HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-9-11, Page 1VOL, 48 MO, II $1,5a Per Annum in Advance
11 HMI 111 1 I 18111118111ln 1181111111111111110111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_:
Take No Risks
with Valuable
Your Victory Bonds, deeds, mortgages, insur-
ance policies are too precious to leave where
fire or thieves may reach them.
Even a strong box or safe in your own home
lacks the absolute security given by the Safety
Deposit Boxes in this Bank.
They may be rented in convenient sizes
a small cost.
Call and see them,
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital • 8 9,700,000
Reserve Nand - 18,1300,000
Resources - • - 220,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
billitnery-MiaS ROM.
MIllinery-Miss Inman.
Steer etrnyed-Phone &IOC
Dow for sale -Wm. 13ryana.
flatter Arai ed-wnt. Spelt%
Office re.opened-hl Sid Bryatts.
.Auction sale -W, H. Ferguson.
Raincoat loat-D. R. McDonald,
Blum Fall Fair -T G. Ratcliffe.
Women. wanted -Listowel Mills.
Coal ml and gasoline -8, Carter.
Lunch -Melville Willing Workers.
.Apples wanted -W. J. Mut/reckon.
Notice to Creditors-W.D. Dunbar estete.
Thomas and Mrs. 11111aeott paid
a visit to friends in Stratforil.-
John Quippe (Gravel Road) is erecting
it flue elnutoOtliolls implement and
driving shed this seasnm-Albert B.
Thompson took train for Grimsby to
pay a visit to friends there, -Mrs. A.
B. Ho rn, 18th Clon„ is seriously ill at
peesen t -The Temperance committees
have been busy lately examining the
miumeratotos lists before final Re-
vision by the County Judge. -Thos
L. Ha min ond ,
ofEI m a
, e
itiea)snftNMr, Sterling
who Was away;on a vacation,
NEWSY BRIEPS.-We angled to see
Henry Mashers able to be out again, -
Wm, and Mrs. Thornton are at pres-
ent visiting relatives at Canfield, -
George and Mvs. Simmons and family
spent Sunday with Wm. Gallaher. -
Quite a number fromhere attended
the U. F. 0. Convention at Wingham
on Monday. -Miss Laura 4olph has
returned home after spending a few
weeks at Hornings Mills. -Abe and
Mrs. Procter and Chas. and Mrs,
Procter, spent Sunday at the home
of Jas. Masters, -Mrs. John Musgrove
Wingham, spent a few days with Mrs,
Robt. Musgrove. -Wm. and Mrs.
Stewart and family, Bowling Green,
motored up and spent a few days
visiting relatives here.-Jno, and Mrs.
Anger, Fordwich, spent Sunday with
Alex. MeGee.-Mts. Wm. Hall spent
Sunday at the home of Wm. Yee.-
Robt. and Mrs, Wruwick were visitors
Convenience, security and economy are
secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques
issued by this Bank. They enable the bear-
er to identify himself and are readily
converted into tile current c:oin 4: any
foreign country,
Walton Branch
J. M. McMILLANI Acting Manager
chool Days
Are Here Again
That means barefoot times are almost over for another
year and the children will need to have good substan-
tial Shoes for Fall and Winter wear. We have • them
in Tan Grain, Urus Calf and Velour for Boys, and
Kangaroo, Pebbled Box Calf and Kid for Girls and
Little Tots. .
The Duality is Good and the Prices are Right.
Shoe the latnily here.
"The Sweetness of Low Prices never equal —
the Bitterness of Poor Quality."
R. C. RATHWELL, Moncrieff
Milton Smith's on Sunday. -Dave
And Mee. Erriogion, Dungannon,
spent a few days with friendhet'.'--
10 nnivereary services in Methodist
church lastSunday were well attend-
ed. Rev, Me, Olysdale, Fortlwich,
preached two excellent immoral and
111130 sang a couple of solos which were
much appreciated by all, -Rets Mr,
Burrs is at present holidaying at
Detroit, but wilt be hoine for next
Sunday services. The service will be
at 10 45 in Bluevale,-There were 6
cars cattle to Buffalo and oue car
hogs to Toronto shipped tram lite
laid, let iday.
School opened on Tuesday with the
Raine teachers, Mies McNair and
Miss Theresa Switzer, who Wad here
for her vacation, has taken a school
nem, London and entumenced her
duties last week. She is a good
Mts. W. 5, Laurie and young son re-
turned home after two month's visit
with her parente A, and Mrs. Leitch.
Mr. Lamle spent Labor Day hers and
Mrs, Laurie returned home with him.
Hilton and Mrs. Hillis and two
children, Detroit, returned home after
visiting their uncle and aunt, A, and
Mill. Leitch and amine, Mrs. Win.
Ziegler and Mrs. Victor Sperling.
Poultry wanted Tuesday or each week.
Phone W. G. Neal n800 prices, &a.
A good many went to London Ex-
hibition this week.
Brussels Fall Fair will las the draw-
ing card next Wednesday,
The funeral of 103 05. S. Stm y, Mc-
Killop, was held Wednesday afteta
noon of this week.
Last Sunday morning Co. Secretary
Cooper, of Clinton, addressed Duff's
elm oh congregation on the 'greet
question, Prohibition of the liquor.
11 was peartically handled and will do
Mts. William Farquhaeson, former-
ly Miss Kate TelPer, is here on a visit
with relatives, arriving last week.
She says the °Rips around Provost,
Alta., are not much to brag about
this year.
Are you interested in Birds 0 11 00
you or your children! should hear
Jack Miner, the only man of his kind
in Ontario, give bis illustrated Lec-
ture in the Town Hall, Brussels, Fri-
day evening of this week.
Joseph Nicholson, l4tli Con. McKil-
lop, is still under the Dr.'s Corp., and is
not improving as -fast as his friends..
Would like to see, He is confined to his
bed and suffers considerable pain in
his head,
Walton Wotnen's institute will
meet at Mts. A. Btuoe's Wednesday
next at p. m. Mrs. A.. Gardiner will
introduce the topic "Advantages of
Police Villages." Roll call will be fol-
lowed by a chapter from "Our Govern-
ment." Good attendance asked,
SCHOOL FAIR. -M onday afternoon
the Animal School Fair was held here
and was a fine . success. Exhibits
were opt es numerous as on some
former occasions but, were excellent,
The mots, vegetables, Stc,, were ex-
hibited in a large tent supplied by Co,
Representative, Stothers, who, with
his staff, managed the Fair. Other
exhibits were ,displayed in thefschool
house, There was a large attend-
ance and it was an ocatiaion for friend-
ly intercourse, Women's Institute
served a well prepared lunch and a re-
freshment booth did a "roaring"
ness, clearing nut their stock complete-
ly. School Inspector Field was a
busy man during the afternoon. In
the speech making contest by pupils
Marjory Hoover took 1st prize with
short address on Gardening ; Gordon
McGavin 2nd, on Home training ;
Grace Shoetree& 8rd, with .Aero-
planes ; and las. Ritchie 00 \Vhatilwere n
onr eighbothood needs. A
good and heartily applauded. Dr.
Field and Mr. Stothete were judges.
Prize winners were paid at the close
or the Fair. Concert was 110L held in
the (welling but will content) at, a later
date. There were 7 schools linked np
with the Fair this year. Full prize
list will be given in a subsequent is-
eue along with Whet, particulars of the
Faits Si ally Brussels folk alt ended.
,Witaltoil &hoot Fait. is not easily beat -
• Re -opened
• •
• •
• 0
a e
a a
a a
: •
• Office Hours : •
0 10 to 12 a m. and 1 to 6 p, m. IE
• 0
Ophthalmologist, hae resumed
practise in her office after spend-
ing past 8 motithe in Chicago,
talciug poet gtaduate course
Eyes Tested. Glasses Fitted.
Gar Windfall
Will pay 00 cents cash per
100 lbs,
Phone 48 or 27
W. J. McCracken
A number from this locality were at
Wingham last Monday attending the
If ;F. 0. Nominating Convention.
St, George's church will hold their
Hat vest Thanksgiving services on
Sunday afternoon, Sept. 28th, at 3
o'clock, when Rev. Mr. Ecoleston,
Lucknow, will be the preacher.
meeting of all interested in the ques-
tion of Consolidated schools win be
held in the A. 0. U. W. Hall, Walton,
next Tuesday eveoing, at 8 o'clock.
Dr. Sinclair, of Toronto, will 'be the
chief speaker brit others are expected
to take part in the discossion. This
is a question closely related to the
future .wellbeing of this coununity.
About 52,000 is being paid in salaries
this locality to give instruction to
about 25 pupils and on account of the
small attendance the teachers are
greatly handicapped in their work.
Attend the meeting and ask all the
0 • • • • GO 41*••• • ell, 000 0 0, 4. • • *04
This is to notify the pub-
that I have. been ap-
pointed Local Agent for
Brussels and District by
The Imperial
Oil Company
: for the distribution of Coal
Oil and Gasoline. Farm.
erS are asked to bring
their supply cans to our
Garage when supplies are
: needed.
i Si Carter
40•0•••••••••*0000 ***** 40•41sei
allele,' 1111168M,
Fall Millinery
Our New and Stylish display of Fall Mil-
linery is now ready for inspection and sale and
the ladies of Brussels and locality are invited to
call and see onr choice stock.
While grateful for past patronage a cordial
invitation is extended for a continuance of your
Miss Wilson, of OWen Sound, is with us
again this season,
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
spietnittne yon thine of to make 'De
snit:lee! elanr. Wallin tr‘.11111 1,.a
fine eenlle for it commottit y etiond
but the people have the say.
Knox church, Moncrieff givee a har-
vest Home dinner Monday evening,
15th IOW, Miss Peal,' Newton, a
clever fillocutioniet and humorous en-
teetaiiier, Toronto, and Harry Me -
Gee, Canada's limy faultier, will he
among the talent on the program.
1,niichin WAN 011 LILO matt tide week
fut' a timelier nom this lineally,
Donald and Miss MeTaggart, Lloyd
and Mrs. Porter and Elgin Porter
were visitors with At wood friend,
over the weelc-eral,
Reeve Livingston was among the
list of nominees at the TJ. le. 0, Cola
ventioti held at Winghlun IDA ;Mon-
day. He wee not present.
Elmer DiteK ay , 1.9110 1 roos 1,701.11 altend-
ing a StlfrIfildl. School 10 '1`01 0010,
hotne for a vacation before going to
Faculty this Fall, We wish him sue -
Gorge and Mrs, Mann, of Lunclar,
Man., have retnrned to their home
after a holiday visit here.. They vieit-
ed at Chicago, Flint, Toronto and
other poi n ts.
Last Sunday afternoon the'pulpit of
Knox church was occupied by Co.
Secretary Cooper who gave a profit•
able address, illustrated by chat ts, on
the Prohibition queition. Monctieff
should give a good boost for the re-
Harvest Home services will be held
in Knox Church here on Soncley,
Sept, 141h, at 2 80 and 7 80 p. Too, The
preacher of the day will be Rev. W.
D. McDonald, B. A., Atwood. There
will be special music and offering.
Monday eveninga Harvest Home
Dinner will be given in the church
basement helm 6 to 8 o'clock. This
will be followed by a fine program Iro
whish Mies Peal( Newton, a talented
Elocutionist and humorous eillettalit-
er, of Toronto, and Harry McGee,
00.11ACIft'S Harry Lauder, will take a
prominent part. There will also be
addresses by resident, pastors. Tickets
are only 50 and 25 cents, Proceeds
from Sunday and Monday will be ap-
plied to the Soldiers' Tablet Fund in
connection with the church. Don't
miss the Harvest Home.
Well bred driving mare, buggy, harness and
outter, nearly new, for sale. Phone 220.
Live Poultry wanted Monday of each week
Phone Hall's Store.
The Prentes family, Mitchell, were
visitors at J. K. Hall's,
- Stuart McDonald has gone to Belle-
ville College for vocational training.
Mrs. Win, Slemmon is visiting het,
daughter, Mrs. Franklin, at Wood-
Mrs. le, Barr has just returned from
spending a couple of weeks visiting
in Michigan.
W. H. Love atic1son Harold attend-
ed the Undertakers' Convention at
Toronto last week.
Miss Edyth Ferguson, Toronto
Hospital, is spending a couple of
weeks holidays at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ktiess and daughter,
Miss Annie, and F. G. and G. Herald,
Stratford, were visitors in Ethel.
D. Falconer, of Bank of Hamilton,
here, is relieving Mr. Robinson, At-
wood, for a couple of weeks, Mr, But-
cher, 4twood, is in charge here.
,The McDonald, who was so ill here,
was able to he removed to his home
near Molesworth. He is regaining
his health slowly hub we hope sorely.
August and Mrs. Rupp and Will.
Rupp, St. Thomas ; Chas. Rupp, Bran-
don, Man. ;- and Mr. and Miss Vogt,
Midway, visited in the village recent -
Misses M. McDoiaald, M. McKee,
Rhea IffeLelland and Master %Von,
Mitchell are attending Brussels Con-
tinuation &hosed, \Ve wish them
This week Geo, and Mrs. Dobson, of
Tessier, Sask., left for:their home after
an enjoyable visit with relatives and
friends in Ethel and 011101' Ontario
Re evice next Sunday on Ethel
ch cuib will take place as follows :-1711-
ion Sunday school 10 a. m., Service
11 a. ro., Roe's 2 p. to. and Ethel at
'7 pm.
The funerel of Miss Pearl Bateman, of
whose death brief notice was made in
last week's POST, took place Monday,
Sept. 1st. Service wae held in Metho-
dist church, of which deceased was a
member, and was conducted by her
pastor, Rev, Mr, O'Kell, A large.con-
gregation was present to pay tribute
to the memory of one when all had
learned to love and esteem. lanes
Batenaan, or Pearl as she was familiar-
ly called, was born in this locality and
fee one of het, years nets widely known
as she had been saleslady in W. T.
Spence's Ettore for some time before
her health failed, She was a member
of the choir and President of the Ep-
worth League. Being of a quiet, un-
asetuning nature she sought no tumors
but lee them seek her, bob by her con.
sietent life and cheerful ways made
many true friends. She was seldom
long at a time without a caller, many
of them bringing her dainties they
thonglit she might °Noy. Peale was
much intereeted in the Peace Celebra-
tion and from her little cottage eaw
much of what was going on and many
called to let her see their costumes.
Deceased bad been ailing for about 8
Months and put np a brave fight, for
her recovery, bub as the realized the
end of the struggle was near she was
calm, resigned and told na she WAS LIOL
afraid to eroes the rivet, and passed
peacefully away on the morning of
Aug, 20th, The floral offerings were
many, beautiful and appropriate, at-
testing the high place she held In the
hearts of her relatives, friends and the
different departments Of the Church,
Pallbearers Were Russell Wilbee, jag,
Jack Miner
The Great Bird Lover
'nom Ilall, Bruss,:k
riday, Sept. 1 :.'tui
it will le, ao, illustialiel talk, in-
latesting and instructive 10 both
children and adults.
*Piet:el, 25 and 15 Notts
Thete'e only one Jaek Miner on
Mina, wit.; hitn.
Crani brook
Farm rs' Club
Is unloading a ear of No. 1 West-
ern Feed 0 tts this week at Ethel
Also a car of Bran in the near
For Nether particulars apply to
Phone 285 SE0.-TREAS.
Spivey, Eat toed Isherwood, Bert Vod'
den, Willi Mitchell and Harold Love
The burial took place in the family
plot at Brussels ceroetely.
East Wawanosh Council will meet
here Monday, Sept. 131h.
W 11. Feaser, M. la P., North litte-
ra) was taking in 'Portman Fab,.
Maple 'Pol ride WWI elle Wiest ti'
R. 181 /Kenzie while in the viltese
John L. Stewart and Mies Allie
Nichol were quietly metaled Thursday
August 28th, by Rev, Mr. Davison at
the pateranage. We wish them hap -
Nrs. Will. Pipe and son Jack and
Mrs. D. Jordon, 5th line, were week
end visitors with Mrs. Fairservice ab
Don't forget the Auction Sale of
Farm stook, inipleineute. &c., at Geo
Miller's, 5th litiv, Friday afternoon oi
this week, F. H. Scott. Arottioueer.
Sale unreserved 00 proprietor intends
removing to the West.
By advt, elsewhere it will be seen
that W, H. Ferguson, 5th line, in-
tends holding a Clearing Sale el Farm
stock, implements, tke., Monday after-
noon 22ra6 inst., at 1 p. in. Mr. and
Mee. Ferguson purpose removing to
'rot onto where their 2 sons are attend-
ing school. The farm is seeded clown
so will require little attention.
JEWITT -HAMILTON.-A very pretty
wedding took place at their 0111111104:
home at. Bala, Muskoka, on Wednes-
day afternoon, September, 8, when
Elizabeth Hamilton, neiee of \Vin. J.
and Mrs. Crown, 81 Summerhill a,ven-
lie, Toronto, was united ioi marriage
by Rev. J. A. MacDonald, to Leslie
James Jewitt, son of Jonathtui and
airs. Jewitt, Shellbronk, Satk. The
guests assembled on the spacious
verandah, which was beautifully dec-
orated in autuum leaves and flowers,
The bride wore a pearl gray georgette
crepe over white satin, with hat to
match, and stood under an arch of
evergeeens, 'The bvlde was given
away by her uncle, Mr, Crown, and
was attended by her sister, Miss Mary
Hamilton, ,gowned in French blue
voile. Dr. Wm. Hamilton, Professor
of Anatomy at Detroit College of
Medicine and Surgery, and brothel, of
the best man, was groomsman, The
grontu's gift to the bride was a beau-
tiful pearl pendaut. Miss Cora Crown,
Toronto, cousin of the bride, played
the wedding march, and very shortly
after the breakfast the happy couple
left for a brief honeymoon.
Last Friday evening over 60 people,
members of Trinity church congrega-
tion, assembled at the home of Frank
and Airs. Kerney, 4th line, and pre-
sented Maine Harold Kerney, (only
son of the home and recently home
from battlefields of Europe) and his
btide from overseas with the following
kindly address, read by Rev. W. B.
Hawkins, R. Proctor, one of the War-
dens making the presentation t-
Dessu PILIENDAi --IL is with sincere
and heartfelt gratitude to Almighty
God, one Heavenly Father, that we,
the members of Trinity church, Bel -
grave, welcome you to our midst
°nee more. Doting the mouths you
have been away fighting our battles,
Harold, we have have been praying
for your safe vaunt. *Yon have endui-
ed hardships like a good soldier and
we honor you for all you have done.
\Ve hope and pray that you and your
young wife may enjoy many years of
happitiese, To You Mrs. Kerney, we
extend a most hearty welcome and
may you ever fled this, your adopted
home, a pled° of joy and gladness and
opportnuity Inc great good. We
hope yon will accept, this clock as a
alight token of our esteem and love,
The gift is joined with the good wish-
es of the entire congregation. Signed
R. Prtocntia,
W. B.
Alt,. Kerney made a brief appropriate
reply on behalf of Mee. Kerney and
himself and heartily thanked the don-
ors for their kind words of Welcome
and appreciation and also for the
choice gift. It would always be a
happy remembrance to them, The
evening was spent In musk, games
andel chat and partaking of a tasty
lunch, Harold went overseas with the
101st Huron Battalion and did his
.b,r y iatloiOIII01 the
King and we ars, glad he WAS spared
to return in safety to his home and
many friends.
Miss Beth, Hoover has accepted a
millinery position at. Brigdeo and has
gone to it.
We are eorty Moe, Will, Mitchell,
11th Con., de e not regain her health
move quickly but we hope the will
soon show narked improvement.
H. and Mee. Porter, inlli coo, aro
enjoying a holiday outing ill the Prair-
ie Provinee Reraysville, Man.). visiting
their son, R, H. Porter, who is engag-
ed in mercantile busitiess.
Misses Mary and Beatrice Machan
visited relatives and friends at Lon-
don, Sarnia, Port Huron and Detroit,
They were accompanied in the ear by
uncle, aunt and eausine nf Moulcton.
At Walton School Fair butt Monday
Maijniy Hoover, youtigeet daughter
of J. Henry and Mrs. Hoover, won 1st
prize in the speech making contest.
There were 4 contestant,, and all did
Miss Jean Stewart has gone to Mc-
Lean, Sask„ to visit her brother,
Hugh Stewart, who is in poor health.
He was a former resident, Many old
friends heve wish speedy improves
George and Mrs. Blake took a trip
to Detroit Thursday of last week, ,.per
steamer Greyhound from Goderich.
Neptune did not behave any too well
going down the river but it was fine
A short time ago Jno, Bray broke
through the covering over a well and
struck on the pump breaking his
breast bone. Most people would hare
taken a rest to aid in the repair, of the
damage but not itir, Bray until com-
pelled to do so, He is still sore but
improving we are glad to state.
Last week W. A. and Mo'. Dodson
and Miss 1?,niel and Miss Mabel Sabine,
of Hamilton, motored in Iffe. Dod-
eon's car to wait Jno, and Mrs. Bray
and other relatives And friends in this
locality. Mrs. Dodson is a daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Bray. It was a "fly-
ing" visit in the ()pluton of those vis-
ited and those left out.
Mrs. Robert Miller was away to
Farewell, Mich., to visit her sister,
Mrs. G-ainsforth, who has been quite
ill. She is a daughter of Thos. Den -
McKillop township and moved to
Michigan some 85 years ago. Harry
and lithe. Dennis, of Walton locality,
also went to see Mrs. Gainsforth.
Wish the patient imptoved health.
Durieg the past week Di.. Jno. and
Mrs. Westbrook and Miss Edith
Blake, Detroit, were here for a holi-
day, They came by steamer to (lode -
rich but returned by motor. The Dr,
holds his own, 270 pounds, but as he is
6 feet 2 inches tall he carries his avoir-
dupoise quite jauntily. They were
visiting their brother, Geo. and wife
and other relatives and old friends.
They report Mrs. Wm. Blake, their
mother, enjoying good health. All
were former residents of 14th Con.,
Grey township.
Mrs. Robert McBlain, and 2 child-
ren, of Kitley, Sask„ arrived last
Saturday, The framer is the eldest
flaug,liter of Robert Carr, and has
been in the West 11 yearn Mr. Mc -
Blain died last July after an illness of
over a year, being bedfast for 4
months, diabetes being the cause.
He was a former resident of Grey
township for about 20 years. Mrs.
McBlain will make her home with her
father for the present. The farm at
Kittle was disposed of. This is the
first trip East since removal front the
3rci Gon, Grey.
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Dir -
001019 met for their Monthly meeting
here on Tuesday of last week.
A Ripley correspondent says t -Rev.
Mr. Maleolm, Wroxeter, who is camp-
ing 01 Bruce Beach, occupied the put -
pits of Knox church Ripley and Berrie
on Sunday. 111r, Malcolm is one of
the youngest ministers of Maitland
Presbytery, and gives promise of be-
ing one of the foremost men of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada. His
discourses on Sunday were greatly
appreciated by his asulience.
Noms.-Chester and Mrs. Smith,
are visiting the former's parents, Jim.
and Mrs, Smith. -Wm, Findlay is at
present in Guelph where Ile is under-
going medical treatment. -A large
number from here attended the Har-
vest Home services at Salem Metho-
dist chutch an Sunday also the Forel
Supper and entertainment the follow-
ing evening, Rev. 0. McKenzie, of
Muncey, a former pastor, had charge
of the services. -.An enjoyable day
was spent Friday, on the bowling
green when ten rinks from various
places visited hese. The following
places were represented :-Gorrie,
Seaforth, Blyth, Mt, Forest, Hensel
and Brusgels.-A most successful
School Fair was held in the park Tues-
day afternoon. There was a large
number of entries and the exhibits
wets good. Three rural schools were
in attendance and paraded from the
school to the park, As this is the
first attempt of anything of this
nature, it is expected it will be a much
greater success next year. There was
&large turn out of interested friends,
MR property upon which the Dud*
family lived, Brussels South, is offered
for sale. See the advt, in this issue,
There are several acres.
Comtnunlon service will follow the
wonting sermon in the Methodist
church next Sabbath =ruing. Song
and testimony meeting will cotflmence
at 10.1s.
Next Wednesday the annual Fall Digs
triot meeting ot Witighant District will
be held in the Methodist church, Fords
%etch, Delegates will be present from
outside to explain and discuss the rot,
werd Morhinent campaign for Missions
and other departmentof the church,