HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-21, Page 1VOL, 48 NO, 1'bI.50 Per Affatulic ill Advance ktl IfEral 11 '11 11111111 11111111 1111111 111111 111111 i111111M1f111181111818Ilu8111i111I81111IiI1111II 111111111111111111 IIILe 1trt Successful Men lw us Saved They were thrifty. 'They were shrewd enough to see that the habit of Savin meant the strengthening ngthening of character. With the money saved they were able to take advantage of opportunities as they arose. Resolve today to open a Savings Account in this Bank. THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Cnpitai - - ffi 9,700,000 Reserve Fund - - - 18,000,000 Resources - - - - 220,000,000 :+3 - F. H. GILROY Manager Brussels Branch New Advertisements For!sale—R. Horse pools., Form for sale—J, D, Miller, Piss for sale—W, Hollinger, Far sale—Atrn. Thos. Brown, Farm for mole—George Kerr, Piga for cola --J, P. McIntosh, Weekly store news—Jnmea Fox. Shoop for pale—Andrew $lmpnon, 1.o,'nw—Northern Rosiness College, Woks' LTp—Referondnm Committee. Farm for sale—Mrs. Wilson MoKtty. There's reason—Wingbam Business College, SIL C t1' ct '.ci Oranbrook A number from this community at. tended ser vice at Ethel last Sunday evening. Alin. \V, P, Bitty arrived house Saturday night after It visit of 2 weeks mound \Vieuipeg and other Western points. Jou, and Mrs. Go1eali1z and Fred. W. and 1lrs. Jeschke; motored to \Valluet to visit Mrs. 0. Nettble and tither r('Iaf Ives, cA. A, and Mrs. Naylor and children of Seeforth; spent the weak end at the home of Mrs, Naylor's parents; Chas, and Ales. Seel, We are sorry to hear that John Forrest has been on the sick list for several days but we hope he will soon be o. k. again. Lewis and Mrs. Whitfield; M iss Lena Noble and Lockhart Dane motored to Goderich feet week and enjoyed a days outing along the lake. Mrs, L. E. Bishey and children; of Webster city; Iowa; who have been visiting at the home of her parents: J'no. and Mrs. Hueter have returned lo ((Inc. Among those who took advantage of the excursion West Thursday wom- b] g were Mrs. Barry Smalidnn and son, Johnny; Oscar Gorsalilz and Har- vey Noble. Mrs. I'tank5"l i J t1' sten and children; of Strafford; who have been visiting her sister; Mrs, Ilarvey Bunter; have returned home. Mrs. Johnston's health is greatly iwproved we are glad to state having recently undergone. et serious operation. PBANKJNG SERVICE @' ICE This Bank is more than merely a safe place in which to deposit money; it is an institution whose purpose and policy is to assist in the wise direction of the financial and business interests of its customers. Those 'who make full use of the excep- tional facilities provided by this Bank extend the range of their business possibilities. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Walton Branch (.:.'t.'.Fle*+8L•^.'^"'^'-!'-•-"'^y�:a leee"SS-Si 'i '.TS D' J. M. I�cI�ILLGN, Acting Manager MUM= IIMMiBBISSIIIIMMMSMigM3 PIIIIIII inlliEEIiilllllllE!lilllnllllllinllliMllliEIMMIji0ljinjnnNIIIIIIIIMVIMImEjZVBionMInillnfiiiimiiiiff lliim 1g i ON NHNHN lII INIIN iNHNt III --O N White Canvas AND ALE_L Summer Seas. -s For Children, Ladles and Gents 11 fairs Women's Uonnola Kid Roots 9 Broken si't's. Regular $3,00, $3,59 and $4,00 Ur choice $2.25 d)I1I0111V1d11@fllGllj I;; ;11111 UQ I llll 1911e11'iie<1, 'I 11M11111111=2=111:11111010119110=10 !.i:'USSELS, Q.NT4RIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21; 1'9De Mies Anne ,urin(.1L; wen t:as visit- ing with tlY1 (1001V Mill ,(1(,1:.L 11. ;((Id MPH. 1111(1)90) 111 Galt; is brew, agein, Her , nu l5"; \\ 111 Ritchie, ramp burls with het rue a holiday. Knox Church is undergoing inter- nal llnpt'nyew ente with papering; painting, new pulpit, &e,; and will be much improved in appearneice when work is Completed. 00111 ad Rncldalz; wife and family, Dela nit; sllt'ul n temple rd' weeks wilh relatives awl ft'lendl; in anti a 10111 Cranbrook. 'They motored and merle gond 1140 (11' 0110 roil While 11e1'1': I(9 1l to pleasure 01 those n,lerrsteil In violting their kin, Belgrave Don't i'orget the leelnre Monday night in Knox eh oats by Ala,jor To1. mie; \Vindant', Miss Linda Clegg has removed 11011t the 6th line and taken up her reeidenee in Winghaln with Mist McKinnon on Shute), street, FARM SGLU.—John Clegg has cold his 50 acre farm; Lot 42; Cort. 7; East Wawanoeh; to Jaynes Van Camp for the sums of $8;500, He will get po8ses- sion on Ootobee 15. Mr. Van Camp will also take a good share of Mr, Olegg's crop; rbc, Aar, and Mrs, Clegg will purchase a home in one of the neighboring villages and take a rest from active farm lire. Ant0Net THE 'I'EAc11E100,—Nortnan Geddes has been engaged to teach in the village school for the corning year, '.Trustees are to be congratulated upon securing such a competent teacher.- 1(1iss Hinton] has been engaged in No 5, Morris; at an increave of $50 per an- num which speaks well for trustees and teacher.—Hiss Elizabeth Fergus - nn resumes her clutters on the High School staff at Gtirnshy at 1u, in- crease of $150 per annum, Ethel Lfvo Poultry wanted Monday of each week Phone k1o11's Store, 3. H. McLelland; who has been over- seas for past 8 years; arrived home Wednesday. He is welcome you may be sure. Next 'Sunday Rev, Mr. Burgess; Blnevale; will conduct services in the Methodist churches on Ethel circuit. The pastor will preach anniversary sermons at Johustou's church that day, Owing to the fact that Jno. McDon- ald has located in Edmonton \la's. Mc- Donald and family will remove to that city next week, We regret to part with such noble folk but it will be.Lrd- mouton's gain. Old Boys' Re -union last Tuesday was a splendid success 0.od attended by a great crowd who thoroughly enjoyed the day and night too. As time was too short to get report neatly for Wed- nesday it is held Over until our next issue. Hurrah for Ethel. REFERENDUM.—Grey township or- ganized for the coming Referendum contest with the following officiary :— President—P, A. MCAt't ul' ; let Vice —Mrs. M. J, Stetuulnn ; 2nd Vice— Robt. Barr ; Secretary—John Pear- son ; Treasure]'—Dr, Ferguson ; Com- mittee—R. J. Hoover, .1 011 0 Smillie, Geo, McTaggart, Miss Annie Menzies and ales, W. Bremner. Polling Pub - division chairmen and committees were also appointed, Grey should roll up a remaiog vote for the cause 5"f Pro- hibition. FINE SERVtCE,—Last Sunday even- ing in rouneeLiou with the old Boys' Reunion; a fine union service was held in the enclosed shed of the Presbyteri- an church which had been fitted up for the occasion. Despite the rain and the lowering clouds 90 great congrega- Nati nal Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H.; THE PRINCE OF WALES EXFHBI F1 N Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's Flying Circus Cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered German planes. L WHIPPET TANK CAP UREA T UB OAT Festival of Triumph The Mo,i S,irring of all Grand Stood Spectacle. The surrender of the German Flee SEEVersailles Castle—Victory Arch. Allenby's entry into Jersusslem, And a score of other extraordinary fephte, THE GRIOATFST 081001008 of ALL TIM46 40400404+1 *0004 4444•••••••04' w • • WAilliTEDI 4 • • • • • • 4 ••• i V • 4 4 e 4 • • 0 • FowI • 4 0 0 0 • 0 Every Moeda Morning lj Y •• • • • • • '2' 4 • Highest Prices paid for v all kinds delivered at • the Store. • '0 + • • • • H. L. Stewart • IIENFRYN 4 ••••O••••O••••••••••• 444o0 • • • tion assembled, Rev, Mr, O'Kell pre- sided and Rev, Mr, Beli; Molesworth, preached an able and appropriate discourse. A large union clinic led the praises and solos were well sung by Miss Verne Walker; Brussels, Rev, D. B. McRae; Kincardine; a former pastor; svae unable to be present. Mauy who intended being present did not come owing to threatening weath- er. MoncriefF Miss Mabel Hodges has been at Olin - ton visiting with her brother, Mervin Hodges is at Clinton help- ing Geo. Hodges with the harvest. Morris Last Sunday Rev. Mr, Burgess ex- changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Tate; of Bluevale; hence the latter preached at Johnston's and Browutown, Will. and Mrs. McDowell; of East Wawanoeh, and Bert and Mrs, Carter Sunshine; motored to Guelph for the week end and spent a pleasant time with relatives and friends. Grey Fon Seas,—The undersigned offers by priv- ate sale, at Lot 20, Oon. 0, Grey township, the following: -1 new lumbar wagon (2344 In. tiro), 1 cutter, 1 buggy, 1 new ohu,'n, 1 pnlp01', 1 est single harness, a horse blankets, 1 robe and a leather rug. For further particulars apply to Mii8. Taos, BROwa, Phone 0110, Township Council will meet at Ethel on Monday next, Miss11' Lat a Wheeler is hot.5". e flout Toronto for the holidays. Miss Gladys Hollenback, Stratford; is visiting her sister, airs, Robt. Day- idsco; and other relatives. The strayed heifer, belonging to Wm. Menarey, advertised in Tau: POST has been recovered by her owner, Plowing was rather tough work but somewhat improved by repent rains. Quite a number are getting P'nll wheat in the ground nevertheless, George McFarlane; who injured his right foot 6 six weeks ago; is still rnln- pelled 10 use crotches. Impl'nyeitlel(t is coaling gradually however we oto glad to hear, A11s, E, G, Macomber, llakersfleld; Oalirot'nia ; Mrs. Davis: (dannnogne ; Ml's. Davis; Goderich ; and Mrs, Robinson; Seaforth, w010 visitors with Balston and Mrs, Cardiff, Hugh and Mrs, Campbell and Calvin and Mrs. Campbell and Albert Camp- bell; all of Gaylord; Mich ; were here last week on a mato ing trip and rail- ed on relatives and hid friends, The family were originally residents of this township, By the fire, which was running of the 17th Oon., thr'nuglt bush and swamp, 8staeks of hay belonging to Archie i,IcLean were destroyed valued at $500, Men were nut fighting the onward Ill mobft o he flames, n $, 1V hila losses have to be reported good will accrue by the clearing up of the hitherto uncultivated 1(111d, During the past week Alexander therms uncle of Jon. Creme, 9111 Onn., has been renewing 0101 friendships in the community, I're teas a fnr0101' resident of Brussels, bar. Drente went West many years ago 40101 a he has done well. He was always intele ested in the grain bovines$ and speaks with anthol ity 0(1 the subject after his long and active experience, Orops are very gond in the locality of his home, alanitoba. Me. entree notes many changes and misses Many a familiar face. MRs. Wet, K1OAUTISR SIIMAC0lfEO,— After an illness of 8 weeks from typhoid fever; Isabella McDonald; be- loved wife of \Vm. Kreuter; passed away at Iter home in Hanover; Satur- day night abrut midnight; aged 45 yearn The remains were brought ht to the parental home rhes late James (4)101 Mrs.McDonald) , West ravel road from whence the funeral took place 'Tuesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr, Lundy; Walton; conducted the service. Deceased was united in mafl'lage to 'Wm, Kea:tite(' over 20 years ago and since then the family have lived et Brussels; Ethel; Toronto and 13anover, Ti nddilfon to her hnsband 8 sons and 2 daughters survive; the oldest sol being in the West. Mrs, Mcdtlalg; a sister of Mrs, Kreuter's, was with her when she died. The subject of this nntie0 was a fine woman whose many friends No Paper Next Wank FULLU\VING 1111)' 11011401 e1181, n TIM Pori staff 1\ill hike their annual hr,Iiday next week; benne 899(119911(1 (''9''! will In, the date of our next paper. \\"all 11(11) «"9' pnl('le)(to and advel 119, 1• ; lea -t• govern 111991119''Itk, no, I 1,5"41'. 01131e will be opal to a-' (1vr .lnh work and nal:scripuon.. will regret her 1 Iu1' titre 11:111 111 pathise with the (19-) 994901-11 in their sOi•r0W, Mrs. Kreuter wag slum l.5" the f(u 111 110(0) 5991119911 shr' 05(199 buried and was the oldest daughter of the home. Jamestown AuMensal yservices will be held in the Johnston chnrch next Sunday when Rev. Mr. O'Kell; Ethel, trill he the preacher. Walton Poultry wanted Tuesday of eanh week. Phone W. (3. Neal an to prices, dao, Rev. Mr, Lundy was honor last Sab- bath for the services in Duff's church, James and John McDonald and Mrs, \Vol. Aideadzeau; with \V, H. Maun0- ets as chauffeur; motored to Hrtunver last Sunday owing to the demise of Mrs, 'Wm. Krautee; sister to the filet three named, A couple of Krauter children came batik with them. Wroxoter Afro. Wilbur Lindsay; Ll'ydlnite,ha; le the guest of Mrs. Geo. Gibsnr,. Jae. Rae, Wm, Smith and ,1015. Sirnnlons left for the West last Ivec>k. W. C. Hazlewood had a sale of household effects Thursday afternoon, Charlotte and Jno. Leckie; Ilderton; are holidaying in and around the vil- lage. Mrs, Robert Hamilton has returned to Toronto after a few days visit in the village. Mills Hazlewood and family: Clif- ford; visited the former's brother, \V. C. Hazelwood; on Sunday. Barry Harding and family; Dur- ham; spent the week end with MSS ,l, Ritchie. They were former residents, Lieut,•Peter \JcEwen arrived home from overseas last week, after spend- ing over 3 years with the Imperial army. Wesley Palmer's new residence was struck by lightning during Monday morning's storm but no serious dam- age resulted. Rev. 0. W. McKenzie, a former pastor here and Mts. McKenzie, of Muncey; have been calling on old friends in this vicinity. The successful candidates from this school at the recent Lower School ex. aminations were Rhoda Henning; Bertha Smith; Jennie Earle; Hans Rasmussen and E. Welsher. MRS. J. BRETIIAAER DECEASED.— The people of tit!. commgniLy were greatly startled Thuesday morning by the sad news that Mrs. J, Brethauer had died suddenly of heart falluee, at the home of her adopted son; Jas, Brethauer; Ambrose; North Dakota; where she had gout 4 weeks ago to visit. She hall been in her 110110.1 good health when she left here which makes her death come as more of a shock to her many friends. Her maiden name was Glary Bremner; and her age 67 years. She was one of the old residents of the village; having come with her. husband; the late Jno. Brethauer from Waterloo 41 years ago. She had been ctnnlected with the Methodist church for many years; and leaves Many friends who deeply ('egret her death. Her kindly acts will long be remembered. She issur- vived by her adopted son; Jas. 13ret11- aner; who with his wife accompanied the body here, Mr. Brethauer died in April 1918; and an adopted daughter; Mae; 8 years ago. The remains Were interred in the Wroxeter cemetery Tuesday aftetemol, Rev, Me, Stride officiating. "Dick" Roche, a Well Known Norseman, Dies at Winnipeg A Former Brusselite. The 'Winnipeg Telegram; of Tuesday August 121(1; in refer)ing to the death of Richard 'Roche; a former well known resident of 131 ussels, speaks its follows 1—"RichardRoche; Winnipeg's veteran horseman; and a men famn08 all over the harness racing world; is dead. Mr. Roche died at the general hospital last night after an illness which has extended twee a period of nearly a year! but did not become seri. ons until June. He was 64 years of age. Dick" Roche was at one time one of the foremost drivers in Amor ice and his -ability to pilot trotters and p0.eees past the winning post in front led to hie engagement to drive horses in all parts of the world. He was one of the first outside drivers to compete in tacos in Russia and his work there at- tracted the attention of gonia of the bighorset, t ' wt ata of Austria sat 1a ,I�' and It e later (1(1 di'o t derive mal 'i w1 mors ' 15" the O'ace8 of that country. He also took part In races in Germany, 170ance and Great Britain. Wi nnipeg horsemen probably know hila better as a vane official, He has, been prominent Isere in the Judge's box for the tact fifteen years or mote. He was the starter Inc the first races of the Western (ltt11ada ratting eil'OOit, As a driver and as an °fista] he main- tained a wonderful record foe straight forwardness. He was never' eautieme01 111 a rime for foul driving and when he became an official he expected the drivers to maintain a like reooed, He W. H. KERR, Prof riekr 4.4,,,;(1.49.11,4M004'4 9 *9405"0044 There's of Reason i11016 A earS cte604444••6••444••••••••4* PI, vet) years ago the Spot ton Has. n rellege. Niugh,m. Ontatio, was beveled by Mr. Geo Spotton, who has c, )H(in)ts:19 presided r 999! its (testi' y ioh,r:"' :net "(11.,9,9 'h, in , [19. 891 ''rup(.tnot , rid' Cr1 ,d 1,1.a 9-1 e;,tvbil.,h:ng a 'ou,nr l sal Jhar,V ,n a vllt,ge" bks t4u>,a e. um:eve', MI ..porton lived long t'1)00e,11 to '.00(1.91 tWClvr- cli �tel " t n ti, t t t,t (. t (Ali ,11(1 .!tarok the l i i forty yeal4 ,n the cities awl towns of Ontario this 1' the largest chain of colleges ever controlled by one man iu Cauada There are many reasons for this pin nohnenal grow,.h that cannot be given in this space. but, winch Nal he sent to young people choosing a school. Three years ago there were fourteen business colleges in the city of 'Toronto, when Mr Spettou founded his Cauada Business College in teat city, and in less than one year his 0111001 stood second in point of atteudauce The only reason that cqu be given for this record was the efficiency of thousands of graduates, who were holding the best positions in the cite, sod demand of business men for "Spoltou Graduates." Toronto people cannot be fooled by "false" ad- vertising and "slippery travelling agents who "sign" 0p" unsuspecting parents. Almost all of the teachers in these neighboring counties, who take com- mercial courses, demand the "Spottoo training," They know how to cxamiue real merits of a sc'ho.1. 'tar. Arthur ti, 8potton, who has just returned from four y(':5"'1 t:rl\',1'.1 iu Frauce, will he closely associated with this school. He has had ten years teaching exl•erience and before enlist- ing was in charge of a large industrial office in Winnipeg, hence students will havetbe advantage of his ripe scholar- ship, wide experience. extensive travel, and business organization, Many young people who cannot at- tend now are taking advantage of the Home Study Department and at any time have the privilege of attending Colleges 1(1 Wiogham, Hanover, Or- angeville, Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Hamilton, Welland, Oshawa, etc, Investigate by sending a post -card be- fore "investing' and avoid "regretting" as some have done, was 1101 slow 111 spotting any evidence of crooked work i11 the racing game and by vigorous action soon convinced all that it would not be tolerated as long as he was presiding in the judge's box, Although a strict official Dick al- ways wade friends, He was known and respected by every horseman in America, Members of the Winnipeg Driving club beaded by their presi- dent, Alex Stewart, paid high tributes to his worth this morning and his death is regretted by all, "Wally" Roche, manager of the Catholic club baseball team, is a son of the late Mr. Roche, as is also Frank Roche, who was also prominent in local baseball circles," Mr. and Mrs. Roche and family liv- ed in Brussels for several years and what is said of deceased was proven true. Mise Mary Roche and the late Miss Mabel Haycroft were also associ- ted together in the millinery business in town. Th e many old friends of the family around here tender sympathy to the bereaved in their time of sorrow, Death of Dr. Ra J. Whitfield The Fort Scott (Kansas) Tribune, of August 14th, speaks of the late Dr. R. ,L Whitfield, formerly or this lo- calily, who died on the 18th lust„ as folls iow)', Robert J. 'Whitfield; prominent in prot'essionai and 9.laeonis circles; a resident of Fort Scott since 1891; pas- sed away tot his home; 328 West Wall street at 228 Is 011, yesterday; follow- ing a protracted illness due to compli- cation following an abscess of the in- ner ear, Pneumonia developed sever- al weeks ago; shies when his case has been critical and little hope entertain. ed for his recovery, Dr, Wlrilfield was a than of fine physique and robust constitution 011- til five years ago; when he suffered an attack of typhoid fever. Since then he has rallied after several severe illness- es. He was last able to be at his of- fice in the Masonic temple on May 9, He is survived by a devoted wife; Mrs. Estelle Whitfield; two brothers and two sisters; viz, : William Whitfield of Gerrie; 0111.; Oana0A; who was at his brother's bedside a month ago : Joseph, of Brussels; Canada ; Mrs. Charlotte Thompson; Henfryn; Can- ada ; and Mrs, Lizzie Fraser; Brussels; Ont, The sisters attended the Puttee - al. Robert J. Whitfield was born 12th Con,; Grey township; his father being the late Jno. Whitfield; an old and well known resident of that locality, on tray 25th; 1862; and was 67 years old his last birthday. Hew was as.1 m ober of the 11 Rislg Son lodge; A. 11, and A, M. Royal Arch Chapter and the Scottish Rite Con- sistory; Valley of Fort Scott; having had the thirty-third degree; honorary; conferred upon 3(100 25; 1914, He held the highest stations in the stati- ons bodies; including Master or Kud- oslt, He also served as worthy patron of Olive (lilaptet' No. 13; O. E. S. 'ftlle passing of Dr, Whitfield is a distinctloss a,v t0 the community; willllty; as. 110 VMS a mall of high character; possess- ing those traits of loyalty to friends; integrity and benevolence; ever ready to render service to those In need; and consideration for others; that marks ply FOR SALE AT C. Hoare's orchard "north of (Clinton 1 mile, beginning lath of August. Bring your baskets.. Ii.>:a ouahlr- prlr:ee. COME EARLY ! the gond man. He was quiet and un- assuming: adverse to show. He was united in marriage to Miss Estelle Hafer; June 2; 1909. In boy- hood he joined the Methodist church. The funeral was held from the family home Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The Blue Lodge Masons were in charge of the services at the grave. The active paIlbearet's were the doc- tors of the city: and rhe honorary pallbearers were selected from the thirty-third degree Masons. Inter- ment took place in Evergreen ceme- tery, Mrs. Whitfield's sister; Mrs. W, R. Patton of Oakland; Cal.; was also here. t1 People We Talk About ft $$ tt Mrs. Russel B. Cocbrane, Mooseiew, is the guess of Miss Isabel Strachan, Fret and Mrs. Kitchen, Wroxater, were visitors in town with relatives. Kenneth and Mac, Ferguson are hole. daying at Kitchener at Dr, Lackner's. Miss Baillie, Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mrs, A, Bryans, Queen street. Miss Wilma Galbraith is home from a holiday with her grandparents in Tor- Mrs. Ben, Snider and family may remove to London where Mr. Snider has a position. Miss Serve Bryans bas returned from a holiday visit with friends at Brantford and London, S. McCall, Toronto, was here on a visit with relatives and friends in Brus- sels and Morris, Miss Verne Walker, of town, sang two solos at the union service at Ethel last Sunday evening. Miss Mary McNaughton is enjoying a holiday with her sister, Mrs. Parker Foster, at Kincardine. G, M, Colquhoun is here to relieve F. H, Gilroy, of Bank of Nova Scotia,:who leaves this week for his vacation. Miss Janie Howe, Wroxeter, who was oheperated on for appendicitis, is making favorable progress, we are pleased to ar, J. H. and Mrs, Hewitt, Miss Rhoda and W. Mitchell motored to Hamilton and spent a few days with relatives and friends, Miss Tate, who underwent en opera- tion forappendicitis about a month ago is now able to be about and is regaining her strength. Elmer and Miss Cela Beacom, Toron- to, are visitors with their aunt and cousins, Mrs. Geo. Sperling and family. Church street, Jno, and bars, Ferguson and children are enjoying the lake breezes in Kincer- diue at the bottle of Rev. D. B. and Mrs. McRae, Mrs, Ferguson's parents.. Miss Margaret Perrie has been en- gaged to teach a school in Wallace township, 4 miles from Listowel, at a salary of See°. She will no doubt fill the dill. Tracey and Mrs. Pardon and son, De- troit ; Miss Goodfellow, Toronto ; and A. F. Gallaher, Wroxeter, were visitors with the Bryn ns families Thursday of last week. H. L. Jackson spent the week end in Kincardine with his brother, Charles and wife. We are sorry to hear that our former townsman is not in good health but we hope for improvement. Mrs. R. N. Barrett, of Brandon, Mani- oba Is renewing old friendships in town, She is a sister to Mrs, J. D. Warwick, Miss Millie and W. A, Grewar, of town, and was a former Brusselite for years. Mrs. W. P. Fraser, of town and her ister Mrs. Thompson, Henfrvn, went to Fort Scott, Kansas, last week to attend he funeral of Dr. R. J Whitfield, a renter, whose demise is deeply regret - t0(1, Frank and Mrs. Davidson and ehild- en and Mrs. David Davidson, of Fiiut, Mich , are visitiug relatives in Brussels nd Grey. D. Ewalt also accompanied he party, after his holiday with the Michiganders. Among relatives from a distance at - ending the funeral of Mrs. Bailey were cell and Mrs. Thompson, Toronto ; enj, Bailey, Niagara Falls ; Albert Riley. Georgetown ; jos, Hood, tewardtown ; and Mrs. Hill, CHutolt, Misses Florence and Ruth Malcolm, f Galt, wyo have been holidaying in russelsllind' Morris for the past month,. owned borne on Tuesday. They were commented by Miss Edna McCall, of wn, who will make a visit for a weak r so. T. 'W. and Mrs, McFarland, London, re here on a vacation of a few weeks at e 1101110 of J. T. and Mrs. Wood, The dies are sisters. Mr. McFarland i8 a usy man being manager c r of the 5ve11 now Perrin biscuit and candy menu- ctnring business, Dr. Jos, M, Moors was in town over unday, He received his discharge om the Military Authorities after a few ars close Attention and has re -opened s office in Listowel. Ela enjoyed his ork among the soldiers although the ng rail tripe Were often wearisome, Mr. and Mrs. Frances sauctE Aril St. Y. outs aq(i Misses Clegg. and Graham, so Mr, and Mrs. Clegg, Pontiac, visit - at the home of Geo, E. and ll this week and took in the (1.0 un s.ou Ethel as an opportunity of mooting a tabor of relatives, s b a C B 13 S 0 B A to 0 a ill la b k to s tr Ui w le L al ed Ca At Walton Branch (.:.'t.'.Fle*+8L•^.'^"'^'-!'-•-"'^y�:a leee"SS-Si 'i '.TS D' J. M. I�cI�ILLGN, Acting Manager MUM= IIMMiBBISSIIIIMMMSMigM3 PIIIIIII inlliEEIiilllllllE!lilllnllllllinllliMllliEIMMIji0ljinjnnNIIIIIIIIMVIMImEjZVBionMInillnfiiiimiiiiff lliim 1g i ON NHNHN lII INIIN iNHNt III --O N White Canvas AND ALE_L Summer Seas. -s For Children, Ladles and Gents 11 fairs Women's Uonnola Kid Roots 9 Broken si't's. Regular $3,00, $3,59 and $4,00 Ur choice $2.25 d)I1I0111V1d11@fllGllj I;; ;11111 UQ I llll 1911e11'iie<1, 'I 11M11111111=2=111:11111010119110=10 !.i:'USSELS, Q.NT4RIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21; 1'9De Mies Anne ,urin(.1L; wen t:as visit- ing with tlY1 (1001V Mill ,(1(,1:.L 11. ;((Id MPH. 1111(1)90) 111 Galt; is brew, agein, Her , nu l5"; \\ 111 Ritchie, ramp burls with het rue a holiday. Knox Church is undergoing inter- nal llnpt'nyew ente with papering; painting, new pulpit, &e,; and will be much improved in appearneice when work is Completed. 00111 ad Rncldalz; wife and family, Dela nit; sllt'ul n temple rd' weeks wilh relatives awl ft'lendl; in anti a 10111 Cranbrook. 'They motored and merle gond 1140 (11' 0110 roil While 11e1'1': I(9 1l to pleasure 01 those n,lerrsteil In violting their kin, Belgrave Don't i'orget the leelnre Monday night in Knox eh oats by Ala,jor To1. mie; \Vindant', Miss Linda Clegg has removed 11011t the 6th line and taken up her reeidenee in Winghaln with Mist McKinnon on Shute), street, FARM SGLU.—John Clegg has cold his 50 acre farm; Lot 42; Cort. 7; East Wawanoeh; to Jaynes Van Camp for the sums of $8;500, He will get po8ses- sion on Ootobee 15. Mr. Van Camp will also take a good share of Mr, Olegg's crop; rbc, Aar, and Mrs, Clegg will purchase a home in one of the neighboring villages and take a rest from active farm lire. Ant0Net THE 'I'EAc11E100,—Nortnan Geddes has been engaged to teach in the village school for the corning year, '.Trustees are to be congratulated upon securing such a competent teacher.- 1(1iss Hinton] has been engaged in No 5, Morris; at an increave of $50 per an- num which speaks well for trustees and teacher.—Hiss Elizabeth Fergus - nn resumes her clutters on the High School staff at Gtirnshy at 1u, in- crease of $150 per annum, Ethel Lfvo Poultry wanted Monday of each week Phone k1o11's Store, 3. H. McLelland; who has been over- seas for past 8 years; arrived home Wednesday. He is welcome you may be sure. Next 'Sunday Rev, Mr. Burgess; Blnevale; will conduct services in the Methodist churches on Ethel circuit. The pastor will preach anniversary sermons at Johustou's church that day, Owing to the fact that Jno. McDon- ald has located in Edmonton \la's. Mc- Donald and family will remove to that city next week, We regret to part with such noble folk but it will be.Lrd- mouton's gain. Old Boys' Re -union last Tuesday was a splendid success 0.od attended by a great crowd who thoroughly enjoyed the day and night too. As time was too short to get report neatly for Wed- nesday it is held Over until our next issue. Hurrah for Ethel. REFERENDUM.—Grey township or- ganized for the coming Referendum contest with the following officiary :— President—P, A. MCAt't ul' ; let Vice —Mrs. M. J, Stetuulnn ; 2nd Vice— Robt. Barr ; Secretary—John Pear- son ; Treasure]'—Dr, Ferguson ; Com- mittee—R. J. Hoover, .1 011 0 Smillie, Geo, McTaggart, Miss Annie Menzies and ales, W. Bremner. Polling Pub - division chairmen and committees were also appointed, Grey should roll up a remaiog vote for the cause 5"f Pro- hibition. FINE SERVtCE,—Last Sunday even- ing in rouneeLiou with the old Boys' Reunion; a fine union service was held in the enclosed shed of the Presbyteri- an church which had been fitted up for the occasion. Despite the rain and the lowering clouds 90 great congrega- Nati nal Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H.; THE PRINCE OF WALES EXFHBI F1 N Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's Flying Circus Cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered German planes. L WHIPPET TANK CAP UREA T UB OAT Festival of Triumph The Mo,i S,irring of all Grand Stood Spectacle. The surrender of the German Flee SEEVersailles Castle—Victory Arch. Allenby's entry into Jersusslem, And a score of other extraordinary fephte, THE GRIOATFST 081001008 of ALL TIM46 40400404+1 *0004 4444•••••••04' w • • WAilliTEDI 4 • • • • • • 4 ••• i V • 4 4 e 4 • • 0 • FowI • 4 0 0 0 • 0 Every Moeda Morning lj Y •• • • • • • '2' 4 • Highest Prices paid for v all kinds delivered at • the Store. • '0 + • • • • H. L. Stewart • IIENFRYN 4 ••••O••••O••••••••••• 444o0 • • • tion assembled, Rev, Mr, O'Kell pre- sided and Rev, Mr, Beli; Molesworth, preached an able and appropriate discourse. A large union clinic led the praises and solos were well sung by Miss Verne Walker; Brussels, Rev, D. B. McRae; Kincardine; a former pastor; svae unable to be present. Mauy who intended being present did not come owing to threatening weath- er. MoncriefF Miss Mabel Hodges has been at Olin - ton visiting with her brother, Mervin Hodges is at Clinton help- ing Geo. Hodges with the harvest. Morris Last Sunday Rev. Mr, Burgess ex- changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Tate; of Bluevale; hence the latter preached at Johnston's and Browutown, Will. and Mrs. McDowell; of East Wawanoeh, and Bert and Mrs, Carter Sunshine; motored to Guelph for the week end and spent a pleasant time with relatives and friends. Grey Fon Seas,—The undersigned offers by priv- ate sale, at Lot 20, Oon. 0, Grey township, the following: -1 new lumbar wagon (2344 In. tiro), 1 cutter, 1 buggy, 1 new ohu,'n, 1 pnlp01', 1 est single harness, a horse blankets, 1 robe and a leather rug. For further particulars apply to Mii8. Taos, BROwa, Phone 0110, Township Council will meet at Ethel on Monday next, Miss11' Lat a Wheeler is hot.5". e flout Toronto for the holidays. Miss Gladys Hollenback, Stratford; is visiting her sister, airs, Robt. Day- idsco; and other relatives. The strayed heifer, belonging to Wm. Menarey, advertised in Tau: POST has been recovered by her owner, Plowing was rather tough work but somewhat improved by repent rains. Quite a number are getting P'nll wheat in the ground nevertheless, George McFarlane; who injured his right foot 6 six weeks ago; is still rnln- pelled 10 use crotches. Impl'nyeitlel(t is coaling gradually however we oto glad to hear, A11s, E, G, Macomber, llakersfleld; Oalirot'nia ; Mrs. Davis: (dannnogne ; Ml's. Davis; Goderich ; and Mrs, Robinson; Seaforth, w010 visitors with Balston and Mrs, Cardiff, Hugh and Mrs, Campbell and Calvin and Mrs. Campbell and Albert Camp- bell; all of Gaylord; Mich ; were here last week on a mato ing trip and rail- ed on relatives and hid friends, The family were originally residents of this township, By the fire, which was running of the 17th Oon., thr'nuglt bush and swamp, 8staeks of hay belonging to Archie i,IcLean were destroyed valued at $500, Men were nut fighting the onward Ill mobft o he flames, n $, 1V hila losses have to be reported good will accrue by the clearing up of the hitherto uncultivated 1(111d, During the past week Alexander therms uncle of Jon. Creme, 9111 Onn., has been renewing 0101 friendships in the community, I're teas a fnr0101' resident of Brussels, bar. Drente went West many years ago 40101 a he has done well. He was always intele ested in the grain bovines$ and speaks with anthol ity 0(1 the subject after his long and active experience, Orops are very gond in the locality of his home, alanitoba. Me. entree notes many changes and misses Many a familiar face. MRs. Wet, K1OAUTISR SIIMAC0lfEO,— After an illness of 8 weeks from typhoid fever; Isabella McDonald; be- loved wife of \Vm. Kreuter; passed away at Iter home in Hanover; Satur- day night abrut midnight; aged 45 yearn The remains were brought ht to the parental home rhes late James (4)101 Mrs.McDonald) , West ravel road from whence the funeral took place 'Tuesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr, Lundy; Walton; conducted the service. Deceased was united in mafl'lage to 'Wm, Kea:tite(' over 20 years ago and since then the family have lived et Brussels; Ethel; Toronto and 13anover, Ti nddilfon to her hnsband 8 sons and 2 daughters survive; the oldest sol being in the West. Mrs, Mcdtlalg; a sister of Mrs, Kreuter's, was with her when she died. The subject of this nntie0 was a fine woman whose many friends No Paper Next Wank FULLU\VING 1111)' 11011401 e1181, n TIM Pori staff 1\ill hike their annual hr,Iiday next week; benne 899(119911(1 (''9''! will In, the date of our next paper. \\"all 11(11) «"9' pnl('le)(to and advel 119, 1• ; lea -t• govern 111991119''Itk, no, I 1,5"41'. 01131e will be opal to a-' (1vr .lnh work and nal:scripuon.. will regret her 1 Iu1' titre 11:111 111 pathise with the (19-) 994901-11 in their sOi•r0W, Mrs. Kreuter wag slum l.5" the f(u 111 110(0) 5991119911 shr' 05(199 buried and was the oldest daughter of the home. Jamestown AuMensal yservices will be held in the Johnston chnrch next Sunday when Rev. Mr. O'Kell; Ethel, trill he the preacher. Walton Poultry wanted Tuesday of eanh week. Phone W. (3. Neal an to prices, dao, Rev. Mr, Lundy was honor last Sab- bath for the services in Duff's church, James and John McDonald and Mrs, \Vol. Aideadzeau; with \V, H. Maun0- ets as chauffeur; motored to Hrtunver last Sunday owing to the demise of Mrs, 'Wm. Krautee; sister to the filet three named, A couple of Krauter children came batik with them. Wroxoter Afro. Wilbur Lindsay; Ll'ydlnite,ha; le the guest of Mrs. Geo. Gibsnr,. Jae. Rae, Wm, Smith and ,1015. Sirnnlons left for the West last Ivec>k. W. C. Hazlewood had a sale of household effects Thursday afternoon, Charlotte and Jno. Leckie; Ilderton; are holidaying in and around the vil- lage. Mrs, Robert Hamilton has returned to Toronto after a few days visit in the village. Mills Hazlewood and family: Clif- ford; visited the former's brother, \V. C. Hazelwood; on Sunday. Barry Harding and family; Dur- ham; spent the week end with MSS ,l, Ritchie. They were former residents, Lieut,•Peter \JcEwen arrived home from overseas last week, after spend- ing over 3 years with the Imperial army. Wesley Palmer's new residence was struck by lightning during Monday morning's storm but no serious dam- age resulted. Rev. 0. W. McKenzie, a former pastor here and Mts. McKenzie, of Muncey; have been calling on old friends in this vicinity. The successful candidates from this school at the recent Lower School ex. aminations were Rhoda Henning; Bertha Smith; Jennie Earle; Hans Rasmussen and E. Welsher. MRS. J. BRETIIAAER DECEASED.— The people of tit!. commgniLy were greatly startled Thuesday morning by the sad news that Mrs. J, Brethauer had died suddenly of heart falluee, at the home of her adopted son; Jas, Brethauer; Ambrose; North Dakota; where she had gout 4 weeks ago to visit. She hall been in her 110110.1 good health when she left here which makes her death come as more of a shock to her many friends. Her maiden name was Glary Bremner; and her age 67 years. She was one of the old residents of the village; having come with her. husband; the late Jno. Brethauer from Waterloo 41 years ago. She had been ctnnlected with the Methodist church for many years; and leaves Many friends who deeply ('egret her death. Her kindly acts will long be remembered. She issur- vived by her adopted son; Jas. 13ret11- aner; who with his wife accompanied the body here, Mr. Brethauer died in April 1918; and an adopted daughter; Mae; 8 years ago. The remains Were interred in the Wroxeter cemetery Tuesday aftetemol, Rev, Me, Stride officiating. "Dick" Roche, a Well Known Norseman, Dies at Winnipeg A Former Brusselite. The 'Winnipeg Telegram; of Tuesday August 121(1; in refer)ing to the death of Richard 'Roche; a former well known resident of 131 ussels, speaks its follows 1—"RichardRoche; Winnipeg's veteran horseman; and a men famn08 all over the harness racing world; is dead. Mr. Roche died at the general hospital last night after an illness which has extended twee a period of nearly a year! but did not become seri. ons until June. He was 64 years of age. Dick" Roche was at one time one of the foremost drivers in Amor ice and his -ability to pilot trotters and p0.eees past the winning post in front led to hie engagement to drive horses in all parts of the world. He was one of the first outside drivers to compete in tacos in Russia and his work there at- tracted the attention of gonia of the bighorset, t ' wt ata of Austria sat 1a ,I�' and It e later (1(1 di'o t derive mal 'i w1 mors ' 15" the O'ace8 of that country. He also took part In races in Germany, 170ance and Great Britain. Wi nnipeg horsemen probably know hila better as a vane official, He has, been prominent Isere in the Judge's box for the tact fifteen years or mote. He was the starter Inc the first races of the Western (ltt11ada ratting eil'OOit, As a driver and as an °fista] he main- tained a wonderful record foe straight forwardness. He was never' eautieme01 111 a rime for foul driving and when he became an official he expected the drivers to maintain a like reooed, He W. H. KERR, Prof riekr 4.4,,,;(1.49.11,4M004'4 9 *9405"0044 There's of Reason i11016 A earS cte604444••6••444••••••••4* PI, vet) years ago the Spot ton Has. n rellege. Niugh,m. Ontatio, was beveled by Mr. Geo Spotton, who has c, )H(in)ts:19 presided r 999! its (testi' y ioh,r:"' :net "(11.,9,9 'h, in , [19. 891 ''rup(.tnot , rid' Cr1 ,d 1,1.a 9-1 e;,tvbil.,h:ng a 'ou,nr l sal Jhar,V ,n a vllt,ge" bks t4u>,a e. um:eve', MI ..porton lived long t'1)00e,11 to '.00(1.91 tWClvr- cli �tel " t n ti, t t t,t (. t (Ali ,11(1 .!tarok the l i i forty yeal4 ,n the cities awl towns of Ontario this 1' the largest chain of colleges ever controlled by one man iu Cauada There are many reasons for this pin nohnenal grow,.h that cannot be given in this space. but, winch Nal he sent to young people choosing a school. Three years ago there were fourteen business colleges in the city of 'Toronto, when Mr Spettou founded his Cauada Business College in teat city, and in less than one year his 0111001 stood second in point of atteudauce The only reason that cqu be given for this record was the efficiency of thousands of graduates, who were holding the best positions in the cite, sod demand of business men for "Spoltou Graduates." Toronto people cannot be fooled by "false" ad- vertising and "slippery travelling agents who "sign" 0p" unsuspecting parents. Almost all of the teachers in these neighboring counties, who take com- mercial courses, demand the "Spottoo training," They know how to cxamiue real merits of a sc'ho.1. 'tar. Arthur ti, 8potton, who has just returned from four y(':5"'1 t:rl\',1'.1 iu Frauce, will he closely associated with this school. He has had ten years teaching exl•erience and before enlist- ing was in charge of a large industrial office in Winnipeg, hence students will havetbe advantage of his ripe scholar- ship, wide experience. extensive travel, and business organization, Many young people who cannot at- tend now are taking advantage of the Home Study Department and at any time have the privilege of attending Colleges 1(1 Wiogham, Hanover, Or- angeville, Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Hamilton, Welland, Oshawa, etc, Investigate by sending a post -card be- fore "investing' and avoid "regretting" as some have done, was 1101 slow 111 spotting any evidence of crooked work i11 the racing game and by vigorous action soon convinced all that it would not be tolerated as long as he was presiding in the judge's box, Although a strict official Dick al- ways wade friends, He was known and respected by every horseman in America, Members of the Winnipeg Driving club beaded by their presi- dent, Alex Stewart, paid high tributes to his worth this morning and his death is regretted by all, "Wally" Roche, manager of the Catholic club baseball team, is a son of the late Mr. Roche, as is also Frank Roche, who was also prominent in local baseball circles," Mr. and Mrs. Roche and family liv- ed in Brussels for several years and what is said of deceased was proven true. Mise Mary Roche and the late Miss Mabel Haycroft were also associ- ted together in the millinery business in town. Th e many old friends of the family around here tender sympathy to the bereaved in their time of sorrow, Death of Dr. Ra J. Whitfield The Fort Scott (Kansas) Tribune, of August 14th, speaks of the late Dr. R. ,L Whitfield, formerly or this lo- calily, who died on the 18th lust„ as folls iow)', Robert J. 'Whitfield; prominent in prot'essionai and 9.laeonis circles; a resident of Fort Scott since 1891; pas- sed away tot his home; 328 West Wall street at 228 Is 011, yesterday; follow- ing a protracted illness due to compli- cation following an abscess of the in- ner ear, Pneumonia developed sever- al weeks ago; shies when his case has been critical and little hope entertain. ed for his recovery, Dr, Wlrilfield was a than of fine physique and robust constitution 011- til five years ago; when he suffered an attack of typhoid fever. Since then he has rallied after several severe illness- es. He was last able to be at his of- fice in the Masonic temple on May 9, He is survived by a devoted wife; Mrs. Estelle Whitfield; two brothers and two sisters; viz, : William Whitfield of Gerrie; 0111.; Oana0A; who was at his brother's bedside a month ago : Joseph, of Brussels; Canada ; Mrs. Charlotte Thompson; Henfryn; Can- ada ; and Mrs, Lizzie Fraser; Brussels; Ont, The sisters attended the Puttee - al. Robert J. Whitfield was born 12th Con,; Grey township; his father being the late Jno. Whitfield; an old and well known resident of that locality, on tray 25th; 1862; and was 67 years old his last birthday. Hew was as.1 m ober of the 11 Rislg Son lodge; A. 11, and A, M. Royal Arch Chapter and the Scottish Rite Con- sistory; Valley of Fort Scott; having had the thirty-third degree; honorary; conferred upon 3(100 25; 1914, He held the highest stations in the stati- ons bodies; including Master or Kud- oslt, He also served as worthy patron of Olive (lilaptet' No. 13; O. E. S. 'ftlle passing of Dr, Whitfield is a distinctloss a,v t0 the community; willllty; as. 110 VMS a mall of high character; possess- ing those traits of loyalty to friends; integrity and benevolence; ever ready to render service to those In need; and consideration for others; that marks ply FOR SALE AT C. Hoare's orchard "north of (Clinton 1 mile, beginning lath of August. Bring your baskets.. Ii.>:a ouahlr- prlr:ee. COME EARLY ! the gond man. He was quiet and un- assuming: adverse to show. He was united in marriage to Miss Estelle Hafer; June 2; 1909. In boy- hood he joined the Methodist church. The funeral was held from the family home Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The Blue Lodge Masons were in charge of the services at the grave. The active paIlbearet's were the doc- tors of the city: and rhe honorary pallbearers were selected from the thirty-third degree Masons. Inter- ment took place in Evergreen ceme- tery, Mrs. Whitfield's sister; Mrs. W, R. Patton of Oakland; Cal.; was also here. t1 People We Talk About ft $$ tt Mrs. Russel B. Cocbrane, Mooseiew, is the guess of Miss Isabel Strachan, Fret and Mrs. Kitchen, Wroxater, were visitors in town with relatives. Kenneth and Mac, Ferguson are hole. daying at Kitchener at Dr, Lackner's. Miss Baillie, Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mrs, A, Bryans, Queen street. Miss Wilma Galbraith is home from a holiday with her grandparents in Tor- Mrs. Ben, Snider and family may remove to London where Mr. Snider has a position. Miss Serve Bryans bas returned from a holiday visit with friends at Brantford and London, S. McCall, Toronto, was here on a visit with relatives and friends in Brus- sels and Morris, Miss Verne Walker, of town, sang two solos at the union service at Ethel last Sunday evening. Miss Mary McNaughton is enjoying a holiday with her sister, Mrs. Parker Foster, at Kincardine. G, M, Colquhoun is here to relieve F. H, Gilroy, of Bank of Nova Scotia,:who leaves this week for his vacation. Miss Janie Howe, Wroxeter, who was oheperated on for appendicitis, is making favorable progress, we are pleased to ar, J. H. and Mrs, Hewitt, Miss Rhoda and W. Mitchell motored to Hamilton and spent a few days with relatives and friends, Miss Tate, who underwent en opera- tion forappendicitis about a month ago is now able to be about and is regaining her strength. Elmer and Miss Cela Beacom, Toron- to, are visitors with their aunt and cousins, Mrs. Geo. Sperling and family. Church street, Jno, and bars, Ferguson and children are enjoying the lake breezes in Kincer- diue at the bottle of Rev. D. B. and Mrs. McRae, Mrs, Ferguson's parents.. Miss Margaret Perrie has been en- gaged to teach a school in Wallace township, 4 miles from Listowel, at a salary of See°. She will no doubt fill the dill. Tracey and Mrs. Pardon and son, De- troit ; Miss Goodfellow, Toronto ; and A. F. Gallaher, Wroxeter, were visitors with the Bryn ns families Thursday of last week. H. L. Jackson spent the week end in Kincardine with his brother, Charles and wife. We are sorry to hear that our former townsman is not in good health but we hope for improvement. Mrs. R. N. Barrett, of Brandon, Mani- oba Is renewing old friendships in town, She is a sister to Mrs, J. D. Warwick, Miss Millie and W. A, Grewar, of town, and was a former Brusselite for years. Mrs. W. P. Fraser, of town and her ister Mrs. Thompson, Henfrvn, went to Fort Scott, Kansas, last week to attend he funeral of Dr. R. J Whitfield, a renter, whose demise is deeply regret - t0(1, Frank and Mrs. Davidson and ehild- en and Mrs. David Davidson, of Fiiut, Mich , are visitiug relatives in Brussels nd Grey. D. Ewalt also accompanied he party, after his holiday with the Michiganders. Among relatives from a distance at - ending the funeral of Mrs. Bailey were cell and Mrs. Thompson, Toronto ; enj, Bailey, Niagara Falls ; Albert Riley. Georgetown ; jos, Hood, tewardtown ; and Mrs. Hill, CHutolt, Misses Florence and Ruth Malcolm, f Galt, wyo have been holidaying in russelsllind' Morris for the past month,. owned borne on Tuesday. They were commented by Miss Edna McCall, of wn, who will make a visit for a weak r so. T. 'W. and Mrs, McFarland, London, re here on a vacation of a few weeks at e 1101110 of J. T. and Mrs. Wood, The dies are sisters. Mr. McFarland i8 a usy man being manager c r of the 5ve11 now Perrin biscuit and candy menu- ctnring business, Dr. Jos, M, Moors was in town over unday, He received his discharge om the Military Authorities after a few ars close Attention and has re -opened s office in Listowel. Ela enjoyed his ork among the soldiers although the ng rail tripe Were often wearisome, Mr. and Mrs. Frances sauctE Aril St. Y. outs aq(i Misses Clegg. and Graham, so Mr, and Mrs. Clegg, Pontiac, visit - at the home of Geo, E. and ll this week and took in the (1.0 un s.ou Ethel as an opportunity of mooting a tabor of relatives, s b a C B 13 S 0 B A to 0 a ill la b k to s tr Ui w le L al ed Ca At