HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-7-17, Page 1FOL.. 40 NO, 3 $1,50 Per Annum in Advance
W. 1i. KERR, Proprietor
: eek.
No matter how little, you owe it
to yourself, your Family, and your
business to save something` every
week. Regularity pays.
Open a Savings Account with
this Bank. Add to it regularly. It will
quickly grow. It will help you to
something really worth while later on.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital ¢ 6,000,000
Reserve Fund • 12,000,000
Resources • - 150,000,000
Brussels Branch
t. 1.01161.10.6.
New Advertisements
Old Boys' Re•un[on,
1. Cow for Sole -J, Smith,
Winghain (Ihnuttaqua.
Overalls -10, 0, Rothwell,
Spectacles lost -TAN PORT.
Pigs for sale -Arthur Ward,
Calves for sole -A. L. Russell,
Forret for Bole -T, Williamson,
Visitors to town -F. R Smith,
ldnrine glasses lost -.Toe POST.
Ltutelt-Methodist Ladles' Aid.
Teacher wanted -Walter YcAI.
An Approved School -G. Spotton,
Horse for mole -Stanley Wheeler.
Raspberries for sale -J. H. Hoover.
Fall term -Central Business College,
Fall term -Elliott 13usinens College.
Grey Voters' List -A.13, Macdonald,
,�rI� ism t geivs
Fall wheat harvest is on this week.
Mrs. F. Raddatz and daughter were
visiting at Kitchener during the past
Next Sabbath afternoon Bert Lott
will take charge of the service in the
Methodist (thumb here.
Fred. Hunter' WaS home daring 1110
past week, looking fine. He returned
to Cubnnrg and hopes to receive his
discharge, bred. had a friend from
Toronto visiting hint,
At the Methodist church last Sun -
clay afternoon the congregation were
well pleased to hear Mise Muriel Sper-
ling, Toronto, sing a cltolce solo in
good voice.
Mrs. Chas. Forrest and; son, Robt.,
Jamestown, were renewing old friend-
ships with John Forrest and family.
A. A, and Mrs. Naylor and family
were holidaying here at the parental
home of Mee, Naylor, Chas. and Mre.
Seel. '
Old Boys' Re -union at Brussels on
last week of July will be a strong
magnet to draw the people of this
community. The advertising matter
for the fine program was distributed
this week.
Mies Aura Kitchen, is holidaying
under the parental roof.
J. and Mrs. Reciter, Ayton, spent
the week end with the tatter's sister,
Mrs, A. H. Moffitt,
R, B. Hanes, Toronto, spent several
days Inst week with his daughter,
Mre. D. M. McTavish.
Mrs. Jno, Lorimer and little son,
Detroit, areuests of the former's
mother, Mrs. .Jno, Vogt.
Mies Carrie Oosbiu, PrincetoWn, a
former teacher in tate Continuation
school, spent a week with friends in
the village.
Dr. Robt, Montgomery, who has
been taking a special medical course
in New York, visited his mother, Mrs.
W. R. Montgomery, last week.
Mrs. J, SLutt, Mee, W. Bevington,
Mrs. M. McIntyre and Mrs. Jno.
Brebhaner left Monday afternoon for
an extended visit at different points
in the West. '
IT is as necessary to select a safe
place for your savings as it is
to save, yet few give this matter
much thought, and many lose their
savings because of ignorance or
carelessness in this respect.
For over fifty years The Canadian
Bank off Commerce has been serv-
ing the people of Canada in in-
CIeasin lY large measure, until at
the present time it has over 470
branches providing complete bank-
ing facilities in all parts of the
CAPITAL PAID UP . $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND $15,000,000
Walton Branch C. F. Misner, Acting Manager
Two more war veterans Arrived
home recently, Thos. 1141111P1,100 arid
Jatnos I•futrutau. Former ;was in the
flying retype, and the latter one of the
1st then to (outlet to the 101 it Batt.
He was later transferred to the For-
estry Batt.
The Garden Party held in the pal k,
under the auspices of the United
Women Workers of the Preehyterian
church last Wednesday evening, pass-
ed Aft most successfully, the proceeds
amounting to $195.09. Wingliaw
Band was iu attendance and a Foot
Ball match between Wroxeter ated
Ferrite 4111 learns took place,
Saturday, July 121h„ was a gala day
amongst the Orangemen of this die•.
trirt, when they e.elebraled here,
The village was nicely decorated with
evergreen arches, flags and broiling
and the attendance was large. tying.
ham Braes Band supplied Inulin for
the day, after a lengthy parade in the
afternoon, adllrPeees were 141Ve11 in
the park by Mr. Fulton, Clifford, and
Revs, Stride, Malcolm, Powell and
Kerr. In the evening an interesting
Font Ball game between Wroxeter
and Fordtvich took place, the latter
team winning by a scare of 1.0,
A meeting of ail interested in re-
taining the Ontario Temperaneo Act
will be held in the Methodist (/L00311,
Corrie, Tuesday, July 22n1 at 8 p. rn,
for the organization of the foveae in
the township of Howick. It is
urgently requested that every palling
aub•divieisn in the township be well
represented. A, T. Cooper, Field Sec-
retary. Clinton, and other officers of
Oounty Association will be present
to assist in the organization,
Will, Hanna returned from Kincar-
dine Monday and will leave for his
horse in the West Friday, taking the
O. P. R. back at Port McNichol. He
has had a fine visit.
Owing to the lack of air currents
the windmills on numerous farms
have been slackers in keeping the
water tanks and troughs well supplied
with water, The "arutstrong" power
was called into requisition in a num-
ber of instances to give cattle a much
needed quota in the hot weather,
Last Saturday George FP. Agar and
Miss Gertrude Isabel, eldest daughter
of Joseph and Mos, Robb, all of Morris
township, were united in marriage at
the manse, Belgiave, by Rev. A. el,
Boyle. They drove to the home o1 A.
and Mrs. Forsyth, Brussels, uncle anti
aunt of bride, for tea, Mr. and Sirs,
Agar will make their new home in
Wiogham. We wish them happiness
and prosperity,
School Report of S. S. No, 8, Morris.
Names in order of merit. Jr. IV -
Miller McArter, Annie Clark. Jr, III
-Audrey Miller, Howard Clark. Sr,
II -Margaret Nichol, Rollie Marks,
Alvin Rutledge, Verna Rutledge, Mor-
ris Leitch, Evelyn Cook, Douglas
Cook, Letta Hawkins, Jr. I -Rhea
Rutledge, Stewart Shedden, Jean
Shedden, Sr, Primer -John Clark,
Herbie Hawkins, Mervyn McCauley.
Jr. Primer -Ellen Nichol, Alvin Mill-
er, Gordon Bradshaw, Isabelle Leitch,
Allan McCracken, Robert Nichol,
M. MCK1:LLAR, Teacher.
Hay is a good Drop and will be
worth real money this year.
Thos. Inglis and family were at Bay-
field calling on his brother who has a
cottage there.
Mrs. D. G. MaoQuarrie, of this
vicinity, was holidaying at Bayfield
for a few days last week,
Pte. Edward Ward, second youngest
son of Harry Ward, is home from
overseas and is welcome back.
A course is being Laken at the Sum-
mer School Toronto, by Eimer McKay,
returned soldier, who will likely at-
tend Normal School in the Fall.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Kennedy preached in the Presbyterian
°tweet' and addressed the Endeavor in
the evening. His visit was enjoyed.
85,714 pounds of cheese was ehipped
by Silver OnI'ners factory, realizing
the sum of $12,527. P11005 Were 29
and 80 Dents for 1st and 2nd halves
of June. Stile Was Stade to the Swift
Miss Ina McKay passed her Con-
servatory exam, it) Elementry piano
with 1st class honors, meet creditable
to herself and her teacher, Aliso 119or-
01100 Jnhnetoi1, Milverton.
Miss Hltl'I'iette MaeQuart'ie, who has
been attending Steal Normal for
the iiwk Y srt
year has been ecessFnl in
nt g t
hLn nor her ttnfrssimlal 2nd aloes
certlhrate. She has Attained a school
neat Molesworth at $700 per annum.
Robert and Mrs, Hale, both former
residents, who have been holidaying
with relatives i es and friends in and
around the burg, also at Atwood, at.
ter a pleasant time, returned to their
homes near St, ()othaeines, They
motored and enjnyed the trip very
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
the result of the June examinations
of S. S. No. 9 Grey, standing accord -
Ing to Merit. Sr. IV -Muriel Van -
rent, Lorraine McKay, Ielvie McKay,
Jr. 1V -Leslie McKay, Berea Speiran,
Leslie Machan. Sr. III -Willie Mc-
Kay, Marie Wesenberg, Kenneth
Machan, Arthur Munn, Jr, III-
Cliffor(1 Machan, Greta, Speiran,
Manion McKay, Oliffor•d 13nlrertson,
Leon McKay, Sr.IC- WlnniFred
Melville, Mildred Ilnward, Marjorie
Smith, Annie Robertson. Jr, JI -
Orval Harrison, Hazel Spolean, Law-
rence Machan, isb-Clavinda 13e11,
Verna McKay, Volute Robertson,
Kenneth Ferg, Eliza Machan, Law-
genes McLean, Isobel McLean. Pr, 1t
-Erie McKay, Archie McKay, Bob
13e11. Pr, I -May McKay, \Viilie
Robertson, Francis Smith, Freida
Wickie, Wilfred \Vickie, Duncan Mc-
fn Approve School
COLLEGE, of Wingham,
and all of its branches
throughout Ontario, have been
approved by the Military
authorities in Canada, This
Means that every returned eat -
dive, who is a category man, has
the privilege of selecting Lhis
School in which to take a fres
business education and living
allowance, so generously offered
by the Canadian Government,
They will also have the honor of
being trained by a returned sol-
dier who gallantly slid his bit.
The Spotton Business College
invites all eligible returned men
to inquire into its "war record"
and compare it with other "so -
celled" Schools that are bidding
for their patronage. A post
card requesting information will
bring frill particulars.
Mr. and Mrs. Joss and Mies Gladys
and Will., all of Toronto, Also Mrs,
Heywood, whose home is in Bramp-
ton, have returned to their horses af-
ter an enjoyable stay at the homes of
William and James Mann and David
G. Clark, 15th and 18th Cons.
No service in Trinity Church last
Sunday nor next Sabbath as Rector
Hawkins is away for a holiday of 2
Women's Institute will meet at the
home of 0, B. Wilkinson, 4th line,
Wednesday afternoon at 2.80 o'clock,
All will be welcome.
Sunday evening week the Orange-
men of this locality attended service
in the Methodist church when Rev,
Mr, Davison preached a most suitable
The annual report of the Methodist
church for past year has been issued
and shows liberality on the part of
their congregations constituting Bel -
grave circuit.
Thursday of last week Rev. Mr.
Hawkins, Anglican rector, was mar-
ried to a Dutton lady and they are
now on a trip up the lakes. Rumor
says Mr. Hawkins may remove from
this charge before long. He has many
friends who would be sorry to see him
Pte. Joseph Dunbar, son of -David
Dunbar, of East Wawanosh, arrived
home on Sunday night of last week,
being brought by auto from London.
He had a splendid trip home on the
water and looks fine. Monday even-
ing a reception was held for him and
Bert. Tasker at Mr. Dunbar's, There
was a large gathering of friends and
neighbors to welcome the soldier boys.
Fine program was carried out with
Bert Bradburn in the chair. After a
song of welcome by the audience the
chairman gave a short address in
which he spoke of the bravery of the
gallant Canadian's and our great
pleasure in having them back, He
asked the people in the midst of
their rejoicing not to forget the par-
ents and friends of brave boys who did
not come back but at all times to sur-
round them with loving thought and
kind acts and show them sincere sym-
pathy in their great sorrow. Chas,
Cole gavea song in which the magic
word "Home" predominated. Hum-
orous reading by Mrs. W. 0, Scott
came next followed by speech from
P. W. Scott in which be reviewed the
war, as it concerned Canada from that
fateful Aug. 4th till the Armistice was
signed and on behalf of the com-
munity heartily welcomed the boys
home, Pte J, Dunbar replied for the
boys and thanked the many friends
for all their kindness both now and on
going away. All hands then sang
'They are jolly good fellows," Reci-
tation by ()has. Cole ; song by Joseph
Millet' ; song by Miss I, Kelly ; in -
July I] to 23
Dr, Evans, of Wales
Dr, Bohn, of Switzerland
Dr. Griel, of Italy
Dr. Adam, of Montreal
Tom Sleeyhill,of Australia
Fred. G. Bale,
of United States
Lieut. Picard, of France
'Seven Keys to Baldpate'
With Broadway ameba
Exceptional Musical
Bandmaster of 01st IIighla tiler's' Band
Who plays at Brussels July 28 and 29,
strumental by bliss Jean Geddes
comic reading by Mrs. W. 0. Scutt ;
song by Jas, Taylor, after which H.
Johnson presented Wm. Dunbar with
a medal and an arltlreen, the name as
was prosented to the soldier boys at
the great tlemnnetration recently held
at R. Procter's, at which time Mr,
Tasker was presented with his medal.
The audience joined in singing the
National Anthem after which 11x0
violins were produced and young and
old enjoyed a few hones dancing. A
sumptuous supper was served and
after many hearty hand -clasps the
crowd dispersed sometime Tuesday
A meeting of Jamestown Women's
Institute will be held on Wedneeday,
July 28rd, in Victoria Hall. A good
attendance is asked to decide whether
or not they are going to take up work
for the Christie street Hospital, Tor-
OMANHOOD.With deep regret the people learned
of the demise of Mrs. A, B. Brigham,
nee Miss Ray Moses, of Ilullett town-
ship, on Monday morning. A still
born baby arrived the FVednesday
previous, Mrs. Brigham was 82 years
of age and was the eldest daughter of
the late Wm. and Mrs. Moses, 211c1
line, Morris. 2 years ago she joined
hand and heart with her now bereft
partner and located on the farm near
Blyth. She was a general favorite
and her demise will be deeply de-
plored by a wide circle of friends who
sympathise with the bereaved. Fun-
eral took place on Tuesday afternoon
to Blyth cemetery, service being con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Telford. We are
sorry to state Mr. Brigham's health is
none too rugged but hope for improve-
Council meeting July 281h at Ethel,
Straw is going to be very shoot but
grain may pan out well,
Miss Ina Steles enjoyed a pleasant
visit with friends in Stratford.
The Voters' Lists are published for
1919 and were pasted uta last Friday,
Tom Armstrong, B. A., is at Guelph
0. A 0. taking a special course in Ag-
Mrs. H. Tyreman and Howard Oster
are at Guelph this week visiting Mrs.
R. Hutchinson.
A steer was killed by lightning
Monday night at D. Meehan's, 12th
con. It was pasturing in the orchard
near the house.
An addition is being added to Wm.
Schnook's home which is also bein
remodelled. Ho will have a nice place
when completed,
Miss Lydia Sophia Stein has arriv-
ed home after spending some time at
the home of John Dodds, McKillop,
She reports a good time,
G. B. and Mee, English announce
the Marriage of their daughter, Myrtle
Marie, to Dr, W, W. Tyrenan, at
"Buckingham Farm," Gra Saslc, on
gg Y.
June 24111.
WEDDING BELL - happy W s, A ha11Y P.vast
took place at the home of Robt, and
AL's, Duckett when Mrs. Dockett's 51e -
ter, Miss Armstrong, was united in
marriage to William 0, Gorselitz, a
well known resident of the 12tH con,
of Grey, Wedding March was played
by Miee Viola Osbaklston, Godeaich,
ooueht of the bride, Groom Look his
place on it platform antler an arch of
evergreens and streamers of red, white
and blue, with wedding bell in centre.
Little Miss Wilkins was flower girl,
dressed in white, carrying a basket of
roses and lilies of the valley, and the
ring embedded in a white lily, Bride
was given away by hoe uncle, Mr,
Daweoh, Site was gowned in white
satin trimmed with georgette and
pearls and wore a bridal veil, caught
in a wreath of orange blossoms. and
carried a Pteyei' Book, with white
streamers. After congratulations and
good wishes for a long and happy life
the company repaired to the dining
room, led by Rev. Mr. AleLeod, the
officiating clergyman (which was
draped with red, white and blue and
wedding bells.) Presents were num-
erous and cosblyi including a number
of cheques, Bride's going away dresa
was stone Muscle satin with georgette
trimmings, and white hat with ostrich
plume, levelling was spent in music
tand social chat, Those from a dis-
tattoo Were :-Mr, and. Mee. Osbalcls-
Ladies' Aid Society of the
Methodist Church will serve
Lintels on the two days of Old
Is nm R'' -union ? Monday and
1 i,y,' in the bast meld 't
rbc .letliodiet Church,
I'roul)ll Service and Reasuu
able Rates,
ton and family, Guderirh ; Sir. and
Mr,:, Wilkie and hardly, Gaderieh,
cousiI,e ul' the heel, ; Atone and Mrs.
Ball end ;111•, Dawson, Iollel t, unr-le
and cousins of bride.
A gond malty oil the ladies of the
community are enjoying the sunshine
and the balmy breezes in the berry
patches. It is not what one would
call a pic-nic of a time, either, but still
we all like to get after the raspberries.
Grey 10 stalwarts, who line up
colder Jno, McNab, Oranbrook, for the
Tug of War with Morris township
Saturnine at the Re -union to be held
at Brussels week after next will give a
good account of themselves, no doubt.
Hay is a fairly good crop this sea-
son. Thus, FVillittmson, 14th Con.,
hauled 3 loads to the acre from 19
acres, giving him 57 loads. Owing to
the pool' health of Mr's. Williamson
the farts is being offered for sale,
Farm ie a good one. See advt.
intieI0 /114111141. Na Iv, 14:110 feel. Apply to
North � hot 1, Con 17, Orey Phone, cot.
JOHN 1i10Ntinssr, Walton, P. O.
Poultry wanted Tuesday or moll week.
Phone W. G. Neal 58 to prices, me,
Next Sunday morning a special
Thanksgiving service will be held in
Duff's church, at 11 o'clock, having
reference to the signing of Peace,
The public invited.
Live Poultry wanted Monday of each week
Phone Hall's Store.
STYLISH 81100I55 FOR SALe.-Parties want.
Ing to buy it neat, substantial buggy, steel, rub-
ber or cushion tire son Rave money by call-
ing 011 DAVID MILKS, Ethel.
Pic-nic on Saturday.
Airs. Lambert, Hamilton, is visiting
at Hugh Addy's.
This week A. McKee cut a good crop
of Fall wheat.
Ernest Wheeler is giving 0. Halo'
kirk a hand in the tonsorial parlor,
Advt. may be read in this issue rela-
tive to the Ethel Rural mail route, for
which tenders are asked.
The sermon of Rev, Mr. Lundy, of
Walton, last Sunday afternoon was
full of interest and instruction,
Large number of applicants for the
positions of teachers in Ethel school.
Board will settle whom it will be soon
The gasoline tank of W. E. Sanders
has been purchased by W, Gill who
moved it to main street, a more con-
venient site.
0, L. and Mrs, Hedy, Harriston, and
Mr. and Mrs. Lawns and Miss Suther-
land, of Hamilton, were Sunday visit-
or's at the home of Lewis and Mrs,
Our Foot Ball team is slated to play
an exhibitiongame with Brussels on
the Tuesday afternoon of the 01,1
Boys' Reunion. The match should
prove of interest as the teams are well
A letter from John McDonald, who
is in the West, says he has extended
his railway ticket and will see more of
the country. Some parts are hit hard
in crop failure while others will do
fairly well.
Mrs, Lewis Whitfield returned
home last week after holidaying with
friends at Clifford and Harriette!),
Master Stuart and Miss Isabel Tuck,
of Clifford, returned home with their
0011110 spend the holidays.
A fine monument has been placed in
Ethel cemetery to mark the grave
of the late T. Colonel Davidson, who
flied so tragic a death in Oklahoma,
II. S. .It is a Pittsford Valley stone
richly carved and the lettering clone
in gold, A, 1e, Hersey, Brussels sup-
plied the Monument.
A Ripley correspondent says
"Aire. (Rev,) J. Heudereon and family
are moving this week to Whitechurch,
where Mr, Henderson has been
stationed for the coming term. We
are exceedingly sorry to lose these
good citizens and wish them every
acestheir new a s in t n iv field of labor.
Pee mo A pic-pie will be held in
Rowlands grove on Saturday, July
10th, under the auspices of the Pres-
byterian S. 8, Supper will be served,
charge being 25 and 15 cents, Sunday
School scholars free. e Members of
congregation are asked to bring bas-
kets well filled. Booth on grounds,
Don't forget the date, July 19th,
Everybody come,
(Intended for last week)
SVilliani Gorsalltz sold 10 pigs to
Machan Bros, .for $295.00
The Hall family motored to Mit-
chell, Stratford and Baden.
A, 1,. McDonald and family visited
their friends, Ben Kirwan, Oliffot'd.
Jim. McNeil and family and Joe
Brown motored to St. Paul and Moth-
Rev, Mr, O'Kell gave his first add-
ress to Ethel congregation on Sunday
evening which was much appreciated,
Thursday evening July 3rd, a very
exciting Football match was played
between Brussels and Ethel, Day
had been very warm and all the mom -
bet's of tate Ethel team had put in a
strenuous day's work, nevertheless
they played a good clean game, Dur-
ing brat half each side scored a goal.
In second half Ethel boys were having
it all their own way when one of their
number, George Dunbar, received a
nasty kick in the stainer+ whish
effectually stopped the game for a
Save bulk hi Not Nog It
'1'tix Committee of Old Boys' Re-
union, to be held in Brussels, July se, 28
and ze, while ready to cordially welcome
the many visitors to the Celebration
snake a special request that everybody
retraiu from throwing 'Talcum powder,
Lampblack orecything else that will en-
danger the eyesight, destroy clothing or
mat 1 be good feeling expected to exist.
Will all interested govern themselves by
this notice and save trouble for them-
selves and their friends. The protest is
kindly intended but will be just as re-
solutely eoforced,
sesees----eressere-esess.s se=e-.
time, Ultectly afterwards R. Riley
scoffed a goal fox Brussels. Ethelites
were certainly proud of the way in
which their team played and have
not the slightest doubt that if both
sides had equal advantages the score
would have been different,
Wm. Campbell has arrived home
unexpected, He looks fine, enjoyed
his trip very much and had a good
visit to the land of his ancestors.
We were pleased to see Roy Gill
walk into town. He spent 8 months
in France. He was an engineer and
worked in the labor Battalion and
did no fighting but saw enough of the
horror of war to satisfy him. He has
gone to Detroit to visit his sister.
Harold Holt/tee wag home aver Sun
Mrs. B. thin' visited rieaforth
Robb. and Mrs. Aitchison railed on
Hanover friends.
John Diment, Toronto, was here
visiting relatives.
Miss Mary Stewart is on a holiday
trip to Toronto and Detroit.
Mrs. Jas. Aitchison spent a few days
last week with Guelph friends.
Hugh and Mrs. Sinnamon spent
Sunday at the home of Gordon Hall,
Misses Jean and Maly Mowbray
spent a few days with Wingham
Wm. and Mrs. Manley, Sonthamp-
ton, spent a few days with Jno, and
Mrs. Hall.
Mire, John Musgrove, Wingham, is
at present visiting with Mrs. Rohr.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late David Ball at
Misses Gourley, of Brooklin, are
spending their vacation at the home
of Alex, MacEwan.
We are pleased to report Mrs. John
King is improving and hope she will
soon be o. k. again.
Lou Duff, Editor of the Welland
Telegraph, spent a few days at the
home of his mother,
Wm. Patton returned to Toronto
after spending past few weeks with
hie brother David,
Nurse Ruby Duff returned to Toron-
to on Monday after spending a few
weeks at her home here,
Pte. Louis Roach returned home
from overseas. He is looking well and
came through without a scratch,
Misses Luella and Bernice Shaw and
Miss Edna Johnston have left Thurs-
day for a trip through the West.
Farmers are busy at the haying. It
is a fair crop. The recent heavy rain
did much good to the Spring crops.
John Diment, Toronto, has pur-
chased the cottage formerly owned by
Myra Hamilton for a Summer home.
We welcome home three more sol-
dier boys who arrived Saturday, Herb.
Powell, Jas, McEwan and Gordon
Pte, Howard Haney has returned
hone from overseas. Ho was wound-
ed and has been under treatment for'
some time. He looks well,
Wm. Patton, Toronto, ie here visit-
ing his brother David who has been
quttepoorly. We hope lie Will soon
be enjoying better health.
Earl Aitchison underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis at Wiogham
Hospital Saturday night. He is do-
ing well, we are pleased to say.
Sec, Cooper, Clinton has charges
of the services` of the Methodist cir-
cuit here. He was in the interests of
the "0, T. A. and gave a very ilnpres-
sive talk on the liquor question.
TurnberrY Council
M1 t tee ofoune'1
C t meeting
held in
Bluevale Juue 23rd
Members all
present. Minutes of last regular
meeting and minutes of Court of Re-
vision read and adopted on motion of
Scott and Porter,
Following aco0uuts were paid :-J.
Kelly, drawing grader, $1.00; M.
Sharpin, rep. road and oulvert, $3,00 :
0. Stokes, rep, road, $1,50 ; A. Lin-
coln, team on grader, $8,50 ; I. Stokes,
team ou grader, $3.50 ; D, Marshall,
team on grader $3,50 ; S. mat,
shah, team on grader, $8.50 ;
W, Marshall, rep. road, $1,00 ; F,
Haugh, shovelling gravel, $8.00 ; R.
Weir, team on grader, $2,50 ; N,
Underwood, team on grader, $5,00 ;
R. Wilton, team on grader, $5,00;
John Sinitic, team on grader, $5,00 ;
Thos. Weil', managing grader, 322.550 ;
Wm. McMichael, shovelling gravel,
$4.00 ; J. L Scott, getting rep. for
grader, $3.00 ; W. Gallagher, putting
iu oulvert, $7.00 ; J, L. McEwen,
engine and operating grader, $80.00;
R. Hupfer, gravelling, $5L75 ; J. Ed-
gar, gravel, $0;90 ; Mrs. Brooks, rent
or hall, $7,50; Clias. Aitken, putting
in culvert, $7.00: Chas, Elliott, tile,
Moved by W. A, Mines and J. J.
Moffat that the next Council meeting
he held in Binevale, Monday, July
28th, at1p.m.
P. ?imam, Clerk,