HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-21, Page 7By Agronomist.
This Department Is for the use of our form readers who wont the advice
of en expert on any question regarding soli, seed, crops, etc, If your question
to of sufflclent manse;) interest, It will be an:.wered through this column. if
stamped and, nddresaed envelope le enclosed with your letter, n complete
answer will be mailed to you. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson- Publiohlnt
Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto.
Some Modern Farm Machinery.
Leaving nut of consideration trac-
tors, 011 engines and farm power
plant dairy, poultry, barn and houses
hold nlaellincry and equipment as de-
manding too much space for treat-
ment in this cue articla, the following
resc-me of recent developments and
progress in implement design and an
enumeration of what the market af-
ford:: to -day is not without practical
We begin with machinery for con -1
t, y
serving and increasing the fertility of
the farm, manure, straw and fertilizer
spreaders and the like. Nearly all
manure spreaders are now made -with
some forst of widespread apparatus, I
some perhaps a little more efficient
than others, probably the worst fault
of any of them being the tendency to
wind themselves with tough straw or,
marsh hay and to clog and increase
the draft of the machine. Personally,'
I have but little liking for a return
apron epremler, as the return mechan-
ism is about as complicated and as
likely to get out of order as anything
about the machine, and while its
weight i t not so great as half the
apron of the fill apron spreader, yet
I cannot see where the disadvantages
of its complication and the bother of
always having to see that the apron
is returned before the machine is,
ready to be loaded, is offset by any
practi:-al advantage, It le sufficient to
say apropos to this, that by far the
larger numbers of sprcarlc•rs now be-
ing Fold are of the armless apron type.
Excepting where it is intender] to use
a mechanical loader, 1 am inclined to
favor the low-down extended four -
truck type rather than the higher ma-
chine having all four wheels under the
load, The increased draft of the
former is so slight that it will never
be n;teed in actual woke, but change
from pitching into a low machine to
loading a high one, and you will notice
the difTerenee quick enough, It is
true that the spreaders with the front
wheels under the load as now built,
are much lower than those of n few,
years ago, at least one maker having
practically succeeded in putting the
front wheels tinder the load and yet
retaining a low-down front truck con-'
siruction by means of an "automobile",
type'of frust axle, the front and rear,
wheels , of this spreader having the,
sante width of track. In buying a
spreader it might be well to consider,
whether or not the wheels are so
spaced that the machine can be used
for ton-dre•:sing 'tow crops or far'
strawberry mulching, and there are
fobs for which some spreaders aro
adapted for which others viill noel
serf a Some spreaders may be equip-
ped with limo hoods, at least two!
makes are furnished with extra top
bonds for increasing the capacity of
the machine in drawing light manure,!
0110 at least can bo equipped for :tis - I
trihutintf the manure in reeve, a device
of particular value to market garden-
er;, melon and cucumber growers, and
four spreaders are now furnished with
straw spreading attachments.
Titin brings us to the straw spread-
pl ager-
er, a machine of comparatively recent'
introduction and one who use will'
pro. ably remain somewhat restricted
to localities that are largely grain!
raising and where the straw is neither
baled and i,',id or fed and used f er bed-
ding for live stock. There are now,'
exclusive of manure spreader nttaeh-
ments, at least seven of these ma -1
chines o1 the market and there is no
standardization, only two of them be-
ing anything alike. Four are design-
ed to bo tee( with any wognn or truer+
with a cake rack or "header barge,"
one is a combined straw and manure
spreader, rack and all that may bo
used 011 practically any wagon gear,
one is a separate wheeled machine to
he hitched behind the wagon like a
My loader, and the seventh is a com-
plete machine, truck, rack, spreading
appabatus altogether, being a rather
bulky machine, Five of these nlachmes
are advertisedeas being also adapted
to spreading manure, One maker
claiming that his machine will spread
manure over twenty feet wide, I
doubt very much if they will be able
to compete in this respect with the
regular manure spreader, as four of
them require two men for their opera-
tion, a driver and a man to help feed
the spreader, as the aprons or -carriers
of those machines are short and nar-
row, the longest of them being ton
feat. Further, as mounted on a flat
rack, they would bo unhandy to load.
As these machines aro wagon attach -
molts they cost but about hall as
much as the regular manure spreader,
and it may be that they could be used
with a wagon box and give better
Great ��er�t k'
Loin 1llontileaaty.
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404 allowed on Savings,
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Paid up (;apical $2,•`1.12;176,
service than would at first thought be
expected. These restrictions do not,
of course, apply to the combined one-
man straw and manure spreader which
is intended to handle both materials:
Anyone ettho contemplates the pur-
chase of a straw spreader should fa-
miliarize hinlseif with all the mtdces,
as each has some advantage peculiar
to itself, as for example, a device for
saving the grain left an the straw, a
feature of one make.
As for lime spreaders and c•rmmer-
oift fertilizer distributers, I can but
mention the narrow truck "broadcast-
er" type, a lime spreader with a
harrow attachment by means of which
the material ,ds spread and harrowed
into the ground at one operation, the
row compost drill, and the
ferizer attachment for cult -
eaters, by means of which commer-
cial fertilizers are distributed to
growing row crops at the time of
cultivation, At least' two makes of
cultivators are furnished with these
attachments, and there is a separate
attachment that may be attached to
most any cultivator,
Coming now to the actual enrage
tools, beginning with the plows, the
most prominent features are the de-
velopment of tractor plows and the
elimination of left hand, wood beam,
and other obsolete types.
Practically all the newer light trac-
tor plows are of the self -lift o' auto-
matic type, may be furnished with
combined rolling cculters and jointers,
have quick detachable shares, and may
be furnished with a variety of bottoms
to suit soil conditions. Mention may
alio be made of the self -lift light
tractor disc plow, a plow with inter-
changeable disc and mould -board bot-
toms, and special plows for plowing,
stony land. - Here also may be con-
sidered the peculiar machine Known
as the "once-over" tiller. This imple-
ment, which is made in both tractor
and horse plow sizes, consists of a
rotating knife member which is held
in the furrow slice as It is turned by
the mould -board, This "rotor" is
driven by a small gas engine mounted,
on the frame of the plow, or,, in case
of engine plows, by power from the]
tractor. The "rotor" revolving at!
high speed threshes and pulverizese
the soil to a perfect seed bed at al
single passage of the machine. An-
other curious ,implement that is pri-
marily a plow is the "once-over"
quack grass killer. This machine is!
mounted on wheels and bulks about!
as large as a road -grading ntaehine.I
There is first a sixteen -inch plow -1
share, followed by an elevator some -I
what on the plan of that of a potato'
digger, but with a solid or continuous
carrier, which elevates the furrow
slice to a revolving cylinder very sim-
ilar to that of a threshing machine
which thoroughly threshes and pulver-
izes the soil, which es then passed
back to a revolving screen which al-
lews the finely pulverized soil to drop
back to the furrow, while the quack
grass and other roots are retained to
bo passed to an elevator which de.
posits 1110111 in a wagon that is driven
along beside the machine. This me.
chine is engine driven, and as might
be expected, requires a fair-sized trac-
tor to pull it, and it is, of course, a
rather expensive affair. Neither of
these machines have as yet come into
very extensive usage but they are
interesting developments that hold
promise for the future. Of the com-
mon horse-drawn plows there are to
be mentioned a new very light and,
simple riding plow, harrow and sub-;
soil attachments, and two deep -tilling'
plows of the disc type, one of which;
while not Matted to quite as deep
plowing as the other may be eon
vetted into a two -furrow shallow disc
In land rollers the tendency is to-!
ward nn increased use of the bar and
corrugated types, and also of various1
forms of pulverizers, orusliers, and!
roller -harrows, some of thew last,
particularly a ''western" double star
wheel design, are very officio/1e imple-1
A very prominent feature of the,
tendency toward the better tillage of
the soil is the increasing use of rho
double diet harrow, the solid disc 1
proving to he more popular.11lan the'
cutaway. Perhaps the last word ill,'
this implement is the double disc,
solid in front, cutaway rear, equipped;
with tongue or fore -truck, transport
trucks, and so desinned that the rear
discs may be readily detached. There!
are now a number of special engine
disc harrows conveniently. deeignedl
for control from the tractor, and ra
new horse-drawn single die liarrowl
with offset gangs that leave no uncut!
contra ridge,
Other implements that deserve more
eateusive use are the curve blade
harrows and pulverizers of the "acme"
and "Hillier" types, for some purpas-
es to bo preferred to the disc, and.
the light straight blade disc harrows
of the "Meeker" type used by garden-
ers and -onion growers in preparing
very fine seed beds, these implementts,
in fact, prectiCally taking the place
of hand raking, Another good imple-
ment is the light draft" spring tooth
harrow, originally intended fioo the
orchardist but of almost equal video
to the general crest tai grain t•aim-
et The milky weeder r 0, ebliate mulch- -
e r as it n oax time 0 railed, 14 a much
lighter implement and rant lie lardy.
ped with gram and grain peeler at-
tachments,It el p lrtheilarly adapted
to the needs of the gratin and alfalfa
farmer who wants to cover a lures
little in a short time,
But slight rhangee have recently
been made in grain drilla, that l.t. with
the exception of etre designing of
Fpecial trnctor..dratt0 deeigne. The:
use of aartene, three and four -inch
drills, doe:; not seem to he increasing.
very fast, lied as for other crop plant,
ing machinery, •0 special four -row
bean planter, tho motor corn
planter 05 combined with the _
motor cult,:vator, large four -row list-
ers, and In potato planter that cuts the ° '!"'tea^•
seed as it plants it, completes the 1!=t. - • -
Nor has there been any merged
change in the design of the new culti-
eators pieced on the market within
the last few years. There is some in-,
crease in the popularity of the shal-
low 01, surface type, some very effi-'
(tient one hurse implements with wide
cultivating sweeps or blades that cut,
all the space between the rows being
offered, incl attention may well be
called to devices for weeding in or,
very close to the tows, brush weeders,;
tobacco docs, some new three and four
rote beet and bean cultivators, and,
the motor cultivators of which there;
are now five snakes actively on the
market, exclusive of garden tractors.'
The world. rage lisle.
To oEre r us each dry.
Font rusk dont' too
You'll miss thin s erre
the. Waay.
Tho foal should be 1.011 fed during,
the summer. When it begins to nibble'
at the mare's feed, a low feed box
should be erected out of the reach of
the mother, where the young 0010101
can be fed regularly, A mixture of t
ground oats and bran, or a mixture of
ground oats, ground corn and bran or
oil -meal is a good feed during the
summer and early fall.
By weaning time the colt should be
eating grain and grass or hay, Under
careful management there will be
little trouble in weaning the foal. The
mare and colt should be separated, and
the mare milked by hand to prevent
caking of the udder. In the meantime,
the colt should receive plenty of feed
and water, and should be kept in a
well -fenced lot, paddock, pasture, or
a good box stall where there is plenty
of fresh air and where. exercise comes
Every phase of labor and organize -
Won required by the exigencies of
modern warfare aro shown in the
Canadian War Memorials paintings
to be exhibited at the Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition this year.
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales will
spend three days in Toronto during
the Big Fair. He will open the Ex-
hibition on Monday, August 26th, in
the open air, where many thousands
may see hint, and will remain in the
city until Wednesday, spending all 01
part of three days at the Exhibition
•• I
Augnet is the opening mouth of the.
molting seesen. Ilene that start melt-'
ing this munth generally end In time
to hecomo good winter layers, But,'
goodness, how ragged they look!
Molting is not - a disease, and yet
nearly all the poultry doctor books
refer to it. It is a condition that de-
velops whatever weakness there is in
a fowl, and sickness and death often
follow: The period lasts about 100;
days, which dates from the First fall
ing of feathers to the completion of
the work.
A fowl in good health will grow
feathers rapidly. In such cases there
will not be that ragged appearance
which is noted it cases of slow ori
hard ]volt. Fat hens readily shed.
their feathers, but they seem to lack
the power of promptly renewing the
coat. A fowl that is poor in ileal has,
great difficulty in shedding her.
Molting fowls must have clean, pro--
tected houses and plenty of exercise.'
They must be fed a nitrogenous food.'
Corn, cornmeal, middlings and pota-
toes must be given sparingly, The
males should be separated from the
females. Bran, green bone, sunflower'
seed and linseed steal are highly vale
able in the bill of fare. Spicy condi-'
stents must be avoided, especially sul-'
phur. If the hen is not in proper
condition for molting, no amount oP
stimulating food will make up foe the'
lack of a reserve of suitable material!
for cell growth; and the use of spices
at this time can only overstimulate;
and act injuriously on the future ofI
the fowl.
The laying season of the heavy-
weight clucks ends this month.
March -hatched pullets should be
laying now.
Get rid of the eurplus fowls before
they start to molt.
Caponizing can be performed in
Set hens or incubators for Febru-
ary table poultry.
Remove scorch marks from linen
by rubbing with a fresh -cut onion,•
Soale in cold water. -
When peeling onions place in water
deep enough to cover them. This pro-
tects the eyes.
PatiEP "Pe 89Ito iheHome -air
County fairs in general were hard
bit by the war. bIany as,ociatlons
went by the board. Acres upon acres
of centre rings were planted in corn.
Midways and parking spaces were
turned into sheep pastures and the
ballyhoo and bark of the spieler are
no more.
County fairs had degenerated even
before the weir. There is no denying
that fact even by some of the sophisti-
cated 11100101s who ran them.
Community faire, on the other hand,
Were rapidly gaining a foothold when
the war intervened.. Let us hope they
regain their standing and go ahead,
for they are educational and help to
raise standards in any community.
They tend to, arouse local, pride, de-
velop a friendly spirit of rivalry and
bring about a better co-operation be-
tween families of the neighborhood,
also between town and country. They
have no gold mine of premiums, They
are purely local affairs—sort of minia-
ture county fairs with the commercial-
ied amusements left out.
Several years of experience in as-
sisting -in community fairs, acting tie
secretary and visiting many fairs in
other .localities, convince rue that one
of the chief faults of the average fair
is lack of unity in exhibits, Lack of
space is sometimes responsible- for
this, Lack of experience on the part
of those in charge of departments
often causes exhibits of high quality
to show poorly. This hinders compe-
tent judging, spoils the effect and
sometimes leads to dissatisfaction
among those who are showing farm
products. Where vegetables aro be-
ing, shown every exhibit should be
uniform. A peck of potatoes, beets,
turnips, three pumpkins, squashes, a
definite number of this or that; then
with plenty of room the display be-
comes both attractive and educational.
Jam things together and the display its
neither educational nor attractive,
If it ie possible to secure enough
Vacant store buildings in town to hold
the exhibits, half of the battle for a
sueeneful community fair is won, The
next best plan, but one that usually
takes more work and cash outlay, is
to have booths along iho tides of
streets, or canvas tops erected in the
street itecif, Hartford City,
0a00 where 0110 of the most elaborate,
hest tlrrenged end 0tlee.easflll fairs I
have ever seen is put on every year,
uses the plan of housing the exhibits
under canvas tops sot up in the twiddle
of the street, They show cattle,
horses and bogs, as well as the lesser
farm products, and- build stock pens
along the side of the public square.
The town folks turn their little city
over to their country cousins for the
This fair raises a considerable sum
of money each year from banks, mer-
chants and nanttfacturers; but large
sums are not necessary. Some money
is necessary, of course, hut it can eas-
ily be raised by a few flood solicitors
among both farmers and merchants,
for all are directly benefitted; but
strong competition and ribbons will
bring out the exhibitors. The import-
ant thing is to appoint hustlers, men
with both knowledge and "pep," on
the important committees. Have live
Wren for department heads. Give the
poultry exhibit to a live poultryman.
Let the best liked truck groves handle
the truck crop exhibits, Turn the
fruit exhibits over to a fruit grower.
Get the women interested' and your
fair will make good.
brake your fer interesting, If the
qualities of the exhibits are high, if
they are well displayed and if there
is interest by the exhibitors, the visi-
tor and the casual spectator will have
three things to carry away with hien:
1. He will -be attracted• 2, Ho will be
interested. 8. lie will take home, as
will the exhibitors themselves, ideas
that are sound and which will prove
of worth, The community fair is tine
beat place I have ever visited for the
exchange of ideas among farmers, It
beats the institute and community
school, because men and women ex-
press themselves more freely.
AmusementsC- help snake rho fair a
success. Gathtes, foot laces, greased
poles and kindred contests .being
laughs and some pride to the contest-
ants, and they amuse more because
they are local and the contestants ere
renown to all, There should be exhi-
bits of ]Household products—home-
baked bread, pies, cake; home -canned
foods, jellies; preserves, butter;
needlework, and other things in which
women are interested,
Matte your fair have no much 111niey
as possible, take as much time it stage
Sag • exhibits as you Can spare, and
community fairs will 00111ltne to
F t'4
.1T.- ": i'.:.: �.x-wc?.M-.s� w,I.1 F..ser ,I
4, YY John. 13, Hc b e r; eektVI,MD
'Tr "lee ii"ssii,Rsxq,r..xa!ere 'ale" lei..".r.s`:z�'.ie'eieeeo:u"?_taietrr"eat:i
Or, Huber will answer all signed lettere pertaining to Health. If your
question is of general interest it will he answered through these columns;
If not, It will he answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is en.
closed. Dr. Huber will not prescribe for Individual cases cr make diagnosis.
Address Dr. John B. Huber, MD., el Wilson Publishing Co„ 73 Adelaide
Ct, Wost, Toronto MD.,
Pure 111111+, 1 the milk in the ,nn. It would he
No one wile can afford to do other-. well if tee water in tale tank coudci
wise :hoard buy ',owe 11111: --the` is be kept fiowiing; land this will inrlecd be
from the ran or taken home in pith neree.sary unities lee water is used..
ors. Bottles of milk should be wip3r1 The tank should be thoroughly clean -
or washed gel soon as voccivrd from sod each day to prevent bad odors,
the twagun and placed directly in the The tan should remain uncovered due-
refrig;, a ,tor, The latter should never 'lig the (ooling, and the milk should
be without tee nor allowed to become be gently stirred. The temperature
warn]. Slil:a rhnrrld at all kimes be should be reduced to t10F, or lower
eowercl, us a protertiou aj ainst dust within an hour. The can should re -
and inseete. It should be kept in twain in cold water until ready for
some part of the ice box where there delivery.
are no strong smelling foods like 7. The milk alma,] b0 delivered
,inions, cheese, or other substances during the summer, in refrigerated
from which odors might be absorbed,' cans or An bottles about which ice is
Tho object of such precautions a51 packed during transportation.
these is. to keep the milk clean and 1 8• When received by the consumer
to retard the growth of germs in this; it should be kept in a clean place and)
fluid, 1 at a temperature below Mike t
What measures are necessary to'
The Gospel of Service,
re,ieseelle1:a.' teerrteeSele6h'",'1e'lilaeselerW
Every few minutes something cornea
up to make me glad I'm living is 191.9.
Of course, 1919 has its faults, what
with the uncertainty about the Peace
Treaty and the Germans acting as
though they hadn't been given far
less than they deserve, you could hard.
15 call 1919 the golden year. But at
Hutt, it has given us a great many
things to feel good about and to bo
devoutly thankful for.
The thing 1 ant most glad for to-
, day, though, is the different idea about
Christianity, that it is to be a reit-
' gion of lining instead of one of not
doing. Why, just n few years ago
1 most everyone thought of Christianity
as a religion of negation, at least they
did in the town where I dived. If you
were a Christian you mustn't do
things that somehow or other you just
naturally wanted to do. You mustn't
play cards nor go to shows nor read
novels nor dance, nor drive, nor
swim nor rote on Sunday. You must-
n't joke and laugh, and some even
went so far as to 00y you mustn't
wear a ribbon on your hair nor a
ruffle on your dregs. nae a 1»t of lace
on your Iingorie.
To -clay, though, in 1:119, we dont
hear so much about crucifying the
flesh as we do about lending a hand.
And it is so much more in harmony
with what Christ really taught. As I
remember it, He gave just two cem-
mandments and they were both "do"
ones. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and thy neigh-
bor as thyself," And He told His fol-
lowers that when the Great Judge di-
vided the :hecp from the goats it
would be on the principle of whether
they had gone out and ]helped their
brother, not us to Whether they had
kept all the Jewish ceremonial taw.
I can't recall that He ever forbade
anyene getting out the car on the
Lord's day. On the contrary, He just
went about on .Sunday as Ile did on
Monday and Tuesday—doing good.
And when. the Jews tools Iiim to task
.for breaking the Sabbath He calmly
told them that the Sabbath was made
for man and not man for the Sabbath.
There area great many people to-
cnay living narrow, policy lives under
the mistaken idea that it is the Chris-
tian thing to do. As a matter of fact,
Christ never anywhere said a word to
give ore the idea that it is wrong to
enjoy life. And Ile did a great many
things to show you that He was what
re'cl calla "gond mixer" to -d If
you will really read your Bible instead
of seeing in between the lines the
ideas that some churchman has im-
planted in your mind, you'll see that
Christ went about all sorts of affairs
and mingled with all kinds rf men
and women. Didn't the poor old Phar-
isees complain that He was a "wine-
bibber" and "a friend of publicans
and sinners?" They wanted to tie
Him clown to their religion of nega-
tion, but He wouldn't be caught. Isis
idea was a life of service to His fel-
lows, nixed with such simple pleas-
ures as His times gave. He went in
for everything that makes for a well-
-led life, and He enjoyed all the
experiences common to men,
A religion of service is the proper
one for 1919, not one made up of
"Thou shalt Hots," Christ came to do
away with the old Jewish idea of a
thousand and one laws. Isn't it a pity
that after two thousand years so
many good people are still bound by
laws of man's making?
Straightening Steel Axles.
Spring wagon axles are very fre-
quently sprung out of shape by over-
loading, or by accidents and runaways,
They can sometimes be straightened
without hammering and without re-
moving from the vehicle,
Place two pieces of oak 2x0 to-
gether, one of top of the other. Each
must be a little longer than the track
of the vehicle. In order that chains
may be readily passed beneath the
2x l's, peace a small strip under them
to hold them off the ground. It is
not necessary to remove the wheels,
Run the wheels on to the 2x0's and
pass a log chitin under the planks and,
over the axle to be straightened. Two
chains are required—one on either
side of the bend. Quite often the
chains may .be placed over an axle
clip to avoid marring the wooden axle
cap, If not, heavy pieces of leather
should be placed under the chains.
Under the bend in the axle place
jack -screw, Now by raising the jack-
screw the axle can bo straightened
very quickly.
Automobile axles which have been
bent by running against objects should
be removed, turned on their side with
the bend down and straightened in the
same manner, In a shop with a plank
floor the eludes can be fastened to
eyebolts in the floor.
Twenty-five cents! buys a Thrift
The "Hell of Death" that faced the
Canadians at the second battle oil
Ypres, when they were set against
tho first German gas'ettack, is vividly
portrayed in the War Memorials
paintings to be shown at the Canadian
National Exhibition this year,
"Finish, every Slay and be done with
it. Yon leave done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities, no
doubt, crept in. I8rget there EIS soon
as you can, To-nnorrow is a nOW„day;
begin it well and serenely, with too
high a spirit to be cuttt'bered with
your old nonsense. This clay ,is all
that is good and fair, It is too deaf',
with its ]topes and invitations, to
waste a moment on the yesterdays,"-.
safeguard the purity and safety of Questions and Answers.
milk? Question—I am a boy of 10 and
1, The cow should he healthy, and very small. Is there not some device,
the milk of any animal which seems for making me grow? I have been
indisposed should not be mixed with told that a device has been discovered
that from the healthy cows, by which your feet are held and which
2. Cows must not be fed upon swill, fits you somewhere around the spinal
or the refute from breweries or glu- column. Is this true?
cose factories, et upon any other fer- Answer --It is not true. You have
mooted food. plenty of time to grow, You will not
3. Milch cows must have access to attain your full growth until you are
fresh pure water, 21. I would not worry about it.
4. The pasture must be freed from Question—I have had a int of
noxious weeds, and the barn and yard trouble with my nose lately. It seems
must be kept clean. to get blocked up making it very hard
6,—Tho udders should be trashed at times for mo to breath properly,
and then wiped dry before each milk- and affecting my speech.
ing. Answer --There nifty he some oil--
f.,, The milk must be at once thor- struction, such as polypus or hyper-
enghly cooled. This is best done in;trophied turbinates. You should -
the summer by placing the milk can' have your nose examined by a com-;
in a tank of cold water or ice water,; petent specialist. Additional informa-,
the water being at the same depth as 1 tion is being mailed you. -
Doing Over Old Machinery.
A man was telling me what quips'
and quirks he was taking advantage,
of to help out when tines pinch. It;
called to mind some of the ways the
have taken on our own farm to get!
a little more wear out of different
For example, there was a wheel;
rake that came to us along with some
other things when we bought a piece
of land adjoining our farm. As it
seemed to be a fairly good one, we
put our rake away and used the old
one. When a shaft was broken, we'
tools one out of the rake we had stored
to put in the place of the broken one.
So it has gone on. Now and then a
part would give way in the rake and,
we would draft the pieces from the
other, 1
We did the same thing with a mow -1
Mg machine. We had two of the same!!
kind after we bought the neighboring
farm. These we used, changing off
as we liked. When any part was
badly worn or broken we went to the]
other for a substitute piece. In this
way eve Have made out to keep frons!
buying a new machine a number of;
A neighbor of ours is a very handy
man at this thing of rigging up ma-.
thinery out of old parts. Out of some
old stowing machine wheels 11e built a
fine land -roller, so +good that we got!
him to help us to slake one just like
it. If we have a breakdown lie is al-
! most sure to Have some way of mend -1
ing it without going -to much expense.;
He certainly As a handy elan in the;
neighborhood, and he saves a great
deal of money for us every year. This
knack of doing over old machinery is
Garden Hints.
Cut out and burn the old blackberry
and raspberry canes as soon as they've
Stop cultivating the bush frufts this
month. I{eep the hoe and cultivator,
going in the etrawberries.
Neter hoe beans or cultivate them:
when the vines are wet, unless you'.
want "rusty" plants.
Celery may be blanched by means
of boards, paper or drain -tile. Earth
is likely to cause decay if applied
when the sail or foliage is wet.
Overwatering when transplanting in
hot weather should be avoided, Until
a new root system i$ established a
plant can not take up much water,
Start geraniums during August for,
winter blooming. Break off the slips'
and put them in the ground beside the
old plant. Pot them before frost.
For cabbage -worms: Mix one part
of fresh Persian insect -powder with
four parts of air -slaked lime, and dust
it on the plants at regular intervals.,
Sun -scald is common on trees that.
have not sufficient foliage to shade'
their men trunk and main limbs A
little forothought will enable you to
shade the threatened parts in some
manner, and thus avoid having darn --
aged bark on the southwest side.
Nearly 100 artists, British and Can-
adian, were engaged to. produce the
Canadian War Memorials pointings'
which will be shown at the Canadian
National Exhibition this year. This
will be the first showing in Canada.
So far they have been shown only
London and New York,
one of n0 small moment in farm l
economy and worth cultivating. To test the heat of an ween, put
There is this danger—that the do- a bit of white paper .in it. If too hot
Mg over of old machinery, and replac- the paper well blacken.
ing of worn parts, can be carried too
far. Trying to mauve a piece of ma-
chinery do good work after it is al- CMS
most ready for the junk -heap is very
often poor economy; the time spent in
tinkering would go a long way toward
paying for new machinery. Besides,)
the old machinery that accumulates,
on a farm, when old machinery is
saved, is quite an eye-sore,—E. L. V.
-- a
Soil For the Window Garden.
All who wish to have plants grow-
ing in pets in winter should prepare
a heap of good soil for them immedi-
ately, in the following manner: Find
some good rich soil which is covered
with a thick sod of grass but free
from weeds, cut off the .sod, digging
about three inches deep, and pile up,
mixing with At about one-fourth the
bulk of well -rotted cow manure, Al-
low this to remain in a heap for a
month, wetting it occasionally if there
are not frequent rains; then turn it
over, break the sods and mix well and
]cave it in a heap until needed for
use. If the soil is heavy mix a little
sand with it. Do this and next winter
your plants will grow and bloom,
Ilomney's portrait of Joseph Brant,
bought by the Canadian Memorials
Fund at public auction for £27,500,
and the famous "Death of General
Wolfe," generously presented to the
Fund by the Duke of Westminster, aro
among the paintings to be shovel in
the War Memorials exhibit at the
Canadian National Exhibition this
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