HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-7-24, Page 2A Duel of the Bev Early in the war, persons who did . tot know anything about Rubin:urines lumped naturally to the conclusion h that the way to vanquish those of the enemy wits by lighting thein with thoe0 Of the Allie t. People w1() kttow a little more—just enough more to feel superior eleelare4 filet to be ilupus-! -,1)110 00100ariner: (maid not fight sub • nl, rime. No :eeee . Fir Henry New - • holt, in his boo!; ouhiaarioe a?nl :loll-' ntlhaaurine, Anel e11e,ws that British stenntubltes, alts 010 it by roe means Britai•1'o rhic;f depetlrtonce for the sea true tl ,n of the Dorman under :e[t pests, yet .o amanita for a causdde:.able pro p.111111 of thein, But only once w.ts' the battle between submersed subm•t• - rillos, and then not by tiro desire of either, altlu,ugit the British boat vol-. ulltarily took the rick of combat under the 00111 hone chance imposed rather than Sutter the German to escape.. Site: was the E-50, patrolling the east coast of England; and she sighted her foe whilst both submarines were run- ning set:merged, with only their eer•is- co,n:0 :showing, They recognized each other's nationality by the different etre of these protruding eyes, and r"nixed• that they were too close each' to the other to use their torpedo(. Th • Den boat strove to sink to safety, s ant quick enough. The British commander, says Sir Il:•.. c.e,vu straight at the enemy at fall _pec"1, and reached her before sh+• had time to get down to a depth of complete invisibility. E-60 struck fait' between the periscopes; her stent cut through the Plates of the V -boat's shell and remained embedded in her ba(1k. Then came a terrine light, like the .10:110 groupie of two Primeval monster,. Thi. German's only chance, - in his wounded condition, was to come to the stutter) before ile was drowned by teakogo; he blew his ballast tanks and straggled 01 Most to the surface, bringing le -50 up with hint. The English haat countered by Pooling her t'naitt battiest tanks and weighing her enemy down into the deep, That put the LC•hr,31 t to the desperate necessity of freebie,' herself, leak or no leak. For 0 minute and a half site drew slowly aft, bcng+iug E -:0's side as she did so; then her 1 n +rt seemed to tease. and her pe-t,c•,p'.,: and ow- ning towers showed on E-51 0,i gnalt,.•r, :die was evidently iilliinx fast; ale hid a list to starboard and was heavily down b,1' the bows. Al; she 1;:010, E-)0 took breath and hooped to her own condition. She was iipparmitly unin- jured, but she 0,,t1 negative buoyancy. end her roman' 11ydro;Ilatte:s were je mined. so theft it wag a 101)tter of great difficulty to g -=t her to rise. .1.f - tea' four strenuous IIII.0111eA he was brought to the surface. when she traverse l the positit))1, searching for say further sign of the L' -boat or her crew. -Dot nothing was :1100 beyond the inevitable lake of oil, pouring' al) as if 0. were the till, 0, rank lifeblood of the dead set monster. - __ . - and the sergeant in command and all tunnel iota these, hlue eta;rordsinlre through; but not fast enough to supply; for it or one in which there is n0 tit': self is not 1)11(ted by NO111 1egietA, m e• a gallery was set u 1 for the the members of the Party were stilted brinks 0110 (1 (1 and were. set hr ce- the engine. (tire chalk). A tine bag may be used The path lies straight and clear uh;e:1 l BONFIRES AND FIREWORKS. (I 1 S t outright except York and five Hien.' of hint. He has disciplined his own Privy council, peers, r nnlm0ns, and meat. The doors were rondo of cast• While searching for the trouble the! and it has the advantage that it oc [ yo' an, a )ec1)1 ruvilio(1 was Iork, who was then a cOrPoeal, roe- iron. These, thotgll a vast improve- float chamber fills and the engine may; ctpies less room than a Dos. nature to servo 11111) in a o^sig. anal to Both Closely Associated and the Set- , lural mayor. i I t furnished for 1110 ki.+*, I,ut the effort sttttt0d ("tlttttctttd• charged the machine- ittettt on their Pt'e:leresurs, were not be aiartecl. This is the characteristic' 'Whether the folded lube i., protected 1)11 true to what he ]las taught him- Piaces Were Known to Romans, was pertly spoilt by the great temple gun nest, and captured it and tookburglar-proof, so then carne rooms symptom of a clogged gasoline bloc': by a bag or not it should be heal on self to do and to be, Fire+11 s, so closely associated taking lire shortly after the proceed- several Prisoners. The p31113 then built entirely Of iron. 1 The engine stops but may be started edge and blocked up on both sides, so When he Is by hinnsoif he is not with bonfires, are supposed to have in s I act begun. which resulted in its !>roc•eedee, and again roue uncles ma- In 1140 lir, ltlher, who was an In ; after a time, only' to stop again, I.that it cannot shift. if laid on its wretchedly lonely, for he hi Hell in ort,;irn tech in China, and the Chinese it mostly cunsulnecl. f chino -glut fire. The corporal, then and venter vary much ahe:l of his time, I Where a str0iner is accessible it is l side it will rub the corners and make mental resources, Isis t^ niinisceuces being They ever excelled in their pre the 110- _ prisoners llattene(h themselves out on Patented a safe, which was really .fire- ; well to clean it occasionally, but they weak spots, inviting -a blow-out. Do arc pleasurable. At will he calls up They were certainly used by the Ro-I tie ground, the corporal yelling 10 his proof, The safe hall double sirles, and: average operator waits until the not throw it Tinto the tool box with Pictures of the p1111 which he likes to maul. Claudian in the fourth century THE MARNE. five men to nares the prisoners. Forst between thein a layer of sawdust in; troublesome symptoms develop. greasy rags, dirty chains and other; 5110 ante more even as a traveler gives a description of a set niece. unlimbered his weapon and, in his which were embedded small tubes' i junk which will damage it beyond looks through an :Wenn of views where whirling wheel and dropping: The Dauntless Allies Made An Impene•' old-time manner 00 a squirrel hunter,' filled with algaline salt, If a fire 011• Helpful .Hints. repair. A little care will proton the which renally his memorable and d+:• fountains of lire were displayed. Their I treble Barrier of This Small Stream, ;aimed his rifle fire at the enemy u1n carred the heat burst the tubes and i A light coating of graphite and I life of the tube. lightful journey. use died out until the return of the i .Th Marne, with its glorious itis• • chine gunners, - the sawdust was soaked with moisture, • W o 0/111110/ at all Hines enjoy the "MOMMER'S BOY." How a Oonsolentloue Objector Made Good on the Battlefield, 9MP±NCE OF `,' t STRONG ROr A "Mamma's: boy" may sound litre a sissy, but he 111'13' not prove to be one; no, net ev1 e when he ).1AMP uP tate! a 1'111E•P ROOF SAFE WAS UNHFARD- ,1113'er ,tions, objector to warfare. 1(3, OF BEFORE THE YEAR 1x01. eoee plr gmeminge Chase, the artist, who has Intim in France painting per- tratts of United States (-(nerals and of typir•al soldiers as well, gladly In- Astonishing Facts About the Modern chided cru elle!) is his taall•-ry—Cergt. Safe Deposit and Its Defiance A. C. York --la on the recommendation of Gen, Duncan, tiho caped the ex. of the Burglars Art. pick for which York was da['urated •111 n Devonshire church visitors are the meet he 101101.l)le of which he 1u'1 shown a r0V;;h colt^n chest bound n'itlt heard lis fu the whole Alii, of Iron which is not less than His Poll acme it Alvin C. York. HO CrofiIpanyr for Yroirrlsellr a 1 10:111 in net happy until he has Clogged fuel Line. 1 shellac rubbed over the riot 000ey reached an understetnding with 111m- •One of the most baffling troubles t.nle a tire is changed will tnake the Hell cud learned to (mainland his own to locate is yon obstruction in the. entrees of changing much ea:;te1'. It' life. 1L is Por 1)tH to cletoso whether gasoline line from the tame to the tine allotv:s rc1110re all root patches the n1•ln he is shall be bit hest friend carburetor, Some carburetors Have a e w,[11 a file o' snug 'aper, but 111 any or itis worst enemy. strainer where the gasoline enters the ease do uo: nog'cet the graphite, You "[,'relater Is he [halt 1'utet1 Wilmot float chamber, and ethers have a will ,be 1eo1.; rep-r1d, than be that Laketh a city." The lam - strainer on some part of the gasoline' 'There is 0 little knack about fold- 0us story of Robert Louie 111 vensou, Clamps line, There is one on the vacuum' ing a spare tube, but the process de "Doctor Jekyll and Ma', Hyde," deplete sial hundred years old, and which Arts tank lvhere the supply from the plain- soon mastered, nemave the valve, a deeporate battle between two sides erlgivally made to hold the commun.: tank enters at the top. These are all, turn tube inside out and start at point of our human nature—one side given ion plate. ' easily removed for cleaning, but some -i farthest away from valve. Roll tube to all that is good, the other glee re - It is at curious evidence of how slow-, times clogging occurs at 'a bend in the; toward valve, allowing the air to 1•oaling all that is evil, 'PIte two sides 1)' invention moved during the Middle pipe, and then it cannot be so readily escape as you ria so. When tube is are nutted in the one pelsonllity, and Ages, to find in the Bank of England reached. In such cases the pipe is completely relied up replace valve it to a tragic tale that portrays a 1::11'1 a similar chest which was the only removed from the earburcto• and, inside carefully before you let go the turtling In the tt1•inkltrlg of an eye safe possessed by the flank wh011 It the operator blows back 'against the' tube, othnrn,ise moot of the air will from x)11 that 18 datierving of 1110n1's was incorporated in 1004. says a Lon- stoppage. This -frequently loosens it,' rush in again, pra100 to all 0101 auras the feoline of dim magazine, A seventeenth mature' and the gaso::ne is allowed to flow,; The tube ehouhl now be foldarl 1111111 tlutest;ttaon. burglar could have opened any safe ')f carrying the dirt with it. I the valve inside the rubber so as to; lie who wears the veil of lhypacrl::y the day with a sate and at chisel, while' This trouble usually comes on 11)13 free from damage, A heavy rulber' and Slimes he can deceive the reale- such a thing els a fire -Proof safe was gradually, due to a few pieces of Met,. banal should now be slipped around the and file of mankind with his d:: ;a'•o is a tall, raw-boned, mountaineer with a red Mee and reel hair, and he is prob- ably :Shout tnenfeeeight years of age. 110 is a drafted Hoot. and belongs to the :ie. tit Infantry, He "got religion" provisos to the war. and. although he had toted" a gun ever since he could . eery one wet was an expert squirrel eeet, he had a fixed cenalction that it was 10rn111A: 1,1 0111. However. he slid not r:ei: t the draft, and in fact he be- came a very excellent noncommission- ' ed officer. His captain tools an interest not beard of until rho year 1.501. ; chaff, dust, etc„ accumulating on the tube, near the middle. A better pack-, catmint continue to fool the malty will, ' in him, and spent the better Part of It was a very long time before the strainer. There is at first plenty of age is made with n band at each en -.1,' with a rlu'cwd Insight of human mt- nue night arguing with hint, 0)01110 - iron -bound cheat was supersede)" but room for the passage of the gasoline, These bands may be made from an tare, quickly penetrate the delusion !Scripture' fluutltiole as the main PAPL during the eighteenth century come of but soon the accumulation allows only I old tube and cut not more than" half and ln'ing 111111 to mortification, 118 of his arguments. The result was that the more up-to-date lianhs— for 111 - himself gaso',tne to pass through to,. an inch wide. - I canine deceive himself. He Hued find 'York no0 converted to the war and stance, that of :lir. Thninas Coutts— tan the engine at normal speed, When The tubo elmu'.d now be rolled m himself sooner or letor torn by u decided to light. built strong roonnS of a kind ; trying to speed up the engine it does, heavy cloth or replaced in a tire hox.:ulguish of contrition, Ile wiubes Ile Soon after arriving at the front he [hese were constructed of brlek.' net respond. The gasoline cannot; that just fits it. These boxes are )fright retrace his stops; but it is tor, was sen out with a combat group in nese were, in fact, nothing but col- flow through fast 511011511. Tho engine lined with tale so that there is placti-• late, 1 -lee ilt'b10 Itis etil0100 long i1;;o ' charge o5 at sergeant. They came un- lays built with stout brick 01011110. weakens, may baekfire at the carbur catty no friction against the rubber,' aucl there is no retractiu der the fire ef..a Hun machine -gut[ nest g p 11. Finding that thieves were able to elms end soon oto s. Gasoline can get; Do not put the. who in a lox too 11100 The man on good ter with him Crusaders. I tar •,e '11 1 old an lir teriellccble Place ; ' I asked him afterwards, said Gen. l while a heat -resisting crust was form - With the introduction of gunpowder, y Duncan, "how many shots he had fired, the fireevork display became more and I in the minds of man, and duabtlesg to ed on the inner plate, many its insIgnicanc•e ::0 a river will and he said, About twenty-four tittles' I Guarded by Water and Steam. more complicated, and fire dramas I bring surprise—as it did t0 \Its. liar• That was an interesting statement,found l(01 This principle holds good to -day, were enacted, with cestlee. burning ! 501101 0, Songster. We were going after the encounter 1i a a The safe that bolds goo the cast- shdps, and every device with which to j down a narrow lane with kali trees on twenty -icor dears Germans were his , show off the pyrotechnical skill of 01111eY side of it, she oily 1'01100 earl- bag. In fact, the fight only ended iron arrangement was lllade oP steel, the aid of miuos' drills cut a shaft their organizers. Master gnnnera also h P the Ger Special steel plates were employed, as twelve feet square thl•ough the 00- civilly We turned another corner, and meat floor of the shop, and thence came into existence, who at first were . nun machine gtms o e P ciellians, and their duties were inti -Ito the silo light I could lee that Ice i drilled a tunnel under the bank, They machine-gun fire 1Y oil wools stop ; could only work at night, and they had der the leadership of Harry Raymond, If anyone tried to noddle with it supreme privilege u4 having our during the dark hours they would let friends about us. t)uly now and then loose the contents of a mighty Wulf may we climb the heights and beheld holding 50,000 gallons of Anter. They the far landscapes and taste breath would be drowned, while the strung-' and n heart of KI11111' agnhl, Most of room, being water -proof, [could not the time we must plo•l ill the dust and the hent, We must depend on our own strength; we cannot lean upon those who 10001(1 fain share our burden when their duty loops them far away, They would like to carry alit' load, but since they cannot we mist shoul- der it nitltnut shirking. Therefore, we we mast not let the lower element in our mime! win the mastery so that the evil dictates to the good. We cannot afford to lead the "double life," The better self Is the only self for w11ie1, 1n the short and crowded horn's of a busy lifetime, notorious for the theft of the famous Gainsborough picture. The gang purchased a small tabac- conist's shop next the bank, and with when alto otlicer bl c atge o . offered ped to stn (110 tough and as hard as those used for armouring battleships. . note following a stream of nater. No money vas sPatert Taste, for mately connected will these displays. What is that brook called,' I asked his rifle fire, The enemy surrendered, In pageants and precessions fireworks I . and Sergt. Tek and lis men marched I example, the Bank of England strong:. were a popular feature and "wade trite "or hasn't it any name," ronin whirl is one of the largest and The doctor turned squarely in her' to battalion headquarters one hundred I Strongest in the world. Its Pounda- 1 wind "green. loco" dressed roe to 1 seat anal looked at ate. and thirty-two prisoners, including • suit their names performed merry 1 ••Brook!" she esrtatmed. "That's four ofilcers I tions are nearly seventy feet below not a brook! That's the Marne:" Drunks on these occasions with the as- sistance of their fireworks. I leaned forward breathlessly. In the river procession of Henry VII• "Do you mean to tell me," I asked, to the nearest battalion headquarters, I in thckness, _ o e , 1487, the Bachelor's barge carried an ...that this is the Marne? Why, I • which was not Itis own, anti that at (,even feet deep, )1 that anyone who 1487, o4 a dragon spouting flames, and `thought--" his own headquarters he made no men- I diel succeed in tunnelling through the effigyit is related that at the marriage of ; How could I explain that 1 had ex- tion of the offal. It was only by unci- 1 concrete would infallibly be drowned. Aare related Boleyn in 1333, "There went he -1 dent that the story' came to his own' Next come tremendous prates of Yore the Lord Mayor's barge a foyst or ' ltectecl to find the Marne to be wide wrought -iron. Above, the protection is •and deep—a great, menacing sheet of commander Til from the adjacent bat-' welter full of ordnance and which 'dark water? talion. The facts were then verified, the same—concrete and water. The foyett also carrie(1 a great red dragon s about thirty feet nide " said and fol' this action Yo k received the ; doors are incredibly massive, each that spouted out will fire." In 1:)7~;, I "It's . b ut She have been read- Distinguished Service Cross and the . weighing four tons. They are made of Elizabeth, on her state visit to hemi- •the doctcl. might 1 r 1 a command of flint and iron, and no ing MY thought,. It runs along at Congressional :Medal of Honor." tool has been invented that could cut worth Castle, was entertained by : When this modest and pacifically in.; the foot of the hospital garden. 111 (lined hero was sent for Co have his • them, lavish displays o4 fireworks, described all love the Marne. Itis more than a The vault 1)01100111 one of tho lig by Lnneham as "a blaze of burning ; Poc•trait painted, the artist naturally darts, filing to and fro, beams of stars ' river to us:' • New York banks goes a step defence, two I did not answer for a moment, I sat enough eought to establish Pleasant . ht io the in the [natter Of defa110) for cnrascauit streams and hail of fire, very- still and watched the silver flick• social relations with a few personal hero ingenuity of the inventor has Sparks, lightenfnga of wild fire 011 the er of the stream that flowed so calmly Facts. So he ualced the young Teunes- water, and on land -flight and Ant of beside our path, and as 1 watched I seem casually if he were married, , placed the strong -room itself upon tit+tnderbnit," cold thirteen years leiter s rave that "No " he ane slowly t• ith itis ! concrete piers. A passage runs around came that Jul day when the fiat thought of the .Plait of a la.c t ( Y "Another remarkable fact is that the level or the street, and its bed is Sergt. Torp delivered his prisoners I of concrete no less than twenty 'feet 4b v this lies water Southern (trawl, "I was always a kind three sides, and along it are mirrors !mild1• matte an impenetrable barrier of so cleverly arranged that the watch, forthr=o of the dreadAlncla :>ent such e slight tiling. Suddenly I, too, oY ti 'mmnnner's boy „ forth the warning flame of the waiting loved the lIaue, beacons along the English coast, 1011' - ..l -es, it's more than a river," I log her people to resist to the utter- echoed. It's a spnlbol!" [nest. prophetic of those fires to•rk+l 'We ri n c tho rest of the way to the which will cehebl rte once more tie; victeey over proud 1 ,geesion. hospit :1 ill --bene„ Ill the times o4 Janie; I. we read j "therm were then adiding in the Pity Of The Highest Aim in Life. London men very skillful in the art of A class of twenty -Mie pupils 10 a I Centigrade, and absolute zero esti- � 300 tous, its walls are of five [different pyr,tectics"; ane all through the School of .1 ri::tture erre aslreci nutted et minus 273 degrees t cut-; layers of steel, whie it has double days of the "Merry Monarch" pageants when they r torte 1 to college: "What grade, very little has ever been (lis- I doors, of which the outer weighs 12, - and fireworks displays continued un-' is the 111)11eet aim el' the citizens of covered, The field or research has 1000 pound's, and is opened and closed been practically restricted to 725 de- I by hydraulic power. aliened, white in the •first half of the this country 11 the 113 1 of (mono- seventernth century a enusidOl' bis. 111101?" Almost [every student said it grecs, or between the temperature of 1 In England eleepee alarms have been 1'te•r:aur on Lhe subject arose the vasto acquire 1ccr.l)11, liquid air—minis 200 degrees--nrd the brought to a very high pitch of per- t o 1 j t. I hest known 101111 being that of Casimir 1' Two months 1: tor. after having first visible red of boated iron.—plus ; 1001(0n, and are so arranged that the Slemtenowitz, lieuleuaut general nI s10111111 the int l ii,l•s of 0)311 (1les, 525 degrees. We know that at a tent intending burglar cannot tell where ordnance to the king Of Poland, known the canis question wee nbl,lifted, and Perature of 1,000 degrees Centigrade the 01000s are, and indeed cannot pos. „The Creat Art of Artillery.” pub- written anslcers in 1.:1X11 eleven pupils twenty-nine metals become liquid; at • sibly get at then to cut tient. 1 —,_ ,y__� I man on duty can see every part of tate High Temperatures, vast safe --back, sides, and bottom— at mdse. The greatest field of hesearcll of- I If• an attack should take place, he fared for scientists is experimentation • has but to turn a tap, and jots of with the higher temperatures. Be- super -heated steam wool( stake life Moen the temperature of the surface - impossible forthe assailax,ts. of the sun, estimated et 6,000 degrees I This particular strong -room weighs lisped In 1030. -said the highest aim It to 00011 wise Later 011 the Green Park was the teeoperaton; six thought it was to scene of peace festivals and fireworks : train for leadership; ten believed that displays in 1713 and 1814. The cele -;the great atm should be to acquire ef- bratior. of April 27, 1740, in honor of fleiency1 while two were of the opine the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, was en ion that tie far as the question OD - a most ambitious scale, and included festivities and fireworks of a very cam- plicated description. A building uP- warci of four hundred feet long was erected, with• a central pavilion, our- belief that the acquiring of wealth is mounted by a huge sun upon a high the supreme aim in life. Plies to the farming class the ultimate 0(01 elmul)1 be to get control of the markets; but the noticeable fact Is that not one adhered to Ills original 1,099 [degrees gold fuses; tungsten ` Some Daring Raids. melts at 3,000 degrees; the tempera- ture n might the newspapers o 0 read e electric arc is 3 r.,0 de- Tog tune of the 1 , groes, and hero begins the great un- well imagine that the United States known in the world of heat, The hot- was the home of the only criminal (tau- test thing on earth is the electric fur- fog and scientific enough to attempt to nate, with a temperature of nearly burgle a strong -room, 3,790 degrees. Iu this intense heat I This is by no means the case, and, even the diamond can be smelted and as a matter of fact, ole of the boldest boiled like water. IBtit this is barely yet most skilfully -engineered of bank half way to the temperature of the raids ever carried out in New York surface of tate sung was the work of an European gang tett- to carry away all the debris in hand- bags. After two' months' toil they reached the steel wall of the strong -room, spent all one Sunday drilling through it, and got away[ with $2,600,000 1n notes, bullionand jewels. Be. May, 1906, a bank in St, James Street, London, was tackled in similar fashion, and with similar success. As an exainple of the patience and shill of the modern eracksman, it would be difficult to beat the robbery committed on the Cape of Good I -Tope Bank at NilnberleY. The bunk vault was built of stone and cement. The walls were three feet thick, and outside then were an outer wall four feet thick, and no few- er than three foundation halls, each two feet thick. These four outer walls were of brick and cement. Tho burglars got into the sewer 01 the street outside and worked their way through with miners' drills. They got away with $20,000 in gold and silver— not a great sum, considering what they did for it, Doors Without Locks, 'Tile criminals who robbed the Selby Smelting Works at Vallejo, thirty mites from San Francisco, achieved au absolute record in tunnelling. They had to etart from a spot 200 feet away from the works, and (lig through sand, so that the tunttel had to be strutted all the way, Then at last they struck up under the strong -room, which 1ya5 a large vault completely lined with chilled steel, 'l'110 worsts were In Fall blast, the Whole place blazing with electric light, yet those men bored a largo hole in the steel floor and went away with $340,000 of pure bar gold. This bullion weighed no less than half a ton. At present we have in London sero deposits which have cost over a (10151" ter of a million oath to build. '0110 of these has doors which have no locks, but are simply vast masses of steel Opened and closed by hydraulic power, When the doors aro closed for the night—it takes four mets with special knowledge to accomplish this --the mechanism is disconnected. suffer at all, ORIGIN OF PHRASES. Many Epigrams Date Back Severar4 Hundreds of Vears. Many of the phrases which are in common use to -day date back many hundreds of years. Take, for instance, "There's mane- s, anya slip 'twixt cup and lip," This dates back to an ancient king of the island of Santos, iu the Grecian Archipelago. The sting had planted a vineyard, we can find room. but one of his slaves, n'holu be haul ill- . He who is :ft Peace with his own treated, predicted that he would not: mind, 1 111)1,u1 conceit, is 11e who the to drink any of the wine. When I brings peace and 'coiled and lasting the vintage came the king, with a me a delight Wherever he comes. ilei is a of the wino in his laud, asked hiswelcome member of societ)", Allo 0('01) menial what had became of his in hie solitude Is strivia) for :t mat - prophecy. The other replied: "I think : improvement which enriches allthuul there's many a slip 'twixt cup and who come into contact ccith hint, lip,"_ __.. At slat moment nose was brought CUTTING A DIAMOND. that a wild boar had broken into the I vineyard, and was doing great damage. Process That Calls For Patience as The king hastily put down itis nn- I Well as Skill. touched cup, seized his weapons, and went out. But he the chase he was 1 Three Processes are nee.( -pry -in the1(1118(1 and the Prophecy of the slave eonrersion of a rough sit mond into a was fulfilled. flashing, brilliant one. 'lite (!rot nee "Donn to a turn" is said to hale • 001151(411 do cleaning the 1'0/1 1.130 Steno originated from the martyrdom of St of defective parts and rcrnevh:g the Lawrence, He was sentenced to be flaws. The sawyer 1.11F01c 1110 ell 1• roasted alive oil. a gridiron, The story mond into n sort of cup liile:l with fusible cement. Then, b;: means of an instrument, be r111)1 on 11e stone) 101 pointed end of the ot111r, after which he stripes lightly to 00lnreat1 the two Pieces. The second process is by cat- ting, obting, which gives the stone its rem, and In a rough way tl-t[ 11111ee the number of tacos it $11011 Have, The cutter tinea instruments k'i»l1C't:lnat similar to those used by the sawyer, and leaves about one-half of the faces to be formed by the po11011er. The last stage is that of pelielthre the store, which gives it he clearness and brilliance, This operation 1'e - quires extrelile patience, The stone is placed on an iron pate, 1111tH:; rapidly, and impregnated with dia- mond dust and oil. It is set in alloy of load and tin in the form of a came, of which the stono occupies the 0010- 110111, goes that during his torture be calmly requested the attendants to turn him over, as ho was thoroughly roasted on one side, Hence the phrase, "Done to a turn." ems ---- Archives Looted for Wrappings. Russia is providing another example of that destruction a1111 dispersal oil ma tient and priceless historical archives which ono 11115111 have thought belong- ed entirely to the past and its dark ways. ' The treasures of Petrograd and Moscow have been scattered to the four winds, chiefly through the activities of Markoff, Trotsky's assis- tant, at the time of the publication of the secret treaties, The authentic letters of Catherine the Great Have disappeared completely from the former ministry of the In- terior in Yetrograd. Some of the documents• wore traced to a shopkeep- er in Moscow who had been making use of 111e111 t0 wrap up hie parcels. dcRIPPIl • AN'Y THfN4 1 CANOO rORYOU —rt sln� {� OH; HELLO•Rret,E• wHAI' WARD ARE r,'-"�L. \ `(OU OTArt(NEO (✓1�/��y L fit/ IN? A : / 1'M IN '".'' WARCJ ; SIX; .Pi - _" r 1 0G'� p IiU�,:: yam ... • Z// io ''`'\"'^^', r W 6 ytllll a ,1 �® 8'"i°I�af3d� 1 4g K n tr'�rr.; Vit �4;11�a`rn fi•r. ;*as xe wee. J rr .1)4. JJ �'^ /• <t,; .-,: r� '� ? r f$ 2 w "Y 7II' zlir ill/0„ /•. }t I/'te r; fi ii, al�i_�r77�¢ 111, .�:fM1 ,r �l ,.,�i. Sj }T; Y':'#.i,. 7 t :�' ',. � ;' r,,,,,, �' � i. 4,,. �tttJ:,a-:;, I, '` �I i , l )NO! ,; :r;> .,g'•`i�i' J' }t 14�r.'t - •`Z` .;3r'- l.1' 1 .____—_ ae r r )•j fi d9f." 1 �� , 4. k';: _ _. q1 • - ri. {� 1 I, -.":r i f uliea { i Il,yll:' III '� ei !, :: ..,. ei`r- :f r.�, a. aft r S _.:E Gr! [ J .?d: I, � ®lk' `"' til I !' � e'• REP-, rat ry'.. • ii, . r:'1(' �I''i!E 3j •. /�1y .:G '. i �)� �Yr.. ,$.. ,M, , ,QS s.:•."�.114 , J , t •a •, 3 s ,1 , 1'4' . �I.- ly Ir)I '1 j• ei .I�� ,., � 1: , 4 .` 'k ' 'rt ,+lip; r� H . t r :, kir. r 'i , •. •:?•uta,2..L, r ,..:,, .. '' ✓' ` ^f - n. ri J11 lilra',i�; '', r�."^ 7' IN'Il .ll� e ,:,t r; 1 1;! Ill :ri ,. I ' "'"`e"'"4 :.' _ .,, ..... ^� ".t a xa •' -F[°)= r j 1')'P• n 1 UI'1,i�, Irl 11 (1'{ 1 ! ) I. 1 i. ', Ir'M"ter, IF '�' I F 1 _: ,,.,.,,... iaa<'� a it , .'.W r;:;, .4 �'V „!•i ,, Jr' M1' i �� d "f, a �� {. • " t {r +d i. " n b' Pi er i ii. a n m e. r. n ee k n -, SI {e •a"� " ti�iP 1. tl 1{ 1i,il 01 1 Re { zi I.• F !I , +.Ir �* 1 III ;iii .l �I. S' a cr -ak, . •4-r °'x`' , ..,. / '1'r:•n'' 1''_d. i{Yi' „ lib . I[�Y' Ii � ;1�1�,„;���IN "' Y :IJt'nrLi'litG--.�•-• Ill::..:v., ail. �I. It:'r,,.�',�l 1.�)'.. +. .i 11','11. . e -,:. liar„ N 1, 1:: ,..o.. til i�l�1 ti), „I�, ;I, ~-"/ rte•-. I"' -... .. o��/ c _J -"---•— -----•- SI f .. _... -- Building Nests For Hens, Nests shout(' be situate:l in a more or less dark place, for then the hells will be less apt to eat the eggs. A good place is directly beneath the roost platform, with the nests so nr- rangecl that the hen enters from the side toward the wall, Each nest should bo from twelve to fonrtcon Inches square) and high enough (about twelve to fourteen inches) to be con- venient for the 11011 to enter, The partitions betwoeo the nests should be high enough to prevent tho hens from rolling the eggs from one fleet to another, and low enough to permit bells to go from one nest to another, otherwise they will fight old eggs Will be broken, Fine flay or straw lichee a good nesting material, Traffic on Canals,• 11'or the calendar year 1017 the total bailie-. through the Canadian calcis amounted to 22,238,086 tons, as omn- pared with 28,083,401 tons 1n 1018, ac- cording to the Canada Year Hook for' 1018.