',1 erection o1' At huge tit itialg 11„9+, 13uildiug w11,4 taken down Intl we, k. VVare vel y pleaded to bear of 1110 111)1)1004 or (7'4011." and Miss Beryl 5,01. ter, Clinton, nephew and niece of Mrs 11011, Manning, both leaving (imaged their I'aem1eulrtly P,:uu, Exam, with lot dip's 11'mot•0. - 1V0 wish thein 110 trt,v r„nq"al 11111!.''":0 Mill 101411 8810291 cuntil11(11 Jas. iTenderson, roads .......... 108 10 Northern Electric Co. supplies 95 68 Moved by Wilton and Fraser that accounts be plod. Carried. Moved by 13(11me N c and Fraser 'Pc1 that Imperial Cil Co. be 111115101111 to place supply tanks for oil and gaso- line on lots owned by them North of G. T. R. Uat•1•i12, Rales were stuck 101,1919 and are as follows :— Every soldier who enlisted was County rata..... vaccinated and it was a great salts- Local rate faction that there was absolutely no 'Frontage este School rate ....... smallpox in the army either in Eng- School Loan land or France. As a result all sol - 4 mills 1206 2 3 10.06 1 diers have faith ill vaccination and Total .....................30 LETTER FROM GRAND COULEE.—DEAR FRIEND : —I see by the chile on label of Tun Pos'r that our subscription is get- ting behind. Although away from Brus- sels over 27 years I would not like to be without. the oid paper. There is scarcely a week but 16 uents:n': news of some (me [ used to know in boyhood clays, Our son, Wilbert, arrived home from France some time ago so we all feel now ,bat the war is really over. There is touch unrest in the old world but God for Christian freedom ,till rules(. and the which we have (ought is sure to win. Hoping yon are well and that you may continue to ed t '1'5111 Pos'r for many years to come, Youts truly, W. T. MOONEY. Sltowua.—Thursday evening, Aug. 23, the home of W, aud Mrs. Karges, Listowel, was the scene of a mos, happy event, when theinembersol the I. 0. D. Lr., Mrs. Bennett's Sunday School class, and other friends of Mrs. C. A. Zdliax (nee Miss G. Smith), assembled to "shower" her with presentsseats and good wishes, A pleasant time was spent in a social way and the guest of honor, was presented with several pieces of beauti- ful cut glass, also a piece of Madeira work. A dainty lunch was served after whiuh the guests, numbering about 5o, left for their respective homes, Zua,TAX—$0115.1'1,—St, Clair Avenue Methodist church, Toronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday, afternoon, Aug. 20th, when Florence Gerltude Smith, niece of Mrs. Maly L. Sharpe, Listowel, became the bride ot [Lev, F. Glias. A. ''/.tlliax, Listowel. Louts Battier, M. A., Ph, D. officiated. The bride looked smart in a tailored suit of navy gabtudiue with hat to match and wore a corsage bouquet of American as he '.,ttetlded b Beauty roses, S w ) Miss Hide Bishop, Toronto, Clareuce B Sharpe, B. E. 18 supported the groom. Groom's gilt to the bride was au Isabel lox stole, 60 bridesmaid a pearl crescent phi, and to groomsman a chain. Atter the ceremony, Mr, aud Mrs. Zb- ilex lett for a trip to the Thousand Islands aud Orchard Beach (Lake Simcoe ) They lettu•ned to Listowel on Monday evening cud have taken up theft' residence on Elate street. speak highly of its effectiveness. it is well-known that smallpox has ex- isted in Toronto for months and other towns and cities to which our citizens freely go have also 11,12 numbers of 0,10es during the past fete months. As a preventative measure therefore it wilt be wisdom that the children and young people especially should all be vaccinated. It would be a very wise thing if the local Board of Health of this and every other municipality would arrange to provide free vacci- nation and then adopt the simple plan of the military authorities requiring all children and young people to promptly attend to this important matter. Brussels Council The village Parliament convened Monday evening of last week and aft- er minutes were read and passed the following accounts were presented :— $1 50 50 00 120 00 9 00 12 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 40 00 3 25 97 40 Geo. Birt, miscellaneous......... Robb. Oliver, salary. R. Tlulell, salary and tent M. Fraser, roads— L, ThnelI, 1)11840 Ellis, miscellaneous 1 rnisC011anec tt R. t< 113 John Long, miscellaneous, A. Uuuit, miscellaneous ..., J. Meadows, inlsoellaneous Ohas., Pollard, roads D. Ewan, roads... ...... , R. Thomson, roads..... Gerry & Walker, miscel- laneous ......... 422 34 GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreeable work for the inexpa'.L(sced. A good livingwag,:- to beginners which materially iucrear:es with experience and proficiency. Write or call— MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton -. Ontario Ra51DEN'1' OF BaUSSIILS P018116 ANVAY — After a long period of severe suffering there passed away on 'Thursday, Sept ill the person of J own Merin yu, eut of Mr. Jet, 111715 was in his 75th year, being horn fu the township uL Btddulph, Middlesex County. lie was one at the early set hit later movlu hers of N1cKillop township, , g to Wntvenosll township aud from there to and line 01 Morris where he lived for 20 years, eventually selling out and re- tiring' to town about 7 years ago. The funeral service was conducted from the residence of deceased, Turuberry street, by his pastor, Rev. W. E. Stafford and was largely attended by relatives and oid neighbors, Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearer's were :—Chas. B. Forrest, Walter For. rest, Anson Shaw, Wm. Crawford, Hugh 12. 30lliott and las. McFadzenu, Mr. lermyu is survived by bis wife, 3 0000, (Wesley, Morris Twp. ; Mlllou, Regina Sask. ; and Thomas, Wright- ville, Sask.,) and 4 daughter's (Martha living in Regina ; Mrs. L. C. Neal, Toronto : Mrs, Fred. Near, Detroit, Mich , and Mrs. Rogerson, neat' 1311th,) Following brother and sisters also stir- give :--1), M. lernlyu, Wiarton, Ont., ; Mrs, Win. Arnold, Clear 1o8115, South Dakota ; 111111 Mrs. Who McKay, ()risks, North Dakota. The bereaved share in Widespread sympathy, Mrs. Jermyn will continue to reside lu 13russels. After passing neeesnal'y Hy Laws Council adjourned. TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES FOR RH EUMATISM, NEURITI&.SCIATICA LU M 13AGO, N EURALGIA,GOUT ETC. ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WORST HEADACHE 5(7 PER BOX TEMPLETONS 6” M,oasaIIZ SING OT.41 TORONTO Humanity has tacked a practical rheumatic Turnerree, y since time begun. For are seen yearly at not springs, electric baths and hose' tall to obtain relief, yet better results are aeh;et ed right at home by using T.R,C.'s "the common sense treatment." Just compare cos and results with ant other treatment and you will be convinced. Ask yout druggis or write us for our new booklet; It is interes fine.r and costs you nothing (Templetons, 147 King W„ Toronto). We nail anywhere on receipt of 21.04 Sole agent in Br reacts, Jas. Fox, Druggist. s F�' Yl N ET E D O • • a s ♦ 4 a • • • • 0 4 0 v • 0 Y.' 660 e i e • • Every Monday Morning • •• • 0 for 4 v Highest Prices paid • + all kinds delivered at athe Store` •• i H. La Stewart `s HENFRYN a • 000••4000.••••00 ive owl Days Are Here Again That means barefoot times are almost over for another year and the children will need to have good substan- tial Shoes for Fall and Winter wear. We have them in Tan Grain, Urus Calf and Velour for Boys, and Kangaroo, Pebbled Box Calf and Kid for Girls and Little Tots. The Quality is Good and the Prices are Right. Shoe the family here. "The Sweetness of Low Prices never equal the Bitterness of Poor Quality," R. O. RATHWELL, Monerieff Ethel A Porti rin,xla,ut is m'w dt:Sen by D. p'ergus'r, 11 1101 of h;. Ov'rLor1 A0118V01'.at y !t, Nil. I tl •([((118.1 chin eh will lake plane Sund,'y, S•'pl LK h. Pi earlier for the day will in, Bey F. (1. It,,hinson,'roesw,uer. lt'o a hhtek eye t0 Ethel not to have the 0.'I'. It. agent 1111 duty fol the night train. 1311010 wt• paid aur s11 t1." of the bo011,. to 1110 Mad to br �uppli0d With 1511 1110 neressat•y aecuuunodatinn. xt is said 1110 11049 Po+tlmnatel• fur 1/1 1101 Will he R. K. Ilona. OIli,:e will Ile in the tear of his dry goods 01',1.0, The Spence family w01.0 il1 cummtint for litany yeah before the it cent resignation. Grey THP POST give,' the 110(00 and 50 cents in advance, gets it to January 1st for new subscribers. A special manse will be taken at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, by Will. Hoover this term. success, tv111 . ll We wish him We notice Jon. A. Booms, formerly of this totv1slip, won lot in rut Spring wheat ih the llowiok Slandil 57 Field Crop Com 111' grain WENN Mat quis tau lely, Jack al wily.: sva+ a gond fel ('tor. Union l8pw'ort11 1,01057110 war,to ,u•- u t'i, gnniz0d on Aug. �tlth toil h 1('1115 t 1 k. officers:—Pres., Miss Edith But( ; 1st. Vice Pres., bliss Myrtle (hull- ulings ; 2nd Vine Pres., Miss 1110501 McDonald ; 3rd Vire,—Mrs. Stanley Machan ; 4611 Vice,—John Hirt ; (h- ganists.--Mlases Bezel McDonald and Intl AfcKey ; Secretaty- teasurer.-- Stanley Mitclutm, Meetings are held each Wednesday at S o'clock, also first Sunday evening i11 each month. G; 1111:1 851201.11 whore there was an I 11o0s. ills 4,,,e family Lir- 31fc1;1511 i blots full 1heavily. aud deepest. 0ynpath} rl rx tc'mded is their 571. 1U k e.a, loumel al (0)811 11('111 1'1('111 111s [all• 11)11110 un Welinellay al'trrlu0u^ Cranbr'ook A. A. Naylor has resigned his posi- tion as Principal of Seaforth Public school, which he has filled for past seven years, to accept the principal- ship of Queen Mary Public school, et new 16 roomed school, at Ctuuhatn, at an initial salary of $1,500 per annum, His resignation is to take effect on September 30th. The Seaforth Ex- positor says, "It is with sincere re- gret that the people of Seaforth will part with Mr. Naylor, ENS under him school has attained foremost rank among public schools of the province, 's dlincl loss t, t oval is a and his rem wish rout All how(' ver will t w the town. ' education- al success fn the 10111111 du5.a tion- al Heid." Mrs. Naylor is a daughter. of Chas. and Mrs. See[, of Cranbtook, and 51111 and her husband frequently visit here. Cranbrook folk ate pleas- ed to hear of Mr. Naylot's promotion. He will have a position in Chatham to prove his merit. Bluevale ' l ♦'1t1t.N'r.— t W. H. ,ti'rR1VART s At t t he meeting At the g of the executive of t Ohi125011 0 Aid Society for the counties of Balton and Peel, held at Milton, W, H• Stewart, late principal of Ac- ton Public and Continuation Schools, and a former resident of Bhtevale, was appointed Inspector to succeed 0. W. Norton, who has so capably fulfilled the duties of the office the past 111 or 12 years. Inspector Norton who lived in Brampton (luring his term or office, resigned his position several weeks ago. Mr, St0tv11L has adnlilable qualifications for this important, posi- tion and will no doubt enjoy the change from the onerous duties of tine principalship. For 35 years he has suceessfolly continued the profession of teaching, 10 of 091)1011 he spent at the head of Acton schools, Mr. Stewart, though offered (matters in connection with the Children's Shelter at Milton, will continue for the present to reside in Acton. Bis many friends offer sincere congratulations upon his ap- poiuttnent to this important position, McKillop After an illness of 6 weeks, Isabella Pilate, wife of Samuel Storey died at her house in McKillen, on Monday of last week, She was born 111 13iddniph 00 years ago, At the age of 7 the family removed to MclCi il1p, wht', 1' site married her husband in 1870 5 daugh els and 2 son, acre left :--Fan- nie, Mary, Maggie and William at home 1 Mrs. Wm, mockup, [vKillop and Mrs. John McNichol, Morris. 6 sisters and 4 brothers are living in the West and Mrs. Witt, Storey, tM'Kil- lop, is a sister, Funeral teas held Wednesday to Maitlaudbank ceme- tery. p>9A'r11 or ROBERT Scar',. Lally Monday morning, 8611 ins(„ Rohm t Scott passed away at his twine, 802 Own., Mui(illop, after stn illness of 8 weeks from typhoid and other compli- cations, in his 45811 year. 111r. Scot 8, t ' WINS a than of enlist 'Intim) +117 robust fine physique, and his passing away prime the prre of life teas a heavy blow to the family and friends, Ile was a son of the bate David Scott and spent all his life in the township, where lie and his brother owned and farmed 300 acres, A'To, Scott was 0. practical farmer Who made a great success of his calling. He Was well tea11, not only on agrieult.ural subjects, but all public questions and although of a solnewhab retiring disposition, was held in highest esteem by all tvho knew him. It is, however, in the horse of his stratus aitd brother with Whore he resided on the homestead on M,.u,i'.:.rMe•5. MA'rFe��M'.fliiwM«•�;FaY"�..•—""^"-•"-•... w as iurgely attended, eerviee 1113« 111:1111 Ii v ) Larkin. tug 1111 y . , church, l L1 , l ,1141 .�:„ a I"r"r. 11 115,11 C h+tl 1 1 1 } i•afotlh, of which deceased was lk weedier, Interment being ,Dade its the family plot Maitlau(ibank cemetery. • u=100111 Full weight of tea in every package 121 Sold only in sealed packages sBlas! ectroFd1,7.ass eossam BeBm1oBeeposePJS1t9E 1e5e1$gOggegt'44t: �1 ALL ROADS LEADD TO !ma Fall ATWOOD r September 22nd & 2ird, 119 i ond ay, September 22nd, at 7.30 p.m. (rants Rand Concert at Show Grounds by as s3 9s 49 5, rr a e 4 4' ae • t9 is ••w A s 0 es 0) q - Great War Veterans Band, of Stratford a D DANCING PAVILION UNDER CANVAS Dancing after Band Concert. Music by the Band All inside exhibit.' will he in place and Hall will be open from 7,30 Lo 9 p. M. If you want a good time you can have it here e Tuesday, September 23rd, Commencing at 1 p. mt aGrand Show of Live Stock and Sports consisting of 0 1st 2171 31.21 •. Boys' race, under 7, 25 yards ............... 35 2.11 15 • Gills' )'ace, miller 7. 20 yards ...., i5' 25 15 • .......... 36 25 15 pGirls' race, 7 to 10, 50 yet ds ........... ................... 35 Boys' race, 7 11 10, 511 yards ................. 25 15 D Boys' rare, 10 to 12, 75 yards ....... 50 35 25 toGirl; rttc», 0110 12, 60 ylu'tis . 60 35 25 r 8054' rave, 1• to 15, 1011 yards 75 50 • Girls' 9)aro, 12 to 15, 75 yards . 75 50 aBoys' race, 15_to 18, 100 yards— ..... .. ..... ..... 1 00 6u • Girls' lace, 15 to 1S, 75 yards :.........1 (10 50 SMen's open race, 100 yet ds..................................1 '21 75 N Soldiers' open 1ac:e, 100 yards.. ............. ..... 't 011 1 flu p Egg and Spoon lace, 11(1 yards, mauled women, s Oti 2 110 1 OU 0 special by Jas. Vau(;hn.......... ,. Women's it 75 4 • a( e 6 [1 ,cede 1 ll R omen s r Married 25 td .......... 711 511 ...r •s uncle): 6l yards . Sack rune bo u 1 } '50 25 a Sack race, nneu, 50 Volas .... .......' ....• .,,..•...... 76 Father' and Son face, 1(1[1 yai (is ..........................1 611 1 00 • Three legged race, 50 yards,•.1 uU 50 aWheelbarrow recce, 51) yards. ..... ........ ................1 Ito 511 Potato race on ho'seback................. ................. 3 00 111 • BABY STi(1\V--at 4 p. m, e Babies under 1'L mouths ..... .... ...... .... ........... .... 3 00 3 Ou ei13ab[es from 1 to'2 years................................3 011 2 01) TITG-OF-'.V AIt to 2 31) p. m. 0 13etween teases from Wallace, Morningten, Logan. ® Grey and Mina Townships 10 lie 0 nn '5 1111 ole i •o'to3rdm t c enter PI 1 1 1111 4 teams t n Y a t 6muguast J • 3 [Mina to enter lir no 2nd money es A Special prize will 1'e given to the pet son bringing 01 largest number of people with one teals of •• horses 151' oxen... 10 111) n 110 a • a Music Dancing by The Henderson Juvenile Pipe Band, of London. O DANCING IN THE PAVILION w o° ConcludingTuesday night with a Grand Concert in the® Music Hall by td s• THE ALiCE DUNBAR CONCERT COMPANY 8 saa Plan of hall opens Saturday, September 13811.04) 0 General Admission : Monday night 25c ; Tuesday afternoon 251119 tl © Tuesday Evening Q01100111, 50 and 36 cents CS J. I. BALLANTYNE, President. T. G. RATCLIFFE, Secretary, 4 0+0+0+. 1.0+0+.+0+0+4'+0+4+4+ 0'1..4.114,++'7.04'4"+++0+0+4+0+4+4+ 4 s 1181 e a cy 7, rl r0 °s 88 0000203309494®098®4884G 4' 0 The Seaforth Creamery r., din ass6 GISOMMINIMMISEMEXERMIA • • + Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that givt's you Prompt Service and Results. P Satisfactory �e We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the -highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. o Air C.CAL�L, Phone 2370, Brussels, or write to r amen The Seaforth Creamery y Co„ SEAFORTI-1, ONT. 0+000+0,9044+.04.0.+0+ .,04.40 000000499.00