HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-8-7, Page 5et*
nn-nran nn run. n n • • • • nnvn-nnnwtnn non ,
%W.11.411.1,, 00019,---.9994.09,999.”.9V-99.191.940,99,99TA9,9/10995.91991,9991.9 t9.99999949,,
JO.: SUTHERLAND 8.4 Sail •,;
GI.M1440.0 adlenildla
feI1 Tenn Opens Sept. hd
Yong° & Charles *Ls., Toronto 4
Stands to -day without a
Business Cards 1.5 Superior in the Dominion. ;.
r,„„ 6
9 'II /4.0"t SLiliCiE ON.
',e t0:1`1.1. 1... ')l1. st Ander.
Sun Dr is Lavery stable, Brivomis. Teleplione
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and nightailJo, Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
M. B., M. 0. P., S, 0,
M. O. H., Village of Brussels, -
Physionan, Surgeon, actionchour
nt resillente. opposite Moroi,
CR. J. H. WHITE', B. A.
PtlYsiltilAN AND SU10o100N,
Graduate Toronto University of Aledloine,
Speeial attention given to diseases of children
and Surgery.
Or. Oryans Old Stand
P11(1111• Brussels
Wooed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Will s. -II laSsestst any other
U00000 or charge nothing.
barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oflioe tot th.9
e quare, Bud door from Hamilton
00Dsniurt, ONT.
Private funds to loan nt lowest rates.
W,Pinnnirowr. 50. 0. .7. L. KILLORAN
H. J. D. (metre
3: Uilinirg '1)' Women
Excelsior bitting Mills
++ Stop - Look - Listen
+ Steady work as Machine
* Operators. Good pay.
+ Apply or write at once.
4. .
÷ -41 n 4.4.
÷ ; i
EE 4 '
. +
+ +
+ +
+ +
.1. AGENCY 4-
+ +
4. +
John Oliver ++
4. ...
+ *
+ has taken taller. the Deering Ag- +
+ ency and handles a full lino of +
+ 1'ar113 Implements including the
+ noted
I. IL C. Cream Separators
4. 'Phe only Cream Separator With
4.4' two wide open cream outlets -
no cream screw in the path of
+ the Creattl. See it when in town.
+++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
The 1, IL C. 8-10 and 10-20 Tractars
are among the best,
The Searing MUM Spreader
hn Over
With the. wide spi veil and very
light, in draft.
.„0 Is prepared to pay the
o highest price for
-Scrap Iron,
4, Rubbers,
• Rags, &c.
* Highest price paid, See
• -
• me before you sell,
Highest Cash Price for
Poultry and Hides
Wille Or Phone 02x
1..1 111 meet tv 1, posictoi.- have
..111 flasitill III 1 tointla.
0111nlittitgli 1:nr1Tfilbii"fic1:4"11Ztr
.Vrite to -day tor our large Catalogno.
W, .1, EL.41OTT,
GRAMM mix liamrar
GOING 80U2I1 C.10100 Nowa
Exprosa 7:00a In I Mail . 11 012 a an
Exuma 13:50 71 m i Express 0:07 pro
- - .
To Toronto To Goderioh
Bitnreali 11:47 li to 1 Express 11:41 pan
Express 2:27 p m 1 Express .......,. 9:071,071
Going East - 711 a. in. and 971111,711.
Going Want - (0.80 and 0.66 p. ,n.
All trains going Mast oonneet with 0. P18. at
Orangeville for Owen. Sound, Elora and T
B. stations.
G110. ALLAN, Leant Agent,
Ile -union at Brussels
a Splendid Success
(Centinued from p14531 11
was William Ainley, Post office was
Dingle, and mune of village anti Post -
office Wel e changed in 1874 lo 13russels
when incorporation took place.
When we got. the railway one of the
hottest, elections I ever Look part in
was on carrying the bonus for the
Wellington, Grey and Berme as
agehist the Toronto'Grey and 13ruce,
First election 11111(1d in Brussels for
Reeve wait an lst Monday in 3 twittery
187-1, contestants being John Leckie
and 7(1 11. Livingstone, !mailer being
elected. The old gills dicl not have a
vote but every male person in town
that day, so long as he swore he OW11.
ed a parcel of land or any other chat-
tel in Mussels that, day voted. Some
vnLed on a learn Of horses or other
chattels, One man polled because
his wife was in Brussels that day and
was worth $200, for in those days
they swore people as they do now.
The electionwas tun on politics,
one candidate beingia Tory and the
other a Grit. I gave my Rest vote,
and to my Tory friends I may say
that, I voted Tory, so they will see 1
started outright if I have shortsfallen
Reeves of Mussels in those days
were Leckie, Rogers, Young Mc-
Cracken and Keri',. but with excep-
tion of W. H. Kerr all have passed
and are with the silent dead,
First Clerk WaR 0. It. Cooper and
then myeelf in 1880. I was voted out
in 1870 by casting vote of F. 0. Rogere
and in 1880 was voted In by his cast-
ing vote. All, unless myself are gone
ancl I am, as an old friend of
mine used to say, "living to the good"
as I am over 70.
The firat Treasueer was 0. R. Coop-
er then Thos. Kelly end Alex,
Strachan, the latter is the only one
still with its.
Merchants of those days, unless
David Ross, N. Livingstone and Jno.
E. Smith (who is also on the platform)
are the only ones left, all the others
having crossed that bourne from
whince no traveller evee returns,
Doctors of Ouse days were Hawkes,
Landers, Earl, Caw, McCool, Graham,
and the two Holmes. Graham and
Dr. Tom Holmes surviving.
Our teachers wete first Daniel
Stewart, who taught itt it, school that
etood on the lot now occupied by Jas.
rt eland just to ((tie right, followed by
McLellan, Thynne, Hamilton, Shaw
and Cameron. All are gone to their
long home unless Shaw and Cameron
who were unable Lo be with us but
the latter sent his better half to re-
peesent 111111,
Tile first lawyer, Dan. Mc Donald,
110W Clerk of Oototty Omni, ptesetit
today, then Malcolnison, who after-
wards was Mitettir ill Chancery, then
roley, A. J. McOoll, who became
Supreme Court Judge of British
Columbia, Elliot, Seeger and Wade
have crossed the liver (but whether
When a women who has been sick
for years bepomes well after taking a
certain scientifle proparation-caa you
tdony that the remedy must be good?
Read these extracts taken front a
Jotter written to us by Mrs. IL Cross,
ter 302 King Street West, Toronto: -
“I suffered for several years with
inflammatory Rheumatism and could
hardly get up or dorm stairs. My
husband bought me a, box of Temple.
ton's Rheumatic. Capsules, and almost
immediately I felt relief. The swell.
lags started to go down and the stiff.
MOSS left my knees. II might say that
previously to using T.E.O.'s I had
triod almost everything under tho eau
without 85100092. I am a happier and
wiser wonnut now, and I cannot, thank
you enough for the aid T.R,O.'a have
given me."'
We the seine story from handreds
of other Rheum:Aire sufferers. They
tried and 's iltted them
up. If you suffer, try them, '
Ask your Druggist or Write as for one ltew
booklt; it is intercating and OostO yon nothing
(remptetens 142 King*West, Toronto). We
men AnYWIttre nu receipt of Med.
Sole Agent, for Brussels
Jordan ce. not 1 e. sny,)
MC1)01111111 and IVade. 1.1111 er 1 toot,
,teelOt 11141, i1, (1.i..ago
11/ 1. 1 1-'11)(111:1/0 (Ai 16 hi, 11191 111,9,19.
I'll" 11111)1 It ,II not la with ti
Intl he iiiientin tHillig Bin 1(11.1
Season. 111, looked Well nod et clomp
Well. 1Ve spent 2 111,1)15 talking or
j "In those °blot) thnev," us our late
, feletid 1),', may,
had 4 1 .1* 1. .. al, t Male.)
110.1 an 15lople.1. 1,
1111:t data 4 -riitieger
' we had Tnore 911.11V r. than 110W,
majority in OM 1/1111liaer% e511 new
1113111 (1 10 gu 1557 17 and let us rim the
Remittal tot We please. 1. 11 berait-i.
we have no King Aleoliel (11' that 1 hey
are not, interested itt their vineyards
Presbytel tall p11,11101 Were 1'oung,
Ferguson, „lomat, Millet., 1 Tcwie and
Ross, Latter in living but unable, I'
am Loki from ill health, to be net 1..
We all trust he will 5)1111 be better.
111 5)1051, days there we) e 3 betinelic.e
of the Methodist church, Bible Chri •
Wail. New Clottilextion and NVectleyite,
later they joined and ate now known
as the Methudiet church of Canada,
Alining Lim ministers of those tla)s
were Green, I'aul, Scutt, Diek,
Robson, Hanna, Webster, Bristol,
Johnston, Davey, Stafford, Hayhurst,
Hauls, (Napoleon, Smith, Swann, SM.
lery, Melton, Ooliblecliek told Alli,,,
10055 of whom have abut passed away.
I valet give molten of those left hilt
llov. Allin is with lei. Whether
Hilton Government. ham spoiled him tit
not, 1 don't know but when he Wits
With lie WAR 1)01)) a good Met hodiet
ancl a good Libel al,
The Anglicans Rust had a lay read -
Or who Waft also B. conveyancer„John
Wilton Kerr, who was a jolly
soul and could preach a good 001.01011
and make an Mane (1111111,1 epeeeh as
well. Then followed Lindsay Cooper
(who founci there was more money 111
being a doctor than a. clergy 1(11111 in
Brussels and after he practised suig-
evy fin a time he got like others I
know not Lao orthodox, then we had
Itoberteon and what Coopee lacked in
orthodoxy be had, then Ryan,
Oluff, Abey and Webb which
ends those in the 1801 centuty and
whom we call old boyo. Rev. Oka
still occupies one of the best churches
in Stratford and could always fill any
pulpi tM the foregoing I may Hay that
1111 the other classes of the old boys
and girls are like those whom 1 have
enumerated and to mention 1111.111
would take too in Will time.
Many nld boys and girls of this
vicinity, fie you can judge, are
sleeping the sleep of death in the cold
and silent tomb all over the world
and in the winds of Longfellow we
say :
"Oome back ye friends whom-, 1151'o
are ended,
Come back with all the light attended,
Which seemed to daticen and decay,
When ye aeose and went away."
We can only mourn their lose and con•
sole ourselves that they have followed
the path of Nature, to live, 50 [loutish
and to die, and to remember, them to-
day by their many virtues, which we
should take as our guide.
To those who have come to 1 ejnice
with us, I give you all the glad hand
011 that you can say and feel as did
Rob Roy of nld, "My foot is on my
native heath" It., Lite name of Brus-
sels I welcome yon to this our first
Reunion, welcoming you home, as by
that endearing name we only know
Brussels, remembering that we should
all be aa 0110 10411117, or Its Robbie
Burns has said "All .3 Oh 11 TaIliSOn'S
BailaiS." I trust, as I know you will,
all fully enjoy yourselves while here,
rehearsing the doing of olden times
when we were all boys and girls to-
gether. I itqty tenclee you the fveedoin
of Brussels while you ate with us and
close in the woods of the poet I say :
"Come in the evenieg, or come in
the tnorning,
Oowe when you aye looked for, oe
come without warning,
Kisses and welcome you'll find here
heroes) you,
And the oltener you come here the
, more we'll adore you."
Ohl Peobs. was very kind.
Little Ansa Margaret Wallace is it
We wet e lonesome after the rush of
Old boys mid Girls.
The good order and decorum pre-.
sowed at the Sunday eveniug's great
gathering 011 Lhe Peek was most
Old Boys' appearanee at Foot Ball
was a reminder of the days when
championship It 011019 were 001111)1cm
to Brussels.
Excellent 100 115 was done by the
Geound tIonunit tee, With R. Leather.
dale 10 oonvener and 'everything was
111 fine condition.
Bandsman Lougheed, of Hamilton,
is au art ist at whistling. Pew penple
know how to use Lhe musical hjstru-
meta owlet, their nose.
"Old Dan. Tuelc was a, fine old
111151i" LS 11 Iti li Of history but he could
not handle the drum stinks like his
namesake i n Kitto,u rlIttt' Pipe Band,
Hefted many a time would not
have missed this Re -union for twice
what it cost me to come to it. It's
glorious and I feel like a youth again,"
A registey of the homecomere WAS
arranged for but. itt the multitudinous
duties the book was forgotten until
Tuesday afternoon, ton late to 150-
0071) p11811 what was planned.
The double male quartette whn sang
Sunday evening wits W. H. Willis,
(NV inhgam,) A Steaallan, 10. 1-1, Gilroy,
13. Wheeler, W. 15, Km r, W. 3, Ale -
()reciter!, Jas, Fox and H. I... Jackson.
In one ear in the pronession were
David Ross, lin,,, President, Aged 08
yeses, the oldest) man in 131 ussels,
aeomnpanied by his 451)1153 hones, D.
O., Thos. and Rau, and grandson,
Dr, George Ross.
A. a 14101118h, a Harmer well known
manager of the Metropolitan Balic,
Brussels, writing 'Ettto POST from
weeton says 7-I am pleased to renew
Int' yone paper /te it keeps nut in Witch
with the old town in which 5 Bona 3
very enjoyable years. I Mimi to 111,
range to attend the ite-union but
found 111 impossible. I know all would
have a grand time, INto have 8 banks
in town and all kept quite buoy.
With kind regards. Yours sineerely,
A. 13. Mellish,
A Perfect Treatment For This
Distrescing floniptint
"1 1,.r.1 an attack of -`,Tt.11:‘17.'Z'
Sta bad that my
onl,i wet. through at time.,
Poe fot t r mouths, suffero I terribly.
I could, get no relief until I tried
Truit,a4ives and 'Soothe, Salva
The first treatment gave ine relief;
Altogether, I have used three
boxes of 'Soothe, Salon' and two of
Truit-a-tives', and am entirely well"
(L W. IIAI,1...
Both these sterling remedies are
Bald by dealers at fiSe. a box, (3 for
82.50, or sent on receipt of price by
Fruit -a -tit -es Limited, Ottawa.
"Fruit-a•tives" is also put up in A
size which Bells for 250.
The Ain Oplaise eittlified 101 1\10011V
DollainVe Rom, adjoining liriteeels.
No attempt was Made to handle pas-
senger 11ante, Maclaine w vitt. lot,,
here to St. Thomas. It Was a novelty
to many.
The 91st Highlanders' Band, of
Hamilton, lead by Bandmaster Stares,
pleased evely body. Their selectione
were first elass and rendered as only a
company of competent musieians eau
play. Encores 70110 many and I P.
soonses freely given. The Band is
cconposed of a gentlemanly, gond
natured company who have had a
wide experience ovet seas, It wits one
of the bent drawing cards of the Re-
union and they will be very heartily
welcomed to Brussels on some friture
A successful NI, D. of Clinton, and a
former well known old boy,
Miss Nina E. Malcolm, Galt, writes
THE POST :-Wits very sorey it was
impossible Inc me to be present at
your gathering. Am sure I would
have met a number of my old school-
mates and other friends. I, Or COUrSe,
am the loser. Please send ME, POST
with write-up of Re -union, I enelose
All the games and sports were vell
contested and wet e no fakes. The
big crowds were generous with ap•
plause and showed no partiality.
Seaforth, Clinton. Illy [II, Wingbarn,
Wroxeletr, Gorrie and Atwood and
eurrounding country were well repre-
sented and many expressed levity -
able continents on the success of the
Monday night. a bunch of visiting
returned soldiers and the Greeks who
had a refresh Weill; tunil li on the
street emnet had a mix-up 111
which sotne of the stock of the latter
wits handled very carelessly and the
Greeks advised to vaeate. Thet was
the only um/lease]) tness of the whole
Re -union as far as We know. A claim
has been filed to the committee by the
Greeks for $100 damages, Ina the
committee watt in no wise to blame.
They granted a license anti emleavor-
ed to stop the row Avtien made aware
of its existence.
4. +
÷ +
I m pi e m e nt
* *
1 Service
4. Ont. stock of Repairs cover.
ing the Deering, McCormick
+ and Penal, do Wood MaCilin.
+ ery is now complete, WO
+ give the required prompt set.-
vice in the replacing of brolc•
en parts, Older needed Re- +
pairs early and help its keep 1;
+ our stock complete.
1' T
We have again received a
+ large delivery of McClormink *
I 1350 • ft, Superitte Manilla
$ Twine. We can give you ++
..k., the advantage now of a prob. I
able advance in price later
4, en, and glittrantee you Twine 4,
+ second to tume fur quality,
+ Delivery any tittle.
+ *
I The Plum
.,.. Blacksmith Shop
* Phone 88 Phone 4Ix
.'‘) tit ve tei' enure L aged,. '
110 7)1 411117
Vds nt'Ver
!;t•,' 1.: it.,,, win 0. )nt..
gill 1105 050 YI(III 1111i111.y,
1)1 1 13t5111.1 1.1.1111114111. Ii111.01•1ri it j1111.
5pp1 (i111111.134 west time Me
14-eined like old times 1e find George
Robb 011117 of Hi (1:011ittriof '.i 1 skii,”
111111.1 131 the pate
'1.111',1"1.P I ltw d
;ull ,, ,
b., den 510)1 :if .10. i•
ons fornisia,i;,, 1.1a 11 1147,.
Prole,N5fAtal 1,117-.3 1,7
and ;mate., MOrd,
afterliOoli 14-1t1t
of ". dit,
hearty ;Lied:clic, ot ,,, their line 5?, 111
Tuesday (veiiiiig. They 11 11
J. 1). Itonald, clot, remedy .-f
town, showed how a 501A11 ((111111111 111 80
years could trip 11,, Highland Fling
Tuesday afternoon.
It is said 11.110117 Btue-ele,
will he engaged as a profes,hilial Base
331411 enitelier. Ile esti tdili died 11 trecro 31
Mmiclity awl Tuesdst
Nol a few of Ili' 1 (1111011 51 ,i1 (1
501111. 111 131-11(1,1...k 44411,114'y while le -re
and visited the restilig nlnees of loved
ones, absent lint toil forgotten.
itlyvey hotly admired and conipliinello
ted the denotations, both oci 11,
streets, business 111:tees and homes.
"%V eiroine" beamed otir 011 1'V y
lti AleaS1,+. Hiles' and T0eker Kin
mediae has a peir 01‘111.er to.
are a ehe, by 11. The
llIghlttitt tlaricer, al:, know
Committee not telly lived up to
their promises as to program Ina ad-
ded a number of fee t twee. The Fit e -
works were dropped owing to th0
long evening programs,
The number of stump speeches
made 111 the "charmed ,.-i1-1-le" lady
captained by Norman Smith, Borden,
Art. Smith, Edmonton, A. Cl, Danner,
Walter Williamson, Iirussele, and
others, proved that, 1)11 (1150 or ”roory
hall not vanishi.d.
our old friend John Shaw, Chilton,
who %Vita Principal Or BrilitSPIS Piddle
School for 25 yeate, was hot able ict
come. He was asked rot' by 111111(11 (els
of tile 01d boye and girls. r. Shaw
is 110W in 1111 8-6(11 year but quite
hearty for a Irian of hie age.
Tuesday night's pronession and
"CillniS" afforded any quantity of fun
and beat line mune Very late fill 11110,7
ParticiPalitS. SOME'S of the Old boys
and girls at home had 11.110111 as tillielt
sport out 01 it 145 the 01311,115, who
"caught. on" vel'V7 ellt111Y.
J. H, Cameron, London, who was
Principal of Btussels school fot yeat
was unable to be het.. owing to the
fact, 111115 he IS teaching a Summer
School at Gore Bay during (11P Vilea-
51011. Mts. Cameron and her mother.
Mrs. Steinman, were 111011g visi-
tors however.
We are hoping to get, Norio:411
Smith, Borden, Sask., some coral les-
sons so that be may be able to "pitch"
that grand nld melody "Fle's a jelly
gond fellow" Inv enough se that a
stepladder will not be ttiweseat'y.
Norman is overfl feet up in the cantos-
phere all the time but we think the
5 foot fellow should have fair play in
the choir,
A letter from Barrister S. 13. Lam-
ont, Avonlea, Sask., to THE POST
sags :-I enclose $3.00 to cover 2 years'
sub, bo THE POST, w111111 I am glad In
say I read with the old time interest.
I regret I am tillable to attend your
Old Boys' Re -union but althnugh ab-
sent I will be present in spitit and
good wishes for its best success. We
gave had an unusually hot Summer
nu the prairie with a very avant rain-
fall Ill many parts. Crops in this
dist, id will be 50 to 75•,,, and harveat
will be general by August 1st, Busi-
ness was reported genet ally gond.
tion to the long list of visitors at, the
Re-uuiou given in last issue of TUE
Peter we add the following :-
J no. Pugh, Mitchell,
Edward and Mrs. Lowey and faintly,
W lox e t er„
Robert Black and family, Wtoseter,
Tiusdell Ritchie and family, Wing -
P. Milligan, Wroxeter,
Ohas. Brooks, Exeter,
Ohas. Broadfoot, Moosejacv,
Jas. Walker and faintly, Wingfiam,
Chas, Stuart, Torcnito,
Thos. and Mrs. Johnston, Buffalo.
The latter WILS Aliss Hannah
A1 1nst rong of other days,
Harry and ales, Barth fe,
Mr, and Mee. Fleming and eon
Walker, of Chatham. MIS,
Fleming is a daughter of Jas.
and Mrs. Weikel, formerly of
town, now of Whigham,
w, W. and Mrs. Baker and child -
Misses Mary and Jeanie Howe,
WI [meter, and Miss Beatrice
teacher at Leamington.
Thompson and Mrs. Snider and
daughter, London,
A, R. Mustard, Markham,
Mrs. J. hi eititosh, 'Poroitto,
Lorne and Mrs. Stephenson and atm,
Art. liawkshaw, Toronto,
W. A. anti Mrs. orieh, Seaforth,
Merton Howe, Wroxelee.
How do Voo„sr
Solt 7
LEGISLATION -proircting the
Hawker, Tr4volling and Fakt.r
in force.
Come to. an authorized Optician
work (;tiarataced. C1eAtt,t1
Propells and no ancicnt Ft.une:, put
thing up- tn-date. Prices moderate.
public from the
Opticians; is
11 15
whetrc 1. 11 tI ((11
11 ttra I
tit) 1 5, r,y
all and :wt. 11),(,.
W. F. Stretton
M tiAqr. 1u r r (id 111,11 1111
Borne hordes wet e so well filled with
visitors the roof was nearly called in-
to 1 equisition.
Robe' t Thuell made a gond job of
the lighting syetem. The olci town
Wits nevol better illuminated,
A nombet of snap shots were taken
of the Park and Alain street. r.
hope secure stone of the views.
"Mr. and Mrs." Wet0 not bothered
trill: vet), much lle•linit». days,
The given name was good enoltgli.
The usual Sales of balloons, Whip.,
(.1111l70lionPry, fruit, Ate.. were tits
deek nod wally a youth tested his
strength 111 an often vain endeavor
ke 11, hell rieg.
A claiming pavilion keened 11, a tent
and managed hy the Compaziy who
had concessions on the park, clicl quite
11. Ittlsintms. Marks( taw elleARtra,
.111111.11i1.11 1 II(' 111111,1V,
N(1 .4'1 IOUs iteeittent of tie> Lied
mimed the Re -unite) 7t ME. glad to
state. Keeping the Streets in the 2
elder hilsiness bireke Clear of rigs and
care was a gond help -out savieg
The fellows 15110 rang lhe totien bell
cold the fire alarm alooday and Tues-
day eights Were eraZier 110011 they
thought. No joke in waking people
utp in a fright. 'Meddling with a fire
alto m should never. he done.
Many COMplifnell Ls Were Showered
on the young ladies who gave the
Colonial Dt ill in costume. They were
Misses Laura Ament, Jean Fog, Helen
McFarlett, Gertrude Rosa, Nellie Fox,
'Marjorie Ross, Gertrude Shaw, Ihtris
Ross and Stella Gert y.
Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms.
Short hours -a 47 -hour week,
with Saturday half -holiday.
Valuable training in agreeable
work for the inexperienced.
A good livingwag,e to beginners
which materially increases with
experience and proficiem.T.
Write or call -
Hamilton - Ontario
Bel Weep the hot no,i the mettle
served by Sr, .1chic's Metho-
dist churches and the Irv. C. T. U.,
S. C. Wilson and 'be11 sths,
plus the gent t,,ns lee•pitatit!, .,f the
townefolf. .,o me, u:t.. likely to go
1101.5017 . A emitis,1 of people who
came in eat, pienu.ked for the days.
National Viet iry
Aug. 23 TOIZONTO Sept. 6
1 British Grenadier Guards Band
War Memorial Paintings
Sensation of the art world,
recording every phase of
Canadit:1 op:rations overseas.
Mammoth assemMage of
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