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The Brussels Post, 1919-9-4, Page 4
girj eixc�tttlo� "`ha:rc's cFease�n ''' O THURSDAY,-111';I'TEMBER , root y e eee•oRtie@dOW4Ve e14eeeeeOde F i'r n t r> t Ib.. ;.i alt It l e College. ti ingtrim, O tt a iso, \t :: •; t uml 1 b1 Mt. thio o sit 141 n Who I+, 1,11 t.l tl It' 111,' 1,. 1 over 11 it (!, .1 U1t1 , i'1,1111t 311,1 ❑111,/14!, atm iu a pr...;'-nt 0alpe•1iRn'. - ' ❑'4..1 Ih, :d 1,1 '•auitl' + ut; •1 .10,ltn. tr,.tl 4.1'11. „1 ,n+ • ;Jany'!••' h ‘V W14,1,141, ,,.e:-v'r 11, wail lavyt' rnum.; 11 i a'•attul t e've d'iliOre .t cultrger est.ab:•sh:d dune; the lest tortv years iu the cities. and towns 11 Ontario This is the 1.1 gest chain of Colleges ever c tutr +II e d by one main to Canada There are many teasoo. for this phenomenal growth that etnnot be given in tars space, bar. which .vill he sent to young people choosing a school. Three years ago there tyre fourteen business colleges in the city of '1'orouto, when Mr. Spotrou Wooded hi;, Canada lingtnet•a College to that city, and to less titan one year his seined stood second in :hint of a•tendanee. The only reason that n nn be given for this rectal was the • diriency of thousands , t graduates, wht, \sure huld,ng the best p stlions in the city and demand of business men for '+Spotton (,t actuates." Tot onto people cannot be fooled by "false" ad - ver \sing and "slippery travelling agents who "sign up" unsu-peeting parents, At most alt the teacttets in these neighboring counties wbo take corn- mercini courses, demand the "Spotton training." They know how to examine real anerrts of a school, Mr. Arthur H. Spottou, who has just returned from four yeats service in France, will be closely associated with 1 this school, He has had len years teaching experience and before enlist - int; was its charge oI a large industrial •.ffee in Winnipeg, hence students will have the advantage of his ripe scholar- ship. wide experience, extensive travel, and business organization, Many young people who canuot at- tend now are taking advantage of the Home Study •Departmeut and at any time have the privilege of attending Colleges in Wingbam, Hanover, Or- angeville, Stratford, Guelph, Torouto, Hamilton, Welland, Oshawa, etc. Investigate by sending a postcard be- fore "investing' and avoid -regretting" as some have done. flI2.tS per bushel for wheat Now lel .q11:11V awtt• ra ih. 6,11 trade. sass._ WLI.a. I1 yllru tate', l.e•rmnle 41111101111 the query in Octtario, Tlis pios,rn system is assuredly nifair when the Province is putting so numb coin into the business. ALONG with the rise in prices in scores of instances comes the increase in ocean tickets. First class passage is increased $ts.00. It may keep +;orae folk from gadding but not likely BxirtsR navy wasps are tickling the Bolshevist battleships in the Baltic. Some of the latter are purleined Rus. Man craft. The old lion will mate a good clean up in all probability. U, S. cavalry is off to Mexico once more to seek redress for interference with American cit r. es, title time nem - planers who had landed. Uncle Sam. will give the Mex. a pug in the nose ane of these days they wont forget. AUTOMOBILE stealing and daylight robberies are almost daily occurences and go to show there is a class of gentry n require immediate in Canada- who req mmr to at a tention. Liberty and license are two words often seriously misunderstood. Tfxquestion before the Province for settlement is the Boy and the Barrel. If you think the lad has first claim on you vote No 4 times on the Referendum ballot. Canada's • progress under war time prohibition should leave nobody in doubt as to the benefit of the abolition of the bar. DonitatON Parliament assembled this week. Will the member's prove their competency tensY to nothingss for Canadanada and without the customary delays which mean the loss of dollars to the taxpayers. If they could shake the G. o, o. 1. to its foundations the T ❑minion would say Well Done. Some of the returned soldiers do not I appear to warm up as much to Sir Ar- thur Currie and the honors being heap- ed upon him as the Dominion Cabinet. No one will find much fault with show- ing the uoted son of Canada the honor be deserves but these things can be easily overdoue and often become of- fensive. Ir i5 great to have the Prince visit Canada and get acquainted with our c and its manyinterests but we ounceI Y guess the hundreds of receptions and senses of addresses must pall upon hhn, There's such a thing as being over , much fussy and making what was in- tended to be a welcome a great trial to l all concerned Some of the people who have had much to do with his Roy- al Highness may have to get higher heels on their hoots and a bigger bat by the time the itinery is over. NEARLY every day sudden death comes, to men and women who have gone in their prime largely because life's tension was too great. Rest reuewsand restores but it appears to be almost an impossibili- ty mpossibilrty in this busy world to attain. Even many vacations, -erroneously named, only mean one continued round of burn- ing up reserve instead of storing it. The horse answers; to "Whoa" but his master forgets the let son and falls by the way. Heart and brain are sure to 1 tg if they are continually overworked. If the civilized Nations of the world permit the, foul murdering Turks to carry on their devilish work of exter- minating the Armeu'ans the darkest page in the world's history will he writ- ten and if retribution comes to those ac• quiescing powers it will net he because it was not merited. surely the pathway of thorns has been travelled tong enough by down trodden Armenia as the murd- erous and unresistless campaign of the blood thirsty Turks has had a long day. People sometimes wonder that God, in His vengeance, does not wipe such inhuman people front the earth. When are the so -caned Christain Nations goingto dispaly their spirit of brotherliness and stay the atrocious slaughter 2 Have they never heard the cry of men, women and little children during the past so yeers, as with fieud- lab glee the heartless Turk bas shed in- nocent blood i' Shame on aoth eentery civillitation. LLOYD GEORGE, the practical Premier of England, has issued a warning note that predicts bard times in the British Isles unless people retrench and lay by for'the days to come. What applies to. the lands overseas is also true regarding Canada to a large degree, Many of the young folk never think of economy or foregoing almost everything that heart could wish for. Times have been good end money pleutifUI but if this order is changed and Wages reduce and work be. ponies slack many a man or family may FALL FAIR 8 Tuesday and Wednesday feel the pinch. The line of procedure is to cut our unnecessary expendi- ture, plan for the future and by word and act recommend this course to others If the Commissioners dealing with the problems of high prices would do any- thing that is pracueal something might come of their work but it looks as if they were piling up expeuse with little to show for it in redress to the consumer who toots the bill. Pordwioh The late James Rowe, wino passed away on Monday, Aug. 11, had been a constant resident of t+ordwic'h for a number of years, was well and favor- ably known as to highly respected citi• zen of sterling rhararter, heloved by all, He was posse,.=ed with honest. business abilities—being .Tu;tice Of the Peacelhyttlanee agent and conVey- ancer, which lie conducted for a nuut- her of years, being trustworthy in all his business tar ruisactietts. The late James Rowe was a native of Blislaud, Cornwall, England ; emigrated to Canada the 1411 of May, 18(37 ; arrived here and settled in Bondllead• There Its met and married Miss Faulkner They lived happily together fur 35 years. She predeceased her husband 10 years ago, leaving to mourn her lase hethusband and t1ldte — Willits❑ ttholdest, a druggist in Prince Albert, Sack. ; Austin, who Went overseas to fight the battles of freedom, fen and fills to herbs grave in Fiance ; Mrs. C. W, itutta ti, Veg- et'ville, Alta, ; Mrs. John Thompson, Winnipeg, Mau, ; Mrs. 11. Bricker, Gth 0011,, Howie!: ; Misses Alberta and Annie, at home, The late James Rowe was in religion a Methodist. When a mete boy he joined the church and preached before be was 10 years of age. He taught by precept as well as example older boys than himself ; did all that lay in his power to train other boys for their future well-being, both trental and spiritual, and cuntiuued his gond work with diligent perseverance to bring all to out Lord and Master. 4• 4' 4r •1' 4. 4' 4' O 4. 4. 'N r Opened in Brusse s The undersigned have entered in to a no'p(tienetah 1p and leased the 101113111g terently vacated by S Carter, anti have fitted it up fat it modern garage. We are ready io attend to all repairs, at specialty being made of Tiles, having Laken a special renew in dealing will) JInbber, aces Supplies of Gasoline and 011e always on hand. ' We arc agents for the well known Overland Cum, Aeolis foe Rett11ow Cream Se artal.nta• Gas Engines anti''reactor% Chevrolet and iMetaughlin Cale. If you have trouble with your Car ere termite anything 111 oaf line give 05 1a call. We goat alt' 1155 aatisfaelion at reasonable rates, i Harris & Little Sept 1 1919 Speeding Contests 17 2.20 Trot or Pace - Purse $125.00 Hobbles allowed, Mile heats 2 in 3. Pnrses-50, 25, tri and 10 per cent 2.30 Trot - Purse $100.00 - Mile heats 21n 3 Purses -50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent Local Trot or Pace Purse $25.00 Hobbles barred, Pulses—$12,00, $8 00 85.00 Running Race - Purse $20.00 Purses—$10 00, $5.00, $0 00, $'200 Donated by A. C. Backer, W. 11. Sinclair, Gen. Muldoon and P. Scott Committee reserves right to name starters in last two races. ATTRACTIONS 1sr 2Nn San 4TII BOYS' RACE, under 14 years, 100 yards 75 50 25 25 BOYS' RACE, under 10 years, 50 yards 50 25 25 25 GIRLS' RACE, under 15 years, 100 yards 75 80 25 25 G1RLS' RACE, under 10 years, 50 yards 50 25 26 25 BEST FANCY DRILL by School Pupils. Not less than 12 nor more than 24 persons in each 5 00 3 00 2 00 Pupils and teachers admitted free to Fair. POTATO RACE ON 1)ORSEBACK—Three potatoes for each romped tor will be placed 100 yards from starting point. •Competito's stand by 1 rideto 'r potato, dismount and pickpotato, horse mt ant and 1 1 first OGtt item tit r d u remount and ride back to starting point, dismount ad put poato i pail—repeating the operation for each potato. 1st, $1,50 ; 2nd, $1.00 ; 31d, 50c. No entrance fee. Si«'facial Prizes THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA offers $15 00, divided t -1st $10 00, 2nd $5 00 for the best horse and buggy owned and driven by a farmer or fat Iner's soil being resident in the Townships of Grey tn. Morris. TRE STANDARD BANK offers $155.00 for the best exhibits of cattle, divided t—lar, $7 00; 2nd, $5 00 ; 3rd, $3 00. J. T. WOOD offer's $2 00 fm' best pair, $1.00 for 211d prize, and $2 00 for hest pen, any breed of Sheep. (3(0) THOMSON oilers 50 lbs. Five Roses Flour for best, two loaves of Horne-tnarle Bread, JAS. HALLAN'I'YNE nffets $1.00 as 2nd prize for Home-made Bread. DOWNING BROS. offer $2.00 fm' hest collection of Poultry. W, H. HERR will give TEP, POST for a year for best two loaves of IIotne- 1118(10 Ht'ettd ; and THE PosT 101' a year for best 3 lbs. Butter. WILTON &GILLESPIE offer $L25 as let and 75c as 211d prize for best two loaves of Brown Bread, 1RS, JANE 7H O PSON offers goods valued at 200 for heat Col lso'h: n n of Prpeet'VPd Ftuits. A, STRACHAN offers $2 00 cash for best'Oollectinn Asters, 4 varieties. WALKER & BLACK offer $2.00 for lady winning most 1st; Prizes in Ladies' Work, JAS. FOX offers a piece of Lirnoge 011111a valued at $2.00 for one winning greatest number of 1st Pri7A05 fol' Flowers. ROHT. FERGUSON offers a $15.00 pair of Pants made to measure for best Collection Farm Produce. CHAS. POPE offers $200 for best Collection of Vegetables. SAM. WEINSTEEIN offers $2 00 for best Fleece Wool on sheep exhibited. STEWART BROS. rffer $10 00 rm. best 10 lbs. Dairy Butter, divided :- 1st, $5 00 2nr1, $3.00 ; 3rd, $2 00. JOS. QUERR;IN offers $10.00 for best 10 lbs, Butter, same so become his ro . p err p 4 i.,,, W. F.S' RP N nffe s , 50 Serving Traytoe Ilepair of 1 110 t $G g s best Dressed Ducks, same to become ilie propel ty. W. P. FRASER offers $1,00 for beet pair Single Comb R. I. Reda, Cock- erel and Pullet. ANDERSON 131014. ofret, $500 as 1st prize for Ladies' Driving Contest. MA.LCOLM FRASER offers $200, 2nd prize for Ladies' Driving Contest. JAS. HENDERSON offers $200 for fest Draft Team. JNO. LOGAN otters $2 00 for best bus. Spring Wheat, any variety. .FRED. STEPI•IENSON offers $1.00 as 2nd prize for Spring Wheat, G. C. MANNERS offers $2.00 whip Inc best Gents' Driving Outfit. W, J, McORACEEN offers $3.00its let and $2-00 as 2nd .prize for best two loaves of Bread made from Oulemee Flour, W. A. GREWAR offers $1 25 box Chocolates for hest Pencil Sketch of Agricultural Hall, and 75c box for 2nd. DR. T. T. MoRAE offers $5 00 for best Essay on recent Old Boys' Re- union, not, to exceed 500 words, open to Brussels Public School pupils including those who recently passed Entrance. 211d, *3.00, by John Ferguson ; 3rd, $1.00 by V. Sinclair, B. S. 8007°1', Mies Morris, F. S. Scott, Dr. Hamilton and M. Black offer prizes of $4 00, $3 00, $2.00 and 51,00 for beet Essay on Old Boys' Re• Union, not, to exceed 500 words, open to Continuation School pupils. MISS KATHLEEN WILTON offers $1.00 for best Map of Huron County, (narking Inwnehips, towns and villages, open to Room IT pupils. MISS FLO. BUCHANAN offers $1,00 for best Sunflower, confined to rtp 1s o(Primary Room, oo I411514 ,ANNIE GLDDIS offers 1.00 fol. best British 'Unionm Jack painted in water colors, open to pupils of Room III. DR. WHiTI, offers $1.00 Inc beet Beeped Rork Cockerel and Pullet, J. 0. HA 1311111.11 offers $200 for best Bug y Iroise. BAEKI R BROS. offer $2.00 for best Teat Heifer, W. S. SCOTT r {fees $1,00 for best pair of 1010 Chickens, any variety. 1sT. R. SMITH offer's $1.00 for let and 75c for 2nd prize for best Collection Potted Fel its and Potted Tuberous Begonias, not less than 5. GERRY le WALKER offer $2 00 set Nut Cracker and Picks for best col- lection of Polled Plants 1101 mentioned in list, d 5oncert in Rink WEDNESDAY EVENING First-class Talent in the persons of Messrs. Brazil, White & Co. TORONTO An A 1 Orchestra Piping and Highland Dancing 9 9 lucicnow Cornet Band and Kincardine Pipe Band Will supply Music for the Fair. JNO. FERGUSON, M. BLACK, President. Secretary, PALL PAIRS AI wood.., ,... ,. , . . +nl pl 27.23 Blyth ........... ...... ... ...St pt 22-23 Ill tlssel0 Sept 1047 (Mosley , Oct. 3.0 Dungannon Oct. 2--11 Drayton • .. .. .. ,Sept, 311 Oet, 1 llxelet' Sept, 15.10 (tonic ,. .001.1 1. Cail.. Seid, 18.141 (Iudcrioh Wept. 1517 Itat'ria100 Sept. 46.3(1 I' riueardiue.,.... Sept. 13.10 Illrkton .. ................... .....Ort, 2:i Listowel . ...,......Sept, 18.10 Lund on (Western Fidel,.Sept, 0.13 Limit now .. Sept. 25.20 dt,ny Sept. 8.10 Milvri ton 'Sept, 215 20 Mitchell .Sept. 23 24 l New Hamburg .........Sept, 11.12 011 awe (Central Canada) Sept, 0.15 ()Nen Sound .,.' Sept, 011 P.tlutct'slen ..........................Oat, 7.8 St Marys Sept, 1810 h.etIoe t h Oct. 1811) Stratford Sept. 15.11 T:wigtnck Sept. 20.30 Teeswalee Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Toronto (Canadian National ,sass , ,,.....Aug. 23•Sepl-0 W inghnln Oct. 8.0 TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULF,S FOR RHEUMATISM, N EURITIS, SCIATICA LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA,GOU T ETC 8500E RELIEF FOR THE WORST HEADACHE $I.Rs PER BOX TEMPLETONS !.T° *04,142 81885W TORONTO Humanity has lacked a practical rheumat'c remedy since time began, Fortunes are SIM yearly nt but springs, electric baths and hospi tats to obtain relief, yet heti,•r results ora. achieved right at home by using T.14.C.'s "11 e mullion Sense treatment," Just compare cos told results with alts other treatment and you will be convinced. Ask yowl rtruggis or write us for our new booklet; it 1s interee - inp•and costs you nothing ('rempletons, 142 E,ng W„ Toronto), we mall anywhere on receipt of 81.02 Sole Agent for Brussels JAMES FOX - DRUGGIST Choice Groceries Dmemee FIor Bran and Shorts TO 11 ANI) Pickling Season Good stock of Fruit Jars, Vine. gar, Spices, &a. Phone 43 ni 27 W. J. McCracken Lambs Strayed Two Spring Lambs strayed Prom Lot 20, Con. ]tsla 1 Thursday, 1 10 Greytownship, tf Thal At stn, till y, 7 P, n information a tothou \her wh ata l A a v will bo thankfully eeooivttl. Phone 2017 JAS, F13f.SON, Farm for Sale A rine 100 acre farm -for sale hi the County of Euro,,. Morris township. Has running water, large brick 12 roomed 1101140 W1'11 bonutirttl surroundings ; large boot barn, driving shed and good out -buildings. For farther mutton - lam apply to J, D MILLEIe, Bluevale, Ont, Farm for Sale Farm for sale, containing 0734 towel, town- ship Mnrvborougts, Ord Oon., 7 ntles from Lie. towel and 8 from Trnlee station, 0. P. 12 , 34 mile from thriving village, with school, church, &o. Farm is well watered, Comfort- able house, barn 80 feet 450015, with stabling underneath. Water,,,n stables. Terme easy, For further��'�Aartiru'ars apply to Mate. Wmsox Moleev, Listowel, B, R. 8, Farm for Sale Und °reigned offers for sale his 100 sore farm, Lot 82, 711 Con, Township of Grey. On prem lees area good front e honse_with cellar, bank barn, wetland a good young orchard. This farm is all cleared, is amongst the freest from weed, and in al lendid state of oultfvatlott. For further particulars apply to 8 8 ONO. X101114, Henfryn, Farm 'for Sale 72 flare crm for sale, behg 001 18, Con. 12. o township Nearall in grass 8111114 frame pig en With cellar, volut balk bent, driving shod,ura pen, it rot ortttu�rd Rowing wall, &t. On meal mail route,0155 from Atwood. Faion Deo, tan, Ploparblonl; will he dons this 110 Fall,ehs, farther Atwood ,0 4 B. , the premises, or write Atwood P, O B F 1 G•4 MBS, NI.I'GY JtlBNaTON, Farm for Sale Fine 100 wore farm for Hale, being 1.10% 25, Oon. 14, Grey township. CO acres cleared, halftime bush a pasture. and buildings, inot vi stb1 g of frame house, hybela` driving and up-to-date poultry house. Gond water, wind- mill,' milt, 0c. 4,,then from maw and 21.hmiles from par- ticulars to ht, e, (1 P 14. For further par• premise es to prime, beano 40., upnty on the promises or If by hitter to terms, 05. 14 2. 0.11 T, WILLIAMSON. Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on 833 Lot 80, Oon. 0, Morris township, the thoro"brec Short Ptorn Ball, Gahttord of Salem, No. 00418=. Sired by Gainford Matiute awns); Dant Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 118060), Ped. i rte may be seen on application. Terme.- 510.00 for thoro+•brads payable at time of ser' viae with privilege to return. Grade cows not allowed, THOS. FINRON, Proprietor. For Sale tloneeand tots, oolttnining dig aeras, 10 Cho Village of Oranbrook, the property of the late Mrs, Agnes Brown, to offered for solo. U ratite house, Intro, fruit trees &n. Foseeaelot could be given at owe, For further nrtienktre np' 1I(! iml !,if I111�IT0�11�911' 11i�i111 RA�, liFi fl11�±!hllidll>riifiil pul�in! IGi!!niN�!iin'iliRl loo eke N. �-" White C mti ,x ANL) A1..LI, Summer Shoes for Children, Ladies and Gents 11 Pairs women's Dupla laid Boots Broken sizes. Regular t$3.00. $3 S() and $:i.00 Your choice $2.25 ete ice) �IIIIIIIII®V Ilhi i it li ni 1 9il i i W1p1111 111111111 MVI BEIRf@llnln�lnlil��ll�lI➢Ill�lf l null ➢OIUQ�191nVn11MBE11 ak . 4j,� •°7 yi Il ' Cream Ship yz,roi Direct 10 the r issells Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cana and Pay • _111 1 Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for Ilse pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yeast will not want to discontinue. Brussels CreameryCremery Stewart Brost .21•0111LC 41.• rte.. It is ��e; e to trt aMs�is€;wcsss's�x• Thinking of your Fall Clothes and Sewing, Sometimes even now we are glad to crawl into a warm dress. Be Prepared ! and when "The North Vs1inds do Blow" you will be warns and happy. We have in stock a full line of Light and Dark Flannelettes, Shirting', Shirting Flannel, Cotton, Cash- mere, Georgie Serge and Plaids for School Dresses, etc , Dress Lengths in several shades of Silk Repocord and Silk Poplin. All Wool Navy Serge you would be proud to wear in a Suit or Dress. Corduroy Velvets, etc. Give us a call. • live fowl taken every Tuesday Morning R. C. R ramterlameal T WELL 1 Moncrieff +.4.04,04,44.04.4P+0•1-4 k d•®• V'O•I'O ?•f•0••FG>-!•ti'-1• •1.4 •NO b� i ''F'1©seas'®•t•�•r 4 4 O .e, The Seal rth Creamery a• 0 • •4 o 0 QM reg Y ,� Ml�• Send your Cream 'to the Creamery thoroughly establishedandthat gives you PromptServiceand Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that we call give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. vl 4 0 c' 0 1, a IF 0 ply to Inns. Tang, 0A1,04110a or W At Oarennon, Nxeontore estate of bho Into rites, Agnes Brown, Oronbrook, i +f+.'i•4.'1'A'h+'t+4e5..d•+®+i +.44.14.+4.'i•®d'41044+®'1'10+1!` , .. .