HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-14, Page 5A r AfZR.E.1t4, o-ABOtri, JNN. SUTHERLAND & SONS d, �n p,� �6 71�s�jylvpLIMITED tXlk'alf6'4,1441' .... +•'.Yre'.JUo melees CI rats J✓':s. AMI}F#'&t7N, Vl L' fNAieY 11,f1 ]t c1N N+4su' , r Ln .11. 11. .4 ,i ,. 011100 a4 Ander. sett Ito .% Llvnry a4ahb, Ifrussele, Telephone No.. OR, WARf3LAW -- Honor grudurlto of the Ontario Veterinary ('olleg llay and night balls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, T. T. M RAE 8., M. O. P.. .r. S. O. 11. tJ. H., V111ngo or lirnmeula, Pity tern,, Soraeon, A •,munheur (aline to , Maden,!,, opposite Dlolvllle Clausal, IVln,nm street, WHITE B. A. PJl)yt('.IAN AND SURGEON, Graduate Toronto University of Msdlclne, Hpnci,w,t:notion riven 1' dkoaM4N nP ehnclron 811 $urin•ry. Oftico: Dr, Bryans OIU Stang Phone 46 Brussels cdAMES TAYLop2 licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Will .c--11 for as good mitt. as nny other Aum. ttensor or charge nothing, BEL(}RAVE A. O. P001QFO T, KiiLOHAN & COOKE Barri.,tcrs, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &C. Odloe-,n the ldq ue re, :Ind door from Hamilton street, UODERic1H. ONT. moo rands to toxo at lowest rates. W.'I.. Ilt'onT, E. C. J. L. E Lr.n,tAN 11..1. D. enoan •i' d i A +i+ N .,. neo +F 4. + Steady work as Machine rOpr•rato•s• Gond pay. Apply or write at once, Excelsior Knitting Mills 4. f •8 t t Stop - look - listen J. T. WOOD BRUSSELS - ONTARIO `F 4+ +++++++ 4• ++F •1+ Gk 4' 44.. AGENCY + +t + 4 + John Oliver 1311.11S:iJL'LS 4, 4. 4' has taken over the I),erilig Ag- 4. puny !lull handles a full limo of 4' lemon implements intending the T. p noted it 11. C. Cream Separators 44+, A The only (!earn 3epalato' with 4+ t'vo wide open creat. outlets- '1 - no meant screw 111 the path nl' 4. the cream, Nee it when In town, 4+ The I. II, C. 8-10 end I0-20 Tractors t 1110 among the best. ''1• r 4' r The Deering Manure spreader $ \Vith the wile sp1 end and very + light in draft, + John CHHv r 4f 1 4: ++++++++++++++44++4 44444+4. 1hthi eIs prepared to pay the $ highest price for m e Scrap iron, o @ •• Rubbers, bbers, e Rags, ,I'sCe • s • e 0 i WOOL o. price paid. See a ome before you sell, e ♦ • 6 e Highest (ash Pricc for • a e t live Poultry and Hides 0 4 • 0 Write or Phone 62k ` Q NSM WfINNT[IN •4 y M 1.1.. 1STLII.IE'I' BRUSSELS ..... 4. 6 are teesdtes046 '(i040d0.00•4,41t•1i•44 they .%, !l•. 1 •.:Ogre A 11'1:�i "tom'.. T'r ;`',l Frill Term Opens Sept. 2nd EILA.14'D7'Y a �, Yonge ffi Charles tits., Toronto 1_-tancls to -14 aar without a 7,euper)or in the i om/man, ' O11 [' tprnt'd'7 lbl')i40i11 I IlL grail. 1 unto promptly in peep imp, have (.1 :) • eve, horn gnu passed in l'tu,udlL 1 Ourlllh o uruagit( 1t, of 01119 14 well known. 4 PT Write today fur our largo Catalogue. 1S W. J, ELLIOTT, PRINO/PAL tog /!Mteav yi eeirieS'eeM ffeze405 eine .1.1V.s ?OMAN 2 Inc leer BRUSSELS Goma t5onmrl GOING NOa'r17 Express 7:00 0 mDiall 11:112 a m Express 8:53 a LnI lexprc'N0 9:071! m alt Nanlataf raCIPIC ,WALTON To Toronto To Godorlah Express......... 0:47 a nr I Express .........11:91 pm Exprees...... 2:27 p m Express 9:07 pm WROXETER Going Haat - 7:11 a, m. and 8:81 p, tn. Going West - 12:80 and 9:85 p.m. Alt trains going Hast oonneot with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T Q.13. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Lobel Agent. rural etvs Items See that your name is placed on the Referendum Voters' List without fail. '('uu we'n't have a vote unless it is on this specially prepared list. Rev, Dr. Shearer, general secretary of the Social Service Council of Can- ada, left Toronto last week for Eng- land, where he will attend in Septem- ber the World's Brotherhood Conven- tion, Will Make Appointment in December. The appointment of a school in- spector for the counties of Huron, Lambt ,1 (n and Middlesex will not be made until the December sessions of the councils. How Accidents Happen When you hear a motor horn, make up your 1n111d immediately what to do Either stop or proceed, but do not hesitate. The chauffeur reads your intentions by the first move you make, If you then change your mind, an accident is very liable to result. Mail To Germany It is permissible to forward mail t.) the part of Germany occupied by the Allied' troops, but a ruling is being applied for as to whether any ,tail to any pari of Germany can be for - worded. however, there is not much demand in this town for such com- munication. What Money Cannot Buy There is no more serious mistake titan to suppose that money can buy everything. It cannoturch p asp a good night's sleep nor an appetite. .Ilaay a millionare is a sufferer from dyspepsia and insomnia. Money can- not buy friendship, nor peace of mild, nor a tranquil conscience. The best things in life may be had by tite poorest, bought without money and without price, New Forms Issued For Liquor Prescriptions Doctors have received notice from the board of license commissioners for Ontario that special forms for liq- uor prescriptions are to be used henceforth. One is to be used when a patient is receiving the order for any- thing up to a quart of spirits, or a dozen bottle, of beer, and the other when the doctor procures for his own use in practice a quantity not to ex- ceed ten gallons. Died In China Last Friday's Globe contains the an- nouncement of the death on June 5th at Shanghai, China, of Dr. Robert Joan Storm, at the age of 82 years. The de- ceased gentleman was one of the pio- neer residents of this Section and prac- tieed his profession in Lower Wingham and will be remembered by the earlier residents, He was interested In the es- tablishmeut of the Presbyterian Church Either stop or proceed, but do not China for some years. lie was a bro- ther of Dr. William Sloan, of Toronto and the late Andrew Sloan, of Blyth. Sleeping on Hot Nights There are lots of people who have difficulty in getting sleep these Itot nights.. Just before going to bed sponge the body from head to foot with cold water. Don't dry it off, lie down on the bed without any covering and you will soon experience waves of coolness: if you don't fall asleep in half an hour or so sponge youself again. But don't try this cold water treatment If you are afraid that it will cause you to have neuralgia or nostalgia or otitis or aeroplainitis, for the chances are that your power of thought will cause you to believe you are getting chilled, and then you will have morbid mental visions of these frightful things. Those Eligible To Vote On Refererndunt Some time in the tall will cone the vote of tite temperance refer- endum, and those eligible to vote are being enumerated,er1 ted, All Members or ex-melnbers of the naval and mili- tary forces of Great Britain, her dominions, or of her allies are en- titled to the vote if they were resid- ents of the toent at the time Of en- iistnneet, whether they are of age or not, Residents, wlto are British sub- jects by birth or by naturalization be accepted after August 31, 1920, as months since July, 918, and who have been in the city for et least three utontils previous to July, 1919, all entitled to a vote, providing are 21 years Of age. Time la Gut Thou Co ar 'rn'ttc t of e' ' est . Ii u ,2lo!t, ', ( q- !ALAI 41ould will soon be their seeding lime when there will be a great nullticiplicity of their kind The honey Crop tjkreer and ba- t keine' A 14115117 n 131 >t pout, ,it Ontario It ,, iter poure01 crop in 311 )1us. Ihete was t falr honey flaw 'luring fruit ;111,1 dandelion hlocnu, 01 which 111010 r. a limited surplus. Relax Teaching Qualifications lion Dr, Cody, Minister of Edu. cation, announced Friday that in view of the comparative scarcity of applicants for continuation school systems, it has been decided that, n n huthslanding anvthhl ` to the con- trary in the amendments io the rep, - la lions of 1917 and 1918, all high school -Assistants' certificates granted under former reguialions la thus,' who do out hold degrees in arts, will there. Dr. Sloan had been residing in well as before that date as qualify - Ing the holders for positions as its- sist:mts In high schools or colle' glade institutes. What Other Towns Are Doing At :t recent meeting of the Strath- ruy Board of Trade ,Mayor Dampier gave a resume of the answers written on the question papers sent out by tate Board to ascertain the opinion' of the merchans of the town as to the best way to improve their respective busi- nesses. Systematic advertising, up-to- date window displays, the adoption of a strictly cash system, etc, were ad- vocated as a means of improving mer- cantile business. Several ways were suggested to ' improve the town and make it go ahead, viz: The securing of more factories paying a higher scale of wages; tate adoption of a system of management of civic af- fairs by a paid commission, rather than by the usual Town Council; tate determination of the citizens to boost the town and all its activities in word and deed, rather than .knock; and some others, all eunveyng the same idea The • vario - us answers, provoked a wholesome discussion. AN INCREASE IN CARS IN ONTARIO The increase in the number of cars used in Ontario is very marked dur- ing the past five years. The total increase in registrations last year was 70,988 as compared with 16,926 in 1914. Since 1912 the number o1 cars in use has approximately been doub- led every two years, lit 1903 Ontario reported only 229 automobiles, Year Car Licenses 1903 50,489 1914 67,415 1915 1 87,671 915 120,498 1917 198,739 1918 269,727 1'11 e number of motor cars in the respective provinces of Canada, as between 1913 and 1918, is illustrated as follows: Provinces 1918 Ontario . 23,700 109,37.1 Saskatchewan 4,659 47,239 Alberta 3,773 29,500 Quebec 5,452 28,333 Manitoba 5,406 24,389 British Columbia 6,138 15,828 Nova Scotia 511 8,103 New Brusw'ick 824 6,475 Prince Edward Island 26 481 Total 50,489 269,727 The value of the cars now in use reaches a very high figure, and is an indication in a degree at least of the financial condition of the Canadian people. DECLINE IN TOTAL TRADE A decline in the total trade of Can- ada amounted to 832,652, 629 for the first two ,months of the fiscal year as compared with the sante period in 1818_ts shown by the trade statement issued through the customs depart- ment, The grand total of Canadian Trade for April and May of the pres- ent year is 8289,359,288, while last year it was 5322,011,917. The total of domestic merchandise exported was greater by mole than six ,million dol- lars during the first two months of e+++++++++++++++++++++++ • • +d Otlr stock or IZepait's (neer- 4- ing the Doering, McCormick '» and Frost, Ss Wood Machin- :: (il'y le u,tv enmplete, \Vo give the r' gnil ltd prompt 400'- vice in the replacing of brok- en parts. Older needed Re- pairs early anti help us keep 0111' stork enrtiplete, We have again received a dal lee delivery or Mileoei1tek 050 - ft. Superint Manilla twit te. We can glut: you the itdvnutn e 11(119 Or 111112- 4 able advance in price later an, (11)01 gllltt 6111(10 '1'11 Twine 4. second to mule fm' (duality. Delivery only lime, p epaar Service The Plum I Blacksmith Shop w Phone 41x m . Phone 88 14.4014444:44411.14.++4444011.1.F8Hr! tJANAfl LURKS IN E![RY ONE Of US IN &iso A. Full t72' i).SAdty Poisons Aa A Gene Laboratory. AUTO -INTOXICATION OR SELF- POISONING oFRUIT-A-TIVES" Absolutely Pre- vents This Dangerous Condition. The Wei cause of Jroor health is our neglect of the bowels. Waste matter, instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly every day, is allowed to remain there, generating poisons which are absorbed by the blood. In other words, a person who 1s habitually constipated, is poisoning himself. We know now that Auto- intoxication, due to non -action of the bowels, is directly resJ,onsible for serious Kidney and Bladder Troubles; that it upsets the Stomach, causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheum- atism, Gout, Pain In The ]sack, are relieved as soon as the bowels become regular; and that Pimples, Rashes, Eczema and other Skin Affections disappear when 1ePruit-a-fiyes" are taken to correct Constipation. "Fruil.a-lives" will protect you against Auto -intoxication because this wonderful fruit medicine acts directly on all the eliminating organs, 50e. a box, 6 for $2.8O, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent on receipt of trice bvFruf t-a-tivesLimited, Ottawa. the present fiscal year than it was for the sante period a year ago, the figure being 5150,263,691 in 2918, as com- pared with 5156,737,840 during the present year. Imports, on the other hand show a decline of nearly forty- three million as compared with last year, the figures being 8168,433,022 for 1918 and 5125,620,035 for the present year. EDITING A NEWSPAPER Editing a newspaper is a pleasant business -if you can stand it, If it contains any advertisements the subscribers claim they take too much space. If there is a scarcity of advertis- ing, it is unpopular, and the people won't 1 have it If the attend church regularly, they say we do it for effect, If we are away from church, they say we are monstrously heathenish. If we accept an invitation to a wedd- ing, they say we are invited to "write it lfpwve are on the streets much, they say we neglect our business. If we avoid going on the street, they say we don't hustle around af- ter tate news. If we reject a long-winded com- munication, its author becomes furi- ously enraged and discontinues this paper, If we publish lengthy communi- cations, our subscribers say we lack discretion, and put in to fill up. 1f we omit to decorate our office windows on Victoria Day, they say we lack enterprise and that there isn't a drop of patriotic blood in our degenerated carcass. If the omit jokes, they say we are poor, miserable fossils. if we are single, they say we are too helpless to get married, If we are ,tarried, they say it's a pity for our wives, If we publish a man who has brought disgrace on his family, the friends of the fancily never forgive us, If we, out of the goodness of heart, decine to say anything on the subject, the man's enemies are dis- appointed, and we are branded as white -livered cowards. We are liable to receive these raps and many more, and we ;Are al- ways ready to receive visitors, whe then accompanied by dog or not. Of course we do not claim there is any work in ramming a newspaper. Every- body knows it's a snap. GOING SWIMMING here are a few pointers worth note- ing at this time of year for swim. mesS: Don't bathe in unfrequented or se^ eluded parts. Don't swim away from shore, 'al- ways along the shore. Don't swim against the stream if you come across weeds, Don't bathe shortly after dining; Walt at least two hours. Don't swim near dams, waterfalls, or where reeds are growing. Dott't• diVe into tite water without first t ns cert b the n t 1 edeptn 1, Dolt' t swim without protecting your ears if subject to ear trouble. Don't sit in a boat or stand about undressed after being in the water. Don't swim too far out in the sea or lake slnattendad by a boat or an expert swimmer. Don't swine far after a hard day's work or over-exertion after other forms of exercise, Don't dive out of or try to get in- to a boat from the side; dive from the stern, and get In front the stern, but only than from a boat with a broad beam. Don't take fright if " f..11 t 'a +e.". yOer Li tl t is t :, a usL'. tat ll it M,hi'r t+r Ili! l7:rr, lnr. ming with the tide or stream. 10111 swim without some rt,.04- niretl signal - to hive your fenow • twintmerS it 2u111.drt4 to cramps, -s';.it i1 lifting one art„ and j1101111r,4 for 0121p De--; eb s. tc . Llf11d `iW 1411111 Dant throw the hand', of ;our, cul 01 the water, When canoeing take a lite belt if you are not an expert. Don't go be- yond the depth of your hips if you can't swim, Dont struggle when you find yourself in deep water. Don't grasp any person who ap- proaches you; de what he tells you. Don't attempt to get Into a boat conning to your rescue. catch hold of the stern till assisted to get in. if you follow out these direction's when in diolre's in the water on will help yourself and '1111(775 eo1ni11,1 to you assistance. Tread water by keeping the leg moving up and down as in walking up stairs.. 1201d an oar or canoe pad- dle, plank or branch ofa tree in Diemiddle where thrown to you: 311 4411 or paddle with the blade tint on the {eater will keep you up it you struggle. Take in long breath. through the mouth and inhal'2 through the nostrils; this snakes the body more bouyant and keeps you warm. Atwood 34 loads of wheat were taken oil' 7d acres no the 1'111111 e f Jatnes Puna111. 4113. Stanley Ford has eon tram for re- novating inlet i1r 111 I'11'ahy 10111(11 WW1 elr a( 1.4.31 he). Lawson Dock low, who elm It'-' for W. 11. llrski111, was taken suddenly ill with: appendiciti0 and tens motored to Stratford hospi lul and Glide!, Went. rt sucrenofitl operation. Following ascends in Field (111p competition f11' natty in ISlllla {V3W giv- en by Andrew limit 0, 3litdrav let- Alex. linbh 811 1;111- j,ho h. Int C vnu S, , , i11'll W. ''i, Sherwin' 7111;': W. S. 1n11irldsml 72 : ,1, W. Boyd A Simpson Ol, ; 11, ,1. Onghlin (13:. Listowel First instalment c•f town taxes is due Septembee I:i. Itate is 34 mills. A Li vi [ratan has plutlis.rd 1'1, el 3 It B winner th.- (Zoo'm's hotel suttee-, Rev. W. II. Du r, bar was 1.14.70 ed P10s1t10n1. of 1111' 14inlnWel Pou111y As. social ion. Twn 111,170 of I,iolc.wel haw lets motored 10 Nx' ter ami tool( rail it, tet'+ howling len, lttmrni, 14. 13, Alm phy, Al 1', lrluwel, ix Mon tinned fur the past ai' f;land Master fir the G, tool Orange Lodge of British Atn,l'ii:e. A very intrtt,ting toll ,'tion rf Chinese Japanese, and 1wal hill wpnil'O, In the witubins of Livingstol es di u;; store, have liven a great. 01.11artion. 'l'hey Were ga1heted by Ur. It. 1'. Livingstone, while 121 military service, and include It le numerous altirivsof tale interest Trowbridge ACCIDENT.'-Ear'i, the little two and a half year old son of 13irhard and airs. Johnston, Trowbridge, nail owly escaped deat 0 in a pert -dint accident Tuesday morning of last week through which he received a Inokeu log and numerous bruises. The little chap was in the field where 111r. Johnston and the lilted man were loading grain. Unawares to thea] he approached the wagon 3411(1 stood 131 the spokes net the inside of one of the teat' wheels. When the horses atat+ted his little body (va8 squeezed through a narrow apace between the wheel and holster post and by the time his cries we(e heard attd the team brought to (t 0tnp, National Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H., THE PRINCE OF WALES EXHIBITION Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6 Ltitish Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster gulls, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers frorn the Hun. r~w Canada's Flying Circus Cols. Barker and Bishop and e other world famous aces in surrendered ,German planes. -"xi', l'di s'r ��l (How de Your lm," P E' C A - LS . - suit ? EGISLA'I'1 Hawker, in force. Cony! Irl ;01 trn8r4ntc•,.,. 1'r' >e -1')y and 111.1 thing up-Lt'•date. ON protecting the public from the '!'ravelling and Faker Opticians is now authorized Optician where yotl got all I. Bifo(.t1:, ('Ie,lrecl, I'ranles Fitted ancient Frames put all you. Every - Prices moderate, Call and see me. W. F. Stretton marriage Litt u:;rs. eQYissllmQtf i? ; + . 943 jeweler and Optician. Anel45f1' Sint15t!yiLEll5I7lli ('1 )'I mi^�'I'!);u,lllll his head was forced against a steel eupan to the rack, and leg was ccntght het ween the spokes of the wheel. Another moment's delay in atnppiog the Muses would have cost. the 13411', life. A ducts' was 011111' mooed and the little fellow is getting along as well as could b.. looked for, Biyth A gra x.tblaRR ELrsgee P.tssEs AWAY. --Altxandor 141,101, for 44 years a 0e01. dont "f Blyth, and nue of its pioneer general 11retr'htu,ts, died :Nhis loom. tVedre.rd3te of' last week. Mr. 1'1,1,' w a a t)( ., { n `I"u i1 uu r for ..O y''ul+ 111111 'Vinci,'1i. . l k 101' ( er v +r• r r. . Of }lr« horn lu in the t tvilehip 1 I':Igiu, t no,lc nt' 11111(11.14dun, l rovot(1 of (Zuebee, in : Cry el.! 1847, and saw active service in Trout River against the Pettians, when they raided Outaifo in 1870, and was later awarded a medal. Prior to corning to Blyth lie was bookkeeper for Goofier - 1111151 4c tVc,rtll, miller's and merchants, at Pier (Grove, Ontarin, and while in the employ of that titin was married to 31tss ;Navy 4, Smith of that place. The late r4lr. Elder wise created Jus- tine of the Peace many years ago. He was an active member of the Presby- 10rinn Church and Clerk of the session rm. many yea: 8. In polities he wag a 0011000 rat 190. Besides hie wife, h(+ leaves 4 2t tan •hI'F' g r, Mrs. Iltev) )'Valle! McLean, of Hanover. The funeral took plat I!play 1011 ,0 He wad a lineman. T E y'IC CA'S LES RHEUMATIC SCIAYI� EUMATISM,NE SRI GOUT.OZ. �* ,,! 11,•10, RHMBA��'rjEU RTHEWORS7H0:,, 'SU12E TONS 01 ss Hmjea NoosTW, 15 AS "Good health Is priceless," If you suffer from Rhetunatic aAiictions.T,R.C.'s will remedy' your condition and remove both pain and disease. Ask your druggist or write us for our new booklet; ft is ioterrs(ing and costs you nothing (Templetous, 112 King W., Toronto). We mail T.R.C..s nnywhe•e on receipt of $1.04. Sole fluent forrBrussels James Fax, Drug -gist tartatcomeousoceneuressormatelaaeroomenecaeocerAA 04.•••••••4®•1••999944•4-e0409••ie***4. 04.P+.4SOM►$4441114 * Fall Term from Sept. 2nd •9 • The demand upon us for trained help exceeds the sup- A ply. Train for success. Our Graduates succeed. 0 Write for Free Catalogue. p 0 a 4) 0 • 4. 4v • e Stratford, Ont. and Wingi'tam, Ont. • The School that places its graduates in good positions. e• A P 7 404.44000000.7.+06.+000 µ0s?io4.a0,000.00004!t7'seme.4@,tt9 4 •41.0.40@•00-0.445119.0®4'0A4•eq •0•m••••40•0••N0A••94e•0o1•S en's Pocket Watches C ea - 0 \ 6 0 • • i e ••P 4 • • • • •• • 0 • s iWHIPPET TANK K CAPTURED 11 BOAT Festival of Triumph The Mao itirrtng of All Goad Strad spectacle. The surrender of the German Neel SEEVersailles Castle --Victory Arch. Allenby's Dotty into Jerausalam. And a score of other exroordinery lealteot 700 GREATEST 11an181n014 Or M.J. 70588 \Ve are offering Special Prices on our pres- ent stock of Waltham, Regina, Hampden and Elgin Watches. These were bought some time ago. In the lot ate some suitable for presenta- tion to returned soldiers, Ail going at special Reduced Prices while present stock lasts. If,in need of a Watch Ball in and see what we have to offer. Monogram Engraved Free. A FULL. STOOK OI+` Kodeks and Brownie Cameras, Films And Supplies; We give epecial instruetfol1 with each Kodak or Brownie sold, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens �n �L We always ' y e m sleek n grand assort- ment of Self -filling, Safety and Ii.egular typee. Prices gig 50' up. Others from 1111 up. Waterman'o Ink in bottle and bulk/ Engagement Rings Wedding Rings For Cleaning Silverware try our Ideal Silver Cream. it is the BES'C. Price 28c. �.+ WENDS' m Jeweler, Wroxeter 4.4••0 Tewe+e••bt>•••e•••••• V • .4pM,,p AN.414Ite1r#11iR'tla,