The Brussels Post, 1919-7-31, Page 2Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell The abject el this department is to place et the eer- eke of our farm readers the u9,ice oe an acknowledged eutl • ,• r eilnmp to sails and crops, entity ea all subjects pet K to ,.G. Boil. 1 Professor lr 1 of 5r HenryI Ad re ell u tionsx u.. d ss I asy q care of The Wilson i'uhliahing Company, Limited, Torauto,l and answers will appear in this column in the order in which they ure received. \\'h:0 ,writing kindly rtantiem this paper. Aa space is limited it is advisable where Ip:• mediate reply is necessary that a utamped and addressed v; envelope Le enclosed with the queetioa, who.- the answer win Ja , led 4ireet. E. C. IL: -What confine'."al 102111. izer would you recommend for straw- bereles ; first, for newly sot lee le; second, for plants in bearing ane or, t two years old? How eleout hone. meal? Answe F : newly sot Leeds nn, application of ' from m .;U0 to 100 lbs per acre of beau: meal is geed prat 1 tire, 1'f the 'ail t ' to be light or sandy 1r1l. 1•l0 t: t , </:Its can he obtained by the .ep eeetion of the SA -me amount of a complete ferti I'-er' an 1`"7(ng. 1 to ,i r, 3 cent. :1nlmenia. 8 to 10 ;._i tent. ;11=phnri. ..d .end 3 to f per •r r-. 1 r Thio ferti'- iser should worked :nth the :ee.i, bed thoroti hty beers tl._ steel:, - berries stn 1, dined. 1n feel:, et n':o31- in:, t1mo it will ' 1.3 ;1 •1 i• around the space w ";.!T The: nem:: to 1• ill i"c.. ! t •o ,1:? )11 at the time r,: .ant F gr• l' ".'•• 1-. ai144 11:•. per a.1.0 1''•eie1. - -1-. :eh a, 331 .t:r,,31 ..i., i 11 1. h'. tit pi:.r...;11e T' i- s1t lead ',,, t'_i ill, 11 m4 1 n 00' i•' be we,; . t 1 . r 3.t by c `01 1 H.1,: l) '-a,• ".t. 4'71 nae. /•:r a steel -lite f,.r alf I.t?. f'_t 1:.t 1.311 wheet? 4n wer To 1 1 r alfalfa if -1.::.- :, 11...1 int has grown u:eerie It ' err , such rads tail ri, t., e . :e - rn ,,t the :iL'. It t•.hi-: ' n, o> i s 0:::en as early rat) rr i 123 are n- 1 e=.;v 1 have the hull platy 1 tri you, 1003113 +h lane 13117:1231 p t r1 and •••0,1,.-1 .oto a mellow 10;e1. A zi l;: live to ten to::ds of .yell r _t:ed mane. per acre .:iter plowing ami ceeefu y week; into the soil by! elleeeng and hatra-9' or. If the around: ten 1:: to 1-e eeegl:, follow t1'e disd;:13.3' and 1.1x1 a3:. .t:'lra tolling and fol- le•.e the rolling with t :351st h'trrov:ing so a su1.0ce milks will be prepared.: So as to insure sweetness of soil.' tv'.1ich 3s e.4sertial for alfalfa growing. apply about 1000 lbs. p1r •1.-1e of air -I sleked burnt• lime to .t „f finely: ground 1.meetone. Scartee tele evenly i on the surface of the worked soil andl work it into the •o3I by disking. Keep i up this cultivation unf'l late in July; or early in Angt then setal alfalfa! at the rate of 10 .r 20 11 per acre, d:;:ending upon t' -:e 1:-ality of seed.' The higher the ru-':e seed the le SO; quantity per acre s ilea:e- u• Some growers prefer growing the crop without nurse cram, ethers :it:•1 it highly • t 3. int�1;';enus to elf:'lfa. with a neree crop such as fall wl:ea* or rye which tltt;i sow at tae tate e,f .,horst a bused and a quarter per, acre. One argument in laver o; a nurse mem l that it forme a g':11 top whiele inenres a to rcneh coverft of snow on the young •lf:•t"n the flit veinier. At the time ref ;e e 3130: it is practically got:1 crop • insurance to apply abort 200 iii 200 lbs. of fertili:.cv arr3,,tng about 2 to 1 per cert'. ;tn1- me:n'a, $ to 10 per cent. 111,0 0111 c acid, and.2 to 4 per cent. petedle This giroe quickly ate:Pee-1e p,111311 11 which b i the en ems 3n even,, and ':e; 1 allays proeut a goo i alfalfa .tan1. This is the p sett e followed by several Inr';9 at!'aii: growers in Wigsonar, and New -York where y .r after year tem,: arc pat- ting =lawn 100 to 1;0 acres of fresh alfalfa. (2) For fall wheat soma farmers prefer summer fallowing, wheeh moats that they set apart a piece of land especiall;; for fall wheat, plo;v it early in spring and disk and harrow it periodically, ee as to kill weeds and wore it down into a lino surface, Others follow early matueing crops such as early potatoes or early corn anel even early oat • with fall wheat, plowing the land jn t AS soon as the first crap is taken off, nee working it dawn 11:1/ disking, harrowing and roll -I ing. The (lecic:ng factor elf course; twill be the moisture condition el the, soil,' If there line loom .a feirly good: supply of rain there will he mole:tura : enough to start the winter wheat . erop. If, an the other bane it has been an excm:dingly dry •summer, f:'tt1 wheat fallowing an early spring grow- ingcrop 1viii safer on iv -count of leek' - of moisture, Ri�elrnoss of sell is an ' timtportant factor in starting fall •wheat, There is just enough foal in the wheat 'kernel to start the plant oft so that, it may form its fleet roots and. sand its shoots mit of the gemend. irhie must he supplemented with a supply of we'1Ltalanced available plentfeod, if the crop is to precook to a profitable yield. For this reason thoos'ands of fall wheat growers etre finding it highly profitable to (111311 in ft+ront 200 to 400 lbs, per acre ell fertil- izer analyzing 2 to 8 per cent, a1'tl- amnitt, 8 to 10 per. cent. 1.4hosphorio acid and 2 tie 4 spec tent. potash, The site operation of ifae machinery se- :teempliehee tooth the 'eirtl.;ing of the ewltoat and the fertrllt:zer, hence the Correct Forms and For Formal ani Correct Stationery t ry �nfor,nal Occasions When it i:; remembered that a let- meats, of tt hb,lt Ube following :ere good examples: Mr. end Mrs, Walter Elliott Williams request the pleasure of your company at the wedding reception of their -daughter Mary y ter will make either n farorable or an unfavorable impreedon upon tho reader, good form in eorrespondenee le worth eou•id rattan, iS, e matter rA vet -money it is well to confine , ncet f to one style of writ- and ino' paper, a plait white in :incoth or 'ir. John IItnrter Careen fabric uni•a being the lest eheeee. Be on Thur:duy evening August the purchasing the paper in packages one Seventeenth is aide to re1lrce paper or envelopes nineteen hundred and nineteen as needed, with tate eetiefaetion cf at half after six o'clock knowing that they can be easily 31 West Street matched. ilamilton, Ont. an Ohl Settlers' Picnic, me to accept attention from a ratan her far the embroidery :;he haat been BY MR$HELENI LAW Mothers and daughte's of all ages are cordially invited to write t') tn'a r h call and Ito •In .w 0 only will be published with each u n department. Initials t I e ar rnent. In( cls w p q as a means of Identification, but full name and address must bo given in 0a0h letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be mailed direct If stamped and addressed envelope le enclosed. Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs„ Helen Law, 22" Woodbine Ave., Toronto, The giro in the blur serge and the carefully mended gloves, In the end of the car, eat looking straight :moons her, with navy, Cullen peel, A woe r c•' opposite c leu hlxh;tt lust. h a, t r n.il ti m it I1 1. an unplc ttant face it w•as Bo:, the eel •1 in the blue serge, ,it happened, t.._; fighting the heaviest battle that had ever celna her way. Jt she left the car and walked slowly up the wide 1100011e to Miss Davenuert's, the Chairman of A.thleties; Please tape seta continually ne a hindrance, battle grew ftet•ter mid ser, er, The • is allowed suggest some sports and contests for Lonely Girl: -My pauea clay before Miss Davenport had paid only n,ltlitional expense is from $4 to It i; well• to be supplied with two In this caa•e the greats are invited Divide the contestants into two par- until he asked me to become his wife. till i'e1' re in fcrt:hzers, This apph- working upon for the past six weeks)'11 size's of raper -the small note size only to the reception, the ceremony rise, "reds" end "blues," er ••blues" Having heard that 110 i; intemperate, ---exquisite, fair;a-lilce motioem.i •1 and aticn of fertilizers hoe been known and the letter size. For informal err- teeing private, When gue.'_te are tar set .+• a second and • yellows." Decorate •with the they objected to out c ngagement tun}' wreaths that made Miss Davenport's to increase the crop from b to 10 bus, re:7;andence and short business letters t:ted fer the ceremony th ttrui even more per acre in yield. It chosen colors, and encourage the use do net allow me to see blob. What trousseau the adrarntion of all her a tablet is beth a convenience anti an and third linea might read thus: of flags, pennants and badges. The shall I do? I friends, The hill had been seventy - 00 .S the. young nl:)llt strength and economy. The hu iness ;lee enrelopcs request the honor of your presence edger daughter friends of the contestants will take Obey ,your parents, of cur.rse. a five dollar , l>ut by a mistake Miss t. t to term a good scot attachment which come ready stamped and aro at the marriage of their daught aisles and wear the colors; intersat• oohs, sorsa you are now experienr-, and abundant surface (0,311ng so list on satin at all poet -offices, are used Shot, d the ceremony take place in 1 F y i DavenportJenh ill paid her shone a 11-1 d well be stimulated and enthusiasm, ing 3s as nothing ccmpmtrd with what, and Jennie Gate, carrying hoots n 1 t t t is able to p21 through the severe with the tablet paper; they cost les, church the home address is omitted, will run high. you might he called upon to endo It winter. \ccesoarily both for alfalfa ' F cit ie t loo that she heal etc lnck:•11 per package than do ordinary envoi-, and the name and locution of Cho Records should be kept of the. 3f your ntnrried a man of intemperate, carried also the extra ten dollar, :ill dna f::11 wheat the ground should be epos Cnrreeponeence cards are car- church are given instead. I t , we: dcaine:- . Neither crop w! wello]a fl reef .lett events and the ' side" or color babas, It was a mistake to allow 'him; the burden of her gee-lt. temptation. rest for short notes. ten winning the largest number should the privilege o calling a your 1 r i ti h 11 d When therert the canisf ll' t home i Ten dollars meant so moth! It plied rain li are insufficiently sup- fo it are enclosed with the invitations is Avoid freakish styles in stationery. be proclaimed victor for the day. I''ul-I in the Ilse t Place. If paten, • tyere; would mean, if she waited until mid- phed with rira'm1 .1 Very long and narrow envelopes, or to .he church and read thus: IL , :--\What culti °anion do rasp -1 fi remtion low the same plan at subtcguent cele more particuPxt can: stole •; their clnil sanrntc:,anew :cit in place of the ": those which are cut nearly square, ' + hrations, whether indoors or out. It; den's friends, a Maher an-in,a •.1 021 tlrrac-year-old bele erre. 01' sl:) .5 berry hnshe, rated tar fruiting. with rarer cut ar.•.l fabled to fit, immediately after the ceremony keeps people interested ami spurs: morals 101131 result:. Nettling gusto, and a new hat -:tad how she did trent Will st-a•tberry plants set in cep- ,rt1 tb m . 31 Weed Street ]t C d 1. them t t efforts. I equ••1" at change of scene 3e lot ht1F•inir .r new heti Atli what would tend del- - :an taste es es- em on o gree er c e•- terth.er Lear the falloioirg season? aro not` ' Guests comm from out of town ceptaon to fancy borders, unless the g . n Start with a ' Rooster Fight," each' one to forget trout veheeeer it he, tar:, mean to atlas ll,rven}:art? Per - A :levee' The cultivation of the a•rneciatc a sma:1 card x1123 0 tm, ">rc::r 1 lain¢ mote than a narrow i ' contestant wearing boxing ;,loves cosi real r inm.,ui'y; therefore, a little I i?3 •:he a giant to give it to her, 3 1 c••ep Will tieptnd pretty the t1311:e; which are most convenient lin'''. ine of r.,lor, t filth is a:tcays per os with the. hopping on one foot. Both feet. on trip away frim Monte would help you; anyway. :Leenle.: eele gredet'1) rlranne of tit. mi:ethic, Tlne border, hotrever, adds to use. The card is enc, oil 133 t ". , f : the ground e'iminates the cotntest:tnt.l now. You would sue ncty people, ge Ilton why c.a pee Lhanit her i mei the 13(701•,row 17 of the invitations, and the fcllotvntn o ±a the expense. The tight continues until but one, away from the rlit:uan at home, aril far a? e m i:°; 1 u 1 4t. :rat, ernes should net T r 3 rcostcr" is left. 1se; your pr.tcnts concern ler your ri.eaatr.:mrtsl rad initialed statim_ is used; I '•Th: the turned al;:n: .,r,.l ttaL':r 1 -t t, to ort any firm hell an Train leaves LTr'don Station, Toronto t ry 's attractive, lett may he cors? er_ The "Centipede Ptnce" is ran by happiness from a different As Leel: oui•L'ly. = r? r, ice. but the inter -raw.; E • r feet Hamilton 6.00 P.M. wale luxury. On the other hand, std- four men from each gide, straddling a for that finel ii:c: rAre tent e t.1 Al, Iliir; T ,.teen, ort wr a in„he ni i rl he ,:l F,• t u,tt,....d level and =,1 ed a h n. • Ilctu•ning train; leave Ilamil.on lona pn'.e 3011115 they sora, fer, why ar.=: t°unmt it? if t?.e man t.. met •1 h ole 1;o glee tela:: 1 el ti orer4 shelving an em,, 1zed, printed. for Taranto i 24 and `1) 21 P.i1I. J, and after a t Cur Jennie 1)! +eldresa is a cenvtn- „ Returned soldiers or boy scouts evil is unjustly aceurel, he will prove i ;,ammn;ud r psi t t:.. ,• D teen::it t, or e mei at r Before or -die-re-MopedAn at home" cent. may be : cot waiter, the reader and Cha be willing to take part in a "Reveille' and Shote 1im:elf worthy of ,;ca. If teem tine Fo:.rift:, ..-,id r=di-=,tt tt•lth rc. come iota beeline-- nn' tense to the with either an invitation or an an- t ` : , t:I:l . , . , • , •• who come bootee 1. Race," to be run by the men or boys - the report= , nnTr ning him aro. true,11,r t.evv leee3 r: , -hilt 11 „,„,e ,:'.c, n of a I ' a =rr: t .cny..3 er postal '3.1 tui:c. nounremenrt, and is desirable m that t o enes Gee., yell h;:, h ins- from each side, The egarpment should he is unworthy, noel the cera e ;r:l filet t tar thee to ar e1/4';"_ n.:r.ni Perfumed stationery is an a . om tt give, the ad1112 )1 of the newly wed- t It, include one pack, ono blanket,' fore; ii i3:;.rcizw v:nnlct rot r 1 :. in't ;..,u? ? "''t. tui 1 cent. nt t. •:It 1 . id and• tion and is always in bad taste. ded ves The card 3s inscribed Chu,: 1 1 r ' t. ewe:eh et the rata complete set of mesa gear, belt, can- worth the strain. „ lcems necessary to mei that all notes' At Home t t till to z Yu 1::. au to put i„ e t teen n Id rifle. Contestants mint have. Isabel:---.Shatibl 'tail th 1 is the Ling•;:: tea; , ,h. e, Jae ,ill t wild, ever 1! s. - •r aero, th01031,h.; and letters should be written with pen! after the fifteenth of September dee themselves rolled in the blanket, lying ycur.g man who e -ked emu t 7 1 ve i ;:u week, and so everybody mho d a .,, I will give the et 7 and its:, and that a pen:.1 is only a. Pembroke, Ontario ' m ei : , note the 1,• - s and mn_t in -I on the ground without hat, blouse, cream after you have finished t::`3r ,.e,e,, ee ale nal i mr:•t ilt.nw you tl y i t,.,11e for the hastiest Announc¢mtn., and invitations t 3+ ink, shoes and puttees, At the first nate it or when you get home. The whole tit ,tsar;. -,t ruh:cidenee- a hL"cse 1 The ' rh uh at, n fcrmul of antes m• when®} en and nk � alike are sent out 3n the name of the t,a sirt..1 . e each a, taila of reveille the contestants start dress- paint., my :car, is that you wish tc 1 u^•113 at 1Ic\'righ's filet aha: t e:; - t. are not to be had. :head of the family. Should the bride mg, They must dress fully, make expre e your an;^ ac::.t,ion and t31a t tut.y m c:3es it. 2en't tl:•tt odd?" :t_, e 1 3 Al. I rrr.f nl Next to writing a letter of cordal-; be an orphan, the invitations are is - to marching order and run 100 are many way.: to convey it besieel en: ie qn• erv” ;lenge er vt ,, e per not t0 work 1ne t t.1 too teen])' be - core, there i nothing quite so difficult; sued in the name of the nearest sur- ::,,i<c t.:: e_.., 0. -cat ..., seen)arat!re:v etch may • mean a yards. the formal words "thank you." Ferl tongue h• t -tirf and below told 1 • to write as the acknowledgment of viving relative, tvL y ricer the find them- I C R tnUles instance tthen ten are catinG rte t .r --It that 411 I) 1 not =uch messages. Few people t':ira ,t',:, Iu.s .v,...1:,11 I.- set i,n sen.:,elves in a snood to reply, and yet it r. 3f put in t a f:'r'•: rash +nil ,:ems ungracious to snake no response. and given n l good tart, will hear sane' It may seem rather formal to fruit the following e91110 ng sec.'s. II:dvtring the c1r';nmvledge such letters with a card, they '.a come into full hearing the but the card is suffieiert for the time being made by the aster: the .contestants must seize a tray, that v,•ill be tire, thank you.". Try to !avoid set expreeaions. If you use your own irform:l expression0 of gratitude end pleasure and setisfac- :tfon, you will. be showing just that much mare ease and experience in social things. Thank your escort when he takes you home, by welt words as, "I've had such a geed time," or "Thank you SO murk for a good time." When he asks you to go anywhere say "Thank you; I'd love to go." Depressed:—•-'4ome fathers are not sympathetic and liberal about mercy matters and if I Could change things for my girls who write and tell me their troubles along this line, I would do it in a minute. Bet I ran not and you simply must snake the best of it: insist on seeing your .father's good points; do not let yourself get rn1- u aymnpathY I V41 the signal 's gtvcn the plavexs i ores because a quiet home wedding when but: match each other in pushing the po- tatoes )o- yon will matte things gamer fer ever of produce. On this 1. a.. o.a 1, n with names,: a few guests are muted, the bride match over the presnipus course with children. Is your present unhappiness carefully in".cribcd ript, he named spares to be filled 1 or her parents may write the invite p the variety, lade and trice n. cath date:, Ste., can be found at the std-; the toe •of the right boot. This (amus too green a rico to pay for their g' tions, using small note popes of goad; v article for sole. TWO mile, f0 cm lee tioners, and :are used for Formal din-' much merriment, for the rmdraining happiness. n s, quality -white paper, of course. The ___,._.-__._-_--___.,___ •house, north anal enuth, on the mail to lent ...- - add._ _ _ . - -- ., • 1, , li For a "Cup ace" arrange s' t Miss brother, an unnhaeried •sis•to (if she about fifty yards apart, with a chair' cream -ay, "IInw ("0011 till., is! I'm gi e 13er. a Chance to say at,tn.r•, is older than the bride), a married midway between. Place at one table' so glad you asked me to have some! ribs;; Davenport, telerer tela 1:10ase sister, or a more distant relative. A yorng 1 A from a drawer, looked lip with laugh - standard d' form for rat relative. is as many trays as there are contest-, or when the ern S +nen first aro uses follows, the announcement in this case ants, each tray holding a cup filled; to treat you to some, it is quite enough' 111g eyes, f to the brim with water. At a signal,: to thank him then by saying, "Olt, "But you do:1'1 kn5w tint strangest thing about it 4:t. It wa a't the blouse 1 bought. I didn't see any like this. I bought a ten-dailar 011e-41151 for traveling, emu know ---and this 3s marked fifteen. They mist have made a mistake -mixed addresses or some- thing; but if people will make 10,11- takev, they meet tike 1311e mum-. quenees. It -weedet my fault!" "No -I -it's very pretty," Jennie stammered. "Theta: you for the. work, Miss Davenport." A moment later she was out in the etrcet. Her face was burning -and the ten -dollar bill was till in her pocket. 'Make lite Roadside Sign a Good One. second y_an icing, and letters written with a ful- l•. L.:-1. In preparing an oat field ler expression of feeling ran be sent far fail wheat with a tractor, world to intimate friends later on, En - you advise the use of the disc harrow raved card's, having spaces to be En - before the plow, the soil being day filled in with the names, can be had loam? 2. With about five ton stable for this purpose. and are en sale at manure would you recommend any most stationers, the plain shite a e,ds fertilizer? 3. Would you reeommend in either correspondence or calling a fertilizer containing a nitrogen, pho;_,' size being in best taste, In acknowl- phnr3c acid and potash, or only one edging letters of condolence on the containing phosphoric acid. 4. Is death of a wife and mother, cards there any way of�preventing the Hes- may bear this message: 311(11 fly 3n wheat. Answer: -1. I am of the opinion that et would pay to disk your ground before plowing with a tractor in pre-' paration for your fall wheat seedbed.. Sueh a practice would make a finer quality seedbed which will result in' quick action of soil moisture and will help the early germination - of your 311.0(1. Plowing clay at this time of year, unless the soil has been meet Judiciously handled, trill frequently result in the clay breaking up into Int •e clumps. By disking the ground nefore plowing, you will have done a 1 ' that the fresh plowed soil may be note paper or on correspondence Carmen, mem. whale matter to a higher plane. He or time, o1 form. These may mileage to Jinn's f 1, :, -nil on ±h. at• broken dawn eel] tacked as quickly as cards. If. the latter are used, seals will not enter into the odd argument, fol, helpful, even sacred, and yet not tac'he;1 blackboard deemed t a specietl Deem :Mary: I p ich men essential. It is insistence upon three things, :as if they had first impel -tenet*, that divides the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ into embe and parties, and prevents cordial fellowshen anal co-operation, We are divided by a form of ordination, or of baptism, 06 of prayer, when we might and should makes it plain that Jerusalem was, be united as "true worshippers," tol- frcm the days of David and Solomon, erant of such d•ifferencee.and once in the head and centre of the 'worship of spirit, So Whittier writes: Jehovah. The law of Deuteronomy "Our Friend', our Brother, and our (chap. 12) preeen:bed distinctly and Lord, definitely that all wrorship by sacri- What may Thy eery -lee he? Not name, nor form, n:cr ritual weed, But simply following Thee." in Heb, 10: 10-25 there is a :warm practical exhortation to sincere and Miss Virginia B. Stone race with it to the chair, where they announces the marlic?e of hm, 'sistermust sit down, rise, walk around the Catherine Evelyn chair and sit down again, then race to - to the table et the other end where the Mr. Robert Moyer; Brooks trayn ust be set down and picked up On Saturday the twenty-sixth of July agrn•,�All of this is repeated on the nineteen hundred.rand ri nete211 Kingston, Ontario A married sister uses this form: Mr. and Mrs. Newton Richards announce the marriage of Mee. Richards' sister Mary Alice Barr home trip. Contestants run the "Hopping Race" in couples. One of each pair hops on the right foot, the other on the left. On reaching goal, partners join hands and hop back together. No contest' Mr. Jchn Hamilton and family grate - appropriate sent may leave goal until his partner The -ane form with fully acknowledge your expression of arrives. symi^athy and kindness, wording of the third line acing used A large number of players should When both single and married chil- by an uncle or aunt. Should the bride take part in this "Potato Rare"; it dren write acknowledgments, they be without relatives this simple form increases the fun. Each player has d th is• used: h'right r tied at the -wrist to his may tea us; I is a m Enter ria.. Jim H0.011ns mounted Joseph Rand and Mr. and Mrs. lir. Thomas J. Farr P ' "g p }eft ankle with `tape. The lane should ir, hie large market sign :,n standard s Stanford Burbank acknowledge with I and be just long enough to allow motion grateful a :' synoion the kind expres Miss Dorothy E. Greenough .and painted it attractively. Tn front to plwith the body hells perfectly upright. ,'1^ U nt e of this c� eutncr of,` was a solid betel) fee the disyley silo ofyour announce their marriage When :p :1, c m Engraved invitations, having blank; For of to ave.:- tin, slam b n, no 1 ergo enterta invitations may be worded .omcthm auto read" ho thing you -hould remember is to fol -I For an informal entertainment, the like this: , filar what this strange prophet would days to exalt to the first Place n; our ',strew" signs attached 1� tress. Those God to articular la •io A t ter ]lets or c ,,r t 10W the plowing with a harrowing so; invitations can be written en small Fairview Farms, have to say about it. Jesus ]efts the worship of god some p A t,'„ s, painted porn: ncn,l stat^_.l the t 1:2 31st.• possible. The amount of moisture appropriate for the season are some- 011• daughter Janet is to be for the gernriration of the wheat is times pasted ort the upper left-hand married to John 14Torgan, Wednesday,! usually of sa rents importance, hence corner. September 10, at two P,141 It is to' anything you can da to mala toner-' The seals, or "stickers," come in a be a quiet home wedding, and it would: dons so that the soil moisture 11.1:1' variety of designs, suited to the vari- give us great pleastre if you and. rase quickly will greatly help your, :Vete- holidays, Hallowe'en,James could .be present, young sprouting wheat. 2. In acldi Thanksgiving, Christmas and numer- Trueting that you can arrange to new age .e coming In w'h will not thitrk so much of place and time .end form; "the true worshipper shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth." In this lesson we do not need to dwell upon the merits of the contro- versy. The Old Testament history tion to five tor, per acre of stable' ons others. come, I am. manure I would advise you to apply Calling card, should be engraved Very sincerely yours, about 200 lbs, to the acre of a fertile anon the' best quality of. Bristol -board. Mary Birch Woodward. leer analyzing at least 2 per cent. am- While round script is never quite out Wednesday, Augeet twentieth, monis and 10 to 12 per cent. phos- of style for this purpose, Old English , nineteen nineteen i phoric acts, The maunre 3s notably in black and shaded styles limalately 1'Jretparo lista for either invitations weak in its supply of phosphoric acid which is the kind p1antf been very popular'. or announcements with care, omitting 1 nos that hastens wheat ripenif ng. t Hy the add,!- A smoothly finished paper is used no one entitled to recognition. Rola- tion of this available plantfoccl in the 1aredding ineetatione, cr any std- tit'es of the bride end green acme f rm of fertilized r you will greatly tionery which is to be engraved. For first; the friend's anacquaintan.cea Tice and offering should be confined to that one place. The altar on Mount Gepizim was built after the 'final schism :between Jews and 'Samaritans, 0 I help the root formation of the wheat wedding stationery one can'choose lee- follow, in the time o3 Nehemiah, :and hard no wholehearted loyalty to the C!hircn of and hasten its ripening, and the small tween shaded ox black Okl English, A word as to the use of postal earmas ,sanction or authority in stn had no C,hriest and bio assembly of Ms p-eo- a amount of gor ammonia will: French script or round -hand script may be added. For short and t Hebrew 101 ox leashing of the pro- plo. Lek is draw near,"the apostle 1 m nitrogenbut roun:d-hand personal menages they are both can -o ' give the crop at early vigorous start for the lettering, venient and economics].. Is it neces- abets. Moreover, dt was prophets of says, in worelip and sarvleo, "with e 8. This question is already answered. script is the favored style. The size Jerusalem and Judah who fnretolcl the true heart, in fulness of faith. For d ha e of the paps anti envelopes Bary to say that Personal matters and coming of the Messiah, and who do- two have entered by His ,blood, "by 4. There is no known means of trent- an s A combat the HC Sian Fl may vary, and occasionally something expressions of affect; on should never fog wheat to stph s y The best practice is to dela new or novel fn the wording is intro- be written upon a postal, and fiat a attacks. T e P y Che solving of the fall wheat as late rluced; but there is a standard form "dun" sent upon such a card is a legal asp Y possible so that the earl brood of for wedding invitations and announce- offense? Hessian fly well not have a chance to •- lay their eggs in the wheat and there- by you will escape the attack, Do not delay it, however, very much after the first of September. The fertiliza- tion of the wheat, while i•, will not stop the action of the insect, will do considerable to help the young grow- ing wheat to withstand its ravages, Don't Page!: the horses when you ere tacking a drink. elated that Ho would be of David's the way which ho dedicated for as, a line (Isa, 110 1; Micah 5: 2, etc.). The new and living way," as it were into Seinnritans had developed a mixed, the very presence of God, and' have half -heathen form of tvorollip, 'involve been oleansed from aur eines, a cleans - Mg much auperstt:tion end idolatry of, ing eymUolized by baptism. We must, a debased sort. See, for the origin therefore, in loyal forth and sincerity, enjoins the latter upon Ilia iiscipdes• No doubt the hypocrite gets hies re- of it, II Kings 17: 24-41, and for some' maintain this high privilege, with ire. . r ward. Men see Mia public profession, of its practices, Ica. 57; 3-14; 65; 1-7; present joy and Comfort, and its hope they hear his fervent worcls, and they and 66: 1-4. In Isa, 66: 1, there i of something better 'still that des ye=t comment his piety, "What a very is a probable reference to the building to come. rend ratan he must he!" they say. But of the Samaritan sanctuary, Gori 'which meth in e'ret," cam- The Jews, however, s'ca'ttered es monis end will recomet na_ tete einem ,they now wore throughout tho world, We are better off in all ways not unrealized, and humble worshipper, Wein rto no had c::tablished another form of woe- to :have measles, whoopin,lf cough; ---....e.------ tli ilg for public re;'^ ;niticn or praie•e, ship -that 01 the synagogue, in which scarlet .fever, etc., tin childhood, just There flute been more than3,000,000 -- but seeks only the10441,21411113 of the they read the Scr,'ptures, listened to as we are better off nola,to Wave lost cars teamed ou't from ieon:l -factories. p h' wn r ill 111 .1, power a finger, an eye or even a1 toe, Parents The poesent, eaoeoey output tis in ex- eatrist3an Worship--I.latt. 6: 5, 6; Intro.,: r his b Ya % INTERFS11 PAYABLE HALF YEARLY +11011'04 an money left with 1114 fn) from three to ten y eters. \Vrite fin= 1;e,iikirt, The Great West Permanent Loan Ccriapti ray, 'i oronta Orrice 20 Kung et, 'Neat IN'1'ERNATIONAL LESSON AUGUST 3. s -_-- bargain for the they cr wr With Jim's auto it took 17311 a 1311 minutes to peep these signs up to cite. These outpost signs gave 1111100013 an opportunity to think the thing over before they reached IIaskin's. Time a good many stopped who r:o::1d other wise have passed by. The displayed produce also encouraged them, Before they left the oar they had a1pralsc,1 the quality of the apples c•11'•tago 171 whatnot, They knew the sale wou.1 he completed in a jiffy. In atteac ing auto trade by %Ign.3, it is highly timportant to ••:trite prices, yet in thousands of eases that is not done. Price is the first thing most buyers wish to know. The rcadside market man whose slemboard tells neither price, kind nm• 1 aide, end is unaccompanied by cannel :1, is 1 poor salesmen. What would he think of_a clot3tiee whose display window wet bare excep✓#for a. blackheari marked, "Clothes sold here"? If time was all he had to judge that store bye most cerbainly ire welled not g0 In to buy. And if Ifl---, a great manufacturer cf farts implements, pul't:.i. bed an ed- verfl'sement 1141 this paper litre the:,, "I -... Tractors for Sale," how Teeny *amen would tmlte the trouble to write for at catalogue? The roadside sign deserves study, Its poseielletios aro ce yet largely words of of in -1 -.--tion, sang hymens and offered prayers, Their mins were, th Gcfcre, prepared fee the greet de• c l,._ at ion of Josue, which removed all limitations of place, For, Ho said to thein 0.0 ±0 1ha Samssitan et:M n e "'Gaal is a Spirit" And as His spdrit- ual presence is eveywltero, eo the temple of His worship 18 to be found ,should be ever careful to protect their eeete of 3 00.0 Per day, h^ • true helmet to ether; who are d , 1 Jnitn 4: 1.10 11)•24; Ilei), 10: 13.2Ci. t° i ohildren in all known ways against The owl f timber tract may Ip need., Gelder. 'feet, Joke •1: 24, Joh 1 1: 1.10, 10-21, Tho Trete War - 5••0. When '11331 Pee . 111 ,101:. elle 131010= 1 of ;lamella Matt. 6: ra:, :n,,. 1911 3'1 111.1) chi-cnntroyerey Their. is na r fir mn l � , ' n •. - : men or public .r:ty:r, an,l no 23:11 1,(3431 n Jew aril Sera risen 410 to bitlon cr the p�aycr ;;high i; c -:..c1 `111: t ;..t• wase omen ought to wr- it the presence n: ,1 1:1-, ,i: ei i tee, tie. "1 Tcw aa:d it must be in x f a. striking 001141 .: , h'7 +c , 138 -;-1., , t .Trru::aloin, but the 1' ;r 1 'n Mount (10111xlm, the prayer oft +:en.'zt l 1 t ' than of sacral and true 2401 tt Val , :• 1 IThc was eager to every •sickness, for 0 23 say ithet i,: jw pone of the public's t??'irginosaf t+v? yg, 40 does with bias pro - When you thea)' a1 meter holm, snakeperil; ibut iltg 4. lrpeltter of fact it is up ,your mind .immediately what to do, the 1oadllesa'of the p11,u•Ili.c to take au Either stop or proceed, but do not w4tlohfui ipteecete in forests noel lamb- hesitate. to eharjfepu reacts your erin2 'been 4 o 13 o in0(35n4o \0110h wherever them is 41 true and loving intentions b Cho first move you smite, the forest ,1115 u pn eltma10, 0003101' heart to seek Rim. If 14, then change you; to 1o1 am 1103)10, fuel Otlpply, inefee1,og opera - How foolleh, therefore, in these a edeen its, very liable to 1esu t. tloi1'`o and up!.114lt' i an(1 .gpamo 114o,