HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-7-24, Page 8e'i'•sb•°E-+b+ ...1.4 +4+•'80•FC'+ .044 i G.t.49+43. •+.+04,0 N •+4 4.46+4+0+44 + •t• . • + a i• _he eACtited Store to Town Here is the place ▪ to come for :j f; + a. + • + 'e+ ▪ Flags for Decoration at 38, • .fir. 'cf +•+4+++,144,+e+•d-•+•+e+a+e+e+•+•+a+e+•+•+•+•+m+o+o+•+e .Jonteel Talcum lonteel Toilet Preparations filonzo Tooth Paste Tooth Brushes Toilet Waters Toilet Creams Toilet Soaps Kodaks Eastman's Films Boxed Stationery Writing Pads & Envelopes Fountain Pens and Inks Automobile Road Maps Shaving Sticks Shaving Creams Safety Razor BIades Effervescent Fruit Salts Fine Chocolates Chewing Gums Summer Fiction Latest Magazines Picture Post Cards Prescription p on Carefully Filled. The lA Brownie There are many owners of this Camera, right around here, who are making spleod'd pictures with it. The 2A Browoie Box Camera makes pictures 2.} x 4, itches, has fixed focus, very easy to under- stand and to operate It is cover- ed with imitation leather, and metal parts are nickeled. It you have been thiuking of the purchase of a Camera, without much outlay, you will he interest• ed in knowing that this depend. able Camera can be purchased for $3.00 0 f• • e + + W. C. T. U + + Will serve Supper in the t Audience Room of the 1 Public Library + + 4. + 1 41. + Monday and Tuesday + + ; 4- Evenings at the Old ! ; $ I3oys' Re -union, 4. • • + Films Developed and Printed. from 3c, to 40c. each • Druggist and Stationer • • + F. R. SMITH The 194 i11t Store focal Iiebas items TEESWATRR Re-uniou will be on the first week in August. The residences of Walter A. Lowry and N. F. Gerry have been improved by a new suit of paint. Goon safe place to store your car dur- ing the Re -union will be in the Skating Rink. Entrance at rear from Catharine street. Mau in charge. CLTNToN is putting on a Firemens' and Base Ball tournament on Monday, August 4th. The well known Thorold Fire 00. will give Fancy drills, Suite of money lost between stores of J. T. Ross and James 5' x. Will finder kindly leave at Tail Pass, receive the reward and greatly oblige loser. THE front of S. Carter's brick garage block has been treated to a new dress of paint, which improved the appearance. Robt. Anderson did the work. "WHAT will I do with my car during Re -union ?" Why not store it in the Skating Rink, where a man will be in charge. Entrance at rear of Rink from Catharine street. Moderate charge. AN alarm of fire was rung Wednesday night owing to the curtain catching fire in a bedroom in St, John's Rectory. It is supposed a spark of sulphur flew from a match used in lighting a candle. For- tunately no damage was done, other than to the curtain. ENGAGEMENT. -Mrs, John Bamford. Listowel; announced the engagement of her youngest daughter, Emily Olive Bird, to Harry Carman Moore, son of Dr, M. H. and Mrs. Moore, Listowel, formerly of Brussels. Marriage will take place quietly the last week of July, Two AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, AUG. ✓ ND.—On the afternoon of Saturday, August and there will be two Auction Sales of Household Furniture and effects in Brussels. First will be at Mrs, G. N. MoLeren's, at p. m., who is re- moving to Midland and the and at Jas. Moeallum's, at 4 p. tn., who has sold his home and is removing to Walton locality. F. S. Scott will be the Auctioneer, See the bills for further particulars. OCR OLD Boys AT THE HEAD. -A Cal - gay paper gives the following account of the picnic of Huron county people at that city. One would have almost thought St. George's island was Huron County for a few hours yesterday after- noon when it was besieged by some Soo Huronites, meeting for their annual picnic. It was a real "get together" time, when every Hurrinite made friends with every other Huronite and old friendships were renewed, The gather- ing was alive with reminiscences of old times, when speeches, games and plenty of good things to eat were the order of the day. S. Y. Taylor, President, presid- ed,.eskers Iain Rev. W. A. Smith, Capt. Pearson, R, J. Dea hmau Dr, Armstrong end George Mason, the latter being a visitor in the city from Wingham. Ont. It was It surprise to many to find so many from the same county, and the meeting proved that there is only one better place than Hur- on County and that is Calgary. This Society was organized about 3 years ago, the officers being S, Y. Taylor, Presi• dent ; Rev. W. A. Smith, Vice Presi- dent ; D, M. McCall, Secretary Treasur- e,. On account of the war the re -union was not kept up, but the activities, plan- ning for an annual Sttronite meet, have been recommenced, The officers elect- ed for the present year were : Rev. W. A. Smith, President; Capt. Robt. Pear- son. Vice.President ; David McCall, Secretary-Trossnrer. THE Peas wishes the organizatlou success and would like to be there to join thein, FLAX pulling has started. Mout Ax's rain was a fine one. CROWDED OUT. -A number of inter- esting matters ha ve to be left over until next week owing to rush. Lass Thursd ay afternoon a gang of townsfolk was bust. arranging places for seating at Victoriasl'ark for coming Old Bots' Re -union, SEE that your name is placed on the Referendum Voters' List wititons fall Yon won't have a vote unless it fs on this specially prepared list. 'lits comfortable residen ce of Jas Ile - Callum, corner of Albert and William streets, Brussels, has been sold to Wm. Jardine, of Milton, who with his wife and daughter will move here shortly. Mr. and Mrs Jardine, are the parents of Mrs. W, S. Scott, of town. Purchaser gets possession next Fall. Loam between Presbyterian church and Huron Specialty Farm. a gold Incket and chain. Locket has initiate. L. R. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it in the post. office, 2 aloe Heifer Calves for sale. Lot 20, Con. 7, Morrie. Phone 4512. A, L. BtresaLt. 0.2 REn Raspberries for sale. 15 cents a quart if picked by purchaser. Phone 2514. J. H. Hoovne, Con, 11, Grey Twp. Caner work horaeforsale" not cid, Phone 218, STANLEr WHENLEa, Let 2, Con. s, Grey. 25 Little Plgs, weaned, for sale. Phone 4014. ARTDV % WARD, Lot 20, lion 18, Grey. SeYt. ouht C1o8wcr .saleborfire shen about Aug. J.,SAtrmu, 'Brussels R. R. 4, SHINGLES. -Sunt arrived at Walton sawmill a oar load of 5 x B. C. Shingles. Jona MC. DONALD, Walton. LIVE POULTRY wanted on Monday and Tues• day of each week. Phone No. 90 for prices, Sec. R. THonteoN, Brussels, CEDAR Fence Poste and Anehor Posts for sale, Apply N14 Lot 19, Con. 8, Morris. Phone 45110 0110.B. BRADMAN. ' GET your lawn mower put in good working order by Geo. Bdwards. ANT person requiring organ cleaning or re- pairing should call Phone 87, Brussels, WANTED. -Dead Borges and Cattle promptly removed within a radius of 20 miles. No animal removed without the hide. Will pay from 53 to 55 for animals brought to factory. Phone et our expense, Phone Ow 12; (even- ing) 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co , Ltd., Winghem, Da, PARKER, Osteopathia Phyelotan, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each weak, Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated. Visits reeidenoee, Consultation at Queen's Hotel, MRS. A. SINCLM1IR PASSES AWAY. -At to ao Monday night Mrs. A. Sinclair, an old resident of this locality, was called away from the earthly home. after a long and trying illness a over 7 months from anaemia, her demise was consequently not an unexpected event. She was born in Lanark Co., Out., 75 years ago and with her father's family Came to 14th Con„ Grey township when a little girl, She was united in marriage to John McNeil, by whom she had 3 children t -Alex H.. Morris township ; Mrs. Roderick McKenzie, Aneta, North Dak , and Miss Teauet, of McKillop. After the death of Mr. McNeil deceased married Adam Sinclair and 3 children were added to the home, Mrs Rob', 'lhuell, and Pte, J. V , of Brussels, and Annie deceased For the past 38 years the subject of this notice lived in Brus- sels and was well known to the Qom. munity, Mrs" Logan. of Minneapolis, U. S , Is a sister of Mrs, Sinclair. De• ceased was a member of the Presbyteri- an church for years and her pastor, Rev. A J. Mann, conducted the funeral service Wedneaday afternoon. Burial was made in Brussels cemetery, The bereaved share iD the sympathy of the community Mrs. R, Northey, a neice, from London, and her grand daughter were hero to attend the funeral, GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. • Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday. half -holiday. Valuable trainis ; in algrceable work for the iuexptrie.need. A good living wage to beginners which materially lncrea.;c with experience and proficiency. Write or call— MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hann ilton. – Ontario FORMER BRUScELITE -On Saturday, June 28th, in his 8g'1 year, Samuel Rivers departed this life at the Inane of his sou, Albert Rivers, Nelson street, Goderich. Death was due to a general breakup of the system from extreme age. Deceased was a native of England coming to Canada et the age of g years with his parents who settled near Brantford. For many years he was a farmer in Catrick township, Bruce Co , and on retiring from the farm 6 or 7 years ago he removed to West Wawan- osh to live with his son, Albert Rivers, who recently removed to Godertch. His wife died 3 years ago and a family of 5 sons and a daughter survives :- George, Woodstock ; Howard, Tees. water ; William, Lucknow ; Albert, Goderich'sod Mrs. Chas Wake, Owen Sound. The funeral took place un Monday afternoon to Dungannon cern etery. Rev. J, W, Hisey, Methodist pastor at Nile, conducted the services assisted at the house by Rev. J. E Ford, Goderich. Pallbearers were Richard Ryan, Chas, Girvin, Wm. Bailie and Jno Dustow. Howard, George and William Rivers' sons of deceased. and Mr and Mrs. Wake, Owen Sound, carne to attend the funeral Deceased resided in Brussels for a number of years and he and his family were favorably known. DIED FROM BURNS -The sad news was received et Brussels rhursdav of last week that Mrs. Tito, Cober, o' Iles - peter, was so serionsly burned Wetlues- day afternoon by the explosion of a coal oil stove that she passed awRv at 4 a m Thursday When she taw the danger she carried the blazing stove out of doors and in doing so her c'othiug took fire and she was terribly burned benne the flames were quenched. M is. Coher, who was living with her sister, Mrs Washburu, was alone in the house at the time and hef cries brought ready help who with Dr, and nurse sought to relieve her bet the effects were ton seri- ous to overcome. Mr. Cober died a. Brussels 11 years ago and there are 1111- viving 3 sons :-Ephraim, Toronto ; Norman, Detroit ; and Aaron. Wey• burns, Sack Au adopted daughter (Elsie) Mrs D H. McGinnis resided with Mrs. Cober in Hespeler. The sub- ject of this notice was born in Carlyle, Ont. and spent 35 years of her life at Ethel, 4 years in Brussels and 11 years in Puslinch township. and at Pres'on before going to Hespeler She was iu her 74th year Mrs. Cober tcok an active interest in the Methodist church and was held in high esteem by a wide circle 01 friends, who regret her sudden demise under such sad circumstances. Her maiden name was Mat.lda Ealou and Enoch and Nelson Eaton, Hespeler, are brothers and Mrs, Washburn and Mrs. A Snyder, Preston, are sister's, A true wife, loving mother, splendid neighbor and devoted Christian woman she filled her part faithfully and well. The funeral took place Friday morning at Brussels on the arrival of the morn- ing train, her remains being laid to rest in the family plot, In the absence of W. E Stafford, on his vacation, Rev. Mr. Mann, Presbyterian pastor, conducted a suitable service at the cemetery Relatives In attendance were Eph. Cob- er and wife, Toronto ; Norman, De- troit; D. H. and Mrs. McGinnis and Miss Kate Patiabaker, Herpeler ; and Mrs. Welsh, Moorefield. There was also a number of Ethel old friends here to pay a tribute of respect to one well kaowu for many years. Church Chimes Last Saturday evening Rev, Henry Smith, rector of St, Johns church, con- ducted a special service in his church bearing on the great Peace proclamation and reasons for thanksgiving to God for the great victory, Sunday morning lest Rev. H. Smith spoke on "g smooth stones" at the morning service in St. John's church. These represented Confidence, Faith, Prayer, Courage and Reliance. Evening theme was founded nn Matt, 6-33 "Your heavenly Father knoweth." At the Methodist , Sabbath School next Sunday afternoon short ,addresses are expected from Ravds. Messrs, Arlin, Wren and others. Vocal music wiil be given by of W H. Willis, Wingham ; Wesley Stark, Toronto end probably other visiting old boys. A Victory Shield on which are inscribed the names of the 6 gallant lads, members of the school, Who gave up their life for Liber- ty of others, will be unveiled, Special offering for school purposes, -.,.... �'x ,.z-,;:�^ �....•�rr..�sa:,...,xn+-..--.,...ass •: i:a:��,c-x^: -s dn:.r '.•!ncz �.su,••r-.r..:. �^�.�• � � .,,a.'.�-�+.�-.�'u T,w` -",i-'•S:Y � :�z "I•, Good iSi6'EG11Wi®tliQibOBA'tP0®iil0d3uc9f&ff!E®ftitA6Dff•4FAn*G1r�ItAit6'+6fi'fil®IlbitAlg+diSitvidSQliO yid P�s'�" "ax's Drug Store O tri ec.stylp.u'dl biSati. t+r sasi.t„r3 Wee ly Sty re N w8 E�1 l9 to t: .n, a3w THE STORE.44 11GGIE9111120GOtel011014601462291141561 at v 3, `Till be served Monday aril l'uesday by S. (_ \Vii illi, ill store- immed- iately Niorth cd his Res- taurant. Give us a calf. Everybody Welcome. I People We Talk About 1 It Miss Cora Bel', Cayuga is here for a ho1i1ay Miss Laura Bryana is home from 'Tor- onto for a vacation. 0 1/;,11 and W. Bnchanim spent the vs etc red lit Ilewiltoo, Wm Clouse, Arthur, vas here for the weak end te11h hinfentily 51.e. Else •1 5','elm *, of London, is the guest 01 Wits A ice Wilton Miss Ada Whi•tiaghatn, Trrouto, 's the guest of M'es Carrie MrCraekeu. Miss Helen McFarlau, Fort William, is a holiday visitor with Miss Doris Ross Miss Clara Lowry and Mr. Law, Tor• onto, wet° visitors with W A and Mrs Lowry Mrs Rob'. L Scott, of Preston, was a visitor with het sister, Mrs. Jas. Ful- ton, Brussels, Mrs. Louise Lnun, nurse, Detroit, was here for a fete days. She took her children back with her for a visit. Misses.Kathleen and Marguerate Wil. ton are visiting Mrs. W. F. Coleman, St. Thomas. The ladies i 1 s ar e sisters. R A. Pryne, 'I'oron'o, was a visitor in towu for a few days visitiug relatives and old frien'ia He may be back for the 01d Boys' Re -union, R 0. and " rs. Wil t M . son and Frank and Mrs Wilson and 2 children, Lon- don, motored here and spent the week end at Councillor Wiltou's Miss Rate Ewen arrived home last week after a holiday of 8 or g weeks with relatives and friends in Perth Co She looks the better of her stay. Miss L J. McLauchlin, Saltcoats, Sssk , and Misses Belle and Sarah rrio- Lauchlin, Toronto, are spending their vacation with their sisters in town, Lorne and Mrs. Pringle and children and friends, of Toronto, are enjoying a holiday at the old Maxwell home, John Street, now owned by Mr. Pringle, for a fete weeks Miss Irene Cavanagh, Owen Sound, was a visitor iu town for a short time having motored over, loirs J. 1, Gilpin and Mrs. George Sperling returned in the same car. John and Mrs Ames. Bay City, Mich , and Mrs. Arthur Harmer, Detroit, are visitors at D C. and Mrs. Ross'. The former is Mrs. Ross' brother and Mrs. Harmer, a cousin. Miss Gertrude McKenna is home from Stratford where site has been attending Business College She graduated we ire pleased to state and expects to lake a position shortly, Last Sunday NIiss Tait, housekeeper for J J, and MIs Gilpin, was operated on successfully for appendicitis and is mokiug favorable progress now we are pleased to state. L. and Mrs. Stalk and children, 'Poi, onto, are holidaying at the home of Mrs. Marsden Snaith, Princess street, Mrs. Stark's mother. The visitors will re- utaiu for Old Boys' Re union. Pte. Vernon Sinclair arrived home last week, He went overseas with the 161st Huron Battalion and saw service in Belgium :md France. Vernon looks as if the training had agreed well with him. James irwiu, Toronto, is visiting in town for a few weeks His health has not been very vigorous for some time, rheumatism being one of the causes but his old friends here hope he will soon be better. THE Po'rl' enjoyed a call from Barrist- er Rea, of Edmonton, last Mondeo, He is a clear headed man and full of optim- 15m as far as Itie West is concerned, not overlooking the importance of policies that will bless the Dutninion. Cavell McKenzie, Milwaukee, motored here last Friday. accompanied by J. J. Gilpin, who had been visiting there, Dr. Fred. Gilpin came with them to Port Huron and went to Detroit to at- tend a meeting of the Ford Motor Com• puny. He will come to Brussels for the Re -union. Jas. Warburton, a recently returned U, S. Soldier, was also one of the party. He tortnerly worked in this locality. HRIFTStamps. We strongly re- commend the purchase of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certifictates. In this way you not only are aiding your country's finances, but are forming the Savings habit. The Stamps may be purchased at any branch of— 205 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAM'S - - MANAGER Miss Anna Dougherty, of Torouto, is the guest of the Misses McLaucblin, Oswald Hemingway is tff duty at the Bank of Nova Scotia for a few holidays. Mrs, j, T. Ross was seriously ill hut is improving nicely uow we are glad to say. Miss Lina Ritchie, of Winchester, Ont„ is a visitor with Miss Grace Stewart. Misses Stella Gerry and Gertrude Shaw spent the week end at Hanover at the home of the fornler's sister and brother-in-law. Juo. E. Digman, Exeter, resumed his position as wagon tnaker at the Ewan Shop. Elmer Ewen has gone back to Toronto to take a post. Rev. A J. and Mrs. Mann leaves Thursday for their holidays. They will make their headquarters in Toronto and will be away 6 weeks. Chas, and Mrs. Broadfoot and child- ren, Moosejaw, formerly of Brussels were calling on old friends in town last week, He will be back for the Reunion next week. iMiss Grace Walker, who formerly taught in Brussels Public School, bas accepted a position on the Model School staff in Clinton, her home town. She spent last year in the West, Enumerator For Centre- Huron Ballots for the Ontario prohibition ieferendum are now being printed and the preparation of the voters' list is under way. In order to be entitled to vote the elector must be a British sub- ject residing in Canada 12 months prior to June 30th last, and resident in the riding in which he or she wishes to vote at least three months before June 30, 1919, No property qualifica- tions will be necessary. Ali soldiers, who have been on active service, whether overseas or not, will be entit- led to vote. There will be a chief enumerator for each riding and one enumerator for each polling sub -divi- sion, and there will secure names of eligible voters as far as possible. Mr. Cooke, of Goderich has been appointed enumerator for Centre Huron. Counter Check Books THE Poss is prepared to sup- ply the various styles of Counter Check Books on short notice. Samples may be seen and prices asceftafned by oiling at our office. You citn buy as cheap from us as from any company. Let us have your order, THE POST, BRUSSELS 1laiii6tllfl(I,Nintfu'I+11Fq',uutru,e ne(h5luiii6trY)rtij,etr,.t,galfi4a•tlt rKA d;1y1 +}. How do Your ECTACLES Suit ? EGISLATION protecting the public from the Hawker, Travelling and Faker Opticians is now in force. Come to an authorized Optician where you get all work Guaranteed. Bifocals Cleared, Frames Fitted Properly and no ancient Frames put on you. Every- thing up-to-date. Prices moderate, Call and see me, W. F. Stretton Marriage Licenses, Jeweler and Optician. U91 1 '1:"1";:."VI III. it 7_;I .y. t3 c� 2 a e (8 0 1'9 ti N v f0 5) 43 81 Threi1 Gor'q us ys esveransausanumeasuateasennwasmanataaersamuesmaan 4E06 GE26122111026266IGE And this 9s Putting It 'x' ilei For several yours pastille holding of an Old Boys' Bo -union has been spoken of. On Sunday, Mon- day and Tuesday of next week it will become a reality and we bespeak for it "The Best Time our Little Town has ever put on." • To all the old friends who favor us with their • presence during this Celebration we extend Lear- ® ty Greetings and Best Wishes for a rousing good time, Come in and give els a hand shake. An Old Boys' Celebration without plenty of noise would be a tame affair, so we have loaded up with all the noisest articles we could find. See our window. 08 t.8 e 81 w a 9 • S • 9 a a ▪ Decoration, too, forms a most important part of O all Celebrations and we have never had such a to splendid lot of Flagspresent-5c, as we have' at a resent—Sc © P, ao 10e, 15e, 20o, 25e, 30e, 50c and 75e. Splendid o stock and well made. oe o0 e t5 Decorations O O e e 9 S 18 fl WE LC 0 ME Pennants, 11 ft. long, 75c. Flags of the Allies—Pennants 11 ft. long, floc. Confetti Galore, 5c. package. Ilave you seen our Flag Brackets, 40c each ? JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER to m t1 12 as a ;3 a a a t9 d 0 w m D ra 0 rs 0 Ca O 5, t, Cp 0 s eevevimmeieee®®eemaeseneseseetaSe•elersaaameeeeseatoemn Decline in Township Population. The township population of Grey has declined since 1869, 20,645 or 36%; of Bruce since 1880, 20,720 or 42%; Huron since 1879, 19,271 or 37%; of Norfolk since 1879, 10,370 or 39%; of Ontario since 1872, 11,025 or 32%; of Durham since 1874, 9,820 or 40%; and of Northumberland since 1873, 9,656 or 34%. Entrance Appeals Candidates who are unsuccessful at the High School entrance examin- ations are officially notified that they should consult their teachers as to the advisability of entering ap- peals to the Entrance Board, These apepais should be made not later than August 19, and in case an ap- peal is rejected a further appeal may be made to the Deputy Minister of Education not later than August 26. Up to. August 26 the cost of an appeal to the Deputy Minister will be ;2. If the appeal is made later, before September 9, the cost will be 85. Show Some Pep 1 One pushing advertising merchant does more to bring thrift into a community than fifty who huddle lay their stoves and wait for business to be brought to them by the ener- gy of some one else. A dozen live men reaching out in the by -ways and hedges for business can make any town hum with prosperity, and the town owes them much for the bustle and bustle within its borders.. Don't be a sponge and simply absorb; show a little enterprise and a spirit of helpfuleness in the town where you live, and to some extent join hands with others in keeping to the front. BORN GOFOmma,-Ill Grey township, on July 8rd, 1910, to Mr. and Dire. 3. M. Goforth, n daughter -Alice Mary Jane.. DIED CODER. -In Hesepeler. ote July 18th 1010, Mntil• do Feton, widow o9 thee he into john Cober, of Brussels _ 1 81ihcl, aged 70 yeors. HANNA. -In Morris Town.id t, au Juke 181h, 1919, Annabelle Emma, widow of the Into Hugh Banta, in her 77th year. SINor,Ara.-In Mimesis, 00 Jnly 2114, 10111, Diary McNeil, widow of Adam Sinclair, aged 75 years, 1 mouth, 19 &nye. BRUSSELS MARKET -- Fall Wheat 92 05 1210 Spring Wheat 2 05 2 55 Oats 80 35 Pens 1 05 1 05 Barley 110 00 Butter 10 40 Hogs 22 26 22 Es 45 25 Wool 70 75 Potatoes per bag 18 00 20 00 Wool (unwashed) 45 50 Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 0, Morris Town• ship, ditties to oomneneo after vacation. Ap- plioatioila, stating emery expected, will be re. calved Iry rho uitdersl ,telt, 'W5810 L, Sec. -Trees, Pliono 5910 Brussels R. R. 5. Farm for Sale Fine 100 acre Perin for sale, being Lot 25, Don. 14, Grey township, 90 acres olearod, balance bush and pasture. Good btiildin8s, consisting of frame house, bank barn, driving ehecl and up-to•date poultry house. Good water, wind- mill, 3co. ,1 miles from Ethol and 2% miles from MaNaugltt, on 0. P, R. For further paN Maulers as to prise, terms &o., apply on the premises or if by letter to terms, It R. 2. 5.19 0. WILLIA.MSON, 0••••9.00++••®•0.++e+e+•0Ae®41.306.x•••0499.••000••++60+•0 ,t ri 9 London, Ontario • The est r Fair 1 September 6th to 13th,1919 e+ 0 0 m 0 0 • 1 0 ••• • • • • ••• ••• • 0 • • . • This is the Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario Exhibits Two Attractions the Special Events Better Very Best Daily Than Ever Johnny J. Jones Midway Exposition • 0 4e 0 0 Plenty of Music Fireworks Every Night Pure Food Show Tractor Demonstrations Auto I8ntranee corner Dundas and l]gerton Sts. Usual Entrance at the Gates. Grand Stand 50c and 55c. 0 0 • 0 4 Prize Lists, lililtry Forms and all information from the Secretary. L'1'..00L. W. M. GARTSHORI'7, A, M. HUNT,e President, Secretary, e • a //0/i/111111010110.4•.0.0•941,09404+400e44000••1.000b'u