HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-21, Page 3STEAM GENERATED
Sun's Energy lo Utilized by Thie De-
vice to Produ8a Power For All
Industrial Purposec.
Coal and en have served Many -
rat 3134, 131111 haVe 11111111 11111).'1 t )(1111
011joy1110111, et0111711.1, tlf
111 !I, near fatcre the
world v..111 101 he dependent on the
mine and tbe n. for industrial pur•
ptinc.i. .114 111 i,!,100'1 1103V 13
1710?. t,i I.. .71 ,. '.11(401 fur
'1111, in( ens in. t an 1 oiminhdtbig
supplies of 1 11,1 directed Llio citenlioli
Deeper Than the Ocean ...IRE CAUSE OF SICKNESS!
1)111 you eve,- hear of a "sulnsntinie
.(mr. 111 bk,/t
3013111 by the - I
vionibly deeper tlein the offshore
poli of 11333 Atiaetie,
Another each eaeron the chaunel 1
111' the at. 11300 111'''. Yst 11,34111341' 11)
that of tho cougo• 111331 are d' (Tor
1111111 1111) 03 11))11' 1111)11' 1111,11111.
The Ihrlson, w11% 11,4' grent bay into ,
34.1111.11 it 1103013, is a elleownea river." i
reed is. to 1,33e, it is floodea Ily an. 111-
111:1; et, 'tit, hay 111341
('3,113)34''(( 4410.1 131,111 1(1 be 1',:110I1 •
11 111,1 1.
The 1). 113331133' 3 343:1133 1' 111'))V,11011
1)3 t'lle)11,1)));11.e llay 1:4 a)11,1i01',
1,1)113): 1 '11,11).1 in,111111 is pit iiuntlim.
Why should river111.1.0ant
oil? Wird lui.. 11:31 pered 1 them?
'Well. you 1.ce, it is liko thin: Tie,
whole t .1m34.riva
has sunk a gmal doll 13 11113 Nam', of
ges, or:Mg In :he etioriamin of
material brought &l'vt l,y the rivers
• 1 e, • 1 11311 111 1)131 eon If
here. But geobasiete arr4 luelieed to
teiek tie t melting of Minder; has
largely to do with the phenomenon.
(hive anon a time a river mepareted
leieslawl from Franey. The Hee of the
11(31111 dreamed 11, and to -day wo cell
it the BrItish (Manuel. Anellum river
ran bete eleglena and Ireleml; it
3)11.14 111103011'4 (11)01V11,11.
T110 1111t):-)11 ('311' ((':11, by the way. Is
a suboceanic canyon, its bottom 1101)11'
341' 1111111 the 001,1311 nearby, outside.
of m Inure eturere and s1 14711t1'- (4 to
Alraeeel Pa!! 19
,'(mart. tisea ;:'eet t,r flint: •-t 1140
t • • ' • • ,m
• •
-I. • ,a'aee ttt,
134(44,1 one
11114111:e Ulla 11).03,1, natl in not ReesenIng From Kileene,
reelizieg that bete 1,1' 010T' 1,11340 1I," 1,11 1 10 1V)71 3,1,,,1,30 300r1'
oame :)t.lo ,not wi 11',11 443,443
1"11' the 1.1,1er 111 th. feet.
lilemeleseueee os a 30 011 1.1,0 11.11011 111) 11111.11)311Ay turtle!! to He 1114)311-
«erre ;alit he leued te eee3 mei exelelne 1 "Ma, wale!! one eee
fee nee,3 V01 Y 111‘,0t. 1r ;MI 1431 y 011 1.) 11): e11?"
1(13331 11 .4.3,e-!))))1, 3', 111'
with 1),11p11);,1),.41 tie) 1, 7111 invineiele Aerny.
1..101 and 1 "i low's y 11)113 :Ili
ealtre 111(110)1, 11l30ay,4 blood",
If you In, ve .111'.. -1.Vonderfol 1 fe,..1 a gr
Ogle, indict ha tool ether 1,,,t (..111
the cause 1:4 1'1111 (104011, 113 11141.13:1 111„11,) wy boy 171,
nor\ es. Ltd run dowu *serves are 1.11 1,34 alai go to Is..1 eeely eau
a result of peer blood, SU th:11. 1110 tO 34 14*.0111,33
(Mini (1111134', ),1 illnese are 11111, ti,"
1)1,111)1,1171' arst of ))ower, and Dr. WM
r'1 fl' [4 This accounts for sthgtireat number
i3 ns ‘3 d d a'1t
tee J. Itftee. if the Rset college of DUPili(A 1101YEIIEof 3)13(1110, "'10', 111 111111e:011)1a health,frt:Trite se, a11 1,:
seeeee. Tole -alto, who bee 31evoted Pale, nervous and dypepc, who ha3•-;
well and hearty by Dr. hasn't been able to g,(,1 rid of it 1313134:'.''711':') ae))1 01' 1114 111110 311111 311,4141 )'('i.(1 Every mother knows how fatal the 11°111 1(1331111
Williams' Pink Pills; for no ether '111311»') :emit (herr:fled) --'Whati
t3»veeare11 work in centime ion with hot summer months are to 0(11(311child-
medicine ever discovered is 00 vale. Dors thet young, nem never go to
red blood and giving strength to worn
of 11011 el 1 ti n?"
the lipplitntiou of light and heat to ren. Cholera infantion, diarrhoea
itble for increasing the supply lure io
\Trines mcciinnical uses, Invented and The late 3. L. Herrington, tobace desentry, colic rind stomach troubles
(levet. pod tee Lueostat, menufacturer, of Diddle, left tel eetate are rife at this time and often a pre -
out nerves. Men and women alike Chance to Learn.
The sun l"(1' its neve towards the veined at $200.000, clous little life is lust 111101' only a few
greatly benefit from a course of the ._"1"ao, Bobby," said his mother, "011.0
(11)1)3 lo a never ending stream, giving Dr. I, J. (13111111 1(1341 been appointed hours innees. The mother who keeps
113)1341)111(1 blood builder end nerve tonic.. piece of pie is quite enough for you!
beet, light end growth to the eartli's to the kart of the Itoyai Victoria Eye Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels
eurface. That min energy is equal to and Ear Hospital, Dublin safe. The occasional 11(10 of the Tab-
horse-p,wer for an acre of land, Alderman W. McCarthy, J.P., and lets prevente 81011111C11 and bowel
troubles, or if trouble 00111011 suddenly
--as it generally does -the Tablets
will bfing the baby safely through.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by Mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Evidently Not.
From Erin's Green isle
'gore than 500,000 horse.power on a F. ,T. Cahill have been appointed ad-
lteaurre farm. The Luxostat enable; (Mona! 11130 ceneors for Dublin
ue to top in on this enormous power The Dublin Corporation has ap-
reserve and eouvert it into heat, light pointed Laurence J. Kettle to be elee-
fold motion for immediate use for in. tric331 engineer for the city of Dublin.
duetrial and other purposes or stern it The dt tith took place recently at
for use on future occasions. Waterford of Anne Power, widow of
Luxostet, Houcehold Word in Future. R. Power, formerly M.P. for Water-
Luxostat-1111 unfamiliar word.. -a ford City.
went without meaning to the average The death is announced of Rev. J.
person with a working knowledge or el, H. Murphy, rector of Rathcome, and
the Englieli language, and yet a word professor of Irish in Dublin Univer-
deetined to become as familiar as site,
"'telephone," "Automobile," "Wire. Rev. E. II. Lewls-Granby presided at
less." "Aeroplane," "Submarine," and the girls' brigade drill competitions
some (alone which 111 our tether's held in Gregg Memorial Hall, Dublin,
Childhood days were unknown terms, recently.
and which liow are so M01111011 and so The body of Albert William, a stoker
intanate a part of our everyday life, on el.M.S, Hytierbad, was found float -
that life as we now live it would be Mg in the Liffey, at the north eaten-
impessible without them, sion wall.
The imenstat is a system of bat- The Agricultural Committee of the
teriea 3,f reilentors, with a mechanical Royal Dublin Society have deckled to
contrivance by which the reflectors bold a winter fat stoele,,show at Balls -
may bo adjusted and col- bridge this Year.
lectively operated so that the rays of The parishioners of St. Mathias
sunshine felling on any number of re- Church, Dublin, have under considera-
flect,an are directed and concentrated flan tl3e erection of a War memorial to
upon one common point. Thom is cost eii,000,
pie -laically no Binh to the number of A passport was refused to A. M.
reflectors thatmay be used, and, as O'Mara, mayor of Limerick, to proceed
each added reflector means an average to America to raise money for the im-
increase 0) 1110111 than ten degrees Fah- proveifient of the city,
renheit in the intensity of heat at the The Housing Committee has 3e34010 -
Point or concentration, it will be seen mended to the Dublin Corporation the
that any degree of heat required may appointment of P. J. Dillon as euperiu-
be obtained and that the possibilities tondent of buildings.
of the Luxostat for heat, power, and The terms of the 'gentian) Tailors'
lighting purposes are unlimited. Association have been accepted, and
the tailors, machinists and pressers
Greatly Reduce Manufacturing Cost,
have returned to work.
The Luxostat then, producing a
'rine parishioners of St. Peter's
great surplus of power, during the
Church, Dublin, have decided to erect
periods of sunshine, with a system of a memorial to commemorate their
electrical storage batteries or water
members who have fallen in the war,
reservoirs, to take care of this surplus,
Rev. Gordon T. Clements, of Donore
means an unlimited supply of power
preebyterian Church, Dublin, 33411.8 pre-
fer industrial purposes, at practically
sented by his congregation with a
no cost, without fuel, smoke or dirt, piece of plate on his vet= from
Its adoption means a great reduction France.
in manufacturing costs, which seems Frank Hannyngton, who died re -
not only desirable, but imperative at cently in Madras, India, was one of
the present time.
the most popular men of his year at
Tho commercialization of this inven- Dublin Ilniversity,eancl won the etas -
time means that unlimited power will
sleet scholarship,
be available for every purpose. The
cost of fuel is entirely eliminated. The
Add a cupful of vinegar to water,
Luxostat being almost automatic in Rs ,
in which colored clothes are washed.
operation. the outlay for labor is great -
This prevents running.
ly reduced, while the equipment, when
it is manufactured on a large softie,
should cost much loss than the ordin-
ary steam plant, developing an equal
horse -power.
These facts, which Dr. Harvey has
fully demonstrated, should make the
Luxostat of vital 111(10081 1101 only to
every user of power, but to every user
of manufactured goods, and more than
all to tho governments of the various
countries who are suffering acutely
from the high cost of living duo to
pest -war conditions,
According to Orders.
The doctor consulted his thermome-
ter and looked startled, Then he hur-
rieellY tested his patient's pulse,
"Good gracious, man!" he gasped.
"What .have you been doing? Your
temperature is up to danger -point, and
your pulse is terrific. Have you been
limiting yourself to Intent diet, as I
told you?"
The patient nodded feebly.
"Yos, doctor, 1 have," he whiepored,
"During the last twenty-four hours I
have eaten throe apple -cores, over a
dozext match -stalks, and various 13131.
t0)111 but I find considerable difficulty
in chewing tho coal,"
Ostrich Feathers.
Ostrich feathers are made into all
sorts of Interesting trimming deVlces,
It is (lento taken for greeted that os-
tric14 srmuld be ti dress trimming Quito
as much or more than a hat tritnraing,
and the Iorench hales been especially
clever in devising ways to make it at
(40341)34,, ...„
Geed Matantliaaleten,
Newitt: "They saY that fhe POMO
aelth.rt tRagillatiOn IMO Alga
l'ettelartro heed fer iigtiree,"
barrVala "Delft arett believe it,
When my wife gots her imaginatiell
at Work upon her ago elle ean Make
dritionotle look Wily!"
WW1 the &SUMO in fiereje 4187
fttnr Wow) 1)o11111ng,
Place a dish of water in the oven
to prevent 14(31(08 111)11 pies from scorch-
Tho standardization of wearable
and breakable parts of farm machin-
ery would be a move in the right di-
Customer -"I want a machine that
isn't expensive as to gasoline or up-
keep, and 0110 that I needn't worry
141301)1 11) the way of puncttres." Auto-
-agent -"All eight, I can sell
you either a wheelbarrow or a baby
A certain rich man did not approve
of foreign missions. One Sunday at
church, when the offering WEIS being
taken up, the eollector approached the
millionaire and held'out the bag. The
millionaire shook his hoad. "I never
give to missions," he whispered. "Then
take something out of the bag, sir,"
whispered the collector, "The money
is for the heathen,"
Quartz is Replacing Platinum In Mane -
facture of These Utensils.
Hitherto almost the only substance
Possible to use for vessels in the la-
boratory where high heat Is employed
has been platinum, 'which has become
enormously expensive. But utensils
of this costly metal are now being re-
placed to a considerable extent with
cheaper ones of quartz. It is practic-
able to melt or even to 4-ap0rize gold,
copper or silver in a quartz receptacle,
If your dealer does not keep timers 115 funny, responded Bobby with
pills you can get them by mall at 50 an injured air, "you say you are mixt-
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ly, and yet won't give ine a chance to
I should learn to eat proper -
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from (13114 that
villo, Ont. practice"
Lebanon Cedars Were Centenarians
When Christ Was Born,
The famous cedars of Lebanon, tra-
dition says, were planted by God at
the creation of the world and that they
will endure until the last day. That
there was a great grove of ceders on
Lebanon in the days 01) 13411134 Solomon
there dm be no doubt, as it was from
them that he obtained the wood for
building the temple.
At the present clay the grove con-
tains 389 trees, of which only fifteen
are of large size. It is the center of
a great basin In the mountains, 6,000
feet above the sea. A Maronite chapel
When Bit) Balked.
Dill wanted to slip out of barracks
to see his girl. He couldn't get leave,
so lie went to his friend, tho sentry,
afll) statecl tho 00110.
"Well," said the sentry, "111be oft
duty when you come back, so you
ought to have the password for to-
night. It's 'Idiosyncrasy: "
"Idio what?" asked Bill.
"Id toeynerasy."
"I'll stay in the barracks," declared
Chinese Wisdom.
Banker Earl C. Dodge, of Boston,
who had lived some years in China,
said in an afternoon speech:
"Anybody who doubts the Nvisdorn of
so wonderfully resistant is on a mound in the shade of the esistant to high tem. the Chinese should read their pro.
peratures is this material. trees, and here mass is said and on the verbs, The Chinese have a book of
The 1)101110(1 adopted for making feast of the Transfignration a groat
quartz vessels is to melt the raw raa. festival takes place.
terial in a grapbite box in the electric Several efforts to calculate the age
furnace, at a temperature exceeding of the cedars now standing have been
2000 degrees Fahrenheit, 1.10(1534 11. pres- made by molting the rings in the
sure of 500 pounds to the square heart wood of those that have fallen,
inch. These estimates, according to Prof,
One peculiarity about these quartz A, Henry, of the Royal College of
vessels is that when whltaliot they Sciences for Ireland, vary from 2230
can lee thrown into cold water without Years to 2600 years, although it may
danger of breaking them. It is stated 130 that they are of slower growth than
by experts that if a window of this the specimens tested in other coun-
kited of glass were inserted in a, fire- tries,
proof steel safe and the latter were The largest of the cedars is thirteen
exposed to fiercest Reines, the safe feet in diameter.
would suffer more than the window.
Recently artificial spiders' webs EMPIRE'S COPPER RESOURCES,
have been made from threads of spun
Canada, Newfoundland, South Africa
and Australia Possess Deposits,
quartz. They are wonderfully fine,
with much the same appearance as
strands of real cobweb and actually
catch flies fairly well when the fibers
have been stroked with a straw pre-
viously dipped in castor otl. The oil
takes the place ot the gluten in an
ordinary spider's web, giving to the
counterfeit the requisite stickiness.
It has even been found possible to at-
tract a spider to such a web by a tun-
ing fork vibrated near the latter, thus
suggesting the buzz of a trapped fly.
Farmer Joe.
Farmer Joe wore russet breaks,
Farmer Joe was burly.,
Farmer Joe had ruddy cheeks,
And his hair was curly.
Better man than Farmer Joe,
Never shouted "Tally -he!"
When Ole air was crisp and free
And the leaves were falling,
Red and gold, from hedge and tree,
And the hunt was calling,
Better man than Farmer Joe
Never rode to "Tally -ho I"
Open heart and open hand,
Hearty Wish and mellow;
Born and bred upon the land,
Simple, holiest fellow,
Better man than Farmer Joe
The old hunt 'will never know,
Rolling up children's socks stretch-
es them at the top and makes them
fall down when 'worn.
Dampen the qireems in hot suds
once a week to cleat and preserve
them a ,little longer,
rozregm%m wa,,PATouvRawitzzsgazrzapo,
A rnan-size food
-builder of brain
and brawneMighty
go*d &so for w*
men and children.
Made of wheat and barley
'At, 1,•;;... it,6241V.-1112141.17.-VV.
Canada is now the largest producer
of oopper in the British Empire, In
Ontario, and particularly in British
Columbia, noteworthy progress in out-
put has been made during the War,
and the output for the whole of the
Dominion has risen from 34,364 tons
in 1013 to 52,864 tons last year. 'Valu-
able deposits of copper ore exist also
11) Newfoundland. In South A.frica
copper -mining is still more or less in
its infancy. Steady progress has been
made in Rhodesia during the last few
years, and lerge deposits of copper are
known to exist in other parts of the
country, but their development de-
pende 0)1 results obtained on certain
other properties, the exploitation of
which has as yet not passed the initial
stens, Queensland Is the largest pro-
ducer of comeer in the Commonwealth,
Tasmania being second in importance,
The output in Now South Wales has
been seriously reduced during the war,
but the copper mines both here and in
South and Western Australia should
not be allowed to languish for want of
the necessary support, while Great
Britain continues to import copper
from abroad,
The Old -Time Epitaph.
Many proverbs are likely duo to the
tendency of a few centuries ego of
Putting' words together to form
rhyme, regardless of truth, An ele
ample is this epitaph in an Englieh
Here lies the body of Thomas Wood -
hen, ftt
The kindest of husbands and best of
tn was Woodcock, but it
Dar y beneath is this explanation:
wouldn't come in rhyme.
Temperature of Leaves.
Some recent investigation of the
temperature of leaves made In the
deserts and mountains of Arizona and
in the Santa Lucia mountains of Call -
ferule, have resulted in the discovery
that leaves show a very rapid change
of teMporature at times, These flue-
titations are almost constantly going
on, Changes 011 34110111 one to three de-
grees 0, were observed in from 20 to
60 monde, and if a Moderately etrong
Mount to five (10341:008 10 80 000033115,
Wind is hlowing the 013133)50 may
Mix blueing with hot water Wore
adding it to the rinsing water and
the ðos 334110 1301 streak,
Roller skates were used in Franco
as long ago as 1810. Tho first Hug.
lish skate had five narrow v7h0c1s in
O single row,
10,000 proverbs, and they're all as
wise and true as the first line in the
volume, which says:
" 'It is safer to pull a tiger's tail
than to call a lady's attention to her
first gray "
Reg'lar Feller.
Here is a tale, told in London, about
the Prince of Wales:
The Prince turned up one day at an
officers' mess behind the lines on the
western front and asked it he could be
favored with luncheon.
"Certainly," replied a bright young
subaltern, "but who the devil are
"I'm the Prince of Wales," replied
the heir to the throne, with a weary
smile, "but for pity's sake forget it,"
Everything was ready.
A. short run, and she rose in the air
majestically, ducking, rolling, and div
ing in the strong wind. Up, up, and
still further up she rose, till she was
almost out of sight, and a thrill ran
through the spectators.
Suddenly an exceptionally strong
gnat of wind struck her, and down she
came -down, clown., and still down,
till-crashi-she struck the earth with
a dull, heavy thud.
And little Willie ran in to ask his
mother for a penny to buy a new kite,
Johnny Knew.
The,formidable trustees of the little
rural school were paying their dreaded
annual visit, and the primary class
was being examined in nature study.
"Now children," said the nervous
young teacher, holding up oin apple
blossom, "what comes after this
green apple," shouted the
class in chorus,
Tho teacher felt that the worst was
over. "Good!" sho said, "And now,
aohnny, can you tell us what comes af-
ter the little green apple?"
"Yesm!" roared Johnny; "stomach-
1-113 Fate.
The young man brought some verses
to his father.
"Father, I have written poenis."
"'What! Let me see them instantly,"
'rho father read them 034034 0131011011)',
the tears slowly welling to his Oros as
he did so. Finishing the last one, he
threw down the manuscript, folded the
boy to his breast, and sobbed:
"Olt, my poor, poor sonl"
"Are they 50 bad as that, father?"
"Bad! They are excellent, They
aro real poetry. My boy, my boy, you
will starve to death!"
Medicinal Diet,
• In a certain hoepital the patients
were very badly fed, and looked tor -
ward to an inspection, When they Could
lodge o Complaint,
When, One daY, the inspecting 0111'
003' canic Med, one TommY 'Was de-
terMined not to InisS this opportunitY.
"What's your complaint?" asked the
"Trench fever."
'Olt) And what la the diet?" 34014'
1111)1101) the Ot11001.` aolleitously,
"Two slicks at the thermometer
daily!" was the answer,
Xinard'a ZIMInent Orissa Omen, lite.
The Grieves of France.
1 vew tle, grareo or P1.1111110
1311 111.1)3i)111 the night.
Thvy .1 :at 1 11., 14)))1a):14 they were
V1,1,11 I I'', ft,t' t,:t11410.1
1 10041 11) et all the imairtiiiig hearts -7.
,131,1 111, 1,011,
110 11 t t,11 01.011 gra.ve
'rift. • .4 a
1 '.-.1), tt,", Vt.,: of Frontal
Ir..11. lis 1113,))
thy :A:4111M eller,1ica then,
'111',) lay ticce in tile Willa.
For 11,0,'. 1,10 '1001 WI ,very
'fie, 1,,p [O.. 1. jo t to make
*rid t Ts* 1 1:f 1 1 '03.7' 10 Wake.
hy •:(14 10'We 14 ,10. 111 France
AM!, tia,agli to 13,1:14,
7%4 311).,0) IL 41, 13/ 1,144) 1.111) prize
1)11 ono,,, 31111134,
Understanding English,
o 1" '1,3 was befere s local
justiee used 3113ce1 ear Leeeking the law.
The judge had greet .1.fi1eulty in reek-
' 11/g, the orkedel micleretend. as he
• seigeed moire ignormice of lenglieb.
• Flue lee, in deeperetion, the j11,I30e said:
"Ilere, alum do you sne? That Is
one dollar. Pay it --or go to jail."
'3ile Chink still (*peered to be un-
enlightered and the magistrate re -
"Allow me to talk to him, your
honer," burst forth the husky cop who
had wrested him, mak(4 him mi -
1 • d...
The officer approached the prisoner
and shouted in his ear: "Say, you
with the teakettle face, ean t you hear
anything? You've got to pay a flue of
Io(1liar!" shouted back the
sonly one dollar."
Horses, Men and Elephants.
Tests made to determine the respec-
tive pulling power of horses, men and
elephantS showed that two horses,
weighing 1,600 pounds each, together
pulled 3,750 pounds, or 550 pounds
more than their combined v,eilglit,
says Better Farming. One elephant
weighing 12,000 pounds pulled 1,750
pounds, or 3,350 pounds less than its
weight. Fifty men, aggregating 7,500
pounds, pulled 8.750 pounds, or Met as
much as the single elephaut. but like
the horses, they pulled more than their
own weight. One hundred men pulled
twelve thousand preemie.
Mtharelts lattitnent Cttree platemper.
A Prize -Winner.
At a works not far from Manchester
some 'workmen were bragging about
the skill of some of the men at their
various jos. After several had re-
lated their experiences, ene man said
that what he had heard WEIS nothing
to the skill of a stone -mason he knew,
The curious part of it was that the
mason WEIS a nigger who had only one
"HMV does he manage it It he has
only one arm?" questioned one of the
"Why," said the other. "lee holds his
chisel between his teeth and hits him-
self behind the head with the hammer-
,What Did He Say?
The Pastor -So God has sent you
two more little brothers, Dolly?
Dolly (brightly) - Yes, and He
knows where the money's coming
from, I heard daddy say BO.
It isn't so much what a man has
that makes him happy as what he
doesn't want,
Let folks step on your feet hereafter;
wear shoes a size smaller if you like,
for corns will never agate send electric
sparks of pain through you; according
to this Cincinnati authority.
Ho says that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, inetantly re.
Heves soreness, and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug Is a sticky ether coin.
pound, but dries at once and simply
shrivels up the corn without inflaming
or even irritating the surrounding
It is claimed that a quarter of an
Mince of freezone obtained at any drug
store will cost very little but Is suffi-
cient to remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet. Cut this out,
especially if you are a. 30001£113 reader
who wears high 'heels.
How to make a oreamy beauty lotion
for a few cents, '
The juice of two fresh 101110118
strained into a bottle containing three
Ounces of orchard white makes a
Whole quarter pint of the most re-
markable lemon skin beatitiller at
about the cost one must pay for a
small jar or the ordinary cold creams,
Care should be taken to strain the
lemon juice through a fine cloth so no
lemon pulp gets in, thou this lotion
will keep fresh for months. Itivery
woman knows that lemon Moe Is
used fa bleach and remove such
blemishes as freckles, sallowness anti
tan and is tho 14, .4 53t113 sortcm-r,
whitener and beautifier.
Just try it3 test 313 "40 ouncen of
orchard white at any arm: etera 111111
two 1080,1111 1111111 1110 73'oe341' 111111 111.110
111) It quarter pint of that eweetie 1,441 •
rant lemon lotion and
deity into the feee, ((eel, a:
7C21. ISAT=71.
111 artt.10111
county. Splendid ormertunity. Write
ros. Paldi-bing Co., Limited.
111 Atetaldt. At Vt." Toronto
livar Jnia, Peal !WNW NfOwsrAPICIt
V and tot) printing plant In Eastern
Ontarla, zmarenee carried 01,600, WIU
in; fee 01,2111/ an outok sale. Pox 50.
WlThns rqudi.hing 1.341 Toronto.
34030311131134 W/3,1031131 11
'leer tae'r IIAVII '1'01 run HALM V V I.Ive Poultry, Iran,y 1 1,104. Placenta
7g341 otc.? INt133, T. 1I'Vi2111114eh & SOU*
314-18St, Jetta Itaellsts INturket, 01011
rest. Que.
1.0014431 atrztrosnal
1417 134'311 301,13 (1111 1"341347 11(3013 (15'
ter 116 30 to 114110 (rem Two to 10,.ur
et et) Dollars on 3,a334 new florno. Al)-
dr,','s 14,11I41av t'oln pally 13 .tartIcsota
NN' ITarnIltr.n too-
(134o'11130,9.3)A10111), 1,11111
Intrrtial 51(11 external. eared with -
tut rain tY nue helve tretttment. 34, 3411.
ts Lef,.re tao late Itellman 11014(033
I.ImItt-1 IIIngwvod. 1/30
Not His Name.
The 11'nfli N34711 p111111133 into the ata -
tem, and ae tee pa2.--,)c)7.1)..)-) )1rri‘1,11)11 10
get 0fr, the iwtolon,n 301131,341 up and
dawn eellire•,: Otalrg;N, sir?
113)3111 Ccocgc...- Cooling up le an Old.
gent1,-.111).11 114)41 the country he said,
for the nian's bag,
'King Fir?"
eN,), sir," 1,:),;111),A the old man, "you
src l'm .10.4 plain Abraham
Montreal. May 29tb,
Alinard'e Liniment Co., Limited.
Yarmouth, Nei'.
Gentlemeneel beg to let you know
that I Have used MINARITS LINI-
MENT fur swim time, and 1 find it the
best I have ever used for the joints
and muscles,
Youni very truly,
The Champion Clog and Pedestal
Dancer of Canada.
One on Mother,
Little Tommy had a great dislike
to being washed, The other day his
mother was showing 111111 a new clock
and remarked meauingly:
"Jus1 look what 14 nice, clean face
the cluck has, Tommy!"
"Yea," answered the child triumph,
Rutty: "but It's got black bands,
though 3"
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
Man's Way.
"It has always seemed funny to us,"
saye a philosopher, "why a fellow says
he keeps bees.. The truth of the mat-
ter is the bees keep themselves. All
he does is rob 'em."
If You Don't See the "Bayer Cross" on
the Tablets, You Are Not Getting
Asperin-Only Acid Imitation:
Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Alperin"
are now made in Canada by a Carla.
dian Company -No German interest
whatever, all rights being purchased
from the United States Government.
During the war, acid imitations were
sold FM Aspirin in pill boxes and vex! -
008 other containers. The "Bayer
Cross" is your only way of knowing
that you are getting genuine Asperin,
proved safe by millions for Headache,
Neuralgia, Colds, labournetism, 111301.
bago, Neurits and for Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets-- also
larger sized "Bayer" packages can be
lied at drug stores.
Alperin is the trade mark, register-
ed in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoricetic-acideeter of Salicylic -
MON [1 010 BABY
On Face and Hands. Itched and
Burned. Cuticura Heals.
"IVIy baby was only a month old
whon her awe and hands started to
get red and Scaly. Tho
eczema started in the form
ofwatee bliaters and itched
and burned, She was me
cross and fretful she could
'41101 sleep.
"This lasted nine
months when I tried Cuticura Soap
and Ointment, and I used three cake
of Soap with two beset; of Ofetment
when she was healed." (Signed)
Mrs. Oscar Pllion, Amherstburg,
Oetarlo, 'Way 7,19 1 9.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tale ,
cum are all you teed, for all toilet,
uses. Bathe with Soap, soothe With •
Otatment, dust with Talcum,
Pet, lo" wimple) naplt et edictal El,tiiat, Mot.
34(3431, ,r,i7TAMTNIA6.954=3avtri`
7, 88--,14