The Brussels Post, 1919-9-18, Page 4( r"„n,
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1Cl•+be 3i rtssets Vast i t>;ri f ,, 1t111�(t tlt[>•ittiilt'� 1t.i t\lo,lel
1 Settool at Clfaton this season, It is not
e if cru should be (t 1111118
Intuh wondertt
1 g
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, tem s dal red tette tying r u 1 the
9 orf a the (1111. 1 Y s, )
would be teacher after tertn is complet-
ed before a position eau, be obtained is
crazy In extreme The certificate should
permit the student to run his t'hanee for
a wile."' with the 1e•,l ut the eppli,
(autt or eke the eche()) esu tttd lir wiped
out altogether, '1'he law its a humbug at
present, and a stumbling block to the
teacher and an eunoyanre to the trus-
tees, The Education Department
should effect a change.
GET ready for Winter,
Truetty season closed I.+*t MuI1I15Y
t+ea''uu rut eeiteeet :" ry •.till "p, -u 1111W.
STICK to "Made, in Canada"- goods
and thereby help this country to bold
her own anti also grow.
MACKENZIE KING bas accepted a COM.
ination in the eonsttueucy of Prince,
Prince Edward County for the Commons.
REFERENDUM vote is fixed for Monday,
October 20. Let the victory be cola.
pieta for Prohibition and the annihila-
tion nt' the liquor traffic
ELECTROCUTION iueteed of banging is
proposed as a change in the law for
murder at Ottawa Best way is to live
decent and die a natural death
A lively bustle is on the program to be
ready for the nearby Provincial Elec-
tion day. With 3 candidates in the field
in many ridings the race will be exciting
even if it will be badly mixed up,
FRIDAY of this week, in Wingham
Town Hall, is the date set for North
mdna in Liberal Not o
g Convention
for the Ptovineiel contest corning
shortly. Probabilities p tint to W. H.
Fraser, the present M. P. P., being the
standard bearer,
HAVE you a sou who requires protec
tion from liquor traffic 1 If so there's
not much doubt how your ballot should
be marked at the referendum voting.
Sobriety cannot be maintained while
john Barleycorn sits on the throne,
THE Prince of Wales and General
Carrie snoutd have their praises sung in
double forte by Toronto and London
Fair directors. They boosted the gate
receipts all right and proved A r mag-
nets supported by favorable weather
conditions and the use of the automo•
DON'T parley with influenza. Some
people, who think they speak with
authority, say the epidemic is bound to
bang round for another year and dan-
gerous results may come to those who
have already undergone a seige should
there be a re -occurrence of the sickness.
Every precaution should be taken in the
way of prevention.
WHILE iu Winnipeg the Prince dabbl-
ed in stocks in the Grain Exchange, buy-
ing 80,000 bushels of October oats at 83i
cents, He was promised a return of
fita.000 on the deal but we guess he may
tthel in the Days of the Past
Some Reminiscences by F. S.
Scott, Brussels.
Ethel wile stat led by ,lonathen
Carter who had tt Saw -/11111 and Fleur
mill and at one time had over tan
tui(tinu of pine Kimber in his yard,
which he had to teazel lo the (4. T. lis.
at Seaforth, Mitrheli or Dublin. tie
was fit et postmaster and the place was
called Ethel. The partite; owning the
land on which Ethel is situated were
Jacob Storm, Mr. Hutchinenu,
Lawrence and David Dobson, John
()ober and \V[rr, McKelvey, all of
whom have long passed over the riv-
er. The posttMce stetted about 1862
and the lute James Spence Caine in
about 1865 and opened a store and the
postnffee was moved into it, he be-
postmaster. . Al
hie death
nnk the
1 1's Rlir•
' 1 CP became illi 1.1
resilt),\V 15 ell /
hisI7 .
cessor. The latter also ran a pottery
and supplied the neighboring Mer-
chants in the towns and villages with
his ware. At his death Isis daughter
Miss Rebecca became the postmistress
and when she resigned her brother
William got the office anti recently
resigned. J. K. Halls being the new
James Dunbar, a brother of D. W.,
was also one of the first settlers in the
village int he left years ago and went
to New Ontario. Then name David
Milne in 1807. F. S. Scott also resid-
ed in babel its 1808, beim; teacher in
School Section No ti, of whish Ethel
was a part. School was on the farm
now owned by Cuthbert Hutchinson,
Mr. Scott was the filet pel'sun who
carried the mail to Ethel Post -office as
be and hie brother Peter were engaged
in the service for some years, while 3,
Carter was postmaster', It wascar-
ried from 3Mnrrisdale, P. 0, In those
days the mail route for the North name
from Seam th to Morriedale, thence
to Oranbrot k, Trowbridge, and Maple-
ton, now Listowel, but when the Mads
from Seafortb to Bellmore and from
Mitchell to Listowel were constructed
the mail routes were changed and
set ved from Mitchell and Seaftn•tie
Before that Brussels got its mail feotu
Morrisdale as did Oeanbronk and lat-
er Ethel, which was after ()hanged and
served front Brussels until Ethel got
G. T. R. as at present.
In those days people who were
Methodists went to church On the
farm of John Hunter, near the cheese
factory. Presbyterians had to go to
Brussels or Ot'anbrnok where Rev.
John Ferguson preached and also sup-
plied at Walton, Cranbronk and
Welton having alternate Sundays and
it was not until Rev, D. B. McRae
Have to whistle for his profits unless the e came that Ethet hada ehtn'ch, he ie -
market boosts as there has been a de•
cline since he "bit." Winnipeg was a
bad place to "dicker" in graiu,
Rev. W. A Amos, formerly Presby-
terian minister at Atwood, but more re-
cently engaged in farming near Palmer-
ston, was nominated as the U. F. 0.
candidate for the Legislature in North
Perth. There were 6 names before the
Convention which was held at Milver-
Tat Liberty League bar all hotel
keepers or others interested in the
liquor business from membership. They
can't fool many people by their tactics
in attempting to overthrow Prohibition,
They say no return to the open bar
though. Why 'r Answer is not far to
seek. Safe way is to mark your X in the
No Column on the ballot,
NEST Municipal Election St. Marys
electors will Vole 00 3 ByLaws :--(I) A
soldiers memorial for fallen heroes ; (a)
ing the minister for a great number
of years.
Mrs, Wm, Spence, still a worthy
resident of Ethel, is the person who is
the longest resident of Ethel, Then
comes David Milne, whit came in 1807
and was married in 1808. He started
the first blacksmith shop, and after-
wards became a farmer, owning the
farm fortnerly belonging to Hutchin-
son and became tt large breeder of
Short Horns. He is still one of the
residents. His brother, 1Vm. Milne,
known to most of your readers, came
shortly afterwards and for years ran a
sawmill and was Reeve for years of
the Township. He left years ago and
went to Not'th Bay where lie still re-
sides. A large number of your readers
fully expected he as rine of the old
boys would be at the Reunion so they
could get a shake of his hand as of
yore but were disappointed.
Farmers Prepare and Adopt Provincial
Political Platform.
At a recent meeting of representa-
A Great War Veterans' Club house ; and Lives of the United Farmers of Ontario
to establish a Park Cr,mmlRsion, , held in the offices of the organization in
(3) Toronto, the following provincial plat -
While speaking of a war memorial we form was formally adopted:—
wonder what this community is going to Whereas the rural population of
do and when they are going to get at it ? Ontario has been declining for many
It is time action was taken to at least years, being now 139,000 less than it
was in aand this spite
discuss propositions) and decide on some ural increase in population, immigra-
plau before the Winter sets in. tion, and the extension of settlement;
And whereas rural life has been
Pas PosT would like to see postage' prodrendered uctiodifficunhasltbeen andchtryingecked;, and farm
rate on letters come back to a cents and And whereas the present condition
postcards a cent. The increase is a tax, in the rural districts is Justly attribute
particularly on business people, who are able to the unequal rewards of farm
paying a good share into the exchequer and town
In indusparliamtry, ent owinand g to legislaturethe domi-
ance; ,
with this extra and the war tax on bank of privileged urban interests;
cheques, drafts, &c. Uncle Sam, has And whereas the provincial public
reverted to thea cent rate and now debt has increased at an alarming rate
sends his mail the whole length of (now exceeding 100 million dollars)
Canada while we have cents tucked on and the annual expenditure of the
3 province has increased almost five -
for a letter carried a toile, It's not a fold in the last 1 S years;
righteous piece of business. And whereas both of the old parties
are responsible tor this state of af-
WOULD you rather trust the judgment We, therefore, the United Farmers
of the "Liberty (r) League" who reoom' of Ontario, deem it our duty, to our -
mend everybody to vote against Prohihi• selves and the province, to seek in -
tion or the calm assurance, based on the dependent representation in tits legis -
record, of a barless Province that better nature, with the fxlexpenditures
i—'1'o cut out all expendifures feat
days are ahead of the boy where there is are not absolutely essential.
uo beer barrel to throttle bite? The
abolish the system of party
Liberty League, if they had any Win- Patronage,
once, would be a menace to morality 3 --To limit governmental activity
respecting commercial co-operation to
and is an enemy to the Ontario youth,
the home, church and good citizenship.
They are the stool -pigeons for the liquor
tragic promoters.
loci, ok fpiligating co-operative ef- �fp¢tt1iL+ Little
fort, to keeping of accurate records, Harris 0
and to general education along CO,
top4—To provide equal educational Op. +3.'h+3'444.4 Ft's'*•P+td•+'h+++++++
A BRXTSSR B$.tiSA1Y'8 Zzato stusarC8
'!'Ilia story of Wtu. Rogers, a seaman
in the Mine ihreeptug Breech of the
ltuyal Navy, is absolutely true and oan
be readily verified.
At N tagara Cramp, fo 1814, Rogers eon-
traeted Rheumatism. He was sent to the
TurouxuUetietal Ifoepital,wbere for over
111 months he a as a patient, finally being
discharged as incurable. In despair he
took a friend's advice and tried Temple -
ton's Rheumatic Capsules. The results
were astounding—in a short time he was
able to pass the stili examination sat by
the Navy, and became an AJ3. in the
Mine Sweeping Branch.
For 17? i months he did service in the
North Sea. On three occasions he was
blown into the sea and remained in the
ice-cold water as long as eleven home at
a stretch. Despite these hardships Rog-
ers had no return of his previous
trouble. Think about it, If T.R.O.'S
did so much for Rogers—will they not
do the same for you?
Ask your Druggist or write us for our new
booklet; it is interesting and costs you nothing
(Templetons, 142 ging West, Toronto), We
mill T.R.C,'s anywhere on receipt of 81,04.
Sale agent 111 liras-r,s, Jas. 1'•ox, Druggist.
portunities for all the children of all
the people, by greatly extending and
improving educational facilities in she
rural districts.
5—To substitute for the policy of
hi hwa's a
g }
, t' • . of1 continuous road
policy organized anized 1
l t4
maintenance, and of making good
roads tar all rather than high grade
roads for a few, the cost of road con-
struction and maintenance being
equitably distributed between city
and country.
6—To promote a system of forestry
which will maintain and increase the
public revenues from this source, pro-
tect and perpetuate our forest re-
sources, re-furest the waste of Old
Dutarie, and encourage municipalities
to engage in forestation enterprises.
--1'u encourage and cheapen hydro
Electric development and maintain
effective public control over it,
8—To enact and enforce such pro-
hibitory legislation against the liquor
traffic as the people may sanction in
the approaching referendum and as
lies within the power of the province.
Prohibition is an integral part of the
Farmers' Platform, and the U. F. 0.
will use its influence in that direction,
Al synod,,. Sept. 22.23
/Myth ............................Sept, 22-23
f hesley .... Oct, 8.9
Dungannon ........... Oct. 2.3
Drayton .................Sept. 80, Oet, 1
Got tie • .Ort, 4
Hart iston Sept. 25.20
Kirkton . ................ .....Oct. 2-8
Lnrknow . .....................Sept. 2.20
Milverton `Sept, 25.26
Mitehell Sept. 23 24
Palmerston ........................Oct. r 8
Tavistock Sept. 20 30
Teeswatet' ........... ....Sept80, Oct. 1
WVi n ghats .............................Oct. 8-9
Auction Sales
watt' eines, Rio,—•Ton Taylor, Auctioneer,
has been instructed by the undersigned to sell
by public auction at N W 3' Lot 0, Cot 6, 111 no;
rte, on Monday, Sept. 22nd. at 1 o'clock, the
following valuable property ; -1 mars 10 rears
old, 1 horse rising 5 years, 1 mare tieing 6 yrs.,
1 cow due to fres)ten in .Tsnuarv, 1 cow due to
freshen in march, 1 enw due to freshen in Apr.,
2 caws reeeutl,v freshened, 22 -year old mere,
1 steer rising 1 year, 2 heifers riming 2 yell 0, 1
heifer rising 1 year, 1 steer 8 menthe old, 1
heifer 7 months old,. 2 Spring calves, 1 new
call, 40 Roseeoub White 255011dot05 hens, 7
gBose, wagon, Alaesey-Harris binder 0.2 r• out,
Massey -El orris Hower' 0 ft, cot, single huger, 2
cutters tone nearly new), hay rack, tiding
plow, walking Mow, disc, set of iron harrows,
hay fork and slhtgc, puiper, wheelbarrow, fan-
ning mill, 2 Orindstonee. seed drill, set doable
harness, set tingle harness, 2 rain barrels. conk
stove, wood heating stove, coal stove (parlor
cook), coal oil stove with oven, Mutate orennl
separator RAO lbs I, extension table, sideboard,
8 reekingeludes, cnuch, kitchen chairs, Jerre
size mull box quantity of good maple wood,
1 Leader barrel churn No, 5 abent
W0 bms, of good oat-', E0 tot8 hay, Parke, ahahls
and nomernns other urlieles. ldverything to
he sold Rs the proprietor is etvieg rip horning,
Term.—Seri. of 46.00 and under cash ; over
that amount 12 months credit given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes. 6 pct' Cent off
for cash on credit amounts Hay and oats to
be cath,
WM H FERGUSON, Proprietor,
R, PeOCT011, Clerk,
1112 I v,I ti o f$
Put ill. purpose or settilog up tie ettalra of
the estate of the 1'401'0numA Garulso, tenders
will h„ reeslVrd by the undersigned 10:Panto'.
of the 1841 Will and Tann in eat of the (literate
ed, rip to Snturduy notes, the LWeW:v.:s •vetlth.
day us, Oeptembor, A 41 1919, for the fallowing
v8 lea ble properties namely :--
Forrn 10 II) The Smith Rolf or Farnl hot No Vein,
e l 4111
t•' e a d to (.10111,041411/11 of tll 1 1 1
'un thlil t1
,4 Mo,hls contnhling one enflame), axes or
Med, inert, 3 h 1004 1
1.) lad• 15011(hel• SI% in. the 8110111I1We/441011
Of the 'Township of 5,4re1 swanning, one hon•
deed neo en of land mole r 1.:44 ; cunt
l0) 1'11141 portion o1' Villeg,• tont number one
Hundred on Tnrniterry street in trite Pillage.
or Brussels, known as the tdarnin+store
Alt of the above properties ere free from un-
cunlbrance and the iltle's thereto are indisput•
Further partlenlare may be obtained by
prospeeth•0 purchasers on npplioation to the
The highest or any other tender not n00e0•
eerily nceaptetl
Dated this end day of September, A.D. 1910,
10.4 W. M SIN('I,AIIR,
F,xeau4or Thomas Garnlse, dtceased.
Act 1013
Ontario Election Act 1918
CnafCrrrd to in auction Aa)
Notice of Sittings of Neilsing Officers
Electoral District of Centre Num
To Wit:
wee netic" tint the Voters' !Aids for pulling
nub•divett',02 'lumbered t tut " in the mnniol-
pallty or the V,ltc ' of liiloeels ; mnnbel'ed 1,
4, a nod 4 i the 'town or Clutton; unto lowed 1,
2. 6 and 1 (11 the 'I'envaship or t'lulboree ; nom -
hese 1 1, 2, 8, 4• f, t1 and ; in the Town of (lode.
ries, ; numbered I,' 1, 3, 4, 5,6 and 7 in the 2`own-
'hiP my ; numbered 1, 8, 6, 4, 5, 2 and 7 in
t tin I'n,r n',ble ed Hui lett; nusnbere[i 1, 2, 8 and
412 1,'-'I ',weenie ar Townno ; and numbersti
1„ 6, 4 ani 5 i2 bh.' Powe er Sonforth have
been deliv red by the enumerators or
and have
bee,, deliver. 4 in the 01.0120 Of tits Board by
118' Itre nrohlg (7ftleer ;
And that 1118 Honer, lodge T,ew10 R. Dick•
sea, hes been appointed Revising Officer for
t1,,' t 'r1, Ise u1 hearlog aa» datnts and appeals
,4 to 1h,, add it•tu for lite 'town of Gnriertcll ;
His H ,nor .1edgy 12 N I,ewie has been alit
Pointed H,•l ,sing 0111oei• for the einemse of
,tearing eteneinteie and appeals no to tiro said
0.5. i., the 'l'ow n -hip of Grey and the Village
of Bru'ae'ln
It lis Iisru •Ids Is -q ,Mae been appointed Ra-
asstn thlltla�li Vol Lists for rtthe lTownmetllps
of Colborne and Hallett ;
0. 1l,Dnllx•d, Beg , has been appointed Re.
vising Iilieel' to Ilene eon pte)t'ts end .appeals
ns to the said Voters' Mete for the Township
of M,'Klhnp and Town of Seeforth;
0. gaper Mae been spprdntetl Office
et' to heal' nelnpleltlte and 'weenie Ila i'.O the
said Voters' Lints for the Tnwn of '0111,10,1.
And further take oetiee that the sitttnge of
the said Revising OAleers will be hold as fol.
lows :—
the , 110 of s Honor Judge 1 in the Coort HI o g
[I CI 3 on
- I` t rt. a11NP Tawil of GU 0 O1 ,
son, stile nt H
n 1
pie ,tt h say t e said Vote 1919, a hear oon-
pinio4s as to the axle, Voters' Lists for polling
rub dlvtelons 1, 2, 0 nod 4 in the said Town of
Gederieh ;
In the Chambers of His Honor Judge Dick"
nn, in the Court Hone, Town of Goderfoh, on
the 25th day of Stpte•mber, 1910, to heel• cons.
plaint. ae to the Paf(l Voters' Lists for polling
snb•divislone Nos. 5,6 and 7 in the said Town
of Gnderi['h ;
In the Township stall, Ethel, on the 24th day
02September, 19111, to hear complaints and tip.
peals as to the said Voters' Lista for the Town.
'.hip nP (Irsy;
In the Town Hall, Ilrnssels, on the 27th day
or September, 1910, to hear eongIIainte and no-
neele aa: 111 the start ','Uts's' Lists fol' the said
Vltlnee os, ane
hl the September,
tp H1H, hearty, on the 24111
day of September, I019, to hoer complaints and
anneals as to the said Voters' hints for rho
said Township 4 Colborne;
Ht the 't'ownsbio Hall, Londeshoro', on the
250, day of September, 1919, Whea12 complaints
and appeals as to the said Voter's' Lists for the
=std Township of Flullett ;
In the '1'ntva Fte'l, Seaforns, on the 24th day
or September, 1019 to hear complaints and ap-
peals RS to the HMO Vntera' Lists for the said
e'n63dp oP Melte fop;
In the Towyn Heil, Seaforth, on the 25th day
of September, 1919, to ,tear complaints and an -
Peale as to the said Voters' Lisle for the said
'Down oP Sonforth;
In the !'own Hall, Clinton, on the 24011 day of
September, 1919, to hear eonplaints told ao•
peals SP to the ',aid Voters' L1Ate for the said
Town of Clinton;
Such sittings to 007nmeac5 at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon,
And further take notice that any voter who
desires to ownp,nin that the names of any per-
sons entitled to be entered on the said Bete
heve been omitted from the same, or that the
names of persons who are not entitled to be
voters have been entered on the Bets, may, not
less than 0 clone davit before the date Axed for
the sittings of the Revising OAtoenmpply, eons.
plain or appeal to have his own name or the
name) of any other person corrected in, en-
tered on or removed from the said lists.
And farther take notice that such appeals
=net be by notine 111 writing In the prescribed
forte signed by the complainant, and given or
left for him at Ole residence or ulnae of busi-
ness on or before the field date to the Clerk of
the Revising Offlner, es follows :—
To T,. 2, Knox, Goderlel�i, SR to the said Rets
for the Town of Gndel'fott 1 to A.B. Mncdon-
ktd, Ethel, for the Township of Grey; to F. S.
Scott, Brussels, Por the Village of Brussels , to
Isaac Hetherington, R. R, 1, S)lepparton, for
tho Township or Colborne ' to J. Vineland,
T.ondeshoro', for the Township of Hallett ; to
M. Murdts, R R. 1, Soiierth, for the Township
of MsKIIIup; to J, A. Wilson, Senforth, for the
Town of Seaforth ; to D, L. MacPherson, Olin.
ton, for the Town of Clinton
Chntrmail Voters' Registration Board.,
County of Huron.
Copies of the Voters' Lists may be seed with
the 0innirlpnl Clarke, Poet Mestere, ft, J. D.
Cooke, Godoriah, Chief Enumerator • the
local Ennmeraters- for the several polling
soh -divisions ; the members of the various
Modoipoi Councils, and with the undersigned,
Clerk Voters' Registration Board,
Heifer Strayed
Strayer, from 1110 premises of the undersign-
ed, Lot 14, Con 5 Morris, on nr about middle
of Angina, n red heifer, with hole peached in
right ear. deho'ned, rleing2 Owner will be
greatly blliged for ill
forienne 4 tort lending to her
For Sale
Hnuee and lot., nootn ening 6% acres,f t1 Iti1
Village of L'ran ,eon t,l the pro er yo e late
Mrs, Agnes Brown, is offered Por mile. Frmne
house, barn, fruit trees @a Possession could
44+4.4.+4.4.+,4,4,4,44,444.4 be given at 0nee. Per tnrtlier pporttuulare ap•
ply to 011ts. Tuns. (1At11ntON or Wtl. OAtlmlON,
+ hlxecntors estate of the Tete Mrs. A ghee Brovn,4. 44
New Gara+ Crallbraek.
For Sale
4+' 4, The encs e1 of 014' are,linsLo1l's7, Coon stogy,
+ , 4, implements old furniture, Lot ll Col. 5, Grey,
9 41 is offered by private'n1e, no follows ;—I mow-
' • Opened in Brussels 4, 1 or0ft. auf, ISO tooth steel rake, 1 separator
4. .600 lbs.), 1 6•horae 21.0 (oentto pressure lever,,
11heil'erwilt 15menthe old 1youngnow lncalf
4' 4' 1 et,w in pig 1 sound bay bol s0 4 years old, t
+ Rotnl[1 horse 7 yea) 0 01[1, set double harness,
The undevei >ned have ental tel i I nebee fleeter coni shore, I wood :Rove, 1
6 (maimed. 21,14,•), n table, l solid oak hall
to a Crl.p uoigned 12 and leased
eta nd, 10001,4 and rooster and 10 l,llete, one 0.
lily of wood ready for sew Above imole•
moots were all new last year and will be offer-
ed lentil all nth disposed of.
P. BASTWELL, Proprietor,
matter of the estate of Wm. Garfield
Dunbar, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, Far-
mer, deceased.
Nodes in hereby given pmetmint to "The Lta•
vtsort statutes of Ontario," that all creditors
and others having claims against the estate of
the said Wm, Garfield Dunbar, who died on oe
ab•mt the 18tH day of ,lune, A.1 D, 1019, ere re.,
gnlred on or before elle Int day or Ootobe-, A,
I1 1010, to send hr post prepaid or deliver to
D. W. Dunbar, the Ad mint-tentor or the estate
of said deceoeotl, at ldntotvel P. 0 , their Chris -
Han and menden'(, nddretses end d06ertptlells,
the full 1-artienl8rs nr their ',Mims. the stnte-
ment or their dements and the nature of the
9Qou i'b s 1,e any, held by them
Ater further take not.ce that after ,a;rl, 1001
rnelitlneed date the 'said Ad odnl, t I titer Will!
prnrerd to dletribnte the ae.PE, of the d..ree.rd '
among the Parties entitled tbel elo hovh g ,,"
gerd only to the claim, of which hashell then
have notice, and the paid A dininimt1' Mos will
not be liable for the said assets or any part
1 o • 2• • ml of whose
r to any i 1100 7 persons the sof t
. P i
hove been received
1 11(1. P Ahai not 1 ee [ ob
Maim 130 1y
him at the time of sash distribution.
Dated this 0th day of September, 1919.
11.8 Adminfetrntor, Listowel.
matter of the estate of Thomas
Garnlse, late of the Township of
Morris, in the County of Huron,
farmer, deceased,
I Notice ie hereby given pursuant to "The Re.
vied Stntntes of Ontario,' that all creditor's
and others ,laving claims against the estate of
the said Themes Garnl'a, who died on or
about the 18th day of August, A. D., 1910, nee
required on or before the 27111 day of Septem-
ber, A. D ,1910. to sent, by po•t prepaid or de-
livertotheundersigned Executor of the lest
25111 and Testament of the said deceased, at
Brussels P. 0 , their Christian and Surnames
addresses and descriptions, the 1011 partial',
lees of their 0)03ms, the statement of their sc.
coops and the nature of the securities (if any)
held by thein.
And further' take notice that after suci, last
mentioned date the Reid Exeoutor will pro•
coed to tttetribute the onsets of the deceased
among the. parties entitled thereto having re-
gard only to ciahno of whirl') he shall then
have notice, and the said Exeoutor will not
be liable for the said assets or any pert there-
of to any person or portions of whose claim
notice shall not have been received by him at
the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brussels, this 1st day of September,
. Al) 1919.
10-4 Executor of the last Will of deoeased.
✓a in
4' the building recently vacated
'f by S. Career, moil have fitted it
4' up for a (modern garage, 4,
� V(re lire ready 10 attend to all '1'
vp repairs, a specialty being trade + ,
4, of Thee, having taken t1 special 4. Farad far Sale
+ 1111,11185 in dealing with Rubber, ,� 1 .�
4' tete' 'F rine 100 acre farm for Rale, bolo L at "5, Cons,
,0i, leupplles of eettsoline and Oils t 14, Grmy towneirfp. 09 eorua atoxl'ed, belanco
4' always oil hated. ,a baehandp0901000 (}oodhnitding8, onn81811111g
.h of frnmalmueo, htotit blum, driving xhed and
e. We me agents for the well 1i up•to•[78to potiltry house, Gond anter, wind.
known Overland Oar. 4 mill, ,itn 4miles from Ethel and 214mlted
,1 from Ma1Qa❑ght, on 0, 0, R. Poor further par.
4• Merits for Renfrew Cream * tiaulelsa010 *'las, terms eta., apply on the
4' Seporators, . premises or 15 by letter to Brasoels R. R 2,
4• Gas Blighter' ancl'l't•aettrrs, 4, . 0•tf T. WILWAM8017,
'a Ohevrolot and McLaugliilli
4. Oars. Buil for Service
4' 51' you have Itenhle will; your +
'1, line give ns a 0011. We gnalan--. 4, Theondereigned will keep far service, On 0134
4' 1 e Pat is feet itii at reasonable 4' lot 80, Con. 0, Morris townshtp,tnothoro'•bro
4• 45 'sheet Hoo 140)1, (3oinford of Salem, No.
4. t'itixs, 4i 00410-. Hired by Gainford Mnrgnie 1105800)
4, 4• Dam Mildred VTI by Itoyol Sam' (18 59). Ped-
' ' Tares may be noon on application. Terms--
• One m' t•r gale(' anything in our X
41000 for thoro'•hreds payable at time align -
vine with privilege to return, G,'nde cows not
allowed, '!'HOS. PIEIRCE,
!pvy 'ria' 14;510,
Honig toot 111, (4,11 0, MeV ton'n'lltp, e,,niallt• Yere, on nth . roe tut, , 1 1 / '. , 11
Ing from 'turtle. all 0, 1er 014 ltd141 , g t'nmPort• ow, i alry,) 1 front
'ltd , , elation, 11 •r 111 1 �1 -
abin1h•nln0 hank horn gool nr2hruvl, bones, not :f firma iu11 vilage1' P. I..e. ,w
12125, 8 d hell and n11111r Pallhlg spring, 8 eti nt nilly Il•1'm II) e111 10 village, its ,,1, mit.;! 1,
ironE4htlund7milnsfrnln lirnss,•IA. Sehnn) rhurnh,,C'c. FalmlAwtdl wuh'rr,i, Omit .;11•
within a lulls. Farm must be eold to C1(0411.1110 .lde h' nn„ /sire 129 leen /q1,011,,, ,vttlt MAI 1,111.;
elotat Or Far farther Part 1011141,+ ns 10 price, metelm•rd h, Wul.t•1,, Al Hid,.e. Trrms,a y,
1x181.. rao, apply 1002 24, POId,A1th, 1'111,1, P•er [lull,'
path, l , r,M�•1(451111 n�dutvel, It
or .1610. hA'1'ISMA 14 lir Mir k14.2
rmavrm.amuoc,uwwtssi War. vorwwwWWW0WWWW ,,..WWW .wWw.n..o-.WwwW +x+14 :..
umr „assn - wwsotuAltux.sul•'mua.rv''www•Ausew+eewouwa
ream toe
Shop yi'(.),i' Cream
Direct to the
ruiss&s Creamery
Prompt Service • Satistas,tor'y Returns
We furnish you with Can, and Fay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue. Cheques fur 11.e pay-
ment of your Cream twice each mouth, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and y,'.t
will not want to discontinue,
Brussels Gros
lery Stewart Bust
YO s.
sv0000000004.000000000,0e0000000042642640900Q 6C 6064' er? , 0
The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup-
ply. 'Train for success. Our.Graduates succeed.
Write for Free Catalogue.
Fail Term from Sept. 2nd
The School that places its graduates in good positions. `;
► 01.00 o +**t►Obioo4100o0oe5 G ,2ee000tioe4ec?90eoeseocce
Stratford, Quit„
and Wingi'larn, Oast.
odors Say It b a Menace
in Any a ,, > It for
FIVE ounces of alcohol will kill a full-
grown healthy man within ten hours.
Taken in smaller but repeated doses
alcohol lets him live longer but gets him in
the end. All alcoholic beverages are poison,
slow or swift.
Medical science has established that
alcohol is a poison and a narcotic chemically
related to ether and chloroform, and not a
stimulant. A man was once brought out of
ether who had taken eight ounces, and aman
was once brought out of chloroform who had
taken 22% ounces, but no man ever reviv-
ed who swallowed five ounces of alcohol at
a single dose, The unconsciousness or
coma produced by alcohol if not broken
within ten or twelve hours is followed by
practically certain death.
Alcohol as medicine has been expelled from the American Pharma'o
copoeia by the American Medical Association.
'1�M11 air 1118,:
2.51% tcohol in Beer
a k es it Poison
THE beer of the ballot contains 2.51% alcohol by weight --over twice\
as strong as the beer of the Ontario Temperance Act (2.50 Proof
Spirits). The Beer of the Ballot is intoxicating. Three glasses of the
Beer of the Ballot contains as much alcohol as a glass of whiskey.
When you are asked are you in favor of beer containing 2.51% alco4
hoI by weight—in shops, bars, or anywhere else, vote
Save yourself, save your family, save your country for the destiny
Cod intended unhandicapped by "booze,"
Be careful—mark your ballot after each question with an X under the
column headed 't No," or your vote will be lost to Temperance,
�! 9
Mario Referendum C mt. lase
Coltman. 9'roarurer.
Tice-Chairtaan and SecreIary,
(1001 lfxcelaior Life Bldg., Toronto,)