HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-9-18, Page 1VOL. 48 NO. 12 1.5o Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, THURSDA Y, SEP2'E111.13ER 18. Igly W. H. KE'RR, Proprietor „ 181 III Mel 11 W. Invite Far- mers' i ' ccounts Our service to farmers is as com- plete as 87 years of growth and know- ledge of Canada's a's a ricultural con- dition can ake it. g VVe collect or discount sale notes, cash produce cheques—by mail when desired—and make advances to re- sponsible farmers. We extend courteous, friendly ser- vice to our farmer customers at all times, —THE ank of Nova Scotia Pond -up Capital - - $ 0,700,000 Reserve Pund- - - 18,000,000 Resources •'20,000,000 21 10. Bt, GILROY Manager Brussels Branch New Advertisements For sere—alts. Duff. Pin logit—Til a Pon. Kodoks-1'. It. Smith. Wood for sole—P Anlont. Auction solo—A, 1,, Kerr, Honey—W. J. Mc(trackon, Auction Sole—Fred, Mitchell. Vann for sale—R. A. spotion. Wood for sale—Brussels Connell. Business choose—Richards Co. Voters' Lists Revision notice—I, H. Dickson. p istii.ct .elm Clinton Oddfellows held their cornual Elmore - tion sea vice here Sunday, after which a memorial service was conducted by Rev, S. E. Mc.Kegney. The Kiltie Band was in attendance. THREE H LILT A'r CLINTON.—Roy and Mrs. Plunsteel and the tatter's father, Henry P0 091(00 9.9'I, were seriously in- jured about 4 30 Sunday afternoon when the motor can' in which they were riding wee bit by a light engine bound for Goderich. Mrs, Pltimeteel has a fractured shoulder and is badly lacerated, and both men are badly bruised, but it is thought no bones are broken. The ear is wrecked. The view is obscured at the elevator cross- ing and the (rind wheels of the .car were hit, turning it over. The injur- ed persons wet) taken to the home of Henry Plumsteel here, They were Motoring to the farm of Roy Plum - steel when the smash occurred. Goderich District Meeting will be held in Wesley church here Thursday of this week, Rev. W. H. Graham and Rev. De. Moore will speak on the Forward Movement. Cranbrook Some automobile drivers bump into tie posts and others don't. Friday evening of this week the Farmers' Club will meet here. Prof. Day, formerly of the O. A, 0., Guelph, is expected to be present to address the sleeting. Miss Ida Hunter has gone to Strat- ford to take a course to fit her for a professionaIl school teacher, She DAIRYMEN There are many ways in which this Bank can assist you in addition to granting loans T when required and providing a safe place for your savings. - Call upon us at the first opportunity and let us explain what a complete banking service means to you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 55A Walton ,Branch J. M. McMIIIAN, Acting Manager 101 11111 111 ;'11;1'111 Ira, II 1811,11111 I'I1111111 111lliOlie 11 11110111 !1153111lhl9,t!Half,i 1111111111 10 9001 i 4011.1V.,` , Fail Winery Our New and Stylish display of Fall Mil- linery is now ready for inspection and sale and the ladies of Brussels and locality are invited to call and see onr choice stock. While grateful for past patronage a cordial invitation is extended for acontinuance of your favors. Miss Wilson, of Owen Sound, is with us again this season. 8 IN MAN 11BELMONTE" BRUSSELS 1111 lllUiV11IIpIKU 1121 11.'1 1,1 11 111110 11 111111, II I 1,1 1. I. I .4 Hee was a pupil of 13rusa015 Continuation School, We trust she will enjoy the te1101 and attain tree ambition, Mrs, 1'1os, Cameron and Matt. (Jammu were at Hamilton it short tirne ago attending the Golden Wed- ding of Isaac and Mee, Walker, They also visited with relatives at George- town and Galt on the way home arid had a moat enjoyable trip. Jamestown Rumor has it that ,Jamestown heat. OLy will supply the bride for a wedding at no distant dale. At Bluevale School Fair Iasi week Florence Eckmier' of this loenllty tonic 10 First prizes. The family lauded 17 in all. The 100 acre farm, Lot 10, Con, 1, Grey township, has been sold by HAITI. HO VIM to his son, S. J„ for the sum of 34,000. We wish Sam, junior, success in his teal estate t1 anaaetiml. 'Pile illustrated luldress, in Victoria Hall, Sun(ley evening, 0th inst., by 00, Sect elary Cooper, Clinton, was very interesting and 11151)ucLive. J. T. Wood, Brussels also look pert in the service. We expect the electors of this community will give a good majority to ktep ,booze out of the Province. Moncrieff Other Moncrieff news on page 5 of this issue. Miss Bessie MrQuarrio has taken a school at Wallenstein, Ont., and is now at work, We wish her a sncc855- fol term. • A lively torn -over of soil ie being made on P. Ament's "Gane Barden" farm by Sam. Darter's Ford truct0r of Brussels. W. Pawson is- the operat- or, Miss Anna Dunlop has a position as bookkeeper at Stillwell's Creamery, Stratford, Her father went to the Classic city last Saturday and may locate there if he finds what suits hien, The anniversary of Knox church was marked by splendid success. Ex- tra gond 881010119 w81e preached by Rev Mr, McDonald, Atwood, and the choir did their part fine, Offering was over 360.00. Monday evening the Hat vest Horne Dinner anti program attracted a pawned house and an A 1 meal was served, The talent was ex- tra good in the choice program render- ed. Rev, $c. A, Lundy was chairman. Financial results of anniversary will be about 3276.00. Good for Mon- crieff. Morris Numerous changes in farm proper- ties. Ground has been very dry and hard for the plowmen, This week Elston Cardiff is at Gode- rich doing duty for King George as a juror, W. H. McCutcheon spent several days with Toronto relatives and friends, Thos, and Mrs. Ramsay, Detroit, were visitors at the home of James Russell, The latter is a brother of 12211's. Ramsay's. Mrs, Douglas, Toronto, has been en- joying a holiday at the parental home. She is a daughter of Robert and Mrs, Nichol, 0111 line. The Auction Sale at George Miller's 5111line, last Friday panned out all right. Total amounted to over 82,300. They talk of leaving next week for Souris, Man. Miss Onra Armstrong, who has been n student at Brussels Contilluatinn School, and a successful candidate at the Departmental exams, has gone to Stratford where she will attend the Normal School to get authority Lo teartl the ynuig idea. That she will do well is beyond gfestton, We are solo's to hear that Mrs. Roy Plunesteel was injured last Sunday afternoon while motoring to her hone with her husband and his father, They were run into by a G. T. R. en- gine in crossing the learn, 121 es, Plum- steel's'.1ollldet' was broken. She seas Miss Hazel Rnzell hernee her marriage and she is a sister to Mrs, Herbert Manning, 5111 lice. 'Office 0 el . Re -o enelc e • • • • . Ophthalmologist, bas resumed • a practise in her office after spend - o log pest 3 months in Ohleago, • III., taking post gtaduaLo course • in Ophthn oology. • • Eyes Tooted. Glasses Fitted. 0 Office Hours t • 10 to 12 a. m, and 1 to P.m. • • mMAUDE 0. BRYANS • O q e • • • • Have You a Sweet Tooth A choice.,lot Of HONEY is to hand. As 1t is a somewhat scarce ar- ticle this season you know what to do. Phone 43 oe 27 W. Jr McCracken RsGettinqChffly Order enough Light Wood now for the Fall and Winter, 'We have Basswood Tumors (Kindling) 82.50 per large load Basswood Jointers... S3 00 per load 14 inch Mill Slabs 4 50 " 20 inch Mixed Hardwood 5 00 ' 20 inch Dry Basswood .., 4 00 ` Fyw loads ),Ian Blocks .., 6 00 Few loads Oorners...... „ 2 60 " Order your supply now as we have only a Incited ggautity not on order, P. AMENT Phone 16 r3 BRUSSELS Keep the Auction Sale of Farre ),tock, implements, &a, in mind at W. H. Ferguson's 5th line, Monday after - n0011 of neat week, James Taylor will be the Auctioneer. Seelistof sale in this issue. A clearing Auction Sale is annotme- ed by A, L. Kerr, 4th line, of his Farm stock, implements, Household Furni- ture, &c., for Tuesday, Sept. 30. He sold his farm a short time ago and will take a holiday from Paroling, hence the sale. See list in another column. Tuesday of next week will be the Court of Revision for Morris of the specially prepared list of voters for the corning Referendum. Barrister D. McDonald, Goderinb, will be the re- vising officer. Court opens at 10 a, In. All names left off the enumerators' list should be, added, Appeals should be entered with Township Clerk Me - Ewan 2 clear days before the Court, don't forget, Ethel Well bred driving more boggy, harness and cutter, nearly new, for sale, Phone 220, once, HANSULD, Ethel. Live Poultry wonted Tuesday of each week. Phone Hall's Store. Joe McDonald is improving in heal l9,, Brussels Fall Fair was the attrac- tion this week. Keep the School Fair in mind. Date is Wednesday, Oct. fat. Will, and Mrs. Brenner were visit- ors at Toronto and Niagara Falls. The sighte of Ontario's capital were viewed by John Pearson last week, Miss Myrtle Dunbar has gone to the Queen City. Oonundrum now is will Alex, keep batch P Rev. J. W., Mrs. Johnson and son, Holmesville, were holidaying with old friends here this week. Miss Shirley Scott, of Newton, who has been visiting, her friend, Mise Edythe Ferguson, bas returned home. A fine draft 4 years old mare tipping the scales at 1,600 pounds, was sold by Harvey Dobson to Jno, Galbraith, Brussels, for $250. She was a fine one, NI r. Butchart, Atwood, who has been managing the Bank here for past two weeks has returned home. Some of the young people regret very unroll his departure. A meeting will be held in Township Hall, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock to consider the advisability of putting in an Electric light system in Ethel. All those interested in Ethel and vicinity, ladies and gentlemen, are kindly in- vited to be present, Rev. L. 0. and Mrs. McRoberts and family of Corinth, are visiting their brother-in-law, Rev. F. O'Kell. Rev. Mr. MoRoberts took the service in the Methodist ohurah last Sunday evening and gave a very impressive address fermi Gal. 0-7 and 3, "Be not deceived, etc." CARD 0F' THANLS,—We wish to ex- press our sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for their thoughtful and much appreciated kindness to our dear daughter and sister during her illness and to us in one bereavement, It• will never be forgotten. GEO. AND MRS, BATSMAN Sc FAMILY Chris. and Mrs. Baynard and H. and Mrs. Dobson and family and the Cor - gram and Ackert folk, of Luckuov locality, enjoyed the Armstrong family re -anion near) 5t, Marys re- cently. It was a,greabi,atllering from far and near and will live long in the memory of those fortunate to attend it. Belgrave Harvest Home service will bo held in Trinity church here Sunday,. 28th inst., at 2 30 o'clock. Rev, S. E. Mc- Kegney, Clinton, will be the preacher of the day, He is a returned 011ap- lain. Rev, and Mrs, Parnaby and child- ren were the guests of Harry and Mrs. Hopper.' while here at the anniversary, It is 2 years since Mr. Parnaby was pastor and malty o1(1 friends were very pleased to welcome them back. ANNIVLIRSARS.—Last Sunday moat stloc'sefnl services wen') held in the Methodist enmesh, which was nicely decorated with flowers for the oc- casion, The preacher was Rev, 1221r. Parnaby, of ENmville, a former well known pastor. In the morning the theme of Ole sermon WAS "A chimney comer gtaditate," from which a fine sermon was evolved, fulls (ot'gond things, Choir rendered gond set Vice and the offering was generous. Con- gregation was large. In the evening the building could not accommodate the audience, Presbyterian service being withdrawn and the pastor, Rev, Mr. Boyle assisting Rev, Mr, Parnaby. "The Pre-eminent Ohrist," was the subject Of the sermon and a strong, well directed discourse woe given. The singing Was led by a double mate ,1tlli(thtW'e Wghatl Whoplaeid d Echoes from Uld Boys' lie -union Following letter, which was reeely- ed from A, L. Stewart, President of the Detroit Architeetural Iron Works and eldest son of the late Donald Stewart, a prominent figure in this locality for many yaars, by I), (1, floss speaks for itself ;— DICAlt FItlt':ND, I), 0, --For the 11'. (11290(1)1111' of lily day., alrell I rwmeniher with much plosion. the happy_ bolus spent at the rte-uiinn in Brussels iu 1010. 1 have of comas), since leaving the old poise town, (vltu)ssed many Celebrations, some - innneeee 111 their scope and others vet modest, but none of them eoulti'tepee] more lr, tit. heart of an "Old Boy" than that held in Brussels this Summer, Your program WAS ex08118111 in every particular, and nothing but prairie can be said for you and your excellent committee. Old Vietnria Park never looked more heautifhl ami she never graced a happier eaeut. If I could bit have 9,)109(1 "Billy" Gi ewer play Home of his old -lime solea, to the accompaniment of the once fruu,.us Brnseels l3and, I think my rap of 11ap- pinees would have been full to over- flowing. You, and all of Brussels, certainly gave your visiting friends ti royal good time, and we shall 1180er forget it. I took a few snap shots while there and run enclosing a few which may be of interest to you, The parade scenes wee 8 taken at the corner of Turnberry and Queen Ste„ jest after turning the corner. If you desire more copies of any of these pictures I will be pleased to send all you desire. Am already looking forward to the next Re -union to be held in Brussels in 1926, Hope we all will be there. With kindest regards to you and yours, aid wishing you continued suc- cess and happiness, I am ; Yours very sincerely, A. L. STEwta'r. at the organ) 3'. H. Gilroy, S, Wheel- er, A. Strachan, W, H, Kerr, W. J. McCracken, H. L. Jackson and J. Fns, Two quartettes were sung and Mr, Gilroy rendered a solo. Congregation- al singing was vet's hearty, Moirlay evening a Convert was given in which Mt', Piercy, Niagara Falls, Elocution- ist, took an active part. Miss Made- line Walker, Wingham, sang 8 choice Solos and Rev. Mr, and Mrs. 0081.0)) gave 2 well liked duets. Rev. Mr. Parnaby gave a practical address on "Cutting across Lots," Proceeds of anniversary were the fine total of $178.00. Rev. Mr. Davison was at, Elimville, on Sunday tatting Rev. Mr. Paruaby's work. Anniversary was a marked success. Wroxeter R. B. Harris, Toronto, was in the village on Monday. I. Duncan and familyen spent t Sunday with relatives at Elmira. Mrs, H. Little, Toronto, spent last week with her parents, R. and Mrs, Black. L. Rattan, Blnevale, has purchased the residence on Howick street, now occupied by Robt. Robson, Dr. R. Montgomery, who bas com- pleted a special course on the ear, nose and throat, arrived from New York last week and is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm, Montgomery. Mr. Thompson and family ar1lved from Walkerton this week. The format will open a shoe repair shop in Miss 0. Law'te's residence. The funeral of the late Wm, 'Yen, who passed away at the home of his sou 4Vm, Yeo, Turnberry, on Satur- day morning took place to the Wroxeter cemetery Monday after- noon, service being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Burgess, Bluevale. • James A. and Mrs. Edgar, who went on a holiday outing to the West, ma mived home a few weeks ago. They bad a most enjoyable time with t ela- tives and friends and ..'overed hun- dreds of miles from the time of depar- ture to return. Many old acquaint- ances were met. Ocops were good end bad according to the checker board style with which the season feveprs localities as to vain or freedom frdm hail. It is a great country. Mrs. Peter Scott, Beluga's, and Mrs. Hunter, Peel County, Provincial Oa- ganizer for the Women's Institute, visited here last Wednesday after- noon and organized a society with the following officers :—Pres., Mrs. T. G. Hemphill ; Vine Pres,, Mrs. Jno. Hamilton 1 Secy-Teeas., Mrs, Jun. Hupfer ; Ass't Sec y. -Trees„ Mrs. J. R. Wendt; Di'eetota, Mrs. J. D. Mill- er, Mrs, Jno. McNaughton, Mrs. J, N. Allan, Miss E. Hazelwood and Mrs. G. Davidson ; Auditors, Misses May Davidson and Margaret Gibson, Grey John and Mts. Lake took in the Bel - grave Anniversory ou Sunday. J. H. and Mrs, Hoover were visitor's with Stratford and Blyth friends, Alex. and bir's, Dark and son, 9th con., were visitors at London last week. - Mee. Art. Henry and son, Stuart, were visiting under the parental roof last week. Mrs. Sydney Armstrong and son, Stewart, of 1Iornpaiue, Ont., are vis- itors at the horse of JAMS and Mrs, Armstrong, 0th con, Mrs, Carl Ohristeusen and daughter, Pearl, fano Manistique, Minh„ were welcome visitors at John Lake's last week, the former being a neice, Whitfield Roe, fell Con., has taken a position in London, We wish him sunrise. He has lived in that city be- fore so is aequainted with the place. A 10.20 traction engine and plow has 'leen purchased by Alex. Barton from the International Company. through their age,nt, John Oliver, Brussels, and the otttflt Is now ab work turning over mho tu0rnlve in good ati11n, Jack aler,weu, Nth Con„ has sold his fine 1(10 acre f..,in, known as the McNeil farm, to Selwyn Baker, 9th Con. Price paid was 37,0110. Steeress to the purehasef. We have not heard. where M1', McEwen purposes locating. The fine 100 21)18 farm of James Arrest' wig, OLh Cort„ has been bought by 1Vru. ISllacott, who has le 0o living in Ethel fat the proal year, at, or selling his fruit on the 1 11 11 Cnn. TWA is a dandy Pato and in good shape. Mr, and Airs Armstrong will likely 'orate ktt 1 People We Talk About 1 i$ tt Leslie Perrie has taken a position at Flint, Mich. Art," Bawkshaw, Toronto, was a Fail Farr visitor. Mrs, Geo. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound is visiting in town. Earl and Mrs. Cunningham wore vial - tors with Clinton relatives. Miss Lizzie Downing is home front a iu Brussels Jerks. ii; .air; to be $8,000.visit to Toronto and Lindsay. This week Mine Miriam Lowe left Miss Eleanor Ele,uderson who has been fur Suat1'ord to attend the Normal visiting relatives at Seaforth, is home. Mrs. John Thomson has been visiting • relatives and old trier ds at Seaforth and locality, Wm. and Mrs. Robb were away on a holiday to St. Catharines and other p ints. Soloed. Silo hoe been a pupil of Bens - 1449 ('0ilt,,i,1lion 5)01001 And 110W advsncemterI. In put into 119)1 tIn. .01')i1b•a1) -lie nhLaiued 0109 Sum- mer. \Ve a i-11 her 01) best of 911)- I(s•."ri'ttVt:n •ru AJ11, x.\'ATEIY.--APtes' Miss Anna H112180, nurse, is borne nu /rein enj'.yab1)• outing of about 2 rnanthe m a well earned holiday in Kincadine lames and Mt a. Burton 10nc1 3 children have 1Bttlried n, their horns at Aber- nathy, Sask. Tliey went by boat from Sarnia and purposed calling on Win- nipeg ft 190)14 PO route. After a visit with relatives anti old friends in this locality the visitors 989 out to see acme of the Pastern sections, accom- panied by Miss Jean Turnbull, a neice of Mr, and Mrs. Burton. From Tor- onto they went to Montreal by boat and 'enjoyed the beauties of the St. Lawrence. After sightseeing in latter city they hied to Boston and from there took steamer, for 25 hours, to St. John's, New Brunswick, Taking train at Moncton the party carne to pride! old Quebec' and later saw Nia- gara Falls, Hamilton, Galt and Dray- ton, arriving bark after. 10 days out- ing well pleased with what they had the opportunity of seeing, hearing and learning, it was all ideal trip, both delightful and educative and made gond use of by the participants. Church Chimes and locahty, Mrs and Mise Goodwin are back from an enjoyable trip to the 00 est with rela- tives and friends, Misses Isabel Strachan and Verne Walker were visitors at Detroit and had some experiences. Seaforth Collegiate has added Miss Norma Hartry to the staff of teachers for the ensuing term. James Sharpe, who went to the U. S. 1351 May on a visit arrived back Monday last. He had a flue time. We are sorry to bear that Mrs. Jno. Caitiff, Princess street, is quite poorly but hope for early improvement. Frank and Mrs. Davidson were holi- day visitors at London for a few days this week, travelling by their car. Misses Mina and Clara Hunter spent the week end at London and Lambeth. There brother, Rev. J. E., is stationed at the latter. B. and Mrs. Gerry left on 'Tuesday for their home at Fort William, after renew- ing old friendships in Brussels for the past 2 weeks. Fred Hunter has resumed his post - ion as salesman in A. Strachan's store. looks like old times to see Fred, back o the job. Major Hartry, is home from overseas. le is a son of Wm. and Mrs. Hartry, eaForth. The Hartry family were for- mer Brusselites. J. '1', and Mrs. Woad, Miss Mae and Merner were et Kitchener last week at - ending the nuptials of Fred. J. Wood nd Miss Elsie Good. Miss Dora Smith and neice Miss Ruby mills, returned to Borden, Sask,, last eek after an extended visit to Brussels, Toronto and other points. Wm. and Mrs, Mills, Bradford, have een visiting relatives and friends in russels and vicinity. Former is a rother to Mrs. Wm. Robb, ot town. Mrs, Joseph Eizenhofer and z children eve come to town during the past week rom Hensel', Mr. Eizenbofer is the Foreman of the new flax mill and bas esu here several months. Frank Clair, Detroit, was a visitor at be home of D. B. and Mrs. McDonald est week. Mrs. Clair (who is a daugb- er of the borne) and baby boy are still ere acid getting along well. Last Monday Miss Mae Skelton went o Stratford to attend the Normal school tvhicb opened on Tuesday, She is a ood student and will make a first-class eacher, Tax PosT predicts. Lewis Jackson, of Walkerville, and Capt. Leon F., of Ottawa, were visitors ere last week with their brother, H. L., is returning from the funeral of their rother Charlie, of Kincardine. Rev, G. W. Tebbe, of Burlington, was in town this week judging the Flower display at Brussels Fall Fair. He takesagreat interest in Horticultural ffairs and is well versed in the subject. Fred. Turner, traveller for Ladies" Ware Ltd., Toronto, has gone on a pur- hasing trip to the Old Country. Mrs. Puruer (nee Miss Ferule Arlin) and amily have gone to visit ler parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Allis, at Merton. H. C. and Mrs• Samis and family, of Regina, were visitors with Geo. and Mrs, Samis, .Brussels. The gentlemen re brothers, The first mentioned is ne of the Inspectors of the Union Bank ud has also taken quite an interest in municipal affairs in the home city. Robt. Work, Toronto, motored to russets on Tuesday. Not to be loue- ome he invited Russel Brown and eorge Irwin, of the city, and Geo. obb, St•Catharines, to accompany him. The quartette of Brussels old boys took n the Fair and had many a handshake rom old friends. Rev, Mr. Pierce has regained ins I health enough to permit tutu to resume 0 Ins work and he left For Toronto this week. Harvest Festival services Sunday 28.11 S inst., in St. John's church. Following evening a corn roast will be held in the School moat] t Annual Rally Day in the Sabbath schools -will be observed on Sunday 28th a lost in Melville and tdethndist churches Special program will he presented. To give bu mess men an opportunity 0P of attending the weekly prayer meeting the service will be held Tuesday even- b lug in the Methodist church instead of Wednesday, the 'atter being open Dight b for the stores and shops. Last Sunday morning in the Mettle - dist dist church the pastor's theme was "The Christian's narrow escape," and f in the evening "The transformation of spears into pruning hooks." Sacra- mental service followed the morning t sermon. 1 The 13th biennial Epwortb League Convection of London Conference will h be held in Wellington street Methodist church, London, an Oct, 2& 3 E B t Hale, Stratford, is the President. Dele- gates will be billetted on the Harvard g plan, dinner and supper beiug served in t the school room of the church, at 50 cents a meal. Miss Muriel Brothers, B. A., of Ot- tawa, is here on a holiday visit at her old home, Along with a party of x t score sbe will sail from Vancouver on b October 3otb For India, under the direc• tion of the Baptist Church Missionary Society. Miss Isrotbers is well qualified for the work and will no doubt prove a successful toiler in that great field of a Missionary enterprise and Deed. Brus sell will be Israel to have such a repre. sentative in that most interesting of lanais, Weduesdnv of this week Rev. W. E. Stafford attended Wingham District meeting, which convened in the Metho- dist church Fordwich. A large delega- gation would have supported him bad it not been for the F-11 Fair, The For- o ward Movement for the churches was a the great subject of discussion and plans were laid to further the work on each charge in the dis'rict, Rev. Dr. Moore, B Toronto, and Rev. W. H. Graham, Stratford, were the outside represeota- tives addressing the meeting, R Rev. W. I McLean, who for the past S years has been pastor of the Presby- i teria0 church, Hanover, left last week f for '1'ha:uesville, to assume his new duties there. Before leaving for their new home pleasant social gatherings were held in this church, and at Hamp- den, wheu purses containing 8r5o dol- lars iu gold were presented to Mr: and Mrs. McLean. The purses were 8ocom- 0 peeled by addresses from both coogre- f gations expressing good will, Addres- ses were given by local clergymen pre. g sent, expressing the appreciation of other q deuomiostious as well, Rev Mr. Mc- t bean is a son of Rev. Dr. McLean, b formerly of Blyth, and a nephew to the 0 late Mrs ino, Strachan, Grey township, 0 Last Sunday afternoon B. Gerry, of e Fort William, gave a short address in i the Methodist Sabbath School, A few s things about the incident are note- 0 worthy :—He was the 1st Superintend- a eat when school was started in 1859 and b remained such for 19 years, that taking o adult Bible Class up to his removal from o town. Ile is in his 86th year but is still is a member of the Bible Class in his home p church. 3 of hie SOUS are engaged in S. w e 5 work. Albert,bins Supt. of a A school near Indian ead and Nelson B., p holds similar position in North FortIWil- si Ilam ; while Ira is the assistsut and one t of the teachers lu the Fort William tat 1 Methodist church. Miss Thursa taught p tor years also, Mr. Gerry was heartily a applauded as he took his seat last Sun- s tiny. If all church tnem11ers were as d hearty and wbolesouled in the work as n he is there 'would be tfo lalling what re- f sults would be. He attended both mor, i ling and evening service last Sunday in b addition to Senday Sci1o01 and is an See p eeptioustty active man fee his years, n tong may he live, ti ADDITIONAL LOCALS Muse HE SAM von.—During the war THE P050 inserted hundreds of notices f Red Cross and Patriotic gatherings or the purpose of raising money free of barge. Borne Church and Society or- anizations evidently think the rule still olds good and is broadened to include hem. This it not the case, Where ills or programs are issued from this fllce a free notice will be given but therwise any entertainment where a barge is made at the door or an offer - ng taken will be expected to pay for rich advertisement, 'These are not aces of charity but institutions quite lie to pay their way. A newspaperiis a trainees proposition and is dependent 0 the use of its columns es one source f revenue to finance it. to cents a line the rate for first insertion and 5 cents er line if same notice appears a second eek, 31.1 sending such notices an aver- ge of about 7 words constitute a lice is fiat. Somebody must become respon. bre for payment ot these locals seat by elepboue. Nobody would thick of go- ng i0to,'astore and asking for a free mind, of ten or sugar and yet the oases re about parallel. Tilentettuai sub- cription to the paper, (3 cents a week) les not entry with it a promise of free otiees. Our columns are always open or an edvt, concerning public gather. cgs at our regular rates, No line of tattiness has boon hit harder by the high Hoes than the newspaper hence tete eceasity of amine business alonglhuei. ass tiubS,