The Brussels Post, 1919-9-11, Page 4hr••••elt0i, lie thlostio post 1'LIiJ1:51>Ay, SEPTEMBER ix, e1'7 B Iuevala NOTNS 6 Gannet,s'. M Ll all 1 JIM ruined are at pieeent 'isitin rt'ht. I'vet, in Tot tutu. -Ball Alt cheeon lute returned to rt ark with the G. T, R. at +toney Creek, --Albert and Mee. jack - ear event a few days last week with friends at. Allenfurd.--Auulve1sary .eerviren in Methotli't church here last Sunday, Sept. 7th, Rev. MI. Olys.• ate, h'brdwieh, in cliched at 11 a. tit. tic p. n1. -D. •e,• t .5relGl l,ruy, Chlrago, is la re el t vie] t s 1 1111 with h •'s his el el' p gt Mrs WThorne m u.--M.en;ve i s Masters and sirs. Jas. Higgins, Ote troit, spent the week end at the home of Vii, J. Masters Quite a number, from here took in the Toronto Fair last week.--Robt. G. Casetnore, Mtuli- etique, Mich., is calling on old friends here at paesent.-Rev. F. Burgess wits holidaying at Union and Detroit. Belgrave Rev, A. L. Budge, Hamilton, was a cane' on village friends, ilii•. Bricker, of Fordwich, was in the village on Monday of last week, Miss Cora Armstrong successfully passed the middle school examination and will be attending Normal. The entertainment given on Mon- day evening Aug. 25th under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Knox church a was decided a t e success. The speaker of the evening, Major J. 0, Tolmie, Windsor, delighted the audience with his epleudid address, The opening number by the choir, the duet by Rev, and Mrs. Davison and the solos by Miss Margaret Gaieties, Bluevale and Jas, Taylor were much appreciated as was also the readings by Miss Mabel McDonald, \Vingham, Proceeds amounted to $42 50, Methodist Church Auuirerenty will he held Sunday and Monday, Sept. 14 and 15. Rev. H. B. Paruaby, Ph, B., "f Elitnville, a farmer pastor, will preach on Sunday at 11 t'.. m. and 7 p. 10. Special music by the choir in the morning and by a double Male Quar- tette from Brussels and WIngham in the evening, A grand concert will be lletd Monday evening. R..B. Piercy, the talented Eloeuttntuit, of Niagara Nails, Prof. Cowell, Frank Bill and ethers, of \Vinghatu, will give vocal and instrumental numbers, and an A I time is promised. Admission 25 and 15 cents. See the bills. Belgrave blanch of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs, John VanOarep, Aug. 19, girl mem- bers of the Institute giving the pro- gram, which wits as follows :-Solo, Lulu Procter i recitation, Beatrice Fairservice ; violin solo, Maude Bell ; recitation, Gladys Fairservice ; solo, Nora Van Camp ; reading, Edith Procter : instrumental, Hazel Wil- liamson ; paper by Hazel Taylor, after which lunch was served by the girls, which was much enjoyed by all, .'Hiss Hazel's contribution was as fol- iews :- M AD.:kat PRESIDENT AND L:tDIE8,—I have taken for my subject today Music as I thought this subject had not been given before in your In- stitute. The thought has often come to me as to what a beautiful gift music is and that everyone should take every opportunity of educating themselves along that line, Music is healthful. There is no better cute for bad humor and 00 medicine more pleasant to take. Let everyone be- come outsider's and surely they would become living souls. The human voice is the most perfect musical in- strument ever made and well it might be for it had the most skilful Maker, Music is like the angel -whisperings of kind words in the hour of trouble. Who can he angry when the volee of love speaks in songSing to the wicked man, to the disconsolate to the sufferer, to the old and to the children for mttsie will inspire them all. Child ren should be taught to sing when quite young, for what is sweeter than the songs of innoeent childhood, so re- fining and refreshing, Music sweetens the cup of bitterness, lightens the burden of life, makes the heart. routageous and the soul cheerfully de - .out, Into the soul of childhood and y:nrtlt it pours a tide of redeeming in - Influence. When we think hots much die world wants awakening we can think of no power better calculated to do it than what dwells in the mysterious melodies of music. Every song soothes and uplifts. It is ,just possible thatat times a song is as good as a prayer, Otte of the great- est attractions for old an u d. young when visiting our cities is the musicc that may be heard there. I know of nothing more genial and heart-warm- ing than to hear the whole family join in hymn For song. They will love each other and their home better for it. Songs ]earned in childhood are like birds nestling in the bosom ; their notes will be.heard and loved in after years. The hymn sung by EL mother to her little boy may in after clays be a voice that will recall him from ruin. No family can afford to do without mimic. ft ie a luxury, an economy, all alleviator of sorrow and a giving sf enjoyment, 8 protection against vice and an encitetnent to virtue. Music will,help to make your honer attractive, contribute kindly feeling ' and love. Shaw Ise the family where For h e i rtlmn.ici• � s b Cultivated, where tilt.atentsFichildren are accustom.u ed often to mingle their voices to- gether 1n song and you will see one where peace and harmony and love prevail and where great vices have no abiding place. I know no mol e agreeable and interesting spectacle than that of your brother's and sietet s playing and singing together those elevated compositions in music and poetry which gratify the taste and purify the heart. You shall not fail to consider the great value of borne music. Educate yourselves to sing and play so that you call produce sufficient amusements at home and sorrow and pain will be forgotten. Let 08 revive old tunes and the beat of the latter ones, "A merry heart and a singing voice cloetb good like ; a medicine." "When griping grief the heart doth wound, And doleful dumps the mind op- press, Then 'music with her silver sound, Withapeedy help doth lend retirees." �I.��-.-.*ats+io�+'Y' . r+.+sr,-r,s`K,.+.«i'P-t_. �,._.. ^.m•_�- ..�Fr�"'�. ..�i: EAST HURON FALL FAIR 1 BRUSSE.S Tuesday and W.:,.dnesday Sept 1 91 9 &17 Speeding Contests 2.20 Trot or Pace •• Purse $125.00 Hobbles allowed. Mile heats 2 in 3. Purses -150, 26, 15 cold 10 per cent 2.30 Trot - Purse $100.00 Mile heats 2 in 3 Purses -50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent Local Trot or Pace Purse $25.00 Hobbles barred, Purses -$12.00, $8 00 55.00 Running Race - - Purse $20.00 Purses -31000, $5.00, 33.00, $2.00 Imitated by A. 0. Baeket, W, 8, Sinclair, Geo, Muldoon and P, Scott Committee reserves right to name situ tere in Inst two races. ATTRACTIONS BOYS' RACE, under 14 years, 100 yards BOYS' RACE, under. 10 years, 50 yah ds GIRLS RACE, under 15 year s, 1003 at ds GIRLS' RAC':, under 10 y'ea's, 50 yet de BEST FANCY DRILL by School Pupils. Not less than 12 1101' mol e thou 24 persons in each 6 00 3 (0 2 00 Pupils and teachers admitted free to Fair. POTATO RACE ON HORSEIIACIf-Three potatoes for each ern pet ilor will be placed 100 yards fl t m stet ting point. Ct mpetitors stand by horee, mount and ride to fir et potato, diner unt end pick up petals, remount and ride back to star th.g point, dismount and put potato in pail-: el eating the operation fou each potato. let, $1.50 ; 2nd, $1.00; 31d, 50c, No entrance fee. ls'r 2ND 3RD 4Tsr '15 50 25 25 50 25 25 25 75 50 25 25 50 25 25 25 Special Prizes THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA offers $15.00, divided :-let $10,004 2nd. $5.00 for the best 'wise and buggy owned told driven by a farmer or farmer's son being resident in the Townships of Gtey or Morris. THE STANDARD PANE iffers $15.00 for the best exhibits of cattle, divided :-1st, $7,00 ; 211d, $5.00 ; 3rd, $3.00. J. T. WOOD offers $2 00 fee beat pair, $1,00 for 2nd prize, and $2.00 for best pen, any breed of Sheep. GEO, THOMSON' offers 50 tis. Five Roses Flour for best two loaves of Hume -made Bread. JAS. BALLANTYNE cffers $1,00 as 2ud prize for Home-made Bread. DOWNING BROS. cffei 3200 for best collection of Poultry. W, B. EERR will give '1 i,w Pose' for a year fat best tun loaves of Home- made Bt sad : ural 'J Hes PoaT for a year for best 3Ibs. Butter. WILTON' & GILLESPIE eller $1,25 as let and 75e as 2ud prize for beet two loaves of Brown Bread. MRS. JANE THOMPSON offers goods valued at $2.00 for beat Collection of Preserved Fruits, A. STRAOHAN offers $2.00 cash for beet Oollection Asters, 4 varieties, WALKER & BLACK offer $2.00 for lady winning most let Ptizee in Ladies' Work, JAS. FOX offers a piece of Lintoge China valued at $2,00 for one winning greatest number of let Prizes for Flowers. ROBT. FERGUSON offers a $15,00 pair of Pants made to measure for hest Collection Farm Produce. CHAS. POPE offers $200 for best Collection of Vegetables. SAM. \VEINSTEIN otfets $2.00 for best Fleece Wool on sheep exhibited, STEWAR'L' BROS. offer $10.00 for best 10 lbs. Dairy Butter, divided :-- 1st, $5 00 ; 2nd, $3 00 ; 3rtl, $2.00, JOS. QUERRIN offers $10.00 for best 10 lbs. Butter, same so become hie property. W, F, STRETTON offers $0.50 Serving Tray for the best pair of Dressed Ducks, same to become his property. W, P. FRASER offers $1.00 for best pair Single Comb R. I. Reds, Cock- erel and Pullet, ANDERSON BROS. offer $5.00 as let prize for Ladies' Driving Contest. MALCOLM FRASER offers $2.00, 2nd prize for Ladies' Driving Contest, JAS. FIENDERSON offers $200 for test Draft Team. JNO: LOGAN offers $200 for best bus, Spring Wheat, any variety. FRED. STEPHENSON offer a $1.00 as 2nd prize for Spring Wheat. G. C. MANNERS offers $200 whip for beet Gents' Driving Outfit. W, ,1. MCCRACKEN offers $3.00 as let and $2.00 as 2ud prize for beat two loaves of Bread made from Onremee Flour. W. A, GREWAR offers $1 26 box Chocolates for beet Pencil Sketch of Age icaltural Hall, and 750 box for 2nd, DR. 1. T. MORAE offers $6.00 for best Essay on recent 010 Boys' Re- union, not to exceed 500 words, open to Brussels Public School pupils including those who recently passed Entrance, 2nd, $8.00, by John Ferguson ; 3rd, $1.00 by V. Sinclair. 13. S. SCOTT, Miss Morris, F. S, Scott, Dr, Hamilton and M. Black offer Prizes of 3400, $3111), $2110 and $1,00 for best Essay ou 010 Hoye' 1ie- union, not to exceed 500 words, open to Continuation School pupils. MiSS KATHLEEN WILTON offers $1.00 for best Map of Huron County, marking townships, towns and villages. open to Room II pupils. ]MISS FLO. BUCHANAN (Sets $1,00 for best Sunflower, confined to pupils of Primary Rouen. MLSS ANNIE GEDDES c lf,'re $1.00 for best British Union Jack painted in water colnts, open to pupils of Room III. DR, WHITI'.r, offers $1.00 for hest Barred Rock Cockerel anti Pullet. J. 0. HABKIR.K (dere $2,10 for best Buggy Horse. BAEJfER 13ROS, offer $2.00 for best Fat Heifer. W. 4. SCOTT offers $1.00 for best pair of 1910 Chickens, any variety, F. R. SMITH offers $1,00 for 1st and 75c for 2nd prize for best Collection Potted Ferns and Potted Tuberous Begonias, not less than 6. GERRY & WALKER offer $2.00 Set Nut Cracker and Picks for best col- lection of Potted Plants not mentioned in list. Gran Concert in Rink WEDNESDAY EVENING First-class Talent in the persons of Messrs. Brazil) White & Co. TORONTO • An A 1 Orchestra Piping nd Highland Dancing p9 9 9 lucknow Cornet Band and Kincardine Pipe Rand Will supply Music for the Fair. ,ANO. FERGUSON, M. BLACK, Secretary. President. iS'/4.1.. o limed Al. wood . ... ... Sept. 71-2.2,3 Myth .... . -Sept. 22 213 lit recede Seta. 01.17 Cheeky NIe t r.)1 ti•0 Slin1(1t 2 -3 In 11)1011 .... ......... ...44'pt, 30, iter 1 Ex. tor .....,......Sept 1G 111 (Inl le .... ..Oct, 4 llnit .... ... ..................Sept. 18.10 (40derirh................ ...... -Mein, 15 17 llarriston Sept. 2523 1f,1ut:ardine .................Sept. 18-10 Kirktnu ...... .....Ocl,2 8 Listowel . Sept, 18.11) Learnt t Wee" ern Nair 1 .. .Sept, 8-13 I,urknow .. Sept, 25-20 {Idm nY Sept, 15-10 Mlltttt...........................'pt.a 20 Mitchell 'Sept, 2324 STARTLING EVIDENCE AN THE TEMPLETON CASE PROOPS611m81Ti'ED By BIETURWED sOg• DSRlts D1sivaLe e'UBa scs BURPTIcessE Public interest in the Templeton ease has been accentuated by a volume of further evidence which has been sub- mitted to prove tltatTempleton's Rheu- matic Capsules do remedy Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Luinbago and many of their kindred dieeases. Can i of if ad aus d er • o from the froIIG claim that these capsules were of theutmost benefit in relieving them of sciatic pains and preventing the development of rheu- matic troubles. One well known Can- adian General was a constant user of T.R.C.'S and his persistent demand for them is proof that they gave him the relief he sought. lvfen such as our Canadian soldiers are not prepared to make false state- ments. T,R,C: S fixed them up and they are glad to say so in order that others May benefit by their experience. There is no denying the feet that T.R.C:S do all we claim they will. Convince your- self. Try thota Ask your Druggist or write Foe for our new booklet; itis interesting and costs you nothing m(Tnetul pl192 King West, Toronto) . We T.ut.e,'s luvweere oil receipt of $1.01. Sole agent in Rru++els, JOS. Fox, Druggist. THE Temperance' Referendum Act 1919 Form 10 Ontario Election Act 1918 (Referred to in Section 34) Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers Electoral District of Centre Huron To Wits Take notice that the Voters' Lists for polling subdivisions numbered 1 ani 2 In the mantel. polity of the Village of Brussels ; numbered 1, 8 and 4 in the Town of Olinton ; numbered 1, 2, 5 and 4 in the Township of Colborne ; num- bered 1, 2, 8, 4,6, 0 and 7 in the Town of Gode- rich; numbered 1, 2, 8, 9, 6, 6 and 7 in the Town- ship of Grey ; numbered I, 2, 8, 4, 5, 0 and 7 in d the Township of Hullett • numbered 1, 2, 8 an 4 in the Township of McKillop ; and numbere 1,2.8,4 and 5 in the Town of Seaforth hay been prepared by the enumerators anti hay been delivered to the Clerk of this Board 11 the Returning Officer ; And that His Honor, Judge Lewin 5.' Dick son, has been appointed Itevising Officer fo the purpose of hearing eon] plain be and appeal as to the said lists for the Town of Goderich His Honor Judge 79 15, Lewis has been ap pointed ,Revising Officer for the purpose o hearing aompinints and appeata as to the sal fists for the Township of Grey and the Vitiate of Brussels ; R. G. Reynolds, Esq., has been appointed Re vishig Officer to hear eomplafnte and appeal as to the said Voters' Lietofor the Township of Colborne and Hullett ; D. McDonald, Esq., bas been appointed Re• vising Offline to hear complaint, end appents as to the said Voters' Ltets for the Township of Ma5lllop and Town of Seaforth; 0. Seagor has been appointed Revielna Offic- er to hear complaints and appeete es to the saki Voters' idsts for the Town of Olinton, Aud further take notice that the sittings of the said Revising Officers will be held tie fol. tows :— In the Chambers of His Honor Judge Dick - eon, in the Court House, Town of Goderich, an the 24th day of September, 1919, to hear Qom. plaints as to the maid Voters' Lists for pollitt sub.divislons 1, 9, 8 and 4 in the said Town of Gedertch • • In the Chambers of His Honor Judge Dick- son, in the Court House Town of Godertoh, on the 26th day of September, 1910, to hear coin• plsbntnns.to the said Voters' Lists for polling subdivisions Nos, 6, 6 and 7 in the said Town of Godertah; In the Township Hall, Ethel, on the 24th day of September, 101e, to hear complaints and Fop- penl oa Grey t a said Voters' Lists for the Town. shiIn the Town Hall, Brussels, of the 27th dny of September, 1019, to hear complaints and tip - peals ne to the sale Vetere' Liebe for the said Village of Brussels 1 In the Township Hall, Carlow, on the .24111 dny of September, 3010, to hear complaints and appeals as to the said Voters' Lists for the said Township of Colborne; In the Townahtp Hall, Londesboro', on the 26th dity of September, 1019, to henr onptaints end appeals ss bo the said Ve Voters' Lids for the said Township of Hallett ; In the Toren 11011, Ssaforth, on the 24th day of September, 1919, to hear complaints and up PawlsnpothME1Vopol;ers' Leda for oho said In the Town Hall, Sentorbh, on the 26th day of September, 1019 to hear sonpisitlta and e - peale as to the said Voters' Lists for the said Town of Seaforth • In the ToWn Hell, Clinton, on the 24E11 day of September, 191 t e a to hear complaints Ire and a1t- Tow as to lite maid Voters' Lute for the said Town of Olhnton; Such enttinaS to naarmenee et T9 o'clock in the forenoon. And farther take notice that any voter who dosing to complain that the dames anyy per - sone entitled to be entered the Fol Mita have been emitted from the HMO, orb at the ImmBs of permute 1 are I1 tit p o s entered to tea i,mato oe eaters hn6 cLeenysbf before the lists, fixed for tone than 6 slosh days ishig ' fi a rate ly, oot for theplc sittings appeal ti to havein s oWuoer, me o o the plain or t807of terve person own saute or the name; n any move person esaid Ho s. en• toted fu h removed from the said listp, And further ice i notice that such appeals mutt be signed notice welting in the d given or form t' sed at the residents() nod given or 1for him f his r0selct da 07 pthee of hoot• 11000hon Or before Ore rotonoid dots to the Cork o1 the Ii,, 0 X ox, Go e,o tot, 5 :— To 1,, Goderich, nt t. the said lists for the lt Town of sGoderichwesi' to r yH.; Maodon• aid, Ethel, for the Township of Grey; to P. S, Scott, Briseels, for the Village of Brussels ; to Teens Hetherington, R.,, 1,Sttoppnrton, for the Township of Colborne to J. )lstt ted, onderboro', for the Township of Hellen ; to 81, Murdie, R. R,1, Senforth, for the Township of wn ofTop; to 4..A. Wilson, doaPort, for the Town of lion Porth ; to D, L.1klncPherson, Olin• ton, for the Town of Clhrton, tLEWIS H. DIOJCSON, Chairmen Voters' Registration Board, County of Huron, Coplee of the Vetere' Theta may be aeon1ith the Muntstttel Clarke, Post Minters, 2,.1. D. Cooke, Goderich, 'Mier Eotmorater • the Meal0-Numeratorsfor the several polling sib-divls)one ; the membors of the Various Municipal Caanotls, and with the undersigned, 0. S1tAGER, Clerk Voters' Registration Roera, Goderio t, 9 Te balence of imphementi nod furinitere it.• U 7, Oen s 16, 13rey, s is offered by private stile, its follows :-1 mow. er Oft rut, 130.boolh steel rake, 1 separator ' (500 lbs.), 18•herse diso (ten,, a pressure lever), p : 1 helper calf 16 months old I) lung cow in 0,11, 1 cow 111 pig, 1 sotind bay horse 4 } ,•ars old, 1 e sound horse 7 years old, set rlot(ble hat nese, 1 Quebec Heater coal etove, 1 wood stove, 1 cupboard, 1 kitchen table, 1 solid oak hail e stand, 10 hens and roaster and 1O pnllets,iquan• s Gity of w d real P A eithe.tiaef) 0. isltf;e AUCTION HATE Illy PA1161 t1Ur5i, bit 1.,.+,n NTN 11,--I h Meat, AlttJlleor hing b, e11 Ill Ll LIC61 ,1 by tie1,t nitAlural titlt lI Rillto pelf 1 Sly nth l ' ott Gina et N 11 Lai le, tion d, Morrie, ou 11'1 idnv, Sept• lith, at ces, ris uly it1gV1110111/10 property l h r e Pare old, I mere } tars ld,t hor 1 riming 6J'•s •2 coin 2 yttuv old,t r lelray eine to calve dvse about Motel' letvow with calle1 feet, 4 111110b 000.82 nuppnned with halt loom cite to calve in alma 2 menthe, herfere supposed withonll, 1 heifer 8 years old, 1heifer 2 veers , ' old, 2 steers 2 year's old, 8 el eer01 year old, 0 Itetters 1 year old. 1 oolves, number of sheep e 1 brood sow with 12 pigs 2 hocks old at time of r Bele, 2lege (ehnultsl 1 menthe old, 1 brood note due to farrow early in November, about 80 hone, about OU inlets, 1I young ducks, 1 Collie dog, 1 Prost 8 wand hinder, 1 Deering mower• nearly new. I Need drill, I Datsy morn, I out.• ter, 1 hay rose, 1 tenger bus, 1 get Barrows, I ' nn• plow, c Fol I w I walking • Doe ,tut • reek, 1 1 I a t d } I reel 1 i, 1 ,n n abet c , elttr Int .s of th 1 set air h l t o g e n •s' 1 I ton c s Wen, 1 crib, 1 non m wand roost', 11 I er1lance, 1 wood hinter, 1 Empire orenm selernt. al•, I lawower' Nearly nes 1 baby untrue, 2 ahnielten broo oders, 1 incubator, 1 °money nod rage, 1 pig trough, about 1 acre of fodder Dorn, about 1 Fiore of green feed, n quentity of hay, lout or ant sheaves, quentity of green feed, about 6U bus nixed grain, about 76 bus. Blaolc Beauty tette. n quantity of straw to bo fed on ' rated t`C+r haw s A fine 140 neve Oulu for gale le the I •,ratty oP Huron, Mot nt' lua•t 1,11 Inns tuuwn,; 1. 11(('1, Mtge brlrl. li'ro,nud hat u' Nttb 1,rnuel11J sur,'ouebtigs ; levet bank Inure, dl bung sho11. t dgcoout•bulf din s. Por futher pitmen.mes .1. rJlfift, l0 'f1A'bo[1 6 1 1t I ) 1 bhe+vat,•, Out, 90,rd- rad. '.i5 .b Gong, etel lot' n t, ntlnl, ('+1 11,1•,,, In tor. f 111x1• tt Ise) 1, 1111.1.1,4e -ft y (1, lin ! I• am', 10 oo1 n , d 1., al.. 1, 11,101.. lyra ,n, 1%014i, 11.111 I. ,.., A, I' ,.;on he Ntv„tt Fob nor, FM' 111111101' 1 pill n,•nlul,t Air -1 oA t'A .1111N ''1 NV11_I' 11.111•,. yds 17 a esni t,' A I 3 1 I u , �e w. A rues t.•1, 1 u ,.x11 nnn•s rstuhl f the AIN. I 1 1 Creu,bruulr, .. pinca, i sore of potatoes, chains, forks, shovels Foul nnmoroua other articles. Terms—Sims of 56.110 and wader caeh ; over that amount 0 non the credit given an fnrniahtng approved joint antes. 6 per cent off for cash on credit 1 0100nts. Hay, grain and potatoes:wish. sale without reserve as proprietor is going West. UEC. M7LLER, Proprietor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of Thomas Garnlas, tato of the Township of Morris, In the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Nrlice ie line, by given pursuant 10 "Tlio Re. viseli tttntoi05117 Ontario," that I Goof and 01.1,0 having Mailing against the a tete or the mild Thum a of A 0 n•h (Hod1 n or about rho 1.lth day of Ant,2 t dam IOet orf rber. 8, , 119 before to en the 2po dpiy Geoid .Wr•ttem- livr. A, D , ]W9,er sgne by e t pe 01t e est liver and the undersigned the eo the last Will and. Testament of the anld d Surnames Brussels P. n0 , descriptions, ptions,at end surnFonos Ianaddof their and datum, a stat the fill partici'. lflra of their elnima, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the 0ecur)tiON (if any) )Geld by them. And further take notice that after such loft mentioned date the said Executor will pro. need to distribute the insets of the deceased among the perbiee entitled thereto having re- gard only toy Maims of which he shall then ]rove 'tatioa, and the said Executor will not be liable for the said studs or tiny part 'there- of to any person or persone of whose claim notice shell not have been reaelved by hint nt the time of such distribution. Dated at Brnsseln, this 1st dny of Sept ember, A. D. 1910. 0'. M. SINCLAIR, 10.9 Executor of the lest 10111 of ,t es et it. Tenders For tete purpose of settling up Ole affairs of the estate of the lata Thomas Gant les, tenders will be received by the undersigned Executor of the last Will and Testament of the decea'• ed, uptoSaturday noon, the tweet) -seventh day of September, A D. 1910, for the following valuable properties, 11010e1y:- 11) The South Half of Parte Let No Four- teen in the. Third Conceseton of the Township of Morrie, contnipittg one hundred iteree of land, more or less ; _ of thelTownl hip ofer SGeey, toonta)nhtg ones henn dred sores of laird more or less ; and (8) That portion of Village Lot number One Hundred on Tnrnberry street in the Village of Brueeels, known as the Geodes store All of the above properties are free from en- cumbrance and the titles t)tereto are Indisput- able. Further particttlat•0 luny be ebtahned by prospective porelinrora on applieetien to the undersigned. The highest or any other tender not neces- sarily oeeepted Dated this 2nd day of Set' tember, A.D. 1019, 10-4 W. NI 81N 'LAIR, Executor Thomas Garnios, diceased. For Sale Oe y er ,e r live met 0- ments were all new Inst year and will be offer- ed until ail are disposed itI P. HAS'I' W ELL, Propm fetor. Tenders Tenders will be received by the iuidergtgaed up to Sept. 16th, 1910, for the coeatrnetton of sewer of William street, in the Village of Bruoeele. Plane and eeeeltioetions may be seen at the of$oe of the (park of the Mnnieipal- ity. F. 8 -`O Village Clerk. Farm for Sale Being Lot 19, Con, 0, Grey township, omit net - In g 100 sores, all ander cultivation, Comfort- able frame house, bank barn, good orchard, drilled well and never failing spring, 2 miles from Ethel and 7 miles from Brussels. School within It mile. Farm must be sold to close the t. further For.etlsr0 14 00r r estate,. Nor14_2p tf t 1 in orerms; O. B apply P, W. Q, POLLARD, 1Bthnl; JNO. BATIMAN, Brttsaels, Farm for Sale Paris for sale, aontnining 973'4 tie! no, town- ship Maryborough, Ord Cott„ 7 ,,les trout Lis- towel mrd 8 from Tra10a elation, 0 P. 11., 54 mile Prole thriving village, with school, ohuroh, eco. Fm•10 is well watered. Comfort- able Sonia been 60 feet ',genre, with stabling underneath. Water to cables, Teruto easy Por further >nrtieu tare imply to M1113, WILSON MORAY, Listowel, R. 11. 8. Farm for Sale Undersigned offer for ante hie 100 sore farm, Lot 82, 701 Con. Town0tttp of Gray. On 011411. 11300 are a good Prime h one° with cellar, bank bar Hand n good vole chive.oThis n we g g farm i Isall aloat•ed is at»on sr. h0 are . front g t eat D i eti a Dat11. weeds and in l 1f 1 &late of et tivattoh For furthor per GiculnrS n 1plr to 8.8 GEO. EMIR, Efanrryn. Farm for Sale Fine 100 acre farm for stile, being Lot 25, Oon, 14, Grey township. 90 nem cleared, inhume me Hugh and, pasturo. Good buildings, oonetnting of frame houee, batik barn, driving shed and up•Oo•elate poultry house, Good renter, windd• mill, 1e. 4 miles from Ethel end 254 ratios from McNattght, on (1, P. R. For further par. Mutant -as to price, terms, am, apply on the pretOnbpen or If by letter tnT r 1VTLL AMS0N, Bull for Service The indersigned will keep for servioo, on Sc Lot 80, Con. 2, Morrie totem.); I p, the Sloe&'1>r'e d Short Rolm Bull, Gainford of Salem, No. .00410=. Sired by Gainford Marquhi 11008001 ; bein Mildred VII by Royal manor (18909. Ped. terse may be P0011 011 applioabton. Terms— $10.00 few thorn' -brads payable at tits of ner- vlee with privilege to ranee. l,, GI•ade COWS not showed. TIMOS, PI1D110E, Proprietor, s New re i s e s WE HAVE REMOVED OUR STOCKS TO THE STORES IN THE cKELVE Immediately South of American Rotel Where we will be better able than ever to please the public. IIANKING old Customers for past pat- ronage we be. t 1ad to .ee them ;nal 1 many new Patrons in the new premises where we have the Right Stocks at the Right Prices, Cti ea vramtveameSsewillerrereapTy nted GFiiir.Z.,MN.7t70. gtS"4fiR4&9 tltIbt�IrPC5 Ship yr,i; u r Cream R'irect to the Brussels Cream ry Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Canis .and Pay all 13x - press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank, Give tate Brussels hactory One trial and y;,u - will not want to discontinue. BruseIs G reamer ULYI��rt Brim. Pr,o s. p •A,-r-%,-u,:mrtm,os>10.eeoaac,ee 044+0+e 04'+,) 0+40+0+.+414.++0.1. &'t'e••Fe••i•@•, 0.60•t•o•t•5•'1•®a.0.(. ••1•o•1•o9 t Pr b 'rhe Seat'®�°t f.8 0 r am fliefIXIXIMisemaliffagallEg8R1 115110111 4 • 4+ • 4• O • O The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFO RIH ON' Z. i Creamery 4 I. ted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage kblawing that we can give you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest markett ices everytw weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova ) Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCAL L, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to i' .'i',+4' i'e1444*444'.l 3 o • •4'Nr.•"1'•'1'4+�I•••P•'M••f'4'M•'!!di'�lA:dti•O'�!'1~AA•b•• r )1