HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-7, Page 8-.t. : ,.•..: :.�,�?.ryw•-'vw....;., ,... t _, • ,. ,..,». r, -ret. .m„s ticid.N�e�-a�F+'a."5a'..•.N'.`me.•.,h+�aaic'N..w XwiYzits.'»atwPR'�Yw`.'er;ue+at:'.. aq.M# acV'N•f'i•., •P_Lt. a.e'�'At*m a lw>
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Ti3APDi ` ,e1ABK I•
P:u-adis'Talcum in Frosted Jars—
Very fragrant-6oc
Paradis Face I'eeder—
Very soft and fine—$1.25
Paradis Dry Cream—
Perfect Base for Powder-6oc
Paradis Cold Cream—
Won't grow bait—oac
Paradis: Massage Cream—
For Cleaning the Skin -50c
Paradis Toilet Water— 181.50
♦ Paradis Lotion—
• For use after Shaving—$1 25
J0nteel'ralcum-- 350
FT Klenzo Tooth Paste— ase
• • Beal Photo Views at Brussels
6 for 25o.
{ Films
are in
Good Hands
No doubt you have taken many
pictures lately, and some about
which you are most particular.
Bring in your Films and hsve
them Developed and Printed
here. They will receive careful
try and we will to get
the best from every picture taken
Eastman Films
Velox Paper
F. R. 5611"H
The s./X, yd Store Druggist and Stationer •
Cf i boos terns
THE Poem gives the news.
SATURDAY night's train was 15 hours
SEVERAL matters crowded out of this
OAT harvest has coma in with a rush
on most ,`arms,
COUPLE cars of coal were delivered
during past week.
Few towns have a tidier kept Main
street than Brussels.
BRUSSELS Fall Fair September 16 and
.7. Watch out for Prize List.
so CENTS in advance gets THE POST
to tan. 1st. 1yc0. Now is the time for a
BOILER and engine have arrived for
the new flax mill aoel will soon be set to
work we hope.
COUNCIL met Tuesday evening instead
of Monday this week, Reports appears
in this issue.
REEVE PLUM presented the town with
Silent Policemen that did initiatory
duty during the Re-nnion.
Loam watch advertised in THE PosT
fast week was returned to Walter Cowan,
Blyth, owner, on Saturday.
CLINTON was the magnetic point last
Monday for a number from this com-
munity. A big time is reported.
A DELIVERY of eggs was made at one
of our stores a short time ago that was
declined with thanks as said merchant
WAS not dealing in junior poultry, dead
or alive,
THE expert Judge for the Field Crop
Competition in Oats, under auspices of
'Bast Huron Agricultural Society, was
here this week. His name was D, Mc.
Clure, Brampton.
ENUMERATORS,—Leslie Lowry and
Harry Fox have been busy as Euumere.
tors in connection with the preparation
of the Voters' List for the coming Refer-
endum. Is your name an the list?
cent Entrance examination to pupils of
Brussels school wrote and all passed, 4
took honors. They were :—Honors,
Elaine Dennison, Ella Fraser, Alethea
Smith and jean Walker, Passed, Archie
Ballantyne, W, Mitchell, Elva Oliver,
Frank Oliver, Cameron Strachan and
Mercer T. Wood. Names' are arranged
alphabetically. Congratulations to both
pupils and teacher, Miss Geddes.
THIS week James McCallum leaves
for Walton locality where he will live
with his son, Archie, upon the farm he
bought 5o years ago. Mr, McCallum
lived is Brussel% for past 6 years and
sold bis home owing to the death of Mrs.
McCallum, who passed away last April.
At auction sale was held last Satnrday
afternoon. Mr, Jardine, Milton, has
-released the residence vacated, Mr.
McCallum is in his Both year but is a
well preserved man, not wearing spec.
tacles nor carrying a walking cane, We
wish him good health,
w v Go --
goodly number of Mrs. G. N, McLarea's
lady friends assembled at the home of
W. A. and Mrs, Lowry, Princess street,
Tuesday evening and to her great sur-
prise presented her with akiudly worded
address, a purse of over $5o in gold
and a beautiful boquet of sweet peas.
Mrs, Harold Speir read the address,
which expressed regret at the content•
plated removal of the McLaren family
from Brnssels to Midland and extending
good wishes, Mrs, T. Ritchie presented
the gift. The recipient made a touching
reply, An enjoyable evening was spent
in song, story, social chat and lunch,
Many regrets are spoken over the going
away of Mrs. McLaren and family after
14 years residence here,
BUTTER is as scarce as hen's teeth.
I TEEswATER attracted a good many
-- Ifrom this locality this week. It was
their re -union.
BEN. W000LEv bas purchased a house
and lot from W. 6". Stretton on Elizabeth
street and will move to it.
WE have no apology for the large
amout of space devoted to the Re -union
as we believe many an old bay and girl
unable to get to Brussels will read the
roport with interest,
GOLD Bracelet lost in Brussels at Reunion.
Will finder kindly leave it at Tun Poem.
Yomee sore, doe to farrow, for sale, JNo. A.
CAMPBELL, Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey, Phone 2811,
TEORo'-BRED Tamworth Sow and 8 Piga 4
weeks old for sale, W. H. MoCuecanoa,
Phone 184 eth Line, Morrie.
APPRENTICE wanted to learn the printing,
Oane who
POHT. has phased Entrance exam, Apply
Y0080 girl wanted to learn pant and vest
making. Apply to R. FERGUSON, Leckie Block
PIANO TUNING.—C. Blackstone will be here
next week to attend to piano tuning. Leave
orders with S. Carter,
CA21E0 Brooch 1088 last week. •Owner will
be greatly obliged if it is left at TEE POST,
SPECIAL to Beet Rings. If you have hides to
self and wish to get the big prides see me. Al-
so want large quantities of live poultry.
Phone 82x S. WEINSTEIN, Br easels.
fres POULTnY wanted on Monday and Tues•
day of each week. Phone 170, 88 for Prices, &a,
R. Tt1051808, Bruesele.
CEDAR Fence Posts and Anchor Posta for
sale. Apply NLot 19, Con, 8, Morrie.
Phone 4bit 0 Eso. E. EEAOMAN.
GAT your lawn mower put in good working
order by Geo. Edwards.
ANY person requiring organ cleaning or re•
pairing should call Phone 87, Brussels,
WANTED.—Dead Horses and Cattle
a 20 mipero.mptly
raemmordemwvhidnwhouethof l pNo
from 56 to $8 for animals brought to factory.
Phone e1 our expense, Phone (day) 12; (even-
ing) 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co„ Ltd.,
DR. PARKER, Oeteopathie Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each weekt.
Chronic and nervone diseases euoaseefully
treated, Visits residences, Consultation nt
Queen's Hotel.
CARD OF THANKS --We wish to
thank neighbors and friends for the
kindness shown our deceased mother',
Mrs. A, Sinclair, and also to us during
her illness and subsequent demise,
Yours gratefully,
While a meeting of the Committee has
not been held vet, 1, Ferguson, Chair-
man of the Finance Committee, says
there will be a c sic surplus of from 4500
to $600, This is a good showing when
it is remembered the admission fee to
the Park was only 25c. for Mut s, with
free admiseinn to returned soldiers, ball
teams and bands. 'rhe personal sub•
seriptions made by the townspeople as
guarantee have been returned to them,
ing is the result of the Standing Oat
Field Crop Competition, under the aus-
pices of East neuron Agricultural Socie-
ty,a adjudged b David
sv L. Me0luro
Brampton, the judging being done In
the past week :—
R. I. Hoover, Grey 'Twp... .... 92 points
R. L. Taylor, Grey Twp....., „ go "
Lorne Nichol, Morris Twp 87 "
W. R. Moses, Morris Twp .,86
J. Crerar, Grey Twp .. 85
O. Turnbull & Son, Grey Twp 84 "
M. Lowe, Grey Twp 83
The prizee are $20.00, $55 00, Ste no,
$10.00, $8,00, $6 co and $4 00, with
possibilitiee se the coming Fairs open to
the winners. Each prize whiner is ask-
ed by the Directorate of Beet Huron
Society to exhibit a sheaf of the grain at
Brussels Mall Fair on September 16 and
Andoiaen Beue,
trotting mare took part in the trot
at reeswater last Mouday, She was
driven by Alex. Anderson.
Monunx Alex. Rao and Bee. Whit-
tard went to Clinton Celebration and
personated John Bull and St, Patrick
and we dou't doubt pleased the crowd.
Such is fame.
ANNGUNCeeizer',—D. G, and Mrs.
White, of Braddock Heights, Maryland,
U. S. A , announce the marriage of
their daughter, Miss Iiarriet Elizabeth,
to Eat'( Russel Arueut, Brussels. Cere-
mony took place at 5.30 o'clock, Tues-
day evening, jnly 29I919at Chalmers
Presbyterian ehtnete Guelph, Ontario
Rev. George A. little pastor, olhc.tatecl.
Mr. Ament is't son of Philip and Mrs,
Ament, of Brussels, and Miss White isa
graduate of Hood College, Frederick,
Maryland, having acquired there the de.
gree of Bachelor of Arts in lune of this
year. Mr. and Mrs. Ament will reside
on Princess street, Brussels and com-
mence married life with the good wish.
es of many.
Flax,.—Last week we omitted to refer
to the destruction of the apple evaporat-
ing factory, located immeelately North
of the G. r, R, track, When discovery
was made fire had progressed too tar to
save the building as it was frame with a
large quantity of interior fittings it
burned with a great fury. Fortunately
it was a quiet night and the volumes of
water thrown by the fire engine protect-
ed other buildings. Factory was built
by Mahler Bros„ sold to Jno. Cunning
ham and afterward owned by leo. Wey-
mouth, Blyth. It had not been in eom•
missiou for years and the cause of fire is
consequently a mystery. Some think a
spark from the passing train did the job
while others imagine incendiarism.
There was no insurance and no object
could be attained by its destroctiou
The fire cost the town from $20 to $40
however for fire brigade, &c., and shows
the care that should be exercised by
everybody particularly during Summer
weather to avoid necessity for such ex.
penditure. Fire engine was placed at
the Revere House water tank and
worked first class. Building was well
built and it is a pity it went up in
smoke as
it might have re -opened to
care for the apple crop. p
#1 People We Talk About $#
## #3
D. Ewan is visiting in Flint, Mich.,
this week,
Miss Bethel Kerr, Toronto, is enjoy-
ing a holiday in town.
Dr, J. A. McNaughton has been away
on a well earned vacation,
Miss Jean Michael, Hamilton, is the
guest of Miss Verne Walker.
Miss lean Coutts bas returned to
Chicago after her holiday here.
Miss Louise MacLachlan, Toronto, is
the guest of Miss Carrie McCracken,
Mrs. Wm, McCall has been ou the
sick list this week but is improving.
Dr, Sergt, Major Leigbfielcl, of Tor•
onto, was a guest in town for the Re-
W. M. and Mrs. Sinclair and daughters
are home from ao eujeyable stay in
In last week's POST in the Entrance
report Elva Oliver was reported as Elva
Walker by mistake,
Last week Mrs. Dan, Denman was
taken quite ill but is regaining her usnal
good health nosy.
Mrs, Frank Gerry and little daughter,
of Toronto, were visiting at the home of
N. F. and Mrs, Gerry.
Miss Clara Hunter, town, and Miss
Fannie Thompson, Hamilton, spent the
week end at Kincardine.
Fred and Mrs, Wilson and daughter,
of Windsor, were here for a short visit
with relatives and friends —
Airs. (Rev.) Duncan and sons, of Sault
Ste. Marie are visiting F, H. and Mrs.
Gilroy, The ladies are cousins.
Mrs, Marsden Smith and Miss Martha
have gone to Toronto for a visit with L.
and Mrs. Stark for a few weeks,
Mrs. D. S. Perrin and Mrs. Black-
wood, London, were callers on Mrs. J
r. Wood, Albert street, on Monday,
Visitors at P. Ament's for Re uuion
were Miss Gertrude Coates, and W, G.
Horwood, London ; T. A, Hawkshaw,
Mrs, (Dr ) McKelvey sr„ 'Toronto, is
visiting for a few weeks in town, mak-
ing her hesdgsarters at C. Howlett's,
Queen street.
LAs'r week Mrs Robt. 'Thomson gave
her ankle a wrench that laid her aside
from ber usual activity but she is nearly
o. k. once more,
Mrs, E E Bryans and daughter,
Elaine, 'Toronto, are visiting Mts A,
Bryans, Queen street, Former is a
Miss Gertrude Marshall, Walton, and
Miss Margaret Adams, Lnndesboro,
were guests at Mrs Geo Jackson, Mill
street, over the Re -union,
Wm. Oakley, who has not been feel-
ing well for several weeks. is laid aside
from his cus'omary vocation this week.
We hope he will soon be all right.
Will, and Mrs. Pearsiu and Jno. and
Mrs. Chappel, Hamilton, also George
and Mrs. Pearson, Waterdown, visited
at the home of Mrs. Alex, Bryans lest
Among old time residents of Brussels
renewing old friendships this week is
Mrs, 1. G. Skene, of 'Toronto, who
spent a good many years here. Mr,
Skene, a former merchant, is buried in
the cemetery here,
Dorothy, daughter of Nurse Lunn,
has been seriously ill in Detroit, On
Friday last she was operated on in the
Children's Hospital for appendicitis, a
large abscess being found. She is In
a precarious condition but we hope early
improvement will ensue.
Among visitors at the home of James
and Mrs Ballantyne were Jas. Roddick
and Miss Madeline, London ; Juo. and
Mrs Robb, s sons and Mise Neville De-
troit J. Mrs,
J McIntosh Saska-
toon , a
and Will,and Mrs Broadfoot anti
Mrs T, Henderson, Seaforth,
Tuesday of last week D. G. and Mrs.
White and family and P, and Mrs,
Ament and Mise Laura motored to
Toronto. They attended the wed.
ding 01 Earl Ament and Miss Harriet
White in Guelph and from there went to
Toronto and spent a few days in that
Last week Jas, and Mrs. Humphre'ys
and Miss Valera, Toronto, and Mrs.
Wm, Taylor and children, Owen Sound,
were visitors with J. G. and Mrs, Jones
and family, Mesdames Humphrey and
Taylor art sisters' of Mrs, Jones and
former well known residents when
Misses 'Thompson,
favorite Picture of
The People's Prince
When it became definitely known
that H.R,II. the Prince of Wales would
open the Canadian National ExhibI-
tion this year the management at
once got into touch with the official
in Lyndon and request-
photographers u st
ed a profile photograph of ]nim for re•
p:oduCtUOn on the Victory Year Medal
to he awarded to the winners in the
Agricultural and other sections of the
Big Fair. The photo shown above was
received after considerable delay, and
immediately a cable was rush, d bath
to this effect:
A mistake has been made. An
official picture is desired. One
you sent shows the Prime, without
hat or coat and with khaki shirt
collar turued in. Charming des-
habille, but hardly dignified
Then came the answer:
"Sorry you dislike it, It's the
Prince's favorite picture, taken
with the Canadians in France and
in every sense official."
And that 1.: the reason why etc Pete
ple's Prince will appear on the Cana -
than National Exhibition 1919 medals,
hatless, coatless and in the careless
attire 'of the Fighting Man in France.
He will open the Big Fair on Mond° y,
August 25th.
Mrs, D, A, Lowry, 'Toronto, was vis-
iting in town last week.
Miss Good, Kitchener, was a visitor
with Miss Mae Wood.
Wtn, and Mrs. Perrie are back from a
holiday trip to the West.
R. W. and Miss Rhea Tuck, Toronto,
are visitors at Mrs, D. Robb's.
Mrs. Wm, Jewitt was quite poorly
this week but is considerably better
Mrs, Will, Lucas, Toronto, spent a
few days with Mrs. James at the Ameri-
Mrs, and Miss Goodwin are away on a
trip with relatives and old frieuds in the
W est.
Roy Pryne spent the week end in
town as Mooday was Toronto's civic
Herb. and Mrs. Cunningham and
children, Palmerston, were calling on
relatives in Brussels,
Rev. Mr. O'Kell and sons, Joe and
Ronald, Ethel, gave THE POST a call
one day last week.
W. 13. Strachan, 13, A., and Douglas
Currie were here for the •Id Boys' Re-
union from 'Toronto.
Charlie Richards returned to Torouto
on Tuesday morning, his two weeks
holidays having expired.
Miss Mabel Muldoon, Brandon, is visi-
ting at the home of her aunt and uncle,
Geo and Mrs, Muldoon,
George Lowry has gone to Toronto
where he will work at his trade as brick-
layer, He's a good hand.
Mr. and Mrs Hawman, Collingwood,
were visitors with B. S. and Mrs, Scott.
They are parents nt the latter,
Thos. McKee and Mrs. Berwick and
daughter Margaret, of Pittsburg, Penn.,
were visiting with George and Mrs.
Muldoon. The visitors are cousins,
Among visitors at home of W. and Mrs.
Robb were Thos. and Mrs, Lyons,
Boncl Head ; A. R. Mills, Fort William ;
and W. Lsudesboro' and a sons Tucker -
J. T. and Mrs, Mason, Merlin, Mrs.
Dodds aid Miss Emma, London, Ino,
and Ivirs, McGuire, Belgrave, and Miss
Victoria Patterson, Wiugham, were
visitors at the home of A. and Mrs. Me•
THE P05T Wag pleasantly surprised
last Friday in meeting Mrs, lames Men-
zies clown street, She is 93 years of age
but quite smartas evidenced by being
able to get about. It is 2 years since
she was down before,
Mrs, W. Leslie. of Detroit, formerly
Miss F, Pelton, of Brussels, was here as
a guest of Mrs. R. Thomson, A. IC,
Zapfe, Parkhill, was also a visitor at the
same home, Both are former residents
and well known to the totvns'olk.
Mrs. Jno, Stewart and Miss Tress,
Winnipeg, were visitors at the home of
Alex. and Mrs. Ross, Princess street.
The former and Mrs Ross are sisters.
Mrs, Stewart will snake her home in
Stratford. She is 97 years of age but
comparatively smart,
Monday W. W. Burgess and motor-
ing party of Mitchell were in town, It
was their civic holiday. The dormer is
a former resident aid is well remember-
ed being a son of Ml's, W. Cormisle
Who makes her home with hint at Mit-
chell, Mr. s Burgess e s t awell known
J. G Leckie 13, A. Has formed a law
partnership with Barrister Grant, a
Grantou boy, and they have opened su
office in the Dominion Bank Building,
corner St, Clair Ave, and Vaughan
Road, Toronto. Mr. Leckie's many old
friends in Brussels and locality wish the
new firm abundant atomise.
W. L. and Mrs. McKelvey and son,
Morley, of Montreal, arrived In town
Monday p. m., after a motor trip of
about 65o miles, through the Adiron-
dack mountains, coming by way of
Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls,
leaviisg Montreal Friday. They stop -
pod over most a day in Buffalo with
friends and made short slops at Hermit.
ton And Galt,
"tee. leseleilielfese
Every man, woman
and child can save.
Every one should save. Every
ambitious person does save.
The Savings Department of
the Standard Bank of Canada
affords every facility for aid-
ing you to save.
Mrs. Win. McKelvey spent a few clays
in Goderich attending the funeral of
her aunt, Mrs. Jure Hillier.
Miss Hazel Burgess, Toronto, was
home for a few days before leaving for a
trip down the St. Lawrence river.
Wyman B. and Mrs. Sperling, ,Lon-
don, were holidaying last week in con-
nection with the Old Boys' Re -union.
Mrs, Will. Leatherdale and two .lad-
dles, Winnipeg, are here for a Holiday
at the home of R. and Mrs. Leatherdale.
Rev, and Mrs. Davison and dauguter
and Mrs. Jordsu and daughter, Bel -
grave, were visitors in Brussels on Tues-
Archie Scott, Sarnia, is here for a vis-
it with his broth ers and other old
friends. He's an old Brusselite, brother
to F. S. and P. Soolt,
We are very sorry to report the seri-
ous illness of Mrs. Bailey during the
past week or more but hope a change
for the better will ensue.
Among file neighboring persons in
town for the Re -union were Re, Mr.
McCormick, Blyth, Rev. Mr. Kennedy,
and Rev. Mr. O'Kell, Ethel.
Miss Minnie Cooke, 'roron0, has re-
turned to her home after spending a
couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs
James at the American hotel,
Mrs J. R. Morrow, Midland, is a visi•
tor with her daughter, Mrs, G. N Mc•
Laren, assisting in packing the letter's
household effec s for removal to Mid.
D. G. and Mrs, White and daughters,
Harriet and Jean end on, B ruse, motor-
ed from Braddock Heights, Maryland,
and are spending a few weeks at the
home of P. and Mrs, Ament,
Mrs. G. A Carrie and daughter,
Eileen, are visitors at the home el J.
T. and Mts Ross. Mr, Carrie was also
here. The former and Mies Mary Ross
visited Monktou friends this week,
Capt. Leon F. lackson has arrived
home at Ottawa after a strenuous and
nerve racking war experience. He was
in charge of the esti' battery, 7th Bri-
gade, Field Artillery aid was overseas
nearly years,
I C. Richards and Mrs, Richards and
son Charlie motored to Niarara Fails,
calling at Hamilton, Kitchener and
other points on the way, and returning
on Monday. They report a pleasant
trip and a good time.
Church Chimes
5 Sundays In August will give you a
good chance to make a record.
Rev W. E. Stafford, who has been on
a vacation for past 4 Sabbaths, will
preach at the union services next Sun-
day. Melville church at er a. m. and
Methodist church at 7 p, m,
Rev, Mr. Smith's theme Sabbath
morning in St. John's church was "'rest-
ing the value of prayer from its prac-
tice," and in the evening the subject
was "Is the young man Absolarn safe 1"
At Methodist Sabbath School last
Sunday Harry McRae, an old pupil, re-
cently hack froni the war, gave a short
address, Lloyd Jackson sang an ap-
propriate solo. M outhly Missionary
offering was $3 35.
Union Sunday School Picnic will be
held Thursday afternoou of next ,week in
the Davidson grove. Everybody wet -
come ouly bring a basket of provisions.
Refreshment booth on' the grounds,
Program of fun.
The eternal God is thy refuge and
underneath are the everlasting arms,"
Dent, 33 and 27 was the text Rev, J, T,
Strachan, B. A , Campbellville, preach•
ed a good sermon from Sunday morning
in Melville church to a large congrega•
tion. F, H. Gilroy sang "I love Hint
so," Iu the evening in the Methodist
church the same preacher discoursed
profitably from Psalm 846, "Who pas-
seth through the valley of Baca maketh
it a well." Mrs. W, L. Leatherdale,
Winnipeg, formerly Miss Loretta
Brunston, and an old tnember of the
choir, song with good effect a choice
rendering of "Abide with me."
DgI,IGH'rItUL 'TIME,—Sunday after-
noon, 2715 tilt., a Re -union servile was
b th School,
i ba
held n tb
e Methodist Sa
'e a
Which will be long t m mberect Pro-
gram Was g.8 follows :—Opening hymn 1
prayer by Bert Lott ; words of welcome,
F, H, Gilroy ; solo, Wesley Stark, Tor-
onto •, Scripture lesson, A E. Hersey
solo, Miss Grace Walker, Clinton 1 read-
ing, Miss Irene Hoover, St, Louis,
Mich ; male quartette ; Address, Rev,
S, j. Allis, Ilderton ; solo, Miss Pan-
tie 'Thomson, Hamilton; unveiling
Memorial ,Shield, nonteiniug the names
of 6 old pupils who had died overseas
viz i --Cleve, Denbow, Frank Gotty,
Wilfred Lott, Lisle McCracken, Will,
Maybury and Clarence Jackson awl the
name of Melvin Buustoa is to be added.
Mrs, A. J. Lowry, teacher of the major-
ity of the •boys did the unveiling, A
elafigCi®S6.etaea.a'rtl^,..C+4869T:s'rt.^JClet'.'ta*--96Bact'J•'r ;b' cozic%4 w: .
• Foxy
'I'HI? ." ei-kciS`I'O1zli
rug 'L
Weekly St ,, re ', ews
Tooth, ante
One of our very best
DentrifiCes and we are
still selling. it for 25c per
The great Disinfectant
and Germ - Killer. Al-
ways in stock.
For the Babies
Mack y's
Pearl Barley flour
A Batley Food
Iuvalide. You
tirely r
for Babies and
will lied it 011- Also a great comfort to auto
°liable, drivers. (3 nod vat Lely i 1 style
50c the package and t'olel's, 05 and 50c
Splendid fttr cleaning win-
dows and silverware, Al-
ways On hand.
Melte her Ruud of your (Complex-
ion. Ask to sea
The Garden Court Line
Very 1.1agrailt and quality aw'x-
Auto had Maps
Something evpty auto driver
will firm most, convenient,
25e each
Auto Eye Glasses
For a builder
a after
The Old Boys
you can't beat
Cod Liver
$1.00 per bottle
Knew More About Hens Will ye 1„ "01110
than History. hark again 7
T. all tilt
After reading the rem 00H poem, "The
Landing of the Pilgrim loathes" to the
class, the teacher said : "AH a drawing
exercise suppose you earls drag.•. Rc-
cording to your imagination, a picture
orPlyutontlt Roel,'
All but one little fellow sof 0, wort(,
t -le paused and finally raised his hand.
what le it, Edgar P' the tenches Bert
Please na'mn." Edgar piped out,
"do you want ns to (b•aw n ]ten or n
rooster 1"
Old Boys
Flapily I0 drool,
Slitt'y ti ptu'I
Happy to meet
• otaoeeee00000oea®®04e018090 8740E5•00•50060eaGefs 't
photo group of the deceased boys was
hung below the Shield ; address, Rev.
D. Wren, Mount Forest, in which ketch -
Ng reference was made to the brave
teddies who fell ; solo, W. H. Willis,
Wiugham, The offering totalled $rs 65.
Many of the old pupils of 20 and more
years ago were present and the memory
of the gathering will linger long. The
room Was appropriately decorated with
Welcome banner, flags end flowers.
Brussels Council
Monthly meeting of Brussels Coun-
cil was held Tuesday evening, Reeve
Plum in chair and Councillors Wilton,
Fraser and Richards being in attend-
Minutes of last meeting were read
and passed,
Following ao0ouu is wete passed :—
W. Cook, work, gravel pit$ 1 00
111. Fraser, work at Town Hall
and gravel pit .................... 8 00
THE POST, account . 27 00
Anderson Bros., hauling engine 3 00
Fire Brigade, flee Evaporator-.. 44 00
Fred, Ennis, 3 days Town Hall... 10 50
Robt. Anderson, 5 days Town
Hall ..... 17 50
G. McNichol, i days Towat Hall 15 75
Fred. MoOraoken, 45 days Town
Hall and paint 20 60
Tom Snider, 45 clays Town Hall 15 75
W, Williamson, 55 days Town
Hall .....
22 00
R. Oliver, salary " 52 00
Cam -Fish Oo. Electric Light,... 85 00
Robb, Thomson, roads. ..... ....... 40 80
LcL Brewer, roads 1 50
Geo. McOall, miscellaneous 2 00
F, 5.Scott•, meantime Town Hall 40 00
R. Thuell, rent and salary 120 00
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by I,
C. Richards that above accounts be
paid. Carried,
By -Laws Noe. 2, 3 and 4 1010, auth-
orizing an increase Telephone rate of
$1,00 per year, making $13,00 annually
for 3 years was read, to cover heavy
expense by reason of sleet storm neces-
sitating or extension of cable. $7,200
at 0 % to be borrowed from Standard
Batik and $2,000 at 0 % to meet cue-
rent:expenses, By -Laws were passed,
It was decided to put a now roof on
the Town Hall. Oounoillore Wilton
and Fraser to look after it,
Fire Inepector was asked to notify
owner of former livery baro on Thom.
as street to see that it was closed up
each night.
Information was asked relative lo
building of new poetofflco but nothing
very satisfactory was adduced.
Council then adjourned,
Farmers in Need of
We have a good supply of 8, 4, 5 and
0 inch tile on hand at present, Aud
listen I According to the ever increas-
ing demand someone is going to go
short. So to be sure y011 etre not go-,
big to be one of them get; yours home
now, We will also give prices on de-
livoting, lerPhoue 47233.
Monct'ieff Tile Yards,
RUmmAN,—In Howlett township, 011 Ant not 9n1,
1019, to Mr. and airs. Anew, Mutton, a
daughter—Nellie Burette.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Oats 811 au
Pens . 1 e5 1 56
Barley 00 un
Butter db 45
Eggs re 44
Hoge 93 75 28 75
Wool . . 70 70
Potatoes per hag..,.... 86 1 On
Hay 18 W1 28 811
Wool (unwashed) 45 60
f2 05 S2 l0
285 105
Drain Tenders
The Municipal Council of the Township or
Maris aro asking fel' tenders for ,ha construc-
tion of the Sellers end the Belly Drains. Plans
and specifications at the Clerk's residence.
Enclose a 580.00 good faith cheque. 'euchre
will be opened at the Township flail on Mum
day, Adguet 18th, et 2 o'clock,
WM. E1,4TON, Reeve:
A. Mao-EWVEN, Cleric. "-
Heifer Strayed
Strayed flout. Lot 21, Con. O, Greyy, of or
about July 1st, a large red yeold Letter, with
horns. Hole in loft oat•. Any information
leading to her recovery will be thankfully re.
calved, Wdl. MENA105
b-4 Phone 2417 Bruxsele R. R.5,
mattor of rho °state of Mary Sin-
clair, late of tho Village of nrueeels,
in the County of Huron, widow,
Notice in hereby given pnrsnant to "The Re•
vlsed Stetutee of Ontario," tint- all creditors
end others laving Mabee egnbnet the estate of
the said Mary Sinclair, who flied on or
about the 21st day of July, A. D., 1910, are
required on or before the 28r 1 clay of August,
A, D., 1010, to send by poet prepaid or deliver
to A. 21, McNeil, the Executer of the estate
Of the said deceneed at Brunets P. 0.,
12. R. No. 4, their Christian and Surnames
addresses and doaeripbions, the full partian-
Lara of their claims, the statement of their no.
counts and Idle nature of the semu'ltlas (if any)
held by them.
Anil further take notice that after earth last
mentioned ditto the said Iaxenutnr will pt's•
dead to distribute the Resets of 'the der'aaed
ouang the artier entitled thereto having re-
gard only to el0hns of which mho shall .then
have nctdee, end the said Executor will not
be liable for the said assets Or may port there-
of to an person or peraone of whose elabn
notice shall not hnvo been received by him nt
the time of such dixtribution.
Dated at Brussels, this 5811 day of August, A.
D, 1010.
0. H, MoNErL,
0.8 Executor.
matter of the estate ofJamos Turn-
bull, late of rho Township of prey,
in tho County of Huron, farmer, do.
Nstiee is hereby given Dormant to ”Tho lie.
Weed Statutes of O1ntorte," that all Creditors
and others haying dolma against the estate or
the said IRB Turnbull, tt r
e t es Oa ,hull who died of o nUont
the 26th of A 1required
t rtl-A.D et 10 o'tAD,
y p, �
MI or before rile rd l)
0 day et' August A 1 ,
uOl Wilton, sends post epEx of deliver to tient
i Wo, one of theof ddee se of the text
.Will0., and it Christian add deemed, ddeasees
P. their Uhrlatian ofd Surltonas, ad(n•oeanH
and desoriptione, the fu11 pprtioulsra of thole
Maims the statement of their 550010ts and the
Haters, of the eeouritlea (if e11711106 by thou.
And further take notice tlmt after such last
mentioned date the said Executors will pro-
5eed to distribute the amide of the (letenat(t
among tlte parties entitled thereto, having re.
gard Orly to the centres of whlelt they than
then have notice, rindthe sold Exeeuteta Will
net be Hebei for the said assets or any part
thereof to Any person or person,' of w 1Oxe
Maim notion shell not have Leen received by
thereat the time of atieh dixtributiot.
Dated nt Brandeis, this 5111 day of Augeet, A,
D, 1919,
(motion TURNBUI,L, Biometors,