HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-14, Page 8, .
e ere' eeee 'ee""eeeieteetef„.teee
Meta Mettle leoefe. le fruit tee
:el,044+0400)24,4e44$41 'eeeteeW 444eieesetese4eleeele044344444,*efe ee,
Drug Store
High Grade
Pickling time it; here. Pick
what ems need in the way of
Pure Spices from thie133.1
Mustard Seed
Keenec Mustard
Curry Powder
Celery Seed
Ginger Root
Cinnamon Bark
Powdered Cinnamon
Whole and Greene Cloves
" Allspice
" Mace
Red Pepper
Black Pepper
White Pepper
Bottling Wax in Tins zsc
Pero wax Se cakes
Jar Rubbers — Best quality Red
Rubber roc pkg. oli doz.
Corks for Catsup Bottles
Flat Corks for Pickle Bottles
Destroy the flies
etieky FIv Paper --
4 Double Sheets toe
Wilson's Fly Pads
Fly Swatters
Water MSS
Egg Preserver
leggs put down in a solution of the;
will keep fresh for a year or more. A
Ib. du at Roc is sufficient FOC alma
9 doz. came
Hess' Po itry
Keeps Poultry Healthy
Makes Hens Lay
The 5Ib. pkg. 85c, will last 6o Hens
40 days. Also the smaller pke. 35c,
will last 25 Betas 30 days.
Hess' Instant louse Killer
35c pkg.
Larger Cakes
Bexall Glycerine Soap
43. reeeived fresh supply of this
popular Soap aod the Cakes are larg-
er than before. Resell Glyeeriue
Soap—two kinds, Rose aud Violet—
ee , is considered by many to be the big -
rest value going in a good Toilet
100 Soap. 2 large cakes 25c
The esit(r4CaL Store
Druggist and Stationer
Coot nigbts.
AUGUST half gone.
Dees shortening up.
Now for the Fall Fairs.
RAREST apples are on the market.
Brussels Fall Fair Sept. ze and 37.
CAR of soft coal for the Electric Light
plant arrived tbis week.
Some cetnent repairs were made tu the
mill dam while water was low.
THE comfortable residence of Council-
lor Fraser has been improved by a new
dress of paiut.
W. F. STRETTON'S block has been ar-
rayed in s new garb of paint. Tom
Snider did tbe job.
In HONOR Rom. —Norman Hoover of
el, S. No z, Grey townsbip should have
been reported ie the Honor list in the
receut Eutraacte Examination.
WILL Terme. has been engaged by
Blyth corporatiou to take charge of their
Electric Light plant and is now in
charge. He will fill the bill all right.
Cont is a scarce article yet. Some
residents are having it hauled from
Wroxeter to make sure, How do
Wroxeter dealers secure supplies that
Brussels appear to be short on ?
CARD OF THAN/N.—We wish to return
our best thanks for sympathetic words
and kindly deeds extended to es during
the sickness and after decease of bus -
band and father, the late 1,1m. Robin-
son, They were very highly apprech
Miss Hazel Lowry bas been engaged as
Primary teacher in the Institute for the
Blind at Branttord, at a salary of Sgoo,
plus board, lodging and medical at-
tention if necessary. She begins work
on September 24313. We congratulate
Miss Lowry on her promotion and be-
lieve she will competently fill the bill.
HOME AGAIN —Dr. J. A. McNaugh-
ton, who WAS Off for the past month, has
resumed practice. He visited at Lon•
don. St, Thomas, Port Stanley, Detroit,
Windsor, Strathroy and other places
and bad a royal titne, greatly enjoying
the vacation. Mre. Mac, and Miss Flo- ,
rence are also home,
10 PASSED. —In the list of successful
candidates for tbe Lower Sebool En•
trance exams. to Model and Normal
Schools the following Brussels pupils
passed:— E. M. Armstrong, M. Duns
ford. M. Hall, 51. B. McCall, W, L. elc.
Cutcheon, 51. McNabb, S. E. McNair, I
M, M. Maundets, D. M. Stafford and
Marguerite Wilton, Names are arrang-
ed alphabetically. Tile POST extends
Fug Busleness.—The crop is well nigh
completed as far as pulling is concerned
and stacking has beguu this week at the
Revere house property. Threshing will
soon cemmence, The Revere house is
undergoing alterations and improve -
meets in being made ready for the home
of the foreman, Flax pulling by outsid-
ers helped out the harvesting of the
crop. The hands were boerded and had
sleeping quarters in tents. The new
mill, tbe frame of whicb has been raised
this week, will be L. slurped on cement
foundation, 44 X 54 feet and 2 x 40
feet with cement engine house
27 x 28 feet, A gasoline engine
will supple power for threshing
this year's crop. A big gang 01 work-
men has been busy getting the premises
ready for a big Fall and Winter's work.
The Company evidently mean business
and Brume] and surrounding country
should Otte theta gond haekitig.
A goodly number from this locality
were at Seaforth on Wednesday at their
REDUCED prices are offered in Summer
Shoes by Richards & Co. Read tbe
advt. containing thebargains
SUNDAY School pic-nic Thursday of
this week, Davidson Grove. Convey -
aures will leave the churches at 2
ItouNtEas wanted. Enquire at TUE P0021
PARTRIDGe Rook Cockerels well bred, for
sale. Apply at Tee Pon.
FOR NALL—The eligible brick store and
dwelling combined, now occupied by Mrs.
Jane Thompson. For further particulars ap.
ply to 1455. J. G. RIME, 28 Page street, Toron-
to, or S. Wilton, Brussels. •
100 bushels Dawson Golden Chaff Seed
Wheat for sale. Lot 22, Con, 16, Grey.
7.2 Phone 296 R. MOTAGGART.
2 costumes, used at the Old Boys' Remelt:in
are still 0131, 0011 parties twain g them kindly
baud them in to Jno, Bewitt, Brasses,
A. number of young pigs for sale, 8 weeks
old. Isaac CLARE, Lot 80, Con. 5, Grey.
Phone 4124.
Torso sow, due to farrow,for sale. JNO. A.
CAMPBELL, Las, Con, 10, Grey. Phone2811
T3sOR0`.BRED Tamworth Sow and 8 Pipe
Weeks of for sale. W. EL MCCZTOFIEON,
Phone 104 Oth Line, Morris.
APPRENTICE wanted to learn the printing.
One who has passed Entrence emi.m. Apply
at Tile Poor.
YOUNG girl wanted to learn pant and vest
making. Apply to R. FERTSITSON, Leekte Blook
PIANO TUNING. -0. Blackstone will be here
neat week_to attend to piano tuning. Leave
orders with S. Carter.
SrsOiAn to Beef Rings. If you have hides to
sell end with to get the blg prises see me. .A.1 -
0e want large quantities of 1100 poultry.
Phone 82 S. WEINSTETN, leruesels,
revel POULTRY wanted on Monday and Tues.
day of each week. Phone No, fit for prieeR Ste,
R. T11081BON, Brossele,
CEDAR Fence Posta and Anchor Poets for
sale. .Apply 143.4 Lot 19, Con. 8, 8/orris.
Phone 4510 Goo, E. RI/ADMAN.
ANY person requiring organ Meaning or re.
pairing should onll Phone 87, Brussels,
WANTED.—Dead Borses and Cattle promptly
removed within a radius of 20 miles. No
animal removed without the hide. Will pay
root 86 to 08 for animals brought to faotory.
Phone at our expense. Phone May 12; (even-
ing) 178, The Farmers' FertIllzsr Co., Ltd.,
Die PATtenn, Osteo athio Physioian, visits
B is kiondav t
ehitTret ne.i'vouli e=e:f sat 4g%
treated, BVisits residences. Consultation at
QUesn's Rotel,
laStillIte will meet at the home of /Ars
Jae. Ballaulyne, Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock. A paper on "Child Welfare."
prepared by Miss Margaret McLauchlite
will he reed. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to all, especially the mothers and
babes. Refreshmeuts will be served at
THE Sect( —Mrs. Robert Dark, Queen
street, underwent a successful opers-
don last Friday and we hope she will be
speedily restored to old time vigor.—
Mrs Henry Woods, who has been quite
poorly with heart trouble, is somewhat
betten—During the past week Dere.
Dam Denman was seriously ill, but ts
considerably improved now, Mr. Dee.
man is still laid up with sciatica.—Mrs,
S. Bailey is putting up a great fight for
life but her condition is most precarts
ous.—Mre. Clidr, daughter of 1) B. and
Mrs, McDonald, caused no small anx-
iety to her relatives and friends by a
bad turn taken on Monday. Mr. Clair
was telephoned for and came from De-
trolt, Tuesday. Improvement is not'
ed. --Jabez Jertnyu's condition is fur frorn
satisfactory but we hope be will soon
pick ep.—This week Wm. Oakley has
been near death's door. 11e is In his
flat year end possessed of great epirit
but the toper of life is well nigh con-
sumed. Later Mr, Oakley passed gamy
About. /0 a. m. Wednesday.
A Large Load for $2.50
Cash orders delivered first.
Phone Ili 1,8 BRUSSELS
1-10e10eitOet OIs even
ing Vernon Ross, Brussels, arrived home
from England after 2,1 years' service is
a Dental Corps, He arrived in Halifax
lase teridaY, coming on the steeinship
Orduua. ler. George Ross, who is fill-
ing a dental post in connection with the
barracks at Cbatbam, met his brother at
London and they motored to Brussels.
The once more re -united family of par-
ents, 2 sons and 4 daughters sat dowu to
supper together. Vernon looks well, al-
though thin. He bas not got his dis-
charge yet so will have to report at Lon-
don again. We welcome bim home.
Most of the Brussels contingent are back
now from duty doing overseas.
WM. ROBINSON DEogAsgo.—The de-
mise of Wm. Robinson last Friday came
as quite a surprise as few people were
aware he was seriously ill. He was in
his 69th year and had been quite a hear-
ty man. Deceased WAS born in Scar-
boro', York Co. and came to Fullerton
townsbip, Peal; Co., where he lived 41
years. Family moved to Grey township
c8 years ago, leaving the farm to his son,
Richard, and buying a home in Brussels
5 years since where lie died. Mt. Rob.
inson was married over 42 years ago to
Miss Sarah Green, Dublin, who with 2
sons (Neclby, Edmonton, and Richard,
Grey township) and 2 daughters (Mrs,
Chas, Parrott, Brookdale, elan , and
Miss Margaret, Bressels) survive. De.
ceased was a quiet, unassuming man but
trustworthy and honorable and esteemed
by many. He was a member of the Meth-
odist church and the funeral service on
Monday afternoon, at tbe borne, Queen
street, was conducted by bis pastor, Rev.
W. E, Stefford, who took as his theme,
"The Web of Life," from the text "My
days are swifter than a weaves shut-
tle," Interment was made in the Mit-
chell cemetery where a large number of
people paid their respects. Pallbearers
were old neighbors from Grey, viz. :—
Geo, Speirau, Wm. Patterson, Harry
Ward, Wm. McKay, G McQuarrie and
Tilos, Juges. The floral tributes con-
sisted of a spray from the W. M. S..
Methodist church ; s boquet from the
Floral Committee ; wreath from Central
Telephone staff; and spray, E. and Mrs.
Pollard Mr. Robinson is also stir.
vived by u brothers, David and Robert,
ot Mitchell, A sister, Mrs Hibbert,
who was here to visit him. passed away
Wednesday of last week and was buried
last Saturday in Mitchell cemetery. Mrs.
Robinson and family share in the syna-
patby.of the community in their bereave-
tt tt
1 people We Taik About
tt tt
Miss Hazel Lowry is holidaying at
Harry Fox went to Toronto this week
to visit relatives.
Miss Lilab Spading has beeu visiting
at Clinton and Bavfield,
Miss Emma Dudley. Toronto, has
been visiting old friends in Brussels.
Miss Love'te Ballantyne is visiting
her aunt, Mrs W. J, Heider, at Oshawa.
Rev. and ears. Hind and children, of
Guelph, are speeding a week or two
at rhe CO In 3 of G. A 00200100
Walter and Mrs Rose and Miss
Louise, were visitors with Teeswaler
friends last week and took in the Old
Boys' Re -union,
J, F. and Mrs, Rowland and fam ly
Kingston, are reuewiug old friendships
in Brussels. Mr Rowland was a former
manager of the Standard Bank for To
years and is well known.
Wm and Misses Margaret and Lizzie
Kee, Galt. were visitors with W, H. and
Mrs. Kerr for the week end. Miss bear-
garet is extending her visit. The visit-
ors are cousins to the boat and hostess
Mrs. C, le. Dodds and sore Master
lira are here for a holiday visit with the
former's parents, (Geo. and Mrs. Thom-
son) from Vancouver, They Were here
for the Re union, Mr, Dodds may come
later, •
J, A. and Mrs, Thomson and daugh-
ter, Lois, Toronto ; Miss Ample Duff, R,
N , Antherstburg, and Miss E8it13 Roe-
buck, R. N , Wallaceburg, were visitors
with Robt. and Mrs, Thomson, River-
side Farm.
lames and Mrs. Jackson, sons and
daughter, of Clinton locality, were call-
ing on relatives and friends in Brussels
and locality, They were former well
known residents of Grey township
They were Motoring,
Mrs. McLaren and family removed
from Brussels last week. They will
spend a few weeks at Honey Harbor
where Mrs. Morrow, mother of Mrs. Mc-
Laren, has a cottage, before settling
down at Midland. They carry thelgood
wishes of. a wide circle of &Muds with
them to their new home. Mrs. McLaren
and elm. Morrow, who is alone, will live
together in the latter's fine home,
This week Fred. Haycroft arrived in
town from ovetseas wbither be went
from the West with the military median -
los, He fared badly eybile there break-
ing his leg and receiving injuries that
1300 necessitated his gettiog about on
crutches since. He is a grandson of
David Ross, and a former resident of
town, Mr, Elayaroft is an expert tnech-
auk, He is making his home with D.
C. and Mrs. Ross in the meantime.
Postmaster and Mrs. Ray and Miss
Helen, Stratford ; Miss Ella Dickson,
(nurse,) Columbus, Ohio ; Miss Grace
Dickson, recently home from Dawson
city, YukonDr. Archie Dickson, 'stew
York, and Albert Dieksou, Grelpb, eon-
stituted a motoring party that spent an
bout or more in Wessels on Tuesday
afternoon, They had been to Walker-
ton and were en route to the Classic
City, It 10 0900 30 years since Mr, kay
Was a resident of Brussele,
Mrs, E. Center was a vleitte It Owee
Sound for the pat few woke,
Mise Margaret 1.,, Meleattehlan, le, N.,
who has beon 01013111g here, re:leveed to
Detroit Tuesday.
Rev. ane Mrs, Stafford and children
arrived home from New York last Fri-
day night after a =Wife vecetiou,
Mrs. Fulensen and children. of
Shoal lake Man are visitor:. with D.
aunerliceelre. Waller The fortnet to a
Geo, and We flritultOby haeo re-
moved to Owen Pound where they pur-
pose making their home. We wish
them prosperity,
Mrs. Ernest Mabee and son. Ellis, of
Ingersoll, were bare for the Old Boys'
Re -union. Mrs. Wm, Ellis, mother of
Mrs. Mabee, returned with her for a
month's visit.
This week Arthur McGuire expects to
leave un a trip to the West where be
purposes spending the next Month or 00,
We hope the ebauge will promote his
health and bodily vigor.
This week Mrs. Gad, Long autl child-
reu have room ned to their Immo at Niag-
ara Palle, Pere. Dodds, Vancouver, will
follow her sister ,for a visit to one of
the Ontario beauty spots, Mr Long
was here for the Old Boys' Remnion,
Alex, 111cLeunau, Seaford], and Also
Chas. Broaclfoot, Moosejaw, were in
town aud called on old friends. They
were ereroute to Wroxeter to see Will.
McLennan, a nephew of the former,
who is laid up with rheumatism. We
hope he will soon he o. lc.
Remnion visitors with N. and Mrs,
Flatt, Brussels, were Mrs, Wm. Camer-
on, Edwin and Mrs. Abra and L. and
Mrs. McInnes and obildren, of Owen
Sound locality, Jno. and Mrs. Harris,
Belnaore, and Mrs. Herds, Mildmay.
Mrs. Abra and Mrs. Cameron were
former reeidents of town and always
welcome back,
James Smith and daughter, Miss
Catharine, of Galt, have been holidaying
with relatives and old friends iu Brussels
and locality. Mr. Smith made several
visits with TDB POST as he has been a
valued subscriber ever since it was
warted in 1873 He says the late Jno
Cormack had the coutract for the then
new Town Hell, 45 years ago, and Smith
Bros. supplied the lumber, shingles and
rough timber. Latter was taken one of
the bush in the Summer, the joists be-
ing 33 feet long, 3 x 12. Mr Smith
sawed the shingles, which were the best
quality of pine and lasted well. Mr.
Smith bas lived in Galt almost continu-
ously for the past 4o years and although
iu his 78th year has few marks of the old.
Man about bim. He and his daughter
live together on Cedar street in the
Manchester of Canada. Tbe Snatch mill
iu the olden days was located on the 4131
Con, Grey township and the Company
constituted ot James, Oliver and Henry
Smith, another brother, Thomas, now in
roxeter, took a band in the business
later. He Is vow iu his 84th year.
Browned at Grand Bend
Leon Kanneman, Parkhill,
Loses his Life.
A sad fatality occurred wheu Leou
Kannemau, of Parkhill, was drowned in
the river at Grand Bend on Sunday
moraine, July 27th, while attemptioe to
swim across. Young Kanneman was
camping at the Bend with a uumber of
Boy Scouts. He bad been detailed for
camp duty while bis comrades were off
with the Scout Master and while the
others were away be had crossed the
river in a boat. He attempted to swim
back but the distauce being too great he
became exhausted and sank to his death.
The victim was the sou of Mrs. Kanue-
man, a widow of Parkhill, formerly of
Brussels, the father having been killed
ou the railway about 4 years ago. Fa-
tality occurred about it o'elock in the
morning. The river was dragged and
after some time the body was brought to
the surface. The accident cast a gloom
over the callipers for the rest of the day.
Out of sympathy for the bereaved tnoth-
er a subscription list was passed among
the campers and about i5t5o was raised
and presented to her. The young man
is a cousin of S. and W Wilton, of Brus-
sels. 'rhe Parkhill Gazette gives the
following particulars :—The tragic death
of Leon Kanueman at Grand Bend on
Sunday morning shocked Parkhill and
the community. Leon accompanied the
Boy Scouts to the Bend on the previous
Monday, being one of the seven lads
who went out early and prepared tbe
cemp for the coming of the others. He
was patrol leader of the Eegle's, the first
patrol formed and had a splendid in-
fluence over the younger boys. He was
born in Ansa Craig is years ago. He
had been in poor health for a couple of
years and was just beginniug to feel
more robust, This return of health was
shown by increased Wieldy and by the
joy he found in the simple things of life.
• ;Is
e.e.seeeeeeeeeeeeeseeee.,...e.eee.tr,,..,e-e,seeeeee;• '..e.e.:.eee: i.e.... eeee eee ese.......'ee......,.,.....-„,..,-,.4
' if4400.00irAgs*Ag102.,7141Wi.jilAilr.,*01000140,,,:trerlo.oTriltta,llV,^gin „,
o .
re o
• o
• o
a 0
AVINGS, 'Thrift,
these are the out-
come of the same impulse
and attain the same object
Standard Bank of Canaan
can help you to attain it. 292
His week at the Bend it was expected,
would be beneficial and he was keen to
accoinpauy the other lads. Oa Satur-
day night, he and 3 others were ou
guard, consequently t hey slept a little
liter in the morning than usual, /wising
near to o'clock, It was Leon's day to
look after the camp and he was left in
charge while Mr Hill took those who
were to have a swim to di- IR ist side of
the breakwater al the hike front
Greta= Fenn MIS left }Weep in his
tent and Alex Petetkiu ottO Clarence
Shaddock weut to the village on en er-
rand, With these exceptions all the
other boys were at the lake ender Mr.
Hill's supervision. Leon prepared the
potatoes for dinner, lighted the fire and
put them on to cook. He also sleeked
the beans tbat were to be cooked for
supper, This completed the tasks for
the morning FO he took the botit and
rowed dowu the river On bis way he
picked up Peterkin and Shadclock was
teaching them to row. Wbeu orposite
the fish house, gout eleven o'clock
they lauded on the Parkhill side and
beached the boat which was big and
heavy and quite safe. I,eon, who heel
learned to switn during the past weelt.
told tbe other lads that be was genie 10
Sn'iin across the river'to the other shore
He started to do so and bad only
gone a short distance wben he sank
The other two lads immediately pro-
ceeded to push the boat mb IIie wetter
and tried to row to 1101 but both were
unaccustomed to the oars and their
progress was SIOW. They called to two
!nen who sat on the pier to come to his
aid and the men assured them that "be'd
• •
• - e
• •
• ;
: Fo w I,
• •
. 4•0
• Every Monday Morning #
• •
i Highest Prices paid for 41
: all kinds delivered at I
• the Store. o
• 42
• .
: H. L.. Stewart
° 0 •HENFRYN 0
• :
For Better Value and Rea
Select Your
Memorial Here
designing a memorial special
I effort is made to reflect the pter-
pose of the donor and originate
a Monument of distinctive design,
harmonious in proportions and a
model of dignified beauty.
Only the finest and most durable material is used—the kind best
suited to stand the ravages of time and weather.
The carving and lettering will receive expert attention, Which Is
ae important feature in the completed memorial, Bach order is hand-
led with the idea of creating a masterpiece for its sloe and type,
Brussels Granite and Marble Works
A. E. HERSEY, Proprietor.
Tooth Paste
• One of our very best
Dentrifices and we are
still selling it for 25C per
les 'rola e
'NM (r.:E4g444k STo
eddy for Newe
The great Disinfectant
and Germ Killer. Al-
ways in stock.
Splendid for cle.aning win-
dows and silverware. Al-
ways on hand,
Altar() her proud of your Cow plys•
The Garden Court tine
Very le agran e and ciiiltlily unex-
For the Babies
Pearl Barley flour
A Barley Food for Babies and
Invalids, Yon will find it en-
tirely reliable,
50c the package
Auto had Maps
Something eyelet. Lotto driver
will had most convenient.
2i5c each
Auto Eye Glasses
Alen a great emnfort to auto
delvers. Good variety in style
and colter% 28 and 50c
For a builder
The 010 Boys
yort can't beat
Cod Liver
e1.00 per bottle
Knew More About Hens
than History.
After reading tha famous poem, "The
Landing or the Pilgrim loatheri" to the
01014, the teacher said, : ".As a drawing
exernise suppose you Peel/ TIVIW. rie-
0041115 10 your intaRiaa11011, a picture
of Plymouth Rook."
All but one little fellow set to work,
He paused and fluidly raised his hand.
"What is it, Edgar 3" the teacher age -
“Plemile nut 'am," Edgar piped out,
"110 700 want us to draw a hen or a
rooster f"
Will ye no mime
bark again ?
Te all the
Old Boys
Happy to meet,
Sorry 10 part
Happy to meet
be all right," and made no move. When
it was all over they were not to be
found, having hastened away to hide
themselves. The boys in the boat shout-
ed for help and Ted Bison, who was
nearest of tbe Scouts to the break-
water, heard their cri.es. Ile gave the
alarm and in 000100130 Mr, Hill and the
other lads were on the river bank bet
their compenion bad disappeared. Mr.
Hill immediately stalled diving He
was joined by mauy others and the fiell
net was used as a drag. Then a long
rore with fish hooks was used and the
body WEIS recovered about one o'clock.
A couple of doctors worked for an hour
in an endeavor to bring the lad back to
life but all their efforts were without
avail, The camp broke up In the
evening, the boys being too shaken and
sick at heart to stay until the morniug,
when it had been intended that all
should come home, Miss Margaret
Kanneman, his only sister, was in
Kitchener and on hearing the sad news
she hurried to her home by ear, Two
brothers are in Medicine Hat and an-
other in Alaska, His rpother, who
spent Wednesday in the camp with the
other naothers, was alone when the
news reached her and she was sorely
stricken with noue of ber own near to
help her bear the blow, He was the
youngest in the family and doubly cleat
because of the extra care which bad to
be bestowed 01] him so he might grow
up stroug and well. He recently wrote
UN High School entrance examinations
and was planning, to some clay become a
student in Huron College, and euildenly
it was all over and the young life ended,
The path of earthly service was not to
be trodden by his feet. "He died e ith
the light of hope iu his eves." The
funeral was arranged to take place on
the arrival of his two brothers from
Medicioe Het One of these recently
returned from overseas and was home a
few weeks ego. The sympathy of the
community is aroused for Mrs. Kamm -
man and her family in their grief.
BtivritttY.—A t Regina, en Jane 16th, 1515, to
Mr. and Mrs, Barry Buttery, 2958 Scarth
street, 0 dnughter—Herriet Ethel.
IBEICHSON.—In Saskatoon, Sask„ 00 August
6110, 1010, to Dr. Wm. and Mrs. Ibberson, a
son—John llowoliffe.
PoOm—In Vifinglinin, on August 4111, 1010, to
Mr. and Mrs. Poul Pogli, ft I/011.
MITTEL'. —At Clinton, on August 7th, 1010, to
Mr. and Mrs. Edward 111111011, son—Erneet
WILIIRE.—Ta Gladstone, 511011 • on July
WM to Mr. and Mrs. Relit, Wilbuo, a ditugh.
ter —Dell ,1 can,
Alcindow —At Keatley, Sask., on July 240,
1010, Robert MoBlain, aged 114 years and 4
mon thi.
RonrNson.-111 Brussels, 011 A nenst Sth, 1010,
Witham Robinson, in his .61th year.
Snof.mon.—At Walton, August 7)11, 1919,
Alice Hewitt, beloved wife of W. IL Shol.
diee, aged 68 years, 6 mouths cud 21 days.
Pall Wheat 02 05
Boring Wheat
42 10
2 05
86 Da
Peas 1 05 1 05
Barley 00 110
Butter 45 45
Eggs 411 40
Hogs 23 50 28 011
Wool 70 75
Potatoes per bag 85 1 00
Eftiv 18 00 20 011
Wool (Unwashed) 46 50
Lambs Strayed
Two Spring Lambs strayed from Lot 20, Coil.
He Grey township, on Thursday, August 7th.
An information es to their ivheroabouts will
be thankfully received.
Phone 2017 JAS. FULTON.
Drain Tenders
The Municipal Column of the %township of
Morris are asking for tenders for the construc-
tion of the Sellere and the Xt,117 Drains. Plans
and specifications at the Clerk's residence.
Enolase a 560.00 good faith cheque. Tenders
will be opened et am Township nen en mon.
day, August 18th, ,t12 &Moak,
wm, ansTox. Emote.
A. MAOEWEN, Olerk.
It is The t
'0000100100 000=000=000=1=002
Thinking of your Fall Clothes and Serving. Sometimes
even now we are glad to crawl into a warm dress. Be
Prepared 1 and when "The North Winds do Blow"
you will be warm and happy.
We have in stock a full line of Light and Dark
Flannelettes; Shirting, Shirting Flannel, Cotton; Cash-
mere, Georgie Serge and Plaids for School Dresses,
etc„ Dress Lengths in several shades of Silk Repocord
and Silk Poplin. All Wool Navy Serge you would be
proud to wear in a Suit or Dress, Corduroy Velvets,
etc. Give us a call.
live Fowl taken every Tuesday Morning
R. 0. RATHWELL, Monorieff