HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-21, Page 4the ii " Tss ell Vogt THURSDAY AUGUST 2t. 1911 PLAN for the Fall Faire I'iTOiret living i1 10(m ttu.ed stilts. 'ruts has been a gie.rt t,easun ter 1hr Summer resorts. They will begin to jag now. WHILE many a stone was t brown at Mr. Carnegie while ne lived his good deeds will surely live after him. Brus- sels, among other places, will good reason to remember his generosity. THF, eo+refed Liberty League of Tor- onto til the heat example tat disloyalty 1 law and order we have met with for some time, Some of the articles sent out to the press are most absurd and give the whole situation away. If they imagine the staid. sturdy. moral lov- ing folk of Canada are to be caugbt on their gaff they are duller than we think they are. Hort. MACXENEtE KING, the new leader of the Liberal party in this Dominion. is arranging a tour through the Westerly Provinces. This is one of the best methods of getting acquainted with the needs of the people and by observation and personal touch be able to measure up the situation apart from the bias or predjudice of class or party. If our public men mixed more with the people there would be less incomprehensible legislation and more of the practical ype. Nt1MERotrs hoine6 in this locality have had the shadow of bereavement in their home circle during the past few weeks need kindly sympathy. Such situations usually enkindle kindly words and deeds. often overlooked in the vigor of man- hood and womanhood and possibly all the more appreciated owing to their rarity. There are a lot of kind people in the world when discoveries are made by the route of sorrow and trouble. SCHOOLS will be opening up in the course of a couple of weeks and it would be well for students to be on hand at the beginning o f the term so they may re- ceive tbe best start off possible. This is particularly true where a change of teachers has occurred or promotions of pupils are taking place. Parents should look carefully after this matter 11 the children are disposed to be careless or negligent. The years will not tarry, hence time must be employed and im- proved. THE POST has no doubt the growth of prize fights and boxing tournaments in some quarters is not an evidence of moral development or the strengthening of the brotherhood of mankind. The fact that the ban has been placed upon pugilistic encounters in almost every land is the best evidence of the estimate placed upon such by the authority. The loth century should be character- ized by an uplift. in contradistinction to the harbarism of war and every other form of evil that lowers the tone of the people, If it is a great moral benefit to see two men pound one another and come throngh with black eyes, bleeding noses or to be carried off for medical at- tendance, then the churches, Sabbath Schools and Young People's Societies are on the wrong track. The historic record of men who have followed up prize fighting is not one anybody would like to set up as a standard for their sou nor urge upon the young manbood of Canada as the largest measure in pro- ducing the citizenship that will make this; country great, If the monentary advantage of a prize 6gbt were eliminat• ed such spectacles would be rare among sober wen or if a penalty were imposed on the manipulators who arrange prize fights and reap corresponding financial gains these battling scenes would soon disappear, Man's duty to man is to en. uoble and strengthen good impulses and as far as possible remove anything and everything that will interfere with tbe high destiny of the creature created in the image of the Divine. Prohibition in Detroit The following is from an article in the Christian Guardian, of May 14th "Frank B. Elser, Special Represents• tive of tbe Outlook, bas been visiting Detroit to see how prohibition wotks in the biggest dry city to the world, The writer says t— "I called on James Couzens, Detroit's Mayor, a good liver, himself, tolerant, well-bred with a twinkle in bis eye. Formerly he was a Commissioner of Police, and he is therefore uo theorist about conditions," He said, "I have never been a teetotaler I vot- ed wet, but if another election were held I would vote dry. I believe De- troit, with prohibition, has been a rave- lation, it has upset all the alarmist pre- dictions of wets and more than sus- tained the rosiest predictions of the drys. I am iu favor of prohibition for Detroit because it has made es a bettor town, and I believe the public as a whole is impressed with its benefits. The personal liberty argumentdoe s not appeal to me. The question le will it bring the greatest good to the greatest aranber litre in Leif at 11 1ies clone thin ung'e i .panty t' tt ae1.01e ha.; been eclatul0o 10 °;; Child welfert. has 1'1-Lori:it Htr !leis. n, wh th uplleu,' of (1ui11rs to app., l'lations e • iltl not ' have aff ctrl. Cniterunua ate better, 111Nt1•lnmt, report greater business from • the lvutking elasses and 11.),• 10151;.',Mae a great int, ease in kp.slt:, mere. 11 Is peen no increase .n the number at drug 333 ie re ''There La* 1 esu 1,eealee. glass t,1 hr :lute. but liar, ea a, Ili: 111, est ,I,r lily ,u the wetbl, and we 1 il•r tri more smuggling than we exp",'test The Superiutendeut of Police nail, ..Thi, is my anew, 1 : Only hal pan filo and ,i Saturday n15 11,1,1 1111' rt•11 ing reedy to go home ; w the b e 2? tl Ivo we used to be always here snit! al'er raid night ; what with murders, cutting serapes, shooting, gambling rows, family quarrels, women screaming, bea'en up' men, we were as busy here as a tlrpnrt- rneut store on a Christmas Eve. Let me tell you that Detroit, boot legging or not, to a better city to live iu." Lower School Exams. The candidates named below, under counties, have passed the Lower Schnol examination for entrance into the Nor- mal Schools and faculties of education In addition to the above they require to pass the Middle School examinations be. fore they can be a twitted to the Normal Schootk, and the Upper School examine. tion before they can be admitted to .the faculties of education. Those who have already passed either of these examine - done are reminded that the normal schools open on 'Tuesday. Sep'ember rdth, at 9 a. m , and that application theretor must be made to the deputy t Y minister of education not la'er than Wednesday. August 20. Application should be made at an early date. If ap- plicants will state clearly on the forms when and where they passed the lower and middle school examinations for en• trance into Normal School, they need not delay mailing such applications on account of not having received their certificates. For information concern- ing the faculties of education, applicants are referred to the registrar of the University of Toronto or of Queen's University. Ring,ton. The answer papers of each candidate whose marks would appear to justify an appeal have beers already reread by the appeal ex- aminers. Where such a candidate has still failed, the statement of marks will be stamped as reread and no furth• er appeal will be allowed. In all other cases of failure appeals will not be re. fused if matte before September t, and accompanied by the fee of $2 If made after September r, the tee is $5 No appeal received after September no will be entertained. HURON E. al. Armstrong, C. E. Anderson, F. R. Archibald (boners), 1 R Allen, H. D. Bali, F. A, Beavers, E. M Barton, M. S. Blanchard (honors,) M Beecroft, O. L. Cooper, J M. Crawford, O. R. Crozier (honors,) M Danford, G. A. Dew, M, T. Dalton, F. E Dougherty, C. E Driver. E W. Edge (honors,) T. R. Edmonds (honors) J. E Earls, E, J. Fear, E M. Ferguson, M. F. Flynn, G, A. Fowler, I M. Frauds, J. T. Garrow, E. A. Glen, G J Ginn. J. W. Greig (honors.) W. C. Gardiner, K. L. Hamilton, E. hi. Hardy, A. E Hell. yar, M. M. Harvey, C. S Heamen, M L Hess (honors,) W. D Hoegy (hon- ors,) M, S, Hogg, M. E Hall. R. 13. Henning, M G Jones, V. I. Jones, L James, M. R Johnson, M. M. John- ston, M, M. Kuntz, G. A. Kerr (hon- ors.) E. M, Kew, J. J Levy, S. 0 Latimer (honors,) 1. W. Lutton, D. R. Laundy. E. 13, McTaggart, C. M. McKenzie, I. G. MeNevin, M G Mc- Leod, E. A. MacKay, E. C. McGrath, B. McClellan, M. U. McLean, D. H. Mundy, E. I Musgrove, M, E McCall, W, L. McCutcheon, M. E MeNab, S. E McNair, M. M Maunders, D. Nadi- er, A. J Nairn. V, 13. Pepper, D, K. Perrie, E al. Rntledge, F. G Raithby. G. H. Raithby, H, W. Rothwell, H. F. "tell weight of tea in every pay,°h;age Sold only in sealed packages 121 Rassmussen, L M. Synder, E. E Se nit, C. M. Sillerv, G. L. Hillery, D M S al. ford, H. M. Strothere, B. Smith, F Turnbull, R I. Taylor, R S. Thomp- son (honors,) J. 13. Tsylor, A. Walker (Honors,) L 13. Wheatley. A. G. Wil- liam an, el, 1 Wilton, 1, J. Weisbar, I A Young. PERTH J. 13 Aitchison, H E Akins, R. M Avery, A L, Allan, H. M. Alien (hon- ors,) W. 1. Ackerman, A M Alleudorf, hI. J Anderrnu. L Blakely, B F, Bar- ley. 13. K Bailey, F. M, Bayes, N Bruton (honors,) M. A E Crummer, D G Cameron, 11, F. Clubb (honors,) G E Cox. R. Day. I E Dempsey, K. I. Eckert, A M. Everett, B R, Ever- ett, H. M. Finkheiner, A J Fisher, M J. Gibson, M. I, Green, G M Hale, M, Hanlon, G M. Harvie, I. M. Heath, R. H Hills, M A Halliday, L 12, Hammond, G. E Henry, L. N Johnston, G. M Kidd, R Kappelle, M Keating, IT Kels E W Laugfntd, V G Latimer, A Es Low, C F h1, Quaid, Al M McGrath, J M McIntyre. A E Mitchell, S H Mitchell, F A Marshall, C I McDermott, A A McD.tnald, A McMasters, H H Mills, V L Morrison, N 13 McIntosh, 1 I) McKet,z'e, M McKeown, 1 W Monteith, W A Mor- rison, J Nagle, J Y Nicol, R 1 Norris, A E Nichols, H O'Leary, L el Palmer, R Park. M E Pridhani. K Robertson, M E Roe, C L Russell, 0 H Stoneman, W C S'oneman, E Stewart, C D Showers, M Swi z'r, E M Schmidt, M A Sy:vester, le M Schmidt, R A Tholnpsou, D Tuttle, M 0 Thompson, V Thomson, G V Vipond, M 13 Williams, M C Wins- loty, E S Whaley, M M Wright N White, N M Whaley, G B Woods, Irl Wilson, M E Yeandle, The following candidates at the Low- er School examinetian were not success- ful, but iu view of their marks they are permitted under the regulations to qualify for a Lower School certificate by taking the subject named in brackets along with other departmental examina- tion (M ddle or Upper School,) which they have not already passed. HURON 0 M Allen (Arith.) L B Jervis (Hist,) S R McBrien (Arith,) A Reynolds (Arith,)Rowcliffe Arith H F allacArith,) el ) Hunter (Arith.) D I Osterhout (Arith,) F P Reynolds (Arith,) F E Reid (Arith ) Turnberry Council N '. t r, Grant it sell ools, z 2;111 mills , No, ,. Bridge i)ebentnre, 9/to Orilla t owl N ,,t :ippon tiug 11 Henning Tex Collider, 1,I 1'' t\'tt11 accounts were pa d, It. A, Hastings, gravelling and gravel, $64 86 ; 'Phis. Haugh, inspect- ing $5 00 ; J. Porter, operating grader $3 no ; H, Y' 'Von, Brushing, $4 75 ; W Elliott, tile W. 'r P $35 20 ; T. Meabau, culvert and tile $6.00 ; Palmer and Musgrove, grading at Powell's side line, McGlynn's and Howick boundary $307 00 ; W,n. Holmes, work $11 25 ; W. Bolt, statute labor $g or) ; Wm Vanstone, operating grade) $18 00 ; 'Phos Wallece, gravelling and gravel $8t 92 ; 'Thos. Weir, work and wire $6 6o ; 1 McCntcheon, gravelling and ravel $41 40 ; Wm Ball, gravel 64 60 ; J. tV, Ku,g, part salary $5o.00 ; P, Powell, part salary $50 Wo Pat hmasters please by and have all road lists return. ed by next meeting. Moved by J, 1 Moffatt and las. 1 Scott that Lite Council meeting he held iu I3luevnlc, Monday, August 25t1i, at 1 p. m. P Powxr.L, Clerk, Minu'es of Council meeting held in Bluevale, Monday, July 28th. Members present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted on motion of W. A Mines and 1. J. Moffatt. 'Treasurer laid ha'f yearly report before the board showing balance of $1738 38 Moved by 1. Por• ter and 3, I Scott the report be adopted. Following By -Laws were regularly pas sed on motion of W. A Mines and J I Scott, viz. No, g. County rate, 5 8Jio I mills , No 10, 'Township rate 2 mills ; The Referendum Ballot 1 And How to Vote Yes No r. Are you in favor of the repeal of the Ontario 'Tem perance Act ? z, Are jou in favor of the sale of light beer contain- ing not more than 2 51-1,a0 per cent, alcohol, weight measure. through Government agencies, and Amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale ? ,.,.,,,..,.. 3. Are yon in favor of the sale of light beer coutaiu• ing not more than 2 51.100 per cent alcohol, weight measure, in standard hotels iu local menicloalities, that, by majority of vote, favor such sale, and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale ? 4 Are y 1u iu favor of the sale of spirituous and malt liquors through Government agencies, and amend• meals to the Ontario 'Temperance Act to permit such sale? . .. X FOUND GUILTY OF NEGLECT THREE YEARS' PUNISHMENT TOIL MAN WHO ALLOWED A SERIOUS SITUATION TO DEVELOP. Failure to take proper precautions has been responsible for many deaths, and is the cause of much suffering and bardsbip to -day. Take the ease of Win. Dunn, 313 Gerrard St. East,, Toronto, 'Ont. Mr. Dunn was a chrome rheumatic sufferer for ten years. Three years of that ten he spent in bed suffering indescribable torture. Picture tho joy of this mat) on finding that Tentpleton's Rheuma- tic Capsules were restoring him to nor- mal health again. Here are a few ex- tracts from his letter to us: "During the past ten years I have been laid up with Rheumatism. One attack confin- ed me to my bed for a year, and a sec- ond attack left me helpless for over two years. After I had tried almost everything, a friend got me a box of T,R.C.'s, and a few doses convinced me that I had at last found the proper remedy for my trouble. 37.13.C.'s lm - proved my condition rapidly, and I feel that had it not been for T.R.C.'e I should have been laid up for years." T.R.C.'s aro certainly wonder work - ere. Try them Ask your Druggist or write us for our new booklet; itis Enteresting' and costs you wonting (Templetous, 142 Bing West, Toronto). We mail 'r,a.C,'s anywhere on receipt of 81.00. Solo Agent for Brussels ;LAMES FON. - DRUGGIST ehoiee Groceries Ommee Elour Bran and Shorts TO HAND Pickling Season Good stock of Fruit Jars, ,Vine- gar, Spices, etc. Phone 43 or 27 W. J. McCracken s. Why answer "No" to question 1 ? To repeal the Ontario Temperance Act would mean the bringing hack of Licence and the bar with alt their attend- ant evils. 2. Why answer "No" to the second question ? Because the so-called light beer is intoxicating, as 2.51 per cent. alcohol weight measure is equal to 5.46 per cent proof spirits. Tee old Iootl option beer, which was not intoxicating, con- tained only alp per cent, proof spirits. 3. Why answer "No" to question three? Because the go -called light beer is intoiricating, ss shown, above. 4. Why answer "No" to the fourth geestiou ? Because Government control means the free sale Of all spirituous and malt flquors in any quautitles, and Government coat rol has been tried in other countries, as well as in Canada be- fore, and has proved, to be a useless measure for Stopping the spread of drunkenness. The foregoing is reproduced from The Pioneer. the official organ of the Dominion Alliance for the suppression of the Liquor Traffic There are addi• n t best of ' t Colum and he e. in he NO Hotel reasons for marking the four armee t g them will be given from time lo time in these columns, Meanwhile everyone op' posed to liquor should out this out and set to work 10 canvass. 4. + + The undersigned have entered into a co -partnership and leased the building recently vacated byS. 'aster, have fitted it and uL for tt modern garage. We are ready, to attend to all repairs, a Specialty being made of Fires, having taken tL spacial eouree in dealing with Rubber, ecce, Supplies of Gasoline and Oils always on hand. We are agents for the well known Overland Car, Agents fo' Renfrew Cream ' Separators, a+ Gag Engines and Tractors. 4+, Olrevrolet and McLaughlin 4- Oars. 11 you have trouble with your ++Oar or requite anything in our line give be a call, We goaram ; la tee satisfaction at reasonable 4. 4. 4. rates, 4. r 4. + Harris Little 1.0 AAA- A''�4IMt Myth.. 3 l l 22-23 y .Si.St 1 •, Sept, 11)-17 I31i1 ani .., ... .. Ova 8.11 Drayton,- .,: `;t pt, lu Oet. 1 bxeter... .. .,. Sept. 13.111 (11th . .,Sept 11i lit Cdoddiirh .t3rpt. 1617 Hari Latent ,. -.,. ,. .,,Sepi. 287.26 L:.incardine Sept. 1%.,,; 1'1 1 .irl:ton ... .....•.....,. t)i•t, 1.tehltyel ...... ... Sept. 1!', Ill Loudon (1\ t •d,c'u Pair) -145111% 11.13 Ltlekuoty .. ............. Seel. 26213 Mil entail Sept, 26,211 hiilrhell............ ........... ,,,,Sept, 2324 New Hamburg SNpt. 11.12 (1 tan's (Central Callttdtt) .....Sept. 0.16 O,veu Sorted .... .................Sept, 9 11 P.,Ituerslnn ..................... ....Oct. 7 8 Si Nine vs Sept, 1819 Senfnrtft Oct. 18.19 St rut Sept, 15.17 '1',riatoi'k Sept. 29.30 Taranto (Canadian NaLional ................... ...Aug. 28-Sepl-t3 \Vingltain .•,.. Oct, 8.0 NOTIOE TO CREDITORS,—In the matter of the estate of Mary Sin- clair, late of tho Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Mary Sinclair, who died on or about. the 21st day of July. A. 11 , 191 are required nn or before the 23rd day of + t1 est, A. D , 1919, to send by post prepaid or d.•uvor to A H McNeil, the Executor or the eaten of the said deceased, et Brussel. P O , It R. No. 4, their Christina and Surnames addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, thestatement of their ,an - counts and the nature or the securities at any) held bythere. And urther take notice that after suntt last mentioned date the said Exonutar will pro• need to distribute the aeaata of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having re- gard one to claims of which she shall then notice, and the said Executor will not be liable for the said 5110010 or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose plaint notice shall not have been received by hint at the time or sixth distribution. Dated at. lirnearI,, this 6th day of August, A. 1). 1910. A it, MoNetll,, ,t 3 Exeeutnr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—in the matter of the estate ofJamos Turn- bull, tato of tho Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors and others having claims against the estate or the maid Jetties Trumbull., who died or or abort the 25th day of April, A D 1910, are required on or before the 20rd day of Aneuet, A. la. 1919, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Stu„• 1101 Wilton, one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, Brussels P, O., their Obristian and Surnames, addresses and deeoriptions, the full ptu'ltettlnra or their claims the atetetneitt of thein' 110e.1nnte and the nature of the securities t)f any hold by them. And further take notice that atter such lest mentioned date the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets or the doses, ti among Elle parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they 411011 then have notice, and the sold Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per0.m or persona or whose claim nonce shall not Have been re.,, ived by them nt the time of such distribution Dated at Brnssela, this ath duty of August, A. D. 1919. WILLIAM )515 UL, Executors. SAMUEL WILTON, ) Lambs Strayed Two Spring Lambs strayed from Lot20, Oon, 10, Grey township, on Thursday, August 7t11. An information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully received. Phone 2917 JAB. FULTON. Farm for Sale 72 aore faun for sale, being Lot 18, Con. 12, Elmo township, Nearly all groes. O'room frame house with cellar, bank barn, driving shed, pig pen, small orchard flowing well, &o. On rural mail route 2'Mica from Atwood. Possession Dec. 1st. Plowing, will bo done this Fall. For farther particulare apply on the premises,or writeAtwood P,. R. R. 2 4 R5 ELIZJO0N1TON. Farm for Sale Fine 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 26, Con. 14, Grey township. 00 acres cleared, balance bush and pasture, Good buildings, consisting of frame house, bank barn, driving shed and up•to•date poultry house, Good water, wind- mill, &c. 4 miles from Ethel and 255 n111ea from McNaught, on 0, P. R. it'or further par - Montan; as to prlee, terms, 30., apply on the premises or if by letter to Brussels R, R 2. 0.15 T. WILLIAMSON. Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on 83.4 Lot 80, Oen. 2, Morris township, the thoro'-bre Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No. _00410=. Sired by Gainford Marquis (100890) 1 Dant Mildred VII by Royal Sailor (180591. Ped- igree ed•i ree may be seen on application. Terme- 910.00 for thoro'•brede payable at time of ear• vice with privilege to return, . Grade cows not allowed. THOS. PIERCE, Proprietor, For Sale Helmand lots, contnining 05 Horns, in the Village of Orenbrook, the property of the tete Mrs. Agnes Rrown, is offered for 0010. Frame house, arn, fruit trees &a, Paeeeeeion could be given at once, For further pnrtioutars ap- ply to Mile. 'PROS. OA0 TOWN or Wal, CAMeatN, Executors eeteto of the late I,trs, Agime Brown, Oranbrook, Popular Stallions CUMBERLAND GEM (18978) [109801 Enrolment No. 1007, Form I, J, J, Mc0AVIN, Proprietor Will stand for the improvement of stook during the eensonn of 1919 at John 2. McGavin's stables, Leadbary,. Lot 29, Oen. 10, Mclf;illop. 512 to insure, payable lrobruary 1st, CRAIGIE DOUBLE (184681 Enrolment No, 9000 Form 1 Roar, N101401q Proprietor Will stand for the improvement of etock dur- ing the season of 1019, at bis own stable, Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, Terms, 310 to insure, payable 13'01.Y. W0.020. S Tm 01108j This cutdh to d l Creed() ,tamp, p , [ (81288);28 a0 registered dame e Onlays I1Y,n.4e 10 10] :rt coesasse iewlt'aweera ,eite3tlrw;nam..;teetsx. tai` aleayiile..s :14014 i 'i'hirlkint, ul v+,tu• fall ('It)tlive r.\'t•n 111)14 wc.;u•r ),late 10 1 r OA 1 Pr(tparecl ! and when "'i'hc you will he warm and happy, toil .`lot'.1IP. ,'1n171t.'l1Ul,..; 11th', :I 15.11711 1111'•':•;. lit' North NVinel'; 4.111 1.311,31,” We have in stock a lull line ul Light and Dark Flannelettes, Shirting, Shirting; Flannel, Cotton, Cash- mere, Georgie Serge and Plaids for School Dresses, etc., Dress Lengths in several shades of Silk Repucord and Silk Poplin, All Wtat,l Navy Serge you would be proud to wear in a Suit or I)11:,:,, C,arclurtay V1:Iret'1, etc, Give us a call. Live Fowl taken every Tuesday Morning R. Ca RATHWELL, Mo ti c r i eft' re m#t Vanted Ship y si'i' Cream Direct to the 3russeis Or ' annery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Can$ and Fay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for 11.e pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and y,1.1 will not want to discontinue. Brussels Creamery str"art sros. Pro s. p AIIMPIRPOlf mewswenesemoassest ••0••4000•4.•4•+04'+000040•6 ie4000oee0r.•0400e0OSO1,$40•9 d+ g O a • stern lre e0 awW a • 0 $ London, Ontario 0 O This is the Great Agricultural e Exhibition of Western Ontario e 0 0 Exhibits Two Attractions Johnny J. Jones o O. the Special Events Better Midway q • Very Best Daily Than Ever Exposition ') A e o o Plenty of Music Fireworks Every Night • • • s Pure Food Show Tractor Demonstrations • • • Auto Eutranee corner Dundee and Egerton Sts, Usual Entrance at p sthe Gates. Grand Stand 60c and 26c, A • Prize Lints, Eutty Fin ins and all information from the Secretary, d • LT. -COL, W. b1. GARTSIIOIOC, • A. hi. AUNT, • Press tl e n l , Secretary, e. • N 0 • 4404410+40004.400000.4,040000 00©06000401,00000040440.044) 44.444•., 1.4,4.0+41,+04.4+4.+04'4;44'1. )4'4)•t'4,''0•t'4,4' o.1'4.1•94')'0+0.1, 0' ,y 4. m d, '8 The Seafa•>. rthCreamery • • ream Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, • For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C. • McCALL, Phone 23to, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. a SEAI�OR'1'I-I, ONT. a� 1+h•+•+4++4, +0+4 +•+•+�+i+�+W+h•+l+�+t+• t•+••h•+m+0•h•'N•db0l••b•$.0