HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-14, Page 2(C. • Koine Grown Chow;. !have brought eows In that: way into A. nehrbtor cf ours never rabies a i my herd and rcen them 'ielit for days calf, always depending upon cows to settle the matter of vete, is boss. It picked up here and there: for such nil]-! le hard work; and sometimes I have mails its he may need in lee dairy.! bed to separate row: that fought each The reason 'or this a, he Fume it ether that way -for a long time; and is that he can buy towe r•beap<•r than: 1 nut not .ere but the best way .is to he tan raise them In thea r •nee,t disease of one Or the other of the this Friend of ours ie t. repremntetive. aelli ercn e rather than to have the o£ a i .rge chase of farm On the lien' ::it :.tirrcd up Ly constant fights. falx -e of these men we ..:,sum see a Gehe• a little tleeeer into this mat- cell' or a heifer coming . ,, j ter. it is worth while to notice that But there is this this: tetra I no- mhos we grow our own rime: we may tice. ;This neighbor, and others - I y meting cows of certain character - know who do net raise calve , are ell !sties' with bull:; the parentage and the time changing their cows elf for qualities of whose ancestors we under one rtesen or enothe1•. While these. stand, get caves which are superior ' men de net say eo I Lave MY suetfi-! in many ways to any we can buy, tions that this t,:ni eney to shut their and better than thane we already hare. stock is due to the faet that they d, And this passibility of breeding het - net get cows that are satisfactory, ter emelt is ere that is well worthy when they buy them. It is a risky! of mere attention than meat of us n1 to buy terve e peeially where' give it. one .ices net know the man of wht•rn, . he buys. Nor is the fault always with! Housing Farm Machinery the former owner of the cow. For it' The thrift, business ability. and is a fact that the eow which may do ; ueeess .•t a Termer may be fatcly well for you may be an entirely dif-• estimated by the euro he takes of hi; ferent cow for me, with my P01111' farm tools end implements. These ways of feeding and caring for stock.: aids to economic cr; riculture in Can - Ir. my opinion, then, !tante-gro:vn, arla result in a large saying every cows are the best an round. It may! year, and the thoughtful person must cost rather more to get these cotes up, acknowledge the immense losses in the through to maturity, but when we gat t: aggregate which would result from them we know better what we have I the general failure properly to house than where we step out and buy a and care for this class of machinery. strange cow. For cows are big bun -t An investment of such proportions in Mee, of peculi.r'.ties, some of which' articles which are used for only a are inherited, more acquired, I comparatively short time during each I have watched this matter of pert l year must impress one with the im- sonal characteristics quite carefully,; portance of providing suitable house and always with interest. 'Usually I have found that it is the mother which puts the irn'print of her own disponi- It is u niece Bary to provide an tior and eccentricities on the calf she: elaborate or expensive beilding for brings into the world. If the cow Is a this purpose. because its principal use long milker, we may look ic.r the bei' -I is to protect the machinery from the er she drops to be so, too. Little i weather. The implement house is un- nct ens about standing wh nbent Like the barn, which, especially in cold milked, er being light -foetid or lila climates, must be built to protect orderly, are also transmitted in many :emelt from the cold or the granary which must be capable of holding a a long line of caws market} by the,great weight of grain. All that is mother to be short -seasoned in the.necessary is a building of simple con - flow of milk. That is. they almost ani struction, siren; enough to support versally have he faelt of drying off lottds e ti'0 and net coming back :Argil they' tbeta own roof, together with the pas - have hat}ale •r period of rest. The ,e seen: , and rigid enough to 13y 0. W. EVtJNS. loss from this kind of cows is great resat wind pressure. When John Roberts returned front the farm. In the horse-drawn outfits race; it has Wight truce the greatnessnt, in the cots,:. of a term of years. None: Penh ps the Cheapest, most avail- overseas and resumed his duties on' practically every 11 ruit was taught: Alary Ann and Dean were two very everlasting dominion over the minds of Grid. The Moslem is t'evc:rent, of as can afford to keep a cow that: able and commonly used material is <he old farm a short thele age, he gave the me±hods , f handling horses, He happy chf]dren. When tone day they and heaarts of men : whatever else he may be. The majesty wood, yrhic}•t, if kepi carefully painted, overheard mother say, We will have Acts ]4: 1-7. In upononium' Paul data not hold out in her milk yield. his kind-hearted old father a bit of a was ;instrnetecl first in the nomencla-� and Baunabas are their first and supremacy of the one God Cotel that grow up on the pate•s is reasonably durable. Galvanized core jolt one day, when he said: tore of the horse, until he could name to get rid of the old cat Betty,' Herbreathes through a r. thought great missionary journey. from Au - taken. nether advantage not always Dad what in the name o£ San, an reel' correctly to the yarn ing for the relatively long periods when the implements are not in use. easels. In my ov:n herd I have seen lecespemaeatutu easegimeeaaeeeeetter.said 6 n The [-*r ione) a E3,1 i C'tt' . a • aye, a, .L 1 b ^ ,,o,eesoessov57F0 ea 40111es4 111104003!3110 uE4 . OR the Gillette owner, life is one long holiday from stropping and honing, 1t is a round or daily luxurious shaves. The shaving quality of the hard -tempered, keen and lasting Gillette Blade is a never failing source of satisfaction. You, who are planning a vacation, should include one pleasure you can enjoy twelve months each. year—buy a Gillette Safety Razor. Free your holiday from strops and hones. The new Kit Set—the Pocket Edition Gillette Safety Razor—in a limp leather roll case, complete with twelve double-edged blades and e mirror, takes only a few inches of space in your kit. Remember how the Gillette was the choice of the soldiers of all the Allied armies. You will need a Gillette to remove your open-air growth of beard. THE PRICE L,5 $5.00 egamreageen=mesen ,�,, age . _ 529 The Soldier's Return to the ��ar i with hitt thighs, rather than depending! upon his stii.•rups, hetore. he took to the saddle. After this was accomplish- ed and the proper aide were taught! arta practiced, the recruit wa0 in structed how to put his uroufht through all the paces and meventeuts. A great, many Wren came to the camps .aho had rode and handled horses for years in thrix own natural way, 'these had. to he "unlearned" ninny thin„', whi it were against the canons of military, equitation and taught again cr•rrectly,! but in it !;rent majority of the cases: these men, after becoming accustomed gco DDoflars 1 ff lnvnr1 01 at ,rl, will amount to $697,76 If Inveete.l at 40,:., itttorest cola- pcmete•1 epua1.1e51y, will a14' 'al' to 5744'9 that ii torr ,hot 1,1 ung 61 % lir t: „sur , '111:ort ,.1st t"$aatl.2q Veiling, int•, as I taut, in 1111 upper room \F It for 1,g ,,kL t. 11 Tr. a taletn, th'.,1 :.penis nt .d1 trly a The , W.,,., P,, ph.t• 'emelt, 14111,,,,m11 it ', n .,cawou- t.. (Irani! , t Permanent T.0831 1. •;T )till', 60114011- 4A0 tvt.rel fur 1:11 the trend, The Toronto Ofilea 0J1 Kinn at. t"feat `r.,,r., of the woman at flat well and v., ..,.__,-,,4 Musings sing! tn. Old .1ortii};ia!er er interview with Joona l':9 local in to the array way, agreed that the 1st-' - • its gime and in its spirit; for this ter was the most logical and made foil 1 le the t etllre of 1c: giou4 awingoniem the better training and preservation of the horse. In the motor -drawn artillery regi- ments certain men were given inten- sive• and highly specialized courses in motors, The tractors used are not un like those used on the great farms of the west, curd the soldiers were given the opportunity to learn, not only how to run and take care of tractors and ea M ; t and entry. It LA g ,doral, because this: Is the day wherein the world is i--linmeillg n new and larger mimeo- -I tion of the God who is a Spirit and 1 wile most he worshipped in spirit and in truth. When tills befuddled time of ours gets he idea:, about GO ett ughtened out it will find that many other nat- ters have likewise b0a0 cleaned up, wheeled material, but also to abser;'e 'Christian Missi<:ns--lets 1 : b; 13: 1 Although they do not rrnliic th• f tet, the paasihilities of these machines for to 1•l': 26. Clolden 'Text, many "liberal persons num i.tye.. hem domestic use, conceptions of the r u1 tato I1 t, th at The trained infantryman was per- ,tinri; 1t}: 15, are as narrow and made luck ..a to 10 haps the military "Jack of All Trades," Acts 1:8 --Ye Shall Receive Power, of the earliest Hebrews who worship - Hi la tic te INTERNATIONAL LESSON AUCGUS'I' 17. worship - His courses included irrigation, sant- and Yo Shall Be \Vitne eyes, These are' ped their tribal god on these hails, tatioit, trench digging, and building among the last recorded wards of The incident misconception consisted of revettments and shelters, all ex- Jesus to His disciples. Theirs is the in regarding God as a social program, elusive of drill and the use of the great commis=cion, He tells them, to or economic higher law, or a value rifle and bayonet: The Jackies of the ho witnesses ante flim "both in Jere spiritual urge, or a supreme necessity' navy, Besides learning much of the usalem, and in all Judea, and in Sam- for keeping the lower classes }n order. same things that the Tommies were ansa, and unto the uttermost parts of It is no euaggeration to declare that taught, also carne to understand the, the earthW Theirs also is to he pow- ntultitiicles of educated thea .and woe secrets of weather prediction and the er from on high to perform that work. men have no thought of God except tying of many kinds of useful knots It was not for them to knew "times as a factor in social recmisLruction, for vanious purposes, all of which or seasons," the time or manner of He is that, but He is infinitely more, will be of practical help to these boys His returning again and setting up a God is not a seelel program. God when they -retur' to the farms, kingdom upon earth. They were still is not a special partner with the Brie Considered as a whole, the enation hoping for the restoration in Palestine fish lion any more than with the Prua- at large, and the farmers in partite- of the kingdom of David. It is sig- Sian eagle. He is not a citadel for Mr, will benefit largely from the great nificant that Jesus neither denies nor capitalism aur a banner for Boddie - war in a way which will make for affirms that hope. Hut He bids then visnt. Tit regard flim as a mere ed. greater efficiency of the worker, bet- to be witnesses for Ilim in all the junet of political and social reform ter economy, and a greater output world, We are not twieer than our is impiety. and production from the soil, because 1Inster. Let us leave off, therefore,. of the more intelligent application. The Divine and the human. vain and foolish speculations about There is 'need for elem. thinking These results will become more and times and seasons of I--Iis coming, anr1. more apparent as the young; patriots set ourselves to the fulfilment of ou • here, While God has a relation to who enlisted do the sen'wt of their mis•lon, the mission handed down to everything human, He ie. first of all country return to resume their work us from the apostles,. in obedience to and above all else the Eternal Deity, }n the great and growing agricultural our Lord's last command. And may it the untreated Creator, the Ruler of sections of the r°untry. not he that in this very way, by ear: y- the universe, the King di icings ams ing His Gospct in the power of His Lorrl of lords. He is e.o e tilted In Spirit to all the world, that we shall Itis character and rights that tic is not only prepare the: way for and entitled to wcrship from all het' hasten His coming again, but ecru- creatures, Man ten have nn other - ally bring tit to pass as a spiritual relationship with Jellnvii until he fact, a s frit+sal Presence, the dmnin- bo-,va down tweet Him in adoration, ant and lr}talizing farce of Christ in , 'l all its defects, nl0hammed .^.- the Spirit nutting alt enemies ander -ser hes done one thing for two hen- the cud asscrtirer Isis finn1 and excel million mernbcrs of the human Betty's Return. 11 the th I t of 1 rasa rt sheet nitres is also used toIslam. No Moslem ever r•]ieapens d f tl cease days of usefulness were about over elm], taken int° .:C 01.11, and that is, they' some extent, either for covering the Hill have you been doing to that Parts of the horse anatomy. sect he she was 'tiff, homely, and always troch in Syria they have gone over the eled He cannot conceive of the ineffable sinew whet, to expect from the man' entre building or only for the roof. harness? You got it lessthantwo was taught the most systematic, and underfoot," fromsea enlytouend of that and 11 landg vhad One whose ulnae is holy and reverend, Conrete is best for the foundation y agohence the uickes1 method of groom- Tho aged house pet was placed in sa}led northward to the coast of A:si:i as betas; i !Ween am 1, 0>0 to any who has handled them fecal the mart ears and now It looks almost; q and they ate at home in the pasture walla and piers, If built-in a well- ready for the scrap heap, Next time; ing, and also the simple tests of a hag, tied securely and pat in the Minor. Hence they had gone thro> scheme or plan of mortal. They under- drained location, floors are unneces- p whether or not the horse is well father instructed to ant ir. the war 3 i:.h the ether cattle. , h you're in town get a couple of taus 1 the mountain pias es nrto th wry. Pleor, of concrete are, ow- P g roomed. Following, this a course was Th.'s shows ik:lf c_ !kin„I; when the ' of saddle -seek, a sone and some' g ever, sometinras used to good ad- given on horse -shooing, and although cow is transferredto a:rrotirer an0•iron- °f s'ddie oil and VII show you .the, g6 vantage• }t ,vas not the purpose to make every meat. . If a coin, :; - example. hes al way we kept horse equipment in the: P P Lystra, and 1)et ie. They had met Open implement sheds—that is, man a r 1 t l peace treaty, ways leen treated 1 . eih• and has been array. practical and ex tort horseshoer, the farmer was on h,is vvay to the Nanette, ,encs upon the structures having a roof and with one 1 y nearest county town With n load of with warted experiences, the and kept with other cc, s that slu' filets �, "And for the lose o' Mike, who sand yet he learned the correct way to shoe cournging of which was the hitter ri:,ltcrs les iniirr.rcly .1t1 3.8, than their to he with, and then is maleu1y sol,} er more lies open—are sometimes that horse? Wait 'till the lie tens • ! a horse and the darMers to be encount- pork. When • u rt wagon, as a er was stand .that our God is not a little Ged, take her so far away that she could . e interior if P: d CA t I hadtu eastward to the cities of Iconium,, nndinc; out, are always eight. It was just before Christmas and' 1 skis attitude to^aard the League of neverback.” am from iii inn Antioch turned but One whose way<, thmagh past get en -1 put under the cure or a man who Boit t fifteen miles away from! determined hostility 'of many laws. views upon God, Society i; shaped by sees- "let' From them the apostles turned to the be ly speak!aro n building which can "Why, what's the matter whit I proper fitting and adjusting of shoes, the cat out of the bag," thinking that „ be close:] all around and yet built with i t I Gentiles, and opened wide to them the upon them as `'mar-itlnei and seals I deers in such a tea that an opening that?" broke in the surprised father. snow to judge horses for • speed, would be the last of Betty, door of faith (13: 4A-18).opened The prom ae thorn out into the yar;l er pastorali" available at anyac point on one side "The shoe fits and it looks like a rhlrn strength and endurance, was ono of Well, what cc; youhank? Scarcely c n cel a 02 power was being surely fulfilled in with a "sot of cross, ''scrappy" royva, Ipgoad job," the important things which the setts- four weeks had 1 their preaching. In Ironium they "sir she is almost sure to drop off in the' is the most satisfactory and service- lervmen lammed. He was tau^•ht hoc middle of n co}d, blustering, night, the; s t 11 'reat ronitudc both of flow of her milk, "Get ir. wonted"o is ';able. If farm tools are to he housed "Yes, it lock: neat," vats the re- ] g what „. say of the co e limen i.t at all, the slight additional exnendr- joinder, `but the hard who ta,cl;ed undergoing this change, incl some,- h p -zeta wry to close entirely the that shoe on ought to get the ;tone - ht 1'!n1• will assure them of being elle fora year, Can't you see he's time, she ]s homesick and inter the! i Olt the hoot to fit the shoe instead of weather generally for a lone; time r l''''';11 ,.e. tmireen shoe o shelter farm tools, but, fan- „ eyed and the results to be had from lm- hum, he tuttind the sheaf, ant has little feeing for hie cowq, looks,' a Use e �a7.z ESalrlii,w.:1:iQ .Ls 4�.) ct�e �o.l �l� i><,.� . a.� For PEs.: ill: Write for,r res ,�>-Pica r w ori 1 „•• .,.r '6asacxkk F` ^�i• G`w°dt:.a;e:(s :! Limited Toronto ite seem of the 'Sul mane. Everything we are or do is affected l::y our idemt of clod. When we lift un the popular attlt i 1 toward the exatlte'Itess and holare: s and justice of Gnd we are adopting the most direct aeons of to size up the various animals and to thermometer down to zero, snow two, 7ewa and Greeks believed" But agAl serving our time, That Is why the pass judgment as to their.:ryualifica- feet deep on the ground, there was n; Church is a more imtat ,1nt meeent r i work for which scratching on the bark door and m n• there; was persecution and they lad Mona for the special ,on o h to "t)s cities of Lyraonla" factor in oar troubled ]tic than any they were needed. Feeding is another Mg. How quick the little ears heats; Id: 8 20. "At I,;%'t+a." The poser Political p;u'k;, or nr„atri..atinn, m any ihn "ami ear seines of old Betty. Ott e--^wnomir movcrlent ' Olt cam . let 1 \ •nn nirnt implement house re =hapmg the way to fit the hoof ° And h . r <•. ! a been cif bed Iumped Dean and down to the which Jesus had peon teed1vas T mus its tvors?lip and how down; let as lance} cert];: l:.t}1t by a neighbor farmer Is lank at the way hes cut those pars; c tuts. Out on the fn m. t has kitchen as fast as Inc little legs could tone., manifested tn. Paul, . in Lefore the Ler;l our 31x1; .r.” ab rt ".`:rr l f in .state, The roof is that nag 6 ee go lame in two day:. the custom to give the hots" about carr' him, crying "Colne, moths', open Himself, in works of healing.Here, \Veit 'till I see that blacksmith ny.'r vo many fograinl of hay re so man f the door qri, k." in Lystra, he made a cripple tc>'d ;flue ;i,^til'e F:• n^.t (�r irk v c, r ` .: • a c° -r,..,.. rl Raivandzed y n .a'. A concrete floor in ane Thus it was that Farmer R>2 114 `;reaps 02 grain at different in the times 1111 Sure ^1101.1glt, Betty had come hack, on his feet and walk. The Gentile 11' cn.l,f I have 1,ct•n a• .l c mt ,>tai c id ',rat t}1 at :?ac< f,r buggies with !lagan to find out what the army did but upon very few farms in cont-, walked in es unconcernedly as pecple n10000104 and thought that he ylitit Jehovah the wive -reel late - t , ,ucr ilei: 0'1 , •,t, -r •,•thi •le:; which for his boy, and thus it is that farm-' try has 011ia been done intelligently nn I •• a she hadn't been away an hour, and Barnabas iv}est be n,1 in l i ruin '.taker revealed Fliu.: c'.1 new I an nt ?".u1.1 not ::a : nu a die fionr. This ens all over the country are coming to or with any special system, A Itorso, th u; l -h „g ins the children as if feria. There was a st;ry r arrear at Pdeunt Zion, where Jchot ab the Father Imamatehas t. n 1a nn door's:tvs o realize the same i?;trig with the br. ,s 'rn •!nod health will generally cot all; rubbed tip .• t n." Poor old that time int11at country that certain and the Snd}nur re.e:dee 11,:msel.f, t n y the. grain which is placed before it ! to snyt "Here 1 am age of the nods had visited them, and ]t' Amid these .scenes, trodden by the nn ,i.L and nna i11 -foot l nry ay on In their own localities. or until it cat int no mare, Overfeed-; Bett was so *]tilt and to clink she , the art tn: ni _ side,-;tv,na cagy ecce: s It leas been sand that there are had come all that distance to the sleep was natural that they sl^t+:d become feet of C.cd's prophets of old, and by trig pis one of the greateet sources of. No l;reatly excited over what they new His beloved San, I ha e got a nets to any part of it .t Ln': ling. One con-, more men alive in Canada to -day than hnrae ailments, and this particulars snow. time Was lost in placing supposed to be thole return. sense- et the carnets of Gad Ilimse.f tmuous dear he^';,r track extends: there would have been had the v:ar a nice dish of warm milk before her, 1 P g„ Ic;n r the r nt}r^., ;e• an tvl::ch the two notoccurred. Tl rc na mime taught in the arty wee to in n their hands and 'Similar. things have happened in our and oe H:s pragram f,.r the world, n 6 1. 1c ...on for etre:, is ,:tract the men in the exact amounts the children clapping oven day, where min^tales^its with the The vu^tete^s of the divine ,), til*n a1' doers are lacatc:?. ;the fact that the u pu ie ttan of the chp trent feeds y g' healers skill of modoui medicel which Roue could only hint m Itis thing which was taught to the re - rigid des •inline :,alta- � �a'in "Betty did came hank, as Mary • • , ' The opening.: in au imp,:e1 nt 'lid :>ettinl-ftp ....:ices .a and the rug• toado he aive;t for11i bursts of various' A-rn said She would." i or with the methods and n , ' h -use meet be of Lege e is e :Meet it: tied out -of -dem treses; to which eyey sizes tr»d v: eights, airing ihn lift ere' When Beatty had finished her milk, science, of modern chemistry atitl appenn1 ng in osr tri>t',o. Vicbehold feat wide, to aeeornm':I tc• the' v,•idcut'recruit was su jccted, so halt up the q nor; thousands of re:,lit, to the army int seasons and in ai':01dance with farm m omer, and .1. , are y tho amount of week which the mire:eh the only pr cttc,ll kind. S r tg door navy, that hundreds of Litre ware yvern doing. It !s the eystem which of large :dee are 010 to warp l eti ed-iienelrecis of lives of young 1 has b^ed workoA out 'tfter ear•• of 1iS/ W SgL*d iii C t� tl N d:-'.`1) �>_r � G g Wheat T,,/ OW about using acid phos - Photo alone? A total of i10 years' experiments at Pennsylvania, Ohio, Inrliena and . Virginia Ez periment Eta. tions shows the following aver - ego incrt.ase:1 per acre ernrit the use cf eint410 element and coin - pieta fertilizers, AraratTe Arrr, Dlateriel Added Tncr,r.,so (n,inlnr,1 Atrtno,da or r,ltruuen .84 bun, l hoaat ro a<>8 5,11:1 1Jltroran are! R'h,t,'. add 8,x14 t:ou,pioto 5wrtillrera 11.18 " You can got en htnrsase from acid phoophate atone but you Dan get over (11)1,610 the increase from complete fertfl*ere. Lqy ••nor plane for lnrgn:r re - 1050> pet• acre w1111e wheat 4111100 are high. •Vs•:4to for goo hooseest, The soil and ;ro,1) i:a3t3110vezIOT t Bur�:t'y et the neneeeP1 Pertilteer A.ssochet1011 1111 %emit 0 Zeteilaiiitr O'or07fto sire leisurely vrallced amines to heel h sits and enethlecring have seemed efts spot bail: of the stove and lay P y nations in n ferment which r prime..r- dotwn, purring contentedly. to the simple folk they Were t'cym:- to ily spl:•ituni. At be'la v LI .: y e •'alis aid to have supernatural power, '111e un,sst is reaching ot,t aftc a ati::- story is told of a Scotch medical aril- ftrt.ian vehicle is really of the real, ter with the Hritish nanny of .oec0na- Mankind's wants are Wean;., .c3 need tion in Mesopotamia who had teem its mit—to know God, the tr 1u, and nblo to treat successfully many mem the true. We tha?l not be ..att::lic4 of blindness among the Arabs. "The .until we find Him, who is the soul's result is that he 18 beset by the blind, eternal quest, - are made to one c.ec•tton, it r: tun.h over the world a few months ago• ' People come dead:ing blind relatives The place and the manner of ever- t Th] is true, more so of th ' el' ma I Care of the horse � 11 ileeident and luxury, modern princes telae markers and friends from miles and miles chip 'natter little, In the centre of better practice t. use two he . to e tp t; disease, is a course which is partiou. more seriously. Here is a typical day away" In some cases cure 10 im- Sinai's sublime and wimple grandeur each opening, These mn. h:, ,.n :r- than of the boys from the country, bail • valuable to the fanner 110y, and 111 the life of the Prince of Wales, ated independet>UJ or may be fle;:ibly, It is the one big benefit re eltdnh• .rein. y Seven 0010111 rise. . Eight to vino, possible, but ,they think he could cure- 1 feutd the nutlike nand:n four cr t t.,- , r,ne which 1.•a, given n great arnnwtt them ell if ho wantecU to. They even five hairs a day glints in.ramorctiiau 0onneot..01 together by two - of.. the war to the matrop,>1tin di .111115 of attention in the horse -prawn erre!- breakfast. Nina to inn, heavy Torres• ' steel or wood, one near the tan of the: r:f this country, and. the Wren who re- 0 icic nae. Ton to twelve, public en- 0 so tar as to snake prayer, to hien lamps and icons, incense and forms, sexy regiments and in the cavalry. p and try to propitiate him with gifts, worslliyping.by an ancient ritual It dear and the^. ,,lher near the 1.oltr111> turn from the. service w>11 reverie' RI:owin the proper thing to de .t Aileen -mute, interviews, to One to as though he were tomo kir:] oe tied," was intpre=sive; but not eo.mucll 40 Th;s permits the movement of the two their work with new lire ears! a "re'' ihn Proper time pin case of accident ha}P•pact two, hincemon, Tirree to And !stilted the missionary is often, e t s a= ane but aver.• erne, to a nerved vitrur, t•:hi.lt will multipl their l 1 as the bare and »lajee is granite. s.ctto 1 s y or sickness to a finest will often save it ", Pubiia rmgn6umrtnts and visits, as Paul and Barnabas were, in the large extent the tendency of large personal c"ficiency and 1n:ake them ' t 1 i t1 mountains wherein (lei spoke to ninral to v+lar:, of further Which goes to show a cat has the sag, esr^cielly when o of stock men, who, teenage of their sedentary •11)11 experience and ab ei'vation by the re- settee of distance wh}ch Is not found lumber, They e; also ih ect to occupatiane and • hack of out-of-door mount specialists amd veterinarians of in human beings, being Mown ahem b•, the mom, dam work, had become so would 1>0 ted and the army, and is bound to be a great a.;ing either the door or the hinge run-down that they would never have boon to the farmers, both in economy ' fastening.,. urviverl the terrible ravages of the The princes Day, Although the doors of t:u]; L:::!,liner- epider, is of influenza which swept °f feed, and in keeping the horses fit and we11. 11 princes of old lived lives of lazy donee t0 warm more vativa!hl e as citizens ' a The men from the fra•ms and out.; this Particular ceur,e of study. To - lying di:talet , however, were us a' ether with this the le•:sons given in whole 'fait ab°ve 1he c}t 1nan i • g. r Y n scientifically ricauin • and cat:nM for physical condition and the results of, harness w111 go a long Ivey tawaree the systrrtnatie training were trot so; reduc•int; the memense in this part of marked 'm their crit;!, although at, tiro -ram equipment, tended to make them more etert audi The coureo which was perhaps the active. To them men, however, 0.81110: moat enjc;;ecl by the young 14.011 freta the great benefit of the c,plendid • the country, ruin ':'.iia 3,00 equally courses of training along lines whimh abhorred (at ;hat) b, the ,•ity-bred re - It is frequently desirable to parti- tion off ena end of the Implement house to be use'i as a ;garage. In that case an ll' -font opening into the, garage may be provided. Tire garage should have a eenerete floor, and windows enough to give good light. A small work bench and a cupboard for store. tali supplies, etc., will he fount con- venient. In fact, df the garage Is made et trifle large and a door open- inc; is provided into the main part of the implement house, it will be very convenient to use in making light machinery repa,ira. , ,1+ - To remove ehell>10 from olothin use 'telt Turpentine removes palm, u efulnoss and this •Was the aim of are praelecal and can be put to liege (taste, eras c i ,t.r.:u r,.• itot�_r•nt;r- in their 0ver3rday vie111 anon th•t, f chit r.,. `. s,r c Tf in i,?r • tach,$ diflic alt farms. l ^y, the •:r.: ,e 4 ,;;lit lir 4t to Tho fau•rper boys t.hs> Lire : o far 1l' t 1r'.`: b., e heel , ," : a. r. ,t i the Mei scot nate .e to hAVo .eeived with the, :13 is • •, ] .,10._:10 ,.,tri l:'.;et ., •ith she c,aray lery units of the army rem- het ,1 n., ,1,11.. The t'ttrry of ih,^, 00118 to halo the greatest mount of 1315 t : 1:::, 1, • f menet, nem; tion which they can later utilize on • _nil (1 1 1... of ,trip .1x4,1 1118 tttnnn1 five, tea, -1x o eovon, woes n no .place of Gocl to such° people. He Moses and to Elijah library, Eight, dinner, Naturally, the brings to'them some true knowledge Every reverent limit' has at same programme varies, and the Pit' eo Iof. God, and exemplifies his teaching • time or other longed to visit Jet•usa- an enthusiastic sport. eau when1 Is by hies daily life and by the service leen; yot from Jerusalem I repeat that free of ongn40autn3.03, A good deal of ito renders then. Yet he socks no "Gori is a spirit; and they that w•or- his ilea 151 taken up with the business honor oe worshtfi for himself, but only 1111 Iiia must worship flint in spirit side of his estate, the Duchy of Corn- wall, frown which he draws about 250,- 000 at year, Last year he spent half that stint on benefiting the estate, On the ocasien of the visit of H. 24,11, the Primo of Wales to Toronto, onto, 1.a State peaceseion will beheld through the ctreeLa on 14lnnday, August i;fith, tee ,lay oar next kdt114 will emen the Cane dien National exhibition. fin well! pose 111P0140.1 rleveral miles ct7r- olq hiare from the Government !louse to the iiahibitlen grounds. for the God whose representative he is, ITero the apostles "scarce res' trained" the people from offering sac- n'fice to thein. Nothing, could mere effectively cicrnotratrate the pitiful ire:14 of humanity for that aviticit the Christian missionary can bring.' In order to accommodate thy, Ceuta• (batt \1e'•' ll2smerinie paintings at the Canadian National Exhibition, an ex - Minion of llflx30 foot to the Trine Arts Gallery is neeess}ta1ed. Some el the paintings aro over 20 foot long, acrd in truth," Not the place, but the purpose; not the 'form, but the faith; not the words, ,but the will, determine acceptable worship. - Tlae Eritish Grenadier, Guards Brod will telco part every evening In the Spectacle at the 0011ad]an National Exhibition. T1,.I1. the Primo of Wales in a captain in the Guards, and the band will have it place of honor in the vedettes functions in honor of !silty Boyne Highness during his stay it1 Toron ,o. 40