HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-14, Page 7Beauty and the Beast!
So ('heer Up;
"No!" Wrel the einplietle answer of
(0')' or our Imo popular lady 1108011sta
to the the wrIter'a cinertion. I do not
;irate) with you that plainvese in a
nein is a eerione eledaelit to (marl.
Morita if 110 poeseeeee the many other
quelitiee which ;direct my son. -sitell
ILI etreugi b. of chitraetev, cloverneee,
charm, and above t,11 that Indefinuble
magnetism which few v.oraen ono re,
"Of course, my sex is naturally at-
tracted by good looks, but no woman
worthy of the name aitowe her head
to Ito turned by them. She looks 1)13'
(1(0111! the ,eirfacte, ;mil 11 131)0 firele the
other Mialittee thel. appeal to her, good
looks weigh but iightly in the balance.
She probably lias them herself, and
can - in fact, site would often rather- -
disineme with them in a husband. She
does not desire rivalry in hor own par-
ticular Pruvinee,
amm3y of. the prettiest women I
know aro merried to ugly men, (((Id
aro (1100(1 of, happy with them.
In fact, to some pretty women ugly
men have a positive fascination.
John Willtee was 80 abnormally.ugly
Ian Who Get.; the Pretty Wife,
Plain Folk!
thm, a is said. "tile very childreu in
the dbitrict ran away et the ((1(1111. or
him;" and yot hie poviers of fiteelnin
Hon wore so great that Mabee or beauty
and fashion vied with each other for
his notice, while men of handsome ex.
Wrier and all courtly gractet looked
enviously on.
There were, it is said, few b1(8011)14)of the day whose band Wilkes might
net have confidently 1)0)1011 to win, and,
when 110 led Mary Mead to the altar13(1
anode a wife or ono of the richest and
lovvliest women of her thno. "BeautY
and the Beast' " they (1:111 ns,"
once (3134)1 lo WA friend Potter, "and I
cannot honestly find fault with the
The great: Lord Brougheen, if not as
111 -favored as Wilkes, was certainly
one of the plainest men of his grOPrtle
MO. No man who cared ae
s lit tie ti
he did fur female society had surely
ever so much of it thrust upon him--
to such an extent, indeed. that when
anyone asked where Lord Brougham
It Isn't Always the Ilandsolae '
' • ,
ea aeeref,.,
was, the usual answer was, "Whore
the ladies are thickest;" and by fol-
lowing this significael guide ho was
-generally rua to earth. On Peace) Lay the cbildren of Winnipeg had a grmit time. Many of 4110111, like those in the picture, were
L1 A Jack Rabbit's
Race for Life
About, the middle or April, 1017
writes 11 subscriber, my (1011 Will anc
I started out from our ranch house, to
mend the fence roiled our (411341011(1(0(1and.forty-0000 pasture. The north half
extewled 1180.81,8 vnlley about a mile
wide. Omlet]. which wound a "dry
creek." On the east side or the pita -
time wa3i.a 1)01)118Both the fence
and Om road crossed the valley diag-
onally. Half a mile frum the ranch
home, gulag north', a high point, or
Promontory. crossed 1110 road, but did
not (''(3(11 far into the valleY.
With team, wagon, tools and sun -
Plies for mending the fence, we had
Met teethed the ermt of this point,
from which there was a good MeV/ Of
the Nallev, when my son exclaimed:
-es"-a-aesaaaaass---a-=, dressed tui 1)1 represent allegorical figured,
highway, where the eagles again tried - —
to snatch the prize from them; but
the rabbit ran under the wire fence
on the west side of the highway barely
in time to save himself from another
swoop by the eaglem. The coyotee MINER'S HOME
114111111 flattened themselves upon the
ground and again lost a chance to
snatch the rabbit, which paved under
the ammo, out into the pasture for
several 1'0113, and, again har11 pre.ssed
by the coyotes, circled back toward
the fence, thus affording the eagles an-
other chalice to swoop for him as the , The Higher Standard of Life Will
coyotes wore again closing 111, For a •
second time the fonee gave him pro. Bring Vast Improvement to Condi-
tection from the eagles, and the coy-
otes again flattened theinselvee In fear
01 1110 big birds.
Tile rabbit ran across the road into
-Mons Effecting Miners' Children.
In the whole course of the industrial
history of England never have the
the brush with the coyotes again at , scenes during the sitting of the hest -
his heels. As they emerged from the 1 111141 coal commiesion in the king's rob -
brush it :teemed to be a matter of j ing room in the House cif Lords been
80001(318 before the coyotes would win equaled.
the race; but the ouglee had again in- .111 the mile were laid on tho table
"0 papa, see the coyotes after the jetted themselves into the (mutest, and i --the kings and toe knaves, even the
jack rabbit!" . • ! were watching their chance to rob the i pitiful rags in the pack, face upward,
Looking tiff to the northeast, eve saw coyotes of their prey. Thus beset, the : for all the world to see, writes Robert
coming dewn the hill:5We to the east rubbil tried to climb the elope leading . Smillie. Revelations of30 per cont.
a lene Melt rabbit pursued by throe to the high tableland, Again Will ex. dividends, of swelling profits anti
coetes. The rebbit Wini heading for cluimed: I gorged pockets, alongside scenes from
the velley. "011, they will get him surely!" the miners' homes --seven sleeping in
'They' ee got him!" Will exclaimed.
"No, they haven't! See the eagles!"
Sure ouough, just as the coyotes
were in the act of seizing the rabbit,
two negles that were leisurely .ilying
1 31 1 d t• t 3 art in the chase
north e« 0 » p
and ewooped for the rabbit. But zero -
le, pressed as he Ninuithe rabbit Inul an
eye for the eegles, also, and by a
• side jump escaped them
The sudden 81)3)01 81881) of the eagles
diseenditted the coyotee greatly; they
seemed to have ainiest Oft greet fear of 11111 no; just as tho coyotes were in worth striving for, if for no other rea- cadent 18 Lanarkeehire. I vielted the
the eagles as dir1 the rabbit, fur when the not or grabbing hint, down swoop. 1 son than that these young wayfarers district. During a rainy season a sub.
the etiglee swooned tbeY flattonea I ed. the eagles again: the eoyotes flat- , on the road, hitherto $o hopelessly $1(101100 had occurred. Water and emee,
theinselees on the ground, thus giving I toned them:mines on the ground, and hundicapped, will have a chance, eveu flowed into the pit, and nineteen men
the rabbit a short respite, which he in Um twinkling of an eye the rabbit Et snorting chance, alongside the child- were entombed. They were never res.
ren of other men in the race. cued,
How Miners' Children Live.
I have spent most of my life among
the men who go down Into the bowels
prey, somed into tho air and circled 1 of the earth. I know their lives be.
again for position or vantage, in the end resumed their journey northward.
11101311111110 the rabbit tried dodging the The 803'0t08 settled wearily back on (1331130 I have lived the life.
know their homes, Long strag-
coyetes by zigzagging to right and to their haunches with tongues belling gling "colliere' rowe" set in the midst
leff, but lost ground, as one coyote fol. . out, A more thoroughly disappointed of flat and drab surroundings, No
lowed directly behind him, wbilo the and disgusted trio was probably never green hills to greet the eye in the min.
other two, one on the right flank and seen, ing districts. Only the mounds of black
the ()thee on the loft, cut across and We drove up the roaa to a point excrescences vomited forth by Mother
headed iihn off. ilaing now in sore where the ra hit rad disappemed, Earth in delivering her burden of coat.
Merits, he lietiaed for a lone, narroW, walked over and eXamined the old And these unlovely slag hills are the The widow sat with hauds folded 1)0.
148100008 etelp 01 11000)1(1 coverea with badger hole in which he had taken re. only scenery the miner's child ever side the empty fireplace. the betty in
a stunted, lntslay growth to about the fugo after Ids long fight for life. We 580„ her lap, staring into vacinicy. She 1330
fro -en by the calamity,
This family lived in two 0111;111
ed clear relining for both rabbit and over tbe (Beide. '1(18 51011011or six other members of the family, rooms. There was no water In the
veyote». Meanwhile, the eagles had from the downhill side, The rabbit, In the mine owner's Mime a child is holm, fm sanitary conveniences.
Every drop of wider for cooking and
gained Poeitlon fer another attack, and being lnuel pressed by the coyotes on ushered into the world with the ut-
just US the ceyotes were in the act of first coming over the 11111, did not have most care and love and solicitude. A washing and domestic purposee had
elosing on the rabbit they swooped time to turn round as he would have lace -trimmed cot with gay ribbone is to be carried from a hill Omni, 11 guar -
hail to do in order to enter, and so waning to reCoive it. 11i the miner's ter of a mile away,
Win Discover Their Fethers.
Tho woman's tailef 130)1018 was that
tut tio, gimual, which gave the rabbit the holo on the hillside. hers of the family aro accommodated. her hushandat real nature had nevcr
11)110 to scuttle into the 1)811511, where Reason or instinct -which? And the Ilret breath or air the miner's had a chance to :shine forth Iu the
la. nue safe from the eagjes. infant breathes may be tho steam arie. squalid, overm °wiled conditions of
The coyotes chased the rabbit A pneumatic hammer for tamping ing front' the father's filthy pit clothes their home. "Ho wes kind, good
1111)1) 11 the brush raid out into the p1'. 110 stones has been invented. as they hang in. front of the kitchen man to me," sho said, "But ho Was
aye so tired after his day's work ilea
hu had not much patience with the
bairne. Rd Was 11 bit cross 4' *
but could you 1)1111116 him?"
Worn out by physical exertion, by
long boure, by insultietent and um
comfortable 5100P, the miner doee not
get n chance of having pleasure in his
family. the work and weariness
. fy the joys of fatherhood.
Untiee the new conditions, with
shorter houre, better wages, henithier
homes. the 10111cre' children will find
their rapiers, ahoy will discoyer that
they are not merely disturbing facture
in the home, with a disposition !
drink and to querrele their only good
point bolug that they hiring home the
pay on Saturday, The children vii1 1
find that their Whets call be happy,
interented in Moir lemsone, anxious
for their health end well being, keen
for them to get, on.
As claw pot should not be of.' tin.
Tannin acid acts on this metal and
makes a pois.onous compownl.
We live in a day of gegat ;
tunities, Tosday all thinga are pos-
sible to Men who have a pa:alienate
faith in the "thingi that are woeth
While," and hack up that faith with
courage, resolution, and the spirit of
mutual confidence and goodv.1111.---Sirl
But which -coyotes or eaglee? one room. Civilization has been shown
13y that time the poor rabbit was : at its lowest level, the MaNirOUIT! of
1101017,01fIlatistell, latt, luckily for him, labor with the minimum of eninfort;
the coyotes were in little better condi- • humanity so degenerated -by toil that
time So the cbase proceeded up the love and lehture and life itself ceased
slope or the hill and it. looked an the to be of moment,
Embarrassing Gif is P resented to Royalty
The recent visit of Abyssinian nobles
to London, who are bearers to our king
and queen of rich gifts of silk and
ivory from their empress, and who w111
take back to their monarch on their
return gifts from King George and
Queen alary, only serves to emplineize
the fact that the gifts given and re-
ceived by Rulers have not always been
so titling or so welcome.
Washington society was greatly
amused just berme) the war by the
singular present the late Mr. Roeee-
vett an010 to a beide of that city.
This was the tall of a rhino, un-
mountea--a hunting troPhY, and was
doubtless highly prized by the donor.
It was, mereover, a gift which had
cest more than mere cash,
Even the preeents Which Royalty
bestow upon Royalty sometimes cause
embarrassment. In 1803 Queen
toria sent Sir Richard Muffin 011 a
misslou to the King of Dahomey bear-
ing various presents, includieg a silk
tent and a handsome silver pipe, The
king was grateful, but added that, as
the tent was too small to sit under in
that climate, and he preferred a elay
Pipe to 0 metal pipe, he would have
been better pleased with a carriage
and pair and it white wife.
• However, to allow appreciation of
her Majesty's kind intentions, he merit
in return some native entice anti tobac-
co for her own smoking, a collection
of loin cloths, and an umbrella to be
held over her head when drinking.
Some years ago, King Bawer& 0111011
taking his usual milliner holiday at
Marienhead, received in twenty daye
over three hundred presents, including
jewellery -from studs to gold watches
---eigars anti cigarettes, and an assort-
numt -of other articles -from gloves,
ties, and walking.stieke to sweets and
scented soap. Theee gifts, were never
On of the funniest presents King
Edward ever receivea 11035 it prize po-
tato weighing over five pounds. The
senaer evidently imagined that the
King of England lived at Westminster,
for the potato' was addressed to
"House ot Parliament, England," and
the postmark was "Verment."
But the weirdest present to Royalty
surely is the mummified hand of an
Egyptian prince who lived three thou-
sand years ago. it was presented to
the king by a femme Sgyptologist,
and is foueted as a paper weight.
while as if the rabbit must be the . 1 wonder if the public even faintly to wall the coal aust from their faces
loser, either to coyotes or to eagles. : realizes what this tremendous thing When they come home from the mine
The rabbit had wearily made its way for which Wo fight, il higher standard at night, They want to go .emong
a few rods from the 1)01141 when W111 ! of life, will mean to the chidren of the their school companions, to swagger
cried out: ! Miners? ern this insignia of labor upon thein.
They've got him!" I It is tel ideal terribly and profoundly Last year there was a lag mining 318
utilized by putting as grout a distance
• poesible between himself and his
The eagles, havtng mauled their
41(10010(1 into an old bach;cr hole just
in time to escape the talons of the
eagles. Safe at last!
The eaglee, knowing their 33103' had
escaped, circled high up into the sky
had given no more horrible death than
these Miners must have euffered. One
woman had lost three sons in the die -
aster. 01(0 of them, a height -faced boy,
had only started work at. the pit the
day before,
Another wom611 with seven of a
family had had her hueband and her
eldest son. a lad of eixteen, taken.
That home will ever remain in my
memory as a scene of utter desolatien.
height, of a man's shoulders, There now learned wily the rabbit had not His nursery is the kitchen floor,
was 1111 open space beneath that afford- entered this refuge on first coming happy hunting ground shared by five
ror him, but owing to the nearness of
the brueli they missed him, As be.
fore, the coyotes flattened th0111801Vea
made first for the brush and then home a child is usherea into the world
gradually doubled back on his trail to in a room where perhaps Other 1110111.
" ilade" By the VILIT
• The war has ever been the most
deamatic of all makere of reputations.
11 has thrust into the laitec of the lime.
fight many a man whose very 1181110
cord of service; and Str David Beatty
nod Sir Roselyn. Wemyes were to the
public •obscure rearealmirals -good
$8110101100, no doubt, but as far re -
Moved from fame as from AlarS.
WW1 unknown 10 .the world at large. 701305•loaldis was
Vivo years ago cleneral Foch might/doing obecure, if inieful, work as de -
have walked for hours through Ito puty-genoralonanager of the Nerth
Weeds of Paris without attracting a Enstern Relieves; and hie brother, Sir
glance or recognition. He was knOW11 Auckland, woe. lecturing on anatomy
oniy to n very limited circle in the at McGill University,
Army as Prefeesor at the Paris Higher Sir Albert Stanley, after a highly
Military School, with curious, almost romantic career In the Staten, was
laughable, conceptions of tattles and burly reorganizing Lhdoll'a ender.
ground railway», when Mr. Lloyd
Sir Douglas Haig, good seldier he George neard of his great abilitioe and
heal proved himself, WEM a total dragged him Into the limelight us
stranger to the "man in the street," President of the Board of Trade; and
though be had a Wide eirole of friends Lord Welt' was a busy Glasgow engin.
in the peaceful evoeld of the Court and eor when 110 was bronglit, against hle
West End drawIngeroome. Sir Henry inclination, to London a1111 to early
Wilson, Director of Military Plepttra. fame its Winister of the Air.
tions, noted more fonds modooty therm Nor must we forget tiro sons 01
1(11' his warlike abilities, And Sir Wfi- Labor who have sprung Into protein-
liam Robertson WEIS Commandant of once under the impulse war --Mr.
the Staff College), with apparently as I3arnea, Mr, Clynoa, Sir DJ, Shackle.
• proepects of following the glelat ten, Mr, Relerts, and so on, through
Lewd Kitchener an of flying to the the long' het -Mon Wleo Rae VAN ago
Bat obscurely en the hack honchos of
Admiral Sellicoe Was known in the the Commons and Wbese name today
11111,Y as "g00d Mani" With nr0 alt110ideithelleehold words"
What ate children mean 111 a miner%)
home? They mean more work for tho
mother, more washing, more cooking,
They demand more space, more sleep-
ing room 111 an already overcrowded
"f11 a house of one apartment, end
there are thousande =eh in the
mining districts of Scotian& the com
(MMus which greea the birth or a baby
aro malting. There is no privacy,
nor grace nor beauty, no hope for bete
ternient What Wonder the child-
treinhling on the threehold„inst
ushered through Um gates of life,
takes fright 31101 11103) away?
Bore to Life of Sordid Toll,
01117 ohildron with constitutions as
hardy as ehelegy mountain ponies sur-
vive, And eurvivo for what? So that
they may be in turn exploited. So that
their wives may lose youth and beauty
battling against, untwon odds? So that
their children have a fight for exist.
once, even from the cradle?
Nothing tcatchos Me moro deeply
than to see in the Mining villages the
young lade niumach working age.
They are et) proud of having reecho('
the stage of labor, They aro filled
With iinportance when they don pit
clothes for 1130 first time, And are
so keen to be thought mon Mid Wage
Oarnera that they cue hardly be tended
Exterminate These Mischief -Makers
From Wheat•Growing Districts.
"Now we go round the barberry
1 1 '"
Who has not played that childish
game? Hew many generations of chil-
dren have played it? For, undoubted.
ly, it is very aneNnt.
The barberry hush is intimately con-
nected with European folk lore that
goes back to the prehietoric. Doubt-
less the sentiment attaching to it 18
largely accountable for the circum-
stanee that early settlers brought it to
this reuntry.
But, alas! science has newly put a
ban on barberry 'bushes. They are, it
seems, mischieamakers-at all events
in wheat -growing regions,
The worst enemy of wheat is a fun -
mule disease called "Mein rust," for
1-110 51)01013 ot •
serves as a "host," They germinate on
the bush, and peso on t1) the wheat in
spring. But for the barberry's 1191p
there would be no serions epidemics
111 . • .7
Hence. 8( 1110 preeent time, an effort
is being nettle to extirpate the barber-
ry 111 wheat growing regions,
To remove stains from serge suits
or drosses place a teaspoonful of
bo: -ax in a quart of clean cold water;
boil for half an hour, then pour into
a bowl. When lukewarm dip a
sponge in the mixture and rob tho
stable; then brueh over with a brush
dipped in clean cold water and press,
placing a cloth ever the serge before
s." 91. 46
DIAMETER ONLY 200 mit.rt's LES8
Wireless Message Would Cover the
Dietance of 25,000,000 Panes in
About Two Minutes.
a is not easy to account for the 103.1
10,1 Mars fillould have gained gni erldr•
spread 0 l,s1,0100 int3rest, while
attention ie beelowed upon the Planet
irlw latter is not only our nearest
Planetary nelebleir, sometilnes an-
Proaeltilig wohie 1331 (3410)4)()) miles of us
Ancestor of the Present Prince 10
Described as One of the Most Gal-
lant Princes In Christendom.
Tim visit of the young Prince of
Wales te Caneda reealte ineny eeeriee
01 his pepulerity 30311(berm. Courteay
and chivalry are associated in the
minds of ail I leftist' petiole with 1110
title of "Edward. Prince of Weles."
So many stories have been told of
that wonderful roweetor of the English
short distance where celestial Priuce's Edward, the Black Planes,
spaec,s ,,,,uponi,f1 • but she ie tem. whose tomer still hangs ebove his
oinb in the 1,0111111Ni old cathedral of
ly the eertlre twie, tee. diameter be.
ing only 200 miles less than that of the Caai"rilllrY.
The following Is an interesting store;
real) it seems most
Sart l'14atea it in his "Chronicles." The
of Edward. tho Black Pritirei ON Frets,
unlikely that there is ane- animal or
incident Ornuirred after the battle of
even plant life on Mars, owing to in -
Poitiers. in 1.1133. at which the French
tense cold and extreme tenuity of at.
King luel been taken prisoner. It 14
mosphere, it Is altogether probable
that both exist on enus.
Has Water, Warmth and Air.
Why not, indeed? The prime and
essential requirement for the main.
tenarice 01 111(3 ia water, aud with that
Venus is plentifully supplied. In face,' and to the grouter part of the teatime
she has so na1011 of it that uetronomers and baronet who were priseners. The
r ve been able. to see her face Prince seated the King of France and
added testimony as to the modestY
and true politeness of the English
A Prince Noble and True. .
"The Princ) of Wales gave a supner
In We pavilion te the King of France
lave r
Another essential, of course, is his son, the Lord Philip, at an elevated
warmth; brit veaus, being only seven. and well -covered table. With them
were Sir James 13ourboun, the
tenths as far away from the sun 119 130
Lord John trArtols, the Earls of Tan.
are, receives from thin souree twice
as much heat es WO gel.. Conditions on corvine, of iSetampos, of Dammartin,
of Graville, end the Lord of Partenay.
that orb must therefore be what we
Tho :other knights ana squires were
might term super -tropical. At the
same thne, it is to be coneldered Viet , Placed at different tables. The Prince
- the thick veil of clouds must afford a! Ithuself served the Kingas teble as well
measure of protection against the ar- evoN'ulttilelnoetv
dent solar rays.
in spite of all entreaties for him to do
Menifestly Venus has au ample en -
so, saying that he was not worthy of
velope of atmosphere, and the masses
so much honor, nor did it appertain to
; of clouds suspendet in it unmistakably
him to seat himself at the tahle of so
indicate great oceans. They also !Mg- great a King, or so valiant a man 118
is, that one nat. . 119 had I gest plentiful rains. 10 hat shown himself by his actions
uralay pleturee the continents of that •
that day. He added, also with a noble
Plane as diversified with numerous
rivers and great lakes. air, 'Dear sir, do not make a poor meal
because the Almighty God has not
We know that conditions very .91111.. gratified yeur wishes in .the event of
ilar to these existed on the earth clue -
tilts day; for be assured that my lord
log the coal -1111'01111g epoch. There were a101 father will show yen every honor
1111011 no mammals on our planet, but ' and frientlehip in his power and will
plenty of strange and monstrous rep-
arrenge *our rans0111 80. reasonably
tiles, as well as fishes and other lower -
that you will henceforth always re -
4011118 of life. . main friends. 10 my opinion you have
It ie at least possible that vegetable
, auee to bo glad that the euccess of
and animal life on Venus at the pros.'
i this battle. tlid not turn out as you de,
ent time correspond more CT loos tO sired; fm, eon here this day acquired,
this description Mars is an aged and 1 1 1 1 en f r 'that u
sue 1 g reneN u te, yo
debile planet that has dried up and be- have surpassed all the best knights on
come a desert, uppareutiy enue on • .
emit Fide. 1 do not, deal. sir, Fay this
the other hand, is young, and may per -
:hale; have reached a vigorous maturity who have seen and observed . the
to flatter you, ter all Iletee of emeside
when the last human being on the 38110)1111 of each party hale unenhnottin
earth is long dead of thirst.
I 1Y allowed this to be your clue, and de.
Venus appears to turn always the
et. the end of this speech there were
same face toward the sun. If this be 111081110N of praise heard from every -
true, 14 1111(51 be forever daytime in 0110 • one. And the French s'ald the Prince
had spohen nobly and truly; and that
hemisphere, while the other is shroud -
ea, everlasting 111(311, a frozen he would be one of the meet gallant
prinees in Chrhqendont."
Venus by Wireless. cree you the priaa and garland for
sons. Her axis of rotation is peepen. BUILT OF ITS OWN CARGO,
dicular to the plane of her orbit, in-
stead 01 111311141 tipped over, like that of Unique Lumber Ship Cceetrented In
British Columbia Yard.
theneilthilas t
00011 1 1Y 110" "nu' talk A most reniftrItable 140004011 Ship
about communicating by wireless with.
distant stars. 'The nearest one ie Or) deetleme to make but one voyea*0 of
0.000 miles,. Is being built in a Britiele
far away that nine years would be rte Collittilda ebipyard. Re lave:lose io to
(tidied to get 1111 answer back, if it . carry 5.000.000 f,,t. „r 1„„31,,,, 1„ Eng.
were returned instanter.
Where the Menet 'Venus is concern- - tana; but whea it emir, s at its desti-
11•3 1'3311 113,1 3,331 or il..,i7^ unloaded, it
On Venus there are no changing sea-
eti, the problem is 1 e.e. dinerent.
radiogram trevele 1s1,4) miles per
sot.ond (its volmity being the Kane ,
that oe light a caul to cover the -
tance eremitism() miles would net
take nru..1 01 01 two 111 11111•08-stiplicibe
Ing, that is to say, that ail 11(111(1130 stir.
ficientiv povecrful could. be 'given.
But, if there are any people on
Venus, they time. mit have welted out
the wireless invention yet. Quite poe-
sibly it is teo early for them by a few
millions ot years,
To . remove .shine :from coats or
tIresete ti4eolve an 001100 of rook
j ammonia and half an oance of whit0.
reedit) sea:, in a pint 01 very hot
water. When quite thesolved dip e
I sponee into the mixture and rob the
ehiny places.
will 03111134 be talmli ;tract turned
b-zdilr into a lIM.4.1 For
the new veeecl io ell eerie.) and the
100,114 1081034 4130 '411,4001,
The mottled ef monetruction is to lily
clown the heel and fore-nnd-aft 0'085
timbers, 0o101,t1,18 ft eheleton bottom,
. . .„
111100 011 1110 14111111'
ture, and then Lomeli that portion. of
the veeeel. The donkey eireines holet
the heavy timbere aboard for the 0.101.
111(311)111 et' the ship. The eitlee are
built ep for eight or ten feet, bolted
together. 'another course laid and bolt.
ed, and en on until a solid, seaworthy
ehip is finiehed, 21iti feet long, 00 -foot
beam and 3a, feet deep. The sail
equipment 1,1 supplomented With twin-
serew drive, and cemfortable quarters
are provided for officers and ortW.
The cost is declared not to exceed that
of loading an ortlianry veseel,
Orriab Ne Sad( The "Magnetic" Gaze,
A winning, blinking und wandering
There tere ail sorts of laborsaving
crevices which 1101)) to :wive the see-
vant problem and mako. housework
easier, nud now tbcre mines along a
professor of entomology who has dis-
covered and reared in millions the
"Scayenger ant," These helpful mites
clean waste -piece and sink», and flea•
troy cockroaches and other pests.
The scavenger 117,,S been bred
and sold tam the last three ycers
Professor larank'Dodge. ale has sup.
Plied them to 14l438101411 33 companies,
wereheasee, hotele, anti housewives,
lo eaditien to the work eteted above,
they will (hem freimplems aml >Mere,
pans far more offactivele than hot
Water, Tho 1'1'0(() (('('31 are
Iltmemehly bygienie. and do their work
N) well that 1104. a uersp 31 ''(1151)10(1
mailer it loft,
erof.asor 1101133o has hullo ant
farm in California, whloh 3141 uppropra.
Moly calle 'Ant 1(111, carries
on Ids experinic3d t, and 1.reeds many
varlmy of onts.
Another typo of ant which has boon
I evolved by the profeseor is that known
technically as the Pelham Pedicular.
Largo nests of these were 1011011 to
Prance by the American Expeditionary
Fore, and eet down 111 Brest and Tout
Here the ants did gooa war service,
for they were eepevially bred with the
idea of killing what oro papularly
Itermed "Cooties," 00 trench vermin.
These was Were very ferocious, and
sought out their envy and attacked
them with gtvat severity..
This Wee wee another war secret
carefully emae110,1 front the Huns, The
147111111 ilypee!Joreett anuther speciee
of mit whieh imo come to the assist -
mice td mudded, Millions og these
have boon eupplied to the enttert-
alenteim, Med they hevo (30)10 leech to
e107:11:1. the (14)'133(131(101l OE the (1)t1011
rrofeseer 1,1)14410 Is no dreamer.
This is proved 1,y the feet that he has
been preeeeted with the Lubbock
aleael by the Royal Beitielt Inetituto
of Seienee 1de Tem:re:hes and than
coverice 111 insect life,
eye Will 11070r p38op10; there,
fore It is of great impertance that
these organe should be trollied to their
beet condition,
Tho person who would use the
power of faseinatIon, says Mr. 'Cr. 11,
eheatley, 111 "The Alt of Faecination,"
must acquire a tleterinthed look. An
empty Mare ehould be avoided, for it
con noVer carry any influence; neither
11'111 a toren and inihtldent one faSoine
ate, though It tufty repel. The (nage
Indic 410103 must eteatlY, quiet, pone.
trilling and determined, hie converse-
tielook. into the oyes of tile person
caintlY and eteadily or fix Foto wee
on the omen of individuality, which is
between the eyebrows. Sneak all
your thoughts clear and distinetbn
Think them as well as speak them,
pritish casualties in all theatres of
war went well over the, 8,000,000
081)111. Abelit 150,000 efficere and e(0.4
proximetsly 8,000,000 men,
jirk eme&y- grinder 'furnishes an O.%
fielentl means of keeping
odUo Oa farm tools,