HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-7-17, Page 5B1181911ESS cum JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMI rED Genvakeni Oxrakizo 01.4i4.4d . • - • 0.+IS AfvlagRSON. St -OR GIS t:ov Oak', at oon vroa. 1.5very stabio. lirnaatda. Telephone lit, 20. DR, WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontnrio Veterinary College. Day and night oalla. Moe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. T. T, M' RAE M 0. H. Village of Tit:6944m. etoth Acconeleao ,,n,„„„, DR, J. H. WHITE, B. A. ptivsiciAN AND sifttultutl, (*minute Toronto University or Medicine, Specie! attention given to 1il401V1I1 Or children and Surgery. Office: Or, Ctryana Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Willsoll for 118 good prices as any other Atuc. tIoneer or charge nothing. BELGRAVE PROUDFOOT HILLORAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. cane the Square, and door from Homilton Street, GODRIOCH, ONT, Private ramie to loon at lowest rates, W. ,e1)FOOT, X. C. J, L, EILLonAn H. J. 0, cense - - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + 4 a. Girls:ri.Women + + .1. ., ++ Stop - Look - listen + Steady work as Machine $ $ Operators. Good pay. + + Apply or write at once. 4. 4. • + 4.+ ExcelsiorKnitting Mills * 4. .1. 4. J. T. WOOD 4 + 4' BRUSSELS - ONTARIO 4. * au +++++++44++++++++++++++++++ 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i * + + + * 4. has Laken over the Deering Ag- + + ency and handles a full line of 1... 4. Farm Implements I:minding the + ei. noted 4- + + st• : I. U. .Cream eparators +4. + HCS + The only Oreatn Separator with + * two wide open cream outlets- * + no et mon screw in the .peth of 4; cream.wh + the See it en in tosvn. + : .. + + The 1. 0, C. 8-16 and 111-20 Tractors ÷ 4- ÷ + are among the best. + + 4. * + The Deering Manure Spreader + i• + wit.), tho wide ,,,,,,,,1,1 and very 4. + light, In dra:I.L. + + + 1 tP.thn 4Over .. • Hami ,.,,,,, iteinstein AGENCY John Oliv BRUSSh'I.S 4. 4. 4. • 4.• a • 4.• 4.• 4. • 4.• 6 4.• 0 • • • • Is prepared to pay the highest price for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, ags, &c. WOOL • • 4. • • • • • • 4.• • • 0 • Highest price paid, See • me before you sell, • • • Highest Cash Price for :* • Live Poultry and Hides •* • * Write or Phone 02x • • • 4. 4* SAM WEINSTEIN MILL STREET BRUSSELS 04••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 4Fall Term °pees Sept 2mi 0 'tango & Charles Sta., Toronto 6 Stands to -day without 23/4, ;n 1 ha Dominion. ;01 05 fla 11.•1:101119 ha` placing .ft tZ ;MI pi I y 111 iltiqjtjffil, ha 81. :CI r. I 1./1.1i nlittlO,N-4,I III 1,11*0*10 •nill,a 1, 504 1nC1 Crn,1 .,or supply Oar training Is p WtItO la ally tor Wt, Oatologin. • W. ELLiorr, PRINCIPAL. 42ZS ONO-2),,'E2g7rOrnslhaTitcWirA 1'74 11NO refffeVIN /.42/4 r BRUSSELS 0nrem Snout Gown Notern proaa 7:05a m Mail ..... ll :32 a In E,prean... ...... 3.53n m I Express 57 p .171 CoMi wary raciurie ,WALTON '2u Toronto To Goderich Express OM am I Express 11:41 pm Express 2:07 p m I Expreaa 9:07pm WROXETER Going Haat - 7:11 ft, m, and 8:81 p. m. Going West - 12:80 and 9:65 p. in. 415 trains going EOM pennant with 0. P.R.st Orangeville for Owen Mound, Elora and T 0'. 81. stations. atm. ALLAN, Local Agent, gazai eItems HOUSES to rent are ole premium. 6o CENTS secures 'rue POST tO January ist 1920. MAITLAND river Is very low and Con. fined to its bed, . CATTLE and hog market is still run• Ding on high gear. BLACKBIRDS are numerous and are ready to tackle the cberi y and iaspberry crop. A septic task bas been putlin at' resi- dence of George and Mrs, Muldoon. They have a cosy bome, corner Market and John streets, Goon program issued for Woman's Institute for the coming year. Meet- ings, are held the third Friday of each month, Do you belong ? SOLDIERS' Welcome and Old Boys' Re -union, Sunday, Monday and Tues• day, July 27, 28 and 29 promises CO be great time in town. Get ready for It. OWING to unforseeu circumstances Mr, McCreath finds himself unable to take possession of The Golerich Star. Consequently the business will continue to be conducted by the present proprie- tors, Messrs. Vanatter & Naftel, WE REUIND YOU THAT- Tna POST gives the news. 'Phe ole' swimmin' hole is popular. Bast Huron Fall Fair will be Sept. Tidying up for Re -union is on deck, The latch string is out for 016 13 ova. Brussels Footballers are hard to beat. A new town flag and flag staff have been purchased and the old Red, White and Blue will fly at the Town Hall. 'Phe Public School Board is also replac- ing staff on school tower from which the Union Jack will be thrown to the breezes, SOME THINGS WE'RE SURE OF. - New Town Hall needed. We have a sturdy Foot Ball Ir. Flax mill will do a good business, Victoria Park is a splendid asset, Brussels Fall Fair will be a boomer. No tidier village in Ontario than ours Government should build a new Post - office. FoR.111 1DABLE FERGUSONS.-The Fer• guson bowlers, of 'reeswater, comprised of Reeve Ferguson (father)and n sous, Dr. Ferguson, Banker Russel Ferguson and Sergeant George Ferguson, have made up so tar 11 formidable rink. They went to Ripley 4 weeks ago and won the Bowman trophy. They have been called on 5 times to defend the title and each time have been victorious. Reeve Ferguson is a son of Mrs. Tames Ferguson, of Brussels, and a former resident of town. Have You Been Berry•picking? A great many of our citizens have been out to the berry bushes and some reports say that the pickers have been getting good results. A Regretful Farewell Goderich Signal: -On Thursday evening last the members of the con- gregation of North street Methodist church gathered in the Sunday school room to bid good-bye to the retiring pastor,Rev. Dr, Rutledge, and to Mrs, Rutlege. Though they had been at North street only two years Dr. and Mrs, Rutledge had greatly endeared themselves to the congregation and much regret is expressed that failing strength has necessitated the retire- ment of the Doctor from the active ministry after forty-nine years of ser- vice, After a time spent in social chat, Mr. R, Long called the assemblage to order, .A short, interesting pro- gram was given and then the pastor and Mrs.Rutledge were called to the platform, Miss Sharman read. an ad- dress which was accompanied by the presentation of a line reading -lamp to Dr. Rutledge and a dinner -wagon to his wife, 'rhey both replied in their usual pleasant manner, expressing their sorrow at having to leave Gode- rich, and North street, The Doctor spoke in feeling terms of the happiness of the years he had spent in the ministry, not the least happy of which had been the two years in Goderich. Short addresses were made by several members of the congregation, repeesenting the various organizations of the church, expressing appreciation of the service rendered by the pastor and Mrs. Rutledge in every depart- ment of church work, and emphastuing Dr, Rutledge's excellent sermons, which were not only a 'delight het a great help in the spiritual life of those who heard them. Dr, and Mrs, Rut- ledge have left their impress for good on the people whose lives they have touched and will be long remembered in Goderich for their sterling goodness and the brightness and, joyousness of their Christianity, 1-louor to Cc:LT:rt.:la Physi4...... Ora: of Phy :at: old ' • ge4411S, lhe entnting yv.tr. Travel Heavy. 15 was reported that travel to Mus- koka is heavier this veto' than it has been since lite war broke our many. peoplo Are travelling 45 present till • Pli't r 1.0111 00.li1510 Sprint: 1.1 I lie ,,enAte and 1 5.,n e p, the ,ted %Lae., hat e lopted 01ajoilk ores lo lentimate Ilie oper:tlioit the Daylight Saving law when the period of summer ends on October 26th next, Cut Them Down Burdocks and other weeds may be seen ne.aring maturity on the side of the streets not tar from the centre of the town, and soon they will go Is e'd ,,,nrding their noxious inflnenee In.ttlis lots whit.li are AS yet free IrPni them. It would be a good time to start operations against them, Another Greyhound Trip The management of the White Star Line was so pleased with the success of the Greyhound excursion in June that It has been decided to repeat it in September if conditions should be favorable. In a letter just received from Mr McLean, the chief passenger agent he states that it is hoped to make a second trip possibly the first week in September or not later than the sec- ond week, Former Member's Wife Dead The death occurred at Drayton, on Wednsday morning, July 2nd, of Louisa S. Atkinson, wife of Mr. James McEwing, ex -M. P. P., for West Well- ington, at the age of sixty-eight years. Airs. McEwing was a daughter of the late Thomas Atkinson, formerly of Seaforth, and resided there for a num- ber of years, and was well known to many in that district, The funeral services were held Friday, 'interment being made at Drayton cemetery. HYDRO PLANS NEW SERVICE RE THE NORTH Huron and Bruce Municipalities To Be Supplied from Eugenia and Saugeen. Plans Well Advanced; Votes on By - Laws Soon.-Scherne at Fort Elgin With Eugenia Plant Will Develop 10,000 Horsepower. Port Elgin, July 7. -In response to the demand fur hydro -electric power from the associated municipalities of Huron and Bruce, engineers of the On- tario Hydro -Electric Commission have made commendable progress in the preparation of plans for power devel- opment here. Information - has just been received that the commission will proceed with the Saugeen development scheme and that in combination with Eugenia, there will then be uo,000 horsepower available. Upon comple- tion of the Saugeen plant at Port El- gin the commission will be enabled to operate a network of transmission lines serving the counties of Bruce Grey, Dufferin, Simcoe and Ontario, and parts of Huron, Wellington and Peel. Following a meeting of representa- tives of muncipalities in Huron and Bruce recently, a strong resolution was sent to the hydro commission demand- ing immediate action to supply the northern districts with power. It is expected that these municipalities will be called on soon to vote on the neces• sary by-laws. The District Affected The municipalities in the district to be served consist of: Kincardine, Rip- ley, Lucknow, Wingham, Blyth, Brus- sels, Belgrave , Bluevale, Wroxeter, Gorrie, Fordwich, Teeswater,Mildmay, Formosa, Walkerton, Paisley, Port El. gin, Southampton and Clifford. It is proposed to serve this district by extending the transmission lines of the Eugenia system into the northern part of Huron County and throughout Bruce County, Estimates have been prepared cover- ing the cost of constructing transmis- sion lines and substations, and it is expected the commission will be able to submit these to the municipalities le the very near Marc, enabling them to submit money and enabling by-laws to the ratepayrs for the purpose of • •••••••••••••••••••••••••* • • WHY suffer with the • intense heat of the wood fire when you0 can 0. 0 4. • 4.• • • o • 2 New Perfection Stove • o burners) ° : $21*50 iComplete with Ovcn o $28.00 o • HIL. Stewart • •• HENFRYN • • .41.0.0••••••••••••0$4,••••••••• bake, wash and cook with A New Perfection Coal Oil Stove 3 4. 0 eo.• • • 4. 4. o. • 5• • • 17, • * • • • • • • • NOMORENERNOS HEADACHES Since She Tried "FRUIT -A. T1 VE'S", f earn:us Fruit Methciuo. MISS ANNIE WARD 112 riazen St., St. Sohn, N.B. "Tt is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I revel ved from the use of your medicine, 'Fruit -a -lives% 1 was a great su (fever for many years from Nervous Head- aches and ConslOation. I tried everything, consulted doctors; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried 'Fruit-a-tives'. After I had taken several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since." Miss ANNIE WARD. 'Fruita-tives' is fresh fruit juices, concentrated and increased in strength, combinedwith finest tonics, and is a positive and reliable remedy for Headaches and Oonstipatiou. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 26c. At all dealers or Fruit-a-tiv es Lim i ted, Ottawa. entering into an agreement with the commission for hydro service, As soon as these by-laws have been passed and approved by the ratepay- ers and contracts executed between the municipalities and the commission con- struetion of transmission lines and substations will be undertaken by the commission and the distribution sys- tems in the municipalities rebuilt and service given accordingly, The Saugeen Scheme The surveys for the proposed Sail- geen development have been made, but plans and details are not yet complete and consequently there is not much information available in connection with this development. It is the in- tention of the commission, however, to proceed with the construction of the same as soon as the necessary for- malities, such as the passing of by-laws taiteids, the execution of agreements, have been completed with the municipali- 'Combined with Eugenia it is pos- sible to obtain approximately 10,000 horse -power from the Saugeen devel- opment and it is proposed to operate both these plants in parallel with the commission's two power plants on the Severn River, viz. Big Chute and Wasdell's Falls. Network Of Lines Upon completion of the Saugeen plant at Port Elgin, the commission will be enabed to operate a network of transmission lines serving the counties of Bruce, Grey, Dufferin„ Slincoe, Wel- lington and Peel. By reason of the fact that the Eu- genia development possesses an enor- mous storage basin, it will be possible to operate the Saugeen and Big Chutte plants in such a manner as to utilize the full flow of the streams at high water periods, and at such times to store water at Eugenia, and during the dry seasons of the year to draw on this storage to supply the demands which the other plants are unable to take care of by reason of low water conditions. This arrangement will enable the commission to operate its various plants in such a manner as to obtain the maximum efficiency from the flow of water in the various streams on which these plants are located and to supply the power requirements in the district served at the lowest possible rates. It is also possible to utilize off-peak power from the Niagara system to as- sist the developments serving the Sau- gen, Epgenia, Severn and Wasdell's districts, and it is proposed at some future date, when required, to install a frequency changer set either at Mount Forest or Wingham, for the purpose of transforming electrical en- ergy from 25 to 60 cycles, or vice versa, so that power can be transmitt- ed either to or from the Niagara sys- tem, when required. HURON COUNTY OLD BOYS SPEND DAY AT QUEENSTON Queenston, Ont., July 9. ----The Huron County Old Boys,Association, of Toronto, to -day picnicked here, about 1,000 former residents of that county spending a most enjoyable time. A perfect day, With cool breeze and practically no sea, made the trip an absolute success and tired men forgot for a time their business cares an enjoyed to the full the glories of lake breezes. G. H. Musgrove, /4, P, P., at preselTt member for Welland, was among those who met the excursion et Queenston; also Mayor C. R. $0.1nerville, of Lon- don, Ontario, and Br. McDonald, for- mer member for North Huron. John Robertson, former president of the asSociation; 51. 1'. Floody, secretary, and other members of the executive have worked hard to make this excur- Sion a success, and so tar their labors were richly rewarded, * 2 2+ It .2 2 . • ir • • 4 4. ‘Should4. EIId 1,1sw . , st 1444404444 B. $.8•144.1.`441..1,48..." ft, 4. voidance be Forgot T Wokorne Horne AND oys' Re union ktoria Park Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 1919 -VP • • • 2, • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • • • 4.• • 0, • • • 4 • • 0. 4. 40 1 • 2 • • 5.0 4. 4. • • elt.44§, 9. 4 91st Highlanders' Band, Hamilton Pro ..-4 10111 .111,10, th1/4: F..oli Sunday Morning Sunday Evening 17: Church Service with Old Boy Pastors in Mass Meeting in Park with Addresses charge, and Musical numbers by Union Choir and ethers. Mo day Forenoon Monday Evening Bowling on the Green, Bands, Social Intercourse, &c. Monday Afternoon Proctssion to Park, Words of Welcome and Replies, Base Ball -Clinton vs, Lucknow-win- ners to play Brussels team. AEROPLANE FLIGHTS Highland Piping and Dancing. Fancy Drill. Athletic Sport'. Tuesday Foren on 'Water Sports on the Maitland at the iron bridge. Aeroplane Stunts, Water Fight with Fire Engine and 1 -Jose. Tuesday Evening Grand Open Air Concert by Bands. Highland Dancing'. Fancy Drill, National Anthem, CONCERT IN PARK BY Olst Highlanders' Band Recently Overseas tion home from Military Service and an A i Musical Organiza- no one should miss hearing. Fancy Drill, Vocal Music, &c. Kincardine Pipe Band will also contribute Selections and Highland Dances. Tuesd Afternoon Procession at 1 sharp. Band Rehearsal. Highland Dancing. Foot Ball Match between Ethel and Brus- sels, two teams Closely snatched. Aeroplane Flight, Base Ball -Kincardine vs. Brussels. Athletic Sports. Tug -of -War -Grey vs. Morris Twp. 10 mon aside, Oaptained by ex -Deputy Reeve John McNabb and Reeve Elton. 04.8. ,,,-,.',49t.(t0.0•4.4**4*******$ 09 +0.54+SI*. 03.4P : # 0 # 9 0 1 First-class idway. Dancing Pavilion ‘1112e's-tir'ae" i • ------ r il * 0 ".....-..*...........* • et 0 2 Admission to Park only 25c. ; Children 15c. • • :• 41. • Other Specialties are being sought for the Re -union to be announced later. • : Cordial Invitation extended to everybody who,. reads above Program and their friends, ° • : • • Don't Miss the Bid Parade and Farewells after Concert Tuesday Night • • • : • D. C. ROSS, G. H. SAMIS, M, BLACK, 1 Secretaries, ;i, • 2 President. Treasurer. J. FERGUSON, • * 4*e44440404.0 *60 ........44664 es e.044•44.44.4............. ••••••4*+60044*44.106.44•Mit