The Brussels Post, 1919-7-31, Page 4! b e t lr'W3 his 'Vat k
Preis for Prohibition.
Betreezee ! lareiesI ':1. ' 'ran '
tee it wirer et) duty tt:e.e .. ru peee
like Ho:n
How is your suit ease bolding out this
season 1 Does it stand travelling well ?
lox cream vendor is King this season.
'The coining of the come into the busi-
netTs has Largely increased the trade.
TRT: average school teacher is about
as difficult to keep track or on account of
frequent changes as the wicked ilea.
Pivacs gnwARt) ISLAM) set the pace
for the coming elections last week wheu
the Liberals won by a vote of 26 to -3o.
The Grits say they will duplicate this line
of action in the sister Provinces. Let us
see, where was it the wise men came
from ?,
Tits Pose Telephones only rang about
200 times tor enquiries "Did I pass the
Entrance?" If exatniners thought of
the nervous strain to many a home
circle over this momentous question
they would sit up at nights to get re-
port ready.
NOMINATING Conventions are giving
ample opportunity for the remark "At
the earnest solicitation of many friends
I have at last consented to yield to their
pressure." The "squeeze" often comes
later also.
GUELPH Mercury works of a fish story
that scales well. Here it is :—Some girt
in Maine, caught a lobster 3 feet long
and weighing r5 pounds. That's noth-
ing ; lots of the girls at the Summer re-
sorts catch tbem 6 feet long, and weigh-
ing close to 200 pounds, which they land
without any assistance whatever.
SATURDAY Night, the Toronto journal
that is ever ready to stick pins into the
Methodists, had to climb down from its
nagging perch and apologise to Rev.
Earnest Thomas rather than attempt to
back up their blackmail regarding bim.
They will realize be is no doubting
Thomas who will submit to none of their
mudslinging tactics,
"HAPPY to meet, sorry to part, hoping
to meet again" is the sentiment of many
a home in Brussels and locality as it re-
lates to the Old Boys' Re -union, We
many we would have been delighted to
have welcomed but scores of the
absentees were talked about and our
good wishes go to thorn all. Especially
do we send kindly greetings to tbe
elderly folk and those unable to come on
account of illness or affliction in their
LAST week a Toronto woman was ar-
rested because she and her parrot were
telling the fortunes of anxious damsels,
for filthy
lucre of course. An owl
might make a better job of it if better
hours are not kept by said anxious ones
as to who their fate will be. Grandma's
courtship days are not the pattern from
which the modern maiden fasbions her
Ir is up to every man and woman who
is a friend to the youth of Canada to put
a well pronounced kink into John
Barleycorn's business by marking 4 No's
on their Referendum ballot. The
history of the liquor trade is one Tong
story of headaches and heartaches, los-
ses and crosses, blackness, disaster and
death. Read the record of improve-
ments where booze is killed and no sane
person will ever vote for its return.
H, B. Moaexv, M. P. for North Perth
is being mentioned for Secretary of
State in a proposed shake-up of port-
folios in tbe Dominion Cabinet, There
is one thing certain about H. B, nobody
would have any doubt that he was a
doubly plated, triple rivetted Tory and
be has as much ability as the average
minister who very frequently permits
his deputy to do the lion's share of the
work. It's hardly worth Mr. Morphy's
while to accept now when a general elec-
tion will be on so shortly, after which he
may have to sit on the left, if fortunate
enough to have the electors pin on M.
P. for another term,
DoMINrON Liberal Convention will
meet in Ottawa next Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday. Whose your chose
for coming Premier ? At present we
lean toward Hon. Mr, Fielding, He's a
clean banded, clear headed and compete
ent man with a broad experience in
public affairs that would stand him in
good stead in the onerous duties of his
office. A big 1050 is wanted and one
broadminded enough to view the needs
of the Dominion xatber nattering to
party exigencies, He would make a
Splendid successor to the late Sir Wil-
frid Laurier and would well sustain the
good name of Canada's Premier on both
side of the political fence during the
past so years.
6 hoX a GY'Q cerieg
Ornemee flour
Ora ad Shorn
I++ 11ANo
Eads of all Hinds, also salt
1'h„„e hi el 27
W. J. McCracken
;n•,t..n„tic..-.;any,... 1;1ns.: 14•r''t=1+.' would
like to bt:guoty honor • uu Bul.un',
spunky little Premier, Lloyd George.
There is no auto in the Empire better
deserves reeognitien front both King
and country, He assuredly has won his
spurs and .vtthout the frills and flum-
mery of some who think they are de-
serving. We are glad be refused tin
pot titles and long tails to his kite but
the Nation owes it to him to show ap-
preciation of his practical and most
capable management of public affairs
during the most trying period of the
Empire's history, Hr's au example
worthy of close imitation by every man
who assays to leadership in any realm.
A more suicidal policy could not well
be adopted by the Hearst Governnleut,
in our judgment than placing the Refer-
endum vote and a Provincial election nn
same date, No Temperance worker
ever asked for such a ballot as they will
be asked to vote upon as it is unfair and
complicated. What the folk did want
was a straight chance to have the elec-
tors say whether they wished the grog
business wiped out of existence forever,
We pat Uncle Sam on the back over the
way he deals with the liquor question.
Our Governments appear to always leave
our legislation with a siring on it.
Lacking definiteness is the great bane
of many laws and regulations, People
don't know where they are at and we
guess neither do the lawmakers.
Maitland Presbytery
A toweled meeting of the Pi esty let y
of ,Maitlntecl was held in St, Awdlell's
church, Vingbeen, July 11 h. A call
from Pine Rivet was presented by the
intetint Moderator, Rev. Geo, Hiltons,
in favor of Rev, Gilbert Gomm, Black-
stock, in the Presbytery of
Although this is a total congregation
of only 84 Families : they placed in the
call the new minimum sotto y of $1.5U11
with manse and usual holidays. The
call was sustained teal mdlaed to be
forwarders to the ,I,'i , i ,hc• PreNlty-
tery. 11f Whitby.
Itt the event of Sir, Cl 'nn'- Nerrpt-
ance provisional art augellte',l 5 wSIe
made for his in+bi••tiou, Moderator,
McKenzie topieside, ltev, Mr, Over -
end, Kinoarduse, to preach ; Rev. nit'.
McLean, Ripley, to address minister,
and Rev. Mr. Gilmour, In eons
gregatiou. The dale wile left in the
bands of the Cleric. Rev. Ale, rule,
Oshawa, was Istltsested to 1prose:imp
the call before the Presbytery of
�. order
The Presbytery ter discussed the
of the General yAsseutby regarding
the minimum stipend of $l0(I0, and
the following congtegatiuns autonuo-
t'd that their Managing Boards had al-
ready taken action in etu'ry not the
order of the Assembly viz : - Belnnt P,
McIntosh, Pine Rivet, litusaels and
Teeswater, Clerk was instueted to
issue It circular letter to all emigregar-
Lintas below the new ani1111min], ceiling
their attention to the order of the
General Asaetubly sod requesting
them to come np to it, and to report
their within by September.
A eomtnitleee eunsieliIig 01':3 minis
Lets and 3 elders wets 11 led to
stuvey the conditions itt the Preehy•
tory to the end that It Loons nt' Presby-
terian congregations where possible
be effected, or a noinn OF co-operttt11,11
With other denominations be brought
tibnit1 white possible,
No Stunting In Aviation Over Resi-
dence Districts—Fine For All Pilots
—Canadian Air Board Brings In
Ottawa, July 16 ---On the recom-
mendation of the air board, the Privy
Council has approved of regulations
for -bidding dangerous flying. Trick
or exhibition flying over residence
areas is absolutely prohibited, as is also
such flying at regattas or other public
assenhblys, except where specially ar-
ranged for by the promoters.
Dangerous low flying is forbidden
everywhere and any flying over cities
or towns must be at a height which
permits the machine to land outside
in the event of engine failure. Noth-
ing dangerous must be dropped under
any circumstances from a flying ma•
chine, The penalties provided are six
months imprisonment or a fine of
$1,000, or both, and not only the pilot,
but the owner of the machine, is lia-
The air board has under considera-
Hon a full code of regulations relating
to alt navigation, but does not purpose
to recommend these for adoption until
a technical administrative staff has
been secured.
Notices will he given within a few
days of the positions to be filled. The
appointments will be made with the
tasslstance of the civil commission.
# 11 M N A k fi SO E1 e 11 4
�gr:rl Aritily ;; -1.'TEt`:
minister of railways, who is to suc-
ceed Sir John S. Hendrie as Lieuten-
ant Governor of Ontario in Oct
Regarded as Profitable the Bonds Will
Be Hit by the Income Tax
Ottawa, July 16.—Preliminary pre-
partations for the Dominion loan which
is to he floated in the fall, are under
Nov. that the war is over, and fin-
ancial conditions are more normal, it
is regarded as probable that the loan
will not be tax-exempt, as was its
war time predecessors. Should the
Government decide to follow this
course, there is little doubt that the
rate of interest yield will be made
quite attractive, its compared with the
rate al which Victory Bonds can now
be Nought in the open Market.
The tax exemption feature has
added materially to the value of pre-
vious issues, and was, it is believed,
the means sir attracting a much larger
t'itlume of subscriptions than would
have been otherwise obtained. During
the last two years of war, for instance
securities of Great Britain, France,
and other countries could be bought
in New York to yield seven and eight
per cent.
The terms of the new loan and
getting the organization together for
staking it a success will be one of
the first problems to be taken up be
the New :Minister of Finance when he
is appointed,
(Bradstreets Reports)
Canada has lost millions of dollars
and the cost of living has been in-
creased during the past two months
through labor trouble, a great deal
of which was believed to be of Bol-
sheviki origin and is now proven to
have received financial aid from
sources that would undermine the
very foundations of the country. For
many months the police departments
all ever the Dominion, and especial-
ly in •Toronto, have exerted great ef-
forts to keep down the Bolsheviki
element. A detective employed in
this capacity was also one of the big
unlit upaliens
mesa in rounding
war. To use this detective's words,
"The city of Toronto is a regular
hive of Bolshevism and the task of
handling this element is many times
harder than rounding up the worst
of aliens during war time." This un-
savory clique cost Winnipeg alone
more money, time, and comfort than
can be restored in months of general
prosperity. Its trust at Toronto in
calling a general strike a few weeks
ago would have wrought havoc had
the majority of this city's union men
not recognized the undercurrent of
desruction. The scheme was subtle
in the extreme, taking advantage of
the difficulties confroned by the
working men in their endeavor to
cope with the increasing cost of ac-
tual necessities of life,
This battle is not over by any
means, probably by the time the real
leaders have hoisted their white flag
'T 3
t tau, ant ,;Dolts ttnikruttzsz
`;1101't. 1t,,I1C: --1 41+ -bo I” we, le
v, it itel.tlnt l•ty heti 1 lids;.
.1,1 I,
,.. t r
.1,0„:,„006c,000,acl000000it,6.:00000 1.4.1
svhil 11 11 :I. t I.1li: i::, , , , ti 11 11 o
e'xlx:ricut is o,:,! l,tolu, nt y. u
Write or all Q
Hamilton - Ontario I:
a few more million dollars will have
been torn from the country and the
people. The cost does not stop with
the stere loss of wages during the '
strikes, but throws industries out of
gear which means a loss greater
than may -appear at first glance. The
strikes are started through the cost
of living, but when industries cease
the cost ce living grows faster than
in tinter of war, Production will re-
duce the distress of the working man
quicker than anytime else,
p •
Wf Iii' :yuflt:r with the
intense heat of the
wood fire when you can
links, Li.ltilt :11111111111+ With
Coal Oil
Ni.:w Perfection Stove (3
C"1111))(1-(! with 0vt'n
o $28.00 •
• •
••OM•s6,A U8.05Y>••••e'Oh4 •-• 9A
H. La Stewart
When the supply becomes greater
that. the demand prices tumble, but
when stills and factories lie in idle-
ness the scarcity of conhnmoditles be -
METHOD TO costes keener and keener and the
d®Altk A X11 Id9 holders have an opportunity of sele-
R�g1S ing the situation and forcing higher
tif4i�°➢/ j prices out of the sten who quit work
Many persons contents that there is
no sure remedy for Rheumatism, Sciat-
ica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, or
their kindred diseases, but don't be
biased: draw your own conclusions
from the proof submitted.
Over two years ago, William Nesbitt,
of 113 John Sr„ Toronto, Ontario, was
attackers by Rheumatism. Mr. Nesbitt
was 53 years of age at the time and be
feared the worst. After trying many
remedies and prescriptions without ob-
taining relief he took a friend's advice
and used Templeton's Rheumatic Cap-
sules. Result—to-day Mr. Nesbitt says,
"He hasn't lost a day's work since nor
fears Rheumatism any more.'t
Itir. Nesbitt gives th • entire credit for
his recovery to T.R.C'S Profit l?y his
experience. Try them,
Ask your Druggist or write us for our pew
booklet; it is interesting and costs you nothing
(Templeteesl 142 King West, 'Toronto), We
mail T,R,C, s anywhere on receipt of PAL
Sole Agent for 81ussels
Opened m Brussels
Thr undersigned have entered
into a cn.pitrinetship and leased
the building teoettly vtieltecl +
be, S. Carter, find have tilted it +
up rot a modern garage. +
We are ready to attend to all ,
tapnirm, a specialty being made 4
of'1'ires, having taken a special +
enures in dealing with Rubber, ++6
&O, +
Supplies of Gasoline and Oils •+F
alwnye on hand, +
\Ve are agents for the well +
known Overland Oat,
If you have trouble with your 1
Car or require anything in our 4.
+ line give us a call. We guaran- +
4-+ tee satisfaction at reasonable
rates. •1-
es Barris & Little 1
+ +
4- 13R'UBSL' LS
0000.000.00008.000004000®0 000041 0600 eer01,0404,03,0®0000. 6
4 Thi ,, ,h{'ester ' Fal r
j 0
•• London, Ontario ••
t •
September 6th to 13th,1919
• This is the Great Agricultural••
Exhibition of Western Ontario •
IExhibits Two Attractions Johnny J. Jones
• the Special Events Better Midway
•• Very Best Daily Than Ever Exposition s
• +
e Plenty of Music Fireworks Every Night
• Pure Food Show Tractor Demonstrations
0 Aill n 1Hittt'nnec corner iinndas and Egerton tate, Usual Entrance at
b the Gales, Grand .Mand 50e and 25e. +
• Prize Lists, Hutt sr Forms and all (nfortnation Crom the Secretary. •
• Tele .COL„ eV, 18, (aATITS IiOItl , A, M, HUNT, 6
ePresident, Secretary.
4' •+
0 4 4®♦♦♦'60♦♦®®0♦°D•0$0i•0®®♦••A•0'!r•••�•••0000.0000000000
to bring down the cost.
These strikes are nothing less than
scandalous, and perhaps some time
there will be ways and means where-
by the general public will not be in-
convenienced and industry disrupted
in this unnecessary waste, The strike
of the Toronto Railway employes,
for instance does not interfere with
the men and company alone, but with
practically every mill, factory and
store in the whole city,
When Canada borrowing in Lon-
don is recommenced and the men
with funds to place in sound securi-
ties are approached one of their first
quesions will be "how about your
strikes?" it's a mighty poor adver-
tisement for the Dominion and a
miserable recommendation for the
people to be forced to admit that a
fete Bolsheviki can not be thrown
out and labor disputes settled with-
out the whole country being thrust
into jeopardy.
Teacher Wanted
Teneher wanted for S S. No. 11, Morris Town-
ship, duties to oommenoe niter vacation. Au•
plications, stating salary expected, will be re-
ceived br the undersignoa.
\yA i.TER YUILL, Sen -Treas.,
Phone 5810 Brussels R. 12, 8,
Farm for Sale
Trine 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot l 5, Cort.
14, Grey township. 00 acres cleared, balance
hush anti pasture. G1aad buildings, onnsisting
+ to driving shed end
of assts house, bank barn, g
up-to-date poultrymiles house. Gond water, wind.
mill, .&r. 4 miles from Lethal and the rbc.
Inc further par.
C 12 P
terms r.Nan •ht on . P,
Maulers ne to pr1o,�, terms, .ko., npn1Y ou Elia
premises or if by letter to Brussels R. l2 2.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his 100 acre
farm, being 5)4 Lot 251 ,Con. 4, Morris town•
ship. Ott the premises Is n good frame house,
largo bank barn, plenty of water, 4o, Farm
is well fenced ant all cleared with the axeep•
tion of 4 acres. Nor further particulars apply
to A. L, 1Ll5RR,
Phone 120 Brussels R, R, No. 0,
House and Lot for Sale in Ethel
Comfortable frame house and one non of
land 1n the Village of Ethel is offered for sale.
Nutnber of fruit trees, Good woodshed and
other eonvettlenoes. For further particulars
apply to JOAN OSBORNE, Ethel P. 0.
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on 813
Lot 80, Gen, 2, Morris township, thethoro'-bred
Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No,
Oe410- , Sired by Gainford Marquis (1008001 5
Dam Mildred PII by Royal Sailor (185501, Ped-
igree i ree ay be seen on application. Terms -
$10 00 for thoro'-heeds payable at thne of tier -
vice with privilege to return, Grade sows not
allowed,. THOS. PI1OR0111,
For Sale
'Bonne and lots, containing 0)3 acres, in the
Village of Crenbrook, the property of the late
Mrs. Agnes thrown, is offered for sale. Frame
]muse, barn, fruit trees, &a Possession could
be given at once. For further p1l I'tictilars ap•
ply to Man. 1'+i Oe. GAMrtans 01' WAi. GAAtttmpN,
Executors estate of ttte late let's. A gnes Brown,
Popular stallions
(15018) [18580,1 -
Enrolment No. 11107, Form I,
J. ,
Will stand for the improvement of stook
during the Henson of 1010 at John .7. meG5vIst'e
Stables, Lsndbury, Got 22, Con. 15, McK1llop,
Terms : $12 to inattre, payable February 1st,
Merriment Ne, 8050 Perm 1
Will etnnd for the lmprevement of stook dur-
ing the seamen or 1010, at Tia own stable, Lot 10,
Con, 0, Morris, Terms, $10 to insure, payable
Pelt, let, 1020,
This sort's sire is Shothin Stamp, Imp., 100081
(0128 11 a regtadab)
o eddlmea Daisy, Imp, f61808101
s-srarlt4t> l sac+ mrk.l::g)
You well get Good Value
and Long Service if
y o u b# y them
R. 0. R.=1;,THWELL,
Our Motto : "A Square Deal to Everyone,
r e '
nt tip,...,
Ship y z tat' Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charge's. Issue•:; C'hrques for t' e pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your .Basle.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yin
will not want to discontinue.
i'ri m��,�''�q r,1e�►rt Bi'uso
�r���0� �e�0�i1�9 props.
Phone 83
Carriage Painting
and Tire Ap ;lying
Our Rubber Tire Applying and Carriage fainting are
tothe demand for lin a 1-t -d t- jolt et:n 'il •
equal l 0 a C job, t )b llt,g
Quality, Appearance find Lasting Service to the 11105.
We carry in stock, apply 1lv promptly and Guarantee nntte mr
work, all titnndn.rtl sizes of the better grade of Cas -
1 Tinge Rubber Tires.
: In considering the mmt'chase of tl new Buggy buy one
a you will be proud of in alter years, which requires -
careful selection Our Buggies we fully Warrant, are
c reasonably priced and have given the service retire-
• sentecl as is proven by satisfied users.
o 'terms to snit any purchaser.
b In all lines of Wheel and Carriage Wood -work Repair-
ing you get prolltptse rvico and satisfaction at a mo(l-
a orate price at
0.000seeeset8ot900000000soomiessemoohRt9os00000sestosease0 a
The PD u
Blacksmith Sho
1.0+4+4.+0+0+0+0+3+0d, 0•t•0+04•0•t•0•r•0+0•1.0+0+0d•0•t+0.60+55
Seaforth Cr
m ted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results,
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
• pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
a'• weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia,
a For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C.
s McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery 0