HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-9-11, Page 5461,1AM Wag, J140, SUTHERLAND LAND & SONS HMI I LD 116 1G ,MI plllA� rye Ousiness Cards ,IAS. ANDERSON, burcullor to U. li. 51.baro• Otpue at Ander• r. -:a tiro.. I..tvary Jtable itruaeli,. 'rolephone DN. WAROLA W Honor graduate of the Ontario Vutorblary College, Day and night calls, Olaoo opposite Flour 14111, Ethel. T, T. M'RAE M, B., M. C. P., &S. O. 14. 0, H., Village of Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Acoouohour Otho- at residence, opposite 51elvIlle Gllurcll, William etraat. DR. J, H. WHITE, B. A. PIIYSI(IUAN AND SURGEON, Graduate Toronto University of Medicine, Spacial attention given to disonsea of children 1111d Surgery, Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone ,45 Brussols • JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Will, 11 for As good p[1rirov as any other Auo- rlUlleel' or allarge nothing. ( BEL 3RAPE P.O. HOME, MILLODAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. 1)11101, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERI(R, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. w. Pltnn,rn„T, X. U. .T. L, IITLLonAN H..1. D. Coons 4.44++ 1.+++.1.++++4•+++++.4.+++++ t A Vil Aims D women ...anismantotaiN111 • 4 + 4• Stop - look 4• + Steady work as Machine 4 Operators. Good pay. Apply or write at once. Excelsior Knitting Mills t J. T. WOOD ¢ nausseLS - ONTARIO .F +++++++++++++++++++4+++++. [ERING p + + BRUSSELS •1+ into taken over the Deering Ag- 4. + ency and handles a full line of 1' Farm Implements including the + 4• I. H. C. Cream Separators 4. + 1 The only (gheani Sepalatnl' with 4• + twO wide open cream outlets- +. 110 maim screw in the path of 4. +1the creast. See il. \ellen in town. + 1 The 1. N, C. 3-10 and 10-20 Tractors I are among the hest. The Dearing Manure Spreader + + With the wide hill sad andvery + +t light in draft, * John Oliver 4• •••••••••••++++ 444.4' AGENCY John Oliver Sain eiDstein o Is prepared to pay the highest pricy: for Scrap iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. • L Highest price paid. See me before you sell. Highest Cash Price for Tive Poultry and sides SAM WEINSTEIN 0 4 • 4 0 4 • • • • 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • 4 4 4 4 0 4 0 0 0 • •e Write 01 Phone 62x • b • 0 • • • • 6 MIT. STRFFT BRUSSELS e R'444••4.4••4#••4••••4••44• ? +1±, i'V. cit^!,• 411:41.44.61?"4:41 ..l,I:dk a 0. It Pays to Patronize P) A Weil-establishod School Yonec & Charles Ste., Toronto lei h",Enluys nn t xeellent 1 ptriontneulld1lul (orf 11 high }- + prod nateel ill pavilions1A I1111`1,11111aeIr0' ,4 Don or a Ih,I, 0,1 1.1 of Ise sue e,4' torpor- t, (11110 Write to 4'I 4'y for our Cnlitlogu:. 53 5 Students admitted at any [tins, W ELL107'1', F'RINOIPAL eatrsa'( RteWteatF*aVE^_t" a R2att::'J;tA"Atrt d'art 3OCal itews lttires GRAPES are n great crop this year. Bxussio.s Fall Fair 16t (1 h 11017th Insta. TREAD the list of Special Prizes, Attrac- tions, &e„ for Blussela Fall Fair in this issue. No mistake was made by the applica- tion of oil to'l'urnberry street this year, It saved the rcadbed and kept clown the dust. Some of the finest scarlet geraniums this season were to be found in the (lower plots et the home of loirs, J. R. Smith, Albert street, She's au old haud at the business. LARDS quantities of live poultry are coming to Brussels, where big prices are being paid. The birds are killed, dressed and shipped by the East Huron Emporium, Robt. Thomson. proprietor. HEAR lack Miner, the great bird lover Friday evening of this week on "Bird Life,' illustrated by slides and 11101(00 pictures, Town Hall, Brussels. Don't miss this treat. 'Pickets 25 and i5 cents. VERNON Roos has received his dis- charge from the Military authorities and may go to t' iugham to take charge of his brother's dente' office until the latter completes his military appointment at Chatham, THE injuries received by Mrs. (Dr.) Bean, received 2 years ago at Cousteau, when her husband was burned to death and a baby daughter flied later, resulted in her demise at London hospital, She was 0 daughter of Rev, J, It. Mord, C9ocl. erieh, and al sister to Miss Helen Ford, formerly a teacher on Brussels school staff, Rev, R. I. Hosking will supply at Bethel for the coming year and has moved his househeld effects to the par- sonage at Pine River, Mr,Hosking g was formerly a popular paator of Metho- dist church on the Ripley circuit and preached at Cranbrook as a probationer. 1!oxnt0R B1aT5sELITE.-The Kincardine Reporter says of 1-1, E; Maddock, a former merchant in Brussels, and a brother-in-law to H. L. Jackson ;-"H, E. Maddock, who takes over the F. W. Templin business, comes here from 'Tor- onto, with au extended experience in business. He will be welcomed to Kin• cardiae by the business men of the town and surrounding district. He is a genial man to meet and will no doubt make friends," They will find Mr, Maddock all wool and a yard wide. Hvn'rtao SEASON AnvAsoED,-Local sportsmen will be iuterested to learn that the open seasoh for deer has been advanced 5 days, from November 1st. Hunting will now commence on Nevem-'' her 5th, and terminate on 20th, '1'o some this will be welcome news as five days makes quite a difference in the temperature al this time of the year. Others who have to go far back in the woods, especially by water route will have to keep a sharp lookout to avoid being frozen ill.. By 00[10- last [seek it was seen that a baby daugter-Kathleen Marie - bas come to. gladden the Parsonage at Bryaustou, Ont., the home of Rev. De Witt and Mrs. Cosens. The proud Hater was a former Brussels -boy, being Elle dilly sou of Rev, '1', W, and Mrs, Cosens, who spent 4 successful years in the Methodist Parsonage here Old friends here extend congratulations and hoe Miss Coleus may live to be a great joy to the home and the church. DIED AT SIIAKItSLRARE, ^ Saturday, Aug, 3o, 'Phos. Hammoucl, a well known and highly esteemed resident of Shakes- peare, died at the age of 65 years. He is survived by his wile, 2 SOUS (Robert, of The Bank of Cmluntice, Forest, ttu(1 Alex., 0. T. R., Ripley) and 2 daughters (Mrs. Mem, bhakespeare ; and bliss Annie, teaching at Kiucar- diue) Fuueral took place on Tuesday. Deceased won an uuele to Mrs, 5, 0, Wilson and Miss Ella Llmau, of Bros. sols, who attended the tuneral, DRUG 13USINiss 'r0 CHANGE HANDS, - Fort Frances Times speaks of a lornler Brusselite as follows ;-"Arraugemeuts fur the sale of the drug and stationery busluess of W, H', Freleigh has been completed. Garfield Baeker, who tor some time was a clerk In this store and lately of Winnipeg, is the purchaser. Freleigh is well knowu throughout the district slaving been in business for a great many years, He has dad asuc• eessful business career in Fort Franues. We are ioformed mat- Mr, Baeker will tarda over the business in October," Gart's many old friends in B1ussele wish him A 1 000Ce55 10 his proposed 011(181- taking, Mrs. Baeker is au old Brusselite too, being Miss Mary Forbes before her marriage, W, H, GRABILL DIES MITER 11RTE1r ILle NESS.- 1'l1e people of the community were sadly surprised to bear of the death of Wm, H, Grabill, of Toronto, on Aug- ust 18th, aftera very short illness, He and Mrs, Grabill, had attended Re- uulons at I3rusaels and '1'eeswater a few weeks ago in the apparent enjoyment of good health but deceased took ill the Thursday alter his return with pleurisy and poetimouia and passed away the following Monday, Funeral took place Wednesday from his late home, 14 Horondale Ave„ to Norway cemetery. Deceased is survived by his wife, (who was Miss Mary C. Armetroug formerly of Brussels) 2 sous and a (laughter, who ',hare io the sympathy of many old friends here, Decensed was the eldest son of John Grabill, for many years in the carriage and wages business in Hanover and Walkerton. William learned his trade 1r, 1115 father's shop ret Walkerton, and WAS etnplOyed there and in Brussels and in Hanover for 50110 years ; afterwarela in business in 'roes- water 161 some years. While 111 Brus- sels at the reunion Mr, and Mra. Grabill visited with their cousins Christopher atlC! Aria. Teel, Mr 1.-•!t`•11111 'i i Ji yaal, of a;;o and was a p 1,1 tnrcham , v.410d11', hOUOr.;ble iu h'. tile an 1 Ie 1 i<l, nl l i.ud M t,te,s 1'o•to: :;111,0' 1lse RI n•.,'. 11;100110/01.0.1 IOCt10i1:d5 al 41 I011oiLod +ill along r the line i n Methodist Oontrihu- tions to Home and Foreign Misslous The local receipts frl•nt sttheeriptlnn•: and collettlone Irmo all the Centeleur11, in the Dominion, 10 Newloundlnu<I met lie lel:old of lieriii i,1 rumen! to $9;,),040 1 hie figure is $1(17,000 itl :ui• vanne of Met yeilr. In ndtl?tiun to IIIc suhecriptlons and collection, there are donations of Victory bonda anieueti05' to le:lemma and legacie,. tetellieg $flat,', , these bring the revenue tor the year up to will over a million doilars, While :ill the conferences are well ahe(Id in their coutributiOne as compared with last year, the Toronto, Lendou and Hamilton Conferences have made big strides. The increases os these•Confer- eoces are as sollows : Toronto, $46,700 ; Hamilton, $e6,000 ; London, 123,300. The Bay or Quinte records an increase of 113,000, and Manitoba $15,000, Ethel Moses Henry hers 13011g11 1. the house and 101 neat the clieppiug twill from W111. hick mice. and will get possessln11 at 1411 early date. Miss lvlyrtle Howes will go to the Normal School to lake up her moose In become a professional teacher. She will no doubt d4 well. The School Fair, nith .Ethel as the ventre, will he held here AVedne511ay, Oct, 1st. Prize List has been printed and a copy of it may he read in Inst, week's 1(10(1(1 "1' 7'rli': PnsT. There is Bowe talk atom[ st1'pa being taken to 01 genie, Ethel Into a Pulite village and elect Trustees to manage the affairs. 'There lets nulnefoua ad- vantages in taking snail a step that 100nld give us a different status. The line sum of $14,000 has been disbursed among the pati ons of Ethel cheese factory since the opening of the business last May. Geo, Hart is the new proprietor, 'Che pi ices have bean great, ADDRImOI AND PRESENT.t97UN - Abont 50 pen0Ie of Knox chtu'ell con- gregation and old n(tighbol s Itssembl- ed on a recent evening at, Stanley Dun bar's and presented ItOv and CBE. ford Dunbar, recently litu•k from 00e1l1e11s, with the following ndllrese, read. by Myrtle Hoses and gold I ings, military lonehes anti tie. 111(8, pre- sentations being mode by Plias, Bowes and Tamed Wright :- DEAR FRIENDS:-Tt. is with great pleasure that we people h ve gathered here to -night, to publicly welcomeqe back to our midst those who have served overseas. First of all this galled ng is an indication of 11)5 es- teem in Which rye 1111 110111 yourselves and all 011101' of the "lade who fought and won" in the greatest wit! ever re- corded in the inmate 111' history. We realize that the can ((aver [repay you felly for the great sacrifices which you have freely and willingly made on our behalf. You, who have fought for national and personal liberty, can look back and feel peoutl to think that you helped to make this wood safe foe Democracy., We are very glad that you and so many other, of Ute boys have returned from overseas safe and- syithootinjury,yetwe (10 not 501 get the brave ()nee who have not retuuled, t• who ave sleeping in Munches fields where the poppies blow, end we trust that the seeds thele sown may even now be bearing fruit, and that the supreme sacrifice whirl) they have been called upon to melte is not in vain. Such words express 0111' seriou9 thoughts and yet we feel that words o are t- sufficient, aloe?o r' ent, therefore be- lieving this to be true and as n tangible le ++++4•++++,„„.....„+„„+„+„„.+4.. 4• 4• 4 . New Garage 4• Opened in Orusscis 4 + •r ,°I. '1.'he undersigned have elite, ell 4' 4• into 0 co•pa'ttletehip aid. leased T. t the building tem -1111y vacated 4' ,, by S. Carte', and have fitted it 1 up for a modern gtu'ngp, + .44', 'We are ready to attend to all •F • repairs, a specialty being Walde .. of Tires, having taken 11. sn' ittl 4• 4. 4• 4. 41 + a. (100(80 i11 dealing with Robber,_ d• 4- Sze, 4• •, Supplies of Gasoline and Oils + 4• always nn heed. 4• + We lire agents; for the well + known Overland (rat.• 4• 41 Amu; for Itenft•ew Cream + Sepavat.os. + (Gas Engines 1111(1 TI•at'tnl•s, - . 4• Ohevrolet and McLaughlin + Oars. If you have trouble with your + + Oar n4'' regnil'e anything in our 4• 4' line give us a rill. 'We guaran- + tee satisfaction at reasonable 4. •;. lyase. 'p Harris 44' Little � e 4 1. +++++++.1•++++++++++++++++++ A CRIPPLL (OR THRE[ Y[ARS Helpless In Bad With Rheumatism Until He Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" MR. ALEXANDER MUNRO R.R. No. 1, Lorne, Ont. "For over three years, I was confined to bed with Rhernuatism. During that time, I had treatment from a number of doctors, wadi rigid nearly everything I saw advertiatel to cure Rheumatism, without receiving any benefit. Finally, I decided to try'Fruit-a- tives". Before I had used half a box, I noticed an improvement ; the pain was not so severe, and the swelling started to go down.. I continued taking this fruit me- dicine, improving.all the time, and now I can walk about two miles and do light chores about the place". ALEXANDER MUN1t0. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 213o. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price bYFruit-a-tt e s Limited, Ottawa. evidence of it we ask each of yon to accept ,these cinga , military blushes and tiepin. Our presentation is small, but we you hope that will cam T Y Y through life. wherever each of you may cast your lot, something of in- finitely greater value, that is our geed will towards you, and hope that you both may he spared many years and abundantly blessed throughout Ole better days which we hope will come because of the sacrifices which you and others have made. Signed on be- half of your neighbors and friends, J. WRIGHT, T. BOWES. Appropriate replies were made in brief order by the soldier lads, A most enjoyable evening was spent by all and after lunch was served the company separated with the mimes - aim's of many good wishes for the Dunbar boys whom the community were glad to honor. Wroxeter (Intended for last weel(1 Nitwsy Nur't')s.-Mrs. J. Hartley slid little daughter returned to Vankleek Hill on Friday, -Edgar Lowry was home I'r01)1 Welland over Ilse week encl.-Ai 158 Ester Davey left for Shel- burne Saturday after spending ing t i 1 of r months with he brother here,-Ar- ehie Moffatt and family visited rela- tives at Owen 801utd last week. -Rev. F. and Mrs. Stride were visitn15 in •0•••••••••••••+ •• e • N `°EDS 6 • • o e :tie'• • • • • 0 • • + • O 4 4 F iv • • 0 • e • • 9 9 Every Mouldy MOi°uiug oo 0. o°o 0 00 • ee Highest Prices paid for 0e '4• all kinds delivered at 0: •ithe Store. e • • • 111. Le Stewart O e HENFRYN yb♦• •4444•••••••4449eeeeoe sae+, •4.49900.4eeee0•44.0e.000e040.O.44e•4404.4•e4M•444•• • • The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup- : ply, Train for success. Our Graduates succeed. Write for Free Catalogue. • •e. • 4 4 0 0 • 4 • a Fall Term from Sept. 2nd • • • • A • • • • • /..•-•-••••....,I/ s • /dad 0 • e 0 5:! •ft'040.A`N61011(►Ab*0•00*•9a.+.0e,,4 O•Oo4Oi44Af4•4 4+ Stratford, Ont. and Wingiarn, Ont. The School that places its graduates in good positions, Kirch` -net• �n I'lldst 1) 11-111 14r'1'11 elat.l••I+•ng -t11 1'.J„1 . )'- .I i, 41q1 11 5 111:- , 11 1-11,..o 11 4'1Ir,111 I m 11.11 1,1 1 ll ndnV 11nl I1.1111 A.14.1011 1 1 1 '_I 1311.1111 +. (6,Ikg1. 111 ut, .I. 1,(0, 1,,, I, 4 1.11t('1 ell 11111) 14' rel 11 , 'tl 11. 111' n+. _ Aire. Hehuvlit put based 111 Uu•I(su❑ 1„111 u " I1 M iel; .A1 1 too1111(1y AFn'h•1 1 14..1 at lis Mane lure over 14,114' NI. , 1A' nlleP dull ,•hildreri ,[11•,1101 u." ,1 I.:4,, on his 114uut l,Hl(0 I rd 1'e -i !1 main 14 weeks.-,• It v 11 tool?, RIId 11ttl, ',:,It. I)'-tl oil ',Ll 1110 5111.00-1; p)1R'n•. r .11, nt..0 . 1. Ila,niltnn.--•AVui. 5:111•, r1 feun'r Rhd'I'hus,'l'hnlnpe0u lu d 1.11 ult 11'1 for Ilarlietou 40 here 1 y i r11 resfd a, Lin, s 1u1<l Mr.. Ilia line 1 left foe their hone• n1, :1ohrl..e, N. Il Moatlay,- Cleo. H.toege, loll on 1'1'100(111 (101'1• 1'ec„1111y.- 1{nether, Gutirh, 111 the guess, of her sister, Nies. A, McLe,,d.- • .Alia, Rate finzlew(ontl leaves this week for 1111 ex• tended visit. in Colorado -Alis.. 1 othy MltaYwish is Inking a 1:'10.01• 111 Wingllnm 13unineva L'nll?•ge - 11 ,1 y Westlake has gone 1„ 1111s1)11'01 al (1 u,•Iph Whorl. h" ,till 1e 001ve fun then tlralb:•u1. 1d;•.. :von„• Ilarris,'I',, onto, is s,aendie-.[ will: her sister, 111s 11 11' 1',ti-I. Wall el' 8lnll'nl i Ie1ut1,e,1 sea0 recently ltnd 151(0 01 01,111 `1 I , u, - ed by his Ilntily fell0 bi'.\'.'i , ,• listed with 101st, tial t, /Led a yrtn' i11 the h•eu(•hes. H .:r.• h'. 11. 11110 he bar been conn, rl,,I L Khaki University in 1. •c.' .•.• h'' l'he Gdlnniug eandi,l',h.e t'1, 1e li<!II1.1,1 Wert., alierer'y5111 01 111 • 11 ,1, . 1 o.• 1.101110. 10 NnrllUh 1'41a11 11. ' 1.• Doig (booms,) 11..1 411 :1111, 11 1. Gtbsun, lot -910 Si oeit,, BveltO '1" , Olive Tomer Rud Jatur, Ila •. i u• gratulatinns. Morrie hiss At0 0)101ng tote been engaged RS teacher in S S No. 7, Iter:w'n a, the 91 one srtlool. She conies fir 111 Or: August 26111 Pte. Ruhr.. ,1. 10 11 art iveti home fl ore IA years nver.ens ,1s to soldier. A clot -dial reeepl.fon was :IV - WHIN] hits w11101 0(1(1d hate 1,, n (001'0 elab,tatt. 01)ly for the :e('(•I11 d,• (1(1') of his mother, the Isle h41s. 12, Bell. we tvelt•otue li .1. bate!, 1„ the eo11((nulity. Leat Friday HenryTine inim fernier 1ooldent. 11f the :3rd line, died •a al his home in \Vi11ghar0 after a 011011 ill- IMES, Ile is anrvivded by hie wife. a son in British Columbia ; 11rs. 11'111, Sellers in Manitoba and another daughtev in Dakota. The. funeral )eas held Sunday aft-,n00n n„i t the am- piees of the L. 0. L. Me. Thole), n e was well and fame known, .tad the bereaved share jii the row munii c sympathy. REFERENDUM.-l'lte officers for 11,,• Municipality in connection with Ibe Referend001 (u•r ;---A ,1hl• Shaw, Pres., hire. W. H. Ferguo,l, l-1 Vita. Pres. ; Trees , John McGill ; Elmer Wilkinson ; Copts. for each polling sub•division, Robt. Shoetreed, Walter Yuill, Robert McGuire, Geo. Miller, A. T. Cole and Clayton Proc- ter. The meeting was well attended. Sec. A, T. Cooper was present and tee-: well pleased, Ile said it was one of the brightest meetings in the Comity. (26 24 Years thea same 46 good" tea Sold only in sealed packages TES PLETONi Ri EUNATIC r.,aPsDR SCIATICA TISM,a17RI GOUT TI off R �MGO,NEURA NiA.GOUT,ADA SU E RELIEFFORs emj42 p,a5*,wt°R"" A o�5tl 15 YEARS LLA!&fir "Good health is priceless." If you suffer from Rheumatic afflictions'T.R,C.'s will retuied' your condition and remove both pain and disease. Ask your druggist or write as for our new booklet; it is niter..Hug and 00015 you nothing (relupletons, 142 Ring n'., Toronto,. We moil T.R.c'. ',u v,vhe•e 00 receipt of 1104. Sole Agent James FOX, Druggist for Brussels ehoice Groceries Omemee flour Bran and Shorts 7'O 1711\I ) Pickling Season Goocl stock of Fruit Ia08, Vine• gar, Spires, ate. Phone 43 in 27 W. J. McCracken i YOUR W I1�TER W00D AND BURN Turners mossismaionemenommommaim A Large Load for $2.5o Cash orders delivered first. P. AM ENT Phone 16 r3 BRUSSELS Electric Starting and Lighting trrIHE new Ford ,Electrical System is as great an achievement as the Ford Motor. No better starting and lighting system is supplied with any carat any price. See it for yourself. See it work. It is e, complete two -unit system, Starting Motor, Generator and Battery -built into the Ford Motor -a product of the Ford plant. The Ford 'car is also equipped with the Standard Magneto to provide ignition independent of the batteries. - The whole system is controlled from an instrument board on the cowl. It is now supplied. as Standard Equipment on all Ford Enclosed Models. If you will phone or call --we will introduce you to the Ford Sedan. You owe it to yourself to learn why men who can afford big costly cars prefer the Ford Sedan. P11ICES-including Electric Starting and Lighting, Ford Sedan $1X75. Ilford Coupe $075. f, o, b. Ford, Ono. (War tax extra.) S. Carter Dealer Brussels 106 � 1111111111111111111 I :VIII v, I i 6II � a� 11 RR 1 n �,.,.... �`�' fir` 1 , �. « ,, �,. , 1� c. I. D' �..:. {< ■�� ��i '�� 1 `R 1 1' � i1e� Et�!l �_ ri' „ -/. 6 it ` a) - l 'fir tin _ ` �, fa fa l t /' 4>.1 `1 j Electric Starting and Lighting trrIHE new Ford ,Electrical System is as great an achievement as the Ford Motor. No better starting and lighting system is supplied with any carat any price. See it for yourself. See it work. It is e, complete two -unit system, Starting Motor, Generator and Battery -built into the Ford Motor -a product of the Ford plant. The Ford 'car is also equipped with the Standard Magneto to provide ignition independent of the batteries. - The whole system is controlled from an instrument board on the cowl. It is now supplied. as Standard Equipment on all Ford Enclosed Models. If you will phone or call --we will introduce you to the Ford Sedan. You owe it to yourself to learn why men who can afford big costly cars prefer the Ford Sedan. P11ICES-including Electric Starting and Lighting, Ford Sedan $1X75. Ilford Coupe $075. f, o, b. Ford, Ono. (War tax extra.) S. Carter Dealer Brussels 106